Peoplesoft secondary page now i have to show this page as a popup window. I have also tried using the EndModal() function. The data within secondary page is at the same level or below the level of the page control that launches the secondary page. – no page activate while returning from secondary page. pagename, title, xpos, ypos, <level, scrollpath, target Aug 16, 2010 · Hi I was able to overcome this issue by following the below steps. Dec 12, 2015 · Hi, I have a secondary page and am unable to return to the main page on click of OK button on the secondary page. Secondary pages are ideal for entering and updating data that is supplemental to the data on the primary page or data that is common to and can be accessed from multiple primary pages. Jan 7, 2010 · Does anyone know how to transfer to a secondary page using peoplecode ? Basically,I have the following code which generates the URL and re-directs to that particular page. In the Steps for creating secondary page 1. To create a new main fluid page based on an existing layout template: In Application Designer, select File, New. A sub page is utilized where you wanna display/ capture similar information for various entities, for example, capturing an address, for a company or for a person, would need similar information like street address, state county, country etc. May 5, 2010 · Creating Secondary Page With Push Button:-->Create the requried Fields(Ex:Email,Alternative Adress, Phone No)-->Drag and drop the field in the Record. You cannot associate a standard page or subpage with the secondary page May 5, 2010 · Creating a Page: (PNL)-->Click on File-->New-->In the New Definition Pop Up Window Select Page and double click on it. Secondary pages are modal, meaning that the user must dismiss the secondary page before continuing work in the page from which the secondary page was called. A value of zero skips SaveEdit and discards buffer changes made in the secondary page (this is the same as clicking the Cancel button). once i click the Return to Main page button (Endmodel (0)) the value (only one sum of amount) should be automatically assigned to Level 3 on Grid’s first row. SECONDPAGE_SPG, "", - 1, - 1);+ If I setup push button properties and select destination is Secondary page It works and show data in grid level1 add one problem The fluid page utilities classes of the PT_PAGE_UTILS application package provide tools to manage certain aspects of your fluid applications: PT_PAGE_UTILS:Banner — Use the PT_PAGE_UTILS:Banner class to control items in the fluid banner including the title as well as visibility of some of the items that appear in the Actions list. A Sub Page is utilized where you want to display or capture similar information for various entities, for example, capturing an address, for a company or for a person, would need similar information like Street address, State county, Country,Pincode Aug 8, 2011 · I am working with a PeopleSoft page where an change is made and I want a secondary page to pop up requesting that additional information is needed. But four more page types aren't used enough to have a suffix pattern: Header Page, Search Page, Prompt Page, and Master&Detail Target Page. Another similar function is ‘DoModalComponent’. PB_FETCH_PO on RECV_PO component (eProcurement > Buyer Center > Receipts): Feb 24, 2016 · Hi Franks thanks for above comment my requirement is i am reading on pdf file signdata and passing in one method of java class to get hash data of pdf . However, with HTML areas, the system skips any control defined within an HTML area, by default, when building the tab index. GetLevel0(). Open a new page-->Right click and May 28, 2024 · PO_LINE_DIST. Oracle PeopleSoft Tips and Tricks. Additionally, the component tree that a component interface uses to order the properties lists the fields in the record based on their order in the Jan 2, 2025 · PeopleSoft Enterprise PT PeopleTools - Version 8. Save it with _SBP 5. That's where secondary pages come in. The main page is used directly within the component. Then you’d use a sub page with those fields and include the sub page in all those pages. If you have a multi-page component, and the user goes between pages, or you return from a secondary page, your page. However you might be able to eliminate the DoSave and just do an SQLExec that inserts into your tracking record. You can call a secondary page as a push button/hyperlink or you can use the DoModal PeopleCode function. When I click on CANCEL button, the data doesn’t get saved and am directed to the main page. activate PeopleCode will execute again. -->Drag and Drop the Records-->Align the page-->save the page as AST_HARSHA-PNL-->Click on F7 Feb 16, 2010 · From: psdost via peopletools-l [mailto: [email protected]]Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:05 PM To: Leslie Cairns Subject: [peopletools-l] Secondary Page OK Button Problem Enable Accessibility Mode. Secondary page is just another page to the user at run-time; they look and behave differently than the primary pages. This follows the same approach for a normal page, except that the page must be marked as a ‘Secondary Page’. Refresh(); 2. How to Refresh Page PeopleCode after save or equal to F5. so i am not able For example, the same page can be accessed on a tablet or a smart phone, yet the page layout will be different for each device. After Click on ‘Add Approval Type’, Screen looks like this, here configure approval page object with record definition. Double-click the control to access the Secondary Page Properties dialog box: Secondary Page tab. It also permits the user to verify the configuration against the underlying page metadata and flag out if any errors exist. 58 and later Information in this document applies to any platform. You are accessing a U. You know that Secondary page can be called from a hyperlink/Push Button either by 'PeopleCode Command' or by 'Secondary page directly' 1. Both of these operations can be performed on the Layout tab. The latter function is only used to transfer from one page to another within the same component. Jul 6, 2023 · What about creating a peoplecode class that encapsulates the rowset of the grid on the main page? You make a component variable of it and instantiate it both on your main component (for initialization) and on the secondary page, that class can have a method like "AppendSelectedRows" that takes a rowset object as a parameter (in this case, your secondary page one) then iterates over each of the When a secondary page is run, the data for its buffers is copied from the parent component to a buffer structure for the secondary page. I have use the DoModal function and the page comes up but when you press the OK button, nothing happens. 2) Domodal function: The DoModal function displays a secondary page. The secondary page 6 days ago · The grid is placed on level 1 of a secondary page and is populated using Peoplecode written in the Activate event of the secondary page. The three level-based controls are: DoModal to display the secondary modal page; IsModal to check if the current page is a modal page; EndModal to close a secondary modal page; DoModal. MY_WRK_REC (your level 0 record on the secondary page) is now considered to be at level 1 in the buffer of the main component. This means that if your secondary page control is inserted in scroll level 1 of the standard page, Peoplecode running when the secondary page is active will not have access to scroll level 0 fields, or the other records and Use DoModalPopup as the recommended function to display a secondary fluid page in a modal, secondary window with a child relationship to the parent window. OPEN command i have to know the URL. I want to access main record field from the peoplecode written on event fieldchange from a button on secondary page and want to assign the value to main page record field. Select the Sub page from the list and click on Ok Steps for creating secondary page 1. Go to Menu > Enterprise Component > Page and Field Configuration > Page and Field Configurator. Apr 30, 2014 · When the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture generates HTML for a page, it creates a tab index, or order, including every control or widget on the page, based on the field order for that page in Application Designer. Apr 20, 2019 · From PeopleBooks: After you define a secondary page, you can place a secondary page control on your primary page and associate it with the secondary page you just created. The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Sep 18, 2018 · It takes to a secondary page on clicking a button. That is, two copies of this data are made. Secondary page should display the values (fromtable) in Grid based on key field in a main page. I have a secondary page that needs to just have a button that says ““I Accept””. Add necessary details on the page like description, Display Type, Page Name, Form Factor, Sequence, and Page Reserved Field. This code refreshes the whole your page. Drag and drop the necessary fields from the Sub record 4. To do this, simply select Secondary Page from the dropdown to get a list of fields available for use. Save it with _SEC. When secondary pages (modal windows) are opened on a Fluid page, then the user is not allowed to resize this page when it is invoked. In a page field configurator, there is no option to select a field on a secondary page. But, when the number of input fields grow it becomes a drag for the user to fill in the details. Each page has its own page activation method which is called from the secondary page activation code. Note: If you are attempting to configure a secondary page and that page does not appear on the list for this component, then the link to this secondary page is missing—that is, there is no secondary page control on the main page or subpage that launches the secondary page. 1. . 6. Secondary Page: Page that will open on users request but remains as a secondary to the primary page display. Click on Composite Key Fields and Secondary page display; Select Cross Reference Record and Sep 28, 2018 · Refresh Page PeopleCode. Apr 16, 2012 · Sub page is generally used for reuse; i. Jun 10, 2012 · I have a page that contains a parent record and several children records. In the grid, there is a column containing a link which would go to a secondary page through DoModal (code is in FieldChange). Symptoms. Use this page to map the configuration to the Portal Registry. To do this, go into the Page properties, followed by the ‘Use’ tab. This works fine on Classic pages. Feb 13, 2008 · If the secondary page is active however, Peoplecode access is limited to the fields available in the secondary page. The information does get stored in the devrived table. I have SavePostChage peoplecode doing some calculations. There is a field (level 1) that is a checkbox that is a "final draft" field - after this is checked no more changes can be The secondary page control appears like a small push button with the secondary page icon on it. October 28, 2018. The first two subpages load fine but the code is not firing for the third subpage. PageName); Ex: TransferPage (Page. On the tablet, more fields may appear, with more space between them, while on the smart phone less fields may appear, and the display will adjust to the smaller space available on the smart phone. e. You can use this PeopleCode after saving at last statement. 51. To accommodate a variety of page designs, PeopleSoft Application Designer uses level-based controls. Feb 15, 2008 · Hi All, Can DoModalComponent be used to display Secondary and Sub Pages? If so, - How is the secondary or sub page identified in the menu structure? (I only see Menu, Menu Item, Page) - Where would you list the Secondary or Sub Page in the DoModalComponent parameters? Did not see this in PBooks. Suppose you have a secondary page with MY_WRK_REC at level 0 and MY_DTL_TBL at level 1. Open a new page-->Right click and select Secondary page 3. You determine your page design based on the type of data that you plan to access and maintain. For those page types, we've come up with our own suffixes: HFL Header Page SRF Search Page PFL BareFoot PeopleSoft. I will be grateful for any suggestions. Mar 2, 2019 · peoplesoft,peoplecode,peopletools,regexp,application engine,component interface,meta tables,hr,finance,integration broker,awe,workflow,class,method,bi Feb 1, 2024 · PeopleSoft Enterprise SCM Purchasing - Version 9. BUSINESS_UNIT_GL this field is present on a secondary page PO_SCHED_DISTRIB Page. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I can not get back to the primary page. 54 or before, you need to add some extra criteria to the web profile Custom Properties. We use the SQL object &VCHRS_GRD_SQL to fetch some Voucher IDs and Vendor IDs from the database and populate the grid with these values. -->Resize the Page by Right click->Page Properties-->Use-->Select the required page size and click on Ok. The main fluid page is the main content area, or target page. Oct 17, 2017 · Can anyone point me to a record in PeopleSoft which can tell me which standard pages a secondary page is attached to ? This post has been answered by BobLilly on Oct 19 2017 Jump to Answer Feb 2, 2015 · I can enable the Go To Row button for them to press, but the secondary page that pops up where the user would enter the Effective Date or Row to go to is display only. Oracle recommends using the PreBuild event if you need to hide the current page. Am I missing some setting or property? Thanks, Laura Hynes HRIS Consultant Menus and tabs return to their original values when the user navigates to another component. This shows all rows with ‘For Approval’ status. Hello PeopleSoft Gurus,How to make a secondary page editable when main page is display only?Thanks in advance. Select Page (Fluid) in the New Definition dialog box, and click OK. On the primary page/component, the scrolls are set up where Level 0 is a derived record, and Level 1 is a grid populated with data from the primary physical record. User List Page. Duplicating the same set of page fields on two or more pages, you can create a single sub-page that contains those page fields and add it to any page. I added a Push button that says ““I Accept””. Select the name of the secondary page to associate with the secondary page control on the active page. Use DoModalPopup as the recommended function to display a secondary fluid page in a modal, secondary window with a child relationship to the parent window. I must not be using the correct properties, since the secondary page always appears as a full page, even though I’ve sized the page in the App Designer. layout first page level0 subpage HD record level1 Line record level2 distribution record call second page from this level my code +&nModalReturn = DoModal(Page. Please find the below document for Detailed Steps: Seconadry page-ModalWindow I have an issue where a subpage on my fluid page is not loading and appears to not be firing page activation code. This is where my problem is. So on my Secondary page I have the ok ,cancel & return unchecked in the properties. 1 and PeopleTools version 8. Mar 23, 2023 · Fluid Page SBF Subpage Fluid SCF Secondary Page Fluid SFL Side Page (1 or 2) FFL Footer Page LFL Layout Page. Secondary Page. EOCC_CONFIG_USER. Secondary page also has a grid. Then set the ‘Page Type’ equal to ‘Secondary Page’: The secondary page push button or link is the starting point for the user of that secondary page. Click on Insert-->Subpage 6. For a field on a secondary page to be selected for the default properties process, it must satisfy all the criteria for field type and page control and must be at the same level as the host page. But even that gives the same result. 4. Using this feature, a user can hide a field/page, change label of a field, add default value to a field, make the field/page read only, or mark the field as mandatory without having to customize delivered application pages. open command. When we use Secondary page option in hyperlink, it suppreses the FieldChange/FieldEdit events and if we need to do any changes we cannot do. TransferPage (): can take the user from one page to the other page within a component. Copy-Paste from another forum “For the OK button of the Secondary page to work, you have place a control called ‘secondary page’ on the primary page from where you are calling the secondary. Example with PO_PICK_ORD_WRK. The fields in which the key values appear must appear in either the same scroll area as the field to which you associate the pop-up page or at a preceding level. you have the same 4 fields appearing the same way on several different pages. Jan 29, 2013 · The grid is placed on level 1 of a secondary page and is populated using Peoplecode written in the Activate event of the secondary page. Sep 14, 2006 · Secondary pages operate modally, with their own “level 0”, which could be initiated from any level - sort of their own mini-component buffer. e, ‘EnablePCModal‘ Value should be ‘True‘. When you use secondary page controls on primary pages, you must also insert a push buttoncontrol and write PeopleCode that invokes the secondary page. You enter information on the secondary page and click the OK button to go back to the main page where you save Issues with the CI: I enter Information on the secondary page record and use endmodal(1) for the OK button. SECONDPAGE_SPG, "", - 1, - 1);+ If I setup push button properties and select destination is Secondary page It works and show data in grid level1 add one problem Apr 18, 2012 · Peopletools book states that by designating a sec page to open in a modal window, it should appear above the primary page allowing you to see both. Similarly, you cannot move an existing page field from elsewhere on the page into the grid. The grid needs to be populated with data that is not in the buffer (PO Header is level 0 so I need the BU and PO ID from the bugger) I built a grid based on a dynamic view (PO_EXP_WKF_DVW) and then have another view (PS_PO_EXP_WKF_VW) that I am populating the grid with. Using Java Script. 2 to 9. This is used to open a secondary component in a modal window while still keeping the original component held in memory. Jan 25, 2019 · With the row action indicator approach, each row presents a read-only summary, with details and edit behavior rendered in a secondary modal popup page. 3. Oct 24, 2013 · Brian Sub and secondary have totally different contexts. In some cases, a page references a single record definition; in others, you may want to reference multiple records. Sep 3, 2012 · Peoplesoft offers grid functionality which is pretty convenient to use if you want to just add and delete data in the grid directly in the rows. to use theWindow. In 2019, beginning with HCM Image 31, Financials Image 32 and Campus Solutions Image 14, you can configure the displays for secondary pages and modal windows using Page and Field Configurator. Drag and drop all the necessary fields in to the main record 2. Modal secondary pages are not new to Fluid, but are definitely more important with Fluid (since inline editable grids are now discouraged). Only secondary pages can be associated with secondary page controls. The page field to which you link the pop-up page can be one of the fields that contains the key field values; frequently, it is the lowest order key. By signing in you agree to acknowledge that the records management, privacy of records, and information security regulations contained in Chapter 31A of the District Mar 21, 2018 · ‘Transfer’ should not be confused with the ‘TransferPage’ function. 50 the answer would be this. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only. We are on 8. Note:Domodel can display only single page. Selecting this option enables the Secondary Page group box, where you can select the name of the secondary page that you want to associate with the push button or link. Dec 9, 2013 · I have a secondary page with a grid at level 1. Syntax: TransferPage (Page. Oct 26, 2011 · What I need to happen: While on the code page (A), I click the ““goto entry page”” button, that transfers to the page X passing the key values from A and the X component pre-build event takes the A values and populates the fields on the X page. But this is transferring to the main page. Consider this scenario: Jul 15, 2008 · i have created actually a Secondary page. This is a pattern we teach almost every week. I have 3 subpages total on a secondary fluid page. US Department of Defense Warning Statement. S. I am having an issue with saving changed data within a secondary page. Feb 14, 2011 · layout first page level0 subpage HD record level1 Line record level2 distribution record call second page from this level my code +&nModalReturn = DoModal(Page. Local SQL &VCHRS_GRD_SQL; /* SQL object for fetching the vouchers and Jun 2, 2024 · PeopleSoft Enterprise PT PeopleTools - Version 8. To define a subpage: Select File > New > Page. The cancel button takes me back to the primary May 5, 2010 · Right click on the page and select Sub Page. May 22, 2011 · A small point about DoModal fucntion and Secondary page. Use this page to capture the list of users to which the configuration defined in the Page Configuration page should be applied to. We can open it through standard page only. I have been looking at web pages and PeopleBooks for hours now in order to get some info on the details of a secondary page and have not succeeded but have seen things that seem contradictory. Click on Insert-->hyperlink/push button. i. Record name tbl 8. You can resize grid columns in PeopleSoft Application Designer by dragging the right border of the column heading. Secondary page is used mostly as a pop-up type page to show additional information or to collect additional information. Copyright © 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. In the secondary page, I can approve/deny the row. See Adding Page Controls. Thanks! C Jun 27, 2012 · &RETURN_MODAL = DoModal(Page. The data buffer classes give access to both of these copies of the data. Tip 069: Modal Pages. The issue is that my code is only populating those values that are in the May 18, 2018 · A number value that determines whether the secondary page data is copied back to the parent page. The basic syntax is: DoModal(PAGE. Since i am not able to find the Secondary page URL, am not able to use this WIndow. I can not find the command to return back to the main page as if the person hit ok. Trying to re-label Edit Requisition > Header Level PO User Defined Fields from Page and Field Configurator, but the Secondary Page drop down list is not showing Header level secondary page "PO user Defined field Jun 30, 2004 · Hi - I’m designing a page that has a link to a secondary page. Jan 29, 2013 · Domodal:Use the DoModal function to display a secondary page. Upon return, I would like my grid to be refreshed and exclude the row I just approved/denied. I have a main page that has a grid at Level 1 that shows fields in a delivered record of Campus Dec 29, 2009 · Hi, Is it Possible to access record on main page from the secondary page called from a push button on the main page. APPL_SEC, "", - 1, - 1); If &RETURN_MODAL = 1 Then-----Work here----- End-If; APPL_SEC is the Secondary page with Derived Record DERIVED_MYP. Creating Secondary Page With Push Button:-->Create the requried Fields(Ex:Email,Alternative Adress, Phone No)-->Drag and drop the field in the Record. IS_REG_PNL); Transfer (): Can take the user from one page to the other page of different component. You have a grid (driven by MY_GRID_REC) and insert the secondary page into the grid. the page has some calculation. After that i am taking that hash data and put it one variable inside HTML area in which we are calling java script function deployjava. The secondary page control looks like a small push button with the secondary page icon on it. Since modifying the main page or subpage yourself would be considered Jun 25, 2007 · Hi. Secondary pages are pages that you access through another page, usually by clicking a link or push button. It is the result of those calculations that I need to see in the view on page 2. to display entire component use DoModelcomponent. Oct 28, 2018 · To access a modal page, you first need to create the page in App Designer. Apr 28, 2012 · The grid is placed on level 1 of a secondary page and is populated using Peoplecode written in the Activate event of the secondary page. Select destination as Secondary PAge. 2 and later: Can We Use Page and Field Configurator on Secondary Pages? Can We Use Page and Field Configurator on Secondary Pages? (Doc ID 2529959. But, when I click on OK button, there is no change in the page Apr 22, 2014 · Hi! I have a page with Level 1 grid. Do a 'Find Definition Reference' to the sub page, secondary page, page, component and then find the menu. Select File, Definition Properties to access the Page Properties dialog box. Jul 14, 2015 · Hi, I am having a page which has level 0,1,2,3 I have a secondary page on the main page which is called by a button from level 2. 2 [Release 9] Information in this document applies to any platform. May 16, 2006 · Does any body know how to transfer values from one page to other= in the same component=2E This is what I am trying to accomplish=2E Suppose there is a field= po_id on the page and I have entered value and when I click on= the hyperlink,I should be able to pass the values of po_id of= first page to the next page and the results should display in= Grid=2E I ma on tools 8=2E46 Mar 25, 2011 · Sorry if this is double posted - I did not see my first question show up. The secondary page control appears like a small push button with the secondary page icon on it. This function includes a modal_options parameter, which allows you to specify characteristics of the modal window such as height and width. select Aug 24, 2017 · To Display Secondary Page as Modal Window (Gray out the standard page and secondary page as Modal window) In PeopleTools 8. Can anyone please help on how to transfer to the secondary page ? &URL = GenerateComponentContentURL(%Portal, %Node, @&MENUNAME, %Market, @&ITEMNAME, “”“”, ““A Creating a subpage is like creating a page definition except that you define it as a subpage rather than a standard page in the Page Properties dialog box. Resizing Grid Columns. A positive value runs SaveEdit PeopleCode and copies the data (this is the same as clicking the OK button). This control is invisible at runtime. Each row in the grid has a field which links to a secondary page. The concept is to… Mar 11, 2012 · I hate it when it seems like so many other people have figured something out and I don’t see it. 1) Oct 1, 2010 · For those familiar with releases prior to PeopleSoft HCM Enterprise Release 9. Unable to set Event Mapping on Record and/or RecordFields that are in a SubPage or Secondary Page. Then, in the properties, supply the name of secondary page you use. Is there a function that is like hitting the ok button to return back? Or is Jun 15, 2006 · Page 2 contains records from a view that is pulling from TRAINING. The probelm is, In secondary Page, SEQUENCE_NBR is blank and when i press "Ok" it doesnt come back to Grid Page. Once the menu is known, find out the data from PSPRSMDEFN table and navigate. PeopleSoft Enterprise SCM Purchasing - Version 9. Is there any way to make those fields editable on the secondary page? Jul 3, 2012 · Additionally, remember that the page. There are two ways to call a secondary page from main page. Drag and drop all the necessary fields in to it. The CANCEL button seems to work fine. The actual page takes you to a secondary page on clicking the "update" link. Insert the record fields on the page. Map to Portal Registry Page. EOCC_MAP_EVENT. Regards, Dhaya. Set Trace Flags. js to load jre on that HTML area but that is not happining. When I DoModal to my sec page, regardless of what settings I use, the the page takes up the entire window and I can’t see the primary page. 7. PeopleTools | Calling a modal page in classic and fluid. 55 and later Information in this document applies to any platform. In addition, if a page is set to be hidden in the component definition, you can change the value of the page to be visible at runtime. activate event fires every time the page gets refreshed, as oppose to the component. -->Open New Page-->Right Click-->Select Page Properties-->Select Secondary Page fro the drop down box-->From the record Drag & Drop the Email to the Secondary Page-->Save it Mar 3, 2014 · Sub Page and Secondary Page have totally different contexts and are used for different purpose. Once page 1 data is entered and saved, I want page 2 to be updated with the changes without havving to leave the component and coming back in. I realize this is because the primary page is display only that is calling this page. PostBuild event, which runs only once. Jan 22, 2015 · The secondary page extends the buffer. The secondary page will contain input fields and I’d like it to be sized similar to a popup. 5. -->Open New Page-->Right Click-->Select Page Properties-->Select Secondary Page fro the drop down box-->From the record Drag & Drop the Email to the Secondary Page-->Save it Use this page to capture the page and field configuration and criteria. Note: every pushbutton should be associated with field of that page record. I am displaying SEQUENCE_NBR in the Secondary Page. qbfcdjve esnk fjlgjivb txwb bqrugf iif jwwiw nizpc pgdy enkdt tove dya trdzzs ezpcy jft