Ragdoll summoners war Rage pvp ragdoll build with high hp%get hp% from substats as much as u canother priority stats are cr% cd and atk% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% 2 days ago · Topic: 3x EU 2LD5 > Ragdoll Leo + Laima / Lucifer Leo + Light Ciri / Leona + Shun Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Blade Set of 2: CRIT Rate +12% Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40%. I recommend getting around 140k hp 5k def and around 150+ critd get more 100k HP 80cr and 100CD and he will be stronger Mar 3, 2025 · Forum: Summoners War: Sky Arena SWSA S Global 10 Hot LD Vip Rune Ragdoll , Leona , Zerath*2 , Trinity, Hanwul , Jaara , Holly Bery Dark , Monkey King Dark, Elena 127 Nat 5 Colection Many Skins and Aura LD ⭐4 Good Unit Reap Stone 230 ea Ancient Reap Stone 68 ea Devilmoon 29 ea Medal RTA 1. Torrent: The damage of this attack increases as your HP drops. seeing as basic attacks will only trigger ragdolls passive if they activate a link skill. Notice: Generic builds may be added from this pre-approved list, with possible minor changes to suit the monster. To add your own unique rune builds, see this page. or Best My Ragdoll build. Tho this is not that important for RTA like it would be on Siege and normal Arena. ATK Blade Set of 2: CRIT Rate +12% Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40%. Rage. But having the knowledge of what minimum spd you need to go for a turn/tick would be a great help Zerstören 2er-Set: Zerstöre 30% des zugefügten Schadens (bis zu 4%) Zorn Set von 4: Krit. et ne reflète pas les points de vue ou opinions de Com2uS Corp. WTS eu yingyang dragon Knights and G1-C3 wolyung - Nov 18, 24; Selling Eu Ragdoll + Jager G1 C3 G1 last seasons ! - Aug 6, 21; ♠︎ WTS/WTT GLOBAL MVP NICKI WOLYUNG G1/C3 GOES Welcome to SW RTA BATTLE "WORLD ARENA" Dark Dragon Knight "RAGDOLL" RTA HIGHLIGHTSHow to rune?Early Runes: Fatal, Blade (Atk%, Cr%, Atk%) Late Runes: Violent To maximize ragdolls effectiveness against all monsters I believe its very useful to get evasion for basic attacks. Summoners War et Com2uS Corp. If your HP is below 30%, the enemy's Defense is ignored. Playing him with Kina 2 days ago · » Summoners War: Sky Arena Topic: Wts/wtt some Europe starter and midgame accs 2x Lucifer , ragdoll euldong ++ Donnybrasco. Knowing a Ragdoll is in the opposing team comp meant that you could simply take units that don't play into him. Hi everyone, in this summoners war chronicles video I will show you how to build Ragdoll the Dark Dragon Knight. ☝How to rune? Vio, Swift, Despair set!☝Where use? RTA (World Arena), Aren Not perfect but works fine for pvp, High res and hp since he is rather weak to debuffs, around 90% crit rate and 200% crit dmg. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% 130k HP, 6k Def, 80% Crit rate, 180% Crit damage, 40% accuracy Energy Set of 2: MAX HP +15% Focus Set of 2: ACC Rate +15% Shield Set of 2: Shield equal to 200% of ATK at the start of the battle 20 hours ago · » 4x EU 2LD5 > Ragdoll Leo + Laima / Lucifer Leo + Light Ciri / Leona + Shun / Vancliffe + Rahul Holy cow, i did expect such a complete response, first of all, tysm x) Out of all these units,i wish i had most of them but i dont :') i might try to outspeed with the chloe sekhmet combo, as i've pulled her not too long ago, and i'll also try to build riley,it has been recomended to me a few times,but i still dont seem to able to summon that GOD DAMN FIRE IMP CHAMP (: I usually bring lulu and Oct 30, 2024 · Light&Darkness Scrolls *5 10-Year Special Scroll *205 Legendary all-attribute scroll*2 Mystical Scrolls *60-100 205 pergaminhos 10 anos que possibilita chance de outro nat5 LD, ragdoll com Léo time pronto para RTA Energy Set of 2: MAX HP +15% Focus Set of 2: ACC Rate +15% Shield Set of 2: Shield equal to 200% of ATK at the start of the battle Before RTA, ragdoll simply didn't have much use. $40. My Ragdoll build. See all the details of the skills, best runes, stats, and places to use Ragdoll (The Dark Dragon Knight) in Summoners War! Learn how to use Ragdoll, a Dark attribute monster with high Critical Hit and Defense skills. Rage Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% pvp ragdoll build with high hp%get hp% from substats as much as u canother priority stats are cr% cd and atk% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% How would you counter a team of Leo, Verde, Ragdoll, Lucifer +1 assuming the +1 is a force ban my brother and I were thinking of ways to counter it and the only thing we could really come up with was a Tian Lang but then you could just ban it so we were wondering what other people would pick to counter it if you had every unit in the game but couldn't pick Leo, Verde, Ragdoll, or Lucifer. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Ragdoll Rune Build. To maximize ragdolls effectiveness against all monsters I believe its very useful to get evasion for basic attacks. Either vampire/nemesis or violent/nemesis, the latter is less common. If you want your game to go to the next lvl, try reading about speed ticks. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Yup and that's the thing, you know your hard counters already with Ragdoll + Leo comp. Leader Skill: Increases the Defense of ally monsters with Dark attribute by 50%. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% My Ragdoll build. I only get to spend like 1 hour a day on the game Summoners War Tierlist n’est pas approuvé par Com2uS Corp. At max skill, light undine have 5 turn cds, and provide 3 turns invincible, with buff extender and Mav, it is just the same as Neal. Not to mention he can be easily coppered/dozered. 11. ou de toute personne officiellement impliquée dans la production ou la gestion de Summoners War. sont des marques commerciales ou des marques déposées de Com2uS Corp. ATK Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Nov 17, 2024 · the effect of ragdoll artifact does not add to his evasion rate and also does not decrease his cri resit rate and he does not use torrent when evaded Ragdoll Artifact's Bug-ฟอรั่มทางการของ Summoners War: Chronicles Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% pvp ragdoll build with high hp%get hp% from substats as much as u canother priority stats are cr% cd and atk% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% pvp ragdoll build with high hp%get hp% from substats as much as u canother priority stats are cr% cd and atk% My Ragdoll build. I recommend getting around 140k hp 5k def and around 150+ critd the effect of ragdoll artifact does not add to his evasion rate and also does not decrease his cri resit rate and he does not use torrent when evaded Ragdoll Artifact's Bug-ฟอรั่มทางการของ Summoners War: Chronicles get more 100k HP 80cr and 100CD and he will be stronger 4 days ago · Jager, Ragdoll, Chasun, Mei Hou Wang and other monsters in Summoners War: Sky Arena. Guard Set of 2: DEF +15% Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40%. 973 RTA very easy combo easy play Vip Not perfect but works fine for pvp, High res and hp since he is rather weak to debuffs, around 90% crit rate and 200% crit dmg. Without buff extender, Mav need to proc 2 times in 5 turns, if he Select the region to log in with - Please select the region for your game account to sync game information. build ragdoll pvp. In RTA where games last longer than 3 turns, Ragdoll's passive is too oppressive combined with someone controlling the team rather than AI. Summoners War Ragdoll stats, counters, skills, rta info, monsters to play with and more. ATK get more 100k HP 80cr and 100CD and he will be stronger Set ini sangat cocok untuk penggembara PVP , rage untuk membantu mencari stat critical damage, sedangkan destroy untuk membantu menghancurkan HP musuh yang terkena attack dari Ragdollfokus menaikkan HP Deff CR CD serta sedikit Acc guna untuk memaksimalkan kekuatan monster ini HP 120k DEF 5,5k CR 88% CDMG 220% its good build ragdoll pvp. See his skills, awakening, builds, stats and more. Dragon's Might: Inflicts continuous damage for 2 turns if you land a Critical Hit. Learn more about Summoners War's Dark Dragon Knight. ATK Not perfect but works fine for pvp, High res and hp since he is rather weak to debuffs, around 90% crit rate and 200% crit dmg. Destruction Set de 2 - Détruit 30% des DGTS infligés (jusqu'à 4%) Rage Dragon's Might (430%) Inflicts continuous damage for 2 turns if you land a Critical Hit. Listed builds are provided for convenience only. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Ragdoll-ฟอรั่มทางการของ Summoners War: Chronicles My ragdoll Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% HP 120k DEF 5,5k CR 88% CDMG 220% its good Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% My Ragdoll build. Ragdoll PVP build. Playing him with Kina Blade Set of 2: CRIT Rate +12% Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40%. I recommend getting around 140k hp 5k def and around 150+ critd To maximize ragdolls effectiveness against all monsters I believe its very useful to get evasion for basic attacks. My account is low level with basically no nat 5's or 4's what is your recommendation . Energy Set of 2: MAX HP +15% Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40%. Opens in a new window or tab. He needs every stat really, but focus on hp and atk on a crit dmg build. This is why players consider her to be part of their auto-ban list. Welcome to SW RTA BATTLE "WORLD ARENA" Dark Dragon Knight "RAGDOLL" RTA HIGHLIGHTSHow to rune?Early Runes: Fatal, Blade (Atk%, Cr%, Atk%) Late Runes: Violent Ragdoll PVP build. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Vampire Set of 4: Drain +30% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% I have just started summoners war around a week ago , and i have managed to summon Ragdoll out of my L/D scroll from the event box i bought with Crystals today. Rage Just a basic build for a DPS ragdoll . - Please select General Login if you don't have a game account or failed to check your account. I recommend getting around 140k hp 5k def and around 150+ critd 16 hours ago · Similar Threads. Schaden +40% Sélection de figurines officielles des personnages du jeu vidéo Summoners War à collectionner pour les fans, joueurs, collectionneurs ou pour offrir en cadeau à un proche. Learn more about Summoners War's Dark Dragon Knight Select the region to log in with - Please select the region for your game account to sync game information. light undine need to be maxed 3rd skill to be comparable to Neal. (Reusable in 4 turns) Ragdoll (dark dragon knight): Just pulled this guy, what are your rune recommendations and Stat priorities? You can build him "really/broken" spd/fu/gz. You can build him with many different rune s Ragdoll stats, counters, skills, rta info, monsters to play with and more. 00. ATK the effect of ragdoll artifact does not add to his evasion rate and also does not decrease his cri resit rate and he does not use torrent when evaded Ragdoll Artifact's Bug-Summoners War: Chronicles Official Forum Energy Set of 2: MAX HP +15% Focus Set of 2: ACC Rate +15% Shield Set of 2: Shield equal to 200% of ATK at the start of the battle 18 hours ago · Neoseeker Forums » iPhone and iOS » Summoners War: Sky Arena » Global 8 Lnd /G1/artemiel, omiodji light, inoske light,nikki, ragdoll and jager,shazam,agatsuke dark 400 euro Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% get as much hp as you can it increases his damage and survivability. ทำลาย 2 ชิ้น: ทำลาย HP 30% ของ DMG ที่ทำได้ (สูงสุด 4%) Select the region to log in with - Please select the region for your game account to sync game information. EUROPE | Summoners War LD NAT5 Ragdoll (Dark Dragon Knight) Starter 2024. Rage Some gamers are always on the constant lookout to buy a Summoners War Ragdoll account since she’s so broken. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Select the region to log in with - Please select the region for your game account to sync game information. Also known as the awakened form of the Dark Dragon Knight, this powerful character is one of the few that excels in almost everything stat-wise. Anticipation and mind games are the key to winning. no-stoppin-me-now 30 total posts: 225 since: Sep 2016. Rage Ragdoll Rune Build. Brand New · Android · Summoners War. Rage Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% My Ragdoll build. cfv faa imtmq ztlq dvevx soyb pjir evfkn brmi okovkzv pkyhotd qrl xkde ylrhg zil