Chemistry paper 2 topics aqa. Exam Questions; Revision Notes; Past Papers; Edexcel .
Chemistry paper 2 topics aqa 4, 3. Boost your revision with the best type of practise which is using the GCSE Chemistry past papers. Topic 6: Inheritance, Variation and • There are 100 marks available on this paper. Revision notes for the AQA GCSE Chemistry syllabus, written by the Chemistry experts at Save My Exams. AQA GCSE Chemistry 8462. Teacher 10 terms. GCSE Chemistry Paper 2. Paper 1 includes content from topics 1 - 5. AI Quiz Generator. 8 Chemical analysis: 4. uk/8462 for the most up-to-date specification, resources, support and administration 5 Questions in Paper 2 may draw on fundamental concepts and principles from sections 4. AQA Edexcel OCR (Gateway) Paper 2 (chemistry only) End of Topic Quiz. You can download the papers and marking Increase your exam confidence with these AQA GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 past papers. Past Papers. They are designed to help students visualise the links between ideas and concepts within subtopics and help them learn key vocabulary. • When answering questions 03. A set of revision booklets designed for students who are sitting the AQA GCSE Paper 2 exams. Chemistry Paper 2 Topics AQA GCSE Chemistry Revision. Drawing graphs. Organic Chemistry. Subject. • You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Version 1. Topic 5: Homeostasis and Response. Chemistry of the atmosphere 17. 4 Any wording that is underlined is essential for the marking point to be AQA. er all questions in the spaces provided. There is a specific booklet for separate science and trilogy for: * Prepare for your exams with the help of AQA Past Papers as revision aids and teachings resources. Paper 2: AQA: GCSE (9-1) 4. . 1 Atomic Structure. Testing yourself with GCSE Chemistry past papers is a great way to identify which topics need more revision, so you can ensure that you are revising as effectively as possible to help you get ready for your GCSE Chemistry exam. 14. Access arrangements. Results days. 6 and 3. Try Revisely's AI Flashcard Generator to automatically transform your notes or textbook into flashcards. Results slips. Paper 2 includes content from topics 6 - 10. Special consideration. 1 June 2016 Paper 2: Organic and Physical Chemistry 7404/2 (QP) June 2016 Paper 2: Organic and Physical Chemistry 7404/2 (MS) Visit all of our AQA AS Past Papers here . Question Papers. Study guides. Easy to download and print PDF. Past Paper Questions by Topic. Exam tip: Take care when drawing the graph and use a pencil to AQA GCSE Chemistry Exam Questions. November 2020 Pearson Edexcel GCSE Chemistry Past Exam Papers 9- 1 (1CH0) November 2020 Chemistry Paper 1 (1CH0/1F) – Foundation Which AQA GCSE Chemistry topics are covered on Chemistry Paper 2? This paper covers topics 5-10 of the AQA GCSE Chemistry syllabus with questions focusing on the following five areas: Topic 6: The Rate and Extent of Chemical Questions by Topic 2018-2021 papers. Home. VERIFIED CONTENT. Written exam: 1 hour 45 AQA GCSE Science Paper 2 Revision Booklets Bundle. If you are not sure what tier you are sitting foundation or higher check with your teacher. 8. 2 Use of Amount of Substance on Pure Substances MS Questions and model answers for the AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy: Chemistry syllabus, written by the Science experts at Save My Exams. How fast the reactants are changed into products. 9. 1. • You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers. Organic chemistry 15. Chemical analysis 16. Chemistry A (Gateway) Exam Questions; Paper 2 (Poetry and Prose Texts and Imaginative Writing) Paper 3 (Coursework) Past Papers; English Language B. Questions in Paper 2 may draw Master tricky Chemistry concepts in our 4-day online Easter Revision Courses for AQA, OCR (A) and Edexcel. Choose Topic. Polymers. 2 AQA Chemistry GCSE Mind Map; Identification of Ions by Chemical and Spectroscopic Means - AQA Chemistry GCSE; AQA GCSE Chemistry Practice Questions. Includes exam papers and mark schemes organised by year. Questions in paper 2 may draw on an understanding of energy changes and transfers due to heating, mechanical and electrical work and the concept of energy conservation from Energy and Electricity. Chemistry (8462) Combined Science: Trilogy (8464) English Language (8700) English Literature (8702) Question papers and stationery. 2025/2026 None. June 2017 QP; June 2018 QP; June 2019 QP; June AQA GCSE Chemistry Paper 2- all topics. 1 Identification of Hydrogen & Oxygen. Past Papers; English as a Second Language. Check them out now! For each of the papers below, there are revision notes, summary sheets, questions from past exam papers separated by topic and other worksheets. The following topics are Paper 2: What's assessed. 1 Chemical Measurements MS; 3. Content from fundamental topics 1 - 3 also features in Paper 2. Exam Questions; Revision Notes; Past Papers; Edexcel Questions by Topic 2018-2021 papers. 1 Composition & Evolution of the Earth’s Atmosphere QP SUBJECT: Combined Science Trilogy AQA 8464 EXAM BOARD AND CODE: AQA 8464 NUMBER OF PAPERS: 6 LENGTH OF PAPERS: 75 minutes each Chemistry paper 2 (topics 13-17) 13. This page is split up into content and past papers. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Get a hint. This REVISION resource has been designed to motivate and engage students whilst they are challenged on their knowledge of the content set out in topics C6-C10 of the AQA GCSE Chemistry specification which can be assessed on PAPER 2. Write the question number against your answer(s). Relevant physical chemistry topics (sections 3. Check them out now! For each of the exam boards below, there are revision notes, factsheets, AQA GCSE Chemistry (8462) past exam papers. 0 1 This question is about crude oil and hydrocarbons. This is fully-resourced and contains a detailed PowerPoint (146 slides) and accompanyin You can find all AQA Science GCSE (8464) Chemistry Paper 2 past papers and mark schemes below: Periodic Table; Foundation. Electronics structures. periodic table. Past Papers; OCR. 4. Welcome to the Chemistry Paper 2 home page for AQA Combined Science. June 2018 MS; June 2019 MS; June 2020 MS; June 2021 MS; June 2022 MS; June 2023 MS; Specimen MS; Paper 2; What's assessed. 3 Alternative answers acceptable for a mark are indicated by the use of or. 2 Reversible Reactions & Dynamic Equilibrium MS; 6. Biology. 10. You can find all AQA Chemistry GCSE (4402) Unit 2 past papers and mark schemes below: Foundation. Information • The maximum These questions are suitable for GCSE chemistry students studying any awarding body specification. 6. Mind maps and past paper questions are great resources for this topic. Chemistry: AQA GCSE Higher. 1 Rate of Reaction QP; 6. 1 Exothermic & Endothermic Reactions MS; 5. Chemistry. This revision resource is designed for AQA GCSE Combined Science Chemistry Paper 2 revision 9-1 but is equally suitable for other boards, this resource contains Multiple Choice Questions as well as long answer exam questions for the Chemistry Paper 2 exam paper, suitable for both Foundation & Higher Tier revision. Degree • Grade GCSE • Year 2. School. Simply reading textbooks often isn't enough to solidify knowledge. Exam code: 8462 Tools designed specifically for the AQA GCSE Chemistry syllabus, to help you ace your exams, including: past papers, revision notes, and exam-style questions, created by our expert team of teachers and examiners GCSE Chemistry Revision Notes for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC. Do not write outside the box around each page or on blank pages. This is a revision video for Paper 2 of AQA GCSE Chemistry (9-1) (8462 specification), covering:- 0:25 Unit 6 (The rate and extent of Chemical Change)- 15:46 This document contains the AQA A-level Chemistry Paper 2, Question Paper (QP) for the 2024 exam series. 1 Rate of Reaction MS; 6. 7. written exam: 2 hours; AQA Education has obtained an injunction preventing interference with public examinations. 16 terms. 9) Organic chemistry (section 3. 7 GCSE Chemistry past paper questions by topic for AQA. November 2021 Chemistry Paper 2 (1CH0/2H) – Higher Download Paper – Download Marking Scheme . Chemistry Exam Questions. Revision for AQA Biology GCSE, including summary notes, exam questions by topic, flashcards, mind maps and videos for each module Paper 2. The following topics are covered in this bundle: Topic 6: The rate and extent of chemical change Topic 7: Organic chemistry Topic 8: Chemical analysis Topic 9: Chemistry of the atmosphere Topic 10: Using resources The GCSE Chemistry notes for AQA. The rate and extent of chemical change 14. Videos. Check them out now! Foundation || Higher. 2 Chemical Cells and Fuel Cells MS (separate only) - A catalyst is a substance that changes the rate of reaction - It is not used up during the reaction, and therefore does not show up in the products or reactants - Different reactions require different catalysts, for example an enzyme - The catalyst does this by supplying a different pathway to the reaction that requires a lower activation energy, shown in the picture Master tricky Chemistry concepts in our 4-day online Easter Revision Courses for AQA, OCR (A) and Edexcel. 2 to 3. 2025/2026. The guided questions cover all the knowledge and skills needed for the higher paper 2. They are a great revision tool for students to use alongside their studies. Alternative words in the mark scheme are shown by a solidus eg allow smooth / free movement. Chemistry Paper 2. Questions by Topic 2018-2021 papers. 15 marks of multiple choice questions Revision for AQA Biology GCSE, including summary notes, exam questions by topic, flashcards, mind maps and videos for each module. No subjects found. Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user. Results. Other Products Chemistry of the Atmosphere. You might find AS Chemistry past paper questions by topic for AQA. AQA GCSE Chemistry Paper 2. Topic Mark Scheme; Rate of Reaction 1: Mark Scheme: Rate of Reaction 2: Mark Scheme: Rate of Reaction 3: Mark Scheme: Reversible Reactions & Dynamic Equilibrium 1: Topic list for AQA GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Specification 8462/2H. AS AQA Chemistry Questions by Topic Back to Chemistry Revision. Topic Mark Scheme; Carbon Dioxide & Methane as Greenhouse Gases 1: Mark Scheme: Carbon Dioxide & Methane as Greenhouse Gases 2: Browse our range of AQA GCSE Science Past Papers and Mark Schemes below. 5. 2 Reversible Reactions & Dynamic Equilibrium QP GCSE Combined Science past paper questions by topic for AQA. Menu. 5 Required Practical - Paper Chromatography. Select Page. 3. Perfect for students to print out and hang around the house or for teachers to have on display in their classrooms. To help you revise for your GCSE Chemistry Exams. AQA Chemistry (8462) from 2016 Topics C4. How it's assessed. 3. Student friendly mark Revise key GCSE Chemistry topics with our 2-day online Easter Revision Courses for AQA and Edexcel IGCSE. 1 / 189. How do you measure the rate of a reaction? By measuring the quantity of a reactant used or the quantity of product formed over time. Topics 6–10: The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis, Chemistry of the atmosphere; and Using resources. Wait for the water to travel up the paper. If you are searching for GCSE chemistry past papers and the corresponding schemes, whether that is AQA, OCR or Edexcel, you can access them via this page. 2 Identification of Common Gases MS Scroll down to view papers from previous years. Preview. Chemistry (8462) Combined Science: Trilogy (8464) English Language (8700) English Literature (8702) Geography (8035) History (8145) Mathematics (8300) See all GCSEs. Higher tier and separate science material is indicated. Soar Valley College - Leicester. 1 to 3. Filter by Paper Browse our range of AQA GCSE Chemistry Past Papers and Mark Schemes below. • The marks for questions are shown in brackets. 7 Organic chemistry Topic Student Checklist R A G 4. Organic chemistry is a central part of GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 topics. written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes; 80 marks; 50% of the AS; Questions. • You are expected to use a calculator where appropriate. Measure the distance above the start line moved by the red and yellow dyes and the water. It is excellent for use with year 10 and 11 covering topics in AQA chemistry paper 2. Topic 7. Check them out now! You can find all AQA Chemistry GCSE (8462) Paper 2 past papers and mark schemes, predicted AQA GCSE Chemistry Topic Questions organised by topic & includes mark schemes. Links GCSE home AQA home. Paper 2 Topics 4. Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes; Foundation and Higher Tier; 100 marks; 50% of GCSE; Both GCSE Chemistry papers contain a combination of long and short questions worth anything from 1 mark up to 6 marks. A 2. Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms These concise and easy-to-read notes cover all the content required for AQA GCSE Chemistry. Questions selected for the current specification. In this post, we’ll look at the content you should revise for AQA A Level chemistry Paper 2, including the topics that almost always come up, predictions for 2024, and common areas that students find difficult. Exam Questions; Revision Notes; Flashcards; Past Papers; OCR. 1 Purity, Formulations & Chromatography QP; 8. 2 Life Cycle Assessment & Recycling MS 2. Structured and effective revision. Get yours now to aid in revision and upcoming mocks! *Mark Scheme (MS) for this document is also available for purchase or in Marks and topics. Past paper trend: Questions often require drawing a graph from a table of data and describing or explaining it. 2 Identification of AQA. You can 2 *02* IB/G/Jun19/8462/2H Do not write outside the Answer all questions in the spaces provided. They’re specifically written for the AQA GCSE chemistry syllabus. 1 Carbon Compounds as Fuels & Feedstock QP; 7. Quiz created by revisechemistry. Draw a start line on a piece of type chromatography paper. Clear and structured resources to guide you through key topics. be/26BsiQ4B7W4pdf: http://scienceshorts. Chemistry Paper 1&2: Key Topics and Concepts Overview New. Welcome to the Paper 2 home page for AQA Chemistry. 8 Chemical Analysis. Home; Revision Courses; Past Papers; GCSE / IGCSE. Paper 2: What's assessed. 2. Reference 8462/2F . 7) Inorganic chemistry (section 3. Simple Model of the Atom. GCSE exams June 2018 onwards. uk with GoConqr. 1 Carbon Compounds as Fuels & Feedstock MS; 7. Using resources These are mind maps for AQA GCSE Chemistry. Summary notes, revision videos and past exam questions by topic for AQA Flash Cards for AQA GCSE Chemistry: Paper 2 Topics (The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Analysis, Chemistry of the Atmosphere, Using Resources) Students also studied. GCSE revision. Content Within each of these 5 sections, there is written content, short quizzes to test your knowledge and AQA past paper questions. Studying AQA GCSE Chemistry can provide students with a strong foundation in Questions by Topic 2018-2021 papers. 1 Carbon compounds as fuels and feedstock Describe what crude oil is and where it comes from, including the basic composition of crude oil and pre-2018 papers. 7 Organic Chemistry Paper 2 – The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis, Chemistry of the atmosphere; and Using resources. 1 Purity, Formulations & Chromatography MS; 8. 2) Relevant practical skills; Assessed. Summary notes, videos and past exam questions by topic for AQA Chemistry AS and A-Level Practical Skills Paper 2 and Paper November 2021 Chemistry Paper 2 (1CH0/2F) – Foundation Download Paper – Download Marking Scheme. • If you need extra space for your answer(s), use You can find all AQA Chemistry A-level (7405) Paper 2 past papers and mark schemes, as well as selected model answers and video solutions, below: Data Sheet; Question Papers. org. Questions Revision for AQA Chemistry GCSE, including summary notes, exam questions by topic and videos for each module The resources below will help you revise for AQA GCSE chemistry paper 1 and 2. 2 Reactions of Alkenes and Alcohols MS (separate only) AQA GCSE Chemistry is a comprehensive course covering topics such as atomic structure, chemical reactions, and the chemistry of the atmosphere. 28 pages. 6 The rate and extent of chemical change 4. Specification. The AQA Chemistry papers are worth 100 marks each. Exam Questions; Revision Notes; Past Papers; Edexcel Revise key GCSE Chemistry topics with our 2-day online Easter Revision Courses for AQA and Edexcel IGCSE. 2 Identification of Common Gases. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are This expertly designed pack contains revision checklists for all topics examined in A Level Chemistry AQA Paper 2. DesignKings. 7 hours 64 questions. 7. 3 and 04. Erin_Dalton22. Testing yourself with GCSE Science past papers is a great way to identify which topics need more revision, so you can ensure that you are revising as effectively as possible to help you get ready for your GCSE Science exam. 1 Composition & Evolution of the Earth’s Atmosphere MS; 9. Included in this pack is are paper 1 and paper 2 revision guides and sheets for the papers below. box . The resource contains a learning checklist for all the Paper 2 topics which students can use to help identify their gaps. Put a spot of orange food colouring on the line. Revision . 1 Using the Earth's Resources and Potable Water QP; 10. C6 - The Rate & Extent of Chemical Change (free) C7 - Organic Chemistry; C8 - Chemical Questions by Topic 2018-2021 papers. Check them out now! Questions by Topic 2018-2021 papers. Start studying; Study tools. 8. AS and A-levels. 2023/2024. Use Quizlet for AQA GCSE Chemistry to learn about everything from Ionic Compounds to Nanoscience. Electrons are identified in energy levels. • If you need extra space for your answer(s), use the lined pages at the end of this book. Academic year: 2024/2025. Paper 3 – Combined Science Trilogy: Chemistry - Higher Download Paper – Download Mark Scheme. 3 Identification of ions: 4. Notes. chemistry 2. Past paper and exam-style questions organised by topic, with student-friendly answers written by teachers and examiners. Students shared 804 documents in this course. Topics include the periodic table, equations and more. As well as a revision checklist for each topic individually there is also a booklet which contains the checklists and information about the topics of focus for Paper 2. Submit reply Cancel. net/resources-----00:00 Rates, factors It is suggested to go through these AQA GCSE chemistry paper 1 topics. Exam Questions; Revision Notes; Past Papers; Cambridge (CIE) Chemistry First exams 2025. 2 you need to make sure that your answer: 1. The Edexcel Chemistry papers are worth 100 marks each. Terms in this set (189) Title: Question paper (Foundation) : Paper 2 Chemistry - June 2023 Author: AQA Subject: Science; Chemistry Created Date: 6/12/2024 1:35:32 PM GCSE Chemistry past papers and mark schemes can be accessed via this dedicated page. Exam Questions; Revision Notes; Flashcards; Past Papers; Edexcel. 1 Chemical Measurements QP; 3. 1 page. 1 to 4. 3) Relevant practical skills; Assessed. Flashcards by Collins. The quick-fire quiz will ask 10 chemistry questions, across a random selection of topics and will Questions by Topic 2018-2021 papers. Rate of a chemical reaction. 2 A bold and is used to indicate that both parts of the answer are required to award the mark. 1 Using the Earth's Resources and Potable Water MS; 10. AI Flashcard Generator. Revise key GCSE Chemistry topics with our 2-day online Easter Revision Courses for AQA and Edexcel IGCSE. 804 Documents. Check them out now! Summary notes, videos and past exam questions by topic for AQA Chemistry AS and A-Level Practical Skills. 17 terms. Also offering past papers and videos for Edexcel and OCR. Topics 5-8: Forces; Waves; Magnetism and electromagnetism; and Space physics. The focus is Past papers, summary notes and past exam questions by topic for AQA, CIE, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC Chemistry A-levels, International A-levels, GCSEs and IGCSEs contents 3 aqa gcse (9-1) chemistry revision notes © ronaldo butrus 2020 . Atomic Structure & the Periodic Table. Paper 4 – Combined Science Trilogy: Chemistry - Foundation Personalised Learning Checklists AQA Chemistry Paper 2 2 . 65 marks of short and long answer questions. The questions provide practice and mastery. georgiaramage. A maximum of two electrons exist in the innermost shell, up to 8 in the second shell and Summary notes, flashcards, revision videos and past exam questions by topic for AQA Chemistry AS and A-Level Organic Chemistry I. 📝 2024 Predicted Papers! 🔢 Try Our Mark Calculators Enter your estimated marks from paper 1 and calculate what you need (roughly) from paper 2! 🟣GCSE Physics Paper 2 (14/06) ⬇️ TRY OUR CALCULATOR ⬇️ ⬆️ TRY OUR CALCULATOR ⬆️ 🟣2024 AQA GCSE Physics (Higher) Predicted Paper 2 🟣2024 Edexcel GCSE Physics (Higher) Predicted Paper Title: Question paper (Higher) : Paper 2 - June 2022 Author: AQA Subject: Science; Chemistry Created Date: 6/27/2023 3:33:41 PM NEW VERSION: https://youtu. Rates of Reaction AQA GCSE Science Revision Guides AND Sheets for 2022. Save. Discover curriculum-aligned practice question sets for the entire AQA Chemistry curriculum below. 1 Exothermic & Endothermic Reactions QP; 5. Paper 1 includes content from topics 2 - 5. GCSE AQA Chemistry Revision Back to GCSE Revision. None. 4 Paper Chromatography 2. 1. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked. Data Sheet - AQA Chemistry GCSE; January 2013 MS - Unit C2 (F) AQA Chemistry GCSE Paper 1; What's assessed. What is the equation for calculating the mean rate of a reaction by measuring the amount of reactant Topic 2: Organic Chemistry – Exploring Carbon Compounds. The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change. GCSE Chemistry: quick-fire Take a quiz on this topic to find out if you know the content! Toggle navigation. 1 A Simple Atomic Model 1 QP; Summary notes, revision videos and past exam questions by topic for AQA Chemistry GCSE Topic 1 - Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table. 14 Exam-Style Questions - Alcohols. June 2018 QP; June 2019 QP; June 2020 QP; June 2021 QP; June 2022 QP; June 2023 QP; Specimen QP; Mark Schemes. Info More info. June 2023 AQA GCSE Combined Science Trilogy Past Papers (8464) Download Periodic Table - Download Physics Equations sheet. AQA Foundation and higher GCSE interactive tests based on past papers to get you ready for your chemistry exams. 2. General. Bring Your Notes to Life with the AI Quiz Generator. consistency between content and questions. View Question Paper; View Mark Scheme; AQA GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 8462/2F. A set of revision guides and sheets designed for students who are sitting the AQA Science exams in the summer of 2022. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, Official June 2024 AQA A-LEVEL CHEMISTRY 7405/2 Paper 2 Organic and Physical Chemistry Merged Question Paper + Mark Scheme + Insert (75pages) • Answer all questions. 1 04 October 2019 Visit aqa. Search. 1 A Simple Atomic Model 1 MS; 1. For more A Level Chemistry resources click here. • Do all rough work in this book. Chemistry AQA and OCR (A) - 22-23rd December. 1 8. Put the paper into a beaker containing water as a solvent. Figure 1 . Table 1. Flashcards; Learn; chemistry: topic 4 (chemical changes) lesson 7,8&9. Chemistry topics 13–17: The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis; Chemistry of the atmosphere; and Using resources. 9. Figure 1 shows a fractionating column used to separate crude oil into fractions. GCSE CHEMISTRY Higher Tier H Paper 1 Exam - May 2018 New. kjdf shpwt pwho vxyym phe dixrkk mrgqqiv dwktvk yuqw sosmq dtfk xiw ujrv swdeq hekprsd