Ffxiv 1080p borderless window. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! .
Ffxiv 1080p borderless window 0, the game forced me into 4k borderless and my framerate dropped For some reason (1. I am in windows 10 with 1920 x 1080p display. Yes, the settings in the game were saying 1080p and it was Try seeing how it behaves in bordered windowed mode. When I drag the sides or corners of the screen, my resolution has always stayed fixed to what I set it in the options, simply changing the field of view that is available to me. It will now mention the right resolution. Turn it off - if on - and limit via driver instead. the way i run it now is windowed but i use the maximize button on the window to adjust to the "panel . FFXIV Public Discussion Area. Im now using DX12 and fullscreen, Alt tabing the game will result it to go windowed borderless but it look like fullscreen to me. I can't help you I'm afraid because when I run the game in boarderless window mode at 720p it actyally runs at 1080p for some reason. but most of the time its just random and i get the the I did not have this problem in the past, but after a 2 year hiatus, replacing with better monitors, and coming back, I keep having this issue with Fullscreen Borderless Window. ) but full screen mode the image is sharp. New. Trying to run 1080p Borderless Window would eliminate any issues with crashing when leaving the game in Full Screen but I cannot get the game to play in 1080p Borderless WIndow. I got the LG 1440p screen with G sync, enabled that and V-sync in control panel in NVIDIA. FFXIV in fullscreen mode recognises this and gives me the options of 120/60/30 for capped frame rates in game. Usually it would detect the correct resolution for the monitor it's on but occasionally (one of the monitors going into sleep mode sending the game to the other monitor) it would need a little heads up by forcing a window size change, like My second screen is a 1080p 60/75hz screen. It never is always-on-top. Once I switch to Borderless Windowed though the quality is amazing. My game doesn't crash but it very often locks up when I alt tab. I have a 4k resolution laptop. Edit: doesn't do it in a smaller window, but it does in Fullscreen. The resolution on the tv does say 1080p but you can see that it has lost clarity changing from Full Screen 1080p to Borderless Window. While I don't have a really solid solution for you, I do know that GSync can work in borderless windowed mode; I'm running in that configuration. 3) Use DX11 version of FFXIV (Launcher > Config > DX11 Enabled): I hear DX11 shifts more of the strain onto the GPU instead of the CPU 4) Go to your Final Fantasy . e. Reply reply 2560x1440 -Borderless Window Max. Boards; Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn; Fullscreen borderless window question; Topic Archived; the title says it all every time i go into borderless window mode eventually the game crashes recently it shut down and did a full restart i saw the infamous blue screen which all it said was doing a restart. Can sometimes be used to enable wider or higher resolutions via resizing the game's viewport. I tried the following:-Disable full screen optimization FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! 1080p, borderless window. I have read numerous times where people were able to just enter the resoltuion they want and that fixed it, but it will not accept it for me. On borderless which I always play on, GPU utilization maxes out at 96%. Switched to borderless windowed and everything is super smooth now. Select Custom and put in 1920 and 1080 for the resolution and hit Apply again. And also, when I pick Borderless Window how can I confirm it's running at 144Hz? Fullscreen will display this in FFXIV config because the Hz shows up in Presets. ADMIN MOD I found possible fix for low fps in Borderless Windowed mode [Guide] I accidentally found a fix when i keep doing research about low fps in borderless mode issue, there are many aspects cause this problem. I Caved, and Decided to Draw a New FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • svsdentist2018. Share Sort by: Top. r/ffxiv • Shared some images a few days ago, you guys wanted the reshade preset and after some more optimization it's done! Hey thanks for the comment. Running FFXIV in Borderless Windowed Mode at 144hz causes all my windows, such as videos and streams to lag on my second monitor which is running at 60hz, not audio but specifically the video lag. I'm already getting 90FPS on average at 1080p Hardware Unboxed settings. EDIT: I dont know why but running as administrator fixed the issue 100%, game runs silky smooth 144hz now with borderless windowed. The only thing I can think of is when the FPS changes Second monitor freezes (but not unresponsive) when in borderless windowed mode on FFXIV. (You might also have to put in the custom resolution if that doesn't If you're having framerate issues when playing in borderless windowed, while using the frame cap on a windows 11 pc, then try disabling "Optimizations for windowed If you're having framerate issues when playing in borderless windowed, while using the frame cap on a windows 11 pc, then try disabling "Optimizations for windowed games" for I can work around this by enabling G-Sync for Windowed Mode but it’s still quite stuttery compared to proper, Full Screen G-Sync. r/ffxiv. Any ideas on how to solve this? Im running an i7-4700HQ at 3. Everytime I try and play in Fullscreen the quality of the game goes down a lot, as in it looks very blurry and like it's at a resolution it shouldn't be in (even though windows is at 1080p). Add them both together, and bye bye performance. The resolution looked smaller than what it seemed. Right now you're playing in 4k, hence the drop in performance. Doesn't when I limit the FPS to 30, or not as much. ~150 FPS in 8 Man content actually. The borderless window doesn't actually fill the screen, instead leaving an "outline" of the desktop behind visible. HD, SD - 1080p, 1920 x 1080 (native) - Refresh rate: 60Hz" to "PC - 1920 x 1080 - Refresh Rate: 75Hz" but that also didn't fix it. FFXIV Feed Test Area. So recently my game started to run at 5 fps when in Borderless mode, but at normal high fps when Full Screen. Reply it says it's 1080p but any actual gameplay or benchmarking and the res is way lower. This is PC platform man. In full screen mode I was getting some odd stuttering and in Eden 3 I spent most of the fight at around 10fps. This turned out to be the culprit. I’ve searched around a lot for information on this. Great, perfect. I think boarderless window mode might be a bit buggy. Previously, VRR (G-sync and Freesync) did not function properly in Final Fantasy XIV when playing in borderless or windowed modes. you feel way more latency gaming at 60fps compared to say 90fps than you do by playing in borderless window. Settings. There was a previous thread that had the same issue as myself about a month ago but it was closed with no apparent solution. I have a pretty identical problem to this However, when in borderless windowed mode, the game runs at a consistent 75fps at 1440p. CEMU crash log included Borderless window is the best option for being able to interact outside the game without interruption. 1080p = 2,073,600 pixels Try dropping the 1080p monitor completely - and run the game on the 1440p monitor. Borderless fullscreen windowed offers similar benefits as normal windowed mode, but with a fullscreen-like appearance. Top. /shrug FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! I'm running into an issue where I'm playing the game at 4k, but when I change my game to borderless windowed mode it states that the resolution is 2560x1407. I would like to play borderless window so I can still browse on my main display, unless fullscreen is possible and works better. I have to go to full screen to run at 144fps at 1440p. why is that? Share Sort by: Best. Archived post. Still can't fully display the game on my other monitor (which is why I want Borderless Windowed mode) Anyone can help? Fourth_Bonkura 11 years ago #2. I don't use triple buffering as it usually induces input lag. Seems the only way I can get Fallout 4 running is in windowed borderless mode, but the max resolution available is 1440x1280 or somethingrather. switchin between tasks is quick and snappy like it would be in any other windowed application. However, the game itself believes it is still running at like 80 FPS. Borderless Window, 1440p, uncapped FPS setting in game - 60 FPS (seems to be locked) Full Screen, 1440p, uncapped FPS setting in game - 85-90 FPS Borderless Window, 1080p, uncapped FPS setting in game - 60 FPS, until I click off the window and it jumps to 85-90 You want to go to the non global one and it should show you a drop down where So up until recently I have always ran the game in borderless window mode (I like to alt tab alot ok? haha) and somehow ran the game in 1920x1080 resolution. With full-screen, I can with some apps, (chome opens fine for Dx11, win 10, borderless windowed, and also using a 1080p, 144 refresh monitor I Only Recently Started Playing FFXIV, and as an Artist, I Became Obsessed With the Amazing Characters I Saw. 1 64bit so I should be able to run this at a respectable setting on full HD. As a configuration option, it allows I am attempting to use my iPad as a 2nd monitor using Air Display and everything works fine until I back out of FFXIV and my PC freezes. The only thing borderless-windowed does is mimic full-screen resolution. If you happen to have a FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! So I just fixed all my performance issues with ffxiv on my computer, and now I get 150+ fps, even in borderless windowed mode! (intel i5 6600k , Radeon Vega 64) My 1070 was getting more than 100fps in a 1080p window, but it depends on what you have enabled in game, and what your card was I have tried just making the display settings in FFXIV borderless window but it keeps changing it to 720p. Basically, when I click on the edges of the screen, it will click on whatever is I get sick tearing on the benchmark on fullscreen mode. It's still filling up the screen, so this doesn't make much sensebut I wanted to check to see if there's a fix for this. borderless-windowed is NOT meant to be always on top. When I run in borderless windowed, it won't let me run above 1080p (the display is set to 1440p/144hz in the OS display settings) and still caps. When the game is in the background, it plays just as flawless as fullscreen. Is there any fix to this? IDK, from my experience with FFXIV specifically running the game at 4k 60hz and my 2nd monitor at 1080p 60hz, something about FF makes the 2nd monitor not work quite right. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Open comment sort options It should match the resolution of your monitor, as only a windowed mode would use the custom resolution size The issues with VRR w/ borderless windowed have been ongoing for far longer than "last update. Have you tried full screen vs borderless window mode to see if one works over the other (if you have windows 11, borderless Drivers are up to date, tried with gsync on and off and full screen only or windowed and borderless, I have tried disabling fullscreen optimisation, I have tried capping FPS to 60 in-game and (after turning that off) capping it in Nvidia control panel, I have tried forcing vsync on nvidia control panel, I have tried rebooting my entire PC, I have tried disabling nvidia overlay. Because I had exactly the opposite problem. EXE compatibility and disabling Full screen optimization adjusting my monitors refresh rate I'm at a loss for ideas how to fix this, for some reason, I just cant seem to get Borderless window mode to work anymore I run three monitors, and I really kind of need it I used to play on a 40" 1920x1080 TV with my GTX 1060 in borderless windowed and get around 90 fps with smooth latency. Some fear death, others pray for it. Assuming you are on Windows is your computer's resolution set to 1080p in your display settings? you can't easily minimize borderless window, either via win+down shortcut, or by clicking on taskbar win+left/right make window that's supposed to be fullscreen actually non-full-screen, which leads to further incorrectness win+shift+left/right moves window to different monitors, however if they FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! My second screen is a 1080p 60/75hz screen. Reply reply Angry_Robotics • If you want to alt tab without issues, then you want Borderless Windowed. Then try running the game only on the 1080p monitor (disconnect the 1440p). A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood It might be related to the device change polling if capping FPS doesn't fix. Ckeck you monitor settings in Windows device When I hit full screen mode in FFXIV, it moves over to my right monitor (secondary) no matter what Main Display I pick in FFXIV. Controversial. Alternatively, you could try using auto-hide so FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! the game automatically takes your native resolution, but why it goes to 1080p? My Desktop resolution is 1440p And from Nvidia panel: It should be whatever the resolution is on the I was having weird stuttering on my 2060S with GSync in borderless while my gf on a 970 without GSync was having a smooth ride. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! the game is capping at 40 FPS, regardless of the in-game frame limiter settings. I have tried just making the display settings in FFXIV EDIT: found a fix to play with borderless and gsync, in commenst you may see fixes to play fullscreen without black window. it seems to crash when i click out of the game to look at a different program. Viper Tip for those struggling FFXIV's next expansion, Dawntrail, launches on June 28th, 2024! Two 4K monitors and a 1080P (on a 4090). No matter how I set the sync. Something is wrong about Setting a global 150% scaling in Windows: That actually works and makes shifting to 1440p before starting the game and back quite painless however due to Windows setting the custom scaling for all monitors my second, 1080p display now looks comically huge. Black screens are happening to some people as many people are complaining right now - just a launch issue. Please also turn off "Game mode" in Win11. Here's my toggle-able script to put the current window in borderless fullscreen on a 1920x1200 primary monitor. But vanishes in borderless. It takes your native screen resolution (1440p), you won't see any difference whatsoever to fullscreen because there is none. I'm not a fan of going full screen and much prefer to go to borderless windowed, especially since I use my other monitor for work, YouTube, general browsing, etc. You can get it to say that resolution by entering the numbers manually but when you apply it I can see that it is deffinitely not as clear as 1080p Full Screen. I ran a config like yours (1080 paired with a 1440) but in bordered mode. So, when I try to set FFXIV to borderless windowed mode, it instantly drops the resolution, with no way for me to set it at 1920x1080. These past couple of days I seem to finally be able to use borderless now without problems by setting the game's FPS to unlimited and then using an external limiter (radeon chill or rtss, for example). THAT SAID, Razer's "game boost" thing has sometimes erroneously gotten confused by stuff and caused my game to drop to like 20-some FPS for chunks of time specifically in borderless windowed. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Borderless Window mode often causes unexplainable frame drops, in general, Full Screen gives more stable and somewhat higher FPS. Most games, FF included, don't get it quite right: This wee plugin tries to fix these problems. Forcing the game to scale to 150% DPI via the Windows Compatibility Settings: Yep! I use Autohotkey to position the FFXIV window to simulate fullscreen mode, mostly because actual fullscreen is so fragile. Thanks for sharing this! FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! but when i put it at borderless it locks at 720p (I can't get higher or lower), but when im in fullscreen it's at 1080p. It should be turned off. this is the only game i have that does this. For example, AMD software will go to "not responding", corsair Icue will go grey and mouse macros no longer work, browers will skip in 5-10 segments, twitch app will freeze and go not responding. When I start up the game the resolution is grayed out and I can't change it while in borderless window mode. 0 or right before 4. You'll see a difference just between those two monitors. In my windows display settings I have my resolution set to 2560 x 1440. I play in borderless windowed mode as I run 2 screens in order to watch shows etc while queue waiting/gathering as a lot of people do & had no issues with fps, run nicely @60fps and everything looked great. I previously had an external display that maxed out at 1080p, so I never had to give the settings much thought as it ran terrific. I play in borderless windowed mode, but after the patch the game always boots up in regular windowed mode; I can fix it by going in and setting it to either Windowed or Fullscreen mode, clicking "Apply", and then clicking "Cancel" when it asks me if I want to save the changes (even though the "changes" don't appear until Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv • by It runs the game nicely, with one exception: borderless window mode makes the image blurry if I'm not running at the screens native resolution exactly(1440, which a 1060 can't power. When launching the Dawntrail Benchmark in Borderless Windowed mode, both Character Creator and the Benchmark itself will default to the wrong window size. Though my notifications pop up when I'm playing in windows mode. 0 spaghetti?) XIV refuses to run in anything but your OS native resolution when borderless, and 1440p is massive for everyday quality Yes i will be running on borderless window most likely. More posts you may like r/ffxiv. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! When playing in Borderless Window without stream its all fine, when opening a stream while having a Borderless Window the game still shows that I have 200fps but it feels laggy and like its actually 40 or something it feels very weird and not smooth at all even when it still shows 200 fps in if you want to be sure it's 1080, put the game in window, set the resolution to 1920x1080 and then change to borderless window. Set your Windows In the config, put the screen mode on Windowed, then change the preset, then put it on Borderless Windowed. Q&A. I even got 90kd in that fight. but needed to switch to borderless windowed for ACT FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! The number in borderless window is a dummy value and has no bearing on the actual resolution you play at. 1080p was my maxed borderless resolution that I If you want to play in Borderless Windowed less than your native monitor resolution, it's as easy as to change the Windows resolution, because FFXIV will adjust to it. I fixed it by going full-screen and the 1080p option popped up, then went back to borderless windowed and still retained the 1080p resolution. Ui & the game looks like it drops to 480p. I honestly think FF14 gets confused in windowed borderless when you have two monitors of differing native Making well-behaved borderless window is surprisingly non-trivial. never had your particular issue but I've noticed the game really doesn't play well in borderless windowed full stop. Ive tried going to windowed mode and manually setting the custom res and then switching back to borderless, and it just drops. This A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Turn off all options in FFXIV Display Settings below Refresh Rate - select No Limit. Your windowed display resolution might not be the same as your resolution when in borderless or fullscreen, make sure both match up, also check the setting on resolution to do with the maximum refresh rate of the monitor this can also be different when switching between windowed and borderless/fullscreen, make sure both are set to your monitors max refresh rate. (seriously dont ask me how it happened, I have no idea) I think it was either 4. Sadly for me, ACT refuses to show up in full screen and i like to constantly tab in and FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! You can't lower the resolution in borderless windowed mode, you'll need to set your monitor resolution to 1080p in Windows settings first. I've been dealing with a similar issue on Windows and the only thing that seems to have worked to fix it (without installing the third-party device change fix plugin) is disabling the hidden Xvdd SCSI Miniport in Device Manager to stop it from adding/ejecting virtual drives and making FFXIV think a new device FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! I have a weird issue where sometimes the game window in borderless windowed mode is slightly larger than my native resolution. When I switch to borderless windowed, FFXIV only shows the full 165 option and has 165/82/41 as the framerate options. RDR2 by nature has higher response times and triple buffering adds more to it. Best. FFXIV's next expansion, Dawntrail, launches on June 28th, 2024! Members Online. Unfortunately, I click back to the game being my active window and the choppiness comes right back. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! though I only play at 1080p, for most content I hit 200 fps, but for crowded content like eureka I drop to 100 fps. Given that FFXIV does not respect your video driver settings for things like AA etc, I think it's something to do with FF's video renderer in particular. Basically, I love to play ffxiv border-less, normally I had no issues with this, but somehow I now do. You please check if "Don't use optimizations for windows games" is deativated. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • with no drop in fps especially in borderless window. With Borderless Windowed (also called Windowed Full Screen in some games) it's exactly like it says, it's as if it were running in Windowed mode without window borders and happened to be the size of the full screen. No dice. EXE file > Properties > Compatibility > and Disable High DPI scaling My game is pretty smooth now (90FPS; 1440P; Windowed Borderless; GSYNC On) with the items above configured. " Which is why I'm saying it's something different if your fps loss or stutter is recent, rather than since the start. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . None on borderless Window. I'm specifically looking to run my game above 60 FPS. Using Borderless Windowed in FFXIV locks the game to this resolution. there is no game in my entire steam library that forces always on top while in borderless-windowed. Except full screen sucks butts when it comes to tabbing out etc. When I play the game in borderless windowed mode, and I use the in-game frame rate cap of 60fps, Steam's frame counter tells me it runs at 60fps. Note the FPS. It really is terrible. Unless I click over to my other monitor. The fix for borderless + g-sync is install nvidea inspector and change this setting there: https://ibb. You can try Borderless Windows+fps lock, but no guarantees. Win11 just checked this point for me for FFXIV and it begun to stuttering / no VRR in borderless windows mode. Whenever I click borderless windowed, the resolution changes to 1280 x 720 and won't let me change it back. If I hold my mouse button down in the window and drag the camera around a bit, the FPS comes back to full, but it goes straight back down the instant I let go of the mouse. Clicking on the FFXIV main window will bring up the crash dialog box, but the game will start running again fine in few seconds usually. All standard clocked running well within safe boundries. Open comment sort options. Win7 x64, i3570k, 8GB RAM, AMD 7950. 1 (which was terrible btw I dropped 80fps from just installing it, at first I thought I broke something) I lost my Every time I enter Borderless Windowed mode, the game's FPS is cut to about 10. Now we get to experience the best that flip model borderless windowed has to offer! If the update is not offered to you, it is because it is currently being rolled out. CPU: AMD ryzen 1700x GPU: AMD rx560 RAM: 32gb Corsair Ballistix OS: Windows 10 64bit After uninstalling latest AMD driver 18. 4ghz, GTX850m and 8gb RAM with Win 8. (This example screenshot was taken at 1920 x 1080 resolution. Here's the funny part, when in Borderless, if I Alt - Tab to another tab I can see the game "behind" it going back to my usual high fps (163fps), and as I go back to have it up it drops again to 5. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded Strangely fullscreen mode works more smoothly than borderless as of a few windows updates ago. Letting the game run in 1440p Windowed I have a 1080p secondary monitor paired with a 1440p primary (both 165hz). So the game plays perfectly in fullscreen, but is very choppy when in borderless fullscreen. I've been struggling with an issue with FFXIV where in Borderless / Windowed it causes my entire system to hang on other applications, browers to completely lag. Looked everywhere online and cannot find a solution, would really like to play windowed borderless and not have my game seem choppy. exe to Windows Settings>Graphics Settings>High Performance (Nvidia GPU) XCX runs great at 60fps 1080p on my system BUT I get crashes while shopping for equipment. Meaning, do Hello, as the title says, I'm looking for a way to play this game at 4K resolution in borderless windowed mode. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Limited to 60 FPS in Windowed (Borderless) mode? [Tech Support] So I see there were some threads from 8 months to years ago with people having problems getting their games to run at 60 FPS. co/fXmTR3X FFXIV's next expansion, Dawntrail, launches on June 28th, 2024! If you're not using auto-hide and the taskbar is simply appearing above the game window in Borderless Windowed mode, simply click on the taskbar and then click in the game window again, and it should resolve the issue for now. I. Reply reply Funny. Select Windowed at first (and make sure you click on Apply). So as context, I've always played FFXIV in windowed (not borderless) mode. I'm on a 3 monitor setup with 1440p/144hz/g-sync - 1440p/60hz - 1080p/60hz specs on them, with a RTX 2070 card. Set it back to full screen and its back to normal. I have two monitors, but I've checked and doublechecked and the correct output is being selected. The only thing you can't do is have another window overlayed on top of it (so ACT needs to be on my second monitor). Is it 1080p? And what is your graphic card? Reply reply So I just got my asus rog monitor in today it's desktop display settings are on 2560x1440 and same on the nvidia control center. Considering that GSync for 60 FPS 1080p is probably unnecessary for FFXIV and that we need to play borderless for the ACT overlay to work, this is somehow sad but an OK compromise I Borderless Windowed will always default to whatever resolution you set in your computer's display settings. Old. No game is like this while in borderless-windowed. Native feature in many modern titles, and can often be forced in the majority of older titles. Hlep? [Tech Support] *RX 5700 *Ryzen 5 5600X *TUF Gaming x570-Plus *G. Now, when I play with the same card in borderless windowed on my 52" 4k TV, I get around 55 fps with absolutely garbage latency (idk the milliseconds, but it feels terrible, unplayable). Now, switch to borderless I tried every scaling option to just get my game to run 4k on Win 11 but every time I couldn't get the scaling and resolution to work right. If I go into fullscreen I can change it, but I have multiple monitors and swapping in and out of the game made my entire Going into the FFXIV_64bit. I can run other games at 144hz no problem with borderless windowed modes. It behaves like any other windowed application in that other programs running on your desktop, including theming, could be in view at the same time or FFXIV and Windows were installed on different drives, so the upgrade shouldn't have touched the FFXIV files. This issue only happen in this game, when I play other games discord enters this overlay mode and notifications can still be viewed. downvote me all you want chief. I'm a MacBook Pro user playing FFXIV on Windows 10 Pro in Boot Camp. For those who played FFXI it is similar to the issues where you had to do a registry edit to change About a month ago I upgraded to a GTX 1070 & Samsung 4k monitor. I have borderless windowed and its at 1080p as well, must be something you are missing. Hello, This bug is a bit annoying but doesn't really provide me with trouble just annoyance at why this has happend. New comments cannot be posted and Tried asking in the megathread, didn't get a response. Tried setting Windowed/Borderless Windows to Custom with 1920x1080 from in-game settings Added ffxiv_dx11. Skill DDR4 Ripjaws 2x16GB 3600Mhz Samsung Odissey G7 Hi, I'm on Windows 10 and I can't see my discord notification pop up when I enter fullscreeen or borderless window mode. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Borderless window mode is exactly what it sounds like, a normal window without a border and generally set to the same size as your resolution. I got the LG 1440p screen with G sync, enabled that The thing is with FFXIV, when I use border-less windowed, I can alt tab easily. Seems enough for 1080p Reply reply More Like FFXIV for instance, if I play in fullscreen then my GPU utilization maxes out at 99% and gets me like another 7-10fps. Borderless just doesn't work properly most of the time and breaks G-SYNC, but swapping to fullscreen works perfectly and tabs out instantly, just like borderless. 3. . zjny sgxmh ylcnmk ndznja kpuinj mmbxeysw hmkfl cxbp mbdfiw wkdm uizsndv xftg sfbti lqa apkyjy