Icom 9700 fan mod. 1:10 Formatting the SD Card in the IC-9700.

Icom 9700 fan mod Remove bottomTake out those 2 diodes After the mod:144 - 148 Search help Support (FAQ) Icom-9700 Links → . Quote; WRYZ926. They blocked not only transmitting (which is fine) but also Icom-9700 Links → . Posted by Shawn August 11, 2018 1 Comment on Icom IC-706mkII Fan Mod. Apr 16 2019. amp: 21 Feb 2003: The #1 group for new users and technical discussion about using the IC-9700 radio from Icom A group to discuss and help people that are using or are considering using an Icom IC-9700. I have modified my IC-9700 to keep the fan continuously running at a reduced speed by fitting a 6. IC-9700 Fan Modification The fan in the unit does not run while the unit is in receive mode, and this appears to be a cause of significant temperature Icom IC-9700 TX mod for 2M and 70cmThis Mod will extend the frequecy from 146-148 MHz and 440-450 MHz (UK and European models only)Please Note: I would recom Icom IC-9700 frequency modification, only works on European models! The modification only works on European models and by removing 2 diodes the frequency can be expanded by a ICOM IC-9700 . IC-9700 Fan Modification The fan in the unit does not run while the unit is in receive mode, and this appears to be a cause of significant temperature variations within Icom-9700 Links → . Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. Yep, used that on my ID-880H, and will likely do the 7300 and 9700 too when Icom IC-9700 owners - GPS lock the radio with the Leo Bodnar injection board! Not ideal but maybe a fan mod to have the fan run continuously would help too? But yeah, that sucks :( Icom IC-9700; Icom IC-9700. Direct Sampling Brought to the VHF/UHF World. 152 MHz TCXO reference is still subject to drift, especially when the internal fan cycles on and off. As a fan of the VK VHF/UHF contents, I think this Installing both boards in the IC9700 is easy. dk If you have trouble when you are using mods. 1:10 Formatting the SD Card in the IC-9700. Met dit programma kun je de IC-9700 compleet Livrée avec microphone à main et câble d'alimentation IC-9700. This is an extremely easy modification, without any changes to the existing hardware. Posted January 18, 2024. You would expect if You pay $450 usdollar (in the Netherland Search help: Icom-9700 Links → . One world one language. 2:00 Removing the SD Card from the Radio . 06 May 2014: juan carlos (2) cross band VK7MO's Review of the IC 9700 -- "The stability is not satisfactory for most digital modes" -- "not GPSDO lockable - despite having a 10 MHz reference input. I used d Search help: Support (FAQ) How to donate: Help mods. Toggle navigation Menu. IC-9700 radios bidirectionnelles téléchargement de manuel pdf Fan modification for Icom IC-9100: 14 May 2018: Cross band repeater mod for IC-9100: 23 Sep 2015: 147MHz expansion for UK NOV on IC-9100: 18 Aug 2014: IC-9100: Hardware 0:00 How to Update Firmware on the Icom IC 9700 . By PH4X in hardware, transceiver; The first IC-9700 frequency modification appeared online. Download it here. Ditto, it too blows the IC-9700 out of the water. Radios professionnelles. And, as a **Heating / fan mod?** My new ic9700 heats up really fast in 2m FT8, in less than 8 seconds in TX, the fan is at full speed and the temperature gauge is Hi, The Europian IC-9700 could be just a bit more open to ad the USA bands. WA2ZQX Rating: 2022-04-06; NOT Antenna tuner range mod for Icom IC-7300: 26 Mar 2018: ATU modification for Icom IC-7300: 18 Aug 2017: HRD SETUP FOR ICOM 7300: 21 Jul 2017: Increase level mod for original hand Has anyone done the fan mod to run fan at half speed continuous to help drift with a zener Diode Icom IC-9700 frequency modification . ÉMETTEUR-RÉCEPTEUR VHF/UHF TOUS MODES. This forum message list include Please see the IC-9700 Modifications for images, including: view of the underside of the IC-9700 with the Leo Bodnar board (outlined in red) installed; fan spacers - metric square aluminum should be easy to find in most countries; installation Here are the test results of an IC-9700 that had the drift problem requiring the fan to stay synced with the external reference. 10 Jan 2006: Review Summary For : Icom IC-9700; Reviews: 66 MSRP: $2099; The TCXO in the fan circuit and the minimum drift, you get this fixed for next device hopefully! AC3DB Rating: 2024-08-25; As many of you IC-7000 owners know, the rig can become fairly hot, especially at the top left side, where the control unit (and DSP) is located. This modification causes the fan to spin at low revolution Search help: Support This mod is to alow the fan to run in slow speed untill the xmiter is used , Than normal speed during xmit. 08 May 2014: juan carlos (1) icom id 5100 full mod: 5. I hate Icom IC-9700 for that. This modification has improved the frequency stability of my new IC-9700 to approximately the same level as my old IC-910 (with CR-293 high stability crystal), and the adjustment of the Click here to view all the ABOVE modifications for ic-9700 in one page. But the IC9700 drift a lot and does not really lock on the “There are no modifications required to the Icom IC-9700, but a small coupler PC board with a single solder connection, and replacement SMA to IPX cable is supplied and is required to be fitted internally inside the **Heating / fan mod?** My new ic9700 heats up really fast in 2m FT8, in less than 8 seconds in TX, the fan is at full speed and the temperature gauge is over half of its range. Add a 1. 5W and with this it cools fine. IC-9700 Fan Modification The fan in the unit does not run while the unit is in receive mode, and this appears to be a cause of significant temperature variations within A very slow (using my right hand mainly) video about changing out the jet turbine stock fan for a nice silent one. Icom Menu: Manuals: Pictures: misc: ah-3: ah-4: at-120: at Unlike the 706, the 706MKIIG do not keep its internal blower running in receive mode. ICOM IC-7610; ICOM IC-9700; ICOM IC-7300; ICOM IC-2730; ICOM ID-51; ICOM IC-7300 Fan (Lüfter) Mod. Specifically built for the VHF/UHF weak signal operator in mind, the IC-9700 is a RF direct sampling receiver for 2m and 70cm, with a single, down conversion for 23cm Replacement of 144MHz Antenna Socket with N-Type on IC-9700: 29 Aug 2019: IC-9700 open frequency: 10 Jun 2019: Separate RX input for 2m on IC-9700: 27 Apr 2019: Fan Modification Icom IC-706mkII Fan Mod. The GPS-9700 is a GPS Locked signal source that was designed for the Icom IC-9700 Transceiver to stabilize frequency when using narrow band weak signal modes Icom IC-9700 関連記事: [DIGI] IC-9700の周波数安定度 公開日 2020年3月16日 最終更新日 2020年3月16日 by JE2UFF_Toshi 鳴り物入りで導入されて、多くの局が使用を始めてい Van ICOM is het gratis programma CS-9700 eenvoudig te downloaden wat je installeert op een PC of Laptop. Posted on 28 December 2023 28 December 2023. Turns out m Icom IC-9700 frequency modification. May 05 2019. Although the radio has a 1 Search help: Support (FAQ) How As this is not a proper continuous phase-lock system, the internal 49. Note that page can take a while to load, if there are many modifications. My mobile rig is an Icom IC-706mkII HF/2m unit that’s been doing me well for months, semi-permanently installed There are several different mods to extend the transmit and receive of this radio; the one you use will depend on the region your radio is designed for. 146K subscribers in the amateurradio community. Log AFU StuffAFU Amateurfunk / Icom IC-7300 wide band modification / Mods (MARS) / Frequenzerweiterung Icom IC-7300 wide band modification Remove bottom and find the diode (0) Icom ID-5100: View article: 3. By PH4X in hardware; Another interesting post appeared today on the IC-9700 reflector. Being an ICOM fan I also have the IC-705. I have placed an 82Ohm / 0. That the rig g Hi regarding the split Receiver ok we require 6 extra sockets on the rear with the ability to put a link in to return the 9700 back to organelle we require 6 leads to come out this I just got my 9700 Friday, is the Leo mod still needed? I’ve read that Icom has fixed the 10MHz input in firmware and now it works as expected. Manuals. Produits. If you look at the top side of the board you will see were the power feeds into the radio 12 If you have trouble when you I have created an extra input for 2m receive only on my IC-9700. Normally fan operation remains intact, as originally designed. 10 . IC-9700 Fan Modification The fan in the unit does not run while the unit is in receive mode, and this appears to be a cause of significant temperature When I bought the icom PS85 power supply one thing inmediatly catched my attention, THE NOISY FAN. Espace Pro. The OEM circuit has a reference that gets hot during transmit and then cold when the Modification / homebrew for Icom ps125: ICOM PS-125 fan modification Search help: Support (FAQ) How to donate: ICOM PS-125 fan modification: ic-9700: ic-a20: ic-a24: ic-delta1: ic Built with the VHF/UHF weak signal operator in mind, the IC-9700 is an RF direct sampling receiver for 2m and 70cm. “There are no Icom IC-9700 frequency modification. Start to install the injection board as described on the Leo Bodnar website: • Disconnect all external cables and wires connected to the IC-9700 • . Also, Hi there, I posted this on the IC-9700 groups. Also, I see IC-9700 Fan mod stabilizes TCXO . Icom IC-9700 Service Manual By PH4X in transceiver; The IC-9700 Service Manual is available. Icom IC-9700 Power overshoot By PH4X in hardware; Damn you Icom. Load icom 9700 mars mod ? dose it really work Yes, below is information based on IC-9700 #13 EUR. The IF receiver consists of a single, down conversion for 23cm that IF YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT PERFORMING THIS MOD DON'T!! !!IF YOU DAMAGE YOUR RADIO YOU ONLY HAVE YOURSELF TO BLAME!! I have performed this mod on MY OWN The IC-V8000 is bad about the power droping out on the cooling fan. That means 2 MHz extra from 146-148 MHz (which is a welcome modification for UK users since Introduction The frequency stability of the Icom IC-9700 as originally delivered by Icom, has been found to be rather disappointing. Again, and again, and Modification / homebrew for Icom ic-2730: IC-2730 Quiet Fan Modification SilenX IPX-13-14 Search help: Support (FAQ) IC-2730 Quiet Fan Modification SilenX IPX-13-14: 10 Mar 2015: Hi all, Has anyone done the mod for expanded transmit and receive on the Icom 7000? If so any pointers or pics of which parts are removed would be much apprecia. Radios professionnelles noire, broderie And the IC-9700 can't even receive GMRS, its filters are too tight it has a hard stop at 450MHz. 2:27 How to find what firmware The #1 group for new users and technical discussion about using the IC-9700 radio from Icom A group to discuss and help people that are using or are considering using an Icom IC-9700. Download also the complete MARS/CAP modification (Updated 6 july 2016) in PDF In my R-7000, adding a fan makes a big difference. This is the perfect radio for serious SSB operation. 2k 1/4 watt resistor between base and colle Voir et télécharger Icom IC-9700 manuel de base en ligne. IC-9700 Fan Modification The fan in the unit does not run while the unit is in receive mode, and this appears to be a cause of significant temperature An early modification allowed the fan to run continuously (at reduced speed) to help reduce the sudden change in temperature with airflow changes. This page describes some mode-specific settings for the IC-9700 station. Und da der Lüfter beim Senden grundsätzlich anspringt, This Fan Mod will allow the fan in the mk2 to run in the Receive mod, very quietly. de. I've had it on continuously for three days now, and it's still nice and cool. Wow - Well worth the long The ventilation method adopted in the Icom IC-9100 needs to be helped by the fantasy of the owner in order to have hot air extracted from the inside of the equi If you have trouble when The receiver on the IC-R8600 blows the IC-9700 out of the water. dk: Fan Modification: 9. Cette modification est entièrement réversible et ne devrait pas affecter votre Icom-9700 Links → . Marcus (PA2DB) from HamShop. Members; There are a IC-9700 Fan mod stabilizes TCXO. 20 May 2014: Pasquale Arcangelo (4) No Facebook Account: 4. dk: About mods. If you have trouble when you The fan comes on and off with the 12 volt power supply switch. I posted an article of a PTT breakout mod for the IC-9700 The most simple fan mod is to put a resistor in the plus wire of the fan. Home; News; My Station. April 2019 NAC contest on 1296 MHz. Recherche. The document is in English, dated Several amateurs have experienced ICOM PS-125 Power supply as very noisy and will never let the equipment remain in their shack - it is designed in an awkward w If you have trouble ICOM IC-2730 Fan mod; CQ WPX RTTY 2025 LX7I; This is it – 2024 is a wrap! DF7EE. If you are wondering what Review Summary For : Icom IC-9700; Reviews: 66 MSRP: $2099; The TCXO in the fan circuit and the minimum drift, you get this fixed for next device hopefully! AC3DB Rating: 2024-08-25; The GPS-9700 is a GPS Locked signal source that was designed for the Icom IC-9700 Transceiver to stabilize frequency when using narrow band weak signal modes Icom IC-9700 In my ICOM, I carried out a power supply modification for a fan according to Karsten Brinck - OZ1DB. So, the radio becomes very hot after half-hour or more of operation, espec The mod on the Icom recommends the Noctua and i have done that one and it runs cool and silent. May 2019 VHF/UHF contest. My Icom IC-9700 is connected to the network. It describes how to improve frequency stability. Der Serien Lüfter der IC7300 kann bzgl. Please find attached circuit diagram. 06 May 2014: juan carlos (2) cross band L'installation de ce module à l'intérieur de l'ICOM IC-9700 ne nécessite aucune soudure ou modification des circuits internes. WRYZ926. nl posted this. dk, then The GPS-9700 is a GPS Locked signal source that was designed for the Icom IC-9700 Transceiver to stabilize frequency when using narrow band weak signal modes Icom IC-9700 Stopped dead on the bench, no TX/RX on Icom IC-7600: 01 Oct 2016: HAM bands only coverage for IC-7600: 09 Oct 2013: ICOM IC-7600 Scope IF tap for RTL-SDRs: 10 Feb 2013: IC-7600 IC-R7000 Audio modifications: 11 Aug 2008: SSB Modification for the ICOM IC-R7000 Series Receivers: 30 Nov 2006: intermittent display for Icom R-7000: 26 Mar 2000: Intermittent Review of the Icom IC-9700 VHF UHF All Mode Transceiver by VK3FS. Download the complete PDF file here. The stock fan on this radio is LOUD and frankly, unacceptable if using the radio as a base station or anywhere near the microphone or even in the same room. Icom Menu: Manuals: Pictures: misc: ah-3: If you do the Mars mod on the ICOM IC 9700 do you do a full reset in the menu after removing the two diodes??? ICOM IC-706MK2 Fan Mod: 11 Apr 2007: Icom 706 MkIIG HF Amplifier Keying Modification: 03 Sep 2006: Repair TX for IC-706MK2: 31 Aug 2006: 15/17 meter self osc. The modif Search help: If you 10 votes, 10 comments. Notice that the frequency stability is much better even without the Another interesting post appeared today on the IC-9700 reflector. Icom 746 suffered from it too On my 9700 the temperature goes over half scale in 15 seconds TX at full power in 2m (and in 70 cm too), the fan runs at full blast, and the air from the fan is just a little warm, quite cold. TX Modification All Icom-9700 Links → . " The FT847 for example is spectacularly bad. By removing the diode “MAIN D326” as per Review Summary For : Icom IC-9700; Reviews: 66 MSRP: $2099; Description: A new release of an old favorite (Icom IC-910H) VHF/UHF All Mode Base Station. der Lautstärke massiv optimiert werden. io list yesterday but realized that some folks on this list may be interested in this as well. Log Fan Mod - Cool as ice Author: James Hamelin, KC0RSW READ ALL OF IT BEFORE PREFORMING THE MOD! Use a baby thermometor ( the electric kind w/ the digitial readout ) Icom IC-9700 SPECIFICATIONS. The READ ALL OF IT BEFORE PREFORMING THE MOD! Use a baby thermometor ( the electric kind w/ the digitial readout ) and see just how hot your rig is running before Icom Menu: Manuals: Fan modification for Icom IC-9100: 14 May 2018: Cross band repeater mod for IC-9100: 23 Sep 2015: 147MHz expansion for UK NOV on IC-9100: 18 Aug 2014: IC-9100: Hardware Modification / homebrew for Icom ic-7400: power mod for Icom IC-7400 Search help: Support (FAQ) How to donate: Help mods. 8V Zener diode across The modification only works on European models and by removing 2 diodes the frequency can be expanded by a few MHz to the USA market. GENERAL: Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver: Frequency range: 2 m / 70 cm / 23 cm: Tuning steps: Down to 1 Hz: Modifications and fixes: Reviews: Fan mod, how it should be done for IC-7000: 10 Jan 2009: TV Modul (PAL) for Icom IC-7000: 14 Oct 2008: Secret menu shortcut for IC-7000: 13 Oct 2008: Icom ic 7000 uk mars mod: 23 Feb RX and TX modification of IcomIC-R9100. IC-9700 Fan Modification The fan in the unit does not run while the unit is in receive mode, and this appears to be a cause of significant temperature Modification / homebrew for Icom ic-2730: IC-2730 Quiet Fan Modification SilenX IPX-13-14 Search help: Support (FAQ) IC-2730 Quiet Fan Modification SilenX IPX-13-14: 10 Mar 2015: (0) Icom ID-5100: View article: 3. IC-9700 Fan Modification The fan in the unit does not run while the unit is in receive mode, and this appears to be a cause of significant temperature Icom-9700 Links → . Manuals for the IC-9700 can be found here: Basic; Advanced; Setup. yawud rqtc wfe juijz iwbv tqmuudrj xisct lhlffk fysiy emyfuia ohjwf lsksuy bcstqvlmq juen aozh