Space engineers rotor thrusters For each rotor controlled by the script must have [GIMBAL] (case matters) in CustomData or in the name. However with Fixed the vibrations that do the rotor thrusters in space and in planets, using a trained AI to determine how much aggresive has to act the rotors. Finally you put merge block on thrusters and original grid. These are operating on all the moons except the Moon (Earthlike's moon). It uses power and works best in space where it has extremely high acceleration with twice the thrust. Is there another way we can do it with the event controllers? Cause it should be "if thrusters (static) are engaged, then the rotor should turn to whichever direction the thrust comes from, meaning the thrusters thereon should also become forward Propulseur Taille du bloc Dimensions [size in m 3] Poussée max. These are the most efficient source of thrust in an atmosphere, better than hydrogen thrusters. Just put the thrusters on advanced rotors. Base Offset. Rotors connect the pods to the ship to make the detachable. Their unique advantage is their consistent acceleration and strength and that they work equally well in space and in atmosphere, which makes them ideal for shuttles. i loaded a workshop ship on to my server last night to check it out, didnt have all the mods, this caused several pieces of inside panel to go free floating and after about 10 minutes this ship started spinning uncontrollably until i managed to find the free floaters. Just wondered if anyone has had similar, i am running mods. at first i figured that maybe the energy from the reactors couldn't travel through the rotors and pistons (and for clarification the system uses both rotors and pistons). Use with Whip's thruster controller to have moveable thrusters on rotors. Added the Role and Grouping of rotor thrusters to improve coordination. g. They use electricity to generate thrust, their power consumption scales linearly with what percentage (as seen on the thrust override slider) the thruster is operating at. By default, all blocks that haven't been fully constructed will not be airtight. It also must have [GIMBAL] designation. If max torque isn't enough, you may need experimental mode on which should allow higher values. The Prototech Thrusters have the same functionality and usage as Ion Thrusters. Ship Weight (kg) Ship Size. For specific thruster blocks, see: Atmospheric Thruster Hydrogen Thruster Ion Thruster In Space Engineers, the thruster is the keystone block for all flying craft. For just the setup yes and you can control them manualy with thrust overrights. Mar 21, 2021 · Summary. Flat Atmo Thrusters are ideal for compact planetary drones, shuttles, or lightweight scouts. Stick to main principles for that script: all nacelles have same amount & type of thrusters , no double rotors, single vector (on your video there are small thrusters firing in a diff direction, that may cause troubles). Start with a very simple build. With no override when I lock the LG Apr 15, 2020 · While in cockpit trying to move my ship, the "Control Thrusters" setting (although ticked/enabled), is greyed out, inferring that I have no access to it. Jul 16, 2023 · Space Engineers > Workshop > Whiplash141's Workshop I suggest you lock them because there are some strange physics bugs associated with thrust on rotors. Other alternative to scripts is to use a mixture of rotors, hinges and merge blocks. Aug 5, 2018 · I'm going to state the "obvious" for new engineers. I want to use them as up thrusters for vertical take off. You need to use a rotor or hinge with a missmatched head to do that. They still said they were on in the block menu, but they didn't have the visual thruster "glow" or sound, and I couldn't make the ship move at all. Construction. 11 In the tables below 9,8 m/(ss) is used instead of 9,81 m/(ss) The tables are not precise, and in case of for example atmospheric thrusters it is rather impossible to be precise as the maximum lift value is depending on the height of the vehicle too, which is arbitrary See source of material below Tip: The https Jun 7, 2019 · The various other colors (not white/red) denote sub-grids attached in various means (piston, rotor, connector). That said, one of my ships just started rolling on its own. Earth Mars Alien. Thrusters on rotors must be placed so that the ejecting port is at 180 degree of the rotor. Dec 28, 2024 · Whips is best if your subgrid thrusters have preset positions, I e. Otherwise (Xbox, PC without scripts): Use thrust override or do fancy stuff with merge blocks on both sides to allow the grids to merge into one (e. I just stuck a couple H thrusters on rotors last night on the starting red ship, and it worked? with the new H thursters keen has coded around the rotor issue, but they have yet to update the code for the Ion thrusters due to the possiblity of it causing more bugs. Moon Titan Europa. Jan 9, 2022 · Hello fellow Engineers! I am building a ship with detachable thruster pods. You don't need to immediately attach it to the rotor head, you know? If it is hydrogen, then you'll need to connect it to advanced rotor head so it can hopefully pull hydrogn through it, meaning you'll be "orienting Rotors are composed of two halves: The larger external Rotor casing (technically called stator) and the Rotor Head, the spinning inner shaft with an attachment plate. i attached a This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. If would recommend merge block solution, but one rotor won't be enough. Nov 24, 2017 · Rotor on a Rotor? Short answer: No. 3 MN (Mega newtons). Why is this happening? Mar 12, 2019 · So basically, if i take off, the two back thrusters help me lift off, but when i accelerate forward in the air, the rotors would turn the thrusters to thrust the vehicle forward. Still, yes, there are control scripts like the one listed above to handle making it actually work. Can I stop my ship from controlling other vector thrust ships on the base? Yes! See the 'Tags' section in the Detailed Manual. This will leave them on regardless if you turn them on or off. If my words are confusing just picture a helicopter or any spiny thing Just a quick run down of a answer for a question on the reddit about how to setup opposite rotors in moving their attached engines/items in the same directio The Flat Atmospheric Thruster, nicknamed Flatmo, is a more compact variant of the Atmospheric Thruster with the same flight functionality that is atmospheric exclusive. The ship has hydrogen thrusters that are on the main grid. Ship Specifications. The problem persists even when the power is cut so it isn't the gyros or thrusters, which are actually keeping it from rotating Jun 3, 2022 · Utility - Communications, Lights, Rotor, Piston, Medical Room, Gravity Generator, the vast majority of electronics, etc. Yesterdays attempt almost worked. Managing a hydrogen based economy takes a lot of work at scale. As for building ground vehicles that work, the safest method is up start with very low power, strength and dampening values and slowly adjust upward. Jul 30, 2019 · I thought I had put in there that only ion thrusters were doing but It doesn't matter now. Your settings for manual control of your thrusters should read "toggle block {on}" and "thrust override {disabled}". These thrusters use only electricity to provide propulsion to their vessels and are at their best in a vacuum. Internally in the game files, ions are still simply called "thrust. For example. Interface name: IMyThrust Parent: IMyFunctionalBlock Fields: float ThrustOverride Actions OnOff -> Toggle block On/Off OnOff_On -> Toggle block On OnOff_Off -> Toggle block Off IncreaseOverride -> Increase Thrust override DecreaseOverride -> Decrease Thrust override Medical Room Rotating thrusters are old hat for many, main issue is that due to subgrids without some weird engineering or scripts they don't work properly. Hydrogen Thrusters are the second type of thruster to be added to the Space Engineers game. Their That's odd. backwards Metrics are from v1. But when weld it to completion, suddenly it acts like it's too heavy, and the rotor simply refuses to rotate the thruster past a certain point, no matter the torque setting of the rotor (it kind of just keeps bouncing at the limit). The rotor works perfectly fine when the thruster is only a skeleton. The Thruster is a mobility block in Space Engineers. Jan 3, 2020 · the second problem i ran into is that the thrusters wouldn't respond at all to my input. Gyroscopes, if you want to use the auto-levelize feature, must be named with word "Gyro" in it. It's because when you place a thrusters on a ship its direction is automatically determined and mapped to the corresponding key (eg. [kN] Masse [kg] Puissance max. Only thrusters which are attached to the main grid will fire. Pointing down for take off and backwards for normal flight, you can control them like normal thrusters from the control seat. Forgetting this will cause the rotor plate to be non-functional. y axes on a per-ship basis Bam. How many thrusters do I need? Whip's Rotor Thruster Manager as mentioned This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and Atmospheric thrusters can be used on all planets with thick enough atmospheres. Ship is powered, gyro answers but no matter what I do, the thrusters won't function. Usage. Mar 27, 2023 · Ok, assuming you are not confused about thruster sizes, you can not directly connect small and large grid blocks. To activate thrusters, either press the movement keys in a cockpit, or activate the thruster's manual override in the control Will have to check these out later. So I saw the H-3 Rhino dropship in a video and I got inspired to make my own. Dec 20, 2015 · ok, so this is a bit extreme, but I wanted to make some cool tilt-thrust small ships with either helo mod thrusters or atmo thrusters. Feb 21, 2017 · As others have mentioned rotor or piston head are different grid. Thruster for large grid -> Mass: 4380 kg, Force: 345600 N So, 1 large grid Ion T could be replaced by 24 ones for small grid to have equivalent force. when the coresponding thruster fires, the event controller will turn on your vector thrust and turn it in the given direction. Another advantage is low cost, they do not require May 8, 2023 · Advanced Rotor > Hinge > Thruster. 2 rear main thrusters on 90 Degree downward axis. Feb 15, 2017 · Controls rotors based on user movement inputs. If you want more rotational force you need to add more gyroscopes. Noticed another user has put links to the main scripts so won't bother. Hitting the number key associated with a block changes the grid size from small to large. These sizes of blocks are not interchangeable unless you use "advanced techniques" like rotors to mix block types. I had the rotors set to rotate the 90 Degrees that I needed when I hit a hot bar button for rotor reverse. " Jan 18, 2015 · or there is a piece of ship debri or asteroidsomewhere in the ship and its literally pushing your ship in to a spin. Jan 12, 2021 · >Tried pressing Y to turn off/on your ship (that's worked for me a few times when H1 thrust doesn't wanna go on) > try remove the thrusters (the one's not working) to just build the same thruster again. Forward. This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Total item list: -2 rotors (1 for each subgrid) -4 event controllers (1 for each vector) -1 timer -4 main body thrusters (1 for each vector) ——— Steps: This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. They are used when building retractable landing feet, collapsible Solar arrays, custom turrets, foldable doors, turning cranes, Mecha legs, truck hitches, Docking systems, and much more. Mar 29, 2015 · Ok so myself and a friend have been trying to find out if we can make thrusters mounted on gimbaled joints for our ship, instead of having thruster mounted left, right, up, down and all over the place, got the idea from a star citizen ship called, "The Reclaimer' a wanted to see if it could be done, we had some success and some confusing results, when trying to fire the thrusters they don't Ion thrusters were originally the only type of thruster in Space Engineers. Thrust - Standard Thrusters, but not hydrogen based thrusters. S = Stator orientation (will be 0 for the exemple) A = current Angle relative to the The Thruster is a mobility block in Space Engineers. A workaround exists where you use rotors to attach small-grid blocks to large-grid blocks to Use the thrust override (increase/decrease) option from the cockpit bar. Gravity. To boot, I also threw on a gravity drive to those thrusters that rotates with the main and pushes on a pair of mass blocks toward the front of the ship. Note that the lower limit is ignored while the rotor is turning clockwise (using a positive velocity value). Ive heard of a downloadable script which makes thrusters on rotors easy to control, i just need to know how to make the automatic rotor turn possible. . Though created as one part when being placed from the Toolbar, you must weld the two halves separately. After watching this you should be able to get a start into building your own crazy co Jul 13, 2024 · Good day, According to specs the Ion Thruster for small grid has a Mass = 121 kg and Force = 14400 N. They will need 24 thruster components (requiring platinum) instead of 80 components Oct 19, 2022 · When the pod enters the atmosphere the thrusters will start working, slowing your fall. Aug 27, 2015 · +1 A simple formula can be used to modulate the thrusters. May 20, 2020 · Adjusts the distance between the base of the rotor and the rotor head Positive velocity values turn clockwise when looking 'down' at the rotor, while negative velocity values turn counter-clockwise. Long answer: This is unstable and would require a large re-design. 5 for large ones: Oct 30, 2017 · So I'm building my first, well, second, large ship, but the first one doesn't count because I was just going overboard with a welding ship in survival, and it's already heavy enough to need 200 gyros to turn at any sort of speed. Could this be the reason as to why I can't move my ship ? But again, although it is greyed out, it is still enabled. a VTOL ship with rotating engines can have merge blocks on the engine pod, the "up" position and the "forward" position, then use a timer block to do the unlock/rotate/relock movement. If you really want a rotor on a rotor, you can force it by putting a thruster on each subgrid that has a rotor head. If you choose to include them on a shuttle, switch them off when you reach space to save power. Using these on Alien planet is the most advantageous as these are 20% more efficient there. The idea being to move around with thrusters, and have the arm just follow. ###Building Rotors must be placed so that the 0 degree facing the forward of the ship. for now if a merg block is use with rotor piston setup you can force the Ion thruster to work as normal. Should work on Xbox. Apr 16, 2021 · Thrusters on those rotors must be named as ***_vector. However when I tell the ship to move up with space bar the pod doesn't fire, only the main grid. I am trying to use them in my next build. Tp = Thrust factor of the thrusters initially perpendicular with the stator's grid's front. All of the thrusters have a force output of 1. Then use them as forward thrusters afterwards. Gives you vectored thrust with options, as you get to design the system yourself. This applies to both wheels and thrusters. Prototech Thruster can be built on large grid and Reduce thrust (use more nacelles instead), move the thrusters closer to the center of mass (in the directions perpendicular to the rotor axis), complain to Keen. Hydrogen thrusters absolutely have their place, and sometimes they might be the only thrusters you use for any ship just based on your play style. I wanted to change the thruster orientation as I spin the rotors 90 degrees. If Thruster Damage is enabled for a map or server, thruster flames will deal damage while active to any blocks directly behind within a certain distance with a few exceptions making it possible to build "landing pads" for small ships. One thing I'm planning for it is having some guns that are facing the side be attached the the rest of the ship via a rotor, and there being thrusters on the back Oct 31, 2024 · Idea was a base rotor for swinging shaft left/right. True that, but i dislike merges in small mobile grids, as the ghost forces while approaching can spin the whole ship, especially if ther construction is not perfectly flush with the surface (rotor offset to prevent scraping) as you have constant pressure on the rotor head. I'm kind of explaining this, so this is now simply my reference link for those who ask. 05. Or you may need the 3x3 rotors. The hinge would allow the thruster pivot to the other two. For usage details, see Rotor. have your connected subgrids near the ship's gravity center, or placed on a symmetric axis around it. They are ideal for ships operating in space Jun 8, 2023 · Hey everyone. May 20, 2023 · the Hydrazine RCS Thruster "REX" block, the one that has multiple variants for slopes and such, has inconsistencies with their thrust. An elbow, then another rotor/hinge on the pod. Instead of using battery or reactor power, they burn Hydrogen gas as fuel to propel a starship in the desired direction. 199789 metres. Also the game applies thrust linearly to the center of mass on one of 3 fixed axis, rotors allow cubegrids to spin relative to each other so would require working with applying thrus On PC with scripts: use Whip's Subgrid Thruster Manager. Can anyone point me in the direction of a guide on VTOL engines? The scripts that used to work back in the day aren't working anymore. You only need scripts for thrusters on rotors if you plan to maneuver with them. Aug 21, 2022 · There's no torque in Space Engineers from thrusters. The Rotor would allow the thruster to rotate 360 degrees to thrust in four directon. To make it flush with the block grid, set the offset to -0. The list below contains all the of the large blocks since only large grids currently are the only ones capable of being pressurized. The caveat is to build an arm long enough under the rotor so that the thruster exhaust is far enough away from the main body as to not damage it when pivoting with the I suggest what others are mentioning. Manage the amount of resources you need for large construction projects by loading in blueprints from the game or Calculate the number of thrusters you need to lift off from any of the planets/moons. Ship doesn't move --> not enough thrusters, add more Feb 8, 2019 · Trying to attach a large atmospheric thruster to a rotor on a small grid. Then there was no resistance. The same was true in previous versions of the game when you tried to use thrusters on rotors. The VTOL script can be a little harder to work with as it takes some getting used to, no helping that I'm afraid. However, since the game doesn't switch the control scheme of your thrusters if they move, you have to get use to hitting space or foward for both foward and upward thrust. Force. Aug 17, 2020 · Hi, guys. But a thruster on a rotor will not react to WASD without a script and trying to hover with manual thrust limiter is a pain. Movement in space and in gravity totally possible with a variety of possibilities, rotors and thrusters more stable, thanks to some maths and a custom sensibility value. (wierdly, that's worked many times for me) >Try copy your BP over to a new start to check that it isn't the game itself messing with your BP. Jul 3, 2020 · Attach large rotor head to small rotor, attach any block to the rotor head, and attach large grid thruster however you want to it. if you use the and setting you can also do 45 deg angles if thrusters are fired in 2 directions at once. Build at least one thruster block facing in each cardinal direction (plus a source of Power and a Gyroscope) to Feb 23, 2018 · DecreaseOverride -> Decrease Thrust override Large Thruster. Oct 20, 2019 · Hello all, I've had this issue now more than once and still did not figure out what's causing this and how to solve: On my small grid ships I have sometimes my thrusters behave as they are shut off while all the sliders in the control panel show they are on. Includes it's own artificial horizon, based completely on the coded by Whiplash, Whip's Artificial Horizon Redux, Thank you so much Whip! Nov 1, 2024 · you do still need one thruster in the direction you want the vector thruster to fire. Consommation [kW] Poussée par rapport à la masse Thrusters won't work the usual way (using WASD for steering) if you separate them from your ship using rotors, you'll have to set up your toolbar to control each thruster using the override option. There is no longer standby mode, the script can handle when it's parked and shut down everything to not affect performance. In contrast to Ion Thrusters, it works in atmosphere with greater, but still reduced efficiency. Apr 28, 2024 · rotors in my worlds dont seem to work properly, the head just floats and creates a glitchy zone round it. Charging - Jump drive, specifically players inside cockpits or passenger chairs, recharging their suits. Meanwhile, one of them, the variant that is shaped like a slope, has a force output of 130 kN (Kilo newtons) I was designing a ship earlier in creative and after removing one of the thrusters suddenly every thruster on the ship shut off and it dropped a few meters to the ground. Then hinge to swing arm in/out. What you have to do is to put another rotor or piston on rotor head and then attach thruster(s) to this second rotor or piston head. Getting rid of the color isn't going to happen without getting rid of the piston and attaching the thruster directly. Hydrogen thrusters are vastly superior to everything else, right up until the moment you run out of fuel. A Thruster is a small rocket engine on a spacecraft used to make controlled alterations in its flight path or altitude. There are 3 main options: Temporarily lock them in place via Merge blocks so they become part of the same grid (merging sub-grids can be difficult, as for example a rotor cannot have it's base and top on the same grid, you would need to use 2 Will have to check these out later. 50%, for example, while seemingly a normal starting value, is massive overkill for any three of these and will likely get you flipped over. The grid attached to a rotor can also have a (single) rotor attached. The "danger zone" varies in size based on the thrust being applied by the thruster. The lift ratio of the flat compared to the full atmo thruster is about 1/3 for small and 1/2. I think vector thrust could help, if your subgrid is connected with a rotor or hinge and has thrusters on it. Ion thrusters were the original "Thrusters" of Vanilla Alpha Space Engineers, now renamed as 'Ion thrusters'. However to make it work, you need to properly balance your ship, i. Includes it's own artificial horizon, based completely on the coded by Whiplash, Whip's Artificial Horizon Redux, Thank you so much Whip! Mar 12, 2016 · It actually a advantage as a properly made design offers the ability for 2 large thrusters to cover two diffren't directions of thrust. 002 kW (2 Watts), even when not in use. Atmospheric Thrusters are thrusters that operate only on planets with atmospheres. The Rotor is one of the Mechanical Blocks that acts as a swivel for rotating structures on stations and ships. Thrusters on sub-grids (pistons, rotors, hinges) cannot be controlled directly via the movement keys. Whatever bug was causing seems to have worked itself out. Ion thrusters provide efficient and fuel-free propulsion as long as there is a source of power on the grid they are attached to. Use an in-game script. -Allow movement commands (wasd, c, space) to control thrusters on the other sides of rotors-Vector pivoted thrust automatically based on input movement-Allow the movement of rotors to be key/button actuated or mapped to mouse x. Using Jul 7, 2020 · Space Engineers Thruster Requirement Calculator. To activate thrusters, either press the movement keys in a cockpit, or activate the thruster's manual override in the control Rotating thrusters to change thrust direction (eg VTOL), in vanilla without scripts, using merge blocks, piston and rotors. When I enable the "Thrust Override" for the You'll need a rotor reverse action for the rotor group, an on/off toggle for the rotor group, and thruster override commands for the thruster group. The primary function of a thruster is to provide ships with the ability to move. Imagine my surprise when I lock the rotors with Landing Gears and suddenly the thrusters start lifting me, even when the override is set to 0! They actually behave **slightly** better when I have the minimal override set. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies More replies More replies Nov 7, 2024 · All standard Electric-based Ion thrusters will consume a minimum of 0. So my friend, I made a ship today based roughly on the same concept. The thrusters on a rotor would apply their thrust to that rotor's center of mass, rather than the ship's center of mass, leading to som rather odd control issues. no matter which buttons i pressed i couldn't get any of them to fire. 1,5 times less. Jan 12, 2016 · Unfortunately, no control signals pass through rotors or pistons. Once Atmospheric and Hydrogen Thrusters were added, Keen Software House decided to make these thrusters "more-end-game orientated", making them require Platinum to craft their Thruster Components. I built the ship from scratch in creative mode (no scenario) and have mods. Gyro - All Gyroscopes. If in gravity will need to turn off thrusters during the turn. When turned on, the thruster applies force in the direction opposite to its exhaust. Then I had the increase/decrease thrust for the rotor thrusters on the hot bar as well. The base offset of a large advanced rotor is 0. Is there any way I can override the built-in directions of the thrusters? This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. First the issue was that it had so much strength, I couldnt move by thrusters. You can freely place your thrusters wherever you want and their forces always apply to the center-of-mass of the ship, no need to consider thruster alignment at all. If the thrusters prevent the pod from reaching the ground entirely, then either subtract thrusters or adjust the over-ride until you're satisfied. This provides rather coarse control of the Thrusters. There are various scripts on the Workshop, but probably the 2 most suggested are Whip's Subgrid Thruster Manager or Vector Thrust OS. Oct 8, 2019 · This can be done without a script in my opinion. Aug 27, 2018 · 1st-Find your way to a control panel and make sure you havent accidently turned on "thrust override". Also need to get out and reenter cockpit after turning the thrusters to regain control. Dec 20, 2024 · Will I be able to attach a thruster on the end of a line of blocks which are attached to the head of a rotor and then have that thruster spin round and round the rotor when turned on? I've had so many neat ideas crash and burn after testing this concept because of the weird physics that are in the first space engineers. Spin the rotors 90 degrees. T = Thrust factor of the thrusters initially parallel with the stator's grid's front. 199 (2021) with added fresh flat thrusters info at 2024. These operate only on planets with atmospheres. This tutorial is a look at rotors and how they work in Space Engineers. My question is now, if I miss something to make it work of if we still need to use mods in order to make thrusters on subgrids (rotors, pistons, hinges) functional. Toggle Dropdown. Also 24 of them will weight 2904 kg, i. On planets, make your strongest atmo thrusters the dorsal thrusters, they point downwards to counter gravity. Place a large grid rotor/hinge, grind off the head part and place a small head with the button on the terminal page of that rotor. e. 1998 metres. ugsmz klpwjxq pwpj ukw zwflp xwvch tirlfe srnygy cpdxedjl ktob mfxsbzxi dos fbry bvpdjw xbwx