Moto guzzi v7 forum. Anima Guzzista Forum; ↳ Forum Generale; Le .

Moto guzzi v7 forum. Da kann man sicherlich einiges an Infos zusammentragen.

  • Moto guzzi v7 forum Motor. Wer Wert auf ein präzises Handling und ein sicheres Fahrgefühl legt, sollte über ein dieses Upgrade nachdenken. ft. Apr 30, 2019 · Other than another video I made a couple of years ago I have not found many how to remove or replace the rear wheel on a Moto Guzzi V7. Fragen und Antworten zum Motor der Guzzis. Nov 6, 2024 · Das Wilbers-Upgrade hat meine Moto Guzzi V7 III in ein noch agileres und komfortableres Motorrad verwandelt. Everyone knows the V7 is a fun bike, but with this upgrade it’s fun squared. There's a first time for Jul 31, 2015 · Ciao Guest - You’ve landed at the ultimate Guzzi site. 3 days ago · Anciennes : Les Petits Mono - 500 Falcone - 254 / 354 / 400 GTS - V700 / V7 Special - V7 Sport / S / S3 - 850 GT / T - 1000 Convert / G5 / S / SP . I've test ridden a Bonnie in the past and liked the Guzzi better. Egal ob Stone, Special, Café, Classic oder Racer - jetzt seid Ihr gefordert Eure Erfahrungen hier gebündelt in einem Fred f Jul 31, 2021 · The V7’s New Lease on Life by Steven Rossi The 49th Annual MGNOC Rally…held in Keene, New Hampshire to celebrate Moto Guzzi’s 100th Anniversary…has come and gone, and a good time was had by all. Mar 2, 2022 · I am 69, also 6'0" 32 inch inseam. Anima Guzzista Forum; ↳ Forum Generale; Le Feb 1, 2018 · Bonjour et bienvenue sur le Forum Guzzi-Passion ! ↳ Who's who - Présentations; Les Modèles; ↳ Petits blocs : V35 - V50 - V65 - V75; ↳ V35 - V35 II - V35 C - V35 Imola; ↳ V50 - V50 II - V50 III - V50 Monza; ↳ V65 - V65 C - V65 Florida - V65 GT - V65 Lario - V65 SP; ↳ 750 Strada - 750 Targa - V75 - V75 SP; ↳ 750 Breva / Nevada / V7 Jan 30, 2022 · Paint on the black headers flaked off in places. Lot #14,456. 2 days ago · Anciennes : Les Petits Mono - 500 Falcone - 254 / 354 / 400 GTS - V700 / V7 Special - V7 Sport / S / S3 - 850 GT / T - 1000 Convert / G5 / S / SP . Apr 22, 2016 · Ciao Guest - You’ve landed at the ultimate Guzzi site. Dec 2, 2020 · Forum; Motorrad; Moto Guzzi; MG V7 ab 2021; MG V7 ab 2021. Adding insult to injury was the Guzzi's unusual control layout. Jan 11, 2022 · Moin, ich kann meine Maschine leider erst im März abholen, daher meine Frage: Kann irgend jemand, der eine v7 850 (e5), also die Maschine, die gerade in Produktion ist, besitzt mir den Gefallen tun und mal im Fahrzeugschein nachgucken welche Reifen auf die Maschine müssen? The most inclusive Moto Guzzi V7 enthusiasts forum welcoming UK members and V7 owners from around the World. Werner Robin. Looking for advice Dec 11, 2011 · ↳ Moto Guzzi V9 Roamer & Bobber ↳ Moto Guzzi V85 TT; ↳ Les nouvelles Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello & S / Stelvio; ↳ Moto Guzzi V100 Stelvio; ↳ Gros blocs Moto Guzzi injectés 2V, 4V & 8V; ↳ Prépa - Proto - Course - Cafe Racer & Personnalisation Moto Guzzi; ↳ Attelages, trike & tricyclecar Moto Guzzi Sep 20, 2020 · La/le tua/e Moto Guzzi:: Guzzi V7 lll Special '17 Ex V65 Sp 1983 Località: Nichelino TO. Mainly I am interested to see how much they will be charging for that rear grab bar, though an OEM brown seat would be awesome too. Il s'agit du moteur le plus récent et le plus moderne fabriqué à Mandello, qui garantit de meilleures performances et un meilleur rendement global afin d'offrir un maximum de plaisir de conduite, de fun et de fiabilité. The new engine is great, noticeably more torquey and quick than the older. Mar 16, 2023 · La/le tua/e Moto Guzzi:: Ex Guzzi v7 iii 750 Guzzi v7 850. If it leaks again, feel free to cut off of the old clamp and put on a new one. 11. Kein Ruckeln schöner Durchzug, schön zum cruisen. 4k Moto Guzzi, Ducati, Aprilia und Jul 13, 2017 · I am an engineer with 15 motorcycles—3 guzzi’s--and I have a knack for finding faults but I can’t find a fault with this set up. Re: [V7-850 STONE] le impressioni di un pischello. ) Jan 28, 2016 · Zijn hier Guzzi V7 rijders die frequent (lees: quasi dagelijks) rijden? Het Moto Guzzi V7 III topic, deel 1 Hét forum voor en door motorrijders uit Nederland Aug 29, 2022 · Thought I'd post this here in case it's relevant. It's not BS. Aug 27, 2012 · Ciao Guest - You’ve landed at the ultimate Guzzi site. . Based on the standard V7 Stone, the Special Edition enjoys enhanced hard parts and styling. Aug 14, 2014 · Check the clutch cable just where it passes between the cylinders, as well. I had a 2013 Moto Guzzi V7 as a second bike that I really liked. NEW FORUM REGISTRATIONS REQUIRE EMAIL ACTIVATION - CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER - Use the CONTACT above if you need help. 000km maximum. Many V7 850 have a hiccup at lower rpms at a steady speed. stock with UpMap (64. Mar 10, 2017 · When checking the Moto Guzzi US website though, the accessories . I have owned a Norton 750 Commando Roadster and a Honda V45 Sabre. 4 lb. Die V7 II Racer ist eine 2015er. Themenstarter am 2. It was the difference between night and day. m, réservoir 21 litres, poids en ordre de marche 220 kg, hauteur de selle 780 mm. A second rotor isn't an option on the V7 as you all should well know, and this set up is more brake than you'll ever need, even with one finger actuation. Feb 19, 2013 · Hi, Wir haben drei aus Mandello. It’s perfection! I installed this mod on my V7-3 racer--GTM V7 820 Big Bore, GTM GP Exhaust and the GTM ECU Flash. 2022 v 22:09 MarioV2: Moto Guzzi V7 racer 2014 - domácí s Moto Guzzi V7 Racer: LuckyGhost: 16 : 6. Jul 14, 2014 · Moin' Leute, nicht nur, daß die V7 mehr als 50% der letztjährigen Guzzigesamtproduktion ausmachte, ist sie ja auch hier im Forum mit den verschiedensten Varianten vertreten. Guzzi makes wonderful machines. In Austin you have a fantastic Guzzi dealer. Moto Guzzi V7 [consigli su pneumatici] 15067659. I can make virtually any Moto Guzzi shift smoothly by preloading the shifter. Below is an overlay of GTM Drags (with stock air filter) and our tune (70. Es gäbe da noch den Bridgestone BT45, der aber als veraltet gilt. Waarom heb ik toch een Guzzi V7 gekozen? De prijs. Bin nun seit Ende September 2015 ca. I rode my ST1300 to the Guzzi rally and took a couple of the then new bikes out for a test ride. Sep 9, 2013 · New to the forum? For all new members, we require ONE post in the Introductions section at the bottom, in order to post in most of the other sections. Aug 9, 2021 · 2022 Moto Guzzi V85 2018 Husky 701 2023 Husky TX300 '16 Guzzi V7 II Stone, ‘15 Ural Gear Up, '11 Suzuki TU250X, ‘86 Guzzi V65 Lario, '78/‘80 Honda CX500 Un nouveau moteur Moto Guzzi fait ses débuts sur la nouvelle V7, un dérivé proche de celui qui équipe la V85 TT. The Owners's Club forum and the other British one seem pretty dead. May 24, 2010 · Moto Guzzi V7 2021 Ο δικύλινδρος κινητήρας των 850cc προέρχεται από το V85 και έχει ισχύ 65 hp / 6. Closest is 200 miles. I commute daily (unless snowing or horrible downpour) to work but also love long distance weekend and overnight rides. Oh, and maintenance is simple and infrequent with the valves out on the heads and shaft drive. Beim ersten Kundendienst (1000 km) wurde mir Motoröl Motul 300V 15W50 vollsynthetisch eingefüllt. Canister sleeves are made from stainless steel, featuring laser etched Agostini Mandello Logo with the Moto Guzzi Eagle. Cita; Fabbbio ha scritto:Benvenuto nel forum e nel guzzismo! Oct 17, 2017 · The gentleman at Piaggio/Moto Guzzi in Italy who had to program the engine's control computer (ECU) around its foibles told me, personally, that it was a POS and should be removed if possible. I would like to soften it but am concerned if I go too far I will damage the suspension unit. Sep 3, 2024 · I have just purchased my beautiful blue 3 year old V7 special. If there's any justice in the world, the new V7 should break all Moto Guzzi sales Je souhaite monter les échappements Mistral sur ma future 850 V7 , et le concessionnaire me le déconseille tant que ceux ci ne sont pas "homologués" par Moto Guzzi , Et parce qu'il y aurait un risque pour les soupapes , le moteur étant réglé limite pauvre pour coller à la norme Euro 5. Prezzi a partire da 8. Mar 19, 2020 · Ciao Guest - You’ve landed at the ultimate Guzzi site. Jul 9, 2019 · Is dit DE motor voor altijd? Qua conform rijden zou ik zeggen, kan beter, maar dat heeft te maken met de V motor, moto Guzzi wilt juist dat de motor "leeft". Apr 24, 2017 · I installed it on my '16 V7-820R II and V7 III-820R. Jul 27, 2018 · Is the V7 the most reliable Guzzi sold in the last decade or two? Well in my incredibly small sample my V7 has clearly been much less trouble than my 00 Tonti Jackal and 06 CARC Breva 1100. ALWAYS TRY A SEARCH BEFORE STARTING A NEW TOPIC - Most questions you may have, have likely been already answered. Cambia tutto May 26, 2017 · Bienvenue sur les forums Moto-Station ! Le Forum Moto-Station est avant tout associé au site Moto-Station. I had to replace a rear wheel sensor, and was advised to silicone the area where the wire enters the sensor to prevent water ingress. Re: TOPIC UFFICIALE: V7 III - II. From what I read here and on other motorcycle forums, this is not an isolated instance of problems caused by this system. 000€. I was not prepared for the incredible difference between the two bikes, power, handling, everything. Were they your dealer? This looks like the best forum for a V7 rider, even though it's not English. ft Sep 29, 2022 · Moto Guzzi V7 Versioni e Allestimenti. This is a Mobile friendly Free forum for Moto Guzzi riders and enthusiasts powered by WebWiz. 800RPM(52hp το απερχόμενο μοντέλο) και ροπή 7,44kgm/5. Anima Guzzista Forum; ↳ Forum Generale; Le rubriche Apr 22, 2019 · -2022 Moto Guzzi V85tt travel 18 Guzzi V7III Carbon Dark 13 Guzzi V7 Stone 11 Duc M696. Neben dem relativ lauten Ventil klappern (mir wurde hier bestätigt , dass das normal ist. Re: La mia prima moto, Guzzi V7 Stone 2021 Anima Guzzista Forum; ↳ Forum Generale; Le Sep 23, 2023 · Hey , Name's Chuck and been riding a long time currently loving my 2017 moto guzzi v7iii stone but am considering switching to a new triumph speed twin. Après 99 ans d'histoire, Guzzi a donné naissance à d'innombrables modèles de moto. EMC propose différents modèles pour la V7 III de 680€ pour une version acier, précontrainte à vis, hydraulique simple réglage qui combine détente et compression rapides, The most inclusive Moto Guzzi V7 enthusiasts forum welcoming UK members and V7 owners from around the World. Op de snelweg zijn de trillingen stukken minder. Sep 9, 2021 · La/le tua/e Moto Guzzi:: V7 special 2021 - Blu Formale Località: Vicenza. News, Technical Nov 10, 2020 · Nuova Moto Guzzi V7 2021, dati tecnici e caratteristiche Moto Guzzi rinnova la sua V7 dotandola del motore 850, già visto all'opera sulla V85 TT, e di un equipaggiamento ancora più ricco e completo. Für alle, die Moto Guzzi V7 Stone - Motorrad Forum Jan 22, 2021 · Ciao Guest - You’ve landed at the ultimate Guzzi site. Sure, the Yamaha may be superior on paper and it's surely faster but the Moto Guzzi is every bit as much fun. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Guzzi guys and gals to congregate because after all, there’s only one one-hundredth! Nov 15, 2024 · Moto Guzzi a présenté des évolutions au salon Eicma de Milan. Dezember 2020 um 10:37. Ich habe eine ähnliche Historie wie du, später Führerschein, Erfahrung mit einem 125 Roller and dann Guzzi, erst V7 II dann noch eine V9 Bob Sep 13, 2022 · The 2023 Moto Guzzi V7 Stone Special Edition has been revealed at the GMG – Guzzi World Days and the Città Della Moto Guzzi International Motorcycle Rally in Mandello del Lario. The bike hasn’t done a lot of miles in the last year under the previous owner, (has a total of 22K on the clock), but always started, following what to me seemed Jul 27, 2013 · Ensuite je recherche une moto guzzi v7 classic blanche en parfait état millésime 2010 minimum (préférence 2011) avec 15. Moto Guzzi Door Mat: Jul 26, 2016 · Mermoto, my dad bought a Guzzi in the 60s from Newcombes, in Chelmsford. Feb 14, 2025 · The reliable source for step-by-step tutorials, performance products, and technical data – created and maintained by a global community of Moto Guzzi enthusiasts since 2001. Na een aantal jaren merk je pas wat je echt zoekt in een motor. I own a Classic and I've test ridden a 2013 Stone with the new engine. There are threads on this and other Guzzi boards about misrouting of the clutch cable (mostly with the V7 Racer models), which allows it to touch the cylinder head fins. (to give an idea of what I'm valuing: I'm also planning on test riding Suzuki wee stroms, Bmw f700gs and Bmw f800gt. I love my Special, just back from a nice ride. Mar 27, 2020 · A l'achat de la V7, comme cela m'est arrivé sur beaucoup de moto, je savais que je changerais sûrement les amortisseurs. Moto Guzzi V7 III Special 26/05/2017, 17h07. Much is made of the character and "feel" of a Moto Guzzi. 4 hp orange trace/52. 1000 Le Mans, MGS01 und V7 Racer. Per il 2021, dunque, la più classica delle moto di Mandello si "fa grande" e ancora più efficace. I think they cease to be a Guzzi dealer not long ago. Moto Guzzi's hebben in elk geval altijd bekijks en bij deze zie je fraai de dwarse V-twin, het kenmerk van Guzzi. Modérateur : variel Jul 19, 2021 · Mittlerweile fahren ja schon Einige hier im Forum die neue V7, und haben sicher auch schon etliche Kilometer, Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen gesammelt. 5. It's just right for me. 16 Antworten Neuester Beitrag am 3. 000€ et 5. This melts the outside casing of the cable, leading to shifting problems. The previous seller had taken his wife on it so had cranked up the suspension but I do not know by how much. Ce forum est celui des passionnés de vieilles mécaniques. Sep 9, 2017 · This thread houses info on the V7 III. Da kann man sicherlich einiges an Infos zusammentragen. Also warte ich bis zur Inspec) fällt mir auf, dass das Motorrad zwischen 2800 Jul 23, 2014 · Sul forum moto discussioni tecniche, mercatino e informazioni. Apr 22, 2016 · I own a V7 III Special, before that a Mark I V7 Racer. März 2021 um 8:06. dave1068. 2022 v 16:30 Koudy01: Zkrácený zadek na Moto guzzi V7 Moto Guzzi V7 Classic, Moto Guzzi V7 Café, Moto Guzz matesxxx: 0 Aug 16, 2024 · Hey folks, newbie Guzzi owner having picked up my 2010 V7 Classic only two weeks and less than 200 miles ago. Apr 24, 2024 · bikes: Moto Guzzi Griso 1100,Moto Guzzi California/Watsonian GP700, Moto Guzzi California II, Moto Guzzi V85TT, DUCATI Monster S2R, MZ TS125,Honda CB750 SevenFifty from: Hochstätten Share Nov 28, 2022 · Ciao Guest - You’ve landed at the ultimate Guzzi site. There is a Moto Guzzi Technical Update available for the V7 850 (aka E5 model): "MOTO GUZZI TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION G_220377_TC_EN 19/04/2022"An excerpt from the update:"The main contents of the available update are: 1. Oct 11, 2009 · Moto Guzzi V7 Cafe passenger footpegs? I have a 2010 Moto Guzzi V7 Cafe Classic, same as the Classic except for clip-on bars, solo seat and upswept pipes. Dec 16, 2020 · A new Moto Guzzi engine makes its début on the new V7, a close derivative of the one that powers the V85 TT. Something like this when put on a V7 II: Jun 18, 2013 · Proefrijden is het enig juiste. I think Jay has had an equally trouble-free time with his 4 smallblocks. Mar 22, 2019 · Ciao Guest - You’ve landed at the ultimate Guzzi site. Gruß René Aug 21, 2021 · Ciao Guest - You’ve landed at the ultimate Guzzi site. If you loved the V7, the Stone Ten will be a blast. Ventile einstellen V7 (LW) I bzw. pdf file only shows last years catalog. Feb 20, 2011 · Bonjour et bienvenue sur le Forum Guzzi-Passion ! ↳ Who's who - Présentations; Les Modèles; ↳ Petits blocs : V35 - V50 - V65 - V75; ↳ V35 - V35 II - V35 C - V35 Imola; ↳ V50 - V50 II - V50 III - V50 Monza; ↳ V65 - V65 C - V65 Florida - V65 GT - V65 Lario - V65 SP; ↳ 750 Strada - 750 Targa - V75 - V75 SP; ↳ 750 Breva / Nevada / V7 Dec 12, 2012 · Guzzi had a problem with the clamp for the cylinder head oil line on some V7's, and sent out a service bulletin on it. Dec 24, 2024 · My Guzzi shares garage space with s new Yamaha XSR 900, which to many riders would seem vastly superior to pushrod 52 hp V7. Suc6 met je AVD. Über die Suche hab ich nicht viel zu Kaufberatung gefunden. Daarom trilt ie terwijl beide cilinders zijn werk levert. La V7 Stone è ad esempio la Moto Guzzi V7 che unisce stile classico e dotazioni moderne, proponendo: Illuminazione luce LED con proiettore anteriore di luce diurna DRL che delinea la sagoma dell’aquila Moto Guzzi Jun 8, 2021 · Agostini V7-850 E5 Short Slip-On Mufflers Agostini's Short Mufflers for your Moto Guzzi V7-850 E5. I had a 2018 Goldwing Tour but am now riding a 2021 Heritage Classic and a NC750X as a second bike. Apr 10, 2024 · comme je le disais dans ma présentation , c'est ma première Moto Guzzi fin de mois je vais chercher ma V7 850 jaune , et ma première question : c est le rodage a la concession le vendeur ma parler de 500 km tranquille , puis vidange a 1500 km sans plus de précision . Mar 13, 2021 · If I understand correctly, my V7 II is the last Heron Head, but with the addition of ABS and Traction Control. 15067659 Inviato: 23 Lug 2014 9:38 Ciao, Oct 1, 2024 · Members; 118 name: Björn bikes: Moto Guzzi V7 Stone TEN; Ducati Nightshift, Triumph Bonni-Bastard (Cafe-Racer mit Vergaser, Alutank usw) from: Schwarzwald Feb 15, 2025 · Ciao Guest - You’ve landed at the ultimate Guzzi site. Modérateur : variel May 10, 2023 · Ciao Guest - You’ve landed at the ultimate Guzzi site. Buy a quality tumbler and support the forum at the same time! Preorders Now Open For New V7 Sport Started by SLDMRossi. J'ai les boules d'avoir raté une belle affaire. There's a thread here somewhere on the V7 Classic. 2 days ago · Utente Registrato Messaggi: 2007 Iscritto il: gio gen 22, 2015 9:09 pm La/le tua/e Moto Guzzi:: Guzzi V7 Special - Guzzi T3 - Buell XB12 - Guzzi LMII Jun 21, 2020 · La/le tua/e Moto Guzzi:: Moto Guzzi V7 III Stone. This is the most recent and modern drive built in Mandello, which guarantees better performance and overall greater efficiency in order to provide maximum riding pleasure, fun and reliability. 6 hp red trace/56. The Owner's manual states change the filter with each oil change. I want a new V7 850 but the dealers in my area are none. Common auto clamps have worked fine for me; it's not a high pressure line. May 1, 2022 · Moto Guzzi never made tractors or agricultural equipment, and there is nothing similar to the early military vehicles and Carcano’s 90 degree V twin design. Not an uncommon problem. 1 lb. Alle laufen einwandfrei. News, Technical Mar 16, 2012 · What is recommended by Moto Guzzi? The recommended products in the service manual lead me to believe conventional oil is recommended but it is not clear. blue trace) vs. Moto Guzzi V7 V7 . 000 Guzzisti das Moto Guzzi Forum. Buy a quality tumbler and support the forum at the same time! Oct 10, 2012 · Moin aus dem Norden, Vorgestellt habe ich mich eben gerade hier und möchte mir gern eure Meinung über die Moto Guzzi V7 Stone einholen. The V7 850 is a beautiful bike and would replace the Royal Enfield Interceptor I just sold, But I keep looking at the V85TT because it is so unique looking and just stunning in the Sep 7, 2016 · About two weeks ago, someone on the Moto Guzzi Yahoo e-mail list said that Moto Guzzi is now producing a centre stand for the V7 II. Does anyone know if I go back too far will it come to a stop or can I go to far? Great forum, after suspension is the evap delete 🙂 Aug 21, 2021 · I test rode a Norge a few years ago. New to the forum? For all new members, we require ONE post in the Introductions section at the bottom, in order to post in most of the other sections. Elimination of fuel Jul 29, 2023 · Hallo Zusammen, Wie in meinem Vorstellungsthread erwähnt, spiele ich mit dem Gedanken mir eine Guzzi V7 850 anzuschaffen. Moto Guzzi V7 è disponibile in diverse versioni alternative. 6. Sous l'ère Piaggio ont suivi les V7 Classic & dérivées (Special - Stone & Racer), avec l'arrivée en 2012 d'une nouvelle motorisation et de diverses variantes autour de ce petit bloc fort sympatoche Sep 4, 2021 · Bonjour et bienvenue sur le Forum Guzzi-Passion ! ↳ Who's who - Présentations; Les Modèles; ↳ Petits blocs : V35 - V50 - V65 - V75; ↳ V35 - V35 II - V35 C - V35 Imola; ↳ V50 - V50 II - V50 III - V50 Monza; ↳ V65 - V65 C - V65 Florida - V65 GT - V65 Lario - V65 SP; ↳ 750 Strada - 750 Targa - V75 - V75 SP; ↳ 750 Breva / Nevada / V7 Dec 23, 2022 · No Reserve: 1981 Moto Guzzi V50 Monza Bid for the chance to own a No Reserve: 1981 Moto Guzzi V50 Monza at auction with Bring a Trailer, the home of the best vintage and classic cars online. Yes it is important to do front and rear upgrades together, especially if you are outside of the target stock weight ranges (155-170 lbs in gear). Forums. Jun 15, 2016 · Moto Guzzi V7 Classic, Moto Guzzi V7 Racer, Moto Guz Mates019: 14 : 5. Such mal hier oder im roten Forum, gab schon diverse Themen dazu. Sep 26, 2016 · für die V7 due werden die Conti Road Attack (wars glaub ich) sowie die Michelin Pilot Road als bessere Alternative zu den Pirellis gehandelt. Mon budget est compris entre 4. 840 Euro La V7 rappresenta un successo Jun 14, 2021 · Trois ans après son acquisition par Aprilia, Guzzi a développé un V75ie, servant de base aux 750 Bréva & Névada. 5500 km gefahren. Moto Guzzi V7 cresce in cilindrata ma anche in prestazioni e comfort. The combo is pricey, but for anyone used to modern sport brakes, this combo will make you very happy. Been loving everything about it but got stranded following a starting issue and had to push the bike home last time out. Però, siamo persone adulte e abbiamo maturato esperienza nel tempo, oltre che avere una nostra testa pensante ed un sacco di aneddoti relativi al mondo della moto ed Dec 4, 2024 · Moto Guzzi V7 Sport 2025 : fiche technique Bicylindre en ligne à refroidissement par air, 853,4 cm3, 67,3 ch, 79 N. Jan 2, 2019 · 2013 Moto Guzzi V7 Stone 2008 Aprilia Scarabeo 200 2017 Royal Enfield 500 Buy a quality tumbler and support the forum at the same time! Better than a YETI! BPA Willkommen zum Guzzisti Forum, dem Forum in dem sich alles um Moto Guzzi dreht. On my previous video I showed how to do so without removing the transmission box assembly, which is just about manageable with a standard 130 tyre. V7 II Special - Zwischenbericht 50. A carbon canisterectomy solves the problem. The service manual for the V7 Classic specifies that the oil filter be changed at 1000KM and again at 7500KM. Great attention to detail has gone into the design of this bike, from the twin blacked-out exhausts to the Moto Guzzi logo carefully worked into the handsome single LED headlight. Sep 2, 2017 · I am test riding some non guzzi bikes but since this is a guzzi forum and there's a lot I loved about my V7, I'm asking questions about the v7 and touring. II (Breva, Nevada) Jun 18, 2016 · Ola! Heute habe ich meinen ersten Motorölwechsel bei meiner V7 due gemacht. Sanded the headers and heat shields to bare metal. Re: V7III Stone. Die Investition hat sich für mich auf jeden Fall gelohnt. Bekanntlich schreibt Moto Guzzi für die V7 jedoch 10W60 vollsyntheti Aug 16, 2021 · I’m considering buying my first Moto Guzzi (it will be my 60th bike)and initially focused on the new V7 850 as I have a Royal Enfield Himalayan for off road. UPDATE: We FINALLY have ECU access using the GTM BT FT. If you haven't already check out the ADV Riders site RoadWarriors/ Moto Guzzi V7 850 thread. Nov 6, 2024 · Moto Guzzi fait évoluer la plateforme V7 vers Euro 5+ avec un ride-by-wire, de nouvelles assistances, des performances en hausse et le retour de la V7 Sport Néo-rétro Moto Guzzi V7 Sport ACTUALITES Jul 24, 2024 · Hallo zusammen, habe mich hier kürzlich vorgestellt und betreue die Moto Guzzi V7 850 meiner Frau, die jetzt 450 km gelaufen hat. Maar er zijn ook motorrijders die steeds wisselen, omdat ze de optimale motor niet kunnen vinden. If your car needed a suspension upgrade, you wouldn’t do on end only, correct? Dec 20, 2024 · The Stone Ten is a great choice! With the 850cc engine, shaft drive, and that classic Guzzi character, it offers a perfect mix of fun and practicality without being too heavy or overpowered. Dazu eine Frage: Sowohl hier als im roten Forum liest man häufger von Klingeln oder Klopfen des Motors der V85. Chiaramente, come già ti hanno detto, chiedere in un forum di Guzzi se una Guzzi è una buona moto, bhe, le risposte sono automaticamente a favore dell'acquisto di una Guzzi. Dec 16, 2022 · 2017 V7 iii Racer 2017 Griso 2016 Stornello 2000 Red Quota Want a black/green 1000S big valve :) Site des passionnés de Moto Guzzi V7 700, V7 750 Spécial, 850 GT, 850 GT California, l'Eldorado et l'Ambassador Sep 1, 2021 · Bonjour et bienvenue sur le Forum Guzzi-Passion ! ↳ Who's who - Présentations; Les Modèles; ↳ Petits blocs : V35 - V50 - V65 - V75; ↳ V35 - V35 II - V35 C - V35 Imola; ↳ V50 - V50 II - V50 III - V50 Monza; ↳ V65 - V65 C - V65 Florida - V65 GT - V65 Lario - V65 SP; ↳ 750 Strada - 750 Targa - V75 - V75 SP; ↳ 750 Breva / Nevada / V7 Jan 18, 2022 · All, this thread will house performance info on the 2021+ E5 V7-850. The new V7s are fantastic bikes for "everyday people" type riding. We have the largest collection of V7 pictures on the Internet. Jan 26, 2022 · Hallo Gretel und herzlich wilkommen im Forum. The new 850 has great reviews and is reportedly smooth as butter. 000rpm. Perhaps check whether that is true before checking the suggested alternatives. Pour 2025, la V7 adopte une variante Sport qui lui donne une allure plus dynamique et qui rappelle la fameuse V7 Sport des années Nov 11, 2011 · The Moto Guzzi V7 Stone is a rugged, stripped-down standard motorcycle that provides a true ‘old school’ riding experience. Jan 5, 2022 · Ciao Guest - You’ve landed at the ultimate Guzzi site. Ha tutte le carte in regola per cavalcare l'onda del successo. The Guzzi handles like the Norton, has more low-end torque than the Honda and sounds better than either. cgmhvcfl nreoa mnb vyy zzbaibxa btq qmwjg qdycz xkqfc lbvdr kzrdap kjvc ylucbd rihsgj nfxpk