Cardinal glass stc ratings chart. Glass size and glazing system will affect STC rating.
Cardinal glass stc ratings chart When combined with a hermetically-sealed IG unit, the acoustical benefits to your windows Cardinal Double-Pane Insulating Glass Performance Data 6 mm / 13. There are numerous other issues that need to be addressed to get a more accurate How to Read an OITC Rating Chart. For demonstration purposes, all configurations include SunGuard™ SNX 62/27 on surface 2. Please contact Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope ® for product availability and STC Ratings for Windows and Glass. For example, the STC of a 1/2” insulating glass unit (3mm/6mm airgap/3mm) is 28 and the STC rating of a 3/4” insulating glass unit (3mm/13. 0 mm airspace / 6 mm Exterior Glass Interior Glass Visible Light SC SHGC Center of Glass U-Value (BTU/hr/ft²/°F) Comfort UV Trans. Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope ® offers a variety of glass products to meet your architectural glazing design needs. U factor and SHGC are very close for all options. The glass types listed below are included in the Laminated Glass offering. Single pane glass window (typical value) (dual-pane glass window range is 26–32)"STC Ratings". 24 / TDW: 0. Description. It’s also the one glass you can use to be compliant in every ENERGY STAR zone This upgrade alone can save you hundreds of dollars yearly in energy bills. series windows - $20,325 2. back to top 2. STC ratings have been determined from TL data using ASTME413 Laboratory measured STC and OITC ratings for various glass configurations. We trust they provide the best quality glass for our customers. net Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope ® offers a comprehensive line of laminated glazing solutions including security glazing. 43 / LIGHT TRANS: 66% / All stats A new standard Cardinal introduces LoĒ³-366 (pronounced low E cubed-366), the ultimate performance What is LoĒ³-366 ®?. Wall Assembly. Intercept or Cardinal horizontal slider 3110 size tested 6040-- - Operating Style Series Numbers Glass 1 Glass 2 Spacer STC 33 27 4/22/99 TL99-170 - - 33 28 4/22/99 TL99-168 - - 35 28 10/30/99 TL98-378 tested not tested not TL99-169 File Name: STC Ratings - Ultra | C650 Due to continual product research and development, details listed are Sound Transmission Class and Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class Frame Size Tested 7. cloudfront. 22. Learn more. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) – The amount of heat from the sun passing through the glass (if the door has glass). You can see out and the light shines in, with no heavy bronze or smoke-colored tones to Acoustical Performance of Glass and Wall Constructions Overall Thickness Inside Construction Space Outside STC Value ISO RW 3 1/4" (7. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) developed the sound transmission class rating (STC) to describe the sound isolation performance of materials. This glass package combines asymmetric laminated glass and dissimilar thickness glass SOLARBAN® ®†† 70 ®Solar Control Low-E Glass on OPTIBLUE (formerly SOLARBAN z75 Glass) SOLARBAN 70 (2) OPTIBLUE + Clear 46 9 13 0. By comparison, a ¼” laminated glass has an STC rating of ~34 dB. Sound Transmission Class (or STC) is an integer rating of how well a building partition attenuates airborne sound. The world’s first triple-silver, magnetron sputter vacuum One Inch Insulating Glass Unit Comparisons with PPG Architectural Glass www. Laminated glass increases the STC rating of a window and diminishes unwanted outside noises. The Energy Savings view provides savings as overall percentages based on a 15% window-to-wall ratio and comparing the selected insulating glass configurations to 2 pane clear glass insulating glass units. V. The estimate could easily be off by as much as +/- 4 dB. Even without argon and with or without capillary tubes, the unit still delivers a U-factor of just 0. Both Simonton and Anlin use Cardinal Glass. The chart below demonstrates how VIG technology is poised to help diminish the embodied carbon footprint of buildings when compared to standard double- and triple-paned IGUs. Celbar Eligible UL Fire-Rated Wall Assemblies A Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating determines how much sound transmits through, so this rating is meant for soundproofing materials. Rating OITC . Sound transmission class (STC) and Outdoor/Indoor Transmission Class (OITC) are measured in decibels (dB) and are Glass size and glazing system will affect STC rating. ) We have a partnership with Cardinal Glass the best glass producer in the industry, in order to receive the best quality and service for our customers. 45 45 96 48% 70 Generally, yes. The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a single-number rating system for interior building partitions and viewing The average STC rating for a regular single pane window is 27. Learn why STC ratings matter for soundproofing. This is especially useful in areas near airports, industry, traffic, or wherever unpleasant sounds exist. 3 program. which is the best glass ,and is also the glass used by Anderson 400 and other best selling windows. 23 87 Insulating Glass Unit Performance for 1-inch (25 mm) units with 1/2-inch (13 mm) airspace and two 1/4-inch (6 mm) lites Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a single-number quantity which characterizes the airborne sound insulation of a material or building element over a range of frequencies. cardinalcor. If thicker glass material is used, the rating can go up to 35. *OITC is estimate d base d on this test. Loå³-366 delivers the ideal balance of solar control and high visibility. Lower numbers reflect better insulating value, with values generally ranging from 0. Close. Pim Foam or Dura**** Intercept or Cardinal horizontal slider 6110 6111 6130 6130J 6170 size tested 6040---Operating Style Series Numbers Glass 1 Glass 2 Spacer STC File Name: STC Ratings - Style Line | V250 Due to continual product research and development, details listed are subject to change at any The definitions of two ratings: Sound Transmission Class or STC and Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class or OITC The chart below shows the ratings of different types of glass, as well as how other building envelopes measure up. Fixed Frame Direct Set Window — Dual-Pane Insulating Glass; 48" x 60" The standard 11. Please navigate with sitemap Sitemap EspaÑol LoĒ³-366 Glass SHGC: 0. Most of the time, an assembly’s OITC rating is lower than an STC rating. com ©2024 Cardinal CG Company - Ref number 02072024 Contact Cardinal CG to learn more about LoĒ³-366 and other Cardinal glass products. 9mm thickness, CLiC is Cardinal Loå³-366® glass is the ultimate performance glass. Title: Low-E Comparison Chart. %PDF-1. Location 6601 NE 112th Court Vancouver, WA 98662. The oppressive heat of the sun is composed of visible light and invisible infrared energy. 25 to 1. Pim Foam or Dura**** Intercept or Cardinal horizontal slider 6110 6111 6130 6130J 6170 size tested 6040---Operating Style Series Numbers Glass 1 Glass 2 Spacer STC File Name: STC Ratings - Style Line | V250 Due to continual product research and development, details listed are subject to change at any E413-87 in an acoustica l wall. From the melting of sand to produce clear float glass to the vacuum sputtering The Performance Calculator allows the user to model a wide variety of laminated glass makeups using different float glass substrates, coatings and interlayer material, including those Intercept or Cardinal horizontal slider 6110 6111 6130 6130J 6170 size tested net 59" x 47" STC 29-34 X X <--32 Operating Style Series Numbers Glass 1 Glass 2 Spacer STC Sound Transmission Class (STC) - The STC rating is a single number value quantifying the ability of a material to resist the transmission of sound. Hybrid VIG can achieve an STC rating of 38, Glass Construction STC OITC Explore the STC rating chart for walls, glass, windows, doors, and materials. Staggered or double stud walls are higher rated than single stud walls. Call: (360) 334-4107 Intercept or Cardinal horizontal slider 8120 8130 8170 size tested 6040-- - Operating Style Series Numbers Glass 1 Glass 2 Spacer STC File Name: STC Ratings - Tuscany | V400 Due to continual product research and development, details listed are subject to change at any time. Guardian Glass has developed easy-to-use, advanced software for glass and glazing system analysis. Wøû¶¥¾ÕX. S. LoĒ³-366 ® provides the highest levels LoE2272 Glass | Cardinal Glass Industries 3/4 Note: All values calculated using Window 6. STC Requirements & Acoustical Factors. The average STC rating for a regular single-pane window is 27, while The chart shows the R-value of the insulation identified. When people are evaluating building materials and acoustical products for sound reduction, they rely on the sound transmission class or STC rating of the product. Laminated glass provides security for both homes and businesses. Thanks to its balanced combination of visible light transmittance (VLT), solar control and clarity, Solarban ® 70 glass The sound-dampening interlayer provides a 50% sound reduction over the standard glass with an STC rating of 35. 47 0. This guide provides an introductory overview of glass concepts and terminology, plus technical information on Cardinal glass products for both windows and doors. Lower numbers indicate glass is keeping heat from entering your home, with SHGC measured on a scale of 0 A single pane of glass has an STC rating ranging from the high-20s to the mid-30s, with its score rising as the glass gets thicker. Sound transmission class ratings generally come up in places where we want to keep sound either in or out, like a sound studio, a road-facing exterior wall, or a bedroom above the garage. A higher STC rating indicates a greater sound dampening effect. îÞ^¥ºßn}¿Ô ÚmÉ6dªí6ç`˜ nk»¤ZnãÞ çÛP Ž· b¹ùrw•J·v ˜v Ò%•z z ܺÁñ6q ÁÖ#'ûG;Z¤~Û{Õ˜i Ãí Ñab At Cardinal, we design and fabricate the most advanced glass products in the industry. Specifically, the BIBS STC Example : ¼” Monolithic glass has an STC of ~31dB. 4 %âãÏÓ 1107 0 obj > endobj xref 1107 24 0000000016 00000 n 0000001789 00000 n 0000001952 00000 n 0000004835 00000 n 0000005232 00000 n 0000005347 00000 n 0000005671 00000 n 0000006078 00000 n 0000006903 00000 n 0000007753 00000 n 0000008539 00000 n 0000009340 00000 n 0000010148 00000 n 0000010897 00000 n If you are using Cardinal in an administrative capacity at a locality, check out the links for more information! Locality User: HR/benefits professionals who are responsible for administration of health benefit processes for their locality, and select locality employees who can utilize the self-service features to make benefit enrollment changes. In addition to the record-setting weight load design of 1,415 lb per stud, Celbar RL has been thoroughly tested to achieve exceptional STC ratings of 56, 61, and 64. In summer, its patented coating blocks around 85% of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays and 60% of the sun’s heat. A triple-layer coating that blocks solar gain, reflects heat, and lets light in. Intercept or Cardinal Operating Style Series Numbers Glass 1 Glass 2 Spacer STC 1/8 1/8 not tested 1/8 3/16 1/8 5/32 3/16 1/8 5/32 1/8 1/8 Performance documents for altitude limits, NFRC ratings, center of glass, joining window load table, air infiltration, and more. It offers excellent visible light transmittance and low reflectance. What are the maximum and minimum sizes? In the 9. ÷W%lÏaØøþê««ÿxykƒ„p¹ûp . U-Factor – The insulating value of the entire door system. It just might make all other low-e glass obsolete. In the US, it is widely used to rate interior partitions, ceilings, floors, doors, windows and exterior wall configurations. AMSCO CôzE Tint (Cardinal 240) High energy performance rating, glare control, and U-VALUE* SHGC† VT‡ STC§ STRUCTURAL RATING MAXIMUM SIZE THE STUDIO SERIES SINGLE HUNG 0. Laminated glass is an effective way to reduce unwanted outside noise. Rating. Keeps the view while beating the heat. Glazing System; STC. The Comfort Analysis view allows you to vary the window sizes on the wall, to best match your home design. . 29 0. 24 0. When 1• double laminated insula1ing glass (1/4" laminated glass-1/2" air space-114• laminated glass) is used instead, the STC rating increases to 38. 25. We invest in the latest technology to give our customers the best product, always. com 1-888-PPG-IDEA (1-888-774-4332) Total Total Winter Summer Shading Solar Light to Ultra Solar Visable Solar Night Day- Coeffi- Heat Gain Solar Glass Type Violet Visable Energy Light Energy time Time cient Coeffi- Gain % % % % % cient (LSG) For specific information on glass performance, please see Glass Performance Ratings in Technical Documents. Glass siz e and glazing system will a˜ect STC rating. 28 0. Thickness Third Pane . Thickness Exterior Glass . 38 - 40. 1/8" 35 35 ZONA stc_rating_chart Frequency Range: OITC covers 80 to 4000 Hz, emphasizing lower frequencies associated with external noise sources, while STC focuses on 125 to 4000 Hz, primarily covering human speech frequencies. T. com uses Flash and Javascript. Cardinal Glass uses cookies to give you the best user experience and to analyze our traffic. Overall Glazing . Today, Solarban ® 70 glass (formerly Solarban ® 70XL glass) is still the most proven, commonly-specified triple-silver-coated low-e glass in the industry, with more than 700 million square feet – about the area of Cleveland, Ohio – shipped since its 2005 introduction. Important factors in determining the ideal glass for your application include sound location, room type and acoustics, dB levels, and intended usage. For reference, standard house walls are 33 STC, while studio-level soundproofing requires a rating of at least 45. xlsx Author: Carlos Created Date: 1/23/2020 4:47:24 PM Cardinal CG Company - cardinalcorp. Yet it delivers a center-of-glass U-factor of just 0. From their off ering, we have developed our own energy-effi cient Cardinal Glass Industries is considered one of the world’s leading providers of superior quality glass products. It is the average of 16 frequency test points. STC rating (Sound Transmission Class rating) is a score given to a building’s surface (wall, ceiling, window, etc. 7 %âãÏÓ 638 0 obj > endobj xref 638 112 0000000016 00000 n 0000003314 00000 n 0000003550 00000 n 0000004353 00000 n 0000004828 00000 n 0000005168 00000 n 0000005330 00000 n 0000005377 00000 n 0000005414 00000 n 0000005462 00000 n 0000005576 00000 n 0000005937 00000 n 0000006397 00000 n 0000008990 00000 n Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a single-number quantity which characterizes the airborne sound insulation of a material or building element over a range of frequencies. 72 0. R means resistance to heat flow. or STC) ID/City/Country/Glass Usage/Type (Performance Target) Operating Style Series Numbers Glass 1 Glass 2 Spacer STC File Name: STC Ratings - Thermalbreak| A250 Due to continual product research and development, details listed are subject to change at any time. SmartSun™ Glass It gives you the benefits of Low-E glass, plus it helps shield your home from the sun’s heat and filters out 95% of harmful UV rays while letting sunlight shine through. The BIBS system significantly increases the Transmission Loss (TL) values and Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating. Will that decrease the traffic noise in your opinion? Noise is my biggest issue. 24 Page 1 of 7 Due to continual product research and development, or Cardinal Foam or Dura**** Glass 3 Spacer STC OITC Test Date Test Number Operating Style Series Numbers Tested Size OA Glass 1 Glass 2 1/8 5/32 - By Garibaldi Glass Cardinal 366 - Guardian SNX 62/27 - Viracon VNE-63 - Vitro Solarban 70 Make-up Name Make-up Color Comparison Chart: Outdoor Reflected Color Transmitted Color Indoor Reflected Color Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a single-number quantity which characterizes the airborne sound insulation of a material or STC (Sound Transmission Class) requirements in high-decibel locations. Functional Functional Always active Cardinal Double-Pane Insulating Glass Performance Data 6 mm / 13. 45 45 96 48% 70 %PDF-1. The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a single-num ber rating system for interio r build ing partitions and viewin g Intercept or Cardinal horizontal slider 6110 6111 6130 6130J 6170 size tested net 59" x 47" STC 29-34 X X <--32 Operating Style Series Numbers Glass 1 Glass 2 Spacer STC TL22-271 28 12/14/22 TL22-270 acoustical ratings not available for this acoustical ratings not available for this glass combination TL23-107 fixed (slider frame) 6310 6311 Cardinal's LoĒ³-366 glass is the new standard in energy efficiency. Interior Glass . Vitro® Architectural Glass (PPG) AGC Glass Guardian® Glass Cardinal® Glass Viracon® Saint‐Gobain NSG (Pilkington) Comparison Chart Low‐E Coatings. Where to Buy | Find A Contractor | Become A Certified Contractor | My Favorites (0) | Contact Us | 1-800-426-4261; Windows & Doors; Inspiration; Parts & support; Technical documents; For professionals; Insulating Glass Unit Performance Comparisons | 1-inch (25mm) units with 1/2-inch (13mm) airspace and two 1/4-inch (6mm) lites Glass Type Outdoor Lite: Indoor Lite: Coating if Any + Coating if Any (Surface) Glass (Surface) Glass Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) % Visible Light Reflectance (BTU/hr°ft2°˚F) Note - all windows are cardinal glass low e 366, single hung windows. pppideascapes. Find the right glass for your home's windows. 4 %Çì ¢ 7 0 obj > stream xœÝ}Ë’fÇqÞ¾Ÿâ_v+4ÍS÷SKŠ e*(2 €a;(-† ÁEìž!f € ý ~ ï¼²Ãoèü¾/«N ¾€—°7–BÂdv]²ª²ò^çÿæ²Ý†xÙð¿ã w W?ù¤_¾üpõÍÕv©uÛ. STC Ratings Updated : 01/18/2022 by K. SmartSun™ Glass PassiveSun® Glass A great %PDF-1. Glass Product Type and Thickness STC Rating OITC Rating Burris Windows offers many styles of obscure glass, which can be used to decoratively separate spaces, yet allow light to pass through. Inside Glass Surface Temperature (IGST): Measurement of the temperature of the glass surface (inside Glass Acoustical Informat ion - Cardinal IG . Outperforms tinted glass. It is available with panels up to 12 feet tall (or a There is no such thing as Better. 54 25 Cardinal Loå2-272 glass (pro-nounced low E squared 272) delivers year- The chart at right shows that windows with a high solar heat gain con-tribute to more than 50% of air-conditioning costs. The STC ratings for windows and glass can range from 18 to 65, depending on the type and thickness of the glass. By clicking "Accept", you consent to our use of cookies. It even outperforms tinted glass often used in warm climates. 43 - 44. It is comprised of manufacturers, suppliers, builders, architects and designers, specifiers, code officials %PDF-1. 1. Topics include: Download PDF Document also by the framing members and construction of the window assembly. According to Architectural Testing Inc. For example, laminated glass has a rating of around 35, but it can go up as far as to 41 if you use thicker layers of glass and PVB. 23 – perfect for high altitudes. 0 airgap/3mm) is 30. And it provides the highest levels of year-round comfort and energy savings. The four-point increase in STC rating is the resuH of dampilg provided by the PVB intedayer used in the laminated glass. Noise Source: OITC is more suitable for assessing insulation against external noise (traffic, airplanes), while STC is more relevant for interior noise (conversations, Source: Quieting: A Practical Guide to Noise Control, NBS Handbook 119, National Bureau of Standards, U. In addition, SoftLite windows can have a Low-E tint on the glass, which further insulates the home and reflects heat away from it during hot temperatures. For example, the STC of a 1/2” insulating STC Ratings Updated : 01/18/2022 by K. The higher the STC rating, V300 | TrinsicTM Series Acoustical Ratings Intercept or Cardinal Foam or Dura**** 1/8 1/8 - x <-- 29 24 04/25/23 TL23-149 1/8 3/16 - x <-- 33 28 04/25/23 TL23-150 Glass 3 Spacer STC OITC Test Date Test Number Operating Style Series Numbers Tested Size OA Glass 1 Glass 2 Acoustical Ratings - Trinsic I V300 OA Glass 1 Glass 2 Acoustical Ratings - Ultra I C650 updated 04. 23 0. Glass Analytics online tools offer a comprehensive suite of engineering and analytical reports the sound transmission class rating (STC) to describe the sound isolation performance of materials. 5 %¡³Å× 1 0 obj >>>/Type/Catalog/Metadata 59 0 R >> endobj 9 0 obj >/Properties >/XObject >/ExtGState >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Font >>>/Thumb 19 Two common acoustical rating systems are: Sound Transmission Class Rating (STC) – applicable to interior building partitions and viewing windows where the sound source is human speech and/or office equipment. Cardinal Glass Industries is leading the industry in the development of residential glass for windows and doors. ), an independent testing agency that specializes in fenestration-related prod-ucts, there are typical ranges of STC & OITC ratings based on the glazing make-up. A higher sound transmission class rating indicates more effective sound insulation than a lower rating. Explore energy efficient glass, privacy and security glass, sound control glass and more. 77 Prairie Center Drie Eden Prairie N 3 ENGINEERING THE FUTURE OF GLASS www. 24 mm) 1/8" 0. Jump in panel or hinged panel options which aid in acoustic ratings and can get STC values in mid to high 40's. Estimated STC Rating. The chart below shows the “spectrally selective” nature of Sound Transmission Class (STC) - The STC rating is a single number value quantifying the ability of a material to resist the transmission of sound. With this in mind, a score in the mid -30s might seem low, but it’s fine for the (Standard Low E Glass, Cardinal 270) Standard on every Studio Series window. ) based on its ability to reduce sound coming through it. Soundproofing is how we block sounds so they cannot leak from your space, nor can sounds from adjacent rooms penetrate. 18W + 40 where W = pounds per square foot (psf) This information is provided as a tool to help estimate. We worry about the details while you enjoy the views. I. 5mm CLiC unit construction has a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 37, which provides superior sound dampening properties. Th ose ranges, along with the glazing to achieve them, are as follows: STC Ratings Chart Acoustical Performance of Glass and Wall Constructions Overall Thickness Inside Construction Space Outside STC Value ISO RW 3 Single Laminated Glass 1 1/4" (7. An outdoor-indoor transmission class rating chart is used to understand the decibel scale and its relation to OITC ratings. 33 Cardinal LoĒ² glass is ideal for all weather conditions in most climates. (A. STC RATING CHART: STC: What can be heard at this level: 25: Soft speech can heard -114• glass) with an STC rating of 34. Thickness. B. The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a single-number rating system for interior building partitions and viewing windows used to Transmission Class (OITC) rating describes its approximate decibel level reduction of sounds such as those of roadway and rail traffic, and of nearby aircraft takeoffs. 3. The data and Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating system measures sound transmission loss between 125 Hz and 4000 Hz. Sound reduction values of plastic sheet components based on calculated values according to DIN 52210-75. Disclaimer This performance analysis is provided for the limited purpose of assisting the user in evaluating the performance of the glass products identified on this report. It is also the most used soundproofing rating system. (See here and here for more information on glass optical data and the Windows 6. Whether you are trying to decorate an office or conference room door, front door of your home, or an exterior bathroom window, we have the Solarban® 70 glass (formerly Solarban® 70XL glass) is a solar control, low-e glass that brilliantly combines the clear appearance of transparent, color-neutral glass with an exceptional combination of solar control and visible light transmittance (VLT). STC rated windows can increase to a 39-45 rating with the addition of window This STC rating chart for Insulation will noticeably improve the STC rating of an assembly. 3 5/8" metal studs, 5/8" gyp (2 layers total), Batt insulation. 27 / U-FACTOR: 0. Double glazed windows are a bit superior for blocking sound, with an average rating of 29. Strong enough to withstand repeated blows from hammers, bricks and other objects, laminated products deter forced entry and provide greater peace of mind. Our primary glass supplier, Cardinal Glass, offers informative details on their website: The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) is a non-profit, public/private organization created by the window, door and skylight industry. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC, 1976. 800-782-5742 Talk to an (STC) – otherwise known as “Sound Transmission Class” – is the golden standard that evaluates how well a barrier, be it a wall, ceiling, door, or window, reduces airborne LoĒ³-366 Coated Glass | Low-E Glass | Cardinal Glass Industries Cardinalcorp. Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC) – applicable to exterior walls (including doors and windows) where the The lower the rating, the less transmission of energy that causes fading. The STC rating of a CMU wall can be estimated based on its weight using the following formula: STC = 0. Tuscany® Series | V400 Windows and Doors A leader in tools for the glass industry. Cardinal Glass Industries Inc. Data is based on testing ~36″ x 84″ glass to ASTM E413-87 in an acoustical wall. % Relative Humidity (RH) at Center: The percentage of relative humidity before condensation occurs at the center of the glass, taken using center of glass temperature. 20 when coupled with our LoĒ³ or LoĒ² glass and argon fill in a 2-pane unit. 31 – 0. Tdw ISO/CIE Indoor Glass Temperature (°F) Trans Reflectance Out In Air Argon Winter Summer Clear Clear 80% 15% 15% 0. 58 – 0. Laminated glass also withstands forced entry and deflects up to 99% of damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays that can cause interior fading. The #1, most important quality for the installation is the experience of the installer. LoĒ-i89™ is our energy-saving 4th surface coated glass. introduces the ultimate performance glass, LoĒ³-366 ®, and comes standard in all Premium Windows products. The insulating glass units are constructed with two plies of glass and an airspace. 70 60 --STC38 minimum rating of AAMA-2605, currently the highest rating for organic finishes. 3 5/8" metal studs, 5/8" gyp (2 layers total), No insulation. NT Presidential series windows - $21,080 The STC/OITC ratings on these windows are 35 and 29. Glass size and glazing system will affect STC rating. StormBreaker Plus Window Styles. 83 0. Combined with its double-pane window glass, you can save a substantial amount of money on energy costs with SoftLite. For glazing that is Cardinal Industries supplies Quaker with several types of Low-E glass, tinted glass, privacy glass and other specialty glass. 030 P. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 318 0 R/ViewerPreferences 319 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/Font >/Pattern >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB V250 | Style Line® Series Acoustical Ratings Intercept or Cardinal Foam or Dura**** 1/8 1/8 - x <-- 29 24 12/14/22 TL22-269 1/8 3/16 - x <-- 32 28 12/14/22 TL22-270 Glass 3 Spacer STC OITC Test Date Test Number Operating Style Series Numbers Tested Size OA Glass 1 Glass 2 Acoustical Ratings - Style Line I V250 Single hung and picture windows are now available with a glass package that achieves an STC 35, while sliding windows achieve an STC 34. com Center-of-Glass Performance LBNL Window 7 er NFRC00 conditions. 34 – 0. PERFORMANCE The Series 600 Multi-Slide Door features large, unobstructed rolling glass panels that stack or slide into pockets to create extra-wide openings for indoor-outdoor commercial and living spaces. So what you see outside will be identical for all the brands. 1/8" 35 35 %PDF-1. This Acoustic Glass Performance Calculator provided by AGC, Guardian, Kuraray, Saflex, SGG and Viracon, to get desired RW/STC/OITC Value. the thickness of the glass, and how airtight they are. Quite simply, the higher the rating, the better the product. d5ofx1dg93v3j. NT Exec. vwqgp oilgx liva dxfc nmyu wznfo cvws dylzwv mroa ifii xjle eaob vpwz dhzd vxfbpxv