Voltron fanfiction translator. Lance's father stepped up, beaming at Lance and Allura.
Voltron fanfiction translator No doubt the lions were currently docked in one of the carrier ships, the Voltron force off seeing to personal tasks. "I'm on the sociocultural arm of anthropology, so. With Hunk somewhat mollified, Channel 1 went dormant again. /Canon AU. We are made of star stuff. by TwinEnigma. Based on Original DOTU Lion Voltron Keith/Allura. Voltron and its characters are owned by World Event's Productions. The princess sounded so disappointed. And the remarkably efficient spaceport operations—or perhaps that was a common Vex-Cha characteristic—either way, the Bolt was directed through a tight and orderly traffic pattern onto a crowded stretch of tarmac, with ships arranged via some sort of adaptable grid May 28, 2019 · The team wasn't too far into training when Shiro started noticing that Keith seemed…off. Silent, sometimes sullen but always alone, the young man helps to keep the peace on Planet Arus. Warnings/Codes: AU for Season 2, Rebels, Freedom Fighters, How do you take down an empire anyway, Homesick Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) in Denial, Shiro has PTSD, Hunk is secretly a tactical genius, Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, BAMF Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge is smol and will fight you, Oblivious Keith (Voltron), Keith has issues, Alien Worlds The only reason that Lance wasn't paired with Shiro for this project like he would have in any other class, regardless of if Shiro was actually enrolled in the class or not, was because this was the only class Shiro didn't translate for. With their bond and patience they can bring home the missing piece of their family, the very Heart of Voltron. The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. " "When will they get here?" "Tomorrow evening. When family and teachers would ask him what he dreamed of being he would answer without hesitation, a big grin on his face. Oneshot. Your going to steal the plot from THIS story? there are so many better stories to steal from than mine. I sincerely like that you included CC like the previous fanfic, and that Arthur the cat joined the trip too. Whenever that happened, it was because there was no functional equivalent in English. It's also my headcanon that Adam comes from a Filipino ancestry. Hence the archives and the bounty return. From the start of series. Keith skidded to a halt beside the command center, turning to face Coran as he did. Currently Re-editing my very first fanfiction; aligning a few details from Voltron's 30th Anniversary Book. We must be well prepared for our next encounter. They are labeled. And I'm the only one. OR: the paladins may be from different species, different planets, but that does not stop Voltron. Why did she always manage to screw these things up? "I mean…" S'up everyone! So a little while ago, me and my friend Megan decided that it would be a lot of fun if Voltron had bloopers. Irish Gaelic. It is a mystical creation, very much like a living creature with one sole purpose; to serve the Paladins of Voltron and aid them in their mission to spread peace and justice over the universe. I make no claims to Voltron or any WEP characters. The group I helped out down there was the Voltron Force, who are in the service of the Galaxy Alliance. "The detail of the time translation must have been lost over the generations. As Arus struggles under Drule occupation, Explorer Team 686 is given new teammates and a new mission: to find the planet Altea, if it exists, and recover the ancient weapon known as Voltron. " "Thanks for the vote of confidence, bruh. "Well it has horns and elevan legs-" Allura stopped, realizing the statement had been hypothetical. It must have been a pretty specific curse. Daniel, next to him, was pretty damn certain he shouldn't speak at all. " Wwelcome to the next chapter of Voltron: Dragon Force and the first chapter of the new year as well as the new decade. " The conversation ended when they reached the end of the hall the door opened many other Protoss stood in the room around a strange floating table. "I guess… similes dont really translate. One-shot. " Pidge shifted a bit in her seat. He compared notes to the files Ulaz sent on Galran pregnancy. Starts from Shiro's disappearance, continues past the season 2 finale Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Family - Bruce W. " Clearly, Don thought sardonically, moving to stand. Now Prince Lotor has taken the throne, not quite the happy reunion as now they embark on a quest to find their missing friends and uncover the mystery of The Snow Queen. " It's a popular Samoan song, so there are a lot of variations; my personal favorite is Lole Usoalii's cover. The lions of Arus were currently missing in action, but Lotor wasn't alarmed. " "Thank you!" The story has been written as a continuation of my previous fanfic "I'm here for you": to understand this better, I suggest to read also the previous one. Coran's voice rang over the intercom in the room followed by a bunch of growly sounds Lance recognized as Yurak speaking Galran. Enjoy Chapter 1. He decided he liked this group, even if they were odd and one of them had just declared him their soulmate. He looked over at Keith who was trying to murder the speaker box with his eyes. While he might not trust the prince, he'd rather take his chances with him than the witch- even if that means publicly betraying Voltron. " Rewrite of my 1st ever Voltron fanfic for Kaex (1999). " "Thank you," Allura bows once more to be polite. Keith and Lance entered the common room, the castle deserted apart from Coran who was doing maintenance on the ship and checking for supplies they needed. He is a just and honourable young man. Driscoll was willing to bet on the latter. "For protection and because she doesn't speak our language, he acts as her translator. She didn't know what to say to that- feelings had never been her strong suit- so instead she let him busy himself in helping her. "I mean that the amount of quintessence powering your so-called Voltron would create enough Gems to conquer every planet in every galaxy. "They don't have translators yet," Shiro said calmly. Writing is never a simple thing to do, but writing in a language that is not yours is an even more difficult task. The command ship they were on was the largest military vessel the Voltron Force had even seen. They hardly have a plan, so how can things go according to plan? (Part 2 of Pride, reboot/prequel) Tired of being abused by Zarkon, Lotor wants to run away from it all. Princess Unma welcomes you. He nodded, a small smile on his face. "Translation. But even though their homes were powered by the same forces that powered Voltron, every year on the harvest eve, the people of Arus bent to an age-old tradition by lighting their homes with candles, fighting back the darkness in a powerful and moving way. I like the symbolism in this name so I kept it. Reply to Cheetoy's Royal Twist KAEX Challenge, but with an added twist. I know I made many mistakes. The bonds. " "Yes. Shaking his head to clear it, he tried to focus on the myriad of colorful icons all over the screen on the device. They hardly have a plan, so how can things go according to plan? (Part 2 of Pride, reboot/prequel) "I think," he began. "They don't seem to care too much for the race. Summary: Allura misuses a common earth idiom to Keith and must deal with the consequences. "Which ones," he asked slowly. "Hey, can I talk to you about something?" "When we get back to the house, I'll set this up to run through a micro translator. Rated: Fiction K - English - Friendship - Words: 3,221 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 8 - Published: 8/5/2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12602091 In the case of Allura and Korran, I can only think that they would have a translator, either a headset that allows them to speak and understand the language of other sentient species. Once we figure out the basis for the language, we can work on a translation program for it. " Harry Potter had been in this particular universe for a little over 2100 years so far, and in the Milky Way for the last 700 of that. He seemed interested in doing so, at any rate. " "You need the intersection of the two. For once letting Keith handle this seemed just fine. This leads to an interesting revalation about keith to the other paladins. She had learned Spanish rather quickly, and was proud of her ability to translate within a blink of an eye. Set in medieval Arus with 80s Voltron Keith and Allura pairing. Nobody knows where it came from; even I could only find a few sources with any knowledge of it, and each of them had a different fanciful tale of its origins. "Hey, babe. An edgy retelling of how Princess Allura and the Voltron Force continue their quest for peace on a neo-medieval Arus reminiscent of Camelot. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi - Keith, T. Magic Touch: Allura sighs as she walks down the hallways of the Castle of Lions late at night. Keith, as he was apparently known, was curled up on his side in the medbay, IV lines snaking out of his long forearms, providing him with nutrients and much needed pain relief, a stark white bandage lay across his throat where Ulaz had taken the opportunity to implant a translator. He and Shiro contemplate a war, a pregnancy, and a kidnapping that affect their lives and relationships. A world where a legend struggles to awaken, and ready or not, the key has presented itself… "Yes, sí. Finally someone who could actually translate the countless hours of alien gibberish that she had recorded. She'd seen it before, in people on the edge of death. RUDE. "Lance, eres un hombre agora. Immediately after the translation finished the Docent fiercely clicked something; her voice wasn't much more pleasant in Ak-Kila than the guard's had been in Common. A sweat overcame me. "The artifact from Altea, is what you told the worker at the front. "As I was saying," the captain continued, "we've got a first contact scenario. “Outfit the outer bases with translator jammers, instruct everyone to use them when Voltron attacks. AU where Voltron takes place in the DC universe and Shiro is one of Bruce Wayne's adopted kids. This is our humble planet Decibon. lo and behold, this was born. " "I dunno! I mean he's annoying as hell, that's a strike against him—" "Rude. "Allow me to introduce the Protoss leader. "Is that on the level?" He shrugs. Lance "Rick, what happened?" Don asked. Rated: Give me a Galaxian translator and I'm set. I don't own Voltron, I make no money by writing this, I simply write what I love. If there is anything to be found, that will be the correct section. The babbling sound of a language not recognized by the translator chips suddenly filled his ears and he turned to the big Altenoid, Hunk, in confusion. " "Yes, Lieutenant. Rated T for innuendo. Contiene: poliamor, lenguaje levemente ofensivo y violencia leve. #####-----Chapter 1 - Prologue----- A Distant Planet in the Far Universe -----A little girl laughed as she and her friends ran aimlessly through a meadow, playing among the tall grass. Please note, the only two languages I speak (and not very well) are English and Spanish, so if I mess up on some of the others, please let me know so I can fix it. I awoke and arose, My mind disquieted. "Correct. A few words escaped, sounding like "máthair, athair, logh dom". Allura, take care of your husband. " Pidge blinked with a dead panned voice, as she adjusted her glasses, all the more convinced she was better off left out of the ceremony. so on the danny phantom group chat on slack dot com (pm me ur email if u wanna join) sara mentioned a crossover between star wars and voltron, and then i was like "oh, the martian and voltron!" since the martian is like my fucking religion. "Voltron is the most powerful weapon ever created," Haggar argued, "His puny ships will never be up to the task. Sue her. Shirogane/Shiro - Chapters: 4 - Words: 15,555 - Reviews: 93 - Favs: 253 - Follows: 336 - Updated: 12/7/2017 Keith started to pick up words and sounds. "From what we could tell, Black and Blue Lion. " "Well I still figure you lot could use the extra bonding! It. A couple of the Voltron Lions were spotted in the distance. So she's feeling defensive of Green and her little found family. K/A obviously, forever. The Security Chief hoped he'd begin to mumble incoherently in his primary language. I believe that. She hadnt meant to cause Allura to feel this way. It was once known throughout this region of the galaxy, and perhaps others, as a defender against threats from the darkest corners of the universe. You will find translator glasses for Common English at any of the resource desks. Lance and Diana woke up the next morning in a very cheerful mood. Read on, and please review! Voltron doesn't need to save the universe anymore. It took him a while to figure out to translate some of the titles of the things he could see. Once she was finished, the interpreter fluttered her pale wings. " He'd tried for a smile and an introduction – apparently the planet was inhabited – but whatever translation abilities bonding with the Lions had granted the humans, it did not extend to this alien race, who spoke in a series of chitters and snuffles. It will take everything in the Galaxy Alliance to get rid of the threat for good, at a price that may be too great. After a few moments the computer beeped. Even with a new Emperor on the throne, Voltron's work is far from over. Whatever Happened To. Just as the 686 and those they'd lost were, and would always be, part of the Voltron Force by nature. And it was a tale that held all of the elements that would translate straight into a novel; conflict, adventure, romance and a liberal splash of the paranormal. Lance had always wanted to fly. Which meant somewhere along the way, someone had either confiscated his translator, or it had ceased functioning. Shance. According to Wikipedia, The name translate as "power" or "might" or "her power" So lance is (in a poetic way) blue's power. "The Castle of Lions is more than just a structure; more than just a ship. Everyone was allowed to have bad days, but there was a difference between simple mistakes and a definite, uncharacteristic sluggishness. Right, the translator still had the language turned off. "most who hear our language, the Khalani, would hear meaningless sound. They hardly have a plan, so how can things go according to plan? (Part 2 of Pride, reboot/prequel) Disclaimer: I don't own the Voltron Force-I just happen to like Voltron a lot. Team Voltron receives a distress call from a planet that is supposed to be uninhabited. "Allura, listen. Unable to sleep, she had decided to get up and speak with whoever was on duty in castle control. Lance's father stepped up, beaming at Lance and Allura. The version we play in the militia is called Toss Your Rolis…" Allura snorted at that, but the others just looked confused. Fanfic is AU and not related to any of my other fanfics. Voltron didn't loose all those years once they beat Lotor, this changes the way they returned to Earth. They hardly have a plan, so how can things go according to plan? (Part 2 of Pride, reboot/prequel) As Arus struggles under Drule occupation, Explorer Team 686 is given new teammates and a new mission: to find the planet Altea, if it exists, and recover the ancient weapon known as Voltron. "Shiro's friends dropped by," was the near-toneless response. "I want to know who her grandson is, how old he is, anything you can find out about him. Lance opened his eyes blearily as the door to his and Keith's room opened. As it turned out, Onygrine was one of the Vex-Cha Confederacy's administrative hubs. "What did he say?" "They aren't letting us out till we talk. Her head snapped up as she heard a knock, moments later the door opened to reveal Lance. " "Sí. Pure K/A fluff. " replied Artanis. So, Lance worked with Pidge. And now story time. ABO. His translator was simply gone, now that he checked. The drive to harvest more quintessence in greater amounts, to refine and distill it in greater strengths, was the heaviest burden on her and the Komar. My first attempt in writing in English language. One, he only heard the Galran used commonly throughout the empire for standard communications. " Keith sighs. Kolivan had not seen a kit this small in many years. But, many Protoss can translate it into your language. But his body is weaker than he realizes, and Keith—ever observant—won’t let his strange behavior slide. Hope you all had lovely holidays and we all look forward to 2014 - The Year of VOLTRON ! 30th anniversary and lots of things happening at Voltron HQ and in the fandom! Do take time to listen to podcast by letsvoltron-dot-com as you get glimpses what WEP has planned in the upcoming months leading to Voltron 30th anniversary on September 10, 2014. Hopefully, this will show that I intended for Allura and Keith to have a rich, full married life filled with love, laughter, and joy amidst the periodic episodes of Lotor appearing or other Written for the "lost in translation" drabble challenge on Hunk's Corner (thenewhrh dot weebly dotcom) Alarms blared throughout the palace, summoning the Voltron Force to Castle Control. " The emperor must see that this was the perfect opportunity to take Voltron. " As Arus struggles under Drule occupation, Explorer Team 686 is given new teammates and a new mission: to find the planet Altea, if it exists, and recover the ancient weapon known as Voltron. He moaned indistinctly, hoping whoever this was would be able to translate the sound to the "Fuck off" he was going for. It did not come in at 500 words, but it was still fun to submit. I'm Italian, so, please, be gentle and merciful. "That something's been lost in translation. Not once did his dream change. " That might be for the best. Ever since he was young. Unfortunately the Drules of Doom have other plans. But some was. I promise I'm super broke and just like to write stories for enjoyment. Dina's hand-held translator, linked to her sophisticated computer detected the origin. Guest: Wait, what. "There," she said, pointing to one of the hallways, "red-orange ten to three parts. They hardly have a plan, so how can things go according to plan? (Part 2 of Pride, reboot/prequel) I got the translation from the internet, so ummsorry if it isn't accurate. As he began regaining consciousness, he realized several things. "Hello, friends. So like, the characters are all actually actors (with the same names, to avoid confusion), and this fanfiction will follow the bloopers of each individual episode (inspiration on this from AnimationNut). Hunk always manages to translate into layman terms, but still much of it lies beyond any training I have. UPDATE ON JAN 11, 2015 (Australian EST) : REVISED CHAPTER 4 UPLOADED WITH MAJOR REVISIONS. As tear drops fell. Dirin didn't have time to give the Voltron Force a tour, but while they were on the transport craft, the navigation officer had given each of them a small datapad, outlining highlights of the space-worthy city. If the Paladins had already formed Voltron then why the hell did they not inform her and wasting our limited time. "…Doesn't translate either, huh. " Shiro uncrossed his arms and gave a smile in Pidge's direction. " The guard pushed the door open and bowed low. . The lyrics roughly translate to: As I slept on the moonlight night, Dreaming of your countenance, At that very moment, The Milky Way glimmered. They hadn't just freed them, they'd felt their presence one more time. He’s wandering through the void one day when he spots an Altean Castle-ship, which has to be at least 10000 years old. Los paladines de Voltron no solo deben liberar a toda la galaxia, sino también deben comprender que son esos sentimientos que sienten los unos por los otros y descubrir si son reales o solo un efecto más de su conexión con Voltron. RATING M Chapter 12 onwards. Mertz. Original cartoon and Devil's Due comics based. Done training?" Keith hummed, hanging up his jacket. Not a lot of it was helpful. "A thousand apologies, My King, but I thought you might like to know. Tags: Canon Divergence, Season 7 AU, Badass Paladin's, canon-level violence, canon relationship, canon gay character Translation of my Italian version: "Sono qui per te" (check on my Peacockfeather profile). That's where I'm at. He knew if the pilots were to be of any long term use, they would need to take breaks from the battle, to eat and get some sleep. "The writing within this book is written in very old Arusian, but I can translate it, though there are some instances that will probably cause me some trouble. /Batman, T. "It's just telling stories, maybe the translation is weird. " "Do I have to do the dance AGAIN?!" "Wha-NO!" he said hurriedly as the princess prepared to begin again. " The weapon you face is called Voltron. I am her trusted advisor, Draxis, and will be serving as your translator for the duration of your visit. Pidge had been more than happy to supply a device to translate the text and Hunk had helped them build it into a pair of inconspicuous reading glasses. Doctor Halsey pressed some buttons on a Altean tablet she borrowed from Coran and was using her glasses with a modified translation packed being broadcasted to the lens so that she could read the information. Larmina blinked. Fanfic attempts to bridge two versions of Voltron #KeithandAllura: 80s Voltron and Voltron Force (2011). "M-hm. " "We got lucky today, team. " Lance and Allura both said at the same time As Arus struggles under Drule occupation, Explorer Team 686 is given new teammates and a new mission: to find the planet Altea, if it exists, and recover the ancient weapon known as Voltron. " "Is there a way to contact Kadmus?" "We can try. He was promptly informed that he had a twisted ankle, hissing in a breath to stop himself from It amazes me that, as writers, we think we convey the scene or emotion in our brains to our readers, yet the translation does not always end as we think. " Lance thought for a moment. (mainly Lance, Keith, and Allura pov) Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Keith, Lance, Princess Allura - Words: 4,235 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 4 - Published: 12/17/2018 - Status: Complete - id: 13149682 Shiro had taken an interest in some of the books from the vast castle library and had been reading them voraciously, happy to have found another distraction from his nightmares of the Galra. Most of the time when Darrel tries to explain things to me, I can understand the words he uses, but not in the order which he says them. Oct 14, 2018 · Pidge typed furiously on her keyboard, she was so close to finishing her universal translator but there was always the annoying discrepancy between English and Lymrn that she couldn't seem to be able to work around. Instead of heading back to Earth and living an semi-ordinary life again, Lance chooses to stay with the other Paladins on the Castle of Lions. "Toss Your Rolis sounds dangerous. It took hours before she was finally rewarded. I tried to cross-reference multiple translation sites, but *shrugs* what are you going to do. Homecoming . The universe needs them to spread peace, quell uprisings, and promote unity. It wasn't enough to communicate with, but it wouldn't be long before he figured out how to do it. He's avid in preserving the last bits of the culture, so he sings quite a lot of Filipino songs at home, teaching Shiro and Keith the words and the meaning. " The room grew still. Prorok rose defiantly, "We don't have time for any more of your magic. Hunk was at peace with that. Lance didn't think he needed a translator for a class-based purely off of writing. Though, the reason I ask for Pidge's help is this is a book of starcharts. Matt was a communications specialist, and was able to decode everything from radio waves to mathematic algorithms. K&A w/ competition from Lance & Lotor. And what had happened with Voltron, which… well, the two weren't really easy to separate. Turned out it was the name of an Egyptian lion goddess. They hardly have a plan, so how can things go according to plan? (Part 2 of Pride, reboot/prequel) Also I have only watched Voltron Force and not the original one, so don't get mad if the character's are more like the Voltron Force and not the original. Diplomacy, languages, and survival does not translate well into technology. " Every other Galra was there the first day when they held me down, sliced open my neck and implanted that damn translator in to my voice box. Shirogane/Shiro, Lotor, Acxa - Chapters: 26 - Words: 155,715 - Reviews: 145 - Favs: 179 - Follows: 188 Wounded and reeling, Explorer Team 686 arrives on a desperate planet. "It kills three birds with one stone! The figure next to her, whom Lance assumes to be her translator, steps forward to, uh, translate. Gredar hissed something that his translator didn't translate, indicating either Gorn slang or a particularly nasty curse. Voltron is like, the most powerful weapon in the universe!" -Pidge says. And he's taking Allura along for the ride. "We're travelers," he offered finally. If it was, the translator chip in his ear hadn't translated it. But like he is now, it's not like can go back anyways. " Pidge offered, as he put the journal back in the box, which he then put into the oilskin. Due to an electrical storm the power and thus the translators go down in the castle. I don't understand what you're doing!" "What do you mean you don't-" she stopped short. "Oh . Summary : Daniel has been the with the force for a couple months and hasn't told them a pretty big secret He mentally tapped off his translator, practicing reading Terran gave him some distance from the content on the paper. But first, a threat to the Paladin's home world puts their loved ones in danger. They made some sounds back at him, but they made about as much sense as Allura that one time the automatic translation system on the ship had gone down for a few hours, so Keith didn't even bother to respond to whatever "You can barely translate their names. I understand everything you bastards say to me!" Ulaz fought to keep the disgust off of his face, knowing that his patient was not in fact exaggerating about what had happened, he knew his kind all too Keith Akira Kogane, Commander of Voltron has always marched to his own tune. The Paladins of Voltron unexpectedly reunite with Elsa but all is not well. We must move our ships now. Diana's my original character while Lance, Manset, and the rest of Voltron Force belong to WEP and whoever they license Voltron to. " he started counting on his fingers. Take care of your wife. Her eyes widened as though something hit her for the first time. He translates the unit of time into Terran and wants to shove a pastry in his mouth to keep from screaming. Minutes later, as Allura described her discovery and showed the long lost tome, Varten found himself seated on the edge of his chair, hands tightly clasped and eyes brimming with Currently Re-editing my very first fanfiction; aligning a few details from Voltron's 30th Anniversary Book. With the Fanfic Translator, you can take your everyday language and twist it into the vibrant, dramatic flair that defines fanfiction! This tool helps you translate your Normal Language into the expressive and often whimsical style of Fanfic, perfect for making your stories come alive like those legendary tales found on DeviantArt. Though Zarkon is defeated, Shiro has vanished and so has Anna and Kristof. (carl sagan). His talent made him known for being able to come up with a translation to whale and dolphin songs. This was a very high tech piece of technology. For once, Keith might not have minded the intervention. I hope your all going to enjoy it as much as I had writing it and now on to the review. " Keith looks to Hunk. They hardly have a plan, so how can things go according to plan? (Part 2 of Pride, reboot/prequel) "As translation, yeah, you passed mullet emo," Pidge said jokingly, giving him a thumbs up that was just a bit too exaggerated. The Black Lion is so close, all we need to to eliminate their communications, Voltron will be rightfully ours!” Between the pressure of being a Paladin of Voltron and the gnawing feeling that he’s not enough,,, he throws himself back into training, determined to act normal. Lance was pretty sure he should not jump in here with hi, I'm Lance and we want Voltron. So fear makes her lash out a bit. And tada! Thank you so much for reading. Response to the Kitties' July Drabble Challenge: Lost In Translation. " Allura responded, beaming. In the Castle of Lions, someone you'd least expect starts to wonder about his heritage and why he chooses to keep it hidden. Apr 5, 2018 · "I can understand the confusion when my father arrived here," Allura said. Voltron. Mi universo Polydin. " Allura's wedding to Keith starts as a happy occasion, but turns cataclysmic as the forces of Doom vow revenge. Her lord's obsession with extending and strengthening his life force was second only to that of locating the other pieces of Voltron. Mpreg. Her face quite sympathetic for a people who had nearly succeeded in draining her life. "I highly doubt its that deep. bjwcsny ydrd hbs flzvkjl rpmit tixp hqimomhu jrlpmso uzjwi fgr wtypve jqzl ruuzi gocl mbu