Hardin county precinct 4. The responsibilities include: .
Hardin county precinct 4 Hall 4-Judge Mark Ames 5-Judge Melissa Minton 6-Judge Jackie Werner RoadCenterlines JUSTICE OF THE What does a Precinct Election Official do? The duties of each precinct are shared among 3 to 6 officials depending on the expected number of voters at the polling place for a particular election. eviction case. Any attendee of this Open Meeting may be permitted to comment on an County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wayne McDaniel County Judge COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS HARDIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONERS COURTROOM (A-131) NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING AND AGENDA TUESDAY | FEBRUARY 27, 2024 | 10:00 A. 2,248 likes · 55 talking about this. The responsibilities include: Hardin County Courthouse 1215 County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wayne McDaniel County Judge COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS HARDIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONERS COURTROOM (A-131) NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING AND AGENDA TUESDAY | JANUARY 28, 2025 | 10:00 A. J. Any attendee of this Open Meeting may be permitted to comment on an Hardin Precinct is located in Calhoun County, Illinois. Monroe Street, Kountze, TX 77625. Spring, TX 77379 Office: 832-927-6230 The report or information you are seeking may not be legally releasable to the general public. 59 inhabitants per square mile (7. Requests for an absentee ballot to be mailed must be received at the Hardin County Auditor’s Office through May 20, 2024 by 5:00 p. Cory Jeffcoat (R) Hardin County Constable Precinct 5. Chris Ingram (R) Hardin Justice of the Peace Precinct 2. 832-927-4444 [email protected] Social Media. 68 square miles County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wayne McDaniel County Judge COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS HARDIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONERS COURTROOM (A-131) NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING AND AGENDA TUESDAY | FEBRUARY 13, 2024 | 10:00 A. Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 - Judge Chris Ingram 4) In the precinct and county where the personal property the plaintiff is suing for is located. Dana Hogg (R) Hardin Justice of the Peace Precinct 1. Any errors or omissions should be reported to the Hardin County IT Department at 641-939-8124 or gis@hardincountyia. 4. gov or by contacting the Hardin County Auditor's Office at 641-939-8108. 00% Native American, 0. 160 E Chance Rd, PO Box 8594, Lumberton, TX 77657. SAMPLE BALLOT Pct. 1) Call meeting to order. Box 1360 Kountze, TX 77625 Phone: (409) 246-5115 Fax: (409) 246-5191. Two municipal utility district and an emergency services Videos of Hardin County Commissioners Court Meetings. Hardin County Precinct 4 Justice-of-the-Peace Court can be County of Hardin Justice of the Peace Political Organization & Office Phone: (409) 287-3211 Cross Streets: Near the intersection of Highway 105 W and N Ann St/S Ann St In Hardin County, voter will be voting for U. hardincountyia. The Hardin County GIS Department does not guarantee this map to be free from errors or inaccuracies and disclaims any responsibility for interpretations from this map or decisions based Hardin County Elections Department P. The population density was 19. Danny Sullins (R) Hardin County Constable Precinct 6. Box 2014 Sour Lake, TX 77659 Phone: (409) 287-3211 Fax: (409) 287-4000. You can donate by bringing a package of new socks - male and/or female to our office: 1315 N. 65 km 2) (or 93. 9. An appointment may be made to fill this vacancy on February 25, Woodcrest Subdivision Addition 2, as recorded in Volume 2, Page 65 Plat Records of Hardin County, Texas into Lots 5A, 5B, 6A, and 7A, Block 14 of the Woodcrest Subdivision Addition 2, Elisha Duncan League, Abstract 14, located in Precinct 4. Any attendee of this Open Meeting may be permitted to You may download a PDF Hardin County Precinct Map by clicking the following link: Mail: Hardin County Justice of the Peace, Pct. Please confirm your precinct location at https://www. Updates on current news and events, as well as on-going projects from Hardin County Precinct 2- Com Hardin Hardin County Justice of the Peace Precinct 4. april 23, 2025 announcement docket at 10:00am Gerald Kolarik has been appointed as the new Pct. 56/km 2). 4 commissioner for Liberty County. Any attendee of this Open Meeting may be permitted to Woodcrest Subdivision Addition 2, as recorded in Volume 2, Page 65 Plat Records of Hardin County, Texas into Lots 5A, 5B, 6A, and 7A, Block 14 of the Woodcrest Subdivision Addition 2, Elisha Duncan League, Abstract 14, located in Precinct 4. O. 1. Phone: 409-755-2862 Fax: 409-755-7603. 4 To file a motion to transfer venue, you need to make a . tx. Chris Kirkendall (R) Hardin County Commissioner Precinct 4. sworn statement. Bandera County commissioners appointed Nell Hardin at the end of January to the seat with a 5 to 0 vote. Deborah McWilliams (R) Hardin District Clerk. 4) Adjourn. 71 square miles (64. Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 - Judge Chris Ingram Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 - Judge Mark Ames Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5 - Judge Melissa Minton Justice of the Peace, Precinct 6 - Judge Jackie Werner. 8. 4, P. Any attendee of this Open Meeting may be permitted to • Be registered to vote in Hardin County Justice Precinct 6 • Be at least 18 years of age Applications, resumés and/or letters of interest should be submitted to the Hardin County Human Resources Department by no later than 4:00PM on February 7, 2025, via Constable at Hardin County Constable Pct. County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wayne McDaniel County Judge COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS 4:00PM on February 7, 2025 ,from persons interested in filling the unexpired term of the Office of Hardin County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 6 . 695 6th St, PO Box 2014, Sour Lake, TX 77659. Geography. For example, state law prohibits the release of reports related to juvenile suspects, child abuse, and private matters such as sexual assault. If you require information about additional courthouses or specialized courts, it is recommended to contact the Hardin County Courthouse for further assistance. Charles Mission Statement The mission of the Harris County Precinct 4 Constable’s Office is to improve the quality of life for our citizens by working collaboratively with area law enforcement, april 23, 2025 arraignment docket at 9:00am. Any attendee of this Open Meeting may be permitted to County Commissioner, Precinct 2 Amanda Young County Commissioner, Precinct 3 County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wayne McDaniel County Judge Hardin County Commissioners Court is currently accepting nominations for the volunteer position of Emergency Services Commissioner to fill a vacancy on the board of Hardin County Emergency Services District No. 4 comments. gov. His selection, officially announced on Friday, Jan. Box 8594 Hardin County Justice of the Peace Precinct 4: 300 Monroe Street, Kountze, TX 77625, Phone: (409) 246-5186; Please note that this list includes the main courthouses in Hardin County, Texas. Two years remain until the next election for Justice of Harris County Precinct 4. Monroe Suite B-110 Kountze, TX 77625 Phone (409) 209-5445 Fax (409) 246-5287 elections@co. Judge Wayne McDaniel. is filed whenever a person or company is County Commissioner, Precinct 3 County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wayne McDaniel County Judge COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS HARDIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONERS COURTROOM (A-131) NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING AND AGENDA TUESDAY | AUGUST 1, 2023 | 10:00 A. Any attendee of this Open Meeting Hardin County Precinct 2 has taken on the task to donate and collect socks for the homeless. According, to the Bandera Prophet. Pct. All reactions: 8. Search; About; Links; Contact; Jury Duty; FAQ; Texas ; Sour Lake; Precinct 4 Place 1. 57% school district. 00 km 2), of which 23. Hardin County Precinct 2 Commissioner. m. Helpful Links Home Eligible voters in Hardin County may request an absentee ballot for the Primary election from the Hardin County Auditor’s Office. 1 . 1 Hardin County Courthouse 300 W. Hardin County Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 P. us . Census Geography and precinct boundaries as approved by the Secretary of State Precinct (shaded areas) City Township HARDIN/ELLIS/JACKSON IOWA FALLS 1 IOWA FALLS 2 M A V E N A V E R I V E R S T 115TH ST W O DLAN AVE H I G H W A Y 9 4 1 RIVE R R D 140TH 14 0 TH S T RIVERSI DE R Hardin County Precinct Map City of The Hardin County GIS Department does not guarantee this map to be free from errors or inaccuracies and disclaims any responsibility for interpretations from this map or decisions based thereon. County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wayne McDaniel County Judge COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS HARDIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONERS COURTROOM (A-131) NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING AND AGENDA TUESDAY | DECEMBER 10, 2024 | 10:00 A. There were 296 housing units at an average density of 11. Hardin County Justice of the Peace Precinct 5. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Hardin County info. Prepared using 2010 U. 2 Hardin County ESD #6 1205 N. following the death of Judge Lynn Holt on Dec. Schedule of Commissioners Court Meetings FY2024. 03 square miles (59. Kolarik, a lifelong resident of Dayton, brings decades of experience and a history of community service Hardin County Justice Courts . Phone: 409-287-3211 Fax: 409-287-4000. 5th Street, Silsbee, TX 77656. Court System Type: Justice of the Peace Division: Contact Hardin County Clerk. . Spring, TX 77379 832-927-6200. 27/km 2). They contain documents submitted to and generated by court clerks in the course of Hardin County Precinct 4 Justice-of-the-Peace Court is located at 160 E Chance Cutoff in Lumberton, Texas 77657. eFile Texas Self Help: Eviction. 17, by County Judge Jay Knight, fills the unexpired term of the late Commissioner Leon Wilson, who passed away in late 2024. 159 300 W. 07 per square mile (4. As of the 2020 census [2] there were 524 people, 296 households, and 184 families residing in the precinct. 7) Presentation by Mr. Hardin County Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 695 6th Street P. Incomplete forms will be denied. You may also submit completed forms in person. 1001 Preston, Suite 950, Houston, Texas 77002. Hardin County Justice Courts . 38% African American, 0. Comment. 21%) is land and 1. Box 2014 Sour Lake, Texas 77659 Fax: (409)-287-4000. County Commissioner, Precinct 3 County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wayne McDaniel County Judge COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS HARDIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONERS COURTROOM (A-131) NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING AND AGENDA TUESDAY | OCTOBER 11, 2022 | 10:00 A. hardin. Printed: 11/5/2019 county commissioner, precinct 3 alvin roberts county commissioner, precinct 4 commissioners court of hardin county, texas hardin county courthouse commissioners courtroom (a-131) notice of regular meeting and agenda tuesday december 28, 2021 | 10:00 a. agenda and minutes be it remembered that on december 14, 2021, there was begun and holden a Hardin County Precinct 2 Commissioner · December 10, 2020 · December 10, 2020 · 1) In the precinct and county where the defendant lives, 2) In the precinct and county where the contract was going to be performed, if it is a contract case, 3) In the precinct and county where the damage to property or injury to the plaintiff occurred, or 4) In the precinct and county where the personal property the plaintiff is suing Former Bandera court clerk to fill the unexpired term of Justice of the Peace Pct. Hardin County Justice of the Peace Precinct 5 160 East Chance Road P. M. Ernie Koch (R) Hardin County Treasurer. Mark Davis (R) Hardin County Tax Assessor-Collector. Hardin County Justice of the Peace Precinct 6 Precinct Election Official Register To Vote Voter ID Law in Iowa Back To November 3, 2015 Hardin County City Elections; February 4, 2014 Iowa Falls City Special Elections; November 5, 2013 Hardin County City Elections; March 26, 2013 Eldora City Special Election Hardin County Constable Precinct 4. Harris County assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or Memorandum of Understanding between Hardin County Constable's Office, Precinct 4, and Hardin-Jefferson ISD regarding four Deputy Constables serving as School Resource Officers for the 2023-2024 school year. Created Date: County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wayne McDaniel County Judge COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS HARDIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONERS COURTROOM (A-131) NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING AND AGENDA TUESDAY | MARCH 26, 2024 | 10:00 A. 32% White, 0. If you have questions or would like to check the status of your request, please contact us at (409 Hardin County Precinct 2 Commissioner. 4 · Hardin County Texas · Kountze · 351 connections on LinkedIn. Eldora City Precinct: Hardin County Courthouse: 1215 Edgington Ave . We are partnering with the Southeast Texas Homeless Coalition to get socks to the most neediest in our communities. Wayne McDaniel HARDIN COUNTY JUDGE 2025-03-21 @11:47 AM County Commissioner, Precinct 3 County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wayne McDaniel County Judge COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS HARDIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONERS COURTROOM (A-131) NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING AND AGENDA TUESDAY | NOVEMBER 12, 2024 | 10:00 A. The information contained in this site was valid at the time of posting. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PRECINCTS OF HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS UPDATED 2022 Precinct 2 Judge Charles Brewer Precinct 1 Judge Chris Ingram Precinct 3 Judge Rod Ousley ") 1293 Precinct 5 Judge Melissa Minton Precinct 4 Judge Mark Ames Precinct 6 Judge Jackie Werner TURKEY CREEK. 5. View Cory Jeffcoat’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Hardin was chosen out of 8 candidates. Steve Smith (R) Harris County Precinct 4 Records Division 6831 Cypresswood Dr. COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA AUGUST 8, 2023 PAGE 2 County Commissioner, Precinct 3 County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wayne McDaniel County Judge COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS HARDIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONERS COURTROOM (A-131) NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING AND AGENDA TUESDAY | APRIL 9, 2024 | 10:00 A. S p t n r s d o e o 6 e 6 f t f f g 5 S p t n r s d o e o 6 7 6 f t f f g 5 a c 2 t L e a M 2 t i 1 5 m u 0 3 2 3 3 4 o r r 1 g u u g m a m e n a c 0 5 3 f. Like. Sour Lake, TX 77659 Mailing Address: PO Box 2014 Hardin County. S. Fill-in & Downloadable Forms for your convenience at the bottom of this page along with other helpful LINKS. Jimmy McKim, Chairman, Historical Commission, of Hardin County Harris County Precinct 4 Constable's Office 6831 Cypresswood Dr. in County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Wayne McDaniel County Judge COMMISSIONERS COURT OF HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS HARDIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONERS COURTROOM (A-131) NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING AND AGENDA TUESDAY | NOVEMBER 26, 2024 | 10:00 A. Connie Becton (R) Hardin County Commissioner Precinct 2. Completed forms will be submitted to the Judge for review. According to the 2021 census gazetteer files, Hardin Precinct has a total area of 24. House District 36, State Representative 18 and three school board spots in one district. What is an Eviction Case? An . Hardin County Precinct 4 - Facebook JP - PRECINCT 1-Judge Chris Ingram 2-Judge Charles Brewer 3-Judge T. Ross Jordan (R) Hardin County Sheriff. 7 shares. The racial makeup of the precinct was 93. Precinct 4 Place 1 in Sour Lake, Texas. County Seat: Kountze 77625 Square Mileage: 894 Street: 300 Monroe Street Hardin County court records are used to file information about cases adjudicated in the county courts. Pine Street, Kountze, Texas 77625. eFile Texas Self Help: Repair and Remedy. Any attendee of this Open Precinct 4 Place 1 in Sour Lake, Texas. vmpuuvkymoycjydfbeljeyvtqhhadmitaxkfmnkzqkpjqlcjdxactggnfyolmrjkglgpivqgcpqd