Roblox repeat wait until. A better code would be.

Roblox repeat wait until. We removed the loop and it worked but without the .

  • Roblox repeat wait until UserInputType == Buttons. "_ID_". I also looked through the DevForum and still found nothing. May 31, 2022 · What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! I want to make this line of code below repeat itself for lets say 10 minutes, then stop and continue the rest of the script in the entire script. – LocalScript ChatTags repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") -- Function to determine the tag for a player Jun 17, 2022 · Hi! I wrote this bit of code that does work as intended, as it’s supposed to generate 1-9 items on a random node. If it doesn’t exist then it will wait until a child is added into the character. Scriptable local cam1 = workspace['cam1'] local cam2 = workspace['cam2'] local cam3 = workspace['cam3'] local cam4 = workspace Apr 1, 2024 · Here, I’ve made a new function: function waitForChange() local value1Changed = false local value2Changed = false local function checkValue1() value1Changed = true end local function checkValue2() value2Changed = true end workspace. What is an alternative for an accurate loop? would a for loop be better? All help A community for Roblox, the free game building platform. 1 until TextLabel2. RemoteFunction rem. Values. Just the amount that was in the table at the loop’s start. Changed. CFrame Apr 11, 2020 · Hello! I have been attempting to use the repeat-until loop, however in this case it does not seem to stop the loop. If you don’t though, it’s probably better to increase task. PlayerAdded in my server script to detect when a player loads, but this leads to an error&hellip; Dec 9, 2020 · I am trying to have a script wait until a bollean value is set to true, now it should only take a few seconds for it to become true, I don’t really want to use a loop unless nesacery. What’s the concurrent issue here? I’ve checked playergui and the texts seem to keep on adding up, ignoring until value. CFrame = workspace. BrickColor = BrickColor. local TS = game:GetService('TweenService') local part = game. Here is my code: repeat wait() gui. wait() end repeat task. wait(. When i get into the game it works, but the game stop when the script reaches this line: repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() The script works fine on studio, never stopped due to this. I want to wait until something happens Dec 20, 2022 · First forum post, so please excuse me if there are any weird problems with this post. Jul 26, 2022 · What do you want to achieve? I would like to wait for the shadows to load in before the player can see anything. Character local coordinate = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"). Commented Dec 7, 2016 at 22:03. Value >= 8 end end If placed correctly, this will keep making sure if the BulletHit value goes below 8 it starts recharging. We removed the loop and it worked but without the Jan 24, 2025 · Hello, I am currently working on making a turn-based combat game, and I was wondering about repeat-until loops. InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gpe) if not gpe and Can_M1 then if input. 1) print Nov 8, 2021 · I’m on mobile rn so I don’t have any screen shots or code So basically I have a game that uses a repeat loop to wait until the saving system sets a boolean to true and it works… mostly For some reason the repeat loop doesn’t even start on some devices. TextStrokeTransparency += 0. Thanks Aug 23, 2020 · This is where Repeat comes. However, in between all of that, each character (and enemy once I script it) will take turns and have unlimited time to take their turn. TextTransparency == 0. Also, raw RenderStepped faces the same issue. We tried putting a print() in the loop and nothing happened, it just kinda freezes. repeat wait() if battle == false then break end until #players <= 1 Aug 11, 2020 · EDIT: replace wait() with task. ) Is there an easy way to do this? May 5, 2024 · Hi basically I have a winstreak GUI that shouldnt be visible if its 0 but even if its not zero when the player joins and this script is ran I dont think the data for that player has been loaded yet so it thinks the players winstreak = 0 and just disables the GUI. So I tried with this line: repeat wait() until tool. Thanks May 15, 2021 · I want to know: Which is more efficient for performance and which is better for waiting, even if the server is lagging? wait(1) or repeat wait() until (tick() - oldTick() &gt;= 1 Aug 23, 2020 · This is where Repeat comes. The droppers would require no input from the user(s), as the droppers would just constantly be dropping bricks for the user’s income in a loop - and I am wondering what type of loop I should use. I have been playing around with the script for a while now, and I just need a fresh pair of eyes to tell me if there is something wrong. Here is an example May 15, 2021 · I want to know: Which is more efficient for performance and which is better for waiting, even if the server is lagging? wait(1) or repeat wait() until (tick() - oldTick() &gt;= 1 Dec 15, 2024 · Since the title doesn’t really make sense I’ll explain: So, I have a value in a folder called ‘lockdown’ and if it is active, it will do something to the script (you will see below) where it makes one of the lights red and then at that point, I would like it to check until the value == false (the value is called “lockdownvalue”) Code is below, I have marked the part where I want Aug 2, 2024 · So recently i started working on a button simulator as a sort of easier project so i can learn more about scripting. Humanoid. How could I get around this? game. Specifically, I’m looking for ideas or help to ensure assets like images, models, or data are fully loaded and listed all without causing performance issues or unnecessary delays. Jul 13, 2021 · Help on game:IsLoaded() - Scripting Support - Roblox Loading Mar 7, 2024 · when the part resembling camera is far away it looks like the script uses current camera because it locks on current camera position HERE IS THE MENTIONED SCRIPT: --------Menu Camera Script local cam = workspace. Transparency Jun 1, 2024 · A while loop will always run as long its condition is true. A very useful statement to repeat code over and over until a certain condition i In this Roblox Studio scripting scripts tutorial for beginners, we will learn how to use the Repeat Until Loop in scripting. Changed but fear it would be called afterwards which could cause issues down the line. i tried: repeat Wait() until -- what needs to happen -- what happens after and while wait(1) do -- an if statement and many other scripts but none worked. SomeChild its not understandable even in the docs Aug 4, 2022 · How do I use repeat until a value is not nil, I am trying to do this but it is not working local robotName = sellOrder:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("StringValue") repeat wait() until robotName == sellOrder:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("StringValue") May 4, 2024 · Found something! Woulf player. tweening local function tween() local cam = workspace. Using task. Unlike other languages, the Luau scope of a local variable declared inside a repeat — until loop includes the condition. FieldOfView == 90 Jul 10, 2024 · Why don’t you just put the while true loop at the end of the touched event I don’t understand why you would need to use repeat task. Anyways here’s Jun 15, 2021 · --Debounce variable local continueDialouge = false --Basic function to detect when the enter key is pressed UserInputService. 5) Mouse. Scriptable Dec 27, 2022 · I’m making a dropper system for a new tycoon of my Studio’s coming out soon. while conditionNotMet and os. Dec 4, 2021 · Hey so i was wondering if there was a way at the start of a new server waiting until the player, parts and etc have loaded in because if i put my timer at 60, by the time the game has loaded for me, the output reads 48 seconds (12 seconds to load) meaning i have to perfectly time the second set of rounds to be insync Jan 18, 2023 · repeat wait() until script. Running is false. wait(instance) for waiting instance until loaded? idk but when i try use that its like waiting the instance loaded, or that just my suggestion, before i use task. . Is there a way to “disable” a . 5) Can_M1 = false local Current_Hit = os. Of course, you can also do this using Connect: local character player. This is the code: --[ Variables local Jan 5, 2025 · can i use task. 1 until it hits 0 (and also changes the text of the cooldown indication to show the time - . Dec 8, 2022 · Hi, So I am whether to use while or repeat until when looping stuff. Every time ive ever used this in a… Sep 9, 2019 · Hi, I am trying to figure out what is the best way to halt my code until either a certain amount of time has passed or a condition has been met. PlayerGui. TextTransparency >= 1 repeat task. This community is unofficial and is not endorsed, monitored, or run by Roblox staff. video below repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() local Players = game:GetService("Players") local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local Player = Players. LocalPlayer local Board = workspace. Players:GetPlayers(). PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- Fires whenever a player joins the game player Jan 6, 2022 · It checks if the humanoid exists inside the character. You can yield on an event by calling :Wait() (no relation). Parent:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent") Event. new(&quot Aug 2, 2024 · So recently i started working on a button simulator as a sort of easier project so i can learn more about scripting. for waveIndex = 1, #foundLayout do -- loop Jul 27, 2020 · It appears that roblox doesn’t add in a shirt or pants if you dont have any on I just figured that out because I looked at my avatar. OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Type, Mouse) if Type == "start" then repeat wait(1. StarterPlayer. If you have ever used wait() in a loop such as the one below: for i = 1, 240 do wait(1) end you may be surprised to learn that your wait() isn’t as trusty or accurate as you may have thought. This is why there is another repeat-until loop within Dec 15, 2024 · I dont understand the concept of why waitforchild exists and if its necessery, i would like to know if that is good for anything, should i just use SomeParent. Value < 8 then repeat wait(1) player. To create a while loop that repeats forever, use the syntax below, being sure to include instructions between the do and end keywords. Value = val end) end end) But for some reason it Mar 27, 2022 · repeat wait() until game. Character wait(1) cam. FieldOfView + 2 until workspace. Value = true repeat task. Roblox has events for everything you could possibly be waiting for (and if it doesn’t make a feature request!). 1) But I found out that using repeat wait(. Head local head = char:WaitForChild("Head Aug 6, 2023 · So I have this script, I believe what it does is self explanatory, all of it works except the part that is changing the bar size, what I mean is as soon as I click the button to play a new sound it instantly registers that the new sound has ended, thus breaking the loop, meanwhile the sound is still playing. RemoteFunction local message = rem:InvokeClient(player) repeat task. Event:Connect(function() repeat for _,Lights in pairs(LightsTable) do if Lights:IsA("BasePart") then Lights. localPlayer repeat wait() until player. TextLabel. PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player) Player. If you need to detect a value change, use . repeat loops can still be useful, for example:. wait() until game:IsLoaded() and game:GetService'Players':WaitForChild'LocalPlayer' Bad practice. 01 2 days ago · 2. Handle. The weird thing is that it just doesn’t update. Circle then repeat task. Touched:Connect(function(touched) if touched. Repeat loops. 1) and decreasing the value of the waittime by . Learn how to use repeating in Roblox scripting also known as "repeat until". In this article, the while loop is used to repeat instructions forever. wait() until Camera == Enum. PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player: Player) warn("hi there ". local Camera = workspace. However, when the X position of neighboring position is not on the array, (5 or 0 Oct 27, 2021 · Not sure where to post this but Stop using wtd and rep until to check if a property changed, for example you might check changes like: repeat wait() until property == not the same You could make it part:GetPropertyChangedSignal("property"):Connect(function) Why? because wtd costs more performance than changed and because wtd yields and interrupts script while changed doesn’t interrupt script Feb 6, 2025 · repeat task. My question is simple: What would be the best way to repeat a loop, until a remote event is fired? An example of this would be ReplicatedStorage. repeat wait() until character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") Apr 23, 2021 · while wait() do if player. coordinate repeat wait() until char. LocalPlayer local char = player. For example here is some script that I wrote - local Players = game:GetService("Players") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local remoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("TimerStart") script. Players. FieldOfView = workspace. I have tried using a while Transparency < 1 do loop, as well as a numeric for loop. Not wait(n) (although if you are using small n values to where it’d be barely distinguishable from wait(), you’re probably going to hit the same issues mentioned in this thread). Pressing “W” would make you move in the direction you are facing in. Infact, if you attach some code to print out the time that the function took based on 1 day ago · made some new data system what fires the data thats on the server as read only on the client to use but the player added fire before the client is loaded what couses it to just refuses to load the game i didnt even touch the game manager but now it just doesnt work only i see is a skybox PS. while (game. TextTransparency = gui. wait; roblox; or ask your own I’m trying to make a teleport pad which only works if it’s touched by another pad for it to work Mar 5, 2022 · I made a mistake, back in the early days of this small little game I type a 0 instead of a 1, that little typo made the progress/whole point of said game unplayable/ you cannot progress. Value == true Using a while loop instead of repeat. 02 until TextButton. 05 and play the game you will find that the animation is not smooth Roblox Devs: We Need to Talk Apr 10, 2020 · So basically, I was making a field of view changer that is smooth, and I made it using repeat wait(). Character local Players = game:GetService("Players") local player = Players. Changed:Connect(checkValue1) hum. LastHit May 26, 2024 · I want to make a bar slowly deplete but the repeat + until statement I’m using is going into the negatives and is suppose to stop at 0. Workspace:WaitForChild("Camera1") local Camera = workspace. Parent==part then end However, I need to incorporate the wait() until. LocalPlayer player. nodes:GetChildren() local items Dec 2, 2016 · Actually i was thinking about like repeat wait() until function f1 or anything else – arthurgps2. TextTransparency - 0. The repeat — until loop repeats until a condition is true. menucam. wait(n) inside the condition, the loop will continue to loop forever, but between each loop it will wait the amount of time stated inside the condition. CharacterAdded:Connect(function(Character) local ScreenGUI = Player. Loaded game:GetService("RunService"). wait() until func == true. Ive looked on scriptinghelpers and found nothing. SomeChild or repeat wait() until SomeParent. 1 day ago · hello, im making a camera transition from the part to the players head/camera, but it keeps snapping to x-15 for some reason. LocalPlayer. I have two scripts, one is for prefixes and roles, the other is to make system messages. It will then do this process repeatedly until the humanoid finally exists. What is the issue? The shadows load in later on (skip to 0:25) Bug Video - YouTube What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? Ive tried adding a wait, looking on google(dev forum, docs, youtube) local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService Sep 7, 2021 · The question is how would i avoid this delay? Here is the code: localscript inside a tool(aka to gun): repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() local runservice = game:GetService("RunService") local player = game. 8, function() if Ticks. When adding a wait, or more properly, a task. ” You mean like this? repeat wait() until LocalPlayer. Jan 14, 2021 · Hi All, This is a super easy question (or should be), but like all good questions, I cannot find an answer, so I am turning to DevForum. Scriptable cam. Body. Here’s the script, its a server script inside a enemy local function Walk(destination) local path Mar 4, 2022 · I am trying to stop the client animations the moment I fire the remote event and the server gets it. Name. UserId Aug 1, 2022 · Hello, I’m unsure on how I can make a function wait until a certain variable ~= nil I need the function to wait until the Player variable ~= nil but I don’t know how to do it without the enemy getting stuck waiting for the player to be found I just don’t know how to go about this. The way the dropper system will work, is when the player buys a dropper, an OOP object will be created, and this OOP Oct 19, 2024 · I’m sure this exists somewhere, but I have searched the forums and google as much as I can and couldn’t find a solution. Humanoid:TakeDamage(2) until Type == "stop Nov 13, 2023 · Now basically, repeat wait() until game. OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr) plr:FindFirstChild("Hyper"):FindFirstChild("HyperActive"). KeyCode. player. Basically, I’m just trying to, when a button is pressed/clicked, wait until any keyboard key is pressed and then get what button that was. Instead of: repeat wait() until Value2. wait(instance) its always say like attempt to index Nil to value but when i use task. Character:WaitForChild Aug 4, 2022 · How do I use repeat until a value is not nil, I am trying to do this but it is not working local robotName = sellOrder:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("StringValue";) repeat wait() until robotName == sellOrder:FindFirstChildWh&hellip; Jun 12, 2020 · I’m attempting to make the text go visible one by one beforehand, then after the blur has faded, the text goes invisible one by one but backward. Frame. wait(1) plr Aug 16, 2021 · I know how the wait() function works, but there is another type that I am not familiar with. (2,0,0) wait(0. I am guessing that I need to put a true or false statement, and when the statement is true, the code will continue? Example: -- this is probably not how it works (myVariable == true):Wait() Jun 15, 2021 · Hey, developers! I’m having some trouble trying to create a certain piece of code that continues once a countdown is over or once all of a specified Boolean value within the players is set to false. Touched:Connect(function(touch) if touch. Currently, the loop runs until either all the enemies or the heroes die, ending the battle. Scriptable task. 01) until gui. wait() until Condition == false Questions: Which one should I use? Which one does better than the other? Are they the same? Anything is Appreciated, Thanks. Jan 19, 2025 · Any people can help me try fix it Also if i click to play it stops at black screen, i think it happens bc of the “Timeout Error” local LocalPlayer = game:GetService(&quot;Players&quot;). Value + 1 until player. delay(1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! It seems that everything i try for this fails. wait() with repeat to wait for code is called polling and it’s much less efficient than anything event based. Starterscreen local Team = &hellip; May 6, 2020 · It checks if the character exists, and if it doesn’t, it uses :Wait() to wait until it’s added and then gets the returned result from :Wait(). 2) until #InRound == 1 or 0 -- until there are 1 or players inside the table Full Script Feb 4, 2021 · “That’s for my own code, but what if I want to wait for some Roblox code to run. wait() TextButton. Let’s talk about wait(). wait(). Feb 24, 2025 · Is there any 'when' function? - DevForum | Roblox Loading Aug 1, 2022 · The Problem I’m having currently is when there are 0 or 1 Player in the table it won’t stop the repeat until (I’ve added prints in the repeat until and I can confirm that it doesn’t stop the repeat until) Script. Heres my code: local hyperActivate = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("HyperActivate") hyperActivate. I am currently trying it with . Any help would be appreciated! Jul 17, 2023 · repeat task. Players:GetPlayers() do player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats"). SpotScreen. Character Still no. Value = player. Tokens. I searched the dev forum but nothing was what I wanted… here is the game if you want to see what I tried: My custom roblox game - Roblox this is my camera turn and move script Dec 31, 2024 · I want to find the best way to wait for assets to finish loading before they’re used in my game. clock() Ticks. ) I was wondering which one would be better for most scenarios when waiting for Mar 21, 2022 · I am making a game that teleports players to a reserved server and I want the game to wait until all the players have loaded in how can I do this. wait() until game. A better code would be. Touched But, the thing above me does not work, does anyone know something that will w… Hello! I want to create a script where something repeats until the player gets touched. wait() until finished == true when you could simply put it after you set it to true, also your while loop does not stop and continues the countdown that’s why your Gui is not appearing the second time, you need to put it in a coroutine and cancel the routine Feb 24, 2024 · I have this script to permanently monitorize a player’s “Tokens”: repeat task. I already made a script, but the problem is that it breaks because it doesn’t detect the &hellip; Apr 7, 2024 · Hello, I am making a looping camera for my game’s menu, however for some reason the repeat wait(1) until is not working. Random of sorts, so I think I might have done something wrong with math. TextStrokeTransparency >= 1 I know I can use tweenservice for that but repeat loops look more readable and are easier to work with. It doesn’t happen repeatedly, just has a small chance of happening. Open local back Dec 13, 2024 · So I’ve got this repeat until loop that check if the amount of children of a table of a module are 0. if statement does not “Wait”. If I remove children from the table while the loop is running it won’t print out the new amount of children. CurrentCamera repeat wait() until game Jan 26, 2022 · Hey i want to wait until a specific thing happens or is true I tried many scripts but none worked. Sep 21, 2021 · This is a pretty basic question, I’m just asking if it’s possible to wait until you receive anything from the remotefunction you invoke. respawnlocation work! If you change the respon location every time the player dies! If your trying to make it respawn at a random spawn location you could do somthing like check the humanoids health every time its changed then if its 0 set the respawn location to a random 1 across the game this would be done across the server you also would have to set it random Sep 20, 2021 · repeat wait() until shouldn’t be used for something like this, I get it seems simple but using wait() can really slow down your game. 1) until is not accurate. Heartbeat:Connect(function(delta) for i, player in game. Here’s my code: local Event = script. CurrentCamera. ScreenFrame. 05 Thanks, Jun 26, 2020 · I made a gun that ejects shells in the server, and I want the local player to not be able to see the ejected shells in the server. They both appear similar, except that you can Reverse the Conditions while Condition == true do task. PlayerGui local StarterScreen = ScreenGUI. BulletHit. The ‘Times’ Table consists of texts Jan 2, 2025 · I am using the ProfileStore module and would like to know if there is a function to wait for data to load. Parent. I want the code in the red to not run until the server has noticed that the client fired a remote event. wait() local CanHit = CanHit() if CanHit and Can_M1 then InA:FireServer(0. KeyCode == Enum. Here is an example Aug 19, 2021 · You might not have much choice if you need the function to end as soon as self. So Repeat is used for repeating a specific thing or function until a condition has met. random? -- local Nodes = script. Join my Discord for help, news up Apr 28, 2017 · A community for Roblox, the free game building platform. However, at the end, it tends to pause after making “game engine” transparent. Your handling of the shield removal needs reworking… Apr 21, 2024 · Ciao, recently i’ve almost finished my game, so i decided to publish it and test it on the roblox website. I’m using game. Here is the pseudocode for what I am currently thinking, but I am not sure if this is the best way to do so. Value. Loops are a common element in most computer languages. This is simply a better formatted and more fleshed out version. TextTransparency += 0. I tried looking on Youtube but couldn’t find any tutorials that focused on my specific problem. difftime(os. Board local Sep 29, 2021 · You can add a check within the repeat wait function, and if it meets the requirements, break. time(), startTime) ~= timeInWholeSeconds do wait() end and maybe for a more specific time constraint Aug 25, 2021 · basically I have a cooldown indication script where it counts down the cooldown by simply repeating wait(. Sep 23, 2023 · What do I want to achieve? I would like to understand how to successfully code a repeat wait() for an item in a table. wait(instance) its never happen again, or maybe that just wait for the total word in the name? Nov 10, 2020 · Just a wonder; repeat wait() until … or …:WaitForChild() (… means an object path. repeat -- here it repeats task. Parent:IsA Dec 20, 2023 · I need to get a neighboring position of a 2d array that has value “o” To do so I use a repeat until loop so that if it choses an array position with value “l”, it will repeat, I also need it to continue if the chosen position is off the array, and to cancel if it has run 100 times so that it wont crash. LastHit = Current_Hit task. Dec 15, 2024 · --- how to use a repeat loop repeat code until condition if you want your animation to be smooth on the Roblox player then tween on the client instead of the server go to studio setting > network > and set incoming replication lag to 0. LocalPlayer local open = script. Only once at the beginning. CurrentCamera repeat Camera. It executes the code block at least once before checking the until condition. Sep 22, 2024 · ROBLOX doesn’t have an official documentation on repeat loops, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use them!. StarterGui == nil doesn’t work. Playing == true <= 0 Just so you’re aware, the Jun 23, 2023 · I made a repeat wait until loop that’s supposed to damage the target until the value is set to “stop”, but even after it’s set to stop, the damage continues. This is usually what I do for touch events: tool. The conditional test evaluates after the code block runs, so the code block always runs at least once. Weather. Script 1 local tweening = script. Value == false) do end Or, with a wait() period, Jan 24, 2025 · I’m trying to migrate to the new TextChatService but have come across issues and need help. Anyway I can do this efficiently? The only Issue with my system is that if the player is on a bad connection not Jun 2, 2022 · repeat // do stuff until player. wait() TextLabel2. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub Sep 19, 2021 · Adding a wait() period; sometimes using wait() without a value can be faulty. KeyCode == Buttons. CheckIfPlayerIsInArea2. local player = game. Now on the website it stops, why? I tried searching around, found nothing. LocalPlayer local MainMenu = &hellip; Aug 7, 2023 · Hello everyone, I have an issue. CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char) character = char -- continue code end) but using :Wait() just looks cleaner imo. CurrentCamera local player = game. CameraType = Enum. Aug 16, 2024 · Ok, if the doors are too far away from the spawn and they’re being streamed out, and if disabling streaming isn’t an option, it might be a good idea to swap to a ChildAdded layout instead, so you can handle the doors when they’re added instead of just yielding indefinitely. Countdown = 30 repeat wait(1) Countdown = Countdown - 1 Timer. wait to roundTime and ditch the loop since task. ScreenText. wait does behind the scenes pretty much the same thing you’re already doing. Whenever I go test it, it goes over the targeted value and it won’t stop! Script: repeat wait() workspace. As title states, I have two buttons, and I need to pause the script until either one of them is clicked. I know about using :Wait() to pause until the event is fired, but the button that is clicked is up to the player and I can’t predict which one they’ll press. local block = script. changed event when a certain requirement is met or would Sep 6, 2022 · How would I make it where the server will wait until a remote event is finished until something happens. CameraType. 05 wait(0. Text == “0/2” I am using repeat wait() until so is there is a way to replace it with something that pauses the script until the text changes to 0/2 then continue the rest of the code to prevent looping ? Dec 5, 2020 · Hi! Im currently trying to make a start screen for my game and it seems like the script starts until the player is actually loaded… I might be incorrect but that seems like how it is. They are used to repeat instructions, sometimes until specific conditions are met. repeat wait(0. Example: (Client Side) local rem = script. (for reference, StarterGui is a folder in PlayerGui containing titlescreen things). MoveToFinished:Connect(checkValue2) repeat wait() until value1Changed or value2Changed return end --[[ waitForChange() print Aug 3, 2020 · I want to make my own custom game not using the official Roblox movement I have made my own camera turn but I want to make the camera move. InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if input. 05) until game. 01 Dec 16, 2022 · I am using a repeat wait() loop until the text transparency of a text label is set to 0, right now the loop keeps going and doesn’t stop. OnClientInvoke = function() wait(3) return "Pie" end) (Server Side) local rem = script. What does repeat do in Roblox? As discussed earlier, repeat begins a repeat…until loop. SurfaceGui. CurrentCamera cam. Parent repeat block. Value == true Do: Nov 5, 2024 · StartBlinkingEvent. However, there’s this weird quirk where it repeats infinitely. I tried so much and also tried using chat gpt but it just never works so i’m asking for help here. changed:Connect(function(val) print(val) player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats"). For example if a condition has to be true. wait(1) until message Aug 19, 2024 · I MADE a hold to M1 system, local M1 = UIS. It’s perfect for Mar 9, 2021 · This is an adaptation of a Twitter thread I made a while ago. What is the issue? The repeat wait() on the second to last line is not working. Rainy. There’s more in the code May 16, 2024 · Here’s the script game. I also want it to stop waiting if the escape key is pressed or the mouse is clicked off the button. Return then continueDialouge = true wait() continueDialouge = false end end) --Waiting until the key is pressed repeat wait() until continueDialouge Aug 17, 2023 · Like the title says I am trying to repeat wait() until tool touches part. Touched==part But this line just keeps waiting. It’s just a matter of drift. (I’m doing this so that laggy players won’t end up with a basketball in their chest while waiting for them holding E to register. StarterCharacterScripts. Currently i’m trying to make so if the player stands on the button it will repeat the add function and when the player leaves the button the function stops. Value = Countdown until Countdown <= 0 or #game. I need to wait for a modulescript function to stop, and I tried doing this by returning then using repeat task. OnClientEvent:Connect(function() --once a remote event is fired, does this repeat wait(. MB1 or input. dvaimiy vymobv bubvsb xsqsrk yhdpty bdao oovtqe ppymy tlipz xnjeeqh gwjbsj arspgd dhlx qghbkw cvpr