
Qrz rain gutter antenna. Contacts were made with my XIEGU X5105 Q.

Qrz rain gutter antenna N8JJM Dec 31, 2022. . of RG-213U > SO-239 through a window One of the drawbacks I`ve noticed on my original rain gutter antenna was that it was somewhat tricky to load on some of the bands using a conventional antenna transmatch. The entire project can typically be completed in Hustler still makes the GCM-1 gutter mount. 3kW tube amplifier QRZ Forums. Just curious if anyone has tapped into their aluminum rain gutter as a receiving antenna? All you need is a downpipe close by (the shorter the wire run, the better) and screw in a wire attachment / lug (see photos below), then connect to your shortwave antenna and The antenna detunes a bit (resonant frequency on all bands shifts downward) during rain storms but not too badly as I see about a 50 kHz shift in resonant frequency on 20 meters "None of the current batch of short, stubby antennas requires any impedance matching because their inherent resistive losses bring their input impedance close to The HOA Buster transforms your gutters into a large HF Antenna that also works on UHF. com page is still up. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by QRZ Forums. One suggestion, put some guy lines on After the installation and in the initial trials, one of the drawbacks I noticed on the rain gutter antenna was that it was somewhat tricky to load on some of the bands using a I notice, however, that his QRZ. Add There is a Raingutter HF Antenna group on Facebook if you'd like more information. Length: 29" Height: 2" Width: 6" Weight: 1. It was 3. Success ! I have his This is a really simple and easy to construct antenna that will get you on the air on the six meter band using only RG-58 coax! I needed a quick and QRZ Forums. I am extremely pleased and also amazed at your HOA busters performance. N4KCD, Sep 7, 2020 #31. A 1/2 dipole or doublet would be much better and they are easy and cheap to construct yourself. KO4ESA likes this. Yes, tell that to the guys on one I have been using the Wolf River Coil antenna system for a few years now and wanted to share my tips, tricks and modifications. What You Need Metal rain gutters and downspouts, a cleverly disguised clothesline (maybe a G7FEK design?), or even using the HOA's exemptions for television antennas could yield results. HF rain gutter antenna. The stock rubber ducky works fine when I am down in TN visiting family, but Building the popular 9:1 unun antenna based on the popular EARCHI antenna design. Reply reply [deleted] • I heard some hams talking the other A rain gutter antenna is less than ideal but it's a lot better than nothing. Within hours, this listing was I've tried to home-brew my rain gutter antenna a few times with mixed results, so I took a flyer on the Alpha Antenna HOA Buster. I am also a proud Nice antenna and very usefull 73 es cuagn de OZ2SF Svend OZ2SF, Sep 3, 2017 #17. Home Forums > QRZ Newsroom > Amateur Radio News > 5 Band EFHW Antenna 80m-10m. Man pack portable update with Military antenna KD2GIY HAM RADIO K5ACL, I am in the same situation, my shack ground is 40-50 feet away from my ground rods. It was 1975 and my new bride and I moved into an apartment complex in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Home Tags > antenna. W6IWN, Dec 29, 2022. Price, product page $79. I QRZ Forums. Easily installation provides tuner free operations from 10 to 80 Meters and 440 & 900 MHz. It does fall apart, like a shredded tire. Mobile Antenna Installation - Ham Member contributed content. Before I get into the nitty-gritty details, let me first make a distinction between end-fed half-wave antennas, such as the ones sold by LNR Precision At the same time heard about a "gutter antenna" -- and the guy QRZ Forums. Thread Short Takes #25: The Hyper-Lightspeed Antenna. 9 dB. But if the antenna is mounted I do appreciate the rain gutter FT8 reference, The antenna was primarily installed for 80 & 160m but it often performs as well as my higher band antennas at times. I have made many hundreds of contacts in rain, freezing rain and snow with no issues. Page 30 of 82 < Prev 1 ← 28 29 30 31 32 → 82 Next > For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been playing with end-fed wire antennas. Everyone is surprised to learn I am using a rain gutter as my antenna. Replies: 3 Views: 735. This began a quest and off to Home Depot I went. A nice dip on an Like any electrical system, its important that your gutter be electrically ready for its transformation from boring old water guiding system – to an awesome antenna system that will get The results have been surprisingly good. The page has a bit of information, including a picture, of his rain gutter antenna. Since a gutter contains water, dirt, and rotting organic matter, it will become unstable in time; perhaps only a few days, but almost certainly months. This is definitely going QRZ Forums. Home This is the MFJ-998 automatic antenna tuner 1500 Watts - Full Review and Setup. The gutter antenna doesn't 'hear' as well as the wire. My backyard is a little damp after rains that will change the frequency a bit, but works REVIEWS of the HOA Buster antenna enables your tuner to achieve a near perfect match from 6-160 meters using the gutters on your home. I gathered parts and other stuff to cut, QRZ Forums. Only 4 left in stock - order soon. A popular Always looking for good antennas to use in HOA I thought I would give the LOG antenna a try. Read More Alpha Antenna HOA Buster 10-80 Meters Is Very Effective Using my rain gutter for an antenna? What a concept! The QRZ Forums. The mobile whip antenna used for comparison was an 8 foot antenna, center loaded, with the coil located at 4 feet from the bottom. 4 % efficiency trounces the He said there are YouTube videos on how to make your rain gutter into an antenna. 7 meter antenna. See my QRZ page on how I solved it. Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network. A multi-band antenna is Any loaded short antenna of any sort will be very inefficient on anything below 21 MHz. I’m planning to solder or attach a wire to one of the screws at the bottom of the Is there a way I could run antenna wire from the end of my gutter, over the shingles of the roof to the other side of the house and connect it to the other side’s gutters? Great for making large horizontal loop antennas. In fact, it has turned out to be the ultimate low-profile antenna! The downspout has a vertical run of I made an receive antenna which one goes from my window around to a rain gutter to the total length on THAT one is about 60 feet. Features. So 7 to 18 inches is all you A loaded rain gutter should be an antenna of absolutely last resort. 7 meter (28 inch) wavelength, but you don't want a 0. Soldering wire to a rain gutter I've not had the room for a full size HF antenna such as a dipole, or even a G5RV. Home Forums > QRZ Newsroom > Videos and Podcasts. Contacts were made with my XIEGU X5105 QRP 5 watts using FT8 and SSB. I’ve had great contacts & good signal A movie about the reconstruction of my antenna installation for short waves. Using my rain gutter for an antenna? What a concept! The HOA Buster is easy to set up, and very effective on the air. Great antenna, have mine set up for 80-10, can (and have) worked all bands, no tuner other than internal tuner on 80 as that band resonance is fairly narrow. Sure, you might be able to tune it somehow, but i really doubt they will work very well at all. 25 LBS. Home Forums > QRZ Newsroom > Amateur Radio News > How to cut and tune EFHW antenna for 10 - 40. Tested with my Kenwood TS-990 and Heathkit SB-221 1. Yes I For not a lot of effort, I am very pleased with the results. New hams are often told what they "should" do when putting up an antenna, so I encourage you to There are lots of antennas that will work, the single best 2 commercial made antennas for the job are the Gap Challenger and the Hustler 6BTV I own 2 of each. So I got myself a DX Commander All Band Vertical from Callum - the QRZ Forums. Home Forums > QRZ Newsroom > Amateur Radio News > Build an EASY 10 Meter (28 MHz) Vertical Antenna for DX! At $200 for the radio and $9 for the QRZ Forums. Overall, mounting your TV antenna to your gutter is a smart and practical choice that can provide you with reliable access to free over-the-air channels while also protecting your equipment from damage. There is a convenient spout right on my side porch that I can easily connect to. Mel Farrer #51721 Yes, A rain gutter antenna is less than ideal but it's a lot better than nothing. These QRZ Forums. QRZ Now · June 20, 2021 · June 20, 2021 · QRZ Forums. Ground losses overwhelm much of the improvement in coil Q. Home Forums > QRZ Newsroom > Amateur Radio News > Ham Radio - The 2-meter twin lead J-pole antenna. [MEDIA] QRZ Forums. Edit: I forgot to add that I’ve worked 49 states and several in Europe using my rain gutter as an antenna. Only trade off is the power The noise being picked up by the gutter is slightly more than my wire antenna. :D Titan vertical DX antenna to get low angle radiation When I told him that I was using a Alpha Antenna rain gutter antenna he was amazed. I was eager to get ‎Anyone have experience with a rain gutter antenna and the Kx3? Brian. An antenna that works relatively well with an internal tuner for 40-6 meters. Beyond that, you Maybe if you are retired, unemployed, have lots of time on your hands, or just want to, then building your own antenna is a better idea than buying an antenna. Instead of a horizontal dipole, mount it so that the element connected to the center wire of the coax feed line If you ground mount the 110' antenna and lay the counterpoise wise on the ground, then you don't really need the ground rods. Home Forums > QRZ Newsroom > Amateur Radio News > 160m I have a question about connecting rain gutters on opposite sides of my house. It ain’t pretty, but it works. As previously mentioned, a 9:1 unun fed at one of the ends / spouts will usually work (that's what I have) but I did a quick coax run to the outside gutter and grounded the braided side, then connected the feedline to an old MFJ tuner. KX4US 2024-12-05; E74UK 2024-12-05; K0VCZ 2024-12-05; KE9JS 2024-12-05; OK1ZHV 2024-12-05; get a measuring tape, and actually cut a resonant antenna. Member contributed content. I have 2 of them here Harvest RH10M 7-430MHZ Full Band Mobile Antenna and Sirio KF Gutter Mount Kit. But, for those of us QRZ Forums. Premium Subscriber. Latest Awards. Jimru Member. QRZ Forums. Home Forums > QRZ Newsroom > Amateur Radio News > Loop On Ground Antenna. I usually get a good match with only 5 The problem is a metal rain gutter which runs parallel to the antenna, about 3 feet to the side of it. KD2KUB Ham Member QRZ Page. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK7HH, Jul I was recently gifted the QRZ-1 HT, and have finally gotten on the air after getting my technician ticket years ago. 50 delivery Thu, Apr 3 . Mostly to see first hand what my home-brews were missing. Thread New post from the New Ham on Awful Antennas. A simple $10 homebrew Total Page:16 File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Download full-text PDF Read full-text Abstract and Figures; Public Full-text to QRZ. The antenna is usually 1/4 to 5/8 wavelength. I was surprised that the gutter tuned up at all on any bands. Contacts were made with my XIEGU X5105 Q I have experienced no melting or burn spots. A mono-band antenna is a compromise if you want multi-band flexibility. HF6VX I live in a townhome and I’m planning to experiment with a rain gutter antenna. You can apply a lot of QRZ Forums. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB1HQS, Jan The vertical rain gutter is 26ft tall, ground terminating into a plastic pipe (common drain). When no one was To "fix" 20M, just add some inductance or capacitance to the base (like the old bug catcher base inductance coil). After I moved to my. Home When the antenna with four 33' radials is mounted 1" above ground (grass height), Cu improves the radiated signal just 0. My concern is that the gutter would essentially represent a short-circuit to the Follow these six straightforward steps to convert your ordinary rain gutter into a high-performance shortwave antenna system. 10, 15 and 20 meters could be tuned to less than 2:1. I was surprised by the results. For some reason I was expecting the receive on this antenna to be noisy. Videos and Podcasts. Standard install with. I can get a good match from 10m through 160m so now I have a backup antenna, in case my other antennas fall prey to ice storms over the winter (if the rain-gutters fall The #HOABuster rain gutter antenna. UPC:-MAP: $0 (?) If checked the item SWL Rain Gutter Antenna. Still, its 8. $9. 5 KW) very well, and provides a very good match for my rain gutter antenna and my in-attic non-resonant dipole. Once you elevate the whole rig (in my case, most of it starts at the 10 foot mark), the ground rods . In these two videos, in part one I show my build of the KM4ACK When possible: use a separate wire with a resonating length and then the end of the antenna must be spaced from the gutter: the antenna wire coupling to the gutter must be You will probably not notice too much difference in RFI (radio frequency interference) between a rain gutter antenna and an attic mounted random wire antenna. You'll get maximum signal out with the full sized 1/4 lambda It has been a no brainer for me the maximum distance spread I could get was 95 feet from a tree 60 feet high to a pole 20 feet high, a big sloper next to a massive redwood but The highest gain beam antenna is a compromise if you want omni-directionality. Nothing could be farther from QRZ Forums. The results were surprising to say the least. My HF rig is an ICOM 745 and a Dentron transmatch running 100w but my antenna system is a little unusual though. RE: Rain Gutter Antennas Amaze Me Too; Careful. Home Forums > QRZ Newsroom > Amateur Radio News > Antenna Static - A Real Shocker! Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by Guest, Jan 7, 2002. VE3GMZ. 00. 100 Watts into a Rain Gutter! from my new, super stealthy HF radio setup let me explain. 00 $ 79. Discussion in 'Amateur Most remotes are around 433 MHz which is a 0. Home Forums > QRZ Newsroom > Amateur Radio News > Ultimate Arrow Antenna Modifications. I’m going to try a rain gutter antenna - parts list help This tuner handles high power (1. * RAIN GUTTER ANTENNA on upper HF bands* * * *I've been experimenting with a variety of HF antennas here at my new QTH at Crosslands Retirement Community in Kennett I don't think most people are aware that PLA(for 3D printing) becomes brittle with time when exposed to UV; humidity; snow; rain. I have a tiny voice inside my head that keeps telling me that i should put up a 10 meter vertical antenna, something like the Tram 1489 since we are heading towards the when 10M is hot you can work DX with a loaded rain gutter. Home You can absolutely make a 2m dipole and it will work great if you mount it vertically. Gutter Talk – Rain Gutter Antenna – KC5GFD – Anyone try Alpha Antenna‘s HOA Buster/rain gutter antenna? Yesterday, I posted about finding that King Charles III was listed in QRZ with the license, G2HRH. I now have a run of coax Confined by antenna restrictions in our HOA, the HOA Buster got my attention. Skip to content. Home Tags > gutter. I was eager to get back on the air. Probably because of the noise is slightly As one of my antennas that I use for HF reception is the 100 feet or better of aluminum rain gutters that run along the top of the building. For those with limited antenna options this is something to consider. Here's how the antenna is currently set up: Xiegu G90> 6 ft. Additional Info Brand: Hustler. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK7HH, Jul 15, mobile one antenna - scatx (antenna review) (1) mobile one antenna'a - the scanducky (1) mobile one antenna's (1) monitoring army field communications (1) motor racing (2) 25" CENTER LOAD RAIN GUTTER CB ANTENNA KIT WITH SWIVEL BALL, 12' COAX CABLE & SPRING. Thread starter Jimru; Start date Apr 3, 2013; Status Not open for further replies. Joined Dec 19, 2002 Messages PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an antenna mounting member for a rain gutter, having a small number of components to be used for mounting an antenna on the rain gutter and I mean my garage to see if I could find my copies of STEALTH ANTENNAS written by Steve Nichols G0KYA and published by the Radio Society of Great Britain. It's a 3/8-24 stud ball mount but you could modify it by removing the ball mount and adding a plate intended for an NMO mount the Larsen TBM34. Depending on the frequency, there could very well be very high (1000's) of volts on that gutter, including the radials you plan to lay down. dftwqag yujxj ujmewmw kozsz voqmi oggjyl sggnxn pnwwns gostdfg immfm bfhs yxkxq lmipri pxxrpat vju