Sky q and chromecast. Wir verraten wir Ihnen, wie Sie dennoch Sky Go streamen.

Sky q and chromecast Hierzu kann ich dir leider nichts genaueres mitteilen. de/hilfecenter/installation/sky-go-installieren-1001264 3. Jul 15, 2024 · Sky Go mit Google Chromecast nutzen – geht das? Mit Sky Go stellt der Pay TV Anbieter seine Inhalte auf Abruf bereit. I'm using an Edgerouter X and have setup IGMP proxy and mdns repeaters for the relevant NICs. Jul 14, 2024 · We also experience this when watching recordings via a Sky Q mini box Like others I've started just using the apps built into the TV and/or my Google Chromecast with Android TV and no such issues. Both appear to be working fine, just no connection when trying to cast. 1. Chromecast è un dispositivo che consente di trasmettere contenuti dal telefono o dal computer alla TV. Both appear to be working fine, just no connection whe 5 days ago · Hey, I'm having the same issues. Jan 11, 2024 · Mit dem Chromecast ist es seit der Sky Q App nicht mehr möglich, die Sky Go App zu nutzen. 1, SVS SB-1000 Pro, MA Radius HD90 X 2 (Atmos), Sky Q, Chromecast P Distinguished Member Sep 18, 2018 · Da ich an einem 24-Monats-Abo von Sky Q nicht interessiert bin, aber gerne zuverlässig Sport bei Sky sehen will, habe ich mir als letzte "Patrone" heute den Sky Ticket TV Stick für 15 € gekauft. È anche possibile utilizzare un dispositivo di streaming come Chromecast, Roku o Amazon Fire TV Stick per trasmettere Sky sul televisore. For those who don't know, Google's hugely-successful ChromeCasts plug into the HDMI port of your Feb 14, 2017 · It turns out, Sky Q customers can use their next-gen satellite box as a Google ChromeCast. m. Jul 14, 2021 · If still no good, certainly worth unplugging your chromecast from the mains for a minute and then back on - making sure both your iphone and chromecast are on the same network Sky customer since 1989. Das neue Sky Q ist aber nur auf bestimmten Fernsehern von Samsung, LG und Apple verfügbar. Is casting Sky Go to Chromecast available in all regions? Jul 18, 2024 · Having issues with Sky Go? Check out the Sky Community for expert tips, tricks and fixes. I have the dongle recognised by Glass in the HDMI port and I have succeeded in sometimes seing the photograph that Chromecast shows while waiting for input but when I try to cast from my Chr Aug 28, 2011 · You can't take the sky from me. Apple TV is included on the list of cast-enabled apps and will work with Chromecast with Google TV. Jan 6, 2022 · To review Sky Q, we were given a bundle that included a 2TB Sky Q box, two Sky Q Mini boxes and a Sky Hub. The movie (Godzilla vs Kong) my son loved and would recommend! 1 day ago · Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. There will be no image. Sky Germany are allowing customers to change from Sky Q to stream but changing the software to Sky OS on Sky Q boxes through an over the air software update. This fixes my printer and Chromecast but not Sky Go. Eine SkyQ Box 50. Has anyone managed to get this working? When my phone is connected to a different VLAN than the Sky Q box, I'm unable to access recordings or watch BBC channels, live using the Sky Go app. Dec 19, 2019 · Du kannst einen weiteren Receiver bestellen. We have Superfast internet connection and my main Sky Q box is wired. You sometimes have to manually switch device, as the auto switch function seems a little sporadic, but the connection is just as good as any other TV. Jul 22, 2021 · Sky q chromecast | chromecast 41 29 zum kleinen preis hier from entschuldige-ist. sky. Sky Q è un servizio televisivo popolare nel Regno Unito che offre una serie di canali e contenuti on-demand. 1, SVS SB-1000 Pro, MA Radius HD90 X 2 (Atmos), Sky Q, Chromecast Reply Jul 26, 2024 · We also experience this when watching recordings via a Sky Q mini box Like others I've started just using the apps built into the TV and/or my Google Chromecast with Android TV and no such issues. LG OLED55G1, Panasonic UB820, Epson TW7300, Onkyo BD-103, Denon AVR-X6200W, MA Silver 5. r/SkyShowtime is a subreddit for discussion of the recently announced streaming service of ViacomCBS and Comcast. Wir verraten wir Ihnen, wie Sie dennoch Sky Go streamen. 1, SVS SB-1000 Pro, MA Radius HD90 X 2 (Atmos), Sky Q, Chromecast Reply JayCee Dec 24, 2021 · Mit der automatischen Vorschlagsfunktion können Sie Ihre Suchergebnisse eingrenzen, da während der Eingabe mögliche Treffer angezeigt werden. Il messaggio che in questo caso viene riportato è “non è possibile visualizzare il contenuto trasmesso su schermo esterno“. Find amazing deals on sky q chromecast on Temu. 1, SVS SB-1000 Pro, MA Radius HD90 X 2 (Atmos), Sky Q, Chromecast Reply Icemanza Mar 9, 2020 · I currently have Sky Q, and want to mirror it onto the TV in the bedroom without getting a Magic Eye or another box. Alles einfach auf Sky Dec 1, 2016 · (Old "dumb" tv but the Sky Q box makes it "smart" by appearing in the list of devices Chromecast can broadcast to). Come vedere Sky Go su Smart TV senza Chromecast? Se si desidera guardare Sky Go sul televisore, è necessario innanzitutto avviare il programma sul computer e poi collegare il PC al televisore utilizzando una delle uscite previste, come ad esempio l'uscita HDMI 2. I've tried restarting both but no change. I'd love to do the same with Google TV for Chromecast as it would Aug 28, 2019 · Sky möchte selbst bestimmten, auf welchen Endgeräten Kunden Inhalte ansehen dürfen – und das sogar länderspezifisch. Sky Stream oder Sky Q in Verbindung mit der Option Sky Go Extra kannst du Inhalte von Sky Go herunterladen. Sky Go können Sie auch über Chromecast ansehen, allerdings nur mit einem Trick. Weitere Infos zu Sky Go findest du hier. 0 oder höher, 2018 oder neuere Modelle) PS5 ; Samsung TV (2017 oder neuer) Sky Q, Sky Q Mini, Sky Puck, Sky Glass (nur Großbritannien, Irland, Italien, Deutschland und Österreich) Swisscom IP1400/1800/2000/2300 Geräte (nur Schweiz) May 13, 2022 · i am going on holiday soon to the south west and the TV channel choice is dyer, i want to be able to use the sky q app on my laptop via google chromecast, however looking on the internet i can see that people are saying that is not available in this country. Noch bis Ende 2018 konntest du Sky Go und den Chromecast völlig problemlos miteinander kombinieren. All of sudden I have a (sort of) smart tv on my home network. Rebooting the box doesn't solve anything. While Chromecast doesn't require any subscription to use, you will need to subscribe to the services of some partnering apps such as YouTube TV, Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, Brit Box, Prime Video, and many more to stream movies and other video contents. Dec 16, 2024 · Audio description works on our mobile apps, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, Samsung TVs, Virgin Media, Chromecast, Sky Q, Sky Glass and Freesat. Diese Möglichkeit habt ihr 1 day ago · Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Now, there is a (rubbish) Sky photo app which doesn't work with the NAS: I have to copy photos from my NAS to my laptop or phone, then upload to a Sky website and then Come guardare Sky su Smart TV con Chromecast. Mittlerweile lässt sich Sky Go aus lizenrechtlichen Gründen nicht mehr über den Chromecast auf den Fernseher übertragen. 1, SVS SB-1000 Pro, MA Radius HD90 X 2 (Atmos), Sky Q, Chromecast Oct 22, 2011 · LG OLED55G1, Panasonic UB820, Epson TW7300, Onkyo BD-103, Denon AVR-X6200W, BT UHD, MA Silver 5. A lack of a Sky Go app on smart TVs doesn’t help the situation Jan 1, 2023 · I have the sky go app on my phone and was told if I had Chromecast 3 or ultra, I could screen mirror what I am watching on the sky go app to my tv but there is no cast icon on the sky go app, can someone please explain how I can do this or is there another way of doing it? Jul 14, 2024 · We also experience this when watching recordings via a Sky Q mini box Like others I've started just using the apps built into the TV and/or my Google Chromecast with Android TV and no such issues. Du kannst bis zu 25 Inhalte pro Sky Go Account gleichzeitig speichern, welche dir anschließend 30 Tage zu Verfügung stehen. It worked fine morning off 9th March but stopped working later that day. does anyone know if this correct May 18, 2023 · Casting Sky Go using Chromecast sounds like a great alternative to Sky’s multiscreen subscription. Doch funktioniert das auch mit Sky Go? Wir verraten es dir. Effectively enabling a change for customer from satellite based offering to Sky Stream using the Sky Q Sky offre il box Sky Q, che consente di trasmettere i contenuti di Sky sul televisore senza bisogno di un dispositivo separato. Auf diesen Smart TVs bietet Sky Q dir das volle Programm: Dec 5, 2024 · You can watch National Theatre at Home on Sky Q by using the National Theatre at Home app or casting from your device: National Theatre at Home app Available on iOS, Android, Amazon Fire TV, and Roku TV. Ein Weiterer kostet 150. 1 day ago · I've been successfully using a genuine Chromecast gen 2 without any trouble. Dec 17, 2023 · Recently recieved a new Sky Q 2TB box. Sky Q even has AirPlay support but, annoyingly, it is only for audio – it will NOT cast video from your iPhone, although this is likely more down to Apple being Apple than Sky. You can subscribe to National Theatre at Home for unlimited access or rent a single play. I use Sky Go on my tablet when staying away from home. May 13, 2022 · wrote: i am going on holiday soon to the south west and the TV channel choice is dyer, i want to be able to use the sky q app on my laptop via google chromecast, however looking on the internet i can see that people are saying that is not available in this country. 2 days ago · Interesting development in Germany. Chromecast works fine for me attached to Nov 2, 2023 · Se sei un abbonato Sky e possiedi un dispositivo Chromecast, hai la possibilità di goderti i tuoi contenuti preferiti di Sky Go direttamente sul tuo televisore. But I was wonderi Jan 12, 2002 · LG OLED55G1, Panasonic UB820, Epson TW7300, Onkyo BD-103, Denon AVR-X6200W, MA Silver 5. But it will only play the sound. Watch on 2 Sky Q Mini boxes simultaneously with a Sky Q 2TB box and on one Sky Q Mini with a Sky Q 1TB box. Mittels Cast-Symbol kann die laufende Übertragung über den Chromecast-Stick auf den Fernseher geworfen werden. Effectively enabling a change for customer from satellite based offering to Sky S Jul 24, 2023 · Sky Go über Chromecast auf den TV streamen. I has been working great on the newer TV. Ultimately, you can watch whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want, and increasingly in pristine 4K Ultra HD quality and with Dolby Atmos What do you need for the Sky Go app to work with Sky Q. Now I know Apple have stopped screen mirroring with the likes of Apple TV and iPhones/iPads etc However I have read that the latest update on Chromecast allows you to screen mirror Sky Go from your phone to the tv. Sky Go è un popolare servizio di streaming che offre accesso a una vasta libreria di programmi TV, film ed eventi sportivi. Dann jedoch veröffentlichte Sky neue Versionen der Sky Go-App für PC und mobile Geräte, die dir das Streaming auf diesem Weg plötzlich unmöglich machten. 1, SVS SB-1000 Pro, MA Radius HD90 X 2 (Atmos), Sky Q, Chromecast Reply vader100 Jul 14, 2021 · What device are you using, on my PC the icon is in the bottom right of the screen once the film has loaded but on my iPad via the Sky Store app the icon is in the top right hand corner before your press the paly button. All audio continues fine, just the picture. Nur bestimme Smart TVs sind kompatibel. Hol dir das Sky Entertainment Plus Paket und genieße die besten Sky-Serien parallel zum US-Start, komplette Staffeln auf Abruf und alle Netflix-Inhalte – alles mit Sky Q und Sky Stream. Sky Q customers can use their next-generation satellite set-top box as a Google ChromeCast. Viele Grüße und ein frohes Weihnachtsfest, Benni May 30, 2020 · Außerdem kannst du Sky Q auf mehreren Geräten gleichzeitig nutzen. Dec 21, 2024 · Chromecast: Sky Q supports Chromecast, which means you can cast content from your phone to your Sky Q box using the Chromecast app. No change to Sky Hub or Chromecast. Effectively enabling a change for customer from satellite based offering to Sky Stream using the Sky Q Apr 16, 2022 · Wenn Sie über den Chromecast Inhalte von Sky Go anschauen möchten, ist dies leider nicht möglich. der YouTube-App, ist extrem gewöhnungsbedürftig. Unfortunately, Sky is yet to add any kind of casting function to the Sky Go app – as you can do with other streaming services like Netflix or Amazon – and this means there’s no way to shift the app’s mobile content from your phone or tablet to a TV. Dies gilt ebenso für den Fire-TV Stick von Amazon, denn genau wie beim Google Chromecast führt auch All about casting Sky Go using Chromecast. As we say, there is no official support for Sky Go on Chromecast in the UK at the moment, but there does appear to be a workaround that you 2 days ago · Interesting development in Germany. A: Answer Yes. Sep 4, 2019 · Sky Go via Chromecast: Deshalb ist es kompliziert. Dec 29, 2021 · Hallo, ich habe einen Apple TV HD (2021) gekauft und würde mir zusätzlich für einen weiteren TV einen Google Chromecast mit Google TV kaufen Dec 29, 2022 · Here's are the steps needed to set up Paramount+ on Sky Q or Sky Glass for free. Apr 5, 2021 · Unfortunately I could still not get this to work so had to contact the sky team they too said it was strange as everything else was playing, so in the end I had to purchase the rental again through my sky q box and sky have said they will credit my account for 1 of the purchases!. Dec 17, 2024 · If you purchase the event through your Sky Q box, it'll be available on your Sky Q box, Sky Q Mini('s), and Sky Go app (assuming you are connected to your home network) with a single order LG B6 OLED 55” | LG UP75 LCD 43” | Sky Q | Sky Q Mini | Apple TV 4K | SONOS Beam 2 | Sky Mobile | FTTC BT Halo 3+ Jan 31, 2024 · Is there anyway to send video content on iPad (ideally via VLC) to Sky Q. Die Sky Q App wird von LG-Fernsehern ab Baujahr 2015 bis 2019 unterstützt – mindestens Web OS 2 Jun 7, 2023 · wrote: If you want Sky Go on your TV, do what I do, use a Games Console Works fine if you have or want to buy a console. Se volete guardare Sky Go sul vostro televisore utilizzando Chromecast, questo articolo vi guiderà attraverso il Nov 12, 2024 · I tried a Google Chromecast 4K with Google TV and exact same issue. Alternative: Sky Go ohne Chromecast streamen. Eine Nutzung per Google Chromecast ist seit einiger Zeit nicht mehr möglich. However, this only works for specific apps that support Chromecast, such as YouTube and Netflix. Nov 12, 2024 · wrote: I have a Samsung TV QE43Q65T, with Sky Q 2TB box attached to HDMI1, and tried yesterday to connect a Firestick 4K, to it's non eARC remaining HDMI port, which I have taken off a newer Samsung TV in my home, with a Mini box attached to it. By a process of elimination, I'm deducing it must be a TV HDMI issue, or somehow, Sky Q has dominance and it stops the streaming boxes. May 23, 2007 · You can't take the sky from me. Chromecast works fine for me attached to Jul 5, 2024 · Sky Q-App mit Google Chromecast nutzen Über den Streaming-Stick Google Chromecast lassen sich viele Inhalte über die Google Home App auf eurem Smart-TV übertragen. Apple TV: Besitzen Sie die Set-Top-Box Apple TV, können Sie die Sky Q App installieren und Dec 24, 2021 · gibt es schon Infos, ob es die Sky Q-App auf dem Google Chromecast geben wird? Ich habe zwar einen Apple TV, auf dem die App läuft, aber die Bindung neben der Apple ID auch an iTunes, um überhaupt Apps auf das Gerät laden zu können, nervt mich extrem! 🤠. Jun 14, 2022 · Der Chromecast-Stick von Google eignet sich hervorragend dafür, Bildschirminhalte vom PC auf den großen Fernseher zu streamen. Oct 10, 2023 · Die Verwendung von Sky Go über Chromecast ist durch einen kleinen Kniff möglich. 1, SVS SB-1000 Pro, MA Radius HD90 X 2 (Atmos), Sky Q, Chromecast Reply K Oct 24, 2020 · All-new Chromecast with Google TV gets BBC and Sky Q content with new apps GOOGLE looks set to bring two hugely-popular streaming options to its all-new Chromecast with Google TV dongle. v. Hierzu musst du nur auf den Download-Button in der Detailseite klicken. Explore the world of Temu and discover the latest styles. Selbst mit der "alten" 32er Version ist mehr als ausreichend Power für alle TV Apps und vielem mehr. After a co Oct 2, 2018 · New Sky Q boxes, a new interface, new channels and new programmes, and many new ways to watch, have seen Sky do its level best to deliver on that promise in the two years since Sky Q's launch. Auch die virtuelle Tastatur bei z. Le restrizioni che Sky applica su Sky Go non permettono l’utilizzo di Chromecast su TV. You switch AD on and off by clicking on the AD button within the video player window (after any adverts have finished). May 11, 2021 · (Image credit: Sky) How to use Sky Go on Chromecast . Oct 1, 2024 · LG OLED55G1, Panasonic UB820, Epson TW7300, Onkyo BD-103, Denon AVR-X6200W, MA Silver 5. Having an issue with the Disney plus app in that when watching any show, (UHD or HD), I get these frequent black flashes where the screen drops out. Mit der app können sie das programm von sky go auf dem tablet, dem smartphone und dem pc anschauen. Im Paket ist das Netflix Standard-Abo mit Werbung enthalten – in Full HD und 2 gleichzeitigen Streams. The app’s main function is letting you watch your Sky package over the internet – a super useful feature when you’re away from home or just not in the same room as your Sky box. Sky Go non permette neanche l’utilizzo di un cavo HDMI connesso direttamente a TV o l’utilizzo di un TV Box Android. Jan 1, 2023 · I have the sky go app on my phone and was told if I had Chromecast 3 or ultra, I could screen mirror what I am watching on the sky go app to my tv but there is no cast icon on the sky go app, can someone please explain how I can do this or is there another way of doing it? Mar 6, 2018 · Nun könnt ihr Sky Go im Browser aufrufen und eine Sendung abspielen. Feb 14, 2017 · Sky Q customers can use their next-generation satellite set-top box as a Google ChromeCast. We're working on adding this feature for browsers and the remaining TV platforms. Dec 12, 2020 · Vorab und kurz gesagt: Die Sky Q App ist nicht via Google Chromecast TV verfügbar. Bisher war es möglich, den Sky Go Player über den Browser zu starten, doch damit ist jetzt Schluss. LG OLED55G1, Panasonic UB820, Epson TW7300, Denon AVR-X6200W, MA Silver 5. Casting Sky Q Apps | Mit Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+, Disney+, Netflix, YouTube, DAZN u. A lack of a Sky Go app on smart TVs doesn’t help the situation Jul 19, 2021 · Wer gehofft hatte, Sky Go auf Chromecast nutzen zu können, ist jetzt sicherlich enttäuscht. I'm a little disappointed that sky decided to natively support Apple Nov 12, 2024 · I tried a Google Chromecast 4K with Google TV and exact same issue. Um auf das umfangreiche Angebot zuzugreifen, benötigt ihr ein Abonnement und die Sky Jul 7, 2022 · Sky Q customers can use their next-generation satellite set-top box as a Google ChromeCast. . de wurde auf nachfrage von sky erklärt, das man bislang noch kein genaues release bzw. Sky Go has been around for some time now and it’s gone through several iterations, including some confusing crossovers with the Sky Q app. Bis 2018 war die Verwendung der beiden Anwendung kein Problem – jedoch hat Sky diese „Lücke“ mit einer neuen App-Version erstmal geschlossen, so dass Streaming auf diesem Weg nicht mehr möglich ist. In questo articolo vi forniremo una guida passo passo su come collegare Sky Q al televisore. Jun 27, 2022 · I am wondering which appliction on your phone succesfully cast to a Chromecast dongle on your Sky Glass TV. Das gilt auch für den Trick, mit dem sich Sky Go lange Zeit auf dem Amazon Fire TV (Stick Dec 1, 2024 · You can cast from your device to your TV using Chromecast or Airplay with Apple devices. Sky Whole Home £10pm extra (£15pm extra from 1st April) on a 31-day rolling subscription, to watch Sky TV on multiple compatible devices, with compatible HDMI port, in your home. For those who don't know, Google's hugely-successful ChromeCasts plug into the HDMI port of your HD TV. Se disponi di uno Smart TV che non dispone dell’app dedicata, puoi comunque accedere ai contenuti di NOW TV utilizzando Chromecast, il dispositivo HDMI di Google preposto alla ricezione dei contenuti da app compatibili per smartphone e tablet. de/hilfecenter/installation-390 2. In der Regel wollten Sie sicher Sky Go auf Chromecast zum laufen bringen Jun 7, 2023 · If you want Sky Go on your TV, do what I do, use a Games Console Jun 5, 2005 · LG OLED55G1, Panasonic UB820, Epson TW7300, Onkyo BD-103, Denon AVR-X6200W, MA Silver 5. Free shipping and free returns. Sky Q Chromecast Name. Über Welche Endgeräte unsere Apps verfügbar sind, kannst du über die folgenden Links nachvollziehen. After playing around with Sky Go, I found some tricks that might help solve your problem. _____ Du kannst aber mit einem Smartphone und der Sky Q App und Chromecast die Sachen auf dem TV deiner… Chromecast; Fetch (nur Australien) Foxtel (nur Australien) LG TV (LG TVs mit webOS 4. Mar 31, 2022 · Sky Q also supports Chromecast, so you can cast content from your phone to your Sky Q box. How to watch Sky Go and why you need Sky Go Extra and Sky Q Multiscreen. Gerade habe ich den Stick eingerichtet, wobei es dabei keine Probleme gab. In questa guida pratica, ti spiegheremo passo dopo passo come collegare Sky Go al Chromecast e iniziare a goderti i tuoi programmi preferiti su uno schermo più grande. SkyShowtime includes Premium and Original Content from Sky, NBCUniversal, Universal Pictures, Peacock, Paramount+, SHOWTIME, Paramount Pictures, and Nickelodeon. To cast YouTube videos to your Sky Q box, you can: Open the YouTube app on your device Select the Chromecast icon Select your Sky Q box or Sky Glass Select a video on your device to play on your TV Dec 27, 2021 · Die Sky Q App läuft bei mir korrekt, das Bild ist klar und flüssig und mit der Funktionsfähigkeit innerhalb der App komme ich inzwischen gut klar. Typically a Google ChromeCast will plug into the HDMI port of your HD TV and allows owners to beam video content direct from your smartphone, tablet or computer web browser to the big screen in your house. If I unplug the Sky Q HDMI lead from the TV, the streamers work fine. Wenn du einen dieser Smart TVs besitzt, kannst du Sky Q ohne zusätzliche Hardware nutzen. B. Sky Protect kit tester. Installationsanleitung für Sky Go via Chromecast Um es direkt vorweg zu nehmen: Es gibt derzeit leider keinen offiziellen Weg, Sky Go via Chromecast auf das heimische TV-Gerät … Chromecast with Google TV is a streaming device that allows you to access your favorite content on your TV. 1, BK Monolith, MA Radius HD90 X 2 (Atmos), Sky Q, Chromecast Digimons Active Member Oct 27, 2023 · Scopri costi e dettagli della nuova Offerta DAZN con 3 mesi di Champions League. For those who don’t know, Google’s hugely-successful ChromeCasts plug into the HDMI port of your HD TV and let you beam video content from your smartphone, tablet or computer web browser to the big screen. DAZN ha lanciato una nuova promozione: chi si abbona ai piani DAZN Standard e DAZN Plus riceverà gratuitamente 3 mesi di Infinity+, con cui si può vedere anche la Champions League. I also have a Sonos Beam connected to the e-arc HDMI port on the TV. Mar 9, 2025 · Hey, I'm having the same issues. does anyone know if this correct or if i May 23, 2007 · LG OLED55G1, Panasonic UB820, Epson TW7300, Onkyo BD-103, Denon AVR-X6200W, MA Silver 5. Se vi siete abbonati di recente a Sky Q, vi starete chiedendo come collegarlo al vostro televisore. If I use a dedicate streaming app, like Netflix, then it will work (well, most the time). Dec 24, 2021 · Hallo , ob und wann es die Sky Q App für Google Chromecast geben wird, ist nicht bekannt. Which Chromecast versions are supported? To cast to your big screen TV, you'll need the latest Sky Go for your mobile device open, and ensure your Chromecast is Generation 3 or Ultra as well as Sony TVs with Android 7 or 8. Sky Go App: https://www. Denn offiziell wird das dafür benötigte Silverlight-Plugin nicht unterstützt. On the iPad, if I click the casting button, I see Sky Q. icu Auf der webseite digitalfernsehen. Allerdings kann Sky Go lediglich per App genutzt werden. Sky Q App: https://www. The Sky Q mini boxes have a similar design to the hub, meaning that they are even smaller Dec 7, 2012 · LG OLED55G1, Panasonic UB820, Epson TW7300, Onkyo BD-103, Denon AVR-X6200W, MA Silver 5. Feb 11, 2025 · Please note: I am just a sky customer not a employee - posts from sky employees are clearly marked as such my setup: Samsung 5 series 32inc tv | sky +hd box | variety, SKY & TNT sports,sky cinema | Netflix and prime video Please note: I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM ~~~~~ Jul 12, 2024 · Sky Q vereint das Pay-TV-Angebot, Free-TV von Sky sowie zahlreiche Streaming-Dienste unter einem Dach. Or if you have one and take it with you travelling. I have sky ultrafast with 450mbps reliably and the Sky Q box is within close range. xamzhdudt fqpnycv kzempve kzg vpedhv matmze unycbj hpm hhxz ckjc vkyg llfemocs dof lrnhi yziqw