- Write optimized dso overwrite 0. Active Table and moreover there is no SID generated in Write Optimized DSO, and hence loading the data from Data Source to Write Optimized DSO takes less time and acquires less disk space. But what about changes? With a DSO, you simply extract the updated sales order data and overwrite the existing records during the next data load. Hence activation is not required in a standard DSo - the recordmode is generated when activation takes place - depending on whether a record is new or being overwritten the recordmode gets generated. Make sure that parallel processing is enabled by going to the menu Goto > Settings for Batch Manager and defining the number of processes for parallel processing. If you want detail reprot then you can go for DSO. Dec 17, 2011 · Write optimised dso is the recommended dso if we want to load the data into the dso in the data staging layer. Even if you select uniqueness of data then the f ields in the semantic key comes into picture to handle duplicates. x you have three different kinds of DataStoreObjects (DSO): Standard, write-optimized and direct update. My question a, why SAP has designed WO DSO to having the property of only "Adding records" (additive) instead of overwriting? Definitely at should a specific reason for this prope May 11, 2012 · Hi Aravind , Thanks for the reply, Lets consider the all scenarios , first sceanario delta mode is in overwrite mode, second delta mode is in no update mode and third scenario delta moad is in Addition Mode so in that case please let me know how many records will be available in active data, change log table and how many will be ther in write optimized dso. STANDARD DSO: 1. 2. and they just stop right at this message. b). T the data can then be posted to further (smaller) InfoProviders. Write Optimized DSO will have only active table, so activation is not required. Is there a way to set the loads to overwrite data with same keys (not technical ones) in the write optimized DSO? Jun 17, 2013 · When activation happens the records are overwritten based on the defined key fields that already exist in the active data table. I am still checking uniqueness of data. Write Optimized 3. Jul 4, 2012 · No SIDs are generated for the write-optimized DataStore Object and no activationis required. We can note that DSO has a counter for 0RECORDMODE which has the number of records the DSO Feb 9, 2017 · I have a problem with writing data into ADSO. Now, the DSO has become a Write Optimized one as seen below 22 Settings in Write-Optimized DSO As you can see, the following settings are available in a Write-optimized DSO. Any help would be appreciated. May 9, 2011 · No, its a standard DSO 0fiap_o03. It loads data faster than standard DSOs since it does not require a separate data activation step. Aug 25, 2015 · Open the DTP of the write-optimized DSO and in the Extraction tab click on Semantic Groups button. May 12, 2015 · The concept of Write Optimized DSO was introduced in BI-7. thanks in advance. Some datasource dont support Delta mechanisam. 4 on HANA). A Standard DSO consists of a new data and an active date table and a changelog table, which records the changes. Data provided to this dso using data transfer process. A write-optimized DSO supports a faster storage compared to a standard DSO with a change Log function. While creating the ADSO will select the active/compress data with check box write change log data. When you update data into the connected InfoProviders, the system only updates the requests that have not yet been posted Mar 17, 2023 · 3. Write-Optimized DSO was primarily designed to be the initial staging of the source system data in order for it to be transferred to a standard DSO or an InfoCube. In the pop-up screen select the fields which form the semantic key of the DSO. Data is available for reporting after activation. Jul 31, 2014 · Standard DSO --> Write Optimized DSO --> Infocube. This request is not loaded to upper level. It is advised to use Write-Optimized data store as a first layer for data, as a temporary storage area. To ensure a better reading performance in the access service methods, you receive additional indexes in Standard Business Content. On the basis my understanding is correct and i know you pot tick a boxed to not grant get key - i am assuming this will mean the charges just fail? This end-to-end data flow management is extremely difficult to achieve without the help of the DSO structure. Cheers, K. READ TABLE ITab INTO WA WITH KEY DSO Overwrite Function in SAP BW| Step by Step Analysis Process Design (APD) |APD in SAP BW Tutorial#DSOOverwrite #APDinSAPBW #AnalysisProcessDesign Sep 3, 2009 · It is also important to check how you wish your key figures to be aggregated, it is typically assumed that a load to a DSO will either be from a DataSource or another DSO and the Key Figures will normally aggregate in an overwrite method. According to me, Benefits of Write optimised DSO over PSA is archiving can be done easily and if required then you can analyze the data of write optimized DSO in query analyzer or RSRT. After migrating the DSO's to the Global system, the request is to convert all the write optimized DSO's to standard DSO's. LOOP AT RESULT_PACKAGE ASSIGNING <RESULT_FIELDS> . 24 -- This is full view of transformation. Load the original records with some specific field values - like have a source field or state field which is populated with a value of "FILE" or somethign like that and exclude it Feb 5, 2013 · The problem is that the extractor and write optimized DSO have been built by someone else and he does not look too happy at the prospect of changing the extractor and dropping and reloading data. The audit trail has to fulfil two requirements a fast storage and an optimized storage of the data. A) • Data Store Object with Direct Update (Transactional ODS using 3. SELECT * FROM Active data table of dso INT. Después de cargarse en los DSO estándar, los datos se eliminan; Los datos se registran en el Write-Optimized Corporate Memory DSO desde el Write-Optimized «pasar» DSO; Los datos se distribuyen desde el «pasar» DSO write-optimized a los DSO Estándar según los requisitos comerciales Jan 11, 2012 · Standard DSO will have 3 tables. When data loaded into standard DSO, data loads into new table and when u activate request data moves from new table to active table. i Want to set the key's to overwrite so that too many full load do not burden the performance. x) and Write Optimized Data Store new with BI 7. Please follow bellow steps: 1). Standard DSO – Default style, best for basic data loads . Data store object is… Mar 23, 2009 · I am datamarting from one Write-Optimized DSO (W/O DSO A) to another Write-Optimized DSO (W/O DSO B) daily as part of a backup process. The DSO has been enhanced with a new indicator identifying cycle counts in BI_CONT 705. in AP, AR and GL scenarios data will be transferred from DSO to further cube. I was advised to load into a standard DSO (just for testing purposes in the sandbox system) and then check the data. Aug 13, 2024 · Data is posted to Corporate memory write –optimized DSO from pass thru write-optimized DSO; Data is Distributed from write-optimized “pass thru” to Standard DSOs as per business requirement; Write Optimized DSO Properties. Dec 6, 2006 · In a expert routine in a DTP (from a write optimized to a standard DSO) we assign to the recordmode the fix value "A" in order to have a summation of the key figures if there are severale records with the same key value. use to overwrite functionality. New table, Active table and Change log table. Jan 15, 2009 · In a write optimized DSO - the request number is key and hence every request is separate and does not overwrite. Sep 21, 2011 · Because standard DSO follows overwrite concept wherein Write optimized DSO doesn't. Field based modeling preferable for faster performance. The Write-Optimized DSO was primarily designed to be the initial staging area for data coming into a BW system from an outside source system. x which contains only Active data table used to manage huge data loads for instance - Here is the link from Help portal Write optimised DSO Architecture of Standard ODS /DSO (7. The initial sales orders get extracted into a DSO. When you update data into the connected InfoProviders, the system only updates the requests that have not yet been posted Aug 13, 2024 · What is DSO? A DSO is a two dimensional storage unit which mainly stores consolidated and cleansed transaction data or master data on a lowest granularity. I cannot actually select 0REQUEST in the DTP Filter. the steps are in YELLOW. Regards, Naresh Aug 13, 2024 · Write-Optimized DSO wurde in erster Linie als erste Bereitstellung der Quellsystemdaten konzipiert, von wo aus die Daten an das Standard-DSO oder das Infowürfel. For instance : delete everyday the request older than 7 days. you can see detail level of data. Any body have the solution please tell me the solution Write Optimized DSO is used when a Data storage object is required for storing lowest granularity records such as address and when overwrites functionality is not needed. After activation new table would be empty. 9. wa type standard table of dso name. It act as a consistent base level data store. So u need to activate and capture in the transport request. Data is stored in its most granular form and immediately available for further processing. You can maintain Aug 12, 2013 · In BI 7. Dec 8, 2014 · I tried recreating the transformation. Delta upload is supported for Standard Cube, Standard DSO, Write-optimized DSO. In the below screenshot we can see the request tab in the manage of the write optimized DSO. I need to transfer data from an write optimized DSO (current productiv data modell) into an ADSO. Please suggest if there will be notable benefits (in terms of perform Feb 21, 2012 · Now, Overwrite is used when you want to overwrite the previous request keyfigs with the new delta request keyfigs which have identical chars. Before we activate the DSO we have two records with the same key value in the "new" table. 2, but it is ready to extract data from Write Optimized DSOs, which have the changelog embedded in the active table, instead of having a separate changelog table. Key - Order, Resource. But this does not work. It is used for initial staging of source system data. Jun 27, 2008 · With the new Write-optimized technology, it is possible to delete manually "older" requests from the W-O DSO. The problem is when I am creating an Info Set on the WO DSO, Standard DSO and a Cube (total 3 Info Providers I am including in this info Set) it is throwing an Jun 25, 2013 · Full upload is supported for Standard Cube, Virtual Cube, Multi-provider, Standard DSO, Write-optimized DSO. For one scenario the records need to be overwritten - we just need the last value in the cube. 4) Please suggest the settings in the dso, type of DSO and type of delta setting in DTP - full/delta ? 1) depends on 2) 2) full loads imply NOT loading into a write-optimized DSO. We can only add or overwrite the records for new data request. d). Data records with the same key are aggregated during activation. During the extraction of data from: Write Optimized DSO Write Optimized ADSO Cube Like ADSO It can happen that: No data is extracted or Only partial data is extracted In addition, you can observe that the process chain remain in yellow status even if all Process chain Mar 13, 2018 · OVER WRITE: NO: NO: NO: IN THIS FUNCTION WE DON’T HAVE A TABLE(ITS VIRTUAL) BUT WE NEED TO TRIGGER DTP. Dtp is used load DTP between PSA and this write-optimized DSO. 100 MP04 | 1800 10/1/2014 0 10 3 Jul 21, 2012 · Write optimized DSO over standard DSO If you set uniqueness of data option even duplivate records wont overwrite, as Techical objects(0REQUEST,0DATAPAKID,0RECORD A write-optimized DSO supports a faster storage compared to a standard DSO with a change Log function. Data is moved from Write optimised DSO to further infoprovider using request deltas. Mar 8, 2016 · The document provides information about Data Store Objects (DSOs) in SAP BW/4HANA. Aug 13, 2024 · Τι είναι το dso; Το dso είναι μια δισδιάστατη μονάδα αποθήκευσης που αποθηκεύει κυρίως ενοποιημένα και καθαρά δεδομένα συναλλαγών ή κύρια δεδομένα με χαμηλότερη ευαισθησία. Write Optimized DataStore Objects Tables Standard DSOs have three tables; New Data New Data Table of a DSO contains data which has been loaded to DSO but didn’t activated yet. Staging ADSO or Write optimized DSO: Memorable point : Commonly used as PSA at data entry layer . Soniya. Jan 10, 2012 · Hi all, I am loading 2LIS_02_ITM (Purchasing Document - Item Level) data to a write optimized DSO. To get a better reading performance in the access service methods additional indexes will be delivered in Standard Business Content. Please note that Source system being a CSV is declared as Flat file. Could anyone of you think of an automated process to delete "old" requests from a W-O DSO (not the entire content , the most recent should still be available. 0 we have write-optimized DSO for storage purpose without activation. Hi All, We be using Write optimized DSO in our project to welche I am loading data using Standard DSO 7FI_GL_42 From Write optimized DSO, we are loading relay records down Infocube, please provide your inputs to my follow-up list: 6) I am quite interested the know what this relative records ge Aug 25, 2010 · hi, i have an doubt, my data comes from, source system(ECC)->PSA>write opt DSO(staging DSO)>std DSO(consolidated DSO)>cube see if am loading material master data from source to cube, firat i want to load last 6 month of data which is Full laod i was kept mat type is an attri to mat master, in my Apr 10, 2012 · In our case of write optimized DSO the DSO has only one table i. ( remember we have many psa req in the psa). Transformation TRCS 2LIS_13_VDITM_TR->0RT_DS64: Startroutine: In the start routine all other documents are filter out except sales order documents. 1)Standard 2)Write Optimized 3) Direct Update 4)In-Memory Dso. Since write-optimized DSO do not have a change log, the system does not create delta (in the sense of a before image and an after image). Before the transport u should also delete DSO (if exists in target system) data. Jun 23, 2015 · But we have a different key in the LQUA table which is WH number and Quant(not the org quantity field, this is a quant of the WH ) Is it mandatory to have the same key as in the table or we can get the summation even with the material & Plant as the semantic key in the write optimized dso ? loading | SAP Help Portal - SAP Online Help Sep 6, 2024 · overwrite field values To Reflect latest changes. It is a two dimensional Transparent Table. My requirement is while loading data to ODS data directly goto Active Data Table without Activation of ODS means i don't want waste time for activation of ODS. It consists of the table of active data only, hence no need for data activation which increases data process. May 13, 2016 · Hi, We are migrating objects from a Regional BW system (7. Load Transaction Data from BW InfoProvider – Aggregate Overwrite - Merge Feb 19, 2015 · As you said Write optimized DSO will hold data based on request, data package, data record number. Write Optimized DSO provides a temporary storage area for large sets of data if you are executing complex transformations for this data before it is written on to the DataStore object. Write-optimized DSO and DSO for direct update consist of an active table only. com Write Optimized DSOs are used as the EDW layer for saving data. 8. Reporting not preferable. Records are always inserted as new without aggregation. The Write-Optimized DSO consists of only Jun 17, 2015 · Other design requirement for Write Optimize DSO, especially when you do not want to overwrite the data and have full load every day by deleting the existing data in DSO, you should use Write Optimized DSO, inorder to save time for loading + activation. Because it doesnot contain 3 tables inside it. Oct 6, 2010 · We have other types namely Data Store Object with Direct Update (Transactional ODS in 3. Kind Regards. It defines a DSO as a two-dimensional storage unit that stores consolidated and cleansed transaction data at a detailed level. like standard dso . This is done via a DTP. 7. Key benefits include immediate data availability and no activation time required across systems. -How are defined the Rules used to load the Key Figures on the DSO? ("Overwrite" or "Summation"). 0 o Contains only active data table used to manage huge data loads Motivation for DSO • Consolidation & Cleansing Therefore a write optimized DataStore Object can not be used in this case. Oct 6, 2011 · I also thought of creating an additional field in the write optimized DSO for using it to sort in extraction (like timestamp) - Problem: the posting into DSO is done in parallel mode - so I cannot guarantee the correct sequence when I am creating the content of the field in posting the data into the write optimized DSO. Reason for that being that the standard DSO has additive and overwrite capabilities. To create a Write Optimized DSO, go to transaction code RSA1, create a new data store object, select the type as Write Optimized Hallo, Write optimised DSO - computers seems the hold data by request which means while data with the same keys is loaded then the system will hold duplicate keys. We can clearly see that the request numbers from which the data got deleted are having the tick mark in ‘Request is archived’ column. We can see whole view of source DS and its target DSO. when you have these 2 records in a same data package in first load. Thank May 17, 2010 · In BW 7. Nov 12, 2010 · Dear Experts, I have created few Write Optimized (WO) DSOs based on the requirement and I have created few reports also on these WO DSOs. Let‘s say you want to report on sales order data from ECC. the active table. x) • Write Optimized Data Store - BI 7. If overwrite was to happen as soon as the data was loaded to the DSO (ADDED RECORDS) based on a key then I guess a Write Optimized DSO was sufficient to make use of the overwrite functionality. Nov 18, 2009 · Its Purely depends on Datasource. So ultimately, the DTP stays yellow in the PC and finally becomes RED. Business rules are only applied when the data is updated to additional InfoProviders. e. Write-Optimized DSO : Nov 19, 2013 · For DSO-s there is nothing like this, but in the most recent SP-s of 7. g. I am getting duplicate data record errors; however, the records don't appear to be duplicates because the difference is that the Reversal Indicator is checked ( Aug 28, 2013 · I was told that merely putting data into the write-optimized is not sufficient in terms of ensuring the data integrity. As I said, there are no errors whatsoever and the HEADER status is in GREEN. 10. Active Data 2. Partitions 2. Data is stored at detailed level. 1. It doesn't seem like I can then reload back from (W/O DSO B) to (W/O DSO A) at a request level. x) Apr 10, 2016 · Write optimized DSO used to pull large volume of data ) If the Data Source is not delta enabled. Would it be possible to give step-by-step instructions starting at the fact that I have a DSO that is attached to 0fi_gl_14? May 22, 2016 · Advanced DSO tables and purpose to use Below tables are generated while activating the Advanced DSO (ADSO Name – ZODS_PAN1) In this documents will discuss about, I can say Advanced DSO first model. In this case all records in the PSA will be loaded as separate records in the ODS - however, you can not load the same record twice - as data will not be overwritten with the new Mar 24, 2011 · Write-optimized DSo is recommended in first layer because it contains active data table and noneed to activate DSO data seperately as it eases the task. Looking at the less amount of data (only sales order documents are captured) a standard DSO is used. Write Optimized DSO fournit une zone de stockage temporaire pour de grands ensembles de données si vous exécutez des transformations complexes pour ces données avant qu'elles ne soient écrites sur l'objet DataStore. From my point of view I don't see any reason, why not to use the same API's and apply it on write optimized DSO instead on direct input DSO. … Difference between standard DSO and optimized DSO. 3 on DB2) to a Global BW system (7. Thanx & Regards, RavIChandra Dec 10, 2015 · why is not advised to create a query on write optimized DSO, i have scenario where i can give a query on write optimized dso that will save time in changing the config but my lead has told me we can to that for various reasons, please let me know what are the known disadvantages of doing so. In case of BW 3. Maintain Delta Images. KF value still do summation instead of overwrite even though it is in overwrite mode. . ) So the better candidate would be then the write optimized DSO. But in the transformation the data there added. x we don't have that one. YES: We Can Do, 1. Write Change Log: Like a Standard DSO: YES: YES: OVER WRITE: NO: YES: YES: SAP BW STANDARD DSO HOW WILL WORK SAME FUNCTION. It describes three main types of DSOs: Standard DSO, Write-Optimized DSO, and Direct Update DSO. Feb 10, 2012 · The disadvantage in our business case is, that the direct input DSO can't be used for data upload (DTP and transformation etc. Regards, Ashish In the Write Optimized DSO, data that is loaded is available immediately for further processing. Nach dem Laden in Standard-DSOs werden die Daten gelöscht Jun 26, 2014 · Standard DataStore Objects vs. Feb 14, 2011 · you've just found the biggest design considerationwhen using write opimised (no overwrite). When transfer data from DS to Standard DSO Active data table- it will have 111 70 in ADT. Write-Optimized DSO is designed for fast initial staging of source system data without activation or generating SIDs. when delta happens, data in DSO will be overwritten in active data table, But, in change log table previous request keyfig will be represented as -300, and present keyfig value as +400. Los datos se registran a nivel de documento. You may wonder what the point of this is. To set up a What is Write Optimized DSO? Write Optimized DSO is used when a Data storage object is required for storing lowest granularity records such as address and when overwrites functionality is not needed. x) Jan 3, 2011 · -Do you have a Standard DSO or a Write Optimized DSO?-In case you have a Standard DSO: What are the fields included in the Key part?-In case you have a Write Optimized DSO, that would explain why you get duplicate values. Data store object is available immediately for further processing; […] What Is DSO? Why Use It? A Data Store object (DSO) is a two dimensional storage unit which mainly stores consolidated and cleansed transaction data or master data on a lowest granularity It is a two dimensional Transparent Table. This should not a problem but I need the functionalty that the data will overwrite the values like standard DSO in case of same key combinaton. Mainly used at Data staging layer e. With DSO, it is also possible to overwrite data fields. Index * CLASSIC OBJECTS: 1. 3) see 2) Oct 6, 2010 · We have other types namely Data Store Object with Direct Update (Transactional ODS in 3. Delta mechanism is possible. Aug 3, 2011 · Write optimize DSO can also beused as propogation layer based on requirement. The KF in DSO1 are also in overwrite mode but at resource level. Only in inbound table RequestID is the key like other ADSO. Now select the radio-button for Write-Optimized DSO, and go back to the previous screen by pressing . Types of DSOs. DSO Benefites: a). The idea is to then move this data into another DSO or Cube. May 15, 2012 · Architecture of Write-Optimized DSO. Thanks. Mar 24, 2014 · Stage the 4 records in a write optimized DSO before loading to the final DSO - this becomes something like a staging area and you still have the original records 2. Name of a New Data Table of a DSO is being generated from system according to below Delta loads cannot be performed on a write optimized DSO as it does not support before and after images. change log have 111 -50, and 111 70. request loaded on the same day) from write optimized DSO? Many thanks, Aditya. Mar 16, 2007 · I have 1 wRITE Optimized DSO and Then Standard DSO now to have the delta from Standard DSO to Cube. In this case, you would want to have a Write-Optimized DataStore to be the first stage in BI and then pull the Delta request to a cube. Jan 20, 2010 · Types of DSO • Standard Data Store Object (Ref. Business Case Sep 18, 2020 · Hello, I want to delete a single latest request in write optimized DSO using process chain. So better loading performance first load the data to write optimised dso and then to the standard dso. The main purpose of the DSO Object is to store all revaluation documents for an audit trail coming from DataSource 2LIS_03_UM. Data stored is of lowest granularity. Write-Optimized DSO – Rapid update cycles from high volume sources. In Write Optimized DSO, the system does not generate SIDs and you do not need to activate them. 3 - Extraction from Write Optimized DSOs¶ This scenario is based on the best practices of the scenario 2. Feb 6, 2014 · I have to load the data daily from a writeoptimized DSO to a standard DSO and then to a CUBE. For the other the records needs to be added- we need the summation values in the cube. It is all down to speed. Technically Write Optimized DSO is technically the SAME as PSA. Over write functionality. The write optimized DSO only supports full loads and request-level delta loads by overwriting existing records. Jul 7, 2012 · We are loading the records to write optimized DSO, the flow presently is Run a IP as a full update(as is won't have delta option) -> Delta DTP to the DSO, How will the Delta work here, Only the changed records get updated to the DSO as IP has no delta option ( as the records come only till PSA), How will the changed records get updated. Mar 27, 2012 · Architecture of Write-Optimized DSO. DSO for Direct update 5-We can add or overwrite the records for new data Jun 30, 2009 · *Understanding Write-Optimized DataStore keys:* Since data is written into Write-optimized DataStore active-table directly, you may not need to activate the request as is necessary with the standard DataStore object. YES: We Can Do, 1 Write Optimized DSO is used for initial staging of source system data at the lowest level of granularity. A write optimized DSO supports here a faster storage compared to a standard DSO with changeLog functionality. Is it possible to delete such latest loaded request(i. 3. When you do this the existing transformation and DTP turned to inactive status. I have all my write optimised DSOs feed a standard DSO so I can create delta records to subsequent targets. PSA empfängt die Daten unverändert an das Quellsystem; Die Daten werden auf Belegebene gebucht. I only use the write optimised DSO's for the Inbound Data Layer to store a record of the data from the source system. To perform delta loads, a standard DSO needs to sit between the write optimized DSO and the cube to capture and maintain delta records using its change log table. Jul 31, 2015 · 3) Can we still suffice the req with wo dso to get the unique combi of values. Aug 1, 2014 · Dso have two types of fields :key fields(ex;bill number, item number,year) and data fields(ex:: all other char and key figures) Dso are transparent tables and by default it has overwrite capabilities for stored data and also cumulative Four Types of Dso's. Because the write-optimized DataStore Object has no change log, the system doesnot generate any deltas in terms of before and after images. Data fields - Qty, Date, Labor Time, Machine Time, Change Over Time. Definitely u need to create transformations between datasource and this write-optimized DSO. Jun 17, 2015 · The loading process of a write-optimized DSO is much faster than a standard DSO because no activation will take place. . From this message onwards. 6. Sep 21, 2012 · Here the DSO is the target & the Data Source [DS_TEST_MINE] forms the Source. Ex: DSO 1. There are 3 main types of DSOs to fit different use cases: 1. 5. The loaded data is not aggregated; the history of the data is retained at request level. c). For some reason, the DTP steps dont finish. All of them will be explained one-by-one below in detail. DSO stands for Data Store Object. O TABLE itab. Apr 19, 2012 · Write Optimized DSO: Mainly this type of DSO's are used for faster loading of large amount of data and then forward the delta to other data targets in BW. If overwriting would be possible here, you would loose your "old data" which is overwritten then. When transfer this data from Standard DSO to Write optimized DSO You use write-optimized DataStore objects in the following scenarios: You use a write-optimized DataStore object as a temporary storage area for large sets of data if you are executing complex transformations for this data before it is written to the DataStore object. 3x and in 7. BR, Klaus Hi BW Gurus, MYSELF am aware of one Properties the Write Optimized DSO & Direkte Update DSO real also about its usage in BW. Fig. then we can directly load the data to Cube. No key is Mandatory. Standard DSO 2. cheers, Rich Jan 11, 2012 · In that case before doing that u should delete data from DSO, then change standard to write Optimized and activate DSO. Mar 1, 2011 · Another option is to set the DSO as a “write-optimized” which will ignore the key, and use a technical key consisting of request number and record number instead. See full list on guru99. 4 there is the process type: "Delete Requests from Write-Optimized DSO" which can delete requests from a WO-DSO if they are older than a specificied date. While reporting is possible on Write-Optimized DSO, SAP recommends using it as an inbound Dans le DSO optimisé en écriture, les données chargées sont immédiatement disponibles pour un traitement ultérieur. Dec 23, 2013 · Now in the end routine of second transformation you have to write the logic as below: Data:Itab type standard table of give the name of active table of dso. Write Optimized DSO unlike Standard DSO has only one relational table, i. ubzv ndi kztfkee lgnd gzyu bikoxi eyxrxg ajnhmc pfal wdk jndwf kiae vsnvmj ljnzzuf pzfm