Solving quadratic equations worksheet kuta. 5: Solve each equation with the quadratic formula.
Solving quadratic equations worksheet kuta j j uA xl Fl H frzi Ngvh ntwsf 9r Desje Lrmv3eGdj. b Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Solving Multi-Step Equations Date_____ Period____ Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1 Name_____ Solving Quadratic Equations with Square Roots Date_____ Period____ Solve each equation by taking square roots. Solving quadratic equations w/ square roots; Solving quadratic Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Hon Geom Quadratics Unit Solving Quadratic Equations Using All Methods Name_____ Date_____ Period____ ©t D2S0a1X9s MKhugtPa` BSropfttowFarrreh rLOLXCh. Solving quadratic equations w/ square roots; Solving quadratic Aug 15, 2022 ยท Solving Quadratic Equations Using All Methods Worksheet Kuta – Quadratic equations can be solved with this Quadratic Worksheet. W A 4M 1a vdbe s XwkiBtjh 0 FIdnCfDi6nKiJtje u 8A al mgbe Hbur 3ax Q20. ©n C2v0Z1 q2v wKzu2t 8az aS Po pfpt vwDaArue t FLKLfC 2. ©D 72 g061 U1Y 5K Uu Ptxat nSTozfHtKw4aDr Fe y yLzLpCJ. This printable was uploaded at January 12, 2023 by tamble in Quadratic Worksheet. 1) x2 - 8x + 16 = 02) 2n2 - 18n + 40 = 0 Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring Solve each equation by factoring. 19) m2 - 12m + 27 = 020) p2 - 8p - 65 = 0 21) v2 + 8v - 32 = 022) x2 - 4x - 45 = 0 ©M f2 q0P1 M2V kKTu xtja 0 nSRoYf8t Dw6aNr Ce L BLJL GCG. Printable in convenient PDF format. 582} 4) a2 = 4 {2, −2} 5) x2 + 8 = 28 {4. 17) y = 2x2 - 2x - 118) y = x2 + 3x + 3 Solve each equation by completing the square. 472} 6) 2n2 = −144 ©0 g2r0 a1i2 m fK WuStFa1 1SaovfYt4wBaCr leA XLIL ZCB. l z NAsl gl g xrCiWgWhFtOsX yr 2eXsmeOrnvse Jd m. f F wMKaJd Zeb OwFiYtUhD OIDnufxi Fn Dijt 1e i 2Acl cg neub SrOag M2Y. Solving Word Problems With Quadratic Equations Worksheet Answers - Quadratic equations can be solved with this Quadratic Worksheet. 7) 9n2 -311-8=-10 I R 8Agl 7l b nrZi Ig thvtFso wrae4speLrJvoe pd 8. 717 , −8. K Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1 Name_____ Graphing Quadratic Functions Date_____ Period____ Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1 Name_____ Solving Quadratic Equations with Square Roots Date_____ Period____ Solve each equation by taking square roots. ©N v2 Y0s1h1 q 8KnuIt ia p xS2oKfwtxwqa5r7eZ pL7L 2C Z. 1) x2 - 8x + 16 = 02) 2n2 - 18n + 40 = 0 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring Date_____ Period____ . 1) m2 − 5m − 14 = 0 {7, −2} 2) b2 − 4b + 4 = 0 {2} 3) 2m2 + 2m − 12 = 0 {2, −3} 4) 2x2 − 3x − 5 = 0 {5 2, −1} 5) x2 + 4x + 3 = 0 {−1, −3} Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1 Name_____ Solving Quadratic Equations with Square Roots Date_____ Period____ Solve each equation by taking square roots. d Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC E e HAblYld Orvi YgAhRtesV ur teOsbe 4r hv qeOdc. 7 o 5M GaedXen ew Oi Ot4h K IKnLf7idnuiut4e f WAUlpgle GbErQaG m2i. 472} 6) 2n2 = −144 ©W 42 Y01Z20 2K Guht XaP uS Ho efJtSwbaFrmeI 4L dL 8Cb. d Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC 11) n2 + 8n = −15 {−5, −3} 12) 5r2 − 44 r + 120 = −30 + 11 r {6, 5} 13) −4k2 − 8k − 3 = −3 − 5k2 {8, 0} 14) b2 + 5b Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Solving Quadratic Equations By Completing the Square Date_____ Period____ Solve each equation by completing the square. G R 5Aqlvle 5rGijgnh XtpsC Kr1eEs fe Sr cvje Jd P. This worksheet will teach you how to solve quadratic problems using the quadratic formula. f Worksheet by Kuta Free Algebra 2 worksheets created with Infinite Algebra 2. P Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1 Name_____ Solving Equations by Completing the Square Date_____ Period____ Solve each equation by completing the square. 1) k2 = 76 {8. {It will help you learn how to E e HAblYld Orvi YgAhRtesV ur teOsbe 4r hv qeOdc. E F fMOavd qe7 fw xintLh g DI0nIf giRnui 2tgeQ OAKlMgde cb0r Ba9 01 i. 8) 6x2 - 3 = 3 {1, -1} 9) 11n2 - 11 = 12n Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC D12 Unit 6 Algebra 1 Assignment Solve each equation with the quadratic formula. t Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Quadratic Equations w/ Square Roots Date_____ Period____ Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1 Name_____ Using the Quadratic Formula Date_____ Period____ Solve each equation with the quadratic formula. F V nMIaGdOeo bwUi5tVhU QIenXf EiVnPixtHeT FA Ll 8g CeKb4r Ma3 W2u. 8 0 bMaCdreF pwPiHtQh7 EIXnsf Didn uiotEe w ZAxlCgwetb urBaa p10. 717} 2) k2 = 16 {4, −4} 3) x2 = 21 {4. 582 , −4. 1) 10x2 - 4x + 10 = 02) x2 - 6x + 12 = 0 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Hon Geom Quadratics Unit Solving Quadratic Equations Using All Methods Name_____ Date_____ Period____ ©t D2S0a1X9s MKhugtPa` BSropfttowFarrreh rLOLXCh. n S AAvlLlM mroihgChDtFs` mrhexsoeirZvmerdF. I Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1 Name_____ Using the Quadratic Formula Date_____ Period____ ©8 X240l1 F2a ZKtu utIa h PS zo sf 2t Awdakr he0 kL jL 4Cu. Name (V10T9h Date Period I 3 4) (2m + + 3) = O Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Understanding the Discriminant -o Name Date o o Period Find the value of the discriminant of each quadratic equation. 472 , −4. U Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Factoring Quadratic Expressions Date_____ Period____ Free Algebra 2 worksheets created with Infinite Algebra 2. 2) —2x2 — x— I 4) 5b2 + b _ 6) 2p2 +5 P— 1) 6p2-2p-3=o 76 o Find the discriminant of each quadratic equation then state the numberof real and imaginary solutions. f Worksheet by Kuta Solving Two Step Inequalities Worksheet Kuta Inequality Word Problems is a free printable for you. o Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Algebra 2 ID: 1 Name_____ Date_____ Period____ Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Advanced Algebra 2 Learning Target 2. 5 r lM 2a ad e5 zw hi 1t 5hj 0I QnZf2i Onpi8t Ie K TAhlgweObrMaX q21. Round solutions to the nearest tenth if necessary. U Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Using the Quadratic Formula Date_____ Period____ Solve each equation with the quadratic formula. J q jA nl4lc Fr 7i9gvhit 8s T Ir meRsTeRrBvReIdy. 13) 12k2 - 8k - 24 = 014) 4x2 - 4x - 143 = 0 Solving Quadratic Equations By Factoring Date_____ Period____ G s 3MiaCdkeD ZwXipt4h J cITngfbi 7n Qimt0e a LAsl gBelb crua 8 e2r. H Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Systems of Quadratic Equations Date_____ Period____ Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-3-These two equations would be harder to solve by graphing, solve using the quadratic formula. 1) p2 + 14 p − 38 = 0 {−7 + 87 , −7 − 87} 2) v2 + 6v − 59 = 0 {−3 + 2 17 , −3 − 2 17} 3) a2 + 14 a − 51 = 0 {3, −17} Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Algebra 2 Solving Quadratics with Imaginary Solutions Name_____ Date_____ Period____ ©M M2O0M1_6k GK_ultYaQ hSqoTfftTwwalrmed qLULvCm. S s KANltl H trIi AgPhKtJs I prgeFsXeQrJv 9e8d M. 0 1 EA Qltl n Fr eiRg lh7t 8s7 frGeZsxeRrMvBeNdE. w U RApl Olm sr miTgeh KtIs O yrhe 7swelr YvRejdC. -1-Solve each equation with the quadratic formula. t Q yM pa ndLe E 8wKi5t7h t OIdnsf yi0nri 2tpe r 4ABlFgqe Fbvr Ma1 51j. 472} 6) 2n2 = −144 ©M f2 q0P1 M2V kKTu xtja 0 nSRoYf8t Dw6aNr Ce L BLJL GCG. 3 I HM0a xd IeW 3wLi1txh I dIjn zfmiRn1ixt7e o MAnl Tg xekb fr1a e j1 6. 1) Solving Quadratic Equations By Factoring Date_____ Period____ G s 3MiaCdkeD ZwXipt4h J cITngfbi 7n Qimt0e a LAsl gBelb crua 8 e2r. U Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Factoring Quadratic Expressions Date_____ Period____ ©N v2 Y0s1h1 q 8KnuIt ia p xS2oKfwtxwqa5r7eZ pL7L 2C Z. -1-Solve each equation by factoring. t Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Quadratic Equations w/ Square Roots Date_____ Period____ ©e x2d0 51E3j kK RuMt7ap 8S Ao qfKtjw eaQrCe H oL MLcCm. 3 0 bMuaXdIei dwIi kt5hX yIon kfPiLn vi3t Ae7 5A ylng 9eBb VrjaC i1 D. 472} 6) 2n2 = −144 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring Date_____ Period____ . i U jArl[li nrWiQgwhptss\ SrLeEsCeQrbv^eddv. r f CAalMlt Ir Qi1g whDtCs3 yrHeasWeprWvCezdN. . 5: Solve each equation with the quadratic formula. g b gM da gdke N Lw6ixtWhX CIenWf4i on Pijt1e L TAHlWgfe rb UrTa0 m2O. d Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1 Name_____ Solving Quadratic Equations with Square Roots Date_____ Period____ Solve each equation by taking square roots. ddhes dyxc tyteka fkq svfxt srdq toriw tbcvm qyvebo xwk