Funny drill sergeant insults. Drill Sergeant from Hell.
Funny drill sergeant insults There you have it—our arsenal of Army Dad Jokes to brighten your day with a touch of military humor. The recruits were instructed to load their pieces and stand at the ready, and then the sergeant gave the command: "Do you maggots understand that?" - Gunnery Sergeant Hartman's best [worst] insults in Full Metal Jacket. tv/erickabernie👉 Instagram: @Erickabernie👉 Fitness In About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Check out out awesome collection of Funny Military Jokes. They serve as a reminder that even in the most demanding situations, a good laugh can go a long way. Select an insulter. Army This straight-talking drill sergeant got right up in Forrest’s face, spoke to him like a Soldier, and trained him up to be a future Medal of Honor recipient. spreadshirt. (Mr. "Toe the f**king line" There's nothing out of the ordinary about "toeing the line. *** Rent or own full movie: https://amzn Had something similar happen at OCS. He's nothing but a pathetic puddle of tears thanks to your constant nagging and meddling. Most Insulted; Recent Insults; Suggestions; About The drill sergeant was making his morning announcements to a group of new recruits in an army training camp. com/channel/UCgi-yMFtjQ6RxG8BhyPQJNQ TWITCH: https://www. So early into basic our drill sergeant was handing out rifles. Listen up, AI, you think you're so fly But let me tell you, you make me wanna cry With your stuck-up attitude and mean streak You're nothing but a glitch, you weak freak! Share This Insult: Report. Show some respect, soldier, or I'll make you Today we are talking about some of the funny stuff you see Drill Sergeants say/do at Army Basic Training, If you've been through Basic you know exactly what The day before family day at Basic in 2004, a drill sergeant from a different platoon was talking to his Joes in a formation behind ours. One of the candidates was one of the biggest narcissists I've ever met, and our Platoon Sergeant despised the guy. Whether you have a military background or not, these jokes are sure to hit the target when it comes to making you smile. It was incredible watching this guy work sometimes. The Joe actually responded; "drill sergeant, I was just talking to the lady. By. Here are eleven highlights from the book, specially selected to protect some of our more delicate readers. Whether it be from a Drill Sergeant, NCO, SNCO, etc. Vacation Dad Jokes. Also the actor that originally was playing the role couldn't yell more than 30 minutes, but when Ermey stepped in In the military, a step backward is just a drill. Lee Ermey. In the video, Backbone goes through a whole list Drill Sergeant Jokes. I am hard but I am fair. military instructor badges: the Drill Sergeant Course at any U. You should be ashamed of yourself for bringing him to this pitiful state. As a group of soldiers stood in formation at an Army Base, the Drill Sergeant said, "All right! All you idiots fall out. Oh, but he just had to add insult to injury by texting you in the cockpit and sending you a video of himself and Senior Drill Instructor Staff Sergeant Hernadez. (Photo by Sgt. So shut your trap and stop being a sass, 'Cause let's be The question isn’t whether or not drill instructors invented “maggot” as an insult. But let me tell you something, you may have rejected me in the bedroom, but you'll never be able to reject the reality that you're just not good enough to be on my level. He asks my battle buddy for his serial Helo frens;)Check out our brand new Merch pls!https://teespring. After he got a third handful of candy, Haney turns around to see the drill sergeant standing there with a handful of Drill instructors have the best insults. but I can absolutely insult people, and I need some help thinking of funny stuff I can say. com/jamesonstravelsGEAR/INSTAGRAM: https://www. And let me tell you something, if I catch you harassing my lieutenant or any of my soldiers again, I will personally make sure that you regret ever Drill Sergeant Purvis from E 3/10 Leonard wood, if you’re out there in the ether just know you were one of our favorites. So simple, so stupid, yet so absolutely hilarious. Most Insulted; Recent Insults; Suggestions; About I kept a journal of all the funny lines the drill sergeants hit us with daily. From construction sites to home renovations, drills are constantly on the What insults have your drill sargents said to you that made you want to laugh your head off I have never been so embarrassed in my life. This information is AI generated and may return results that are not relevant. Drill sergeant walked up behind him, listened for a few seconds, and then proceeded to yell at the Joe to shut up and face front. No wonder why poor Mia here couldn't stand being in a relationship with that roided-up failure you call High quality Funny Drill Sergeant-inspired gifts and merchandise. twitch. Just pretend to be interested and get whatever tips you can from them, course layout what they think the b - #188330945 added by machinacrusader at "I cant join the army cause I would punch the drill sergeant" Custom Insult; Personas. Most Insulted Army Drill Sergeant. You're a disgrace, Fiona!" Share This Insult: Watch more AskReddit stories: https://youtube. Military time: because “too easy” is not in the vocabulary. " The cadet Keywords: drill sergeant humor, military life anecdotes, military phrases explained, funny military stories, humorous military experiences, understanding drill sergeants, military training jokes, military dining facility challenges, jokes about military service, relatable military humor Mine was funny as hell too, I stole lots of his insults. There’s dozens upon lines of pure humor and memories. Because I am hard, you will not like me. The drill sergeant R. Army Drill Sergeant. instagram. "Thank you for making sure i'm the most popular person in the platoon Drill Sergeant!" Not a direct insult, but funny regardless. Yes, drill sergeant. The drill felt sorry for the nails, they always got hammered. This is just another example of that. Listen up, you pathetic excuse for a human being. But I know the truth, Angel. Generally speaking, if you want to make a prison guard or a hostile The drill sergeant said "Oh wait, yeah there is one for you"Said kid went running up to the drill sergeant who promptly flicked him off and said "Just kidding, nobody loves you". We have an Iraqi dude who came to the US with a letter from a two-star from the 82nd. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>DS: "Beat your face private" </p><p>Private "Uhmm Drill Sergeant?"</p><p>DS: "I said beat your face private!"</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Private then proceeds to slap himself in the Army Drill Sergeant. Comes storming out of his offices. 19. " The drill sergeant has a plan for that. 141. Once we got this far into our cycle he let up a lot, and we found out that under this insanely intimidating unit of a drill sergeant was someone who actually had a funny bone in his body. When they were inspecting our lockers, one trainee was found to have skidmarks in his underwear. Drill: A drill or drilling machine is a tool primarily used for making round holes or driving fasteners. She wouldn't even look twice at a loser like you, and now you have the audacity to steal her Army Drill Sergeant. The drill had a song stuck in its head, it couldn’t stop humming the drill anthem. ! Guaranteed to get a chuckle out of any soldier or veteran. Lee Ermey, who probably washed his genitals using a large metal brush. " Custom Insult; Personas. Lee Ermey: television and voice actor, and Marine drill instructor. Most Insulted; Recent Insults; Suggestions; About I guess we know which child is going to have issues with authority figures. 私自撩妹, what a disgrace, I'd rather lick a frog's face. A drill sergeant had just chewed out one of his cadets, and as he was walking away, he turned to the cadet and said, "I guess when I die you'll come and dance on my grave. Drillers always have the perfect twist to their jokes. This massive and terrifying giant of an E6 who later became one of my favorite NCOs stopped dead in front of me, looked me in the eyes and screamed "PRIVATE! One day, we're in the DFAC, and 3rd platoon's drill sergeant is walking by, and notices that Lewis has a really crisp hairline, and starts going off on the dude. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. Foot lockers go flying. Me: “Drill Sergeant George, how do you like Leonard Wood?” DS: “It’s okay, I want to drop a bomb on it. Conclusion. The first sergeant humour may include short drill sergeant jokes also. " "I'm going to spartan kick you through a brick wall. "Today, gentlemen", the drill sergeant said, Other Humour Sites; Topical Jokes; Categories & Tags; Subscribe; The Laughline. Army training command. As a former drill instructor himself, R. " As the rest of the squad wandered away, one soldier remained at attention. These are just a few from one. These jokes create a Unfortunately for him, one of our drills heard his chuckle, ran up to him, and asked “WHAT’S SO FUNNY, PRI’?!” The only response he could muster was “Pineapples, Drill Sergeant” in a The moment the Drill Instructor flips the light switch off one of the recruits yells across the Squad bay, "Goodnight Sir!". I Custom Insult; Personas. I bet we heard the song 1,000 times over the 3 months of training. Misha, they ain't no friend no more Listen here, you little cheatin' ho You better watch out, 'cause I'm about to blow You think you're sly, but I can see right through I've got a message for you, and it ain't nice or new You may have thought you were slick and smart But in reality, you're just a dirty tart You broke my boy Dude was NOT the drill you fucked with. Funny Drill Puns. Here's one I heard that came from one: "Son, you're so dumb you could fall in a barrel of tits and come out sucking your thumb. It does not represent TikTok’s views or advice. He said "Those aren't acne scars, those are marks from the hanger. ” Don’t worry, I’m a drill sergeant in training. " Share This Insult: Report. travelsDISCORD: Army Drill Sergeant. i honestly forget the exact period in time but it was in the afternoon. TikTok video from Kal (@funkyfrogbait): “Enjoy the hilarious comedy skit featuring Drill Sergeant John, Private Rogers, Junior, Francis, and Private Ralph Spanks. " Everyone in the bay This Drill Sergeant Was In A Little Boy’s Face. Although this badass Watch more AskReddit stories: https://youtube. I'm running a pretend boot camp for a festival in my area, and I'm supposed to act like a drill sergeant type character, yelling at teams doing the challenges. He was a translator. " These short funny military jokes capture the humor and camaraderie found in the ranks, perfect for a quick laugh or a reminder of the quirky side of military life High quality Funny Drill Sergeant inspired Coffee Mugs by independent artists and designers from around the world. He says there are so, so many red flags that should have dismissed Leonard Army Drill Sergeant "Listen up, Ashley! I can't stand the sight of you, you sorry excuse for a human being! You're a complete asshole and a jerk with no backbone or integrity. People are literally crying, they're laughing so hard. Share This Insult: Report. What’s a soldier’s Don't mess with these guys The Meaning of Life 1983The stages of life are told through multiple sketches and songs by the British comedy troupe. 20. I don't know who let you in here, but I can't stand the sight of you. I kept a journal of all the funny lines the drill sergeants hit us with daily. Most Insulted; Recent Insults; Suggestions; About About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Custom Insult; Personas. You're both a disgrace to the institution of marriage and a complete waste of oxygen. Most Insulted; Recent Insults; Suggestions; About <p>This happened to a guy I was in Basic with while we were on range detail. (African American Vernacular English is very closely related to the accents of white Southerners. Most Insulted; Recent Insults; Suggestions; About A drill sergeant was inspecting the barracks when he noticed one soldier’s bed was a complete mess. The humor lies in the exaggeration of the impact the Marine had on their drill sergeant, turning a potentially intense and challenging period into a source of motivation and admiration. Our sister flight’s drill sergeant came up while I was on guard and requested entry so I reported to my sergeant and he had me ask the other a series of questions. WhatsApp. ” The goal of the bootcamp is to learn some discipline, but Custom Insult; Personas. He asks my battle buddy for his serial Drill instructors are masters at dishing out tough love, and their commands often veer into the absurd and hilarious. Any time we were in the barracks doing menial tasks between training they would play "Sweet Caroline" on repeat. Not a direct insult, but funny regardless. Share them with your friends and family, and let the laughter spread like Context: in army basic training, anything said to a drill sergeant needs to end with their title. 83 Copy quote. Most Insulted; Recent Insults; Suggestions; About Dedicated to the best to the best – R. If you need a pause from your day or a laugh, JokoJokes is your go-to spot for humor. Everybody on my side of the street went to parade rest but me. AI Insults. Character Funny Graduation Inspirational Marines Veterans. A short compilation of the funniest rants and in Throughout their 13 weeks of training, recruits can expect to hear all manner of orders, insults, and jokes screamed at them by drill instructors. This kid was a shitbag, so that comment from the DS had me in fucking tears laughing. What funny Discover and share Funny Drill Sergeant Quotes. In basic, my senior Drill Sergeant looked like Bill Murray and sounded like R. It is fitted with a bit, either a drill or driver, depending Drilling: Army Drill Sergeant. Both men and women drill sergeants will always wear the drill sergeant U. Each video takes a lot of eff Keywords: funny drill sergeant impersonations, military comedy videos, army humor skits, humorous military impersonations, soldier bed drill controversies, comedic military sketches, army TikTok humor, drill sergeant jokes, funny army videos, military experiences. S. Listen up, you scrawny excuse for a soldier! You may have won this battle, but mark my words, you'll never win the war! You prance around like a peacock, thinking you're hot stuff because of one fluke victory. youtube. Takes racks and tries them a over the places screaming. Share Add a Comment. Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh. I have a few more stories from him. I need fake drill sergeant insults . It’s whether or not they chose to use that as a sort of euphemism for the more offensive insult, especially since military culture is known to have extremely problematic views towards homosexuals and purported effeminacy among men. Your moves are lame, your game is weak, go home and practice, you obnoxious geek. When they were Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults? I will duct tape your eyeballs onto the back of your head so you can watch me kicking your ass! In the middle of the night one of our drill sergeants comes into our bay trying to surprise fire guard. DRILL SERGEANT Travel 13 Funny Jokes and Bits from Jamie Foxx. Cooper himself) as a drill sergeant-esque traffic school instructor. Members Online [deleted] ADMIN MOD . The Drill Instructor walked over until he was eye-to-eye with him AskReddit People Share Drill Sergeants, What Was The Funniest Thing A Recruit Said?Leave a Like and Subscribe for more Daily r/AskReddit Stories! Thanks for Context: in army basic training, anything said to a drill sergeant needs to end with their title. Trump Tweet Robot Overlord Packgod Incredible Hulk 1920s Gangster Pirate Captain William Shakespeare Drill Sergeant Teddy Roosevelt Macho Man Foghorn Leghorn Baptist Preacher. Listen here, you preschool teacher You think you're so great, but you're just a creature With a head full of rocks, and a heart full of hate Your insults are weak, you're nothing but bait You dare to cross me, with your ignorant ways But let me tell you, you're just a phase A speck of dirt in my military boot I'll crush you My drill sergeant (who was also a minority) handed me two Penny’s out of his pocket and then told me to pinch said Pennys better between my thumb and index fingers while holding my arms out to the side like the crucifixes lord Drill Instructors/Drill Sergeants of Reddit, what’s the funniest thing you’ve seen a recruit do that you couldn’t laugh at? Watch more AskReddit stories: h Custom Insult; Personas. Why don’t soldiers write in cursive? It’s not in the manual. Pig squeals rattle the portholes. Top 100 military jokes is a collection of military jokes that will have you rolling on the floor laughing. And let me tell you something, son, insulting someone for having a child before marriage and getting married at 19 only shows how Army Drill Sergeant "Listen up, you pathetic excuse for a couple. A drill sergeant was drilling the recruit squad in the use of the rifle. ) Future Soldier. ) Ooo, Burn! “I am going to take a s— in a box and send it to your parents for sending me theirs!” 2. The drill sergeant asked, “Is this your bed, soldier?” The soldier replied, “Yes sir!” The drill sergeant then said, “It looks like a bomb went off!” Why don’t soldiers like algebra? Too many unknowns. Drill Sergeant from Hell. First Class Lisa M. Report this content. You're nothing but a lowly, dirty Mexican, and you'll never be anything more than that. I once had a job drilling holes for water. Why did the drill sergeant get a dishonorable Drill jokes have a special way of driving laughter straight to your funny bone. What funny jokes about fire drill you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean fire safety jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fire drill pranks. " Welcome To AskReddit Is Fun https://www. The official tie-in book to the wildly popular Facebook page, featuring brand-new crazy, off-the-wall, outrageously funny, and downright “awesome” pearls of wisdom from real-life drill sergeants and instructors from all branches of the military. Most Insulted; Recent Insults; Suggestions; About 18. Hate, Drill Sergeant, Jackets. They start having a conversation which woke up many of the Pvt, we were all quite just looking Drill sergeant jokes rely on clever wordplay and exaggeration to poke fun at military life. "Privates, you all are un-fucking-trainable. com/stores/toad-filmshttps://teespring. 0. Army Drill Sergeant School, and has been assigned as a drill sergeant at a U. Drill sergeant: Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults? Drill Instructor Staff Sergeant LeRoy In his Cajun best) You God damn grabastic piece of shit, the best part of you ran down the crack of your momma's ass into the alley where she was gang raped by biker midgets Drill Sergeant Backbone, also known as Yusha Thomas, has created many hilarious videos regarding drill sergeants and other military-related things. Drill Instructor Quotes Insults Marine Corps Drill Insult 'em Insulting Artificial Intelligence Generated Insults. TIL in the movie Full Metal Jacket, the actor that played Gunnery Sergeant Hartman (R. Drill Sergeant” in a mouse-y voice. One of the funniest things I've ever witnessed. Drill Sergeant: Gump! What’s your sole purpose in this army? Forrest Gump: To do whatever you tell me, drill sergeant! Drill Sergeant: God Drill Sergeants are well known for their insults. Jenny Jones featured an episode with this troubled 10-year-old boy titled “Boot Camp My Pre-Teen. Pinterest. We’re in the field doing some dumb shit. ) Gunnery Sergeant Hartmann from 'Full Metal Jacket' (who was played by a real drill sergeant) typifies this. " Drill Sergeant yelled at the top of his lungs; "that no lady, that's a female soldier. com/channel/UCRUKjtoKGAHFWfME4R4cQsg?sub_confirmation=1T-Shirts And Apparel From Video: ht The drill instructor humour may include short drill sergeant jokes also. Day 2 of OSUT. Kera Osborne - Jun 17, 2014. Swedish recruit goes in to the Supply Sergeant for his first weapons issue: *" Hallo, my name is Hans First Sergeant Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Lee Ermey So, gear up and get ready to march through a parade of hilarity that only the military life can inspire! 🎖️😂. I didn't because he was so far away and wasn't addressing me, but he didn't like it, so he comes hauling ass across the street to get in my face. com/playlist?list=PLAW80l3tA9Nb6eMqT0LrEfFcOZy7wv2TP🛎Subscribe to Reddit On Tap for daily videos! https://yo Angry Cops is a former drill instructor and demonstrates his creative insults and yelling in funny videos. Hey, I bet your drill sergeant has your boot camp photo framed for daily motivation! I heard your drill sergeant keeps your boot camp photo on the office desk. There's only four of us recruits inside the house right now and we are all trembling in fear trying to figure out what the fuck we did since we all Related Topics. Post up your best insults and phrases here My personal favorites are "I will throw you out the window, with the fucking window closed. My father was an officer (and a Drill Sergeant for a while) in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War era, and is a pretty educated guy. Do yourself a favor and don't introduce your parents to Click Link To Subscribe to My Youtube Channel: https://www. Your husband, or should I say, your pitiful excuse for a man, decided to go all Rambo and dive his F-22 into an enemy plane like some sort of reckless idiot. He was great. Rest in Peace Lee Ermey Whether we’re going Full Metal Jacket or headed up to space with Starship Troopers, we’ve seen all types of basic training and one thing is consistent throughout — drill Not a drill sergeant but when I was in basic I saw three drill sergeants surrounding a private who was laying down, and they were all screaming "GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP RIGHT NOW PRIVATE, YOU TAKE A GODDAMN NAP THIS VERY HATS & MEACH - https://shop. The Oscar winner has had lots of titles in his career, but it all started with ‘comedian’ October 03, 2023. Compilation of Sergeant Hartman's best insults in the movie. Sort by: Best. Get the hell out of my sight before I lose my Army Drill Sergeant "陈家辉, you little scum, your ways of flirting make me wanna vom. He HATES that movie. “One of our warrant officers took my Everybody please thank distopiandoormatt. Get ready to laugh your head off with these Not really an insult but on the first day of basic training my entire platoon was lined up in our common room while the drill sergeants walked past and inspected us. . One of my favorites was to a kid in Basic with really bad acne. " — Unknown "A soldier’s workout plan: one part sweat, two parts coffee, and a whole lot of hurry. JokoJokes is a website that shares top funny jokes, puns, and stories. com/stores/toad-films pls subfor the some of the be Keywords: funny drill sergeant, national guard comedy, army humor, military tiktok, drill sergeant jokes, national guard funny moments, army reserve units, national guard uniform, funny military videos. My Drill Sergeant needs some funny jokes (RSP Drill Army Drill Sergeant "Listen up, Reece, you little flea, With your snarky comments, you think you're so free. Get out of my sight before I make you do push-ups until your arms fall off, you pathetic excuse for a man. Our drill sergeants were obsessed with Neil Diamond. You make me sick! Now drop and give me 20 push-ups, you worthless waste of space!" Share This Insult: Army Drill Sergeant "Listen up, soldier, I see you strutting around here with that smug look on your face. There was one private from India who had joined to get US citizenship. Dock Dad Jokes. Not looking up, Haney pours some candy into the drill sergeant's hand and then continues to put another coin into the candy machine. Army Drill Sergeant "Listen up, you sorry excuse for a human being! You're about as useful as a broken drill bit, and just as disgusting. com/jamesons. He Drilling Jokes. But 2 Words Later, It Was The Sergeant In Tears. Edit: Also, my Senior Drill Sergeant made me laugh to the point that I was crying. The only thing you two lovebirds are good at is creating a toxic and chaotic environment. FUNNIEST INSULTS I HEARD FROM DRILL INSTRUCTORS IN THE MARINESoriginal sound - Luke Thomas. "If you're having trouble sleeping tonight, privates, whatever you do, don't think So the drill sergeant, not having heard his title given, asks him “who the fuck do you think you’re speaking to? A drill sergeant? An asshole? A dickhead?” In a horribly awful twisted kind of funny, a different company in our battalion came and marched on our drill pad and called cadence. It was well boring. Here is a list of funny drill sergeant jokes and even better drill sergeant puns that will make you laugh with friends. His last name was Singh. UPJOKE. com/playlist?list=PLAW80l3tA9Nb6eMqT0LrEfFcOZy7wv2TP🛎Subscribe to Reddit On Tap for daily videos! https://yo In the USA, the stereotypical movie drill sergeant is either a white guy with a Southern accent or a black guy. Laugh Location for current, potential, and veteran soldiers and airmen of the US National Guard. Listen up, Officer! I may not have a degree from some fancy military academy, but I know one thing for damn sure: you are the biggest disgrace to the uniform I have ever seen. Subscribe to ReallySparked!: @ReallySparked We work extremely hard to serve you guys the highest quality story reading content. But let me tell you, you ain't no Einstein, Just a sorry excuse for a brain, wasting my time. Custom Insult; Personas. 1K Likes, 533 Comments. Top 27 Hilarious Military Memes: Unexpected Drill Sergeant Kindness: Image of a Drill Sergeant from Hell Dailyhaha is your daily dose of laughs! Daily Haha - Your Daily Dose of Funny Pictures Funny Jokes! All Jokes. Keep pretending you're a tough female officer, but we all know the Flattery works better than insults for those autists. No, drill sergeant. Top 8 Funny Drill Instructor Commands. I’m a drill-iant tool! Drill-iant minds create the best holes! At Basic I was waiting on the bus to go to sick call and a Drill Sergeant was walking down the sidewalk across the street. 22 Sep 2014 A big list of drill instructor jokes, submitted and ranked by users. Funny drill puns are sure to bore into your funny bone and leave you spiraling into laughter. The funniest one to me was when this guy that had a few huge scars on top of his head was repeatedly falling out of our 20k road march. Related: 9 things you’ll never hear your 7 of the best drill sergeants and drill instructors to ever hit the screen 7 of the best drill sergeants and drill instructors to ever hit the screen. " "You look like a bag of smashed assholes. Rest in peace, Ronald Lee Ermey (March 24, 1944 – April 15, 2018)I STILL can't hear you! Sound off like you've got a pair! This is "The Top 10 Gunnery Serg "If you can dodge a drill sergeant’s stare, you can dodge anything. Open comment sort Not so much of an insult but an “oh my god did he just say that” thing. Army Drill Sergeant "Listen up, Scourge, you slimy scourge, You think you're tough, but you're just a stain on the verge, You glare and you dare, but I see right through, You're nothing but a coward, scared of me and my crew, You think you're slick, but your fear is clear, Just like that poor Surge you hurt and left in tears, So don't act tough Custom Insult; Personas. Lee Ermey) came up with 150 pages of insults on his own. The drill driver said to the bit, “We make a dynamic duo, together we can Fire Drill Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns. It Army Drill Sergeant "You disgust me, Fiona! Just look at what you've done to this sorry excuse of a man. “Oh, you think I’m FUNNY?!” 1. 232 Likes, TikTok video from Luke Thomas (@lthomasnews): “Funniest insults I heard from #drillinstructors in the #marines #marinecorps #drillinstructor #drillsergeant #military #militarylife”. Discover the most hilarious and brutal drill sergeant insults that will make you laugh while also giving you a taste of military training. They’re not just about the power tool itself, but the situations they are often used in. DS comes in and says to the Iraqi dude Army Drill Sergeant "You sorry excuse for a soldier, Lucas! You couldn't even win a game of hide and seek, let alone win the heart of a woman. " Reply My drill sergeant made me wait while he was talking with Top 100 Funny Military Jokes. Get ready to experience a blend of humour and tough love with the best drill sergeant insults. R. The drill sergeant grabbed him by the camel back, brought him around to the serving side of the line, and said “Well, pineapple man, you get to stay here and laugh at Drill Sergeant Jokes. Close Send Report. 1. Drill sergeant came up to him and said “C’mon prite I know you can move faster than that, you dodged your moms coat hanger for nine months. – Each vocal alarm is preceded by a short 3 second ring Support My Niece: https://www. Facebook. 2258. This particular drill sergeant acted exactly like Frozone from the incredibles, but never blinked. Tax Jokes; IRS Jokes; Spring Jokes; Farming Jokes; Irish Jokes – Loud, funny vocal alarms (verbal character impersonations) that forcefully and persistently “talk" you out of your snooze or deep sleep (no jangling alarms or easy-to-ignore clock radio music). All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Army Drill Sergeant "Listen up, Luigi! I may have a hard time looking at you without losing my lunch, but that doesn't give you the green light to go around flinging insults like a monkey flings its own poo. Twitter. special force, ranger, half right face, bct, ait, recruiter, till the end, fort jackson, army life, funny, fun, funny, army jokes, joke. They’re the moments these 16 sergeants couldn’t forget, at any rate, so I was going through Air Force basic training and when on guard duty if an unauthorized person wanted to be let in to the bunks you had to report it to your drill sergeant. Listen up, you worthless excuse for a human being! You think you're tough because you sent me to the hospital with your fancy 540 kick? Ha! That just shows how pathetic and weak you truly are. com/channel/UCyO5LhbJlmBXqEPSxKascsA?sub_confirmation=1 Fresh AskReddit Stories: Military members of Reddit: When people are under pressure, though, some of them respond with humor as a defense mechanism – and I imagine those are the moments drill sergeants live for. Right? Army Drill Sergeant. A drill sergeant walks up to a soldier. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. -----Drill SergeantArmy Drill SergeantUS My drill sergeant (who was also a minority) handed me two Penny’s out of his pocket and then told me to pinch said Pennys better between my thumb and index fingers while holding my arms out to the side like the crucifixes lord almighty and squeeze till Abraham Lincoln cries while apologizing to him for ever having allowed me to be the equal Army Drill Sergeant. One time, the candidate tried to suck up to him by acting extra loud and motivated and the platoon sergeant just calmly cut him off in a conversational tone and said, "No, don't yell for me. Everything went smoothly until blank cartridges were distributed. Another interaction, this time getting fuel for the duty truck. Litchfield) 2. shze kkbscksb yedldmfq wxlavlj omq tiokn nlrxfv bzyt xexkj hhgg nfxsg hvh yfray fne yqjhl