Ft991 if tap He added his own Custom PCB designed to fit into the chassis as well. I’m surprised to see no mention of this being done already on the eHam review page for the IF tap PCB. On Friday, 12/27/19, you were helping me with an issue. -3dB loss, right off the bat. Providing up to 2 MHz clean bandwidth display!! The other big difference, for me, is that the IC-7300 offers touchscreen tuning. The ft991 has 3 band stack registers on each band, and I reserve one of these on each band for digital modes. This design is That coax cable indeed provides the best IF tap point. yaesu. Fortunately, I finally stumbl Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. At 69. The FT-991A is an all-mode HF/VHF/UHF transceiver, operating on bands from 160 meters to 70 centimeters. You only need to press BAND / 14 for more than 1 second and FT-991 switches to the new WW 60m band allocation. FT-891 IF tap testing and calibration. Io Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2019 11:59 AM To: FT-991A@groups. IFace 2 – IF tap/pat interface; CW Stick Paddle 2; Blog; Contact us; Log In; Lingua; FT-991A with SDR panadapter. The Yaesu FT-991A has an optional mod (from the factory, I think) that allows it to transmit and receive on MARS channels. wrong transmit frequency or wrong or missing CTCSS tone. But would probably do that to a 590SG instead. リレー切替式の高速デジタルチューナーを内蔵しました。大容量100chのチューニングデータメモリーにより、一度マッチングを取った周波数では瞬時に最良のマッチング状態を呼び出します。 Suitable for: FT857, FT897, FT920 (1st IF), FT950, FT991, FT1000, FT1000MP, IC703, IC706, IC745, IC746PRO, IC756, 756 Pro II and III, IC7410, IC821 (1st IF), IC9100, ICR70/75 TS450, TS480 and Alinco DX SR8T If you tap the 1st IF before the 1st IF roofing Filter then you may obtain much wider Displays of 200 KHz or possibly more. Then he figured out how to replace the internal 2-port USB Hub IC with a 4-Port IC. The FT-991 was created to be an all-band transceiver (MF/HF/VHF/UHF bands) with a digital screen. Now, as to the external data rtty port. 8~54MHz対応高速チューナー標準装備. 八重洲無線株式会社は、無線通信機を中心に電波を媒介するコミュニケーションを事業の領域としてとらえています。アマチュア無線機に始まり、業務用無線機、データ通信機器など幅広い製品をそろえ、お客さまにお応えしています。 Modulation system: AM: Low-level, early stage FM: Variable reactance SSB: Balanced DV/C4FM: 4-level FSK Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz There is instructions on where to make the IF taps. Insertion Loss in Passthrough mode. Check the Schematic folder. The FT-991A does not have that capability. 八重洲無線株式会社は、無線通信機を中心に電波を媒介するコミュニケーションを事業の領域としてとらえています。アマチュア無線機に始まり、業務用無線機、データ通信機器など幅広い製品をそろえ、お客さまにお応えしています。 I'm recently starting using my FT-991A with fldigi using PSK-31. Setup for soundcard modems (3 pages) Radio Yaesu FT-1DE Manual. Expert reviews. I just got a used FT-991 radio. #4 if you do not have the optional SCU-17. No software needed. This is Camille Taylor, KX4CAM. For comparison the 7300 will go down to 5k width, the 991a will only go as low as 50k (25k per side)so everything just becomes a jerky smudge, whereas the 7300 is silky smooth and Panoramic Adapter Tap Boards . Rodrigo PY2RAF has designed the updated FT991A-PAT, which is a high impedance tap installed right in the FT 991A. More then the audio from my IC-7300. Tell you the time of pass, elevations , all you need to know. 25 1200bd 1700 DCD Threshold bar - just above two divisions Hold Pointers unchecked You can change View parameters to your liking, but turning on waterfalls uses more computer resources With the Cable connected and correct parameters in the FT-991, tune to 145. 八重洲無線株式会社は、無線通信機を中心に電波を媒介するコミュニケーションを事業の領域としてとらえています。アマチュア無線機に始まり、業務用無線機、データ通信機器など幅広い製品をそろえ、お客さまにお応えしています。 I have this setup using an SDR play and Yaesu FT991, the connections straightforward and does not interfere with my SignaLink sound card connection or PC USB control cables. Thirdly, the Yaesu FT-991A has an additional multi-color waterfall display. 12 in (257 mm) diagonal screen with 14° display angle ; Resolution: 1280 x 800 ; Cabling: Power over Ethernet (PoE) cable (not included), IEEE 802. The comment (#703) by Mark Davis (AD7EF) in this group's thread named "VARA FM and the Yaesu FT-991a sound card" indicated it was not possible, but his later comment (#706) on that thread indicated that he might Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. 2ghz and an a very solid radio. MOX, VOX and MONI = off Turn off the FT991 and make certain the USB cable is not connected to your computer yet Install the USB drivers from the Yaesu web site onto your computer which will be running appendix ft 991 a menu settings · rfrht/FT991A-PAT Wiki · GitHub https://github. The top is warm to the touch but not like before. Win4YaesuSuite is a comprehensive control program for the FTDX1200, FTDX3000, FTDX5000, FTDX101/D/MP, FTDX10, FT710 and FT-991/A. This project is a remix of OE2DOR's perfect and neatly crafted FT-991/A Panadapter board with a high impedance IF tap, in order to disturb to a minimum the radio's IF signal. 25 dB gain. Also, using this method will yield a MUCH faster band scope than is available in the FT-991A. The board uses onboard switches, controlled by the GPIO ports on the RTL-SDR Blog V3, for enabling the tap and preamplifier. If you dont hear a squelch tail on the repeater and you are using the same antenna and cables, etc, then the Yaesu might be programmed wrong (I. This circuit, which was presented as an entry level SMD construction project at the 2013 RSGB Convention, allows the IF of a rig to be tapped off at high impedance, and brought out to an external SDR, to give a panoramic display. Sure, you need a computer for this method, but I think most of us have a shack PC anyway. Have had some successes communicating with contacts up to 2500+ miles away. I have developed a board that actually just tees the signal and provides the u. 3. E. State of the Art Digital Signal Processing Recognizing an all-important Golden Rule Amateur Radio - “You cannot work them if you cannot hear them”– the FT 991 features a rugged state-of-the-art highly balanced receiver circuit configuration. One just has to do a Google search for "FT-891 IF TAP" and search the answers as I did. My power meter indicated 20-30 watts carrier on the maximum FT-991 AM power setting (40), depending on band, and 40-60 watts peak power when fully modulated. Our buffer interface named IFace can be used to add an SDR panadapter to the Yaesu FT-891. HF / VHF / UHF all mode transceiver. This design is There are very few connections to make: the IF-input tap, 9 volt DC, and ground. Home; FT-891 with SDR panadapter; April 12, 2020. The SRD console software will synchronise the tuned frequency between the SDR radio and transceiver. K. S. On their website is ALL the tap info for many radios not just the 891. The IF tap at this point is probably only place where this both HF and VHF is possible. Videos. Am I correct? If I'm correct, I'm surprised that you don't set Menu 72 to DATA. On the other hand, the FT-991 does not have any real-time scope features. 73, Jim K5JG On 10/16/2022 8:58 AM, invl160 Davis wrote: > I just had a fresh load of WIn10 installed and now need to install the > USB driver. It provides complete control of the radio as well as access to all the menu functions, memories and Parametric Equalizers. Follow the steps below to install the IFace card in the YAESU FT-991. ) rather than the 991A's internal sound card. Yes, most of terminal and heat issues are coming from first generation or first series of 991. 7 meters, something that could get me mobile UHF/VHF/HF in the event I ever 八重洲無線株式会社は、無線通信機を中心に電波を媒介するコミュニケーションを事業の領域としてとらえています。アマチュア無線機に始まり、業務用無線機、データ通信機器など幅広い製品をそろえ、お客さまにお応えしています。 View and Download Yaesu FT-991A reference manual online. This design is The FT991 is different to it’s predecessors, (817/857/897) in that although it uses a common first IF, it uses separate mixers for HF and VHF/UHF functions. cfm?cmd=DisplayProducts&ProdCatID=249&encProdID=490C4A71118AD0F4E825E89D821B73BB&DivisionID=65&i Keith VE7GD, Because you set Menu 71 to DAKY, I assume that you're using an external sound card (SignaLink, DRA-5-, etc. Tap IP Touch Screen: 10. From: Bob L via Groups. I talk on a Fusion repeater on 70cm with my 991A with no issue. Typically, this port includes a keying (PTT) signal and ground for triggering an external amplifier. A: AFSK AX. A feature I’m going to put in is there will be an opmode indicator on the UI and if the operator clicks (or taps) on it a drop down of the available opmodes will appear and the operator can click (or tap) on the desired opmode. Enter the latitude, then touch [ENT] followed by [BACK]. Setting up the SDR software. Even an pre-made Hi-Z IF tap PCB is available via HUP-RF. The Yaesu FT-991A is the successor to the extremely popular FT-991. By admin in Rodrigo's system consists of an IF tap amplifier+filter board that is connected to an internally mounted RTL-SDR. Listen to the repeater on the UV-5R while keying it up with the 991A. So, you have programmed the radio with the memory channel information you want. Ideal for huddle and small rooms up to 6 people, the video bar features a digital The AM output power setting on the FT991 should not be interpreted literally, as watts. Transceivers with kpa/kat500 power combo (6 pages) Transceiver Yaesu FT-991 Setup. YAESU UK Unit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall Close Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U. If you are wondering what Amateur Radio is about, it's basically a two way radio service where licensed operators throughout the world experiment and communicate with each other on frequencies reserved for license holders. There are very few connections to make: the IF-input tap, 9 volt DC, and ground. The external interfaces, such as signalink or timewave navigator, are not required for the ft991. com/M0FXBHAMRADIODIARY https://www. com/rfrht/FT991A-PAT/wiki/appendix-ft-991-a-menu-settings[3/19/2020 7:47:52 PM] How repeater pairs with different offsets work in the FT-991 and FT-991A radios. After the storm the computer was fine and all the radios are good, but the USB side of the 991a no longer works. . It covers the whole band you are on , defined by the roofing filter i think. This project is a remix of OE2DOR’s perfect and neatly crafted FT-991/A Panadapter board with a high impedance IF tap, in order to disturb to a minimum the radio sensitivity. Basically he inerted a gutted RTL-SDR into the radio chassis and tapped the RF signal after the internal radio filters. For precise pin identification, refer to the FT-991A operating manual or the VL-1000 amplifier 3 ft-991 cat operation reference book cat (coter ae tranceer) oeraton command function set readans. For comparison the 7300 will go down to 5k width, the 991a will only go as low as 50k (25k per side)so everything just becomes a jerky smudge, whereas the 7300 is silky smooth and By admin in RF Tag console, ft-991, hamradio, hdsdr, inteface, panadapter, pat, rtl-sdr, rtlsdr, sdrplay, sdr, tap. They also come with a beautiful and easy-to-read high-resolution 八重洲無線株式会社は、無線通信機を中心に電波を媒介するコミュニケーションを事業の領域としてとらえています。アマチュア無線機に始まり、業務用無線機、データ通信機器など幅広い製品をそろえ、お客さまにお応えしています。 Ansicht Und Herunterladen Yaesu Ft-991A Bedienungsanleitung Online. This allows for 'point and click' tuning Transceiver Yaesu FT991 Setup. Touch [LAT/LON] on the LCD. Hi i have been told by a local amateur who has spoken to yaesu uk regarding vhf/uhf wideband,yaesu uk told him wideband tx in vhf/uhf was blocked in firmware and yaesu us will not allow yaesu uk to distribute us firmwarei think this will change in time though,the more people complain to yaesu uk and threaten legal action the sooner this issue will be resolvedi really hf/50/144/430mhz帯 オールモードトランシーバー ft-991a 送信出力 100w (144/430mhz 50w) ft-991am 送信出力 50w (144/430mhz 50w) I really like the idea of having a true shack in a box like the Yaesu FT-991A that supports UHF/VHF as well as HF. What you may find is a company that sales a buffer pcb to interface between the radio tap and the output connector. I Added the Instruction For the G4HUP TAP on FT991/ and FT991A I was working with Dave (SK)G4HUP at time of passing with my org FT991 as it had limited I love the audio from the 891. The FT991 is different to it’s predecessors, (817/857/897) in that although it uses a common first IF, it uses separate mixers for HF and VHF/UHF functions. com/indexVS. Touch [LON] on the LCD. However, the exact pin numbers for amplifier keying are not explicitly stated in the provided context. So we had a bad lighting storm. It View and Download Yaesu FT-991 setup online. What I did notice was it doesn’t get as warm as it did prior. The Yaesu FT-991A uses the linear amp/tuner mini DIN port for amplifier connections. 4. Press and hold the MENU(SETUP) button. You can wire up a switching device to run true fsk on This project is a remix of OE2DOR's perfect and neatly crafted FT-991/A Panadapter board with a high impedance IF tap, in order to disturb to a minimum the radio's IF signal. Firstly it's not a real SDR set, they just took the elderly 991 and tapped into the IF to put out a very low resolution waterfall, too low res to be of much use. There are different versions of the PAT board, named according to nominal frequency of the Low Pass Filter (LPF). io Subject: Re: [FT-991A] FT-991A on Satellite If all you want in software is pass times, elevations, etc, AMSAT has those available for all hamsats. Ft-991A Funkgeräte Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. Home; FT-991A with SDR panadapter; January 31, 2020. Connecting to the WIRES-X node requires the transceiver DG-ID be set according to the DSQ code or the DG-ID code set on the WIRES-X node PAGE 1. By admin in Radio accessories Tag ft-891, panadapter, sdr. The second iteration seems to be the one in which the issues got fixed, although even non-a versions can be easily fixed and upgraded for under $100 WHAT: This toggles your transceiver receiving front-end width, from narrow or wide. Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. The actual IF connector used to connect the off-board SDR is simply a coax out the back of the rig with an SMA connection. A. He called it “basically everything you could want in a complete rig,” and a “truly awesome radio. The FT-991a retains all of this capability as well as the same multi-mode operation and digital modes. I turned all the radios off (BTW all my gear runs on battery power, not connected to grid) and disconnected the antennas, but I did NOT remove the USB cable from My Ft-991a and it was plugged into my computer (on surge protector). You will see how these are programmed in with the ADMS-991 software then how Hi Michael, Are you running the FT-991 with the latest firmware? The latest firmware version enables full operation on 60m (at least for the EU version of FT-991). Page 5 usInG ThE GM FuncTIon FT-991 InsTrucTIon Manual (GM EdITIon) enTerinG The loCaTion inforMaTion Manually 1. ) (Utilisable sous licence R. You can tap a signal on the IC-7300 band scope, and the radio tunes to that frequency. But honestly, don't fully understand all the settings. See also the Radcom November 2014 Technical Feature article on the PAT board and its UPDATED 6/9/2020 Ok, Some of you might might be new to digital communications on the ham bands, so let me start from the beginning. Also for: Ft-991a. 2. The timewave navigator is capable of true FSK. I know I already did this 2 years ago when I first bought > the radio but now the procedure is not clear to me. This Rally Bar Huddle + Tap IP from Logitech is a full solution, featuring an all-in-one video bar and touch controller with PoE connectivity. So, it’s quite difficult to filter out during weaker signals. Setup for Soundcard Modems. Hams who are running PSK31 or JT65 or FT8/4 or some other digital mode are using a computer connected to an audio interface that is then connected to the radio. 5. I mounted This project is a remix of OE2DOR's perfect and neatly crafted FT-991/A Panadapter board with a high impedance IF tap, in order to disturb to a minimum the radio's IF signal. Modulation system: AM: Low-level, early stage FM: Variable reactance SSB: Balanced DV/C4FM: 4-level FSK Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz 八重洲無線株式会社は、無線通信機を中心に電波を媒介するコミュニケーションを事業の領域としてとらえています。アマチュア無線機に始まり、業務用無線機、データ通信機器など幅広い製品をそろえ、お客さまにお応えしています。 Check out the PAT Gallery pages from the side bar menu. WHICH MODE? All modes except C4FM; WHEN TO USE While the Wide (W) will be more comfortable for listening for signals, there may be times where you have a strong General Specifications. ?. Enter the longitude, then touch [ENT] followed by PAT Versions. See it done as you follow the steps detailed here. ) Yaesu FT- 991 Tout mode Tous Band Transceiver Portable Le FT- 991Transceiver est la prochaine génération dans tous les modes , toutes bandes MF / HF / VHF / UHF avec récepteur MF4C ( Fusion System ) Les capacités numériques . The RTL-SDR is internally connected to the FT-991A's USB hub which had to be upgraded from a 2-port hub to a 4-port hub as the 2-ports were already in use by the CAT and Audio features. Ham Radio Concepts reviewed the FT-991A, and was very impressed by this unit. The FT-991A includes multi-mode operation on CW, AM, FM, SSB, and Digital Modes (Packet, PSK31, RTTY and C4FM), with 100 Watts of HF/50mhz Capability (50 Watts VHF/UHF). Waterfall was working fine prior to the reset. This required the stock USB hub IC to be ic-7100 solid choice add a if tap for a sdr for all that goodness at 2m ic-9700 is really not much more than the 7100 more power 1. Product Description . After programming my radio, I discovered that I could no longer transmit. Thus the IF tap function is easy to The FT991 uses a 69450000 kHz first IF, it uses separate mixers for HF and VHF functions. #5 if you do have it. Mine has done it from the start , granted I gave out two sets of finals in this rig but the last set I set the bias a little closer to the spec of the final. If you use the signalink usb, it is not capable of true FSK. I did a full reset and now when I choose waterfall option all I get is a gray line at the bottom. , LTD. Secondly, the FT-991A price is comparatively higher than FT-991. This design is compatible with both A and non-A FT-991 rigs. User Review of the Yaesu All Mode FT-991(A) (original review of 3 Feb 2016 & update) I needed a reasonably reliable base radio for 2. Here is the link; IFace 2 – IF tap/pat interface; CW Stick Paddle 2; Blog; Contact us; Log In; Lingua; FT-891 with SDR panadapter. Wsjt-x setup (7 pages) Transceiver Yaesu FT-857 series Manual. Several other good interfaces are available. AVAILABLE OPTIONS: W (wide) or N (narrow) RX or TX? All modes: RX; except FM which affects both TX and RX. The following information should help you to decide which PAT version to request. Thus the IF tap function is easy to install, but 2nd Rx functions would require separate PAT’s for HF and the other bands. ” He also called the touchscreen “spectacular” and loved the bright colors and clear display, as well as the well-built knobs and buttons. 0 and 0. My understanding is that those two settings are required when using an external sound card. FT-991/991A Accessing patreon. Installation is really very easy. FT-991A hf transceiver pdf manual download. Reply reply Notice that this mode taps (splits) the signal, weakening your radio reception. Tennozu Parkside Building 2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0002 Japan YAESU USA 6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, CA 90630, U. fl (that’s the name of that connector) port for a tidier job. Touch [LAT] on the LCD. Setting tg-id for gb7mt & gb7po (2 pages) Hi John , This is pretty much the normal operation of the FT991 . The circuit is designed to provide a convenient method of adding a “RX Output” and/or “IF Output” to your existing rig by tapping off the RF or IF of your receiver or transceiver so that it can be displayed panoramically via an SDR. Band-Pass Filter FT991-InstallationREV1 Download. The schematics are in Autodesk Eagle EDA format. And if the operator double clicks (or double taps) the opmode indicator the opmode will toggle between the last two The FT991 is different to it’s predecessors, (817/857/897) in that although it uses a common first IF, it uses separate mixers for HF and VHF/UHF functions. Page 3 FT991 and WSJT-X setup i. Not so easily done on the FT-991 or FT-991A. Im tempted to sell the IC-7300, buy another 891 and do an IF tap to SDR for a waterfall on the computer. 610 Mhz, Data-FM Mode Whether Winlink is running or not, you should see packets There is instructions on where to make the IF taps. HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver FT-991 Operating Manual YAESU MUSEN CO. The FT-991A is the next generation in all mode, all band MF/HF/VHF/UHF transceiver with C4FM (System Fusion) Digital capability. In the video after the break, you can see [Rodrigo] demonstrate his 1. The FT-991A is an all mode, all band MF/HF/VHF/UHF transceiver that includes C4FM (System Fusion) Digital The Yaesu FT-991A is a compact and versatile transceiver that has garnered attention among amateur radio operators for its comprehensive features and performance capabilities. This enabled him to tap the RTL-SDR into the FT-991A USB circuit without I have tried a Chinese SDR splitter and an SDR dongle to my PC to a software app that displays the scope and allows CAT control to sync the VFO. The below chart depicts the panadapter board insertion loss - from the IF tap port to the SDR port, in Passhtrough mode. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! Upload your video. The turn your ft-891 into a dx weapon, with the mat-30 atu and a working panadapter, i rushed through this video and may revise it in more details for newcomersr TAP Academy offers training and placement services in web development, AR tech, and coding with augmented reality-based learning. The Panoramic Adapter Tap Board (PAT Board) is a Printed Circuit Board which connects the IF signal from a Radio Receiver or Transceiver to the Antenna Input of the SDRplay RSP1A, RSPdx or RSPduo (and discontinued RSP2 and RSP2pro models) Software Defined Radio (SDR) Receiver, or another type of SDR Receiver covering the IF FT-991 / Radio does not transmit after programming. 6. First question is > which driver do I download. FT-991A with SDR panadapter. Now you want to access that information. View and Download Yaesu FT-991A instruction manual online. ai ab vfo-a to vfo-b o x x x ac antenna tuner control o o o o ag af gain o o oo ai auto information o o ox am vfo-a to memory channel o x x x ba vfo-b to vfo-a o x x x bc auto notch o o o o bd band down o x x x bi break-in o o o o bp manual notch o o o o bs band select ox x x bu Simply put, the FT-991a is the upgraded version of the older FT-991 from Yaesu. Here's an in-depth review covering its key aspects: Overview. FT-991 transceiver pdf manual download. FT-891 with SDR panadapter. Can somebody suggest me a decent IF tap point for connecting a hupRF panadapter board? If I can avoid soldering directly on a PCB of the FT-991A tis will be of an advantage for me as I'm This mod is also feasible for a IC-7300 without the need of replacing the USB hub - the idea is just the same: Tap the voltages, the signaling, the IF output, hook it to the panadapter board, lodge the SDR in the radio, solder the SDR USB port to the USB hub - And result is going to be pretty much the same! 73! - Rodrigo, PY2RAF. 450 MHz I got around -2. 3af Type 1, Class 3 device ; Cable Management: Page 6 FT-991 InsTrucTIon Manual (WIrEs-X EdITIon) ConneCTing To a node or room on The inTerneT in digiTal mode noTe: * Ascertain the DSQ code or the DG-ID setting of the WIRES-X node station. Hf/Vhf/Uhf Allmode-Funkgerät. You have to extra pay for the smooth tuning of single strengths. I did a manual sweep and it still remains gray. Anyone have any ideas? Lee KV5M, I am anxious to learn if you have achieved Vara's full performance on it's wide mode with your setup of DRA-50 and the FT-991A. nnuizmjsyqqdbdjrpcoyofbyuvgchcltvxmrlcdczywvuvhkxttkfbdrqcxtltjkddmchkryyqfi