Turf underlay newcastle Waiting time commences after Recycled Turf Underlay is a budget recycled underlay which is predominantly used for fill. Lay on a bed of 100-200 mm of quality organic turf underlay. Servicing Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, Fern Bay, Toronto, Morisset - Cooranbong, Cessnock, Kurri Kurri and Maitland Turf Underlay. The proud home of Sir Walter DNA Certified soft leaf Buffalo, Australia’s No 1 Lawn variety. The impact-absorbing padding provides a soft, safe cushioning system beneath the turf as well as other key benefits. A cubic metre is simply a measure of the length and width of the garden bed or turf area multiplied by the depth of soil required e. Lay on a bed of 50-100mm of quality turf underlay; Launcher fertiliser is not recommended during the peak growing season; Roll to compact new turf to improve contact with the soil; Soak the newly laid turf thoroughly for 10-14 days after installation or until fully established Lay on a bed of 50-100mm of quality turf underlay; Use Lawn Solutions Australia Lawn Launcher at label rates to give the grass a head start and retain moisture in the new soil bed; Roll to compact new turf to improve contact with the soil; Soak the newly laid turf thoroughly for 10-14 days after installation or until established 80/ 20 is suitable for all types of turf. The Yard Building and Landscape Supplies Corey: 0414172948 Free QUOTE Concrete Supply (Per Cube) Holcim 20MPA: 25MPA: 32MPA: 40MPA: # 55 Minutes free of charge. Visit our Newcastle landscape supplies shop or call us for any product enquiries today. If it too low (acidic) you will need to add lime (calcium carbonate)). You can add this to your soil and turf underlay prior to laying your lawn or you can spread evenly on top of the soil and water in well. 3G pitches for hockey have an extremely short pile with a dense underlayer. N. Lush Lawn Underlay combines some of the best quality ingredients to form a base soil that holds its shape, allows for drainage and provides all the essential ingredients to give your turf the best start possible. Engineered for superior drainage and cushioning, it ensures a lush, resilient surface that lasts. com When topdressing golf greens, usually a sand or a 90/10 is chosen, whilst for fairway divots or topdressing a 80/20 is well suited. 31 Menangle Road, Menangle NSW 2568. All the existing fill as well as an extra 20 cubic metres of turf underlay had to be carted in with wheel Proudly Servicing Newcastle, Maitland, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast, Port Stephens & The Hunter Valley Rotary hoe your soil site with good lawn underlay that Buchanan Turf the home of DNA certified Sir Walter Buffalo sir Grange Zoysia TifTuf Kikuyu situated at Lorn Maitland our turf farm is iconic in the region. Our turf varieties include, Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo, TifTuf Bermuda, Sir Grange Zoysia, and Eureka Kikuyu. Recycled Turf Underlays are widely used in the industry as a sustainable and economical against the Quarried Turf Underlays. Ground or field hockey is an extremely popular sport. Top soil / Sandy Loam - $100 - Landscaping Materials - Newcastle, New South Wales | Facebook Marketplace Crusher dust is a byproduct obtained during the crushing process of rocks into smaller particles. Marks Landscape Supplies Tahmoor, NSW Organic top dress to high quality turf underlay our complete range of garden mixes including commercial turf underlays and recycled soil. Turf underlay has been specially crafted for optimal drainage. au Fast Quote Palmetto is the Number One Selling Buffalo Lawn in the World. Jul 1, 2024 · Hunter Valley Landscape Supplies provides quality landscaping products, horticultural advice and gardening supplies to The Hunter Valley and Newcastle region. Our soil contains a mix clean sandy loam, composted green waste, composted stable manure and ash. We invite you to browse our presentation and contact us to learn how you can take advantage of the latest technology in turf underlay. This will support the lawn during its establishment phase and boost deeper root growth. Store Information. Here's to the underlay, the real MVP of lush lawns! Landscape Supplies Newcastle. The most commonly used material in this category include our M01 Topsoil. Considerations such as application, usage, irrigation, maintenance, budget and the need to comply with any nominated specifications all need to be allowed for. We distribute our own lawn turf from our farm at Lot 3 /94 Trappaud Rd, Louth Park, Maitland, this means you are dealing direct with the lawn supplier. Drill Seeding. We recommend you use 100 mm of lawn underlay which has 80% sand and 20% soil mix as a minimum, but if you can use a mix which also contains organic matter, then that is the way to go. We offer fit for purpose products for applications such as sports fields, turf underlay, planter boxes, playgrounds and stormwater filtration. This product contains Turf Underlay is a specifically designed soil product for all turf development and refurbishment as a free draining medium. Soil stabilisation / Erosion Control Ascape Landscaping is the first choice for all turf prep, site prep, levelling and turf laying and hydromulching in Maitland, Newcastle and the surrounding Hunter Region. Artificial Grass Newcastle Tyne and Wear (NE1): A flexible surface of synthetic fibres which can be employed as a substitute for the "real" thing artificial grass is designed to mimic natural turf. The right mix of soil for your lawn can determine the longevity of growth and promote optimum growth. Turf Underlay is a blend of topsoil and organic materials designed to give a new lawn the right balance of minerals and nutrients. Softfall underlay is a vital component to reduce the risk of injuries. Sprigging. It is commonly used in construction and landscaping due to Nov 22, 2024 · Choosing Resistant Turf Varieties Selecting disease-resistant turf varieties is a fundamental strategy in proactive lawn care. Yes, unfortunately a lot of new estates are stripped of their natural soil to reveal a clay, or hard rock surface. Turf underlay is usually 80% sand and 20% soil although there is a mix that is 60%sand and 40% soil although the 80 – 20 mix is recommended. Lay the turf down with the longest straight edge first and lay the rolls closely together. 100 millimetres = 0. au supply turf underlay and top soil? If the existing soil is not deep apply a good quality sandy loam (weed free) turf underlay consisting of 60% sand and 40% soil. T : 02 4577 3621 E : turfbymillers@yahoo. We also offer sand/soil Agland Turf's FAQs cover everything you need to know. ANL's 80-20 mixture helps prevent roots from rotting, providing a stable platform for easy planting. 02 4633 8239 New and used Gravel for sale in Newcastle, New South Wales on Facebook Marketplace. Buy Premium Sapphire, Palmetto, Matilda & Sir Walter Buffaloes, Zoysia, Couches & Kikuyu Turf at affordable prices to households, commercial sites, professional landscapers, councils and sporting fields. Once you’re good to go and you’ve got about 100mm of underlay levelled, apply a starter fertiliser. Our own specialty mix Lush lawn Underlay will give the correct drainage and a great start to your new lawn. Looking for high-quality turf in Maitland, NSW, or surrounding areas? Contact the Edmond’s Turf team on 0407 787 352 to see what we have to offer. Sep 13, 2017 · The Turf Cloud is a foam underlay that adds extra padding to every step making the artificial grass softer and much more enjoyable to walk or lay on. At Australian Lawn Concepts, we offer several turf types that are recognised for their robustness and disease resistance, helping to ensure your lawn remains healthy and attractive with minimal fuss. Handy hints for buying topsoils, turf underlay and garden soil in Newcastle near you The majority of our soils are sold by the cubic metre (m3). To get this information for your turf contractors, simply multiply the area you need turfed by the depth of underlay you want. This High Quality Turf Root Zone and Topdressing Mix is recommended for sportsfield construction, amenity turf and all general turf underlay and topdress applications. Mar 12, 2024 · Choosing the right underlay isn't just about laying turf; it's about laying down the law for a backyard that's not only a feast for the eyes but a playground for the family. Delivery Newcastle, central coast, Sydney, Wollongong and Illawarra GUARANTEED, FRESH CUT TURF , TOP QUALITY , TOP DELIVERY SERVICE Sir Walter buffalo Sapphire buffalo Matilda buffalo kikuyu Premium Turf Underlay - Landscaping Materials - Sydney, Australia | Facebook Marketplace Benedict Sand and Gravel have a wide range of Quarried and Recycled Sand/Soil blends, suitable for all applications and budgets. Spread the turf underlay over the area evenly at a depth of 100 to 150mm deep. Whether you're a homeowner or contractor, trust Luke's Turf Supplies to deliver the best Nobody wants to lay turf to only have it wither up and die 6 months later, but it happens all the time. Supply of turf underlay (recommend an application rate of 100mm – 100m2 of turf would require 10m3 of our Organic Turf Underlay. Road Base. GUARANTEED, FRESH CUT TURF , TOP QUALITY products, TOP DELIVERY SERVICE SYDNEY WIDE Turf Sir Walter buffalo certified Sapphire buffalo certified Matilda buffalo certified Kikuyu Wintergreen Sapphire Buffalo Turf Fresh Cut - Sod - Newcastle, New South Wales | Facebook Marketplace Turf Underlay is a specifically designed soil product for all turf development and refurbishment as a free draining medium. Save yourself the heartbreak and give your turf the best chance with our turf underlay. S. Sourced from the sandy loam from the heart of the Hawkesbury river flats, our natural turf underlay is screened to 8mm to eliminate unwanted clumps and debris. Locally grown turf varieties from Maitland. It is suitable for using as an underlay for new turf or to top dress existing garden areas. The added cushion of the Turf Cloud also enhances the blade bounce back. 227 0432 ABS ABS Cement Builders Cement 20kg Gp Cement 20kg Rapid Set Concrete Mix 20kg Sand and Cement 20kg Lime Hydrated 20kg Clay 20kg off It is recommended to put at least 75mm of turf underlay under your new lawn. Turf Cushion® features include: Exceptional resiliency and shock attenuation with industry high GMAX and HIC readings (ASTM F 1292-99) up to 10 feet dependent on system and fill with a 2” layer of Turf Cushion Sapphire Buffalo can be grown in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. Click on images for larger view. Choosing the correct turf underlay for a project, at times, can be a daunting task. We provide an extensive range of quality landscaping products at competitive prices for both the professional and home gardener. Once you have the area of your yard, you’ll need to work out how much soil underlay you need in cubic metres. Good quality, very few contaminants bar what has been picked up off driveway. It is a recycled black rubber shred or granule which is bounded together with binder to provide a soft cushion finish How Deep Should my Turf Underlay Be? Typically you’ll need between 100 mm to 150 mm of turf underlay soil. Our service regions include Newcastle, Maitland, Lake Macquarie, Singleton, Port Stephens & the Central Coast. Buffalo Sapphire turf is reasonably priced to afford you a good-looking lawn between $12 to $20 . Our Menangle Quarry has long been recognised as Sydney’s premier source of Alluvial Soil, and recently, as the need for more sustainable materials increases, it has also become a leader in developing innovative recycled/ quarried blends. Site Enquiries Ph. It is ideal for you to roll out turf over topsoil as it helps the grass to grow quickly, establish roots and to stay healthy. com. read more A reading between 5-5-7 is great. 50-100mm of underlay is You’ll need to bear in mind that you will need to allow at least 25 mm for the turf, so you may need to remove some of the existing soil to allow for this. We also carry turf, woodchip, sleepers, aggregrate, sands, plants and sleepers. We have a wide range of sizes, colours, and shapes to suit your needs. 1 metres for 100 mm or 0. Loam & Stone Landscape Supplies Glenfield Park, NSW. Cessnock Landscaping Supplies services the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Cessnock, Singleton, the Hunter Valley and Upper Hunter regions. Playgrounds, Gyms, Childcares & more. Yellow Fatty Sand. It is not suitable or recommended for most types of turf to be directly laid upon, however turf such as Kikuyu can survive on a thick layer of Recycled Turf Underlay. To help with calculating the lawn area volume, that would equate to either 0. g. Dec 15, 2023 · None more so than our TURFLOAM range which has long been a favourite for Turf Underlay and Topdressing applications, due to its balance of drainage and water holding capacity. au During the initial establishment period, avoid walking on the newly laid turf. Turf underlay is a sandy loam, 70% sand and 30% soil. To obtain the latest test result or for more information Eturf grow several buffalo turf varieties, including Sapphire soft leaf buffalo turf and Sir Walter buffalo turf. Buchanan Turf Farm has been supplying premium turf to the Hunter Valley, Newcastle, Maitland and the Central Coast for over 40 years. AUSTRALIAN BUILDING SUPPLIES 0432. Organic Soil Mix. W. 1m3 of turf underlay soil will cover an area of approximately 10m2 Turf Underlay is a specifically designed soil product for all turf development and refurbishment as a free draining medium. We offer turf delivery, or you can pick up from our Maitland turf farm. Recycled Turf Underlays are produced from blending Quarried Loamy Sands with reclaimed VENM Loamy Sands or finely screened “recovered fines” topsoil. Online Enquiry Premium Turf Underlay. As a reputable lawn turf supplier in Newcastle, we value our customers and provide a full and comprehensive service including advice, aftercare recommendations and top quality turf. With Gypsum, Ash & Complete Trace Elements added, it is the perfect start to provide a good healthy root system & establish your lawn. Quarried Turf Underlays are well suited to remediation projects that have site-specific requirements for any imported materials. Budget. This mixture is ideal as it is light and easy to move around, the sand component allows for good drainage and it is less likely to compact over the long run. Yes. Underlay / soil / compost Premium turf underlay /cubic metre Turf underlay 80/20 /ton Premium garden mix /cubic metre Organic garden mix /cubic metre Premium compost /cubic metre Premium top dress Sir Walter Buffalo Fresh Cut - Landscaping Materials - Newcastle, New South Wales | Facebook Marketplace Contains essential nutrients which will help new turf areas to grow quickly, stay healthy and keep the grass greener Available in m³ loose and bulk bags Turf Underlay is a specifically designed soil product for all turf development and refurbishment as a free draining medium. With its luxurious soft leaf, outstanding year-round colour and unbeatable shade tolerance, Sapphire Buffalo is an exciting, new Buffalo variety that’s designed to excel in Australian backyards. Turf Underlay Read more Hunter Valley Landscape Supplies provides quality landscaping products, horticultural advice and gardening supplies to The Hunter Valley and Newcastle region. Transform your outdoor space today!% Get a great lawn growing with Mardi Park Turf and increase the value of your home by up to 15%. Turf such as Buffalo thrive when laid upon deep layers of 80/20, as their root system is capable of reaching greater depths than most turf varieties. Call us in Port Stephens today on 0455 590 390. Oct 5, 2021 · If you unroll your turf next to each other, you risk getting one large joint down the middle of your lawn. We provide wetpour rubber & synthetic turf for businesses in Sydney & Newcastle. Palmetto Buffalo Grass Soft Leaf has a very soft leaf, great shade tolerance, outstanding Winter colour, great at out-competing weeds, low allergenic, less thatch, less mowing, disease and pest tolerance and good wear recovery. AFFORDABLE MR BUFFALO: BEST TURF SUPPLIES NEAR YOU! A Leading Turf Grower and supplier in the Sydney & Newcastle area for over 35 years. We sell, deliver and lay turf to get your lawn growing great. Greener Valley Sands, nutrient rich turf underlay consists of a natural blend of sand and silt (approx. 15 metres for a depth of 150 mm. With decades of proven success in commercial applications, Polygreen's artificial turf padding is the ideal underlayment for playgrounds, athletic fields and other applications. Our cost-effective foam padding is used extensively as underlayment for synthetic turf system for applications like playgrounds and pet parks. This rule outlines that you should order 5% extra turf than the size of the lawn you will lay. Want to know where to get all your garden equipment in The Hunter Valley & Newcastle? Call Mantle's Building & Landscape Supplies on (02) 4943 5883. With the right underlay, you're building more than a lawn; you're crafting memories on a foundation that's built to last. A : 107 Wilberforce Road Windsor. CONTACT. Turf Cushion® is a groundbreaking development in turf underlay with a tremendous set of features to benefit the industry. Top dressing and soil for your lawn in Newcastle, Hunter & the Central coast area. Cypress Mulch Landscape Supplies Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Hunter Valley & Port Stephens Landscaping Supplies at Trade Prices – On Time Delivery. Be sure to still use metres though, eg. ) Supply of turf varieties as listed below Supply of turf varieties as listed below (please note: we do not hold any turf in our yards – turf is cut and supplied directly from the farms we work with, with Our turf services include: Maxi Roll Turf Installation. Sand and Gravel Mix. Creates a level surface for laying turf; A blend of sandy loam and compost; BLUE GUM TIP: Make sure you allow for at least 50mm thickness (but no more Looking for a low-maintenance solution to a beautiful lawn in Newcastle NSW? Look no further than our artificial grass Newcastle!Our high-quality synthetic turf is perfect for busy families, pet owners, sports grounds and anyone who wants to enjoy the look of a lush lawn without the hassle of constant maintenance. Turf underlay. Visit US 24 Enterprise Crescent McDougalls Hill 2330 NSW All Prices ex GST $30 fee applies to all deliveries within town limits (out of town distance per kilometre fee applies) 1 tonne or 1 cubic metre minimum delivery Prices may change without notice September 2024 Whether you need sand for aggregate or soil for the garden, we have all your landscape needs covered. (02) 9986 3500 sales@benedict. Browse all of our sites and locations, including recycling and quarry locations, from Newcastle to Cowra, Belrose to Wollongong. Lush Lawn Underlay combines some of the best quality ingredients to form a base soil that holds its shape, allows for drainage and provides all the essential ingredients to give your turf, or lawn seed the best start possible. Washed Beach Sand. Turf Special (AS4419) Organic Top Dress. Rest assured, Benedict have a wide range of Turf Underlays to cover all these requirements. Get informed today. 100 mm is the minimum required. 10/14 Aggregate. Our turf is always cut to order to ensure best quality from farm to your property. What type of soil is recommended for turf? Ideally a fertilized underlay is what you would use for under your turf. Polygreen Foam LLC is an environmentally focused company that produces products made from recycled or sustainable material and are 100% recyclable. Landscape Supplies Newcastle Pick-up at Redhead or Delivery to All Areas Organic Garden Soils & Top Dressing Soils Including Our Ultimate Soil Mix, Super Top Dress & Turf Underlay Soil Mixes, Vegie Garden Mixes, Screened Sandy Loam and More. For more inquiries, call us on 0247742546. Use Lawn Solutions Australia Lawn Launcher at label rates to give the grass a head start and retain moisture in the new soil bed; Roll to compact new turf to improve contact with the soil If you are looking for Newcastle Sand, you have come to the right place. Landscape Mix (AS4419) Organic Soil. Enhance your lawns vitality with Rubbl premium turf underlay. Does buyturfonline. The underlay should be laid to a depth of 100mm and kept 25-30mm lower than paths, paving, driveways and mower strips to allow the turf to finish at the height of the path. It is often compacted, before a top layer of sandy soil is applied. The most commonly used materials in this category include our TURFLOAM, and T/S2 products. Recently our Benedict Sands site at Menangle commenced extracting a new, approved alluvial resource, ensuring that Sydney has a reliable and consistent supply of Newcastle Sand is a very fine washed sand which makes it perfect for rendering and tiling Can be used as an underlay or top dressing for turf and is mixed with Need landscape supplies in The Hunter Valley & Newcastle? Call Mantle's Building & Landscape Supplies on (02) 4943 5883 today! BENEDICT SANDS MENANGLE. 20mm Drainage Aggregate. If you are looking for Newcastle turf delivery we offer a forklift unloading service, make an online enquiry about turf Newcastle now. BUY TURF LAWN ONLINE! We deliver to you - Newcastle Sand-Soil blend 80-20 is mixture of 80% double washed sand, and 20% natural washed soil. Deans Turf Supplies are a local, family owned and operated turf farm located in Branxton, in the beautiful Hunter Valley. Enjoy fast, reliable delivery and expert advice for all your landscaping needs. Creates a level surface for laying turf; A blend of sandy loam and compost; BLUE GUM TIP: Make sure you allow for at least 50mm thickness (but no more BUCHANAN TURF – LAWN & GRASS SPECIALISTS IN THE HUNTER, MAITLAND & CENTRAL COAST. Nobody wants to lay turf to only have it wither up and die 6 months later, but it happens all the time. Measuring for Turf Soil Underlay. We supply a wide range of premium turf varieties grown locally at Buchanan Turf Farm in Maitland. Turf Cushion® synthetic turf underlay can be used in playgrounds, home and patio surfaces, indoor play areas, pet play areas, rooftops, and climbing walls, just to name a few. At Payne's Landscape Supplies, we provide affordable an Bobcat hire and whacker packer hire to help with your landscaping project — both wet and dry hire is available. Wicking planter Premium Turf Underlay (Custom mix) Ultimate Garden Soil (Custom mix) Bulk Potting Oct 4, 2023 · Turf underlay is a soil mix designed for turf development & refurbishment. Find great deals and sell your items for free. Newcastle. In hot weather conditions, water your turf at least twice a day to prevent it from becoming parched. . The Wet pour underlay is used under a coloured top layer of rubber or synthetic grass. Our special turf underlay products provide the perfect for a lush, green, and healthy lawn. Top Dressing. Quarried Turf Underlays are produced only from Quarried Loamy Sands and/or Quarried Washed Sands. Prevent gaps in your law with the rule of 5%. Thanks for your big help Ashley Foster and Matt Munn. 1 metres. Hydroseeding. With over 25 years experience, we proudly service all areas of the Hunter Valley, Newcastle and Port Stephens region. Sales - Ex Bin or Supply & Deliver Enquiries 02 9986 3500. 70/30). 3-4sqm of Sandy loam, great for turf underlay, top soiling and levelling. Choose from a huge selection of supplies including decorative stones, soils, mulches, sands, aggregates, road bases, lawn and turf supplies, turf underlays, top dress soils and quarry products such as rocks, gravel and asphalts. Newcastle Sand is a very fine washed sand which makes it perfect for rendering and tiling Can be used as an underlay or top dressing for turf and is mixed with Achieve the perfect foundation for your artificial grass with our premium 70/30 Turf Underlay. The underlay should consist of good quality washed river sand and top soil mixed together. Turf Underlay. Turf Cloud’s added cushioning makes the artificial grass blades more responsive and keeps them standing tall. The game is traditionally played on natural turf but advancements in 3G pitches (artificial turf) have led to these becoming the gold standard for hockey surfacing. Create your dream outdoor oasis in your very own backyard with a little help from Oz Landscape Supplies in Newcastle. Serving Nabiac, Forster, Port Macquarie, Newcastle and more. View Features Organic Turf Underlay is perfect new and turf to help establish and rapidly grow your new lawn. If this is the case you will need to use at least 100mm of a good quality underlay. Contact us for a free quote Luke's Turf Supplies offers premium turf, soil, mulch, and garden products across Australia. We have specialty soil mixes for every lawn. Underlay / soil / compost Premium turf underlay /cubic metre Turf underlay 80/20 /ton Premium garden mix /cubic metre Organic garden mix /cubic metre Premium compost /cubic metre Premium top dress Sir Walter Buffalo Fresh Cut - Landscaping Materials - Newcastle, New South Wales | Facebook Marketplace Apr 11, 2019 · A turf prep job I did this week. Greens Construction Projects generally require the turf underlay to meet the USGA specification, which involves blending a well graded medium washed sand or 90/10 with an organic amendment such as coir fibre to improve the capillary porosity. 227. Hydromulching. Gold Blend (AS4419) Yes. It can also be used for levelling uneven ground areas. We also supply and deliver kikuyu and couch lawn. It’s perfect for promoting the growth of turf and providing strong support for roots. With over 20 years of experience, we provide high-quality turf varieties, including drought-tolerant options, at competitive prices. Organic Garden Soil After these points have been considered and prior to laying the turf, a good quality turf underlay should be spread evenly over the ground at a thickness of approximately 50mm. View applications SOILCO Support Centre Suppliers of high quality turf, aggregate, timber, bark, top soil, bark, sharp sand, fencing supplies, sleepers & more! Public & Trade! Great Prices! Fast Delivery! In-store pick up! Open 7 Days a week!! Brunswick Turf Unit 2 Brunswick Industrial Estate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE13 7BA 07702037155 Padding Underlayment. It is a fast draining soil that promotes deep root growth, and can be used safely at higher depths than other soils without the need for excessive compaction. A line of joints means the turf is more likely to dry out or to give you an uneven lawn. It requires a period of peace and minimal disturbance. Ideal for turf growth and root support, it is also an excellent use to fill in depleted turf areas for regrowth and perfect for stabilising uneven ground areas. from Sydney / Newcastle Whether you are looking for buffalo turf, couch turf, kikuyu turf, turf delivery, turf laying or lawn preparation, you can make an online enquiry or call us now on 49 300 100. It’s acceptable to water during the midday if your turf is excessively drying out. Saddingtons provides both Landscapers and Gardeners quality bulk landscaping materials in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and the Hunter. 2756. sdtbchk pjzy bmym yfen judqtg zgpuo ejtw fexv zaimo lqehx wpgu ndpgs qxkofr ygptiq unqrj