Warren county nc non emergency number. 602 W Ridgeway Street.
Warren county nc non emergency number We post current jobs on our Facebook Page "Warren County Emergency Communications Center". For out-of-county agencies trying to contact the 911 Center, use the 7-Digit Emergency Line - 814-723-7100. 911 Non-Emergency 17. Emergency Management. Directions Physical Address: View Map 890 US Highway 158 Bypass Warrenton, NC 27589. Fire Department Volunteer Organization Emergency Services Non-Profit Organization Public Service North Carolina Health Choice is important to working families who cannot afford health care for their children. To reach one of the Community Policing Officers call the Sheriff's Department's non-emergency number - 336-727-2112. E-911 Communications. 158 west, Warrenton, is available 24/7. In 2022, Warren County, NC had a population of 18. Get Started. Contact Info. 01 /202 3 2022 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report Warren County Water System Number : NC 02 93015 (VWHLQIRUPHFRQWLHQHLQIRUPDFLyQPX\LPSRUWDQWHVREUHVXDJXDSRWDEOH 7UDG Directions Physical Address: View Map 890 US Highway 158 Bypass Warrenton, NC 27589. Warren County Emergency Medical Services West Ridgeway Street, Warrenton, NC - 12. Phone: 252-257-1191. Warren County Emergency Communications Center (WCECC) is the primary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for anyone The non-emergency number for police, fire or EMS dispatch is 636-456-7088. Warren County Animal Control Ordinance 2018 . 8 miles. Find tax due dates, FAQs, contact information, and helpful links. Fax: 252-257-5971 See the guidelines should you wish to request records from the Warren County Sheriff’s Office under the Freedom of Information Act. Employment Phone Numbers Administration: 252-257-3364 Detention Center: 252-257-3314 Drug Hot Line: 252-257-1356 Warren County Emergency Services is a dedicated group of professionals committed to making Warren County a safe place to live and work. All road signs within the town limits of Norlina and Warrenton are handled by those town. The Emergency Medical Services Division strives to provide compassionate, high quality advanced life support care, cost effective pre-hospital emergency care and convalescent transport in a quick and efficient manner to the citizens and visitors of Warren County. Enhanced 911 Emergency Telephone System County Non-Profit Grant Funding Dining in Warren County; Lodging in Warren County; NC Lakes District; 911 Non-Emergency Line; Volunteer. The CodeRED system gives county officials the ability to deliver pre-recorded emergency telephone Other Emergency Services Offices Nearby. We are very fortunate to have many dedicated and professional firefighters protecting Warren County. Families may wait until a child is very sick before seeking medical help, sometimes getting help only in an emergency. NC 27589. Email: karensolomon@warrencountync. Phone: 252-257-1191 . A volunteer fire department providing fire suppression, rescue, and emergency medical services in Warrenton, North Carolina, for almost a century. When is it appropriate to call 911? 911 should only be used for emergencies. Warren County Emergency Services West Ridgeway Street, Warrenton, NC - 0. Ann Marie Mason, Director/Emergency Manager E-Mail Ann Marie. Nov 22, 2019 · County office for Department of Social Services. Emergency Calls: 911 Non-Emergency Calls: 252-257-3456 Operation. Residents should call Social Services with questions and mail in recertifications. 2021-2024 Strategic Plan (PDF) Agendas & Minutes Emergency Calls: 911 Non-Emergency Calls: 252-257-3456 Operation. All dogs, cats and ferrets over 4 months old are required by the Warren County Animal Control Ordinance to have a current rabies vaccination. Box 678 Warrenton, NC 27589. Non-emergency dispatch number: 513. Pay in office at 712 US 158 Business West Warrenton, NC 27589 (Only cash, check or money order accepted) Mail to: Warren County Public Utilities PO Box 577 Warrenton, NC 27589 In Person: Warren County Sheriffs Office, 132 Rafters Lane Warrenton, NC 27589132 Rafters Lane Warrenton, NC 27589 Find My Report For Me Free Legal Consultation Warren County. County Commissioners NC 27589. If you have questions or would like additional information please contact our Customer Service Call Center at 800-992-9457 or contact us directly at 252-257-1165. Users will have 24-hour access to information in the GIS/Information Technology Department and access to the Tax Administration Office data without being limited by normal Emergency Services Director at Macon County, NC · Experience: Macon County, NC · Location: Franklin. Having your pet spayed or neutered not only means they will be unable to produce litters but there are so many other benefits. To request a green road sign in the county, please contact Public Works at 252-257-3795. Warrenton, NC 27589. Non-Emergency Calls: 252-257-3456 Hot Line Phone Number: 252-257-1356. For Emergencies Directions Physical Address: View Map 435 W Franklin Street Warrenton, NC 27589. Election Information; GIS Maps; GovDeals; North Carolina Public Records County fire department technical and administrative assistance; Emergency management activities; Emergency response/fire investigations; Fire Commission; Public education and training; Volunteer Fire Departments Protecting Warren County. PAYMENT OPTIONS. 00. Volunteer. CEC operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, and is charged with maintaining and operating the computer-aided dispatch system for law enforcement, fire and medical calls, as well as receiving both emergency and non-emergency calls for service. Zoning Ordinance. Directions. Warren County has been selected as one of fourteen teams in the state to participate in "Our State, Our Homes", the fifth and final project of the Carolina Across 100 Initiative through the University of North Carolina and NC Impact. Animal Shelter; department visits for overdoses are one way to assess the number of overdoses occurring across the state. Halifax Emergency Medical Services Station 6 *COVID-19 Update: Social Services will operate on a regular schedule. Phone: 252-257-1558. Office Phone (518) 761-6237. The Warren County Sheriff's Office serves over 250 subdivisions, many of which are located in mountainous terrain. 925. Warrenton, NC 27589 County Non-Profit Grant Funding; North Carolina Public Records; Warren County. 911 Non-Emergency Line; Volunteer. The Warren County Sheriff’s Office has a Drug Hot Line to collect confidential Learn more about the County Commissioners that oversee Warren County. A Pantry is at 516 Beckford Dr. Emergency Phone: Phone Numbers Administration: 252-257-3364 Detention Center: 252-257-3314 Drug Hot Line: 252-257-1356 Lewisville contracts with the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office for deputies. Emergency Phone: 911. Enhanced 911 Emergency Telephone System Non-Emergency Calls: 252-257-3456 Hot Line Phone Number: 252-257-1356. If you are currently having an emergency, dial or text 911 from the nearest phone. Please note this may result in an after-hour service fee of $50. BAS, located at 790 US Hwy. The Wayne County E-911 Communications Center operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Animal Shelter The Carteret Emergency Communications (CEC) is a centralized Public Service Access Point (PSAP) for all of Carteret County. 6 and a median household income of $42,282. Phone: 252-257-3111. An emergency is any situation that requires immediate assistance from the police/sheriff, the fire department or emergency medical services. Election Information; GIS Maps; GovDeals; North Carolina Public Records Person County Communications: Non-Emergency Number: (336) 597-0545: Person County Requested Numbers: Sheriff's Office Number (336) 597-0500: Roxboro Police Department 3 days ago · The North Carolina 511 system is part of a nationwide effort to disseminate travel information to the public via another venue, the telephone. 911 Non-Emergency Line. 511 uses an automated voice response system, which means callers are guided through a menu with a series of requests. Popular Links Oct 27, 2021 · Bertie Ambulance Service will continue to provide back-up for Warren County Emergency Medical Services as needed. Phone: 252-257-3115. Animal Shelter. Sep 6, 2024 · September is Preparedness Month in North Carolina, and Warren County Emergency • Food—non-perishable and canned food supply for 3 to 7 days The system is . . Examples of times when the CodeRED system could be utilized: Emergency Preparedness Why you need a plan! Name and number of your veterinarian; Warren County. Feb 26, 2025 · Warren County has an estimated population of just over 41,000 people and encompasses approximately 216 square miles that require a diverse set of policing strategies and resources. Department Directory. Phone: 252 113 S. None. Fax: 252-257-4974. 2021-2024 Strategic Plan. GovDeals. Fees. Animal Shelter; Find. In the event of any sort of widespread disaster affecting Warren County, the Center can be utilized as a command post for Emergency Services to direct recovery operations. Deerfield Township contracts with the Warren County Sheriff's Office for police services and supplies a substation where the Deputies are located. All Warren County NC emergency services originating from the 252 area code are answered in Warrenton. DSS Services Provided: Public Assistance (PA): The Public Assistance (PA) programs include: Food and Nutrition Services (FNS), Family and Children (FC-MA) and Adult Medicaid (MA), Work First Employment (WF), Emergency Assistance (EA) and General Assistance (GA), Child Day Care (DC) and Non-Emergency Medicaid Transportation (NEMT). GIS. To arrange medical transportation, call 252-879-0015 at least 24 hours prior to an appointment; scheduling as soon as an appointment is made is preferred. 401 South Warrenton, NC 27589. Contact. Election Information; GIS Maps; GovDeals; North Carolina Public Records Directions Physical Address: View Map 132 Rafters Lane Warrenton, NC 27589. It then delivers our recorded message to a live person or an answering machine, making three attempts to connect to any number. North Carolina Public Records. This is a one year shots and no appointment is necessary. Lincolnton, NC 28092. Halifax Emergency Medical Services Station 7 / Hollister Volunteer Rescue Squad North Carolina 561, Hollister, NC - 14. Zone officers also are available to Lewisville residents and businesses. Election Information. Link: Senior Center Page Lincoln County Government. 511 in North Carolina was implemented in the summer of 2004. Emergency Management works with all emergency response agencies, governmental services and private industry to coordinate resources to respond to and to mitigate an emergency. What types of employment opportunities does Warren County Joint Communications offer? Answers: 1. Warrenton Police Department in Warrenton, North Carolina. The CodeRED system gives county officials the ability to deliver pre-recorded emergency telephone Durham 911 Center Non-Emergency Number - (919) 560-4600 Durham's non-emergency number frees up 911 lines for life threatening emergencies. County Non-Profit Grant Funding; Permits when no subdividing of land is needed; Permits when land has to be subdivided ; Alcohol License (ABC Permit) Contact. 18,255 likes · 372 talking about this · 210 were here. 81% increase. ALWAYS DIAL 9-1-1 FIRST – If your cell phone call gets misrouted, each county around Lake Gaston has a non-emergency phone number to call. The Warren County Sheriff's Office Emergency Communications Center (ECC) is the primary 9-1-1 public safety answering point (PSAP) for all unincorporated areas of the county as well as the Town of Front Royal. 0 miles. 602 W Ridgeway Street Dining in Warren County; Lodging in Warren County; NC Lakes District; 911 Non-Emergency Line; Volunteer. 7 miles. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Warren County Office of Emergency Services, 1340 State Route 9, Lake George, NY 12845. Emergency Preparedness. our services. Bragg Street PO Box 281 Warrenton, NC 27589 Phone: 252-257-1122 Fax: 252-257-9219 . Animal Shelter Emergency: 9-1-1 Non-Emergency: 540-635-4128. 2525. County Budget. County Departments of Social Services have direct responsibility for: Zion Christian Center, 2850 Virginilina Rd, Roxboro, North Carolina 27574, dial (336) 503-0056; Word of Life Christian Center in Roxboro. Generals Blvd. Vance County Emergency Services Young Street, Henderson, NC - 14. Halifax Emergency Medical Services Station 1 / Warren County Rescue Squad Enterprise Road, Littleton, NC - 12. Warren County Emergency Services West Ridgeway Street, Warrenton, NC - 12. Mission Statement. , of Ormond Beach, Florida, for its "CodeRED" high-speed telephone emergency notification services. O. The Emergency Management Division plans, prepares and responds to major emergencies and disasters in Warren County. org Warren Cabe’s direct phone number is Emergency Services at Macon County Rabies vaccinations are available at the shelter Monday through Friday 11-4 for $5. Enhanced 911 Emergency Telephone System The Emergency Medical Services Division strives to provide compassionate, high quality advanced life support care, cost effective pre-hospital emergency care and convalescent transport in a quick and efficient manner to the citizens and visitors of Warren County. This represents 14 emergency department visits by Warren residents for overdose in that year. These non-emergency numbers, are alternate direct dial to the correct jurisdiction for 911 help. Staffed 24 hours a day by professional communications officers from a variety of backgrounds, the Center is an essential link in all the public safety functions in Warren County. Ashley Rivers, Deputy Director E-mail Ashley. CONTACT: Warren Cabe, Director Macon County Emergency Services Office 828-349-2067 Non-Emergency Numbers for Each County. Pay in office at 712 US 158 Business West Warrenton, NC 27589 (Only cash, check or money order accepted) Mail to: Warren County Public Utilities PO Box 577 Warrenton, NC 27589 Emergency Calls: 911 Non-Emergency Calls: 252-257-3456 Operation. IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY DIAL 911. who was May 11, 2024 · Warren Cabe - Macon County Emergency Management 828-349-2067 wcabe@maconnc. 6 miles. The following spay and neuter programs are available to Warren County residents through grants received by the Warren County Animal Control Department and Animal Ark. gov Members Application to apply for an emergency/mailing address for Warren County. The non-emergency number for police, fire or EMS dispatch is 636-456-7088. GIS Maps. Water Dept: 252-257-3315 Town Hall hours of operation: 8:30 till 4:30. Apply for an Address. Warren County E-911 Communications operates under Johnny M. Fax: 252-257-1343 Our ultimate goal is to make Warren County a safe place for citizens to live and work. Williams, Sheriff of Warren County and it provides routine handling of all police, fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) calls in the entire county. We have deputies assigned to Lewisville on a full-time basis. Popular Non-Emergency Numbers for Each County. 2021-2024 Strategic Plan (PDF) Agendas & Minutes Looking for public records in Warren County, NC? Quickly search government records from 75 official databases. North Carolina Health Choice is important to working families who cannot afford health care for their children. Jennifer Ramsey, Assistant Emergency Services Coordinator E-mail Jennifer Warren County Sheriff’s Office. The overdose emergency department visit rate in Warren ounty was 71 out of 100,000 people within the state in 2022. We post current jobs on our Facebook Page "Warren County Emergency Communications 17. Directions Physical Address: View Map 1945 US Hwy. The Office of Emergency Services provides Emergency Medical Services, Fire/Rescue Services, First Responder Services and Emergency Management Services to all citizens of Warren County, Warrenton, Camak and Norwood. 3 miles Emergency Management Initiates CodeRED System February 26, 2008 Warren County has contracted with Emergency Communications Network, Inc. Website Sign In Warren County Buildings and Grounds is responsible for replacing green road signs throughout the county. This system will only be used for emergency purposes. Report all bites to humans and animals to Animal Control The Mission of the Warren County Senior Center is to promote wellness, encourage independence, and provide services and activities that enhance the quality of life for our older adults. Fax: 252-257-0154. Find. For non-emergency calls, please call the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office at (910) 253-2777 or toll-free at (800) 672-6379. PO Box 738, Lincolnton, NC 28093-0738 County Non-Profit Grant Funding; Permits when no subdividing of land is needed; Permits when land has to be subdivided ; Alcohol License (ABC Permit) Contact. Users will have 24-hour access to information in the GIS/Information Technology Department and access to the Tax Administration Office data without being limited by normal Warren County has been selected as one of fourteen teams in the state to participate in "Our State, Our Homes", the fifth and final project of the Carolina Across 100 Initiative through the University of North Carolina and NC Impact. County Non-Profit Grant Please note this may result in an after-hour service fee of $50. Link: Emergency Management Page Feb 20, 2024 · Contact Staff Liaison: Karen Solomon, Senior Administrative Assistant (Warren County Emergency Service) Office: 252-257-1191. 8k people with a median age of 48. Matheny, Jr. Warrenton, NC 27589 County Non-Profit Grant Funding; North Carolina Public Records; Emergency Management Initiates CodeRED System February 26, 2008 Warren County has contracted with Emergency Communications Network, Inc. Box 619 Warrenton, NC 27589. County Commissioners; County Manager; Department Directory; 911 Non-Emergency Line; Volunteer. The system is capable of dialing 60,000 phone numbers per hour. This page lists important and helpful telephone numbers for Brunswick County, North Carolina. View Warren Cabe’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. The Mecklenburg County VA properties in the NOCARVA area that have 252 area code are also answered in Warrenton. Link: Emergency Services Page Non-Emergency 636-456-7088. Hours: 24 Hours / 7 Days. 455% decrease and its median household income grew from $39,588 to $42,282, a 6. Resource Directory Module Search Choose from the alphabetized listing, category drop down, or enter a name, then select the Learn more about the County Commissioners. Non-emergency number: 513. Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Warren County, NC declined from 18,889 to 18,803, a −0. Telephone number to call for hours is (336) 322-0488. Public Utilities Documents & Forms Dial 911. Learn more about the County Commissioners. With out health coverage, babies may not get the checkups that make sure they are growing healthy and strong. Barking dogs; Loud music; Burglaries that occurred hours or days earlier (not in progress) Warren County North Carolina is geographically complex and large and is provided response from a number of sources. Brunswick County, VA – 434-848-3133; Mecklenburg County, VA – 434-738-0028; Halifax County, NC – 252 Warrenton, NC 27589 Anyone that has custody of a child and there is a parent not present in the home may apply for child support services. 701. Franklin County Non-Emergency Number (919) 496-2511 Vance/Henderson Non-Emergency Number (252) 492-0202 Granville County Non-Emergency Number (919) 690-0444 Warren County Non-Emergency Number (252) 257-3456 ***Please note that these contact numbers are for NON-EMERGENCIES when needed. Our goal is to provide the most efficient service possible to ensure a quick and appropriate response to emergency situations. For all non-emergency issues, please call the office during regular business hours. 908-835-2000 (24/7) 908-835-2062 (Fax) Directions Physical Address: View Map 602 W Ridgeway Street Warrenton, NC 27589. Animal Shelter; Mission Statement. In an emergency, always dial 9-1-1 and the operator will direct your call based on the nature of the emergency. 1800. Beautiful Lake Gaston is located on the Virginia/North Carolina border between Interstates 85 and 95. Any other road sign is handled by NC Department of Transportation. This contract has been in place for many years and the relationship is excellent. Link to page Emergency Communications The Warren County Department of Social Services Food Stamp Program is designed to promote the general welfare and to safeguard the health and well being of the nation’s population by raising the levels of nutrition among low-income households. 602 W Ridgeway Street. Warren County. , Henderson, NC 27536, main phone (252) 492-8231; Many other resources are offered too. Warren County E-911 Communications operates under John Branche, Sheriff of Warren County, and it provides routine handling of all police, fire, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) calls in the county. Popular Links. The Warren County Sheriff's Office is led by Sheriff Jackie D. The Warren County Senior Center is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm and can be reached at 252-257-3111. Phone: 252-257-3364. Office Fax (518) 761-6402. Call 911 for emergencies or non-emergency number for services and information. Below are just a few examples of the types of calls that should be reported to Durham’s non-emergency phone number. Warren County’s GIS is online enabling users to access and analyze spatial data, download spatial data files, view data layers through a spatial explorer and print maps. 353 N. Mailing Address: P. Examples. Fire Marshal is responsible for coordination of fire protection activities of the 19 volunteer fire departments providing contract fire protection throughout Warren County. Warren County Communications Center Public Safety Complex 1024 State Hwy 57 W Washington, NJ07882. Warren County Sheriff's Department, McMinnville, Tennessee. The Warren County Sheriff’s Office has a Drug Hot Line to collect confidential Warren County Emergency Services is a dedicated group of professionals committed to making Warren County a safe place to live and work.