Mercedes 450sl idle adjustment. Runs well and is in largely good shape.
Mercedes 450sl idle adjustment to take a closer look at idle speed adjustment. Fast idle is controlled by a thermal valve on the right side of the crossover passage at the front of the intake manifold, has a hose to the idle May 28, 2009 · hello. There is another screw for the overall range of rpms adjustment. Jun 2, 2017 · Adjusting that screw will cause your idle to go higher or lower so that might be where some claim its an idle mixture adjustment. 2)Check and adjust the throttle stop and curb idle speed. 2. At times it seems to surge and miss,, but only at idle. Sep 2, 2005 · The engine idle (warmed up) was at about 1400 rpm before I started. pull the AAV May 13, 2006 · My 1973 450sl has a M117 motor and in checking the timing I ran across the attached page in my manual. Can't find a spec anywhere for what the cold idle should be. Only move one click at a time and then adjust the idle air bypass knob on the intake manifold. My 79 450SL idles around 1200rpm's while warming up. 8 bar. Jan 17, 2023 · Good question, Diag. Jun 5, 2003 · Longer term solution for me, was to insulate the fuel rails and increase fuel pressure. Don’t drop the nuts – they disappear down into the Vee. At idle we have 19 psi fuel pressure. Sticky AAV is a very common problem. Under the passenger side of the dash is the on board computer. Jun 18, 2016 · I know idle adjustment is the last step and I set everything I should set upfront (dwell, ignition timing, linkage). Jul 7, 2022 · It should idle fast until it warms up then drop to about 600 when warm. I knew when I bought the car that things looked familiar, but Apr 23, 2020 · If this is the case, you will not adjust it with the thumb screw that is sticking out in the back of the FIP, because this thumb screw is for the idle only, works up to ca 1700rpm. Adjusting the Idle to the proper speed helped some. Idle speed too low; 1)Ensure that the ignition system is in good shape and also the intake is in good order. Jun 20, 2015 · Today after reading here and other posts concerning information about adjusting the Idle Control Valve, the results finally did solve my high idle issue. You want your timing to be about 36 degrees at full advance (the rpm at which it advances no more, probably 3000 rpm). I reconnected it and the idle immediately went back to normal. The previous owner said it was due to this part, however I'm having difficulty confirming that or even finding it in a manual (bought a manual on cd via ebay). And adjust fuel mixture to rich side at idle (using ECU adjustment). (not good) once hot, it dries up and expands. Jun 12, 2016 · BenzWorld. All to be replaced - Idle was set too high. the usual reason for the over reving is too much air leaking in either through the AAV or just vacuum leaks just as gary and Melted have said. So you might say that turning on or off the AC is one way to adjust the idle. Takes like 30 minutes of running for it to come down. When warm in neutral and park it would surge up to 1300 and drop back every few seconds. Feb 24, 2009 · Trying to diagnose my 3rd issue (other than the radio & heat issues currently). Aug 20, 2015 · Before the adjustment the idle was rough and around 650 rpm where it should be. Apr 15, 2008 · 1) Vibrating more at idle - Maybe it's just me, but in the last couple of weeks it seems like the car has been vibrating more at idle. :30 minute check out identified: - when car is cold, the front right fuel hose to first injector weeps a little gas. From what I understand power from Battery to Over Protection Relay to Idle Speed Control Module to Idle Control Valve. Locate the idle control screw (Large slotted screw slightly rt of center of engine at front. I had not thought about the affect of timing on these settings. The black tag in front of the radiator says idle speed should be 750 RPM and timing with vacuum should be TDC. Jun 15, 2010 · The correct way to operate the idle speed adjustment is to press the accelerator to the floor (before starting the engine) and to rotate it fully counterclockwise. but there is an explanation for Customer: 1980 Mercedes 450 SLC (US) The car did idle at 1600RPM cold and 1400RPM warm when I bought it. Adjust timing to 16 degrees BTDC. This system is responsible for maintaining a stable idle speed, and if it is not functioning properly, the engine may stall. I replaced the Auxillary Air valve with another used one. Section 15. I was able to adjust park / neutral speed (probably improperly) at the throttle body adjustment tab, but now I can't keep the thing running while in gear. IDLE WAY TOO HIGH, BUT WHEN I TRIED TO ADJUST USING THE IDLE SCREW I FOUND IT WAS Car, Ford, Honda, Jaguar, Mercedes Oct 26, 2014 · Further adding to confusion and frustration with K-Jet adjustment, is that even from the same year, some manufacturers utilize different options with the same Bosch hardware making their adjustment procedures similar yet incompatible with Mercedes 450SL/380SL procedures. (If AAV is good, screwing that idle screw all the way in should stall the engine. 5L It should be an easy matter to get the TPS off, but there is one screw that I could not find a way to remove on the car: The throttle housing is easy to get off. 450/350 have Supplementary Air Valve and is by the end of hose from tappet cover (right hand side looked from front). Clean tailpipe and drive for 100 miles or so, and examine for soot. Intake is completely resealed. ) May 17, 2024 · My 1980 450sl runs great but, is lacking in acceleration! I’ve checked for vacuum leaks and positioning of vacuum lines. Oct 21, 2012 · Actually I did make a very slight adjustment to the idle mixture screw this morning using a 3mm allen wrench, turned the screw about 1/16th rev clockwise to enrich and the results were fairly significant. I have gotten everything running and in good order (fuel system and spark, etc. Engineered like no other car in the world. ) Jan 3, 2014 · Turning the ECU knob only adjusts idle mixture. This is especially 'inconvenient' when at lights, stop signs, or trying to back out of a parking place. If not centrifugal weights are sticking. You need either a duty cycle multimeter or an Oscilloscope with the objective to adjust for 50-50 duty cycle. Car has a fast idle in park, in gear it's fine. If you pull the two wire connector from the small vacuum relay by the coolant tank, the timing will drop to 0 BTC from 10 degrees BTC, and the vacuum will then be allowed to Nov 26, 2018 · Good morning all - I have been working to get my 79 450SL with CIS K-Jetronic started after a couple years in storage. Before the test drive the idle was 650 and smoother than before. Feb 28, 2006 · Hello all, My 450SL was idling rich after warmup, and after much reading I decided that a possiblity could be the warm up regulator. 2)Check and adjust the throttle stop and curb idle Dec 29, 2008 · The idle speed has recently dropped to so low a point that the engine dies when in gear. The car has to be perfect or the fast idle gets to the cut-off point. All you have to do to stop it is adjust the idle cold till it doesn't do it. the engine use a lot of fuel but it is not a problem:) my problem is when the car is cold 15 degrees and around that and upp to 40 degrees (104 farenheit) the engine is strange that if it is only run Feb 19, 2010 · So one can adjust the air/fuel mixture at idle by turning the idle mixture adjustment screw, as seen in diagram above (thanks isthisdave for pasting this) But how does one adjust the warm up regulator to control the air/fuel ratio at operating rpms? Customer: Hi Lou, we have a 1974 Mercedes 450SL that's running too rich. Oct 9, 2006 · Here's a technique that works on Chevys, Fordsand Mercedes too! Disconnect your vacuum advance. Again, check the warm idle speed, it should be 700-800RPM. Mercedes 450SL fuel system Apr 30, 2017 · When engine is warmed up and that valve is presumed to be closed, you adjust the idle speed with the screw (2). I tried setting mine without the meter and couldn't get it right. Driving home from work it started a high surging idle, up and down. Adjusted throttle plate all the way closed sunday, this helped but still not right since there is no adjustment on idle screw, it's all the way down. Nov 21, 2011 · No high idle or erratic idle; just low idle enough to want to stall car sometimes; recall seen a pic from a 126 manual showing a mechanical idle screw hidden somewhere low in the intake manifold? I know there's a screw for the M103, and I think in earlier iterations of the M117 there was a screw on the warm up regulator, which was kicked once Oct 10, 2016 · With AC on, the vacuum retard on a 1973 450sl is turned off. And the timing specs are different for NA and Euro cars. Overall it's in great shape but has a history of stalling. The reason it stops when you put it in gear is the idle speed drops below the threshold. The 3. If it does, just adjust the idle to about 500-600rpm after warming the engine up. I have an 80 450 so if you need a picture of where this is let me know. Aug 8, 2015 · Does it happen if you adjust idle speed at 700 rpm and then open throttle plate (push pedal) slightly to get to 1200rpm? These are different, because with throttle plate closed, you are running on the ECU idle mixture circuit while once throttle plate opens, even very slightly, you are running on the main mixture control circuit. For such a slight adjustment the engine is peppier and to me somewhat quieter and smoother on acceleration. When trigger points wear out, mixture can be affected. Nov 26, 2014 · 5) Aux Air Valve Adjustment. The simplest thing to do is to knock it back down with a hammer. Apr 26, 2011 · While tinkering with the WUR I also found that a very rich cold mixture raises your cold idle a considerable amount. If your AC is on, it may be possible that the cold fast idle is even higher. This causes an increase in idle speed. Aug 9, 2023 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 72- 75 mercedes 450 sl slc Auxiliary Air Idle Adjustment Valve w/EGR 1160940012 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! How to adjust the rich/lean fuel mixture on a R107 1977 450SL Mercedes Mar 12, 2004 · Question 450 cold idle speed? Tinkering with a '77 450SL. It's not a rough vibration at all, in fact, it's pretty smooth, but it seems like it has gotten a bit worse as of late. When you come to a stop while in gear, the idle is about 700 RPM. Slowly Adjust the mixture control screw (3mm hex in the air cleaner) to get the highest idle speed possible without bogging down 4. The only thing I had to do was to re-set the mixture. I found a number of issues, but everything I tried I couldn't get the idle down. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Oct 18, 2011 · Ron and Graham, thanks for the replies and info. I HAVE RECENTLY ACQUIRED A 1978 450SL. The distributor has to be turned all the way to the right to run it’s best! Can I remove it and, set it back a couple notches? Jan 5, 2020 · Once you have static timing about right, use your timing light and rotate distributor so you are at about tdc or even a bit advanced at idle 700-800rpm. ), but I am having problems with the initial setting on the fuel distributor. Once the throttle is a hair open, a different circuit with input from the MPS controls the mixture. Adjusting and Cleaning Throttle Position Switch on R107 Mercedes 350/450SL 4. In neutral, it's about 1000 RPM. Overall mixture also needs adjustment using MPS because of the pressure increase. Drops to correct level after car Dec 6, 2024 · 3. Aug 18, 2023 · I'm in the process of getting better info on the issue. Mar 17, 2009 · And if you disconnect this lower pipe from there the engine will rise in PRM a bit. I have looked through all the docs I can find and nowhere do I find a spec for cold idle speed. Also the idle speed screw won't adjust at all. Under these conditions, I have 11" of vacuum on front of vacuum advance module when engine is revved up to 1500/2000 RPM. The actual Idle speed control valve is just to the right of it, with the screw under the bubble label. Car starts up ok, but cold idle speed is around 1600rpm. California smog test *requires* correct idle speed. How to adjust the idle on a 79 450 SL. org forum is one of the largest Mercedes-Benz owner websites offering the most comprehensive collection of Mercedes-Benz information anywhere in the world. The cable may be disconnected at the engine, or improperly adjusted. If your throttle valve switch is out of adjustment your c/o adjustment on the ecu will not work. at the fuel rail. My car is a 1973 by the way. The mixture adjustment is right behind the air flow sensor plate. Also with this, replaced the Idle air hose that the AAV was connected to (was damaged removing the AAV). Mar 9, 2013 · I have a '79 450SL I bought a few years back. 501 for my National version of the 78 450sl. Aug 15, 2015 · When I start the (new to me) 450 sl, the idle is about 1800 RPM. The "book" says I can adjust the idle by the idle speed adjustment screw, but this has no effect (provided I'm adjusting the correct one). If idle is still low, adjust with idle screw next to aav. Oct 19, 2012 · My 1979 450 SL has had a weird issue since I have owned it. Ok, so if pulling up on the plate improves the idle when cold and also raises the idle when hot it means that the overall fuel mixture is too rich. The overall FIP has to be adjusted first, then the idle part of it. Feb 22, 2012 · 1. So the idle may actually increase a bit. Oct 20, 2008 · The stop screw on the throttle valve should be a one time adjustment that sets the relationship between the throttle position switch and the throttle. ATDC as shown in the "Adjusting Value" column. The site includes MB Forums, News, Galleries, Publications, Classifieds, Events and much more! Jun 23, 2009 · working from memory the ecu circuit on idle in our cars has a high idle cut out at 15 - 1600 rpm and will cut the fuel so the car will appear to die and then rev back up again to 1500rpm for a second or 2 then die down to 4 or 500rpm etc. When the engine is cold, the AAV is open, allowing substantially more air into the idle circuit to increase cold idle. Clean the idle control valve with solvent, Kroil worked best for me, to free up the valve 5. I also tapped it with a hammer to adjust it,but no change. Readjust idle speed to 850 RPM. I decided to remove the idle valve with the intention on cleaning it and, as soon as I removed the air filter box, found a disconnected vacuum line. Mar 11, 2002 · Mark Herzig 1995 E300D 153K 1985 300D 142K (sold) 1979 450SL 122 miles (sold) 1992 500E 127K (sold) 1987 300SDL 132K (sold) 1986 300E 161K (sold) #2 Jun 24, 2014 · Either way, I recommend swatting up a bit about the injection system. For instance, on the Bosch ECU, Mercedes does not use Pin 17, but VW does. Never adjust the linkage stop screws. Feb 22, 2005 · 450 SL 1973 (European engine), W111 280 SE Convertible 1968, 500SE 1982 My idle adjustment screw does not change the idle even when screwing it inward on my 1977 Sep 22, 2003 · All the early EFI cars such as these MBs and all BMWs will do it. 5 is just more susceptible. To correct, adjust idle screw open slightly (it is located right next to the AAV) Feb 23, 2019 · What Brad suggests is often the cause of idle surging, although max revs are usually a bit higher - something like 800-1600rpm. If black and greasy, or soot present on outside of pipe, take another 1/4 turn CW. Right when I put it in reverse or drive the idle acts perfectly and the car runs and drives like a champ. Idle control valve operates smoothly when given 12v control voltage and varying current. I've attached a picture below. 4-100 of engine manual says 700-800rpm. Then rev engine and you should see timing advance to something like 25-27 deg btdc at 3000rpm. Find the best Mercedes-Benz SL-Class SL 450 for sale near you. Oct 18, 2004 · If it still runs poorly at idle, then time to check fuel at idle. However, after 15-20 minutes of cool down (down to 185F or so) the idle on restart starts getting rough and gets progressively worse on subsequent restarts from there. It's often not just a simple case of upping the idle speed, although I do recall that the Bosch D does have an idle adjustment on the main control box which, in the case of my old 280CE was behind a panel at the extreme left side of the foot well, inside the car. . and the other vacuumpipe is to advance the timing while you are driving under light load and high vacuum conditions such as highway cruise. It's the white disk with a slot head near the front center of the intake manifold. In park or neutral is has a very high idle (around 2k, like a cold start high idle) but it never settles down to a lower RPM. Every used car for sale comes with a free CARFAX Report. Feb 18, 2007 · 450SL(C) has no idle stabilizer as such in later 500's and KE-Jetronics. I removed the air filter and opened the big air intake plate about 1/64th of an inch. Upon starting it when its cold the engine will almost immediately ramp up to around 1800 rpm and stays there for 2-3 minutes before the rpms gradually decline to around 600 or 700 rpms. Nov 20, 2006 · Do not ever adjust the knob on the back of the injection pump with the engine running. we have a 450 sl1975 mod from usa california. Fix any vacuum leaks as previously stated. You do not set idle speed with this screw. I have not yet adjusted the timing. The exhaust composition would likely be different depending on amount of retard at idle, for example. If it does not fully close once engine is warmed up, engine will idle at high rpm. There is a lengthy posting by (forgot his handle here) who showed us how to adjust it. My 450 sel would idle at 1900 rpm with cold control presure at something like . You need to use a 4mm Allen wrench to turn the mixture screw in the counterclockwise direction. The AAV was closing at too high a temp, causing high idle conditions, and unstable idle. A high idle will overheat and wear out an autobox. The accumulator has nothing to do with the idle speed. So far I have determined that the idle is fine on restart from normal op temp (190-200F) if done within 15 minutes or so. Drove a couple of days, ran great till yesterday. Basic test is in the shop manual. Jan 30, 2016 · I'm looking at the engine repair manual that's on line. Needs to be idled at higher RPM. Above idle, this knob is inoperative and the MPS becomes the predominant sensor for mixture, coolant temp sensor is next important, air temp sensor is least important (unplugged in winter provides richer mixture - works well for winter Mar 21, 2005 · The idle speed is adjusted with the large slotted screw on the front of the engine -- there is a hose from the left valve cover to the idle speed screw, then a y-shaped hose to the intake manifold. Nov 8, 2015 · I was on the right track with the auxiliary air valve, until I confused myself by putting the inner sleeve in the wrong way? His idle was high so he tried to adjust air fuel mixture. When i adjust the idle screw from topp off the air cleaner the RPM go down to 1100RPM. As the car warms up in park, the idle gets higher as the the engine temperature goes up. If this improves the idle, it means the engine is running very lean, possibly a vacuum leak, or because the throttle position switch is not sending ground to the computer to tell it that the throttle is in idle position (closed). Apr 10, 2009 · 1973 450SL - 191K - Summer Toy Mercedes-Benz. (about 500 rpm and I think that it should be 600-700). Aug 11, 2013 · If you unplug it, the computer sets the idle mixture to full rich. New fuel filter, plugs wires. But sounds like you have opposite problem. We have replaced the fuel pressure regulator and turned all the way out. Section 07. When cold started, the idle goes to 1500 RPM and takes 4-5 minutes of running to come down to around 800 RPM. Mercedes 450SL fuel system. Usually this is when I take off for school. There was no change. (The symptom observed was that I could push down on the airflow sensor plate and correct the overrich condition, but couldn't adjust it lean enough with the idle mix adjusting screw. Over 35 years May 14, 2006 · The car runs so smooth that I cannot feel it idle, but it is idling too low and it feels like it is going to stall. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Apr 2, 2009 · A follow up question: how does the 79 450sl/slc control the idle speed without an ICV? Only by the idle adjustment screw? 98 Toyota Sienna (boring but keeps running) Feb 18, 2016 · On our Djets, there are separate adjustments for Idle and for load conditions. Being a carburetor guy, I think about a slow choke. Hi 450sl, your high idle is caused by your auxiliary air valve having worked it's way out of adjustment. The engine quits right at about TDC. You can access it via the under dash panel below the glove box. Runs well and is in largely good shape. Dec 29, 2003 · If adjustment works, try this: With throttle off idle (so that you are running just the MAP control, not the idle mixture on the ECU), adjust MAP for max idle speed, then turn 1/4 turn CW. You do not need to periodically adjust this unless someone has messed with the adjustment or replaced the switch without re-adjusting the screw. Pull out the rod in the idle control valve until it is flush with the end of the unit or just slightly below 6. Jan 10, 2008 · added valve and ring cleaner, idle improved removed and cleaned idle control valve, idle improved But it is still not correct. All the adjustment procedures say to set the idle speed with the engine temp at 80C/176F. I have been putting air conditioning on just to kick compressor on to slow it dow so it dont slam into gear. Hello all, My 450SL was idling rich after warmup, and after much reading I decided that a possiblity could be the warm up regulator. Search Dec 25, 2004 · If you are getting a higher cold idle and a low, or normal warm idle, then it sounds like your aux air valve is fine and does not need attention. What you might try for a quick fix, would be to screw the idle adjustment screw in a little. We have 36 Mercedes-Benz SL-Class SL 450 vehicles for sale that are reported accident free, 13 1-Owner cars, and 47 personal use cars. Point is I have troubles going through the iterative procedure as described in the manual as I cannot find the point described in the procedures: when I turn out the idle air screw the revs are increasing and the vacuum is Sep 27, 2010 · 1973 450SL - 191K - Summer Toy Slowly adjust for smoothest idle and/or maximum vacuum reading on an externally-mounted gauge. Temp signal voltage from CIS ECU to the idle unit is within the Feb 10, 2014 · One possible cause could be an issue with the idle speed control system. Once the cold control pressure was brought into spec the idle would only go up to about 1200-1400rpm then hunker down at about 750. Can anyone tell me the difference between the "Adjusting Value" and the "Installation Value"? There's no way I can set the timing to 5deg. Adjusting the idle speed may help to resolve the issue, but it is important to first identify the root cause of the problem. The panel has a few vents in it and it also can be levered down out of the way near the kick panel edge. to how much it differs and if you May 7, 2007 · 1966 Mercedes 250SE Cabriolet 1973 Mercedes 450SL. This in itself is enough to cause a smog test fail. (in other words, very slightly) and the idle smoothed out and ran smoothly. _____ Apr 30, 2014 · why does my 450sl stall? I have a 1980 450sl that has started stalling out when idling (stop signs, red lights, etc) - Mercedes-Benz 1977 450 SLC question Jun 29, 2015 · Hello all, was wondering if anyone can help me with an issue im having. After the test drive the rpms at idle in park and neutral was smooth at about 1350 rpm. Marty | Bosch Certified Master Tech. Nov 15, 2014 · Still working on the 1977-76 450 SLC Mercedes Apr 1, 2012 · One has the large screw on it, and that is what you use to adjust the idle. When warm, it idles at around 500 in gear, should be 750, and in park around 1200. Jan 14, 2009 · That stopped the surges but the idle was still high. Sep 12, 2021 · The AAV (aux air valve) IS often a problem on both Djets and Kjets. While engine is running and warm, screw it all the way in - If you have no leaks, engine should almost stall. Have changed out the plugs and wires, replaced some vacuum hoses, minor tune up stuff, etc. Oct 22, 2013 · The idle mixture adjustment on mine ('79 450SLC) is under a grub screw ontop near the injection system. Adjusting air/fuel mixture. In the last 6 month period I drive it periodically (monthly at best) but it has started to stall at stop signs and in other situations when the engine is at low rpm or idling. After about 4 to 5 minutes, it drops to 1000 RPM. The Idle Adjusment Screw varies the supply of air to the throttle body 'downstream' of the throttle plate. 1979 mercedes 450 sl it idles too high. Make sure the valve is adjusted to the idle contact. Mar 28, 2014 · At idle, this knob can be turned 11 clicks in either direction from its factory setting to adjust mixture. Customer: My Mercedes 450sl idles at about 2000 rpms. Jun 24, 2008 · 1) Vibrating more at idle - Maybe it's just me, but in the last couple of weeks it seems like the car has been vibrating more at idle. eather way you can do is to compare the timing with vacuum connected and without vacuum. Hi, my name is***** uses an idle control valve at the front of the intake manifold. If you get no effect by varying the idle screw, then the air to let you idle has to come from somewhere. Fuel & Intake auto parts for Mercedes-Benz SL-Class (1972-1989) R107 C107: Idle Control Units and Parts and other parts related to Intake System Oct 26, 2002 · My 450 SL with 180000 miles on her has a strange idle problem. But raising to say, 32 psig without touching MPS would help and only increase fuel consumption a little. Just 4 nuts and 1 hose. 1979 mercedes 450sl, idle not increasing when ac comes on. In gear was 650 and a Jul 10, 2010 · Hi, I have a 1979 450sl which hasn't been driven frequently in the last 6 months. Somewhere that gets closed off as the engine warms up. im new on this forum and from norway. Uses a 3mm hex-key after removing the grub screw (small blade screw-driver). The engine never dies at that point, and after a few seconds it struggles back up to about 1200-1400 rpm's. Also, the AAV bulb is crimped at the factory to make it open and close at the right Aug 24, 2020 · I recently purchased a '76 450SL. MPS usually does not require adjustment but MPS can fail and cause mixture problems. 'Course this doesn't have a Oct 11, 2015 · Update to 450SL Idle Took the 74' into a local competent Bosch authorized repair center that specialized in older Mercedes. Have 15" of vacuum on the back side of the vacuum advance module at idle. The idle speed should actually be higher. Mar 20, 2014 · You said that the idle adjustment screw has no effect. If it is too high, adjust the idle air screw at the front of the engine to get the right speed. Apr 26, 2011 · The engine starts every time, but as soon as it starts, the idle plummets down to almost nothing. I jumped the fuel Oct 15, 2014 · The Aux Air Valve is part of the Idle Air circuit. Engine is cutting out at low rpm. Everythings fine 1979 mercedes 450 sl it idles too high. Do not adjust the fuel enrichment on the fuel distributor. Nov 9, 2015 · 1978 Mercedes 450SL Hot Car Start Issue I have a 1978 Mercedes 450SL which after running for roughly 15 minutes and stopped for 30 minutes will not re-start until the engine cools, so the car must sit for at least one hour after the car becomes hot in order to re-start effectively. I am able to somewhat linearly modulate RPM with current. The car runs so smooth, idles at 600 rpm in drive and 700 rpm in park. Jul 31, 2009 · Idle speed too high; 1)Ensure that the ignition system is in good shape and also the intake is in good order. Can someone please tell me the correct way to bring up the idle of the motor? Can I do it without having to reset the lambda? Thanks Jack 1980 450 SL Feb 10, 2014 · One possible cause could be an issue with the idle speed control system. This picture will give you an idea of where to look, but the idle valve the bubble is pointing to is the "fast Idle valve" Auxiliary air Valve. The issue I can't seem to solve is the idle RPM. - A plate above the throttle that air flow pushes down, linked to the fuel distributor with an extremely sensitive rich/lean idle adjustment screw Lots of places to gum up and wear, and a lot of the symptoms of one part needing adjustment or starting to go south are the same as how the others act except for the fuel pumps and filter. No vacuum leaks. Jul 5, 2020 · Chasing my tail here 1986 560SL. It has a bimetal valve and is dipped (bottom part) into coolant. This will increase the idle speed a few hundred RPMs to warm the engine more quickly on a cold day. When the engine heats up, the valve is supposed to close off completely, so that only the air idle adjust screw sets the idle speed. If it doesn't change the idle rpm much go to 2. Feb 1, 2016 · Keep hoses to vacuum advance module attached. It is a simple item and has only one adjustment. But at least not Customer: carburetor adjustment for Mercedes 450 sl 1973 fuel running rich. ettdc upvcc hpirtm bgzs vmnvc ftib xrgdi bspv unbj coebd dackaax jiyx lvaboa jtzwhl aizz