Unraid vs proxmox vs esxi. Unraid can be your level 2 hypervisor too.

Unraid vs proxmox vs esxi However, VMware ESXi offers higher host capabilities and RAM than Proxmox VE (though you may need the paid version). When comparing Proxmox VE and VMware ESXi, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons of each hypervisor to make an informed decision. Excellent performance capabilities are provided by both type-1 hypervisors, making them ideal for a wide range of configurations. ESXI is the old-and-busted. Unraid at it's core, a fileserver with added functionality (docker and VMs) Synology is also a fileserver with added functionality Unraid can be compared to TrueNAS. +1 on this. Microsoft is adding all sorts of neat containerization and virtualization features but all of them depend on Hyper-V. Is there anyway of passing the pwm sensor from proxmox into unraid. if you're going to learn ansible, you'll want to be comfortable with the command line. And- occasionally, I host a VM or two on it. unraid (slackware) and proxmox (debian) are just linux distros with web interfaces. Jul 20, 2021 · Join the conversation. They run directly on the host machine hardware and use it for guest operating systems. Two of the major players are Proxmox and VMware ESXi. Proxmox handles nested virtualization like a pro. The results I did run some benchmarks with ESXi, and it performed well overall, however that was before I thought to write down the results, and ESXi had dropped out of the consideration by the time I started writing things down. B. dockers, of course I had a question about performance between running a VM through Unraid vs through Proxmox / ESXi. 15. ) that just don't work with ESxi that do work with Proxmox, or vice versa? Oct 25, 2024 · Virtual machine management is a cornerstone of any virtualization platform, and both Proxmox VE and VMware ESXi excel in this area. t. And run Proxmox on it's own more powerful box. And things working pretty well. Some people even have their gaming rig VM'd on unRAID. I haven't done any scientific performance measurements iron vs. but if that's no problem it has a huge advantage and that's nr 2 VMWare's stuff is what a lot of my work infrastructure is based on, so it makes sense for me to go after ESXi/vSphere/etc. Being a Microsoft product, it is supported by a variety of hardware. Failing that pass the temperature back into proxmox to control the fans from there. After looking at some of the common differences between Proxmox and Unraid, there’s really one conclusion that can be drawn. 2 (kernel=5. PVE,全称 Proxmox Virtual Environment ,是基于Debian的Linux系统,虚拟机内核为KVM。硬件兼容性优秀。界面功能不强,很多操作要靠命令行,但扩展能力几乎是无限的。 unRaid,其实是个NAS系统,是基于 Slackware 的Linux系统,虚拟机内核也是KVM。磁盘阵列管理非常有特色 Jan 11, 2023 · 文章详细对比了ESXi、PVE和unRaid三个虚拟系统的安装、资源占用、虚拟机创建、硬件直通等方面,强调了各自的特点和适用场景。ESXi界面友好但硬件要求高,PVE硬件兼容性强适合熟悉Linux的用户,unRaid则以其独特的磁盘阵列和Docker支持脱颖而出。 Nov 4, 2024 · 家庭虚拟化更适合用pve(Proxmox)而非esxi 2024-11-04 08:43:06 0点赞 0收藏 0评论 众所周知想玩服务器又或者all in one等等,都离不开虚拟化技术,而主流的虚拟机技术就三个:kvm、VMware、Hyper-V,在我看来,家庭虚拟化用pve更合适,远比esxi更好。 The UI is often not as friendly as Unraid's or Proxmox's too, since it expects a certain level of expertise I did not posses. Proxmox offers a user-friendly web interface for managing VMs and containers. Anyways, here are the results of Geekbench 5. Each to its own strengths. I've tried Proxmox and UNRAID, but I ran into issues with passthru on both. So here is what I'm trying to accomplish as of right now. Setting up and managing your system is generally easier with Unraid, making it a good choice for beginners or those who want a less hands-on experience. depends on what you want. Proxmox is an open-source, Linux-based virtual environment. It sure does give me some flexibility. 0 (update 3c) with a 32 VM workload to see which performs better under load with storage-heavy applications. UnRAID is the storage solution. both have their merits. There is a performance trade-off which is acceptable for testing. I would recommend ESXi only if it helps you professionally, and you have access to commercial or educational licenses. Unraid does not offer clustering, or HA support out of the box. If PVE has the same issues then it wouldn't make sense to jump. Apr 7, 2022 · Proxmox vs. ESXi is a bare metal hypervisor developed by VMware. I would suggest that Proxmox vs Unraid is a better comparison. That said, I get where the OP is coming from. My question is more, are there specific pieces of hardware (CPU, memory, motherboards, NICs, etc. I use proxmox for vm management and to host my kubernetes cluster. Dec 29, 2022 · Hardware compatibility is not an issue with Hyper-V. I like unraid but even I would recommend against it. I could setup UNRAID first, see how it works. Feb 10, 2021 · In addition, there is vCenter server, which is part of the vSphere suite. Unraid runs storage and a few media/download-related containers. VM but have not seen any performance issues. vCenter server is a centralized management application that allows managing both virtual machines and ESXi hosts, via the vSphere web client. ESXi: Definitions. Migration between esxi hosts is worse than proxmox, ex you can't move the storage of a running VM with pcie devices attatched. It's been rock solid. TrueNAS/unraid can’t do clustering at the host level. The charts in the following section present the percentage gain or loss in IOPS associated with using Proxmox VE in place of VMware ESXi. The same is true for Proxmox. Proxmox utilizes the ZFS file system, known for its advanced data protection and management capabilities. Proxmox Virtual Environment is a robust open-source virtualization platform that excels in managing virtual machines and containers with advanced features, while unRAID Server is geared towards simplifying storage management and media serving with strong support for Docker containers. Tons of work already in the direction you want to go on unraid. Jan 14, 2014 · i'm using ProxMox 4. Others are looking at Proxmox, and some are waiting to see what happ Hi all! I noticed that many of you use Proxmox as your go-to hypervisor. If you just want a hypervisor for a lab, I would go with Proxmox. Thanks for the tip. I never used TrueNAS but I'm a career system admin and i really really like Unraid. I'm willing to spend the money if it's the right solution. Add-ons are installed using vCenter in vSphere. , the differences between Promox and ESXi. Proxmox ≠ NAS Wenn man ein NAS unter Proxmox virtualisieren möchte, dann muss man etwas wie z. The following list will help you to compare Proxmox VE with alternatives in the server virtualization market: Mar 5, 2025 · Performance Comparison: Proxmox vs. Jun 3, 2012 · Running unRaid within ESXi; Running VBox within unRaid I'm in the process of building a new server and have though of building an ESXi machine, but maybe this is too much??? Hardware is not an issue since I already bought the Supermicro X9SCM-F (for the IPMI capabilities, I want a truly headless server). While UnRAID has built-in virtualization, it is just a feature of the storage product. Now one server can do everything. are standalone OSes that will manage their own storage. And thats it, there is maybe unraid, but hell i don't like anything of that, thats a complete different solution targeting home-users only. Aug 26, 2024 · What are the best Proxmox alternatives for managing virtual environments? Some of the best Proxmox alternatives include VMware vSphere, XenServer, OpenStack, and Unraid. UNRAID was a bit better though. The hardware is as follows: CPU: i5-3470 The esx to proxmox thread made me wonder about this, but I didnt want to ask there. donc fondamentalement, c'est unraid vs proxmox unRAID est plus simple et plus convivial. I give unraid credit- the interface is beautiful, and very easy to navigate. : freenass nehmen und sich halt genügend HDD/SSD in den Server bauen und die HDD/SSD dann freenas oä. Cost Analysis: Proxmox vs Hyper-V. 1) Advantages a) Proxmox is primarily a virtualization platform, so you need to build your own NAS from the ground. Unraid is always limited to 1 drive speeds so the performance is lower. Proxmox is an industry standard open source hypervisor that would do well in a homelab that offers a focus on virtualization with features like clustering, replication, VM snapshots. Docker containers vs LXC Containers (Application virtualization vs OS virtualization) A MUCH nicer interface. I've used it for about 5 years now, I love it. Under the hood proxmox and unraid use the same technology, so performance should be same. I run both Proxmox and Unraid on 2 systems. 1. There are paid and free versions of both. Proxmox can. My current Esxi setup is working very well. Dec 21, 2022 · PVE,全称Proxmox Virtual Environment,是基于Debian的Linux系统,虚拟机内核为KVM。硬件兼容性优秀。界面功能不强,很多操作要靠命令行,但扩展能力几乎是无限的。 unRaid,其实是个NAS系统,是基于Slackware的Linux系统,虚拟机内核也是KVM。磁盘阵列管理非常有特色 At first i wanted to try Proxmox or ESXI as a hypervisor, but after reading about TrueNAS Scale and Unraid I wonder, despite the fact that they are more storage oriented, if one of these would be an easier and more GUI-friendly way to play around with dockers and virtual machines, given that I'm unlikely to be doing anything complex. Use case. Third-party support is getting much stronger with Proxmox with major players like Veeam and others offering agentless backups of Proxmox hosts and clusters: User Interface: vSphere Client with enhanced UI features. Also of note - you can usually virtualize with NAS OS if you want. Can you elaborate on the "reset bug" and the problems PVE has with iGPU? The reason I want to leave Unraid is due to instability with GPU passthrough. So, let’s start this comparison with the main use cases of each tool. Algunos usuarios pueden preferir Proxmox por sus características de código abierto, mientras que otros podrían inclinarse hacia ESXi por sus I will likely play around with Proxmox a d vSphere (actually did some of the self-learning intro demos VMWare offers, it's pretty good, but definitly oriented around much larger deployments with multiple DCs, clustering, etc. , so unless I am mistaken, the UI kinda isn't optimised for small scale deployments like this one), just to have those as May 22, 2024 · With all of the changes on the virtualization front, many are evaluating their options in 2024. I'm like a toddler smashing button in esxi but it works well enough. May someone explain me what's the mai differenze between them and how i can "convince" my new Company to use proxmox. I like the prebuilt containers that unraid offers, but from looking around, it seems proxmox is more stable. b) Proxmox is better than FreeNAS for virtualization due to the use of KVM, which seems to be much more flexible. 5 to Proxmox two years ago. Proxmox VE is already the best choice for thousands of satisfied customers when it comes to choosing an alternative to VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V or Citrix XenServer. I've seen lots of mention in the various reddit homelab(ish) forums about unRAID and ProxMox to name two packages. for my home lab instead of the alternatives. This can be an advantage if you know and want to build everything from scratch, or not. While Proxmox has built-in storage management, it focuses on virtualization first. Sep 25, 2024 · How Do Unraid and TrueNAS Compare With Proxmox? When comparing Unraid vs Proxmox and TrueNAS vs Proxmox, it’s important to understand that while all three platforms offer robust features, they’re suitable for different needs in the realm of storage and virtualization. 2 and VMware ESXi 7. 7 as well as a few other VM's for downloads, plex, and just to play/learn with. We tested PVE 7. Proxmox and ESXi are both type-1 hypervisors. Feb 4, 2017 · Looking for guidance so bear with me. . Proxmox Publications as early as V4 speak extensively about this capability for testing configurations. We think our community is one of the best thanks to people like you! I run ESXi and Unraid, but I also like redundancy, so I have some VMs on Unraid such as a second Windows server for DHCP, and second pihole VM and a Veeam instance so Jan 8, 2024 · Für NAS halte ich die UI von Unraid für besser, kenne aber Proxmox nicht. 53-1-pve) and VMware ESXi 7. As a unix/linux admin for over 25 years, I'm curious about what products might make sense for my home use cases. Type-1 hypervisors are often called native or bare metal hypervisors. They don't even donate to the products/projects they do support. I will say that I do prefer Proxmox when VMs are in play but most things you can simply serve via docker containers on Unraid. Feb 25, 2025 · Discover the differences between Proxmox and XCP-ng, two powerful open-source virtualization platforms. Seems flexible enough. What are your experiences running ProxMox vs Unraid? Which would you recommend? Also: I know UnRaid isn't free, however the cost of an unlimited license is less than 10% of just the hard drives in the new build; so it's not a deal breaker. However Oct 20, 2020 · Unraid has its own “storage” system, which, works like raid, but, is not raid. they both use KVM virtualization. Feb 28, 2025 · Proxmox vs VirtualBox: Comprehensive Performance & Feature Comparison; Proxmox vs ESXi for Homelabs: Choose the Best Virtualization Platform for Your Setup; What is a Virtual Machine? | Guide to VM Components & Benefits; Proxmox Backup and Restore: Comprehensive Guide for Efficient Data Management; Ultimate Guide to Migrating Proxmox VMs to a Jul 1, 2023 · Unraid: Unraid is often lauded for its simplicity and user-friendly web interface. A positive value indicates that Proxmox VE achieves higher IOPS. ESXi with NVMe/TCP To compare real-world performance, a benchmark test was conducted by Blockbridge using Proxmox VE 7. 0 Update 3c on identical hardware: The network management seems a lot better and more user friendly though, and migrations between workstation and esxi are amazing. But I started seeing post about running TrueNAS as a VM on proxmox which made me think why not just do it on ESXi. You don't seem to need or want high performance storage right now. One of the benefits to docker in a VM vs installing it on the host is that it is relatively portable at that point. The results Nov 20, 2020 · Many discussions have compared Proxmox and VMware from a feature perspective, but almost none compare performance. 4 running on Ubuntu, Proxmox, and XCP-NG. Network Performance: Proxmox leverages Linux kernel optimizations, whereas Hyper-V uses the Windows networking stack. Mar 8, 2013 · 2) Proxmox 2. Having used Proxmox, Unraid, and TrueNAS- My current pick is TrueNAS. I could use the USB key, boot UNRAID only or boot Proxmox. Aug 11, 2022 · So currently I'm running ESXi 6. As good as Proxmox is, ESXI's scale-out support is hard to beat. anyway, to let you know beforehand: ProxMox doesn't passthrough virtualization features to guests (so i guess no virtualization inside a virtualized [unRAID] environment). Comparing Proxmox VE to alternatives. On point 1. Proxmox Unraid is kinda dumb in general and only starts to not be completely stupid once you have ~100 drives. Ultimately, the choice of virtualization platform will depend on your organization’s specific needs and requirements. Nov 20, 2020 · Many discussions have compared Proxmox and VMware from a feature perspective, but almost none compare performance. zuweisen, was dann wiederum die Platten per NFS oder SMB bereitstellt. However, if you Only commenting to say that you're really talking apples and oranges here -- proxmox and ESXi are hypervisors on top of which you can run any storage VM (unraid, OMV, debian with roll-your-own snapraid), while unraid, freenas, windows, etc. 7 update 3 and I was looking to setup a 5 drive raidz datastore. (Docker for Windows, Windows Container and the new Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 all appear to depend on Hyper-V) I have never been able to successfully run Hyper-V inside a VM on Proxmox (I think I did get it working once on Dec 10, 2023 · Proxmox VE and VMware ESXi are popular hypervisors for virtualization. Although, I will note- I was/still am a huge fan of Unraid's simplicity though. tandis que proxmox a besoin d'un peu de temps pour fonctionner. Unraid. Dec 10, 2023 · Proxmox vs Unraid: Storage and Services. But if your work is somehow related to to ESXi, then it would be a good choice even on older version and I'm pretty sure you can run ESXi 7 May 24, 2019 · I am currently running Unraid as a VM with Esxi 6. GPU passthrough doesn't appear to be a primary interest for TrueNAS Scale, so That being said UnRaid is a weird NAS thing with VM support and Proxmox is a VM Host. Since you don't need a NAS functionality, go with Proxmox or XCP-NG, or any other Under the hood proxmox and unraid use the same technology, so performance should be same. c). Here, I will outline the advantages and disadvantages of both platforms to help you evaluate which one is the best fit for your virtualization needs. 10 VM running through Unraid, as well as Rclone as a plugin on Unraid. and once you're using the command line, the tooling for VMs and docker is going to be the same, the only differences might be the version of the tool and where certain configs are stored. Unraid, true nas, freenas, and OMV are all NAS-based OSs (think bulk storage). A few use ESXi or Hyper-V. Stick with Proxmox, run a VM for docker containers. Proxmox is the new-hotness; QEmu and LXC. The only people who shit on Unraid are the ones who don't want to pay for the OS. Proxmox Virtual Environment VS unRAID Server. Proxmox. TrueNAS as your storage OS and proxmox as your virtualization OS. Vmware also seems to have more enterprise features baked in with vsphere. Conclusion: Proxmox vs. Return to ESXi if you could get vSphere Enterprise+ for $200/year Stick with XCP-ng I ask because option #1 is real for personal use & that's what I'm doing. A negative value indicated that Proxmox VE achieves lower IOPS. Op unrelated, esxi is easy to use and learn. In the first proxmox vs ESXi argument, we will discuss their performance impact. ESXi by itself may be free, but it sure helps to have vSphere when you have multiple servers. Is there a reason why MAAS seemingly gets no love… I'm 85 percent committed to Proxmox just because there seems to be so much active support/tutorial stuff on YouTube, but I'm sure that's true of ESxi, too. Feb 11, 2025 · Installing Unraid or TrueNAS on Proxmox will give you access to the same services, but it’s an entirely different infrastructure setup (Unraid on bare-metal or Proxmox on bare-metal). Lol! Understatement! VMware after the takeover is a disaster. Not consistently Jul 16, 2024 · After comparing and contrasting VMware ESXi, Proxmox, and Red Hat Virtualization, it is clear that each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses. 4 Pro running as guest. TrueNAS/Unraid are NAS OS that can also run VMs and Containers. Nov 25, 2024 · In diesem Artikel werde ich einen tiefgreifenden Vergleich zwischen den Virtualisierungslösungen Proxmox VE (Proxmox), VMware ESXi (ESXi) und Hyper-V durchführen. 0 as native hypervisor on my machine and have unRAID 6. Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up for our monthly newsletter. If you want both, run unRaid in a separate lower powered box, pretty much anything will work if you don't need VMs on unRaid. In fact have a few Docker VM clusters too. I went from unraid vm experience to using and setting up basic esxi hosts with just a little bit of YouTube. :) Everyone is leaving as the license costs jump. Jan 4, 2024 · Yes, as @ChatNoirpoints out the free ESXi has been killed by Broadcom. c'est donc à peu près pourquoi j'ai choisi proxmox c'est amusant et j'aime dépanner la merde. Proxmox vs ESXI: Performance. Proxmox does have a storage manager, though it's not as robust as TrueNAS. If a computer can run Windows, it can run Hyper-V as well. It offers robust storage options and features such as data deduplication, compression, and snapshots. everything works (what i tested) perfect so far (*). If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. for docker, just add a VM that hosts the docker resources along with portainer and you are good to go. Proxmox is more powerful when it comes to more advanced vm features, like snapshots, clustering, etc. Right now, all I have running is a couple Dockers (the usual *arrs, Plex, Nextcloud, Bitwarden, Node Red, GitLab CE, Fact Sep 6, 2024 · P: Proxmox vs ESXi ambas funcionan admirablemente en términos de rendimiento, pero la comparación de rendimiento específica depende del caso de uso y la configuración de hardware particulares. Compare XCP-ng vs Proxmox, explore their features, use cases, storage options, backup capabilities, pricing, and more to determine the best fit for your IT infrastructure. Proxmox runs all my network services and actual VMs and web sites. Since you're asking this question, it implies you don't have any real plans or defined reason for running a more robust level 2 hypervisor, like Proxmox. Unraid can be your level 2 hypervisor too. Ich werde die wichtigsten Merkmale und Vorteile jeder Lösung beleuchten, um Admins dabei zu helfen, die geeignete Virtualisierungslösung für ihre Infrastruktur zu wählen. I find the VM management on Proxmox to be much better than Unraid. I do it this way perfectly on proxmox. x I am looking to switch to either unraid or proxmox, just not sure which. Apr 16, 2020 · Interesting and makes sense. Check the status of BTRFS RAID; if it's finally ready then do that - or if you're fine with experimental do that. Say for example you want to setup a new proxmox server, or even a cluster of them. Getting Started Feb 20, 2020 · Not sure if Proxmox allows a VM to boot from USB, as I've never used it. Proxmox VE: Proxmox VE is an open-source solution and can be used free of charge. Hypervisors are just better designed for the task. Provided you can get the licenses; VMUG is available and it's $200USD a year for pretty much all of the latest VMWare licenses (including vSAN and Tanzu; the latter of which provides ESXI with container support) which along with the other VMUG benefits (training access, primarily If you have one machine and need both - proxmox. Unraid uses disks more efficiently/cheaply than ZFS on Proxmox. Now i'm moving to another Company where they use Nutanix. When it comes to storage and services, Proxmox and Unraid take different approaches. Proxmox VE offers a highly intuitive web-based interface that simplifies the creation, management, and monitoring of virtual machines. Jun 18, 2024 · The other alternative is Hyper-V which makes no sense for anything else as hosting Windows-VM's, Nutanix-AHV which is not on par with Proxmox/ESXI or even Hyper-V and is basically just QEMU either. I prefer proxmox over any other hypervisor-suite (esxi, esxi with vsphere, hyperv on windows, citrix-xen, xcp-ng e. My first route was thinking to completely move away from ESXi and switch to proxmox. Although I personally prefer ESXi, its free version has limitations and new versions are getting more and more picky in terms of hardware. Hyper-V, ESXi and Proxmox are much more powerful hypervisors, but I love the community of unRAID (check out the forums). Dec 2, 2024 · Advanced backup settings with Proxmox Backup Server. Oct 24, 2020 · Unraid cannot see the pwm sensor and Proxmox cannot see the disks as the sata adapter is passed through to unraid. vCenter is typically used when there are several ESXi hosts and includes several enterprise-level features such as high Jan 20, 2015 · Newsletter Sign Up. Proxmox: I moved from ESXi 6. But I thinking of maybe making a change over to ProxMox and what anyone thoughts are on it. Type-2 hypervisors run inside the host machine's operating system just like any common software. Each of these platforms offers unique features that might better suit your needs, especially if you’re looking for more advanced options or specific integrations. I want to control the speed of the fans based on the temperature of the drives. Proxmox, esxi, etc are hypervisors (think virtualization of other OSs…even the aforementioned!). Cost. ESXi excels in performance and scalability, making it ideal for enterprise environments. It excels at this. I currently a have Ubuntu 16. Hello, i know in dept how to use and configure proxmox, i have used It in the past 8 years of work in my last Company. Proxmox can service all of that, it's just that the learning curve I Is pretty steep when compared to unraid. Cost considerations include licensing, support, and scalability. File systems Jan 11, 2024 · My thought is if I run Unraid within Prox then I'll get the Docker/NAS flexibility with the reliability of PVE that Unraid is lacking. The following list will help you to compare Proxmox VE with alternatives in the server virtualization market: performance: Esxi slightly power consumption: esxi consumes a bit less power disk usability: i think they are the similar at disk management interface but proxmox has zfs so faster updates: proxmox is free support: proxmox has a bigger and more active community Feb 21, 2024 · The Proxmox community has been around for many years and offers help and support for Proxmox VE, Proxmox Backup Server, and Proxmox Mail Gateway. Can I suggest a crazy idea? you use Proxmox as your base OS with TrueNAS in a VM and all the drives attached to that. Feb 11, 2025 · These are the key differences in performance when comparing Proxmox vs ESXi: Both Proxmox and ESXi virtual environments are type-1 hypervisors and offer excellent performance capabilities well-suited for various configurations. For the last couple years, I've been using unRAID as my main home server, and haven't had too many issues with it. Now we have vSphere Configuration Profiles accessible via the vSphere Client In my opinion, comparing managing the services as LXC containers in proxmox, versus comparing the docker containers in unraid- Unraid blows proxmox out of the water as far as container support. Just make sure you use a quality USB drive. For my storage server, I intend for it to be primarily for hosting storage, and providing storage to other services and applications. Jan 1, 2025 · Proxmox VE(PVE)和VMware ESXi作为市场上两款主流的虚拟化平台,各自拥有独特的优势和特点,适用于不同的使用场景。 本文将从多个维度对这两者进行详细对比,帮助您做出更明智的选择。 Jun 3, 2024 · ESXi和Proxmox VE都是功能强大的虚拟化平台,但它们在某些方面存在差异。 ESXi是一个商业产品,提供了强大的功能和广泛的生态系统支持,但成本可能较高。 Proxmox VE是一个开源的、基于Linux的虚拟化平台,提供了高度的灵活性和定制性,并且成本较低。 Sep 16, 2022 · Proxmox VE是一个完整的企业虚拟化开源平台。借助内置的Web界面,您可以轻松管理VM和容器,软件定义的存储和网络,高可用性集群以及单个解决方案上的多个开箱即用工具。 ESXi,是VMWare vSphere Hypervisor套件之下重要组件。 May 12, 2021 · Running Unraid under ESXi 6 for quite a few years. Proxmox cannot natively run Docker containers, but it can run LXC containers. You can post now and register later. Personally I'd recommend Unraid both because you're starting out and because it's much easier to "set and forget" the important stuff. Are there any other NAS projects folks are using with Proxmox? Or is a “loop back” NFS mount on the same physical machine between Proxmox and TrueNAS no big deal and TrueNAS/Unraid are fine (assuming TrueNAS boots before all other VMs) I suppose it would let me live migrate VMs to my other Proxmox machines. If you have more than one machine, go with both. Proxmox does support ZFS which is neat, and could benefit more from the insane amount of Ram that you have. e. Have been a lurker here for a while, and am in the process of reconfiguring my home lab. Proxmox is a dedicated bare metal hypervisor, and so doesn't have the shortcuts/ease of use that Unraid does, but it's extremely capable. Proxmox offers much more functionality in the free version than ESXi. Reason being proxmox can be setup on ZFS (which I think is the default storage strategy). Apr 12, 2024 · vCenter Server is a solution for centralized management of VMware ESXi hosts using advanced features such as VM migration, clustering, vSAN, Kubernetes, distributed virtual switches, etc. Furthermore, the device drivers are easily available for Hyper-V compared to Proxmox VE and VMware ESXi. And that's not free. It lacks only commercial technical support and access to the enterprise repositories. Proxmox VE Sep 1, 2022 · If you're unwilling to use Unraid then I suspect Proxmox is likely to be the only option with some chance at success. On the note of virtualization / being a hypervisor, based on unraids clean interface, and ease of assigning physical devices to a VM, I personally Dec 4, 2023 · It is time to focus on the blog’s core part, i. Proxmox vs VMware vSphere storage options have significant differences. Two different targeted use cases. About half are going to the larger enterprise services like Nutanix and Scale. You'll be much happier when you down bring down everything for a simple hardware change. I would go with unraid running in a proxmox VM for 2 main reasons. Proxmox is a Hypervisor OS which aims to have similar features as ESXi (and other enterprise Hypervisors). I am currently running esxi 6. Proxmox does take a bit more linux knowledge and sometimes more work to get configured and do some menial tasks but has more features than esxi free does. And then I could install Proxmox on a SSD, set everything up to for UNRAID inside Proxmox and see how that goes. Jun 28, 2024 · Pros and Cons: Proxmox VE vs VMware ESXi. Feb 12, 2025 · Memory Handling: Proxmox provides flexible overcommitment, while Hyper-V features intelligent resource monitoring. One small oddity that I haven't fully investigated is what appears to be high CPU usage sometimes when an array drive spins up from standby. With that said yes Unraid is an excellent product with a solid feature set. Storage. Proxmox is the hypervisor. Proxmox is a hypervisor similar to ESXi or Hyper-V. if you are wanting to learn something to use in the industry go esxi for sure as not many businesses im aware of use Proxmox. I have a few proxmox VM instances running inside Proxmox. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. YMMV. Unraid is more a energy saving optimized NAS with a little bit docker and vm support. tlbvof xdhruv bdxljhz ipc hkuzzu fmtcl sitlc yngh uoldj udje kzpowz cjkgdy gvcga ctpniei avu