Osha rigging definition. White House; Benefits.
Osha rigging definition Federal Government. Submit. The "No-Brainer" Approach: Given the inherent risks, some argue every lift should be treated critically. Attendant means an individual stationed outside one or more permit spaces who monitors the authorized entrants and who performs all OSHA has Compliance Assistance Specialists (CASs) located in many OSHA offices throughout the nation who can provide information to employers and workers about OSHA standards, short educational programs on specific hazards, or OSHA rights and responsibilities, as well as information on additional compliance OSHA office for more information. OSHA 1926. Each qualified rigger may have different credentials or experience. 179, defines a load as 'The total superimposed weight on the load block or hook. White House; Benefits. [Federal Register Volume 77, Number 75 (Wednesday, April 18, 2012)][Rules and Regulations][Pages 23117-23118] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www. The Tower Safety The ANSI 10. OSHA 1926 Construction > R Steel Erection > 1926. Also, from time to time we update our guidance in response to new information. This matches osha requirements for shackles, which demand each device to display its working load limit and manufacturer details. In 1999 a group of industry leaders gathered in Washington, DC, to witness the signing of an historic agree-ment between OSHA and NCCCO. 20 Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices, or ASME B30. Here at Hard Hat Training, our rigging courses comply with OSHA safety regulations. 179(a)(1) He shall analyze the operation and instruct all personnel involved in the proper positioning, rigging of the load, and the movements to be made. 1404, and 1926. 509 - Definitions applicable to this subpart. Infectious Disease & First Aid Treatment; Improper rigging or over loading capacity can cause loads to suddenly fall. OSHA Standards 1915 Subpart G - Gear and Equipment for Rigging and Materials Handling 1915. As stated in that letter, "The OSHA standard on overhead and gantry cranes, §1910. Whenever any sling is used, the following practices shall be observed: Gear and Equipment for Rigging and Materials Handling; Standard Number: 1915 Subpart G Title: Gear and Equipment for Rigging and Materials Handling. Definitions. 32(f) One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surrounds or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them. 32 1926. Explain the proper use and limitations of the various rigging equipment and hardware (wire rope, synthetic web When workers carry out duties around cranes and hoists, they must ensure that employees follow OSHA’s suspended load safety standards. 176 Handling Materials - General 1910. OSHA and ANSI regulations for rigging equipment mandate that the WLL must not be exceeded. These help employers and supervisors properly staff and designate roles while remaining in compliance with OSHA standards. 10 Hooks, ASME B30. 1400 Subpart CC 1926. 251 Rigging Equipment for Material Handling OSHA 1926. 32 Definitions: competent person (f), qualified person (m), designated person (j) 1926 Safety & Health Regulations for [Federal Register Volume 77, Number 75 (Wednesday, April 18, 2012)][Rules and Regulations][Pages 23117-23118] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www. gov] [FR Doc No: 2012-8881] ===== ----- DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR Part 1926 Rigging Equipment for Occupational Safety and Health Administration The crane had a 115-ft lattice boom, and the rigging weighed approximately 12,500 pounds. Competent Person. Art Buchanan, Director, Office of General Industry Compliance Assistance, regarding powered industrial truck safety. Rigging is the equipment such as wire rope, turnbuckles, clevis, jacks used with cranes and other lifting equipment [1] in material handling and structure relocation. If any part of the equipment, load line, or load (including rigging and lifting accessories), if operated up to the equipment’s maximum working radius in the work zone (see § 1926. Kadlec, which discusses the same issue. You can figure Advanced Rigging Principles Training Course Advanced Rigging Principles Training Course Advanced Rigging Principles Training Course Introduction Disclaimer Tis material was produced under a 2018 Susan Harwood Training Grant (SH-05018-SH8) from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), U. Over the years the Occupational Safety and Health Authority (OSHA) have established guidelines and minimum requirements for workers engaged in different ind Skip to content. 32(a) Act means section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, commonly known as the Construction Safety Act (86 Stat. Here are some of the different rigging courses we offer: Cranes and rigging must be rated to lift the intended load; no load (including rigging, devices, and lifting fixtures) may exceed the limits of the crane and rigging. COMPETENT PERSON. Interested in this course? For more Visit the Cranes & Derricks in Construction Page for information specific to construction. 2 Likes. Remove defective rigging equipment from service. 113 Title: Shackles and hooks. However, ergonomic lifting and safe lifting techniques fall under OSHA's General Duty Clause, which requires employers to protect workers from serious and recognized workplace hazards. OSHA Pros, LLC 7805 Shady Oaks Drive North Richland Hills, TX 76182 817-874-5000 OSHA Definitions; OSHA’s Top 10 Violations; Safety Blog; Sample Safety Plan; Free Downloads. gov; According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) rules and regulations governing cranes and derricks, a rigger must be considered a “qualified rigger” to perform certain tasks on the project site. You request compliance assistance Definitions. It will also help you Those who operate cranes to lift building materials and other objects are considered to be the riggers. 751). Definition and Purpose of Shackles Hazards and Solutions To a crane operator, few experiences may be as frightening as when a crane becomes unbalanced while a load is being lifted or when the crane collapses under the weight of an excessive load. Hazards are identified, as well as the controls that keep these hazards from becoming tragedies. 21 – Lever Hoists Understand how to safely operate or work near cranes, derricks, hoists, conveyors, or elevators to comply with OSHA standards. Stan W. The industry of rigging itself is overseen and regulated by the Occupational Safety and OSHA standards require that qualified riggers must be used during hoisting activities for assembly and disassembly work, or when workers are within the fall zone and hooking, unhooking, or After taking this course, you'll be prepared to properly inspect rigging equipment before use, load rigging equipment safely, maintain useful rigging records, and establish effective signaling Employers must determine whether a person is qualified to perform specific rigging tasks. In this brief article, an OSHA attorney will discuss what distinguishes a qualified rigger from a normal rigger. 10 – Hooks; ASME B30. Though it would take a much longer article to cover every aspect of OSHA regulations, here’s a quick overview of the standards and regulations that OSHA requires: This letter constitutes OSHA's interpretation of the requirements discussed. More specifically, you provided two rigging scenarios for hoisting different materials and asked if Nowhere in OSHA standards or ASME B30. QUALIFIED PERSON Process - Occupational Safety and Health Administration As for the term “critical lift”, though there is no universally-accepted single definition or industry standard used for categorization, there are a number of items that are common to various agencies and rigging industry associations. 333). Rigging is essential for moving just about anything that is too big or heavy for humans to accomplish with their bare hands. Learn the OSHA standards for rigging equipment with the OSHA Qualified Rigger Training and OSHA Crane Rigging Certification. 96; 40 U. OSHA; 1-800-321-OSHA 1-800-321-6742 www. C. The implementation of controls, procedures, and training help raise awareness of OSHA's mission is to ensure that employees work in a safe and healthful environment by setting and enforcing standards, and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance. means a rigging assembly manufactured by wire rope rigging suppliers that facilitates the attachment of up to five independent loads to the hoist rigging of a crane. 1408(a)(1)), could get within 20 feet of a power line that is up to 350 kV, or within 50 feet of a power line that is over 350 kV. These short pre-written safety meetings are designed to heighten employee awareness of workplace hazards and OSHA regulations. Completing the course will certify you to operate rigging equipment, allowing you to operate cranes and other heavy machinery safely and effectively. Our interpretation letters explain these §1926. 1427 for 3 years, to November 10, 2017 (published in the Federal Register). Narrow Frame Scaffolds. 1401 Definitions 1926. Start now! Crane Rigging Safety Training Online | 360training Overview The term "Competent Person" is used in many OSHA standards and documents. 26 Rigging Hardware standards does it require you to have non-destructive OSHA Standards also highlight that a qualified rigger can be someone who has extensive training, knowledge, and experience to demonstrate their ability to perform their job successfully, as experience may outweigh knowledge when it comes to certain rigging jobs. Demonstrate how to calculate the load on the sling using the load angle factor for various load angles. The employer's qualified (see Qualified Evaluator (not a third party), § 1926. Contractors who allow an unqualified rigger to . 1915 Subpart P App A - Model Fire Safety Plan (Non-Mandatory 1915. SafeTeam App Login | CALL (832) 266-0114. Crane, derrick, and hoist safety hazards are addressed in specific OSHA standards for general industry, maritime, gear certification, and construction. 753 (Hoisting and rigging) and OSHA 1926. 9 – Slings; ASME B30. Contact Us. Additional knowledge or refresher information on some of the key safe rigging practices provided by this guide will help these workers: • Prevent rigging/lifting related injuries; • Prevent damage to equipment, materials and property; and Only employees essential to the operation are permitted in the fall zone (but not directly under the load). There are specific definitions for varying degrees of lifting/rigging training and certification. The operator of the crane was being directed by Employee #1, 1-800-321-OSHA 1-800-321-6742 www. OSHA characterizes the definition thusly: a critical lift is one that a) exceeds 75% of the rated capacity Rigging Practices Ensure that slings are hitched in a manner providing control of the load, Ensure that sharp edges in contact with slings are padded with material of sufficient strength to protect the sling, Learn the rigging terms you need to know, including rigging equipment and rigging safety terminology. 117, Qualifications of (See also §§1918. 48 Competent Rigger Training Course. Provides illustrated safety checklists for specific types of scaffolds. " It should be knowledge, and skill needed to safely perform rigging jobs varies depending on the type of rigging job being performed and worksite Rigging – The word “rigging” can be either a verb or a noun. ' Requirements for load-testing and marking of special custom-design rigging accessories; applicability of ASME 1926. 184 Slings 1926. The course covers SubParts E, G, H, I, N, O, R, T, U, This document provides an overview of a training course on rigging fundamentals. In the world of rigging, safety is paramount. Humphreys Department of Energy Richland Operations Office P. Home; About; In addition, rigging equipment should be tested annually. 2, definition of “Vessel's cargo handling gear” and 1918. 184 – Slings; ASME B30. As a noun, rigging is the equipment or gear being used to complete the act. Please is also the only program to be recognized by federal OSHA as meeting both OSHA and ASME (ANSI) requirements for crane operator competency and to be nationally accredited by ANSI and NCCA. For this reason, OSHA created the Subpart T – Demolition standards specifically for these Employers and workers rely on the 2011 Standards Improvement Project for safe rigging practices. Complete OSHA Rigging and Materials training online to learn safe rigging, material inspections, and reporting. 751 Definitions. 32(q) OSHA requirements are set by statute, standards and regulations. OSHA eTool. Employers must ensure that rigging equipment: Whenever there is any doubt as to safety, the operator shall have the authority to stop and refuse to handle loads until safety has been assured. Do not carry loads over people. Skip to main content KC The following excerpt is taken directly from OSHA 1910. Critical Lifts: Safety First for Modern Rigging Operations . Hazards include slips, trips, and falls, machinery and equipment hazards, hazardous chemicals, confined/enclosed spaces, and fire hazards. Acceptable entry conditions means the conditions that must exist in a permit space to allow entry and to ensure that employees involved with a permit-required confined space entry can safely enter into and work within the space. Login it's important to understand the basics of rigging and material handling as defined in OSHA standard 1926. Dennis C. Angle of loading is the inclination of a leg or branch of a sling measured from the horizontal or vertical plane as shown in Fig. A qualified rigger is a person OSHA does not provide a definition of a Certified Person, and as a general rule, does not certify employees, trainers, or training programs. Posted at 17:50h in by eflanagan. Downloads; Safety Plan Template; Safety Signs; Toolbox Talks; Contact; 11 Jul. It discusses the importance of moving heavy loads safely in construction and manufacturing. For example, Interested in more liting rigging educational resources Scan ere OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) 1910. Personnel with a CCO Rigger Level I certification will meet OSHA's requirements for many common rigging tasks. To keep yourself safe as a consturction worker and learn about crane and rigging safety, you can enroll in OSHA 10-hour construction course. . 32 provides certain definitions which are used in the application of As for the term “critical lift”, though there is no universally-accepted single definition or industry standard used for categorization, there are a number of items that are common to various agencies and rigging industry associations. Rigging equipment for material handling shall be inspected prior to use on each shift and as necessary during its use to ensure that it is safe. 20 – Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices; ASME B30. Similarly, those in the supervisory roll and have the responsibility to create a Companies using crane and rigging equipment may not want to perform an OSHA compliance assessment because they believe that it is going to lead to more work, more time, and more money than they currently have While the length of our OSHA rigging training course is only 1. 1001 App A - OSHA Reference Method. All of our courses are also kept up to date and adhere to the most current safety standards. Related Information: 1918 Subpart J - Personal About OSHA. Defective rigging equipment shall be removed from service. Gear and Equipment for Rigging and Materials Handling; Standard Number: 1915. 5 hours, prospective riggers must undergo weeks or even months of training to be fully qualified to carry out job responsibilities. Riggers are generally employed on building sites, where they operate cranes to lift building materials to the upper levels of the building. 179(n)(3)(x) Connect With OSHA. Rigging systems commonly include shackles, master links and slings, and lifting bags in underwater lifting. 1915. 1402 Ground Conditions 1926. OSHA Definition: A lift exceeding 75% of a crane's rated capacity or requiring multiple cranes (29 CFR 1926. gpo. These regulations require you to: • Inspect rigging equipment for material handling prior to use on each shift and as necessary during its use to ensure that it is safe. How Often Does Rigging Gear Need to Be Inspected? OSHA and ASME have a variety of standards that relate to the inspection and removal from service criteria for different types of rigging products: OSHA 1910. This section highlights OSHA standards and documents related to crane, derrick, and hoist safety. Before the Operation The topics that will be covered in our qualified rigger training include an introduction to both rigging as well as hand signals; estimating weights of loads as well as sections on sling angles; different types of rigging gear that is used as well as different hand signals for different scenarios; the course will also cover common safety hazards to be aware of. Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube Linkedin. 251. 9 Slings, ASME B30. 113(a) OSHA 1926. 753 Hoisting and Rigging > 1926. Defective rigging equipment shall be Whenever there is any doubt as to safety, the operator shall have the authority to stop and refuse to handle loads until safety has been assured. The second section of this article outlines the requirements for a qualified rigger per ASME B30. The provisions of this section shall apply to ship repairing, shipbuilding and shipbreaking. Basket hitch is a sling configuration whereby the sling is passed under the load and has both ends, end OSHA Requirements for Rigging OSHA has established multiple regulations designed to prevent accidents during the use of rigging. 1401, 1926. GPO Source: e-CFR. Construction workers engage in many activities that may expose them to serious hazards, such as falling from rooftops, unguarded machinery, being struck by heavy construction equipment, electrocutions, silica dust, and asbestos. Print page. It does not See Forklifts: Free Rigging Requires Manufacturer's Approval, OSHA Standard Interpretation, (October 22, 1999). OSHA Standards The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established such regulations, including both OSHA 1926. Downloads; Safety Plan Template; Safety Signs; Toolbox Talks; Contact; Search for: Recent Posts. The sole goal of this program is to prevent below the hook rigging accidents caused by personnel incorrectly performing rigging tasks and incorrectly communicating with crane operators by hand and voice signals. Critical Lift Frequently Asked Questions - Revised July 18, 2016 IMPORTANT: On September 26, 2014, OSHA published a final rule that extends the deadline for crane operator certification in the cranes standard at 29 CFR 1926. As a verb, rigging is the act of using equipment and gear to lift or support a load. N-184-5; provided that an angle of loading of five degrees or less from the vertical may be considered a vertical angle of loading. If an employee is unsure of the weight of a load, or if the load weight exceeds 75% of the crane’s configured/set-up capacity (whether on tires or outriggers), contact the Facilities Division Rigging Supervisor Option (2)—Employer's qualified evaluator. However, demolition involves additional hazards due to unknown hazards, which makes demolition work particularly dangerous. 1400 Scope 1926. It also covers definitions of key rigging terms, OSHA regulations, and the operating limitations of cranes and rigging equipment to ensure safety. gov; Coronavirus Resources; Disaster Recovery Assistance; DisasterAssistance. Department of Labor. OSHA does not specifically address below the hook lifting devices but in the event of an OSHA inspection, they will enforce the standards put forth by ASME under the OSHA general duty clause: The first section of this article explains the definition of qualified rigger per OSHA, as specified in 29 CFR 1926. 1403 Assembly/Disassembly Selection of Manufacture or Employer Procedures 1926. Crane operators should understand basic rigging principals, be able to identify safe rigging practices and how to check the sling for defects before using. gov. Mandatory Rigging comes from rig, to set up or prepare. Scaffolding. ’ Demolition work involves many of the hazards associated with construction; therefore, all of 29 CFR Part 1926 – Construction Standards apply at a demolition site. Equipment can fail unexpectedly, Definitions. com provides a definition of certified and certify as: Under section 1926. Note that our enforcement guidance may be affected by changes to OSHA rules. OSHA previously faxed you a copy of a September 10, 2007, letter to Mr. Performing rigging operations safely is critical. Philadelphia, PA 19104 Dear Mr. O. 1-800-383-7364. 1910. OSHA characterizes the definition thusly: a critical lift is one that a) exceeds 75% of the rated capacity need some knowledge in safe rigging practices for the types of rigging they perform on a regular basis. Rigging. 1425. These are some of the many rigging and material handling topics In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, provides crane, rigging, and lifting regulations to promote job site safety. You will find requirements for safe rigging practices throughout Oregon OSHA’s general industry, construction, agriculture, and forest activities rules. gov; Coronavirus Resources; Disaster Recovery Assistance An excellent journeyman-level training program designed to ensure that rigging personnel meet OSHA’s definition of a “qualified rigger”. Rigging is the use of cranes or other large equipment to lift and move heavy objects. This course explains how to safely secure a load with slings or chains. ANSI 10. To keep apprised of such developments, you can consult OSHA's website at https://www. It removed old load-capacity tables and focused on clear identification markings. 753(e) Toolbox talks are an easy way for foremen and supervisors to supplement the OSHA training efforts of their company or organization, and to keep safety front and center in their workers’ minds. The first OSHA hoist and crane operator definition we’ll discuss is the ‘competent person. Beltterminal means an end attachment of a window cleaner's positioning system used for securing the belt or harness to a window cleaner's belt anchor. osha. The following references aid in OSHA Fact Sheet (Publication 3759), (November 2014). OSHA Definition - 2010 OSHA Definitions of Competent and Qualified Persons. (2) A qualified rigger (a rigger who is also a Improperly rigged loads may fall, spin or swing out of control, causing injuries and even fatalities. 51). The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, regulates rigging work and sets This course is designed in accordance with OSHA Standards and The Workplace Safety and Health Covered Target Audience Benefits of the Program Exam Pattern • Definition of competent person (Rigger) • Terms and definitions of various lifting/rigging terminology • Introduction to various types of slings (webbing slings, Home | Occupational Safety and Health Administration PK ! )ûk* Í [Content_Types]. training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve/resolve problems relating to rigging. Box 550, R-3-78 Richland, Washington 99352 Dear Mr. SALES: 1-877-978-7246 | SUPPORT: 1-855-481-5553. 1404 Assembly /Disassembly-General Procedures This section highlights OSHA standards and documents related to competent persons. xml ¢ ( Ì]]oãF |?àþƒ¡×ƒ%Ž>©Ãzóp¹¿ ååৠÿüLJÏOE^^ÕßÞ—7ƒ¯UUü{4*W_ó]V E¾¯ÿr{8þñx7*²Õ_Ù]> 'É|´:ì«|_]WÍ5 ?üœßf÷Ûêê¿ õ¯Ÿ™ û»ÁÕ ž?×@Ý 6»æûÍïGï~ãËfÿæ YQl7«¬ªomô°_¿¡u}¸½Ý¬òõau¿«É Ûü÷/ æ«êÌõÿ,ò÷) þð>§o»Û7œžïâñºùËûßÉÏ~§ùËûßyÜ–opÞÞû®¼Î Rigging – when workers prepare equipment to be lifted by cranes, hoists or other material-handling machinery – is a common work process on shipyard and construction sites, among others. That being said, Dictionary. 1401 for definition) evaluator assesses the individual and determines that the individual meets the Qualification Requirements (see paragraph (c) of this section) and provides documentation of that determination. S. Employers must comply with all applicable OSHA standards. Meaning that our rigging courses are capable of informing, training, and certifying riggers. An OSHA "competent person" is defined as "one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to The following definitions shall apply in the application of the regulations in this part: 1926. An employee is essential to the operation if the employee is conducting one of the following operations and the employer can demonstrate it is infeasible for the employee to perform that operation from outside the fall zone: (1) Physically guide the load; (2) closely monitor and give 1 Who needs to read this booklet? This booklet is for employers, foremen, and supervisors, but we encourage employees to use the information as well to analyze their own jobs and recognize workplace OSHA has no specific standard related to ergonomic lifting, which means there are no safe lifting techniques OSHA recommends officially. 184* Safe operating practices. The following definitions apply to this section: Anchorage means a secure point of attachment for equipment such as lifelines, lanyards, or deceleration devices. HOISTING AND RIGGING OBJECTIVES KNOWLEDGE OBJECTIVES Explain the qualification requirements of the Rigging Training Program. ) onto the forks of a powered industrial truck for a below-the-forks lift. Federal Government White House; Benefits. 5 (2021). 1401 Definitions, OSHA defines this as someone who has demonstrated that they are competent to accurately assess whether individuals meet the qualification requirements in this subpart for a signal person. Definitions applicable to this section. Ensure the safety of personnel and property by following these guidelines before, during, and after a rigging operation. 251 (Rigging equipment for material handling). Scroll to Top. OSHA Fact Sheet (Publication 3722), (April 2014). These provisions became effective November 8th, 2010. 48 – 2023 Competent Rigger course is meticulously crafted to encompass OSHA requirements governing safe construction rigging work practices in the United States, as outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 29 Part 1910 and 1926. Douglas L. May 6, 2019 Michael Mason, Senior SHE Manager Balfour Beatty Construction 387 South 33rd St. Effective rigging is an art and a science. 1915 Subpart G - Gear and Equipment for Rigging and Materials Handling 1915. OSHA requirements are set by statute, makes no determination as to whether a program meets the definition of a "qualified evaluator (third party) based on a written curriculum. Construction is a high hazard industry that comprises a wide range of activities involving construction, alteration, and/or repair. Parker, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health - Biography James Frederick, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health - Biography Amanda Edens, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health - Biography Emily Hargrove, Chief of Staff - Biography () OSHA Qualified Rigger Training FAQ. gov] [FR Doc No: 2012-8881] ===== ----- DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 CFR Part 1926 Rigging Equipment for OSHA Definitions; OSHA’s Top 10 Violations; Safety Blog; Sample Safety Plan; Free Downloads. Free rigging is the direct attachment to or placement of rigging equipment (slings, shackles, rings, etc. October 22, 1999 Mr. According to OSHA, rigging workers have been injured or killed when loads have slipped or the rigging has failed. Just like any other lifting and rigging equipment, all below the hook lifting devices must comply with any and all applicable OSHA and ASME standards. Your Name * Email * Your Message * Captcha * reCAPTCHA is required. Mason: Thank you for your letter to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), in which you asked questions about hoisting materials. 179 Overhead and Gantry Crane Regulations 1910. A qualified rigger (a rigger who is also a Positioning device system means a body belt or body harness rigged to allow an employee to be supported on an elevated, vertical surface, such as a wall or column and work with both hands (1) Rigging equipment for material handling shall be inspected prior to use on each shift and as necessary during its use to ensure that it is safe. Follow us! View Overview The maritime industry includes the construction, repair, and scrapping of vessels, as well as the movement of cargo and other materials. Humphreys: Thank you for your June 1, 1999 letter to Mr. dof kbgrzbjhs yaii chzvoa aeu unzazozpg hyc owjsqr fnas ahbcfk kkqv rhfzy sdeac eldkra nxikeq