Synology log in I remember a lot of attempts when I had SSH open on port 22 but since I changed that forever ago I haven't seen anything. g. Now, whether this was planned or not remains uncertain, but one thing is for sure: It's out there now. Apr 17, 2014 · Once you've enabled/opened port 9900 you can then enter the URL as follows: www. Your phone number was verified successfully. Aug 30, 2023 · Synology Log Center is a centralized platform designed specifically for Synology NAS devices to monitor, review, and manage logs. Click Sign In. Aug 23, 2023 · Refer to this article to figure out causes for high CPU utilization in your Synology NAS. Jan 4, 2017 · Log Center->Logs->Connection I use non-standard ports, only have a minimum number of services open to the internet, and use the firewall to block specific regions and I can't remember the last time I had an attempt. me:9900 You'll notice that the logon screen will be identical to your DSM splash screen, however it will have the SS logo right Settings History. . If you wish to use Synology's Internet services in China afterward, you will need to sign up for a new Synology Account. Synology 계정을 안전하게 유지하는 방법 알아보기 Melden Sie sich bei Ihrem Synology-Konto an, um auf alle Synology-Dienste und -Geräte zuzugreifen. You can customize the login styles of the login screen by selecting from a variety of templates, change the background images, or add a logo. Technologie ověřování, jako jsou dvoufázové ověření (2FA), přihlašování pomocí důvěryhodných zařízení a klíče zabezpečení FIDO2, představují další Jul 20, 2023 · External access is the ability to remotely access your Synology NAS from any device with an internet connection. (You’ll have one Monitor your Synology Account with an overview of recent activity. Scan your DSM through Security Adviser. 1; Sign in from Windows 10 Apr 3, 2012 · can I find somewhere, who (login), when (time) and from which machine (IP) had been logged-in to my Synology NAS? Especially for SSH and DSM (web GUI) services. ; Haga clic en el menú desplegable Seleccionar tipo de producto y seleccione NAS. 5)우측 상단의 개인으로 이동합니다. Oldest Latest Most likes Most comments j. Select the Logs menu option. 0 Mar 15, 2021 · Synology Knowledge Center offers comprehensive support, providing answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting steps, software tutorials, and all the technical documentation you may need. Several features make the Log Center an invaluable tool: Unified Interface: Jan 5, 2025 · A. On the Log Center > Logs page, you can view, Found . Jun 6, 2023 · Observe file transfer logs. Login Portal. 로그인 방법. Learn about keeping your Synology Account safe Jan 5, 2025 · A. If you are still unable to sign in after trying the above methods, make a record of your attempts, go to Contact Us > Technical Support > Technical Support, and create a support ticket. Add an extra layer of security with authentication technologies including 2-factor authentication (2FA), trusted device sign-in, and FIDO2 security keys. Przejdź do pola Wersja systemu operacyjnego i wybierz opcję Seria DSM 7. 0 Series o superior. Wij bieden de schaal die nodig is om de exponentiële groei van gegevens in de digitale wereld het hoofd te bieden. Try Again. com in the address bar of your web browser and find your Synology NAS on the Web Assistant page or find your Synology NAS through the Synology Assistant desktop utility. Copyright © 2025 Synology Inc. Sep 14, 2024 · 시놀로지 나스(Synology NAS) - Synology Secure SignIn 로그인 방법 설정Synology Secure SignIn 로그인 방법 설정로그인에서 패스워드를 입력하지않고 Synology Secure SignIn 모바일 앱을 사용한 간단 승인 로그인 방법을 사용할수있습니다. 1 day ago · Already have an account? Log in here. Aside from the Bee series, 2024 was marked by significant DataProtection announcements, culminating in a Christmas Eve rollout of the new lineup in Taiwan. 0 and above) or User (for DSM 6. Fügen Sie mit Authentifizierungstechnologien wie 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung (2FA), Synology 知識中心為您提供全方位的技術支援,包含常見問題解答、疑難排解步驟、軟體應用教學,以及您可能需要的所有技術文件。 若忘記管理員帳號的密碼該如何登入? Synology-Konto. Trending content in this forum. With 2FA, you must sign in with the password first, and verify your identity again with a second authentication method. Při monitorování účtu Synology máte k dispozici přehled poslední aktivity. Easy to use and built for everyone Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) is the intuitive operating system that powers every Synology NAS. You need to enter your QuickConnect ID Synology Web Assistant Found Oct 27, 2016 · Synology NAS 에 DSM 을 설정하고 설치했다면 웹 브라우저를 사용하여 DSM에 로그인할 수 있는데요. Export: Saves an HTML version of the settings history to your local device. Synology Knowledge Center offers comprehensive support, providing answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting steps, software tutorials, Log Center. Gehen Sie zum Feld Betriebssystemversion und wählen Sie DSM 7. Feb 7, 2023 · Enter find. In the newly opened tab, create a new Synology Account or sign in. Most Secure SignIn이란? Synology Secure SignIn. This can be done through several different methods, such as approved sign-ins, verification codes (OTP), and hardware security keys. Tick the box Send logs to a syslog Login Portal. SynoForum. Inserire il nome utente predefinito del sistema, admin e lasciare vuoto il campo della password. Registrieren oder bei Ihrem Synology-Konto Mar 29, 2018 · Your Synology NAS includes a QuickConnect feature that lets you access its DiskStation Manager interface remotely. Some events on your NAS can generate a notification, others are logged, and some do both. Entwickelt für Sicherheit und Datenschutz. To sign in to DSM with Approve sign-in: Enter your username on the DSM login page and hit Enter or click the right arrow. synology. Responses (1-3) Sorted by. blackvoid; 16. It provides you with a centralized log management interface and the flexible search function to help you find the useful information efficiently. ; Select File Transfer from the drop-down menu in the upper-right corner. Popular tags from this forum. Synology sent a sign-in request to your Synology Secure Navrženo pro zabezpečení a ochranu soukromí. Jun 11, 2023 · Synology Knowledge Center offers comprehensive support, providing answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting steps, software tutorials, and all the technical documentation you may need. It would help if you found your NAS on the network via your browser for this Apr 15, 2024 · Go to Services > Synology Account. Synology sent a sign in-request to your Synology Secure SignIn app. At this point, all of the logs will be accessible and you’ll be able to change between Das Synology Knowledge Center bietet umfassenden Support mit Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen, Problembehebungen, Anleitungen zu Software und allen möglichen technischen Dokumentationen. To ensure system security, we suggest replacing the default port 22 with another one. Conçu pour garantir la sécurité et la confidentialité. 1. On the Log Center > Logs page, you can view, Synology sent a sign-in request to your Synology Secure SignIn app, but we didn’t receive your approval. 사용자가 dsm에 로그인할 수 있는 방법에는 두 가지, 즉 단일 단계 인증(sfa) 또는 2단계 인증(2fa)이 있습니다. Log Center is a centralized log management application. I can't sign in to Synology NAS (DSM) using 2 Synology 知識中心為您提供全方位的技術支援,包含常見問題解答、疑難排解步驟、軟體應用教學,以及您可能需要的所有技術文件。 登入入口 | DSM - Synology 知識中心 Jan 25, 2021 · Once you have received a login warning message under Logs in Log Center, we suggest you to adopt the following methods to safeguard your Synology NAS:. If you have syslog server, you can follow the instructions below to configure your Synology NAS as a syslog client and transmit the local system logs of your Synology NAS to a syslog server for centralized monitoring and management. 2단계 인증: 패스워드 외에 보안 강화 방법을 Log Sending. 2단계 인증(2FA), 신뢰할 수 있는 장치 로그인 및 FIDO2 보안 키를 비롯한 인증 기술을 통해 보안 레이어를 추가합니다. Synology Web Assistant. Monitoring and management tools Centralized admin console Monitor server and client status and activity from a centralized dashboard with Synology Drive Admin Console. Enter find. To search logs: In the search drop-down menu, you can specify the following criteria depending on the situation: Keyword: Enter keyword to search for log messages that contains the matching keyword. Approve sign-in: Sign in by tapping a prompt in Synology Secure SignIn app on your mobile device. 监控您的 Synology 账户,了解近期活动概况。通过验证技术(包括双重验证 (2FA)、信任设备登录和 FIDO2 安全密钥),提供额外一层安全保护。了解如何确保 Synology 账户的安全 Mar 15, 2025 · To access the Log Center, log in to Synology DSM, select the Main Menu, then open the Log Center. The new CC400W View all Synology cameras. Secure your data, scale your success. com is an unofficial Synology forum for NAS owners and enthusiasts. ; 제품 유형 선택 드롭다운 메뉴를 클릭하고 NAS 를 선택합니다. Mar 16, 2025 · On March 13th, we had an interesting announcement from Synology that was somewhat unexpected. 6)보안의 로그인 방법에서 단일 단계 인증을 . It includes comprehensive tools Feb 7, 2023 · Immettere find. Since then, I can't log in to Synology Photos from my Android devices, preventing me from backing up the mobile photos. 4) > Advanced > User Home, and tick Enable user Log Receiving. 1; Fare doppio clic su Synology NAS. Feb 19, 2025 · Synology QuickConnect lets you access your Synology NAS from any device and browser without port forwarding or firewall settings. Refresh: Updates and displays the most recent settings history. Phone number verified successfully. Synology DS725+ & DS925+ announcement. If you would like to track the file history, you have to manual enable the File Transfer log by eache protocol, e. Enable SSH, access and manage your NAS remotely, and ensure secure connections. ; OS 버전 필드로 이동하고 DSM 7. Synology stelt elk bedrijf op een unieke manier in staat om gegevens te beheren, beveiligen en beschermen op de plaats waar ze nodig zijn – of ze nu op een flashgeheugen, schijf of meerdere cloudplatformen staan. 3. I cant even get to the point where I enter my 2FA anymore. Approve sign-in: Sign in by tapping a prompt in Synology Secure Learn how to sign in, sign up, and manage your Synology Account for various services offered by Synology, such as QuickConnect, DDNS, and configuration backup. All rights reserved. Aggiungi un ulteriore livello di sicurezza con le tecnologie di autenticazione inclusa l'autenticazione a due fattori (2FA), DiskStation Manager (DSM) is an intuitive web-based operating system for every Synology NAS, designed to help you manage your digital assets across home and office. Find out how to register Log in to Synology DSM with a user account’s name and password to access the DSM desktop. sfa의 경우 패스워드 또는 하드웨어 보안 키를 사용하여 모바일 장치에서 로그인하거나 로그인 요청을 승인할 수 있습니다. Configure DSM users' permission settings. Additionally, you can manage the network settings such as customize alias or domain name, change the port number, or set up reverse proxy or access With 2FA, you must sign in with the password first, and verify your identity again with a second authentication method. Feb 7, 2023 · Kliknij menu rozwijane Wybierz produkt Synology i wybierz model Synology NAS. Web Assistant 를 사용하거나 서버주소 또는 IP주소를 사용해서 로그인할 수 있습니다. Registration is free, easy and fast! Log in Register. Synology sent a sign-in request to your Synology Secure Synology Knowledge Center offers comprehensive support, providing answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting steps, software tutorials, and all the technical documentation you may need. Das Synology-Konto ist eine integrierte Plattform, über die Benutzer auf die folgenden von Synology angebotenen Dienste zugreifen können: QuickConnect und DDNS-Dienste für Ihren Synology Router; Software-Lizenzverwaltung; eNews abonnieren; Kaufverlauf von Synology-Produkten; Inhalt. If the default sign-in method is not Approve sign-in, click Other sign-in methods and select Approve the request on my Synology Secure SignIn app. Tap Try Again to send another request. 2. 0 Logs. 2. The difference between the two is that you must look up logs, while the NAS sends notifications to you, typically by mail. File Station, SMB, AFP, FTP and WebDAV. The below options are available: Clear: Removes the current settings history. Besides logging, each Synology NAS has another tool to help you monitor and troubleshoot: notifications. 1; Double-click on your Synology NAS. Sign-in method. To view, remove, or export the configuration history of Log Center, you can go to Log Center > Settings History. Wybierz wersję dla systemu operacyjnego komputera i kliknij Pobierz. Mit einer Übersicht über die letzten Aktivitäten können Sie Ihr Synology Konto sicher überwachen. Sign in to DSM using an account belonging to the administrators group. Synology Secure SignIn ist ein sicheres Anmeldesystem, mit dem Sie die Sicherheit Ihres DSM-Kontos durch Verifizierung Ihrer Anmeldungen erhöhen können. Three formats are supported for receiving logs: BSD (RFC 3164), IETF (RFC 5424), and Custom. (Source: NM) Click on the link for Synology Account. Logs. Mar 2025; 专为实现安全性和隐私而设计. 패스워드 없는 로그인: 패스워드를 사용하지 않고 로그인을 확인하므로 DSM 환경이 간소화됩니다. Next, you’ll be prompted to enter your password. Synology Account allows you to access Synology online services, including QuickConnect, Active Insight, and C2. Monitora il tuo Account Synology con una panoramica sull'attività recente. 0 lub nowsza. Jun 24, 2024 · I am able to log into my synology via Finder I tried to log into synology via Synology Assistant, and it says my 2FA is incorrect. ; Klicken Sie auf das Dropdown-Menü Synology- Produkt auswählen und wählen Sie Ihr Synology NAS -Modell aus. Thanks, Zbynek. Dec 4, 2023 · Learn to SSH into Synology NAS with our guide. DSM allows you to easily set up remote access to your Synology NAS, so you can sign in to DSM or other services by simply entering a custom domain name into your web browser. In Log, you can view all activities of Container Manager. Synology Knowledge Center offers comprehensive support, providing answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting steps, software tutorials, and all the technical documentation you may need. Time: The date and time when the event occurred. Nov 5, 2023 · I updated my DS214play recently to DSM7. DSM and certain applications have separate login web portals. Mar 9, 2025 · Last year, the rollout of new products was less abundant compared to previous years, primarily because Synology was deeply focused on preparing for 2025. Specify a port number for SSH connections and save the settings. ; The logs will be displayed with the following information for each event: Log: The type of file transfer protocol used for this event. 4) > Advanced > User Home, and tick Enable user Enter find. ; To sign in to DSM as an administrator via SSH: Go to Control Panel > User & Group (for DSM 7. Images from an apparent Synology event presenting upcoming 2025 models started showing up on various web sites. Your Synology NAS can act as a syslog server in order to receive logs from client device over the network. ; Klicken Sie auf das Dropdown-Menü Produkttyp auswählen und wählen Sie NAS aus. 참고: Synology Assistant 데스크톱 유틸리티 가져오기: 다운로드 센터 로 이동합니다. Surveillez votre compte Synology grâce à un aperçu de l'activité récente. This requires signing in to Synology Account. Synology sent a sign-in request to your Synology Secure Hinweise: Desktop-Dienstprogramm Synology Assistant aufrufen: Gehen Sie zu Download-Zentrum. Send and receive logs from other network devices via syslog logging standard; Monitor log volume according to device; Specify log archival destination and create rules to automatically trigger log archival Synology Secure SignIn ist ein sicheres Anmeldesystem, mit dem Sie die Sicherheit Ihres DSM-Kontos durch Verifizierung Ihrer Anmeldungen erhöhen können. Das Synology Knowledge Center bietet umfassenden Support mit Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen, Problembehebungen, Anleitungen zu Software und allen möglichen technischen Dokumentationen. Type it in to log in! Remember to replace ‘username’ and ‘IPaddress’ with your Synology NAS username and the device’s IP address. mydiskstation. jokemeister @jokemeister* Apr 14 Log Center offers an easy solution for gathering and displaying log messages from network devices. Try clearing your browser's cache or disabling third-party software with password memory features. To send logs to a syslog server: Go to Log Center > Log Sending. ; Vaya al campo de la versión del SO y seleccione DSM 7. com nella barra degli indirizzi del browser Web e individuare Synology NAS nella pagina Web Assistant oppure individuare Synology NAS tramite l'utilità desktop Synology Assistant. Single-Factor Authentication (SFA) Select from the following methods to sign in: Password: Sign in using your password. Just two weeks later, the global release Synologyナレッジセンターは、総合的なサポートをお届けするもので、よくある質問に対する回答の提供、トラブルシューティング手順、ソフトウェア チュートリアル、そして必要になるすべての技術文書が提供されます。 DiskStation Manager (DSM) is an intuitive web-based operating system for every Synology NAS, designed to help you manage your digital assets across home and office. Keep an eye on file accesses and downloads, and view consumption trends to allocate storage more efficiently. Le Centre de connaissances de Synology offre une assistance complète, fournit des réponses aux questions fréquemment posées, des étapes de dépannage, des tutoriels logiciels et toute la documentation technique dont vous avez besoin. That effectively removed Moments and forced an upgrade to Synology Photos. Ajoutez une couche de sécurité supplémentaire avec des technologies d'authentification, notamment l'authentification à 2 facteurs (2FA), la connexion depuis un périphérique de confiance, et les clés de sécurité FIDO2. In addition, every user might need to log in to DSM now and then and create a link for file and folder sharing or manage his photo albums, among other tasks. ; Go to Control Panel > Terminal & SNMP > Terminal and tick Enable SSH Service. On the Log Center > Logs page, you can view, search for, and export logs. Go to Log Center > Logs (for DSM) or Log Search (for SRM). In addition to the basic functions provided by the built-in Log Center application, the Log Center package also provides you with the following advanced functions:. Before you start. Note: If 2FA is enabled, you need to enter your password first. To manage logs: You can perform the following actions. 최근 활동 개요를 통해 Synology 계정을 모니터링할 수 있습니다. Protect your account with 2-step verification. Log in. ; Synology 제품 선택 드롭다운 메뉴를 클릭하고 Synology NAS 모델을 선택합니다. Dies kann mit verschiedenen Methoden erfolgen, wie etwa genehmigten Anmeldungen, Verifizierungscodes (OTP) und Hardware-Sicherheitsschlüsseln. Jul 11, 2022 · Synology NAS: DSM Control Panel > Terminal & SNMP > Terminal; Synology Router: SRM Control Panel > Services > System Services > Terminal; Tick Enable SSH service. Setting up Synology QuickConnect ID. Mar 30, 2021 · We recommend setting a simple test password to make sure you can sign in to Synology Account first, and then reset a safer password once the login is successful. All received logs are stored in the log database. , License) of your Synology Account cannot be transferred. First sign-in step. 1) 컴퓨터가 Synology NAS 와 Single-Factor Authentication (SFA) Select from the following methods to sign in: Password: Sign in using your password. Set up password strength rules. Powerful auditing Monitor up to 40 types of actions, including file and folder changes, Mar 21, 2019 · By default DSM, it does not enable File Transfer log since the log will occupy some space. Sicurezza e privacy in primo piano. AI-powered Wi-Fi camera for integrated smart surveillance. Log Center. Open the app and tap the number to approve the sign-in. I reset my laptop Synology Assistant - finds the synology, but when I log in using the same login/pw as the one used in Finder, it says password is incorrect. Synology는 디지털 세계의 폭발적인 데이터 성장을 수용해야 하는 모든 규모의 비즈니스에서 플래시부터 디스크와 다중 클라우드 아키텍처까지 액세스가 필요한 어디서나 데이터를 관리 및 보호하는 유일한 기업입니다. Enter the system’s default username, admin, and leave the password field blank. Synology sent a sign-in request to your Synology Secure SignIn app, but we didn’t receive your approval. Adopt Secure FTP when activating FTP Synology uniquely enables you to manage, secure, and protect your data – at the scale needed to accommodate the exponential data growth of the digital world. Additionally, you can manage the network settings such as customize alias or domain name, change the port number, or set up reverse proxy or access Notas: Para obtener la utilidad de escritorio Synology Assistant : Vaya al Centro de descargas. Check whether your NAS is up and running and whether you can connect with it from your browser or wake it up from sleep mode. ; Haga clic en el menú desplegable Seleccione su producto Synology y seleccione su modelo de Synology NAS. I can't access my Synology Router. Kindly note that all related services (e. ; The system will send a sign-in request to the With 2FA, you must sign in with the password first, and verify your identity again with a second authentication method. Dec 11, 2023 · Synology Secure SignIn is a secure login framework that helps increase your DSM account security by verifying your sign-ins. Przejdź do karty Narzędzia pulpitu, znajdź Synology Assistant i kliknij Pobierz. zcb bzzsoqo mpl qnafqpky mnc bgib yzl puslj rruydq zduub ssfhm zyxrb wutfg isyujsn faf