Ojjdp model programs guide. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention www.

Ojjdp model programs guide The I-Guides provide 10 steps for pre-implementation, based on research and experience, organized under three categories: Start, Support, and Secure. Under the FY13 MPG solicitation, OJJDP will expand the number of programs reviewed and the types of evidence-based information available in MPG in adherence to the standards, criteria, and processes that have been established for the The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) encourages the use of evidence-based programs and practices. Jul 1, 2011 · OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation Based on a literature review, this paper discusses the definition and features of juvenile residential treatment centers (RTCs), differences among RTCs, their target populations, and research findings from RTC evaluations. S. Model Programs Guide | All MPG Programs | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Search all MPG programs by keyword, topic or subtopic, risk and protective factors, or age to find the programs that best fit your needs. Search all MPG programs by keyword, topic or subtopic, risk and protective factors, or age to find the programs that best fit your needs. All of the models have the primary function of determining the appropriate disposition for the youth defendant, who is diverted from formal juvenile court processing on the condition that he/she admit to Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Model Programs Guide. Some research indicates that participation by family members can improve the effectiveness of juvenile justice community-based and residential programs, as well as reentry Model Programs Guide The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) released a new edition of the Model Programs Guide (MPG). Nov 13, 2024 · General Resources. Read more about the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model. School and Community Delinquency prevention programs designed to improve the school or classroom environment are based in the social organization theory of delinquency, which argues that delinquent behaviors tend to emerge when the social organization within which a youth functions fails to promote and guide the development of positive behavioral norms. OJJDP and NIJ are components of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP). Learn more about OJJDP's Performance Measures program. This model uses youth volunteers in the roles of defense attorney, prosecuting attorney, and jurors, but an adult volunteer is the judge. NCJ 250663. It is a resource for practitioners and communities about what works, what is promising, and what does not work in juvenile justice, delinquency prevention, and child protection and Aug 1, 2017 · This I-Guide (short for Implementation Guide) is intended for use with the Model Programs Guide (MPG) produced by the U. Contract research staff conduct and draft literature reviews for the Model Programs Guide. Evidence-based programs and practices generally have one or more rigorous outcome evaluations that demonstrate effectiveness by measuring the relationship between the program and its intended outcome(s). Community-oriented policing (COP), also called community policing, is defined by the federal Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services as “a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies that support the systemic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues such as crime, social disorder The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s (OJJDP’s) Model Programs Guide (MPG) contains information about evidence-based juvenile justice and youth prevention, intervention, and reentry programs. Current I-Guides: Diversion Programs; Juvenile Reentry Programs; School-based Bullying Prevention; Access the I-Guides This section of the Model Programs Guide site contains resources for policy makers and practitioners seeking to learn more about the juvenile justice field. The I-Guides provide steps that should be taken and decisions that should be made in the pre-implementation stage, before identifying or implementing an evidence-based program or practice. gov 3 OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Review Keywords: OJJDP, youth, juvenile, intervention The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s (OJJDP’s) Model Programs Guide (MPG) contains information about evidence-based juvenile justice and youth prevention, intervention, and reentry programs. : U. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) encourages the use of evidence-based programs and practices. This database can be used to find programs that cover a continuum of youth services from prevention through reentry. This program furthers the Department’s mission by OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation This review of literature on the modern juvenile justice system discusses the system’s establishment and development history; it examines the available research on adolescent development and outcomes of raise-the-age legislation and court rulings on protections for youth under the age OJJDP is required to set clear program goals and collect performance measure data to demonstrate achievement of those goals. Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention classifies residential programs into five general categories: detention, corrections, camp, community-based, and The literature review found that policies, written materials, programs, and practices have been designed and implemented to engage families in the justice system process. gov. Publication Type. Read literature reviews on a wide variety of topics pertaining to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s Model Programs Guide. gov 2 Outcome Evidence OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Keywords: OJJDP, youth The OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model is a set of five core strategies—community mobilization, opportunities provision, social intervention, suppression, and organizational change and development—that offer a comprehensive, collaborative approach designed to prevent and reduce gang violence. Nov 1, 2018 · OJJDP’s Model Programs Guide (MPG) is an online resource of evidence-based prevention, intervention, and reentry programs and practices for juvenile justice practitioners, policymakers, and communities. Washington, DC: U. Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to be used in conjunction with its Model Programs Guide (MPG), which provides policymakers and practitioners with information on evidence-based juvenile justice and youth Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's Tribal Consultations and Listening Sessions Report 2023. C. Oct 1, 2010 · OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation Based on a literature review, this paper discusses the theoretical foundation of juvenile mental health courts, the scope of the problem such courts address, the features of juvenile mental health courts, evaluation evidence of their effectiveness, and issues and concerns remaining to be OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation Based on a literature review, this paper discusses the features and effectiveness of three types of juvenile probation: traditional probation, intensive supervision programs, and school-based probation. Report (Technical Assistance), Report (Study/Research), Report (Grant Sponsored), Program Description The OJJDP Model Programs Guide Implementation Guides, or I-Guides, provides practical implementation planning resources for practitioners. The Guide A Law Enforcement Official's Guide to the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model OJJDP-Sponsored, March 2017. The YouthARTS Development Project was designed to identify, implement, and refine effective arts-based, delinquency-prevention programs in three selected communities: Atlanta, GA; Portland, OR; and The OJJDP Model Programs Guide Implementation Guides, or I-Guides, provides practical implementation planning resources for practitioners. 33 references and recommendations from the Attorney General's Advisory Committee on American Indian and Alaska Native Restorative justice is a theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior. In 2017, the U. gov 4 Wang et al. This website has been and is funded in part through grants 2001-JR-BX-K002, 2010-WP-BX-K062, 2013-MU-MU-K102, 2016-MU-MU-K053, 2019-MC-FX-K022, and 15PJDP-22-GK-03856-MECP from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U. This guide provides law enforcement leaders with an overview of the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model. gov 3 . U. gov is run by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). Generally, the staff include research assistants and analysts, with supervision from the project director, and senior science staff, who conduct technical reviews and respond to questions. The . ojp. The MPG is a resource for practitioners and communities Oct 1, 2010 · OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation Based on a literature review, this report examines the theoretical models, practical implementation, and evidence-based outcomes of community-oriented policing (COP) and problem-oriented policing (POP), which are two policing strategies that have gained popularity since the mid-1980s. OJJDP’s Model Programs Guide (MPG) is an online resource of evidence-based prevention, intervention, and reentry programs and practices for juvenile justice practitioners, policymakers, and communities. The Survey of Youth in Residential Placement conducted by the U. They found that only about 30 percent of the programs were reentry courts. Aug 1, 2021 · OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation This literature review summarizes and lists literature that addresses restorative justice for juveniles, including its theoretical framework, goals, target populations, various models, and evidence of its effectiveness. Apr 1, 2016 · OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation This overview of issues distinctive to Tribal youth (American Indian and Alaska Native) addresses jurisdictional issues, their over-representation in the justice system, distinctive risk and protective factors related to delinquency, and the findings and limitations of evaluations of OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation Based on a literature review of research on juvenile mentoring programs, this paper discusses the theoretical foundation for such programs, mentoring models, the target population, and research evidence on outcomes of mentoring programs for participating youth. Dec 16, 2021 · The Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews provide practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations for several youth-related topics and programs. Model Programs Guide | All MPG Programs | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Sep 16, 2013 · OJJDP's Model Programs Guide (MPG) provides an online resource for practitioners and policymakers of evidence-based juvenile justice programs and practices. Initiative, Winterfield and Brumbaugh (2005) surveyed reentry programs that specifically target juveniles to acquire the basic characteristics of these programs. OJJDP’s Model Programs Guide: A tool that provides reviews of policies, programs, and practices to help improve responses to youth in the justice system and prevent contact for those who are at risk (from the Department of Justice (DOJ)'s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. National Gang Center Newsletter, Fall 2016 OJJDP-Sponsored, December 2016. Fulton. CrimeSolutions. Risk factors are personal traits, characteristics of the environment, or conditions in the family, school, or community that are linked to youths’ likelihood of engaging in delinquency and other problem behaviors (Murray and Farrington 2010) [for more information, see the Model Programs Guide literature review on Risk Factors for Delinquency]. Model Programs Guide | Resources | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's Model Programs Guide features evidence-based youth prevention, intervention, and reentry programs. Godwin, Tracy M. The Offce of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s (OJJDP’s) Model Programs Guide is an easy-to-use program database that helps practitioners, policymakers, and communities identify and implement programs that can make a difference in the lives of children and families. Washington, D. The OJJDP Model Programs Guide is a user-friendly, online designed to assist practitioners, schools and communities in implementing evidence-based prevention and intervention programs that can make a difference in the lives of children and communities. Peer Justice and Youth Empowerment: An Implementation Guide for Teen Court Programs Delinquency prevention programs designed to improve the school or classroom environment are based in the social organization theory of delinquency, which argues that delinquent behaviors tend to emerge when the social organization within which a youth functions fails to promote and guide the development of positive behavioral norms. . Mar 1, 2019 · Residential programs occur in out-of-home facilities where youth live under various types and levels of restrictive control and programming. Mar 1, 2024 · OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation This review of literature on the modern juvenile justice system discusses the system’s establishment and development history; it examines the available research on adolescent development and outcomes of raise-the-age legislation and court rulings on protections for youth under the age We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. , David Steinhart, and Betsy A. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) is seeking applications for the OJJDP FY 2013 Model Programs Guide Solicitation. Dec 1, 2014 · The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP) Model Programs Guide (MPG) contains information about evidence-based juvenile justice and youth prevention, intervention, and reentry programs. Access a list of evidence-based prevention and intervention programs, organized by topic, that can make a difference in the lives of children and communities. It is a web- Few evidence-based programs focus on Tribal youths and the distinctive problems they face; however, this paper provides some examples of evidence-based programs that address AI/AN risk factors, such as suicide and substance use. Jan 11, 2023 · The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s (OJJDP’s) Model Programs Guide (MPG) contains information about evidence-based juvenile justice and youth prevention, intervention, and reentry programs. 37 references Additional Details Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention . (OJJDP) Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. PDF. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s (OJJDP’s) Model Programs Guide contains information about evidence-based juvenile justice and youth prevention, intervention, and reentry programs. Peer Justice and Youth Empowerment: An Implementation Guide for Teen Court Programs Guide for Implementing the Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Offenders. Fact Sheet. Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to guide the implementation of an evidence-based juvenile diversion program offered prior to juvenile court adjudication. 1998. This web page provides information on and online browsing access to the new I-Guides (short for Implementation Guides) provided by the U. 4 pages. OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation Based on a literature review, this paper discusses the definitions of risk/needs assessments for youth, their theoretical foundation, their administration, risk levels derived from assessments, evaluation findings for their effectiveness, and their limitations. Oct 1, 2010 · OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation Based on a literature review, this report examines the theoretical models, practical implementation, and evidence-based outcomes of community-oriented policing (COP) and problem-oriented policing (POP), which are two policing strategies that have gained popularity since the mid-1980s. The settings for PYD include programs that address specific goals and outcomes for youth; organizations that provide youth-development opportunities; socializing systems such as school, family, and religious institutions that teach and nurture positive behaviors; and the community in which programs, organizations, and socializing systems The settings for PYD include programs that address specific goals and outcomes for youth; organizations that provide youth-development opportunities; socializing systems such as school, family, and religious institutions that teach and nurture positive behaviors; and the community in which programs, organizations, and socializing systems Jan 1, 2019 · OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation This literature review outlines the academic characteristics and challenges for youth in the juvenile justice system, along with interventions intended to improve educational outcomes for this high-risk population. Oct 1, 2024 · OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation This webpage provides a review of literature on youth curfews, providing definitions of curfew laws or ordinances, analyzing their intended goals and how they are applied at the local level, and providing detailed data on youth curfew violations. Starting with a discussion of definitions and scope of the issue relating to juvenile justice processing in the United States, and data trends showing the volume of activity at the different stages of the system, the document is divided into the following sections Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention www. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Subject: OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Review Keywords: OJJDP, youth, juvenile, intervention, delinquency prevention, 508, accessible pdf, day treatment, day treatment center, juvenile offender Created Date: 8/22/2017 11:13:06 AM More research is needed for the development of programs and services that can effectively address the specific needs of youths with disabilities in the juvenile justice system. Model Programs Guide | MPG Programs By Topic | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention OJJDP'S Implementation Guides provide MPG users with problem-specific steps that should be taken in the pre-implementation stage (before identifying or implementing an evidence-based program or practice). Department of Justice. MPG programs fall within the broader scope of CrimeSolutions. OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Review Keywords: OJJDP, youth, juvenile OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation Based on a literature review, this paper discusses the definition and features of juvenile residential treatment centers (RTCs), differences among RTCs, their target populations, and research findings from RTC evaluations. 1999. Model Programs Guide | All MPG Programs | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention U. OJJDP’s Model Programs Guide (MPG) predates CrimeSolutions. Mar 1, 2024 · OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation This literature review describes the legal mechanisms by which youths can be processed and incarcerated with adults and provides the most recent data on the number of youths in adult jails and prisons. Aug 29, 2013 · The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Model Programs Guide is a database of over 200 evidence-based programs. Practices and programs that reflect restorative purposes will respond to crime by identifying and taking steps to repair harm caused by the crime at issue; involve all stakeholders; and transform the traditional relationship between communities and government in responding to crime. Feb 1, 2022 · This literature review focuses on initiation of substance use among children and youth. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's releases of its 300th program! OJJDP's Model Programs Guide (MPG) is a central, credible resource that helps practitioners and policymakers understand what works in juvenile justice programs and practices. They are compiled by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). Feb 1, 2024 · This literature review looks at the consequences of juvenile secure detention and confinement as well as possible alternatives. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s (OJJDP’s) Model Programs Guide (MPG) contains information about evidence-based juvenile justice and youth prevention, intervention, and reentry programs. These include prevention programs, police-led diversion programs, and community-based policing programs. Model Programs Guide | All MPG Programs | Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Jul 25, 2016 · OJJDP's Model Programs Guide - Promising Futures Do a general search on our site here Search our library of resources Resources Library Search our program models and interventions database Search Program Models View our webinar events Events Open the Menu Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention www. In 1995 the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) partnered with the NEA to conduct a national evaluation of the program. The review describes the scope of substance use among youth, risk factors that can lead to substance use, protective factors that can buffer against initiation, various types of prevention programs and outcome evidence, and limitations to the research currently available. The MPG includes information about evidence-based juvenile justice and youth prevention, intervention, and re-entry programs. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention www. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Statistical Briefing Book Glossary (SBB) and the OJJDP Model Programs Guide (the MPG), a juvenile is defined as an individual who is “at or below the upper age of juvenile or family court jurisdiction” (SBB, 2021d; Development Services Group, Inc. The OJJDP Model Programs Guide Implementation Guides, or I-Guides, provides practical implementation planning resources for practitioners. This includes measuring the direction and size of a change in Mar 1, 2024 · This review of literature discusses intentional gun violence involving youth aged 10 to 24 years, noting various federal data sources on gun violence; risk factors for youth gun violence perpetration; protective factors for youth; policy research on guns; public health perspectives on gun violence; outcome evidence; and the conclusion reviews legal impacts and implications for policymakers. , n. All recipients of OJJDP funding are required to collect and report performance data that demonstrate the results of funded activities. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP's) Model Programs Guide (MPG) contains information about evidence-based juvenile justice and youth prevention, intervention, and reentry programs. (2015) conducted research that compared students who were confined to juvenile justice facilities in Florida with a matched nondelinquent group. Apr 1, 2014 · OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation Based on a literature review, this paper presents an overview of the features and evaluation findings for the "wraparound" process, which is a youth-guided, family-driven team planning process that provides coordinated and individualized community-based services for youths and their families. ). ojjdp. Evidence-based programs and practices generally have one or more rigorous outcome evaluations that demonstrated effectiveness by measuring the relationship between the program and its intended outcome(s). The strength and uniqueness of MPG lies in the diversity of its programs. d. Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) convened a group of researchers, practitioners, and federal staff to discuss the current state of research on interactions between law A "group home" is a community-based, long-term facility for juveniles who have extensive contact with community services and institutions, such as school or employment; however, the literature has only a few clear differentiations between the various types of placements for juveniles and at-risk youth. May 1, 2016 · Learn how to implement evidence-based juvenile justice and youth prevention, intervention, and reentry programs and practices with the I-Guides. Jan 1, 2019 · OJJDP Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews Annotation This literature review outlines the academic characteristics and challenges for youth in the juvenile justice system, along with interventions intended to improve educational outcomes for this high-risk population. A Guide for Implementing Teen Court Programs. vumbjbn xvakc jncrr fhxay llnlce gqxoe yeojjqo wpkoq vif wgwdi hnplltxq yrwlrlm axzkwa wvdix zvmfhy