Metamorphic rock lab answer key. Explain how metamorphic rocks form 2.

Metamorphic rock lab answer key Page 2 ESC120 Earth Science Lab 1. Answer Hornfels – If you look at page 7 of the ESRT you will see that under “Type of Metamorphism” it is the only rock that forms solely by contact metamorphism. 9. pdf This worksheet has 26 Earth Science Regents multiple choice and short answer questions about metamorphic rocks. Mix the baking soda and crushed aspirin (Use mortar and pestle in not crushed) in the jar. The key below the diagram will help you determine what type of rock each symbol represents. Jul 13, 2019 · View Lab - Lab 4_Answer Key. Cycle 1: Soil, Sediment, Sedimentary Rock, Soil Cycle 2: Magma, Intrusive Igneous Rock, Magma Cycle 3: Extrusive Igneous Rock, Soil, Sediment, Sedimentary Rock, Metamorphic Rock, Magma, Extrusive Igneous Rock Reproduction for educational use only. 10 Weathering, Soil, Erosion. 9 Metamorphic Rocks. 1A 1. Lab 9: Metamorphic Rocks. pre-existing sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic rocks are buried and taken to lower levels of earths crust. Reading: (CU1 M2) Ch. exceptionally clean slaty cleavage. exceptionally clean slaty cleavage B. Student Name: Suhadie Gonzalez GEOL-1403-V06 10/30/20 Metamorphic Rock Identification Lab Sampl e AI Chat with PDF Lab Activity 7. Identify . Metamorphic Rock Investigation Chart Texture Foliated or NonFoliated Foliated M1. 4). Determine the geologic history of a planet or Earth's moon, using relative age dating techniques There are two major theories concerning the origin of Aug 11, 2021 · As optional final work, students further explore the use of metamorphic rocks and minerals in modern life and aspects related to human health. Rocks are broken down through weathering and erosion, then transported and deposited as sediments which may cement into sedimentary rock or be buried and transformed into metamorphic rock through heat and pressure. ESS 210 Lab 9: Metamorphic Processes Name: _____ Lab 9: Metamorphic Processes and Rock Identification . Identify eight of the common metamorphic rock-forming minerals (specimens M-1 through M-8). docx from GEOL 1403 at South Texas College. satiny sheen D. A7. Learning Objectives: 1) Describe the characteristics used to classify igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Describe the various settings in which metamorphic rocks are formed and the links between plate tectonics and metamorphism. Use your observations in Table 3 to complete the Post-Lab questions. ) What happens to hot lava after it erupts from a volcano? Nov 11, 2020 · View Metamorphic Rock Identification Lab Answer Sheet. 10, identify the type of mineral shown. Nonfoliated) Type of Dec 6, 2021 · Metamorphic Rock Identification Lab Sample Num. 5. 3. They also examine key metamorphic minerals and infer the metamorphic conditions under which they are stable based on their observations of the rocks. 2. 4 LAB EXERCISE Part A - Metamorphic Rock Identification In order to answer the questions in this lab, you will need the rock samples from your HOL. Metamorphic and sedimentary rocks can melt to form magma which cools and Metamorphic Rock Lab Answer Key By Mike Rogers - Prezi. What other metamorphic rock also has the above 5 minerals in it? _____ 16. Which rock is a chemical rock? _____ 4. Metamorphic Rocks Video with Questions (Mr. metamorphic rocks based on textural and compositional Dec 1, 2020 · Enhanced Document Preview: GEOL 105 - LABORATORY PHYSICAL GEOLOGY Name: Maddie Villella Answer Sheet for Lab #6 - Metamorphic Rocks Part A - Metamorphic Rock Identification Lab Exercise - complete the chart in word or with pen/pencil. Metamorphic Rock Identification POST-LAB QUESTIONS 1. Lab Activity 3, Metamorphic Rocks Questions. 2 - Minerals in Metamorphic Rock Lab Activity 7. 2 Weathering. Please interact with the gigapans and 3D models & play around with the zoom to see what you can see. Sample R is highly desired in the energy industry because it is the most "clean May 23, 2022 · View Easc 101 - Lab 5 Answer Key. Dec 11, 2020 · Metamorphic Rocks Lab Answers Sheet ACTIVITY 1. Question 11 of 33 What property is diagnostic for specimen #21? A. This lab provides another exposure to dichotomous keys which are more typical in biology. docx. Write your answers in question 17 below. 7-8) ESRT: Rock Cycle in Earth’s Crust Questions (Pg. Lab Section_____ Rocks Lab 2 – Rock Classification and Identification. Nov 22, 2020 · View Lab #8 - Metamorphic Rock ID (key). 1. 1: Sedimentary Rock Inquiry 6. Describe classifications of metamorphic rocks based on their texture and protolith 3. The minerals in metamorphic rocks tend to be lined up in bands or layers, or metamorphic rocks tend to be -parent rock is mudstone, shale, slate, phyllite, schist, granite, or diorite-visible crystals of two or more minerals in alternating light and dark foliated layers Flickr Creative Commons Images Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through Flickr. 9-10) Hands–On Metamorphic Rock Identification Lab (Pg. The document provides information about different rock and mineral stations for a lab report sheet. The Rock Cycle Gizmo™ illustrates the different transformations that make up the rock cycle. fossil the remains or traces of a once-living organism that is preserved in rock. Playlist 1: Playlist 2: Playlist 3: Rock Identification Activity: Your Answers. If it is, unwrap it so Vocabulary: deposition, erosion, extrusive igneous rock, intrusive igneous rock, lava, lithification, magma, metamorphic rock, rock cycle, sediment, sedimentary rock, soil, weathering. What are the 2 ways a chemical rock can form? _____ 5. Lab: (CU1 M2) Rock Identification. The rock is made of rounded mineral/rock grains and is a poorly sorted mixture of sand and gravel, with the grains randomly arranged. 7 Sedimentary Rocks. Approximate lat/long coordinates of volcanoes along Hawaii-Emperor Accept all reasonable suggestions for improving the key. THINK ABOUT IT (Key Questions): • What do metamorphic rocks look like? How can they be classified into groups? (Activity 7. 3. Rank. Textures Mineral Composition + Distinctive Properties Rock Name Parent Rock Uses 1 non foliated black, glossy rock that breaks along uneven conchoidal fractures Anthracite Coal Peat, Lignite. Label the parts of the rock cycle on the table below the figure. com . Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo. 5 Sediments. Intrusive igneous rocks are intruded into the crust and crystallize slowly. How do the layers in this sample prove that it is impossible for this rock to have come from lava (liquid rock)? Student Exploration: Rock Cycle. d Other Notes: Peritontite Parental Rock: Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks Hornfels Fabric: Nonfoliated Minerals Observed: Clay minerals Type of Metamorphic: Contact Metamorphic Grade: N. 3 METAMORPHIC ROCK NAMES 5. Video: (CU1 M2) Metamorphic Rocks. %PDF-1. 3, and 12. Self-check: (CU1 M2) Video Metamorphic Rocks. 2 Minerals in Metamorphic Rock Name: Course/Section: Date: Review the descriptions of metamorphic minerals. Simply purchase, download and copy!5x True/False Questions10x Multiple Choice QuestionsUnlike other teacher's resources, this is totally editable!**Answer Key Included**Check out these other products mad Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like List the steps in the Rock Cycle, How do Igneous Rocks form?, How can Igneous Rocks be identified by their crystal size or texture? and more. Then fill in the formation on the Metamorphic Rocks Hand Sample Fabric: Nonfoliated Minerals Observed: Olivine and Pyroxene Type of Metamorphic: Contact Metamorphic Grade: N. Examine the metamorphic rock samples provided by your Earth Sciences questions and answers; EXERCISE 1 DATA SHEET Table 5. 1 Foliated Metamorphic Rocks Differential pressures can cause a metamorphic pattern known as foliation to develop in metamorphosed rocks. Discuss. Materials 2-3 color Clay or play dough and assortment of pennies or beans (one set per group) Jan 23, 2025 · Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe 1st Edition • ISBN: 9780076587131 Frances Scelsi Hess, Kunze, Letro, Sharp, Snow Dec 28, 2023 · Use the dichotomous key shown above and the abbreviated lists of common igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks (Tables 12. Marble is a metamorphic rock composed of coarse-grained (a) dolomite (b) quartz (c) calcite (d) epidote (e) garnet 9. • Foliated and Non-Foliated Metamorphic Rock Chart (appended to this worksheet) Purpose (5 pts) Refer to the Objective of this lab and read through the Procedure and write a 1–2 sentence purpose statement for this lab. How did you determine the compositions of sample N and sample Q? 2. Metamorphism is the change in the form of crustal rocks exposed to heat, pressure, hydrothermal fluids, or a combination of these agents in the absence of melting. docx from GS 106 at Umpqua Community College. Before exploring the Gizmo, take a look at the image. The rock is made of cubic crystals (halite) that Appendix 3: Answers to Lab Exercises The following are suggested answers to the lab exercises for Labs 1 to 10 in A Practical Guide to Introductory Geology. pdf from GEOL G105 at Golden West College. Number Part of Rock Cycle. Questions relate to using the Earth Science Reference Tables page 7 (Scheme for Metamorphic Rock Identification), texture (foliated, mineral alignment, banding, non-foliated), composition, parent rock, contact metamorphism, LAB 6 ANSWER KEY ACTIVITY 6. Lab 4 (Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks) - Answer An incredible hard rock that will not readily break across the softer cementing mineral and that is a non-foliated metamorphic rock. Examples of Common Metamorphic Rocks. Metamorphic Rock Identification Table SR Samples 16 Rock Name Slate 15 Foliated/ Nonfoliated Mica Schist 18 Formed by the metamorphosis of shale Shale Foliated Formed by the metamorphosis Feb 27, 2025 · Geology document from Liberty High School, 3 pages, Metamorphic Rock Identification Lab Student Information Name: Abigail Queen Date: 12/8/23 Objective To identify metamorphic rocks based on physical properties such as the presence of foliation, composition, crystal size, and parent rock Materials • Metamo and mineral quiz and your lab final exam. If elements do not enter or leave a rock during recrystallization, then the rock system is described as _____ or _____. net; B. Metamorphic Rock Identification Table SR Rock Name Foliated/ Non-foliated Samples 16 Comments Parent Rock 15 20 18 17 21 22 Questions: 1. 15. Gray to Dark Gray in color usually. Certain minerals however, occur almost exclusively in metamorphic rocks. A photo of these samples is given in Figure 11. The crystals grew as the rock was getting squished. GEOL 101 Lab Lab 4 : Metamorphic Rocks Name: Partner's Name: Metamorphic Rocks The minerals are cut off & have moved! The rocks were CHEMICALLY changed as well as physically (think FOSSILS). Where might you find a rock like sample M being formed on Earth today? 3. May 7, 2024 · Geology document from University of Washington, 4 pages, Lab 6: Metamorphic Rocks Answer Sheet w1 a /(s Pedess Cg/lo Name(s): 1. agents of metamorphism with metamorphism type, plate boundary and rock type. pdf; The Ellipse . Date: Sep 14 Objective To identify metamorphic rocks based on physical properties such as the presence of foliation, composition, crystal size, and parent rock Materials • Metamorphic Reading Passage focused on the concept of Metamorphic Rocks in Middle School Earth and Space Science. Like before, determine the sequence of events in order, from oldest to youngest. Geology 2 – Physical Geology Lab Lab #7 – Metamorphic Rock Identification Student Outcomes: Be able to identify and name the six common metamorphic rock types examined in lab Recognize and understand textures that differentiate foliated and non-foliated rocks Understand why metamorphic rocks are classified by both texture and composition. In addition to those minerals that you already know and love, metamorphic rocks frequently contain several that you have not yet seen in lab. You can start anywhere, but each cycle must begin and end at the same point. Welcome to the virtual metamorphic rock ID lab. Students weather crayons into fragments, erode and deposit the fragments to form sedimentary rock, then apply heat and pressure to simulate metamorphic rock and melting to simulate igneous rock. 11 Magma LAB EXERCISE Part A: Metamorphic Rock Identification Use the following photographs to answer the questions which follow to complete the lab exercise. 1 EASC 101 Lab 5 Metamorphic Rocks Name (First & Last): _Answer Key_ Student Number: _ Lab Section: _ INSTRUCTIONS Feb 12, 2025 · Geology document from Jackson Community College, 2 pages, Fall 2022 Name: GEL 109 Lab: METAMORPHIC ROCK ANSWER SHEET Table 1. metamorphic rocks based on textural and compositional observations. Metamorphic rocks contain many of the same minerals found in igneous and sedimentary rocks. Gizmo Rock Cycle Answer Key. Note: the videos provided in the playlist do not have audio. Be able to identify and name the common minerals in Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Marble, Slate, Gneiss and more. Students answer summary questions at the end of the lab. Conclude 1. low-grade metamorphic rock. Save. 1) • What are the characteristics of metamorphic rocks, and how are they formed? (Activity 7. Classify metamorphic rocks on the basis of their texture and mineral content, and explain the origins of these differences. Quartzite is a metamorphic rock composed of a dense network of interlocking (a) dolomite Feb 17, 2011 · View Notes - Student Metamorphic Rx Chart & Answer Key from GEOL 101 at University of South Carolina. Describe the process for the formation of a clastic rock . Rock M: Rock N: Rock O: Rock P: Rock Q: Rock R: Post-Lab Questions. 6) ESRT: Rock Cycle in Earth’s Crust (Pg. Is there a metamorphic rock, that is foliated, has a fine texture, composed mainly of mica and is formed from contact metamorphism? Yes or No (circle answer) 17. GEOL 1111. Lab 1: Plate Tectonics. Some optional resources you can use are: PCC Rock and Mineral Guide; Geology. Because some rocks have been changed more than others. ) What happens to hot lava after it erupts from a volcano? _____The Lava cools down and Hardens into rock. Lab 4 - Metamorphic Rock Identification Kristi Cashman Lab conducted 3/3/22 Professor Roza Physical Science: Recognize foliation and explain the mechanisms for its formation in metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic Rock ID Answer Sheet Online. Then answer the questions. Answers to the practice exercises are provided in Appendix 2. 7. Which of the rocks above will bubble in acid? _____ Sedimentary Rocks 1. Briefly explain the difference between intrusive and extrusive rocks (cools slowly/quickly, small/large grains, fine/coarse texture, more/less dense – Note: these are the characteristics to use). 2. pdf, answer key . 3 & 7. 3-5) ESRT: Metamorphic Rock Identification Questions (Pg. Metamorphic rocks are either Please use the rock key provided at the end of this lab and the information about sedimentary rocks in your textbook/lab to evaluate the result of your rock description on these chemical sedimentary rocks. Work through a series of questions to determine the identity of a rock or mineral sample. Metamorphic rock texture is described by two major characteristics. Feb 21, 2021 · List the foliated rocks in order from lowest to highest grade metamorphism: Slate to phyllite to schist to gneiss. Feb 22, 2023 · A. Foliated Metamorphic Rocks: Some kinds of metamorphic rocks—gneiss and schist are two examples—are strongly Dec 23, 2008 · Students then describe rocks with different metamorphic textures and other protoliths. This is a fun way to expose kids to rock characteristics such as magnetism, luster, and streak color. Part 1: Igneous Rocks. Foliated M 3. It includes descriptions of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Simply purchase, download and copy!10x questions based on the readingUnlike other teacher's resources, this is totally editable!**Answer Key Included**Be sure to che Quiz on based on The Metamorphic Rocks Lesson in Earth Science. 6 Lithification. Cover the jar You can use it to verify your answers. visible crystals C. There are a few types of foliations that are commonly seen in metamorphic rocks, each foliation type is Environmental Science for AP 3rd Edition • ISBN: 9781319113292 Andrew Friedland, Rick Relyea Jan 31, 2020 · Unformatted text preview: 1 Lab 7 – Rocks and the Rock Cycle Answer Key Name: Answer Key The Major Rock Classes Igneous Rocks 1. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Intrusive, light colored because it has greater amounts of Silica, less dense speckles so intrusive Igneous - Intrusive looks like cookies and cream, Intrusive, mineral compositions between granitic and basaltic. pdf; Loccating an Earthquake Epicenter . Remind them to go straight back and put the heavy object on the packet. 4) Mar 30, 2020 · Review instructor feedback and answer key; make corrections; and seek help if needed. Before you begin this activity, you may also wish to review the Metamorphic Rock Identification page. Despite these uncomfortable conditions, metamorphic rocks do not get hot enough to melt, or they would become magma that could then crystallize to form igneous rocks. degree of foliation using observations from hand samples and tectonic setting. Describe metamorphic grade and tectonic setting for metamorphic rocks Introduction. The rock is made of gravel-sized rounded shell fragments that are randomly arranged. This rock was put under so much pressure that it broke and shifted in multiple places. Fall 2022 Name: GEL 109 Lab: METAMORPHIC ROCK ANSWER SHEET Table 1. LAB -- PART 2 -- MAIN SECTION: Metamorphic Rocks Lab Activity Key. Using from 72 to 144 overlapping photos for each rock specimen, the software calculates the detailed topography of the rock using stereographic techniques and then overlays that 3-D This worksheet has 22 short answer questions about metamorphic rock diagrams and graphs. Sedimentary rock started out as some other type of rock, but have been substantially changed from original igneous, sedimentary, or earlier metamorphic form Metamorphic rocks 3D rock sample set 1 Primary sedimentary structures Sediment samples Relative dating Tectonic structures Fossils. In this lab we will focus on igneous and metamorphic rocks. com Rock Guide; Minerals A-Z, Minerals. the economic importance and the human health impact of metamorphic rocks . Repeat steps 1–7 for the remaining unknown rocks. Characteristics of minerals like quartz and feldspar are outlined. Click Melt. Explain how metamorphic rocks form 2. Click to view Table 1. • For the igneous rock, they should bring their “rock” on the aluminum foil, not wrapped up. Igneous and metamorphic rocks are similar in that they are both made of mineral crystals that fit tightly together and may be large enough to see without magnification. Forms when preexisting rocks are subjected to increased temperature and pressure Often the result of deep burial or shear zone Causes solid state (no melting) change of texture and/or mineral content agents of metamorphism with metamorphism type, plate boundary and rock type. A subsequent lab looks at sedimentary rocks. pdf; Unedited Earth Science Regents Exams are HERE; Identifying Rocks . 8 Metamorphism. May 2, 2021 · Metamorphic Rocks PRE-LAB QUESTIONS 1. •Igneous rocks are formed when molten rock, called magma, cools and solidifies. docx from GEOLOGY 121 at University of Saskatchewan. Key words:Metamorphism, metamorphic rocks, deformation, foliated, non foliated, plate boundaries, uses of metamorphic rocks Sedimentary rock F. This lab simulates the rock cycle using crayons to represent different rock types. Mar 1, 2025 · Geology document from Oregon State University, Cascades, 2 pages, GEO 101 The Solid Earth Week 7 Lab Answer Sheet Name: Exercise 1 - Metamorphic Rocks (16 points) Sample Size and type of Type of Foliation Mineral Grains (3 points) (slatey, phyllite, (3 points) Rock Name (4 points) Parent Rock (4 points) schistose, gneis Oct 17, 2020 · The interactive 3-D models of the actual lab metamorphic rock samples were created using an ordinary camera and Agisoft Metashape Pro 3-D photogrammetry software. 8. Correlate . 10 Melting. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Foliated, Non-Foliated, Foliated Textures and more. Lab Activities, Powerpoints, & Handouts Images, Animations, & Videos Websites & Links; Interactive Regents Exams HERE: get instant feedback! Over 1000+ random regents questions . Igneous rocks form from the cooling and crystallization of magma. Metamorphic Rock Lab 1. What is formed when rocks melt deep underground? Magma. The greater the depth of the burial of regional metamorphism, the higher the temperature, presse, and degree of recrystallization. Select each photo below to view the igneous rock samples larger. The goal is to understand how the three main rock types - sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous - form through the •Sedimentary rocks are formed by the ongoing deposition of rocks and other sediments that are cemented together. Metamorphic Rocks. 1 - Introduction to Metamorphic Rocks Lab Activity 7. Metamorphic rocks are igneous, sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks that have undergone extreme change (without melting Question: hic Rock Identification EARTH SCIENCE LAB Metamorphic Sample #8: y the Texture, Foliation, Composition, Parent Rock and Click here for a close up image metamorphic rocks. How are chemical rocks classified? _____ 13. Click Increase temp. Marble If the original protolith was a limestone, metamorphism will form marble; non-foliated. Igneous Rock Classification The igneous rocks can be subdivided into two broad groups: intrusive rocks and extrusive rocks. Answer Key: Feedback: The correct answer is A. Lab Activity 3, Metamorphic Rocks Questions 1. docx from EASC 101 at Simon Fraser University. d Other Notes: Does not react with acid Parental Rock The rock cycle involves the transformation of rocks between different types of rocks over millions of years. Q 12. Describe: Select the PATH tab. Competency Assessment: (CU1 M2) Rock Identification. 2) Identify common igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. 4. Use Table 4 to identify the protolith of the rock. Slate has a fine grain Name: Section: 1 pm or 3 pm (circle one) Lab 7: Metamorphic Rocks. Non-foliated M2. Vocabulary: deposition, erosion, extrusive igneous rock, intrusive igneous rock, lava, lithification, magma, metamorphic rock, rock cycle, sediment, sedimentary rock, soil, weathering. Which rocks above are clastic? _____ 2. and pressure. Make sure you put your answers on the answer sheet. Starburst® Rock Cycle • For the metamorphic rock, leave their aluminum foil packet containing their “rock” on the heat for 30 seconds. Which rock is organic? _____ 3. This rock identification key is designed to identify the following types of rocks and minerals: basalt, breccia 7. Canvas Code: igneous/metamorphic. Mountains Core, limited tectonic activity Some craters but erosion removes evidence Lacks a significant magnetic field Mercury -9- Answers to Unit 5 Workbook Metamorphic Rocks and Resources 4. Dec 23, 2008 · Students then describe rocks with different metamorphic textures and other protoliths. Competency Assessment: (CU1 M2) ANSWER KEY Rock Id Congratulations! (CU1 M2) This worksheet has 26 Earth Science Regents multiple choice and short answer questions about metamorphic rocks. See Thumbnails for more details. •Metamorphic rocks are formed from the effect of the Earth’s heat and/or pressure on rocks buried deep in the Earth. Here are some examples of metamorphic rocks and their properties: Slate: Derived from shale, a sedimentary rock. 1: FLUIDS ARE CRUCIAL FOR METAMORPHISM 1. Tests for identifying rocks like taste and acid reaction Apr 17, 2020 · Page 2 ESC120 Earth Science Labs Please use the rock key provided at the end of this lab and the information about sedimentary rocks in your textbook/lab to evaluate the result of your rock description on these chemical sedimentary rocks. bituminous coal highest grade coal for clean burning fossil fuel 2 foliated visible crystals of two or more minerals in alternating light and dark foliated Lab 7: Metamorphic Rocks. 4 %âãÏÓ 63 0 obj > endobj xref 63 22 0000000016 00000 n 0000001141 00000 n 0000001304 00000 n 0000001636 00000 n 0000002097 00000 n 0000002240 00000 n 0000002506 00000 n 0000003748 00000 n 0000003951 00000 n 0000047212 00000 n 0000047732 00000 n 0000066317 00000 n 0000066597 00000 n 0000066905 00000 n 0000095077 00000 n 0000095348 00000 n 0000095416 00000 n 0000095706 00000 n the changes that a rock undergoes as it is metamorphosed and the metamorphic rocks they become. fizzes during acid test. Use the Image to the left and answer the following questions: What is this rock9s texture? What is the name of this rock? What is this rock9s parent rock? Part 2 3 Metamorphic Rock Identification Using Hand Samples Obtain a set of metamorphic rocks as directed by your instructor. Thicker layers = MORE change! Did you SEE what happened to Name: Section: 1 pm or 3 pm (circle one) Lab 7: Metamorphic Rocks. Metamorphic rocks are often squished, smeared out, and folded. 1 Uplift & Exposure. Record this in the “Protolith” column in Table 5 on the Data Sheet. com Mineral Guide; Geology. White’s Webpage) ESRT: Metamorphic Rock Identification (Pg. 11-12) View Lab 4 - Metamorphic Rock Identification. rock kit that are labeled M1 through M 7 (located in the metamorphic rock bag). Identify the rocks. Lab: (CU1 M2) ANSWER KEY Rock Identification. What observations can you make that would support this? 2. What are the steps in this rock cycle? Magma, intrusive igneous rock, soil, sediments, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, magma Feb 24, 2024 · Metamorphic Rocks: Unlike igneous and sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks form by transformation under pressure and heat, leading to new textures and mineral compositions. Rocks undergoing 11. rusty at the bottom Igneous - Intrusive, Intrusive, dark course-grained Feb 27, 2017 · Inclusions Lab Activity 6 3 13. What types of rocks are shown? Intrusive and; Extrusive Igneous, Metamorphic and. Metamorphic rocks are formed when existing rocks (which could be igneous, sedimentary, or even other metamorphic rocks) undergo changes in mineralogy, texture, or chemical composition as a result of exposure to elevated temperatures, pressures, and/or fluids. Be prepared to discuss your interpretations with your teacher or with others in your lab. Key details are provided about texture, crystal size, vesicularity, intrusive vs extrusive origins. 2, 12. Questions relate to using the Earth Science Reference Tables page 7 (Scheme for Metamorphic Rock Identification), texture (foliated, mineral alignment, banding, non-foliated), composition, May 18, 2024 · • Metamorphic rock images in the lesson. 1 Answers. Where might you find regional metamorphic rocks Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Non-Foliated Rocks (not layered), Quartzite, Marble and more. Extrusive rocks 12. Below each of the numbered photos in Fig. Key Name Sample Lab Period Texture (Foliated vs. Diagnostic properties used to identify the common metamorphic rock-forming minerals are shown in Table 6-1. What do you want the outcome to be? What question(s) are you trying to answer? Feb 26, 2024 · Metamorphic Rock Identification Lab Student Information Name: Noelle N. 3 - The Parents of Metamorphic Rocks La… Mar 11, 2016 · A high-grade metamorphic rock. These conditions lead to the recrystallization of minerals without the rock melting. 3 Transportation. 2) • How are rock composition and texture used to classify, name, and interpret metamorphic rocks? (Activities 7. This lab is designed for face-to-face instruction. 10. recognize features of common igneous rocks relevant for identification of the rock by name; navigate a simplified classification table of the common igneous rocks; observe an igneous rock sample and describe observational facts - for example, "the sample exhibits a matrix of visibly sized crystals, so the texture of this sample is 'phaneritic' Gizmo Warm-up Over millions of years, rocks are broken down and transformed into other rocks. The numbers in the lower right corners are referenced by the questions. Mystery Rock Lab w/clues ANSWER KEY Mystery Sample Image Rock Name Mystery Sample Image Rock Name Mystery Sample Image Rock Name 1 Marble 8 Limestone 15 Basalt 2 Obsidian 9 Schist 16 Coal 3 Slate 10 Rhyolite 17 Pumice 4 Quartzite 11 Dolomite 18 Breccia 5 Sandstone 12 Chert 19 Shale 6 Conglomerate 13 Gabbro 7 Granite 14 Gneiss Earth Sciences questions and answers; Activity 7. Metamorphic Minerals. 4 Deposition. Questions relate to using the Earth Science Reference Tables page 7 (Scheme for Metamorphic Rock Identification), parent rock, contact metamorphism, regional metamorphism, and formation of metamorphic rocks. The "C" is the "C" number. magma Cycle 3: extrusive igneous rock, soil, sediment, sedimentary rock, metamorphic Modern Learning Lab; Quizlet Plus; the texture of a metamorphic rock in which mineral grains are aligned like the pages of a book. What kind of rock is formed? Metamorphic rock G. tzjqu dod atgr wgyyi laey chuput gwbugmyt byjoh hcaj ihyia okqrg sqb jmvu fnyj qbwe