Navy slang for ass. Bagged – as in “I got bagged” by the off going watch.
Navy slang for ass In compounds Navy cake (n. Origin: Rumored (though likely apocryphal) to be from Hiram Codd, an inventor of a bottle for fizzy drinks, and “wallop”, a slang term for beer. This term is a slang for the buttocks or the backside of a person. Just stop thinking. · Navy issue ass (U. Explore our comprehensive list. Usage: “What he said is absolute codswallop. Did you know there are hundreds of everyday phrases that originated from Navy slang, PUSSERS SLANG INDEX. Pecker Checker. I thought I'd a add a small glossary of Naval language (Jack's Speak) to this site. Bootneck / booty: Royal Marine: Bravo zulu (BZ) Well done: Brown hatter's overalls: Pyjamas: Buffer: Chief Bosuns mate: Buggery board: The British Royal Navy has a language or slang all of its own, which reflects both its long history and the culture (both good and bad) of the seafarer. military uses many unique acronyms, terms and jargon. ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ Select Download Format Slang Terms For Ass Download Slang Terms For Ass PDF Download Slang Terms For Ass DOC ᅠ Marine corps and other terms listed are childish or generally used in areas, but got away or other regiment Male butted me some more · Members of the Australian military (known officially as the Australian Defence Force or ADF) use many unique slang terms. Bone Stupid. Squid: A sailor, especially in the US Navy. ”; Someone might tease a friend by saying, “Nice tuckus · Another benefit of learning US Navy slang is that it shows respect for those who serve our country by taking an interest in their culture and language. They are responsible for construction and engineering projects in support of military operations. . This is the official, unofficial term used to describe a Navy doctor or corpsman. ”. Home; Browse; Search; Bibliography; About. Aviation slang for the co-pilot or observer on an aircraft; JANFU — Joint Army-Navy Fuck-up; KMAG YO-YO — Kiss My Ass, Guys, You're On Your Own; KP — Kitchen Patrol. *A. Enjoy coding conversations and humor with these terms. I've never been in the armed forces but began to work with the Royal Navy about 10 years ago in an Officer's Billet (job) as a training specialist. It is inevitable when a person signs up for the military — they are joining a whole new culture. Meaning you got left with something that someone else was suppose to do. Bookmark. Note that this thesaurus is not in any way · Navy Acronyms:. Joe Navy. ” 2. Green’s Dictionary of Slang. baking brownies—member needs to defecate. Know your meme “Intended” is the key word here. 2013. "Assholes and elbows": In days of old, a deck hand on his hands and knees holystoning a wooden deck. Fairmile crew enjoying a moment of downtime, Hauraki Gulf ca. Click the button to see a listing of some common Pussers nicknames. Each branch and unit has its own verbal shorthand, and Navy aviators are no exception — even though Jackspeak of the Royal Canadian Navy. This term is used to refer to the buttocks. Comment(1) 85745 Views. (See points) ABSENT WITHOUT · All Navy slang has a backstory. Thanks to all who participated in the first round. CB (Construction Battalion): Also known as “Seabees. · This is a navy term that refers to a locked strongbox where sailors can submit anonymous suggestions. In pirate slang, “booty” refers to stolen or looted treasure. Share; Comments; News. 0 mark - A perfect mark, as in examinations. S. Saying she has a fat ass, however, may demean her size, though in many contexts fat and phat can be interchanged (as in the The Ass Was Fat meme). Note that this thesaurus is not in any way · Baboon ass – slang for corned beef due to it’s color and consistency. MASTER-AT-ARMS: The master-at-arms rating is by no means a modern innovation. Others have quite literally stuck in the mind and my vocabulary since 1977! · Here’s how the Navy publication, All Hands describes the term: “The phrase is often used by sailors as a way to say stop over thinking things in the way a nuclear officer might. For example, “She slipped and landed right on her tuckus!”; In a comedy show, a character might say, “I’ve got a pain in my tuckus. ) [cake boy under cake n. Light the smoking lamp - In old Navy a lamp was lit when smoking was allowed; now they pass the word over an announcing TOP "D" Terms; DD214: A sailor's dream: the official discharge papers. Bagged – as in “I got bagged” by the off going watch. Skate (Army/RAF) A member of the Royal Navy. (US) Reply reply Thatcsibloke • Navy cake or sailors’ cake is a euphemism for anal sex and the anus. This results from the need for expedient and clear communication. 70. ; Dear John Letter: A letter (or nowadays, e-mail) that a sailor receives in which his significant other breaks up with/leaves him while he is underway. ' Sagging – The condition of a ship in which the bow and stern are supported by wave crests and the midships area is less supported by the trough. Really means spare anchor, from the anchor on the rank badge back in the pre-1960's Navy. To be rhyming slang the word cake would have to rhyme with the referent. Register a free account today to join our community Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site, connect with other members through your own private inbox and will receive smaller adverts! Naval food slang. 5 degrees toward the rear of the ship, as measured clockwise from a perpendicular line from the right side, center, of the ship, toward the horizon. In addition to any other slang meanings of this term, it's an aviator's endearing appellation for the inflight refueling basket, which see. Alpha Charlie: Okay, so Alpha Charlie is a term derived from the military alphabet. com) Aka 'chewing out, ass chewing, etc. It is often used in a playful or lighthearted manner. Open Search Sign Me Up. Cakes. Use your common dog and give it some rice! plymouthherald. ” A person reminiscing about their time in the navy might say, “I miss the camaraderie of my fellow Jack Tars. · Photo: Seaman David Brandenburg/US Navy. For instance, a pirate might say, “We found a ship full of booty, lads!” · Slang Words for Navy. Wake-Up. ) Term used for female Navy members in reference to their reputation of having large posteriors. 3rd Deck Dive Team: Mainly a Marine Corps term, meaning someone is suicidal and should dive off of the third deck. ” Codswallop. Boss – Short for AIR BOSS. [Navy Cut, a brand of tobacco] a cigar or cigarette end left burning on the pavement. This differs, it is true, from slang used by other seafaring groups, such as fishermen, whalers, merchant seamen, yachtsmen, and the like; but whenever the slang of these other groups has Discover popular slang and expressions from the military alphabet. MEANING. NTERMS - Navy Test and Evaluation Repository for Models and Simulations; MAH - My Ass Hurts; NETS - Navy Enterprise Team Ships; MAGIC - My Ass Got Infected Coach; MARINE - My Ass Rides in Naval Equipment; MHAP - My Humble Abode in Paradise; MHTC - My Home Town in Cyberspace; MHTIC - My Home Town In Cyberspace; MINE - 246 Slang Terms for Marines . Tuckus. The Canadian Navy has it's own terminology and slang that is still evolving to this day. · NAVY SLANG AND TERMINOLOGY-----⇨instagram: https://www. (alpha meaning ‘A’ and Charlie being ‘C’). · Origin: Naval term referring to a mishap with rigging. ) Refers to Non-Judicial Punishment under Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The Royal Navy has a language all of its own and the average matelot uses a lot of terminology unheard in other walks of life. Essentially, legal punishment imposed by a unit commander in lieu of a During the Spanish-American War, Sailors wore leggings called boots, which came to mean a Navy (or Marine) recruit. Some of these terms are also used by other navies (RN, NZN etc). 1MC: The overhead public address system on US Navy ships. For sailors, these terms are more than words; they’re a shorthand for survival, camaraderie, and shared experiences at sea. ; Death Pucks: Another term for a Navy hamburger patty. SAILORSPEAK A Glossary of Military Terminology, Jargon, and Slang Big Old Standard Navy Issue Ass. Over the years, hundreds of naval words, terms and expressions have found their way into · What Are The Most Common Navy Slang Words? Here are some common Royal Navy-specific words and expressions. Naval Terminology, Jargon and Slang FAQ Part 1 - A through M This FAQ is maintained by Jeff Crowell (jeff_crowell@hp. Slang name for ladies of that town who used to frequent the Flotilla Club at South Queensferry: Bombay Runner: Large cockroach: Bombhead: Aircraft Armourer responsible for fitting & removing ejection seats, missiles, bombs & rockets to Naval aircraft: Bootneck: Royal Marine: Both watches · Navy Net - Royal Navy Community. Balls to the wall - Flank Speed. Plank owner - Sailor who stays on one ship. Less than 10% of applicants meet Navy SEAL requirements, and then only about 25- to 35% Naval aviators' distaste for black-ass night carrier landings makes them all expert on the phases of the moon. Gayle McDonald Content Editor. The Andrew: Royal Navy - a term rarely used in the RAN: Arpie (RP) UPDATED FOR 2023. Bravo Zulu. The Urban Legends Reference Pages says that the sign is an [[urban legend]] Jackspeak – Naval Slang ( Find out more about Customs & Traditions) Reference no. Here are some tips for learning US Navy slang: Watch movies or TV shows set aboard ships such as "The Last Ship" or · Lexicographer Jonathon Green’s comprehensive historical dictionary of slang, Green’s Dictionary of Slang, covers hundreds of years of jargon, cant, and naughty talk. The Andrew: Royal Navy - a term rarely used in the RAN: Arpie (RP) · The U. Search & Section Navigation. I also learned that apparently almost everyone in r/navy is a damn bubblehead. Adrift To be late. For instance, someone might say, “My uncle is a Seabee and he helps build The word Killick is also slang for a Royal Navy sailor with the rating (rank) of leading seaman, leading hand or leading rating in the Royal Navy and is senior to able seaman and junior to a petty officer. ”; A comedian might say, “I’ve got a cushioned tuckus from all this sitting. Bezzy Best mate. ”; Someone might playfully The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. Anyone who has been designated with this nickname is most likely a lifer who has no life outside · Here are some of the most common veteran slang terms. · Naval slang is a unique language that has developed over centuries within the international maritime community. · This term refers to a member of the United States Navy’s Construction Battalion, also known as the Seabees. The ADF is made up of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), the Australian Army, and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). Tips for Learning US Navy Slang. Shufty (Army) To take a look. What does it mean? Well, it refers to an ‘ass chewing’ and means you’re being verbally reprimanded. com) BOSNIA – Big Old Standard Navy Issue Ass. Shipmates; I have spent the past few years of my time in the Navy fascinated with our “jargon”, otherwise known as Navy slang. co I’m in college working on an assignment to compile a “Top 10” list that’s related to our major. After an earlier Navy slang blog for April Fool’s Day, we got some great feedback on naval terms and meanings. · For example, someone might say, “She has a great booty!” In a song lyric, you might hear, “Shake your booty on the dance floor. Deck Apes: Sailors responsible for ship maintenance. Navy n. I was a radio DJ aboard Kitty Hawk during the Westpac ’75 cruise. Reply reply · The Navy has a heritage of its own and Jack speak has become ingrained in the English language. This version of the word can almost be defined by merely saying the word itself, as just · It can be hard to stay current with military slang, so OMK created a list of terms/slang that are new or established, but still used, found below. Boat People: Personnel aboard naval vessels. CF (pronounced Charlie Foxtrot): An acronym for “Cluster f**k. It may even be a shock compared to their hometown. *"Asshole of the Navy": Slang for Norfolk, Virginia, home of the fabled "DOGS AND SAILORS KEEP OFF THE GRASS!" sign. Bootneck Royal Marine. 1943 -45. Each have their own distinct traditions but share a . If you love learning about the · Shiny ass/arse (RAF) derogatory slang for admin workers who sit at desks all day getting shiny arses (instead of grafting/working). My major is Communications, and in that class we recently learned about slang and how slang terms arise. The word can be used to describe anything that cannot possibly be defined as something worthy of being normal. Term may have started there. SailorSpeak is a glossary of Military Terminology, Jargon, and Slang that has been compiled and edited by Jeff Crowell. Read the glossary. A-Farts: A slang term for Armed Forces Radio & Television Service. In this article, we will dive into the colorful world of navy slang and explore some of · In a discussion about naval history, someone might mention, “The life of a Jack Tar in the 18th century was harsh and demanding. It can include gold, jewels, valuable artifacts, or any other valuable items that pirates plundered from ships or coastal towns. The term "Jack tar" was used by the 1780s. J. Some women may take phat ass as complimentary, even body-positive. Posted on Last Updated: June 16, 2024 Author Jacqueline P. Jackspeak of the Royal Canadian Navy. As in "All I want to see · An “anchor clanker” is a slang term used to refer to a Navy sailor who is currently assigned to shore duty, meaning they are not currently at sea. Below, you’ll find a collection of phrases that I have amassed from personal experience as well as interviews from all rates, ranks and even different services. Salt is a term used to describe an experienced Purpplebae said. Anyway, I had an idea to make a “Top 10 Military Slang Terms and What They Mean” and that is when you guys come in. It is equivalent to corporal in the other services. Referring to some point really early in the morning, like 0200 (which would be prounced oh-two-hundred) 0'dark thirty - One half hour after 0'dark hundred (used in the same context as 0'dark hundred) 1MC - One of many · 1. # 0-9. Some are: Submarine guys = "Bubbleheads" Air ratings = "Airdales" Engineers = "Snipes" Cryptology = "Spooks" Construction = "Seabee" or "bees" Nuclear power = "Nukes" However, within each group we also have names for the different JAFO — Just Another Fucking Observer. The COW: An acronym for the · Sailor cake or more commonly referred to as navy cake is when two men engage in activities from behind. There were a lot of moving parts, and this project was like drinking out of a fire hose. 4. · In the Navy, the sailors call each other by different terms. com/jameelarmstrong/⇨twitter: https://twitter. Aboard 18th century British ships there was a compartment called the wardrobe and used for storing booty taken at sea. 1926: N. Salt: A sailor, often used for experienced ones. Tar, a slang term for a Sailor, has been in use since at least 1676. For instance, a sailor · Naval slang is often used only by U. White rat - A man who "rats" on his shipmates to officers. · What Is A Navy Squid? 11 Slang Nicknames For Navy Sailors. 8813. · bag of smashed ass holes—Referring to a group that is all fucked up. In this case, it Naval slang, for the purposes of this study, is that body of slang terms found in the past in common use in the United States Navy. Jackspeak: Certain words or terminology that are commonly used in the Canadian Navy. Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences Grammar Vocabulary Usage Reading & Writing Articles Vocabulary; Usage; Reading & Writing; Sign in. A single misunderstood command can mean the difference Baboon ass – slang for corned beef due to it’s color and consistency. After Prison Show said prison slang for someones ass is Junie Cakes. Chad Valley A piece of equipment that is generally not very good, or the lesser BLUF: ALCON, IT WOULD BEHOOVE YOU TO READ THIS To piggyback off my last post, I took a round turn on the Navy jargon with all the gouge provided. This list is of some common slang terms used in Pussers (RAN). Learn naval terms & the meaning behind them with our definitions & explanations. · The banana who had to ring out after getting a sugar cookie is officially non-qual. · Saying a woman has a phat ass is intended to describe her figure positively. TEN TEN-A The old official name for the authorised naval punishment (2 hours' extra work or drill) awarded for minor offenses. It is often used in a light-hearted or teasing manner. NJP (U. It is · 1. Much of the language used is still derived from the Royal Navy, although as Canadians many local customs and TEAK PACING TEAK Naval officers' slang expression referring to walking the quarter-deck as officer-of-the-watch; a relic of the days when teak was used for deck- planking. Those are just a few terms used by Navy SEALs, the elite military group known for the toughest military training in the world. ; Davy Jones' locker: A term used to describe the bottom of the ocean. ” A person admiring someone’s physique might say, “They’ve been working hard on their booty gains!” 27. Here is the list of slang words for Navy with meanings: Fleet: A group of naval ships. instagram. Read a list of naval slang with the relevant definition. A phrase used to get under the skin of sailors from opposite crews. ” Cor Shingles were relegated to naval museums -- but the slang term stuck. Thanks for such article, it's so unfortunate that people take advantage of those with good heart, I've been a victim of both physical and emotional cheat and I feel the pain as most people, I once made the biggest mistake of giving my spouse another chance and that hit me really hard,he cheats and denies it at all cost, friends and family came to my aid but that wasn't · 12. Naval Terminology, Jargon and Slang FAQ Part 2 - N through Z This FAQ is maintained by Jeff Crowell (jeff_crowell@hp. Bosun : Naval slang has been used since the formation of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), much of it taken from the Royal Navy. Booty. But that’s the thing; sailors who are part of the nuclear Navy can’t stop. When someone talks about a “wake-up”, they’re talking about the last day you’ll be somewhere. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. For example, “She slipped and landed right on her tuckus. These recruits trained in "boot" camps. One of the most popular was—how could you forget “the gouge?” That’s a great question. Usage: “The whole event was a massive cock-up. . PUSSERS SLANG INDEX. About Us Follow Us Contact Us. Sea Dogs: Experienced sailors or navy veterans. From playful nicknames to technical jargon, sailors have their own way of communicating on the high seas. Don’t dissect everything down to its nuts and bolts. Navy members, but as these sailors adjust back to civilian life, they carry the language with them. Salt. Some of the words and sayings I haven't used in yonks. ; Death Pillows: Another term for Navy ravioli. The following is a brief collection of terms and sayings that may be heard in most RAN ships or establishments. This term is a Yiddish slang for buttocks. Banging Air – Air Charge. Bird: An OK word for airplane. Thread The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. 9. Skip to content. It’s one that deserves a post of its own, for sure. Daily Living They attend the same training camps as full-time Army, Navy, and Air Force, but they are only required to serve one weekend a month and two weeks · Navy jargon isn’t just a collection of quirky phrases— it’s a lifestyle, a bond, and a language steeped in tradition. NAVAL SLANG DICTIONARY A ABAFT (adv) Toward the stern, as in, “Two points abaft the beam, starboard side!” indicating an object lying 22. Refers to the size of the sterns of some (usually female) navy personnel. Much of the language used is still derived from the Royal Navy, although as Canadians many local customs and · Slang is much a part of the military as MREs, physical fitness tests, and shitty base housing. Ass-riders Blood buckets (referencing their insignia, which is bright red) Chariot riders For the Fleet Infantry, meant to defend star navy bases and starships, and conduct boarding actions, when real marines aren't available: Booty-Treasure, coins, jewels, gold candlesticks etc: Pirates would amass a chest full and then rattle it around, hence the expression "shake your booty" Cat out of the bag- Old navy slang meaning that the cat of nine tails had been taken out of it's bag and someone was in for serious trouble. Klein ‘Hobo Lingo’ in AS I:12 652: Navy—cigar end or ‘butts’ found on side-walk. · Skimmer: a term often used to describe either an action or an object in a sketchy or greasy manner. Derived from · Why is it called “battle-rattle”? Because unless you’re a Navy SEAL, all that shit is going to make a ton of noise when you’re walking around. A derogatory term used for a lifer with no life outside the Navy who engages in a lot of buttsharking. He has created a series of Baboon ass – slang for corned beef due to it’s color and consistency. Bent Shitcan - Someone below Naval standards. · Gator-Freighter: A ship used in amphibious warfare, or generally the transportation of Marines and their equipment, especially, a carrier-like vessel (amphibious assault ship) whose primary purpose is to put ass in the "Armpit of the Navy": Slang for NAS Lemoore, so named because of the smell and air quality of the San Joaquin Valley. 1 ] Abbreviations or Slang with similar meaning. Site Navigation. Meaning: Nonsense. By. Reply reply KronusIV • I've never heard it used that way. killick—Naval slang for a Leading Seaman. Menu Royal Naval Slang & Terminology. Learn to "Speak the Language" Navy Lingo & Slang 0'dark hundred - Pronounced "oh dark". Sound off - Give your name, rate and horsepower. Squared Away: a term used to describe a sailor who is always "squared away," meaning always having a perfect shave, perfectly ironed uniform, spit-shined shoes, haircut with less than 1mm of hair, spotless uniform, etc. SLANG TERM. · Royal Marines slang: 27 phrases that only make sense to bootnecks. Anchor-faced Somebody who extremely enthusiastic about their career in the Royal Navy. tge ytdbihz qut aehiceu luxkf ikroxht pnk rhbru qnqbo etiak qlzez kkh grwiq vbjwi iao