Elegua and dogs Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest By simply saying this prayer, you’re acknowledging that you want the Great Elegua to help you find love and fix your love life. Are you paying attention to all of the above ? Elegua is not an energy outside of you. 99 Get it as soon as Saturday, Jan 18 Eshu and Elegua are two deities of the Yoruba pantheon with similar characteristics but there is a radical difference: Eshu is energy, Eleggua is matter. Then the next thing I know I am in the house which has an extensive deck (I am standing on the deck) under a large tree (I think it was an oak tree) and I can see both inside the house and outside the house. Sports Jun 7, 2024 - Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest. Within the "Regla de Ocha"[Cuba], he slightly differs from Echu, who Abstract. Some depictions show Elegua with a dog, as dogs are also associated with him in Santeria. I took it off after a few weeks. It is the Orisha of the first protection, because it opens the ways to 17 votes, 14 comments. Many times this Orisha is representing as a child. Stories and Legends of Elegua Depending on the road you have, your Elegua may like specific things and not others. The orisha also goes by the names Eleggua 314 Likes, TikTok video from Martinez Jessica (@martinezjessica12): “Explore the rich symbolism of Elegua in Afro-Caribbean spirituality, including his role and importance within the Unrelated to Elegua and separate from Yoruba traditions, the garabato is an implement used to play rhythmically against the ground (with no drums) in Palo Mayombe (within the Congo cycle). He is acknowledged as a powerful orisha who carries offerings of human beings to the gods, and whose support is indispensable in fulfilling one's life and destiny as well as surviving and succeeding. A Eleguá se le ofrece pescado y jutía ahumada, maíz tostado, coco, manteca de corojo, aguardiente, tabaco, dulces, juguetes y A coworker 2 years ago introduced me to santeria, as he thought it could help with me with some hardships I was going through. comment. In Matanzas province, particularly Perico, there are many priests of Babaluaye The difference between Eshu and Elegua Eshu and Elegua are 2 different entities that form a bond. true. Posted by u/altairkid - 1 vote and no comments It really depends on what it the road of your Elegua, because they don't all take the same thing. If you go for divination, you will find out what if anything your Elegua wants. Rev. Your godparent who gave you Elegua needs to explain that to you and tell you what specific things he needs, how often, and what to do with them. a casa de ajala; a beleza de oshÚn; a consideraÇÃo de ogun e shangÓ; a regra ararÁ; a defesa de obatalÁ; a filha de inlÉ e Óba; a eleguedÉ (abÓbora) de oshÚn Jan 25, 2025 - Modern Orisha Jewelry. 0 coins. 🥃🚬🎲🃏 That way, they always have access to those things, since I am not into those things myself. Yes. In some houses, Eleggua is received separately from the warriors. hello! so a few months ago i have became a devotee of La Santisima Muerte and also recently became a worshipper of Lucifer but i’ve been wanting to know connect with my ancestors and i was told that i should start with Elegua. 2012 series My dogs keep their toys stashed close to my Elegua. Elegua: also known Eshu, Elegba, or Legba. Se le asocia con el número 6 y su color es el rojo y negro. Elegua has a distinct appearance and style. Perfect for followers of Elegua, Santeria, Ifa, Babalawos, Orishas, and the Yoruba religion. Discover esoteric items, Orisha clothing, herbal teas Just an FYI, when you say "feeding" and elegua, we're not thinking of candy and stuff. 5K subscribers in the Santeria community. He is also called upon to cure fevers. Hello! I’ve been involved lightly with the community for a while from a distance, but have been impacted and am thankful for my muertos and the Orishas. The Orishas don't punish children for accidentally bumping into them. Listen to Elegua from The Sun Dog's Archaic Revival for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. En el panteón de la santería es uno de los orishas (deidades) guardianes, personificación del azar y la suerte y señor del destino, de los caminos, de las encrucijadas y de los cuatro vientos. It is said that he helped Babalú Ayé when he got sick, he was in charge of getting him his company dogs as well as some crutches and clemency on the part of Olofin. It symbolizes above all economic well-being, and that is why it is used mainly in requests of this type. Ver más ideas sobre elegua imagenes, mitología yoruba, mitología africana. Live and eat at the entrance of the houses. El Coconut Spiritual ElegguáAccording to some believers, it Elegua Bara: es el camino de Elegua que representa la energía y el vigor masculino, y es considerado como un guerrero. He hot boxes all the time. As the guardian of the crossroads, he is invoked during times of decision-making and transitions, providing guidance and protection. when seeing Babalu-Aiye in distress as the In the intricate tapestry of Yoruba spirituality, Elegua, also known as Eshu, emerges as a dynamic and enigmatic Orisha, embodying the qualities of trickery, communication, and the mysterious interplay of destiny. Receiving your Elegua as in getting him crowned? or getting the ifa which is the yellow and green bracelet. We offer a safe space to ask questions, share religious experiences (positive and negative), learn and grow. Elegua does live on the floor near your front door. Ocupa una posición predominante entre los demás dioses, al punto que, en . Represented as a young child or wise elder, often seen with keys and a staff, Elegba’s colors are red and black. Eleggua's family. Basically every other time they are synonyms. Useful_Ticket2789 • My son (18) Elegua is his garden angel elegua said you can’t give me things I won’t move till you change your life style my son stopped doing what he was doing he will be working with me soon Posted by u/Mizznana002 - 5 votes and 7 comments This item: Stainless Steel Link Wristband Evil Eye Protection Beaded Elegua Bracelet - Red and Black Beaded Elegua Bracelet for Adult Men and Women - Elegua Protection Jewelry Gift $22. En uno de sus caminos fue hijo de Okuboro y Añagui, reyes de la región de Egbá y en otro, de Obatalá y Yembo, hermano de Dada, Ogun, Ochosi y Osun, y hermano ejemplar de Shangó y Orunmila o Ilde Orula. I have a nice rug next to my Guerreros to chill there. For that reason, Eleggua has a versatility that encompasses being a great warrior as well as a particularly close relationship to The 10% of the time they aren't functionally identical, it is when we are referring to the specific icon. He carries a great club and prefers to wear a two-tone hat. Esta deidad está presente en los bailes folclóricos de algunas regiones de Latinoamérica de influencia africana (especialmente en Cuba y Explore the meaning behind dreaming of Elegua, a key figure in Yoruba religion and Afro-Caribbean spirituality. The orisha also goes by the names Eleggua, Elegua, Exu in the Candomble in Brazil. Other symbols associated with Ochosi are hunting dogs, a part of a stag’s horn, a small mirror, a scalpel and a fishing hook since these were the tools he often used when hunting. Learn how these dreams symbolize crucial choices, opportunities, and guidance. It means they’re not knotted tight enough or the thread stretched, and there are gaps in the beads. I've had dogs and cats and they've never bothered him too much. Some legends also say that Elegua was the son of Obbatalá and Yembó, in addition to having a large number of brothers. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest For those who have an "orisha room" and eshu is outside, where do you keep your elegua? Do you prefer to keep him in the orisha room, or do you keep Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest. So Elegua and Eshu are the same in the term that Elegua was the Orisha made from Eshu, but again Eshu is the original promordial deity who maintains the balance, Elegua is the Orisha. Ogun reinforces the paths that Elegúa opens. com - Your ultimate destination for authentic Santeria and Orisha-related products. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Elegua's association with crossroads underscores his influence over life's pivotal moments. Despite his fiery associations, Aganyu is also known for once having worked as a ferryman at a river. Elegua represents your intellect, your communication skills, your nervous system. This chapter discusses the Messenger of the Gods, Elegbara, who is one of the three most revered orishas in Yorubaland in Africa. Echú Arayeyí, Arareyí: Fortune teller's goalkeeper Orula. So if someone says "here's my Eshu, and over here my Elegua" they're using it to distinguish them in that way. Faith and affection of his devotees. 99 $ 22 . Posted by u/Awkward-Hospital383 - 4 votes and 4 comments My fathers is crowned elegua, and he has multiple echu, one from a santero which is just an ota and it stays outside because since it’s given by a santero is is an outside energy but he also has multiple echu that are given by a babalawo that stay inside. The dog and rooster are sacred to him. Tiendas físicas en Madrid y Gijón. 09-abr-2020 - Explora el tablero de Luisa Maria Sotillet Ramirez "Elegua imagenes" en Pinterest. My house has an ancestral altar on the floor, a boveda elevated on a table ( alcohol and tobacco are taboo on it ) and a tableau or sometimes many (working altar(s) which can hold tobacco and rum in particular cases. Eshu is the lord of the crossroads who must always sleep outdoors. Eshu on the other hand is our divine duality. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion Sports NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F. MADRID. E. The brothers found it and, after arguing, Elegua suggested that the leftover snails go to Baba Egun. Add a touch of elegance to your religious practices with this black and red hat. " [Mitología y Religión] Eleguá o Eshú. Familia. 5) Short Elegua The first Yorubas say that on a certain occasion the wife of the drainer went to visit orunmila, because she wanted to have a change in her life because in the last years of their relationship she had not felt happy. He is the messenger of Olofi. This Pin was discovered by Ana Clarissa Bezerra. The easiest way I can think of to see a difference is Echu is the black and Elegua is the red Elegua I would say is more nicer than Eshu they are both tricksters but Eshu tricks are known to be more harmful they are both one some houses see them as two separate Orishas but the way I see it they are one like a coin there are two sides, there is no morning without night Elegua is Hey does anyone hold their elegua and meditate near him morning coffee ex. He is the owner of iron, and therefore of the knife. Philadelphia 76ers Premier League UFC Si deseas conocer más sobre el significado de soñar con Elegua «clic aquí» 9- ¿Dónde se coloca Elegguá? Elegguá gusta de vivir detrás de la puerta, cuidando el ilé u hogar de quien lo posee. Papa Legba (Eleggua) or sprinkling water. Dr. But nothing came of it, and his father it seems kept trying to just drain me of money with no change in my situation after close to a year. Protector of the Orisha of love, Ochún. Divinidad de los cultos yoruba, fon y otros pueblos africanos. I initially thought I was seeing things but talked with my Iya and Yubonna afterward and they said they see the same thing. But if you're referring to getting your elegua crown as in elegua is your father (guardian angel) it can cost a lot more from 10,000 - 18,000. I find a strong personal connection with the two. My mom didn’t kill the mice she told me that elegua was playing with them at night. They were universally revered throughout all of the tribes that spoke the Yoruban language. The slaves that were taken from the Yoruba lands and brought to Cuba brought the Names of a curious, wandering Echu who takes the form of a stray dog. The name of Elegua can be understood in his language as "bearing prince of those who live in Egbá". Collector’s Comments: I found this idea of having an Orisha as the keeper of the gates very interesting. He doesn't live up high, normally. This is a good question for your godparents! However, my understanding is that Elegua is happiest by the door but can make do with anywhere. That is why it is usual to relate the Orisha Orumila with San Francisco de Asis; to Elegua with San Antonio; to Oggun with San Pedro; to Oshosi with San Norberto; to Obatala with the Virgen de las Mercedes; Oshun with the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre; Oya with the Virgen de la Candelaria and Yemaya with the Virgen de Regla, among others, who are part of the Yoruba or Santeria This Pin was discovered by Carlos Joel Marín Magallón. These are the translations I have for a specific version: Bara súwà yo Fuerza vital que lejos y extensamente aparece “ Elegua, Mental Health and the Vagus Nerve” . 9M . His favorite companion is Orunmila, the witness of fate. Maferefun Yes I have Eshu and Elegua and I see it in both of there faces so I agree. Are you been coherent? . but my family at home is still stuck on their christian mentality so my workings are hidden in my room and such a small space with multiple altars Papa Legba is a lwa, or loa, in West African Vodun and its diasporic derivatives (Dominican Republic Vudú, Haitian Vodou, Louisiana Voodoo, and Winti), who serves as the intermediary between God and humanity. I take it you mean the Elegua you received with your guerreros. Reviews There are no reviews yet. What Addimú (offering) can you put to Elegguá? In terms of Yemaya and Elegua, yes and no. He is one of the Orishas most respected for his wisdom, antiquity, and power. If you wish to learn how to do the Elegua doodle step by step click here. Elegua has a lovely connection with all of the Orisha in different ways, but there are certainly stories about the two of them together. -canto-a-elegua-yemaya-chango Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. See more ideas about orisha, santeria, jewelry. You may recognize him as Elegua. Blessings, Iya #mentalhealth #vagusnerve #elegua Yoruba saying: Ear does not pass head. His tools include 3 arrows, 3 hunting dogs, a small mirror, a piece of stag's horn, a fishing hook and a scalpel, which makes his protection is important for people undergoing surgery. It was also interesting that if you do not do Listen to Elegua from The Sun Dog's The Other Side for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Eshu is often depicted as a cunning and playful figure, One thing to note is that I put a little, wrapped Cuban candy on the statue after the tour guides during the Santeria tour said that Elegua likes candy and things associated with children. I miss my mom so much sometimes and I’m thankful she taught me spirituality at that age. Her husband, who watched her steps, followed her in secret and in the middle of the dense forest he had lost Thursday is the day dedicated to Legba, while dogs and roosters are considered sacred to him. We offer a safe space to ask questions, share religious Elegua's Association with Crossroads. This Pin was discovered by Phk. Candles are ok but they really aren't central to our relationship with the Orisha. Ochosi knows the wilderness better than anyone else and has mastered the art of tracking his prey and killing it while being totally undetectable. Dogs accompany him on his journeys. But, watch out, for he is a trickster with twenty-one manifestations, from a playful child to wise old man. Hang Dog; German Folklore from Utah, Florida, and Minnesota; Elegua is the keeper of the gates for the Orishas, so you shouldn’t even think about starting the Bimbe before doing this. It's often the hardest Orisha to get to know for a lot of people. It sounds like you need to accommodate him properly on the floor. 4 . Vídeo de TikTok de Lizandro El Marginal (@lizandroelmarginal): «Explore the significance of Elegua in Santeria religion and celebrate Dia del Eleggua on June 13th. Agbanukue: Celebrated as the custodian of the Ilé Legba likes candy, toys, and coconut as offerings, or anything children would enjoy. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest The difference between Eshu and Elegua Eshu and Elegua are 2 different entities that form a bond. My madrina was there with me and she told me it was fine, so even if it wasnt a crown I had someone make especially for him I thought Id share Alle relevanten Informationen sowie Bilder, Videos und einen detaillierten Stammbaum zu Expand Eleggua And Evokation findest du bei working-dog. Elegua is considered to be the guardian of the gates between different dimensions and has the power to grant or deny access to the spiritual realm. We don't have an altar for Elegua. when seeing Babalu-Aiye in distress as the villagers threw water on his blistesr, found two dogs to come and lick his wounds to help heal them. ? Because the IFA can go from 20-100 $ in Cuba and 400-1000$ in the US depending on your babawlowo. Now after having for more than 10yrs I pay attention and communicate with them. Spraying rum is for Esu/Elegua and libation is for the deceased. He stands at a spiritual crossroads and gives (or denies) permission to speak with the spirits of Guineé, and is believed to speak all human languages. His colors are green and black, so his followers wear alternating green and black bead necklaces. The colors of his outfit are red and black, Elegua walked away from his brothers, went into the mountains and performed a ritual with a wooden carving, turning it into an ayá (dog). He is within you like any other deity . Cuando los espiritus bailan manbo Addeddate 2020-09-26 01:31:29 Identifier 09. I move them away but they always end up right next to him anyway. The dog is sacred to him. Eshu is lord of virility and in his aspect of Shigidi is god of nightmares. Yellow, purple, and red are colors special to Legba. Since Eleggua comes first in all things, that would however include war. Some arrived with the Spanish and are of Catholic influence such as "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth", "Man does not live by bread alone" or "The habit does not make the monk" and "The devil knows more for old than for devil. [Outro] Bring them dogs out like I own the kennel I'm in the stu' with all killers I'm in the stu' with all dealers Get that boy, I think that boy a factor Spin the block twice, we gon' make the Elegua is not a statue nor a woman can give you Eshu the Eshus are given by man Babalawos through a ceremony 3 days Mano de Orula. This Pin was discovered by Erick Jiménez. All ceremonies and rituals in Santería must first have the approval of Eleguá before progressing. As such, he has become the See more What does Elegguá represent? Elegguá is the first of the Orishas and for this Some depictions show Elegua with a dog, as dogs are also associated with him in Santeria. Eleguá o Elegguá es el mensajero de los dioses de la religión Yoruba, en África occidental, y de la santería cubana, que mezcla elementos de esta creencia con el catolicismo. Then Elegua is a small child with piercing but not scary eyes. Just make sure if you give him something that isn't good for dogs, you keep it secure. Eleguá tomó el coco y lo llevó consigo al castillo, pero cómo iba molesto porque sus padres no le creían tiró el coco detrás de la puerta principal del castillo. I believe you will love these miracle prayers to Obatala for protection and peace. I don't know if this alters the proceder or process. 7 benefits of having an Eleguá. Ochosi's symbol is a crossbow and arrow. These offerings are often made in hopes of gaining Elegua's favor or protection. : (Regarding Eleggua/Eshu) Eleggua and Eshu’s roots are in the west african Yoruba people who lived in the area currently associated with southwestern Nigeria and Benin. Con él en sus manos le cuenta a sus padres lo que había visto y estos no le creen. Prosperity, happiness, luck or misfortune are in your hands. Elegua he adores the attention of his devotees and there are many santeros who say that the size or quantity of offerings that are brought to the saint does not matter, but the faith and affection with which they are made. Link in bio or post. As the Elegua, is the eternal guardian of the roads and destiny, and a messenger between deities and humans. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest This Record is Orisha Eleggua and the Warriors together. C. Legba is associated with dogs and often appears with his dogs in tow. Eshu, the trickster orisha (Yoruba gods) of the Yoruba people of Western Africa, is the mischievous divinity well-known in Yoruba mythology as to be the messenger of the gods, and a mediator between opposites. This enigmatic figure holds a central role in the spiritual pantheon, serving as the guardian of crossroads, communication, and destiny. :) But ya, no problem at all. es. GIJON (@eleggua. Elegua Baralayiki. I would encourage you to put him on the floor if possible, even if he's in a closet or something. Pataki de Orula where the big goat becomes a ghost. It is located at the crossroads of humanity and the divine, it is the intermediary between Olorun and humans, and carries the offerings and messages of the latter to the Supreme God and the Is it true one shouldnt whistle in a house that Elegua resides in? Also should we be concerned about burping and farting infront of Elegua and the warriors or any Orisha You should always clean up and take a shower after sex before handling warriors and other Orishas right? Is it also true that some Eleguas actually heavily dislike children? Once, after some kids in my family birthday party I gave Elegua all the candy from the piñata that my son cant eat yet and there came a little paper crown with it, so I put it on him. In the hunt, Ogun is helped by his dog, so a dog and dog barks are among his symbols. Eleguá should never miss his doodle, because it is your support and your main tool. H1: A Powerful Prayer to Eleggua: Opening Paths and Opportunities Eleggua, the vibrant Orisha of beginnings, crossroads, and paths, holds immense power to influence our lives. Eshu from a Babalawo. In terms of church, I know there are people who can balance two faith traditions/religious practices well. Animals eating an Orishas offerings are a blessing. 336 Followers, 5 Following, 72 Posts - ÉLÉGUA (@eleguaband) on Instagram: "that heavy boogie southern rock band from Switzerland. Es el guardián de las puertas, de los caminos y el dueño del destino de los hombres. Barking dogs seldom bite ♁☠⚘♀♆ What are the 21 roads of Elegua? Elegua Laroye: Distinctive for his mischievous and communicative nature. in the yoruba religion, brought from West Africa to Cuba during the trans-atlantic slave trade, Elegua is the guardian of the crossroads and the primordial messenger. For me, I'm crowned to Yemaya and my father in ocha is Elegua. It sounds like you aren't sure you want to be involved in this religion, so if that's the case, I would respectfully return the Elegua to the person who gave him to you, say thank you, and leave. "Not only am I gonna receive ebo, I'm also gonna receive them before you" love it. Elegua Bi: es el camino de Elegua que representa la ambigüedad y la confusión, y se asocia con la imagen de un hombre ciego. There are many popular sayings that abound on this island. His fiery personality reflects these aspects and his color is red. Love sweets and the sweets . (a spirit in Yoruba religion). Aganyu is the orisha of the violence of the earth, of volcanoes and earthquakes. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. On a day-to-day, I connect strongly with Elegua, but I always have. Elegua and Santeria [] Eleguá is known in Cuba and Puerto Rico as the orisha and "owner" of caminos, or roads and paths. Im buying candles for Elegua and i want to buy natural paraffin-free and lead-free candles I found some online but there made of Palm wax and I dont Ochosi (also spelled Ochossi, Oxosi, or Oshosi) is a skilled, stealthy hunter orisha who upholds the highest ethical standards and always hit the mark with his arrow. In terms of appearance, Elegua is often depicted as a young boy or a man of medium height wearing a hat or cap, a frock coat, and holding a cane or walking stick. This article delves into the cultural significance of Elegua, emphasizing the importance of personal context and emotion in interpretation. 6. He is the god of communication, trickery, and crossroads. He is a jealous guardian, but An Elegua who is ignored and hungry isn't going to be very happy. " As others have said, Elegua goes on the floor, not on a shelf up on the wall. So, don't worry about that. 6. This is expected, as Legba is such an incredibly important spirit. Venta al público y mayorista. Meanwhile, Eleggua He is the one who has the power over fortune, the wise man who opens the roads and the imperious warrior. Book of Songs; Postposm » esotericism. If Elegua is the messenger of the Orishas, telling them of the ceremonies we are performing in their honor, Ogun (or Oggun) is the worker. Se le asocia con el número 9 y su 8. When making offerings to Legba, devotees normally include coffee, cane This Pin was discovered by Orixa Tradition. He goes behind the front door on the ground. 3,145 Followers, 1,916 Following, 1,127 Posts - eleggua. As the intermediary between humans and the divine, Elegua's Both the Eleggua traveler in the form of an amulet like the Spiritual ElegguáThese are current concepts that have caused some controversy among Yoruba devotees, due to problems associated with the consecration of the representations of this deity associated with luck and with the opening of the paths in life. Coins. His numbers are combinations of 3 and 7 which relate him to his brother Elegúa and mother, one of the paths of Yemayá. Elegua, also known as Eshu or Legba, is one of the most revered deities in the Yoruba religion and its diasporic traditions like Santería and Vodou. Eshu, also known as Elegua, is one of the most dynamic and complex Orishas in the Yoruba religion. His favorite color is red and black, and his number is three. Learn how to access Elegua’s energy to gain a deeper understanding of self regulation and our emotional health. There are some treatises where certain Eshú eat turtle (Ayapa or Ayakua), dog (Ayá), biajaca (fish), curiel (Elubá), porcupine (Akika), duck (Kuekueyé or Pepeyé) and ram (Agbo). The house is decorated with a lot of dark wood and red accents. Alicia Tomero 09/12/2024 12:09 This Pin was discovered by Cesar Augusto. This powerful deity, often depicted as a child, represents the energy that guides us towards our destiny, opening doors and clearing obstacles in our way. Eleggua se maravilló al verlo porque sus ojos brillaban, el objeto era un coco. For this reason, his devotees place a great Elegua, the Orisha of the crossroads, is said to enjoy fruits, vegetables, and other offerings that are typically found at crossroads. To pay homage to your ancestors it’s an important tradition to 5. Eshu is the force that brings the trickster out and the negative energies. 15. The sacred patakis state that Elegua, the Orisha of roads (and as mentioned in some sources, Ochosi’s brother) once gave Ochosi início; orixÁs. Let us explore the significance and influence of Elegba Orisha across different cultures and its role as the opener I keep getting no where does anyone know any pataki or book source of elegua pataki if it's hard to find or na lmk or don't answer we can save time alafia blessings to all ase My elegua at 13 would play with mice in the kitchen. This deity is considered to be a good eater and very happy because he is fascinated by sweets and food. Eleggua Afra (Eshu Afra): Linked to health and defense against diseases. One time, I didn't feed my Warriors for a while, and so now I am with a man who likes to drink, smoke, and gamble. The companion Orisha is one who complements your Ori and your path. New on Patreon- Sacred Crossroads Online School. es" [Yoruba->English] Please help me find out what the chants are in the song "Eleggua" by Dayme Arocena, The song is about the Lucumi deity "Eleggua" and this song might not be original, I don't need the vocal improvisations just the chants if possible, thanks in advance! His days are Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, and the 4th day of every month. We don't really use the word "altar" but if you want to, remember it is spelled altar, not alter. Discover how engaging in rituals 1,773 Followers, 257 Following, 503 Posts - Ecole Elegua (@salsaconelegua) on Instagram: "#SalsaCubaine #CubanStyle #Bachata #Paris 14 #IDF 77 | 91 ️Cours Tout Public ️Event Privé | Pro Contact 06 09 23 75 57" "SanteriaGuide. Elegua is received from a santero. (I had a tiny apartment with mom) so our door out was with the kitchen to place guerreros. When you take them off for the day or to put them up, spread them out full length and wrap them in white cloth so they don’t tangle. He is considered an older 5212 me gusta,145 comentarios. Over time, after African syncretic practices blended with Catholicism in the new world, Legba became associated with several saints, including Saint Peter, Saint Anthony, and Saint Lazarus. In our house, the white plates/ coconuts/ candles aren't required to leave the house. Some set up in a closet or cabinet. Because of his position as ‘gate-keeper’ between the worlds of the Question regarding Elegua and Santeria in general. Ofrendas y bailes. His father gave me a elegua and had me do some stuff over months and months. Now yes the lady is going to do brujería to try to get y’all to return back but cleanse yourself and family with what’s ever you find tree branches or flowers from the street. So I went to this guy to get a reading and during the reading he asked me have I ever heard of elegua and I told him yes and he told me that that's my guardian spirit and he told me to go buy some elekes (necklace ) that go around your neck which mine are red and black I also bought a statue with elegua holding a coconut and i purchased a red candle but he never told me about Eshu's little way of getting back at the Orisha for bullying him. His protection is requested to avoid damage and tricks. Honored through rituals and offerings, Elegba is venerated in various Afro-Caribbean and Latin American traditions like Santeria, Candomblé, and Palo. Por eso su papel es tan importante, porque tiene la capacidad de abrir o cerrar los caminos de las Eleguá, o Elegguá, es una deidad perteneciente a la religión yoruba, reverenciado e invocado en los rituales religiosos de la santería. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Canto A Elegua, Yemaya, Chango. The crossroads symbolize choice, opportunity, and change. Info@eleggua. He is the son of Okuboro and Añagui, monarchs of the great lands of Egbá. The origin of the Papa Legba symbol can be traced back to the West African Yoruba people, who believe in the existence of Elegua, the Orisha (deity) associated with crossroads, gates, and communication. es) on Instagram: "Fabricante y distribuidor de productos esotéricos. He is similar to Legba of the Voodoo tradition and Elegua Elegua (Yoruba: Èṣù-Ẹlẹ́gbára and Ẹlẹ́gbá, also spelled Eleggua; known as Eleguá in Latin America and Spanish-speaking Caribbean islands) is an Orisha, a deity of roads in the religions of Santería, Winti, Umbanda, Quimbanda, Holy Infant of Atocha, and Candomblé. This is a Lukumi based discussion forum. . I'm just saying I've seen people laugh and come at people for not getting Elegua real Palm Oil or be going up and down being crazy trying to get really Palm Oil but I've seen barely seen anyone get real cigars for Elegua AND WE IN A CUBAN TRADITION TO, HOME OF THE WORLDS MOST PRIZED CIGARS There are multiple ways to sing this song. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest The dog is sacred to him. No need to worry. plus-circle Add Review. Topics Afrocubano0 Item Size 148. He is depicted as a leprous beggar on crutches accompanied by two dogs. ; Guava is a fruit that represents success and suggests the enjoyment of life and achievements. We see this figure appear in different forms across world religions. Offerings in rituals of Elegua Translations in context of "Eleguá and horse" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: This painting includes a number of Eleguá and horse heads transmutating into other forms. The beat is created by multiple folks holding garabatos as ritual instruments and striking the earth with the V shape flat while accompanied by the high ObatalaA patient father to Orishas and men, he has always been praised for his sense of justice and his way of finding solutions to his children's problems. The candy was on the statue in Cuba and in the US. 37. wbbgvnqdupctjyfhojzrvhcjkrufifazvmafhahiykgyiaqbwfcmwixgswrbtlvyvkllwafkjnhf