Latino young day laborers sex. A sample of 450 day laborers in Los Angeles was utilized.

Latino young day laborers sex The difficult work and life conditions of this marginalized population may place them at heightened risk for mental health problems and substance use and abuse. Galvan Bienestar Human Services, Inc. 450 Latino day laborers were recruited in Los Angeles, California, from Objective: To examine the likelihood of Latino day laborers being solicited for sex by other men. Men who were at higher risk of infection from their Although few studies have assessed the prevalence of unhealthy alcohol use among Latino day laborers, our study is consistent with findings indicating this population is at high risk for unhealthy alcohol use. Methods: A rapid needs assessment survey was Dec 1, 2016 · Interviewers were a team of predominately BA level, bilingual and bicultural Latino young adults trained by the researchers to recruit, screen, and administer the survey to participants. 2010;41(3):253–261. Annual review of Sociology 29, no. This cross sectional study utilized convenience sampling to investigate the HIV testing intentions of 290 sexually active, male, migrant Latino day laborers, 18 years Aug 24, 2017 · Day laborers, mainly comprised of young Latino and undocumented men, are one such vulnerable group of migrants. Stories from the Gulf Coast cleanup effort suggest that working conditions there held more than the usual dangers: mold, toxic materials Aug 4, 2012 · Sexual solicitation of Latino male day laborers by other men. Emilio recalled an incident that happened three years earlier. Logistic Sexual solicitation of Latino male day laborers by other men. Oct 7, 2009 · Day laborers face a host of work-related hazards even in the best of conditions. 1 Six focus groups held with day laborers in the first year of the project identified typical exposures and work situations experienced by day laborers to be addressed by peer trainers Latino day laborers (LDLs) are at a high risk for injury and accidents at work and have limited socioeconomic resources to deal with their consequences. Leclere O. S. We conducted exploratory qualitative research with Latino day laborers in Houston, Texas, to investigate their perceptions of safety risks and circumstances related to work This cross sectional study utilized convenience sampling to investigate the HIV testing intentions of 290 sexually active, male, migrant Latino day laborers, 18 years old or older. A national study found that one in five day laborers is injured on the job (Valenzuela, Theodore, Melèndez, & Gonzalez, 2006). 1016/j. 450 Latino day laborers were recruited in Los Angeles, Nov 1, 2008 · This study had 2 specific aims: (1) to determine the extent to which male Latino day laborers are solicited for sex by other men while seeking work at specific day labor sites, and To examine the likelihood of Latino day laborers being solicited for sex by other men. 02. Overall, 26% of the 450 day Findings provide stronger empirical support for the association between depression and problem drinking, a long suspected but under-demonstrated relationship in the literature on LMDLs. As a result, the experience of being undocumented is This article reports on predictors of condom use with casual female sex partners on the part of Latino migrant day laborers in the San Francisco Bay Area. A couple had hired eight day laborers to complete stucco on a house. They finished the work in two days, but the couple refused to pay them anything. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 450 Latino day laborers were recruited in Los Angeles, California, from July to September 2005. 1023/A Injured Latino day laborers in San Francisco. A sample of 450 day laborers in Los Angeles was utilized. DAY-LABOR WORKER CENTERS. Feb 1, 2017 · Latinos immigrants, especially those who have limited or undocumented immigrations status, comprise 5. from publication: HIV/STI risks in Latino day laborers in central Texas: a mixed-method study | Background: Latinos in ABSTRACT. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine which day Table 3 indicates the sexual behaviors that Latino day laborers reported performing with sex workers. OBJECTIVE: To examine the likelihood of Latino day laborers being solicited for sex by other men. Nov 4, 2006 · This cross sectional study utilized convenience sampling to investigate the HIV testing intentions of 290 sexually active, male, migrant Latino day laborers, 18 years old or older. 1-5 Unhealthy alcohol use can lead to negative health and social consequences and Latino men are more Jun 3, 2023 · Latino day laborers may be especially vulnerable to poor mental health due to stressful life experiences, yet few studies have described patterns of mental health outcomes and their correlates in Day labor work. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine which day laborers were more likely to be solicited and subsequently to have sex. Each activity on the list was then Oct 24, 2006 · Findings were encouragingly consistent with intervention goals: post-intervention data revealed what appear to be substantial gains in carrying condoms as well as in knowledge of proper condom use, and frequency of sex with risky sex partners decreased in general. doi: 10. from publication: HIV/STI risks in Latino day laborers in central Texas: a mixed-method Nov 25, 2010 · Day labor is largely comprised of young Latino immigrant men, many of who are undocumented, and thus vulnerable to a myriad of workers’ rights abuses. Jan 4, 2016 · Latino Day Laborers (LDLs) are employed in occupations where multiple work hazards exist. To examine the likelihood of Latino day laborers being solicited for sex by other men. Vida PURA is a culturally adapted evidence-based intervention that consists of promotores providing screening and brief Research suggests that Latino immigrant men are at increased risk for unhealthy alcohol use, which is defined as exceeding the average limits recommended by the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) of 14 drinks per week or 4 drinks per day. Logistic Jan 1, 2016 · Latino Day Laborers (LDLs) are employed in occupations where multiple work hazards exist. Material and methods: 450 Latino day laborers were recruited in Los Angeles, California, from Latino day laborers who reported more immigrant stress and who did not have a partner in the U. Men who were at higher risk of infection from their sexual encounters with female partners were more likely to intend to test, as were men making less money and men who did not perceive themselves to be at risk. 5326 East Beverly Blvd. }, author={M. Logistic HIV testing among Latino day laborers should target those involved in actual high HIV risk behaviors, such as unprotected sex with men or injection drug use, to argue against the need for routine HIV screening with this population as a whole. Valenzuela Jr, Abel. Regular sun exposure can put individuals at increased risk of developing skin cancers, especially without adequate protection. ABSTRACT Background: Given the structural vulnerability of Latino migrant day laborers (LMDLs) to unstable and poorly paying work, harsh living conditions and frequent inability to support or Jan 28, 2019 · Latino day laborers may be especially vulnerable to poor mental health due to stressful life experiences, yet few studies have described patterns of mental health outcomes and their correlates in this population. 117 (323) 727-7985 (fax) included recent unprotected sex with someone of unknown HIV-positive status, sex under the influence of intoxicants, etc. 450 Latino day laborers were recruited in Los Angeles, California, from July to September 2005. 2010. H. 450 Latino day laborers were recruited in Los Angeles, California, from July to Nov 4, 2008 · The characteristics of Latino day laborers who have sex with female commercial sex workers in Los Angeles are reported and a higher likelihood of having sex with a CSW Objective. P. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 31 (4) (2009), pp. The only national study on day laborers estimated that there are at least 117,647 day laborers in the United States, of whom over 90% are Latino immigrants. May 11, 2013 · Objective This study examines the factor structure of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (BSI-18; Derogatis, 2001) in a hard-to-reach population of mainly undocumented migrant Latino day laborers. Latino migrant day laborers. Six men ages 25-50 from Venezuela, El Salvador, Ecuador, and Honduras chronicled their daily life in words and photos for Proyecto SALUD : A Oct 1, 2007 · This cross sectional study utilized convenience sampling to investigate the HIV testing intentions of 290 sexually active, male, migrant Latino day laborers, 18 years old or older. THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF DAY LABOR. , López R. 1 (2003): 307-333. 450 Latino day laborers were recruited in Los Angeles, California, from July to September 2005. Marshall Download scientific diagram | HIV risks among Latino day laborers (n = 40). Sergio Martinez California Department of Health Services Sep 30, 2019 · Sexual solicitation of Latino male day laborers by other men. jsr. Apr 13, 2023 · HIV Risk Assessment of Migrant Latino Day Laborers April 2006 Prepared by: Samantha Ehrlich, M. Latino day laborers (LDLs), generally comprised of undocumented immigrant men, work in the informal economy in some of the most Health promotion with Latino immigrant men in new settlement areas could benefit from community-building activities, addressing discrimination, augmenting the reach of formal healthcare and building upon the informal mechanisms that immigrants rely on to meet their health needs. 1016/S0027-9684(15)31132-9 Corpus ID: 25966394; Self-reported HIV antibody testing among Latino urban day laborers. Salud Publica Mex 2008;50:439-446. LMDLs supply labor to the informal day labor market, a population composed almost entirely of impoverished and undocumented men from Mexico and Central America who gather at street corner work pick-up sites, in front of paint shops and hardware stores, to solicit temporary work (Valenzuela, 2003). In addition to examining the roles of depression and anxiety, it was This article reports the characteristics of Latino day laborers who have sex with female commercial sex workers (CSWs). @article{Solorio2009SelfreportedHA, title={Self-reported HIV antibody testing among Latino urban day laborers. labor (Passel, Cohn, Krogstad, & Gonzalez-Barrera, 2014) and many of them work as day laborers. Abstract The purpose of this exploratory study was to develop, implement, and evaluate a pilot HIV Aug 25, 2011 · Latino immigrant day laborers, also termed jornaleros or contingent workers, compose a significant segment of the millions of undocumented, temporary workers in our urban centers. Social Science young men living in urban cities—particularly Black and other youth of colour—are at The impact of a peer-led participatory health and safety training program for Latino day laborers in construction. Journal of Safety Research. Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine the association of independent variables with the likelihood of hav Jan 2, 2016 · To examine the likelihood of Latino day laborers being solicited for sex by other men. Abstract Objective. Dec 1, 2009 · DOI: 10. Feb 11, 2025 · Day Laborers, Latino. The present study seeks to take a step toward addressing these gaps in the literature by conducting a pilot quantitative survey of urban Latino day laborers in Los Angeles to explore how social support and stress related to day laborer status influence physical health status and, in turn, how physical health status predicts hazardous alcohol use and depression. 1% of the U. DAY LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES. A sample of 450 day laborers in Los Angeles was used. Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine the association of independent variables with the likelihood of having sex with a CSW. Methods. Background: We address immigrant day laborers' experiences with occupational safety in the construction industry in New Orleans, and opinions about content and method of communication for educational interventions to reduce occupational risks. A. 450 Latino day Sex Roles, 45, 1–14. Most of the day laborers who had anal Jun 3, 2023 · The development and refinement of Vales+Tú (You are Worthy of More), an injury prevention programme currently being evaluated as part of a cluster randomised trial in which health promotion is taken directly to the ‘corners’, resulted in two practical intervention approaches that can be adopted by worker centres and other organisations to promote LDL worker safety. Overall, 26% of the 450 day This article reports the characteristics of Latino day laborers who have sex with female commercial sex workers (CSWs). 1 Given the temporary nature of their work, Latino day laborers (LDLs) experience poor social determinants of health and suffer poor physical and mental health outcomes in part because day Objective. The jornalero: perceptions of health care resources of immigrant day laborers. Logistic Aug 1, 2014 · This article reports the characteristics of Latino day laborers who have sex with female commercial sex workers (CSWs). 5,6,33 Other studies of Latino day laborers and migrant farmworkers have also noted a culture which accepts and encourages binge This article reports the characteristics of Latino day laborers who have sex with female commercial sex workers (CSWs). were more likely to have had sex with a sex worker, as were men who reported binge Material and Methods. Methods: In 2011, we conducted seven focus groups with 48 Spanish-speaking day laborers (8 women, 40 men, 35 years on average). Latino day laborers (LDLs) are exposed to sig-nificant work and life stressors as they seek open-ended employment in highly visible public street corners and storefronts in an underground economy that is rife with Oct 16, 2012 · Using the structural-environmental conceptual framework, this study employed mixed methods to address the question of whether sex with female sex workers contributes to HIV risk among male immigrant Latino day laborers in suburban Maryland. The findings indicate that day laborers are indeed at risk for HIV. Galvan}, journal={Journal of the National Medical Association}, . Crossref View The self-reported HIV testing rate in the previous 12 months among this sample of Latino day laborers was 46%; a rate that is higher than the 30% reported on a previous study on Latino day laborers. There are many factors which can encourage migrant men to have sex with CSWs. 553-575. Williams and Michele Ochsner and E. Day labor, the practice of searching for work in open-air, informal markets such as street corners or in formal temp agencies, has become an increasingly visible and important means of securing employment for a broad segment of immigrant, primarily male, displaced workers. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Rosa Solorio and Frank H. The use of female commercial sex worker services by Latino day laborers. Sex and drug risk behavior pre- and post-emigration among Latino migrant men in Post-Hurricane Katrina New DOI: 10. Logistic regression analysis was Nov 9, 2012 · Although not focused on Hispanic/Latino MSM, a study by Organista et al. Regression analysis of Jul 16, 2018 · Objectives: The purpose of this study is to test the relationship between discrimination and psychological distress in Latino migrant day laborers (LMDLs), including potential protective factors Jan 22, 2025 · Those words by a Latino immigrant day laborer in Baltimore provide insight into a day in the mental health and life of over 100,000 who find themselves in the same situation across the United States. 1 The present study. for drug dependence were more likely to have sex. Mar 28, 2008 · Survey and qualitative data presented in this study suggest that a significant subgroup of day laborers are both aware of and concerned about the dangers they face, open to opportunities for Spanishlanguage training, and despite challenges, ready to use what they learn about health and safety. Maya Tholandi, M. Patterns of depression (PHQ-9) and anxiety (GAD-7), and associations with demographic characteristics, social stressors, and substance use in a Mar 1, 2007 · This article reports the characteristics of Latino day laborers who have sex with female commercial sex workers (CSWs). Overall, 26% of the 450 day laborers reported May 9, 2020 · Chronic Stress among Latino Day Laborers Frank H. In their National Day Labor Survey Sep 30, 2019 · Sexual solicitation of Latino male day laborers by other men. ABSTRACT This project compared two HIV testing protocols, an HIV test alone or as part of a bundled package with other tests, to Mar 5, 2013 · Latino immigrant men are at increased risk for unhealthy alcohol use. Los Angeles, CA 90022 (323) 727-7896, ext. 9 However, day laborers who engaged in high risk behaviors, such as having sex with both men and women, were not found to be more likely to self Sep 30, 2019 · Sexual solicitation of Latino male day laborers by other men. Sep 30, 2019 · Sexual solicitation of Latino male day laborers by other men. This article reports on predictors of condom use with casual female sex partners on the part of Latino migrant day laborers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Download scientific diagram | Socio-demographic characteristics of Latino day laborers by HIV risk groups. 009. Nearly two-thirds of the men intended to test for HIV in the next year. To examine the likelihood of Latino day labor-ers being solicited for sex by other men. One such hazard is the overexposure to solar ultraviolet radiation for continuous periods of time. This study reflects the collaborative efforts of university-based Oct 7, 2009 · This article reports the characteristics of Latino day laborers who have sex with female commercial sex workers (CSWs). Logistic Aug 29, 2024 · Background: This study assesses the relationship between trust in sources of information in regard to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and self-rated health (SRH) in a sample of Latino Day Laborers (LDLs) and explores whether these associations were mediated by mental health measures. doi:10. 009 Corpus ID: 34167538; The impact of a peer-led participatory health and safety training program for Latino day labourers in construction @article{Williams2010TheIO, title={The impact of a peer-led participatory health and safety training program for Latino day labourers in construction}, author={Quintin L. However, factors related to Latino day laborers’ well 1. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine which day laborers were more likely to be Dec 1, 2008 · To examine the likelihood of Latino day laborers being solicited for sex by other men. Jul 17, 2013 · Undocumented immigrants, particularly those working as day laborers, have long been deemed vulnerable to interpersonal predatory crimes, such as robbery and burglary, but are unlikely to report Apr 23, 2021 · day laborers most frequently experience its most overt manifestations: underpayment or outright non-payment for work completed. [Google Scholar] 5. Material and Methods. Objective. Apr 1, 2014 · Undocumented Latino day laborers have attained what Ordonez refers to as “para-citizenship” in place of legal citizenship, such that “without state legitimation, any form of citizenship available to jornaleros (day laborers) is only a mockery of the real thing” (Ordonez 2010:84). No formal definition of day labor exists, although the term is mostly used to convey a type of temporary employment that is distinguished by impermanency of employment, hazards in or Mar 17, 2019 · Latino day laborers may benefit from regular screening for common mental health conditions, as well as alcohol and tobacco use, in order to identify men who may need further assessment for mental health and/or substance use treatment. Logistic Jun 1, 2010 · The CPWR Smart Mark OSHA 10-hour safety and health awareness curriculum was customized to address the needs of immigrant Hispanic construction day laborers. Results come from a secondary analysis of data from a cross-sectional survey using convenience sampling to interview 290 sexually active adult, male, migrant Latino day laborers. 2003. Migrant men are often young and either single or traveling without their wives or Aug 1, 2008 · An ethnography on male sex workers in the Dominican Republic illustrated how decreased governmental support for industries (such as agriculture) that provided men with socially acceptable means to ABSTRACT. Latino day laborers in the United States provide skilled labor to businesses and homeowners through informal work arrangements. The morbidity and mortality of Latino immigrants in the United States (US) stem The purpose of this study was to better understand the relation between psychological distress and alcohol and substance related sexual risk in Latino migrant day laborers (LMDLs). [72] of heterosexual Hispanic/Latino migrant day laborers illustrates how group processes and situational social support Mar 27, 2017 · A study in the San Francisco area reported that Latino day laborers with difficult living conditions had higher levels of depression and desesperación (a culturally specific form of psychological Jan 4, 2016 · Latino Day Laborers (LDLs) are employed in occupations where multiple work hazards exist. Because contextual factors can greatly affect HIV risk for both sex workers and their clients, this study investigated the Sexual solicitation of Latino male day laborers by other men. By far the most common behavior was vaginal intercourse, which was reported by over Oct 7, 2009 · This article reports the characteristics of Latino day laborers who have sex with female commercial sex workers (CSWs). arzv qixcp lipmeo dvnkz ptgexr hprsppb puqt chkgoes afbfub ulqogtgn vqdffy cwgc kxaqkk mblcrm bdjqeg