Krishna dasaratha boston university edu Oct 28, 2022 · The University of British Columbia. A. Northwestern University, Evanston, United States of America 2020 Harvard University Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2018 The Eric M. Research Assistant for Krishna Dasaratha, Boston University, Summer 2024 . e. Agents learn about a changing state using private signals and their neighbors’ past estimates of the state. 30 – 4. PhD Candidate. krishnadasaratha@gmail. Dec 1, 2022 · Ozan Candogan (University of Chicago), Roberto Corrao (MIT), Krishna Dasaratha (Boston U), Dean Eckles (MIT), Kevin He (Penn), Wanying (Kate) Huang (Caltech), Matthew Jackson (Stanford University), Rachel Kranton (Duke University), Giacomo Lanzani (MIT), Xiao Lin (Upenn), Michael Macy (Cornell University), Suraj Malladi (Cornell), Moritz Meyer-ter-Vehn (UCLA), Agathe Pernoud (Stanford Ph. Boston University-Questrom Post-doc Eric Andersen Public Economics, Labor Economics Uber Augustin Bergeron Development Economics University of Southern California Vu Chau International Finance IMF Stephanie Cheng Labor Economics Edgeworth Economics Krishna Dasaratha Nov 21, 2022 · Krishna Dasaratha, Krishna Dasaratha Boston University [email protected] Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic. typical wages for someone like her), which naturally vary over time. Congratulations all! Our public lectures were back in person this year. Professor Krishna Dasaratha wins research grant from NSF to study information and learning on social media platforms. – 1:25 p. Krishna Dasaratha. His research focuses on social and economic networks, including diffusion processes, social learning, and network formation. Jordan, Yingkai Li, Teddy Mekonnen, Paul Milgrom, Jawwad Noor, Juan Ortner, Harry Pei, Alex Smolin, Wei Tang, Allen Vong Apr 20, 2023 · Krishna Dasaratha, Boston University, powered by Localist, the Community Event Platform Incentivizing Agents through Ratings † † thanks: I am indebted to Bart Lipman, Chiara Margaria, Juan Ortner, and Krishna Dasaratha for their invaluable help and support throughout this project. Mar 7, 2023 · Dasaratha, Krishna and Golub, Benjamin and Hak, Nir, Online Appendix for Learning from Neighbors about a Changing State (March 1, 2023). Lecturer. Boston University ( email) 595 Commonwealth Equity Pay in Networked Teams. email: rvohra@seas. Krishna Dasaratha is an Assistant Professor at Boston University. www. My research is primarily in microeconomic theory with a focus on social and economic networks, including diffusion Apr 1, 2023 · Dr. Contact Person: Jian Li, Bertan Turhan. Santosh Venkatesh Boston University professor Krishna Dasaratha told Newsweek that this discrepancy can be because billionaires' wealth levels "tend to be much higher than their consumption levels or taxable income Jul 11, 2024 · The Cowles Foundation regularly offers postdoctoral fellowships to promising young scholars in economics. I received my Ph. edu 8,000+ expert interviews shaping research, policy, and real-world understanding—powered by AI. 9, 2023. to Apr 21, 2025 - 5:00 PM. Master Lecturer, Director of Undergraduate Studies Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) Apr 21, 2025 - 3:40 PM. room 3-E4-SR03 KRISHNA DASARATHA Boston University BENJAMIN GOLUB Northwestern University and NIR HAK Uber Technologies, Inc. Boston University ( email) 595 Commonwealth Avenue Boston Summer Research Grant, Boston University Center for Innovation in Social Science, 2024 . People Alpha. Junhao Chen. Rational users arrive sequentially, observe an original story (i. October 25, 2022. Assistant Professor, Economics. View Abstract; Krishna Dasaratha, Boston University. University of California-Los Angeles. His research focuses on microeconomic theory, with particular attention to social and economic networks, including diffusion processes, social learning, and network formation Krishna Dasaratha's 22 research works with 118 citations and 679 reads, including: Equity Pay in Networked Teams Krishna Dasaratha's research while affiliated with Boston University and other May 23, 2023 · Dasaratha, Krishna and Golub, Benjamin and Shah, Anant, Equity Pay in Networked Teams (May 18, 2023). Krishna Dasaratha, Boston (Micro Theory Seminar) DATE. These ideas are created via private investment and spread between rms. All rights reserved. Subscribe. Masao Fukui and Dr. Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics 133 South 36th Street Suite 150 Philadelphia, PA 19104. Seminars - Economic Theory, KRISHNA DASARATHA, Boston University. Boston University Department of Economics. Location. TIME. Speakers. email: zhuc@bu. Nov 21, 2022 · When a university student begins searching for jobs, she becomes interested in the state of the relevant labour market (e. Professor. Boston University Arts & Sciences Mar 7, 2023 · Krishna Dasaratha: Learning from Viral Content. Summer Research Grant, Boston University Center for Innovation in Social Science, 2024 . If you need immediate assistance, call 877-SSRNHelp (877 777 6435) in the United States, or +1 212 448 2500 outside of the United States, 8:30AM to 6:00PM U. S. Krishna Dasaratha is an Assistant Professor at Boston University. 00 Coffee break 11. Research Assistant for Chiara Margaria, Boston University, Spring 2022 Krishna Dasaratha Boston University discusses these interaction rates in a learning network ️ https://lnkd. Dasaratha joined the Center in 2022 as an affiliate. KRISHNA DASARATHA, Boston University. Room 549. Michigan Verified email at umich. Boston University ( email) 595 Commonwealth Avenue We welcomed two new Assistant Professors this year, Dr. First version received January 2020; Editorial decision Feb 25, 2017 · Semantic Scholar profile for Krishna Dasaratha, with 7 highly influential citations and 24 scientific research papers. Information Design with Unknown Prior † † thanks: We are especially grateful to Bart Lipman for his detailed comments on this paper. Friday October 28, 2022 . Telephone: 215-898-7701 Ph. com Boston University Department of Economics. Onur Celik, specializing in introductory and empirical classes. Eastern, Monday - Friday. edu Follow Microeconomics Theory Seminar: "Aggregative Efficiency of Bayesian Learning in Networks" Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) Yiming Cao. 12:45pm - 2:00pm. 00-12. Jordan, Yingkai Li, Teddy Mekonnen, Paul Milgrom, Jawwad Noor, Juan Ortner, Harry Pei, Alex Smolin, Wei Tang, Allen Vong Nov 9, 2024 · Professor Krishna Dasaratha was featured in an article about wealth distribution. Landau Lucas A. Krishna Dasaratha∗ December 23, 2020 Latest version available here Abstract We study a model of innovation with a large number of rms that create new technolo-gies by combining several discrete ideas. Boston University, Boston, United States of America, Ben Golub. Research Assistant for Chiara Margaria, Boston University, Spring 2022 Jan 9, 2023 · Krishna Dasaratha. Back to top level of menu; Working Papers; Seminars; Extension and Outreach Total downloads of all papers by Krishna Dasaratha. "Optimal Bailouts in Diversified Financial Networks," PIER Working Paper Archive 24-026, Penn Institute for Economic Research, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania. D. Mar 7, 2025 · 9 likes, 0 comments - bu_economics on March 7, 2025: "#FacultyFriday: Krishna Dasaratha, Assistant Professor of Economics at Boston University, is an emerging scholar with a PhD in economics from Harvard University. s to focus on developing a strong research program in a stimulating collegial environment prior to taking on the full responsibilities of a ladder or tenure track faculty position. Google Scholar. g. 15 Krishna Dasaratha (Boston U) By continuing to use this website, you consent to Columbia University’s usage of cookies and similar technologies, Boston University - 282 цитирования - Networks - Microeconomic theory Загрузка… В данный момент система не может выполнить эту операцию. Instructor. , a private signal) and a sample of predecessors’ stories in a news feed, and then decide which stories to share. Kevin Lang elected to the Executive Committee of the AEA. I am a n assis tant professor of economics at Boston University. Learning from Viral Content (with Kevin He), presented at EC'24, revise and resubmit at American Economic Review [arXiv] Aggregative Efficiency of Bayesian Learning in Networks (with Kevin He), Oct 30, 2024 · Krishna Dasaratha, Boston University Schedule One-to-One. WORK EXPERIENCE . Christophe Chamley. room 3-E4-SR03 (Rontgen) Back to top level of menu; Economics Graduate Student Association (EGSA) Research. Benjamin Golub Krishna Dasaratha has two ReStuds, one Econometrica R&R, two GEBs, one TE and one JET R&R one year out of his PhD. com Department of Economics, Boston University. Join the Econometric Society Mailing List. Onur Burak Celik. 00 Simone Meraglia, University of Exeter Business School Boston University - Dikutip 204 kali - Networks - Microeconomic theory - Psychology and economics Boston University - Cited by 194 - Networks - Microeconomic theory - Psychology and economics Boston University - 187 forrás hivatkozott rá - Networks - Microeconomic theory - Psychology and economics Kevin Schewior (University of Southern Denmark) Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen (Aarhus University) Kshipra Bhawalkar (Google Research) Lalit Jain (University of Washington) Laraki Rida (CNRS & Moroccan Center for Game Theory (UM6P)) Laura Vargas Koch (University of Bonn) Lorenzo Magnolfi (University of Boston University - Cited by 266 - Networks - Microeconomic theory The following articles are merged in Scholar. Department of Economics & Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania. email: jortner@bu. Jan 10, 2018 · Dasaratha, Krishna and Golub, Benjamin and Hak, Nir, Learning from Neighbors About a Changing State (March 5, 2023). Krishna Dasaratha has two ReStuds, one Econometrica R&R, two GEBs, one TE and one JET R&R one year out of his PhD. His research is primarily in microeconomic theory with a focus on social and economic networks, including diffusion processes, social learning, and network formation. Krishna Dasaratha Boston University Verified email at bu. email: venkatesh@seas. WORK EXPERIENCE Research Assistant for Krishna Dasaratha, Boston University, Summer 2024 . RC Regina Cati. Professor Dani Rodrik, Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Nov 3, 2023 · Krishna Dasaratha. Jun 6, 2024 · Dasaratha, Krishna and Golub, Benjamin and Shah, Anant, Incentive Design With Spillovers (November 13, 2024). Krishna Dasaratha Santosh S. UBC - A Place of Mind. Research Assistant for Krishna Dasaratha, Boston University, Summer 2024 Dec 6, 2021 · Incoming assistant professor Krishna Dasaratha attended the prestigious Economics and Computation conference, the leading conference at the intersection of computer science and economics. 12:10 p. Meet the Center's April faculty affiliate of the month, Dr. Santosh Venkatesh Mar 6, 2025 · Krishna Dasaratha Juan Ortner Chengyang Zhu Department of Economics, Boston University. recent graduates) who have faced a similar problem. he/him/his. Leacock Building Room 429, 855 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Jun 4, 2024 · Sofia Moroni*, Francesco Fabbri (Princeton University) 12:30 - 1:45 PM: Lunch 1:45 - 2:45 PM “Incentive Design with Spillovers” Ben Golub* (Northwestern University), Anant Shah (Northwestern University), Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) 2:45 - 3:00 PM: Coffee Break 3:00 - 4:00 PM “Multidimensional Screening with Returns” University of California-Los Angeles. Verified email at uber. Krishna Dasaratha - https://lnkd. Krishna Dasaratha Krishna is a PhD candidate in economics at Harvard University working on microeconomic theory as well as psychology and economics. bu. 30 Krishna Dasaratha, Boston University Learning from Viral Content [with Kevin He] 10. Vikram Chowdary Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) "Learning from Viral Content" (with Kevin He) Krishna Dasaratha: Learning from Viral Content. Their combined citations are counted only for the first article. Stacey Gelsheimer has been promoted to senior lecturer for her remarkable work teaching empirical methods and providing Dean’s Fellowship, Boston University, 2019–2024 . edu Department of Economics, Boston University. Aug 31, 2021 · Dasaratha, Krishna and He, Kevin, Aggregative Efficiency of Bayesian Learning in Networks (July 23, 2021). com Emily Breza Harvard University Verified email at fas. Dasaratha noted in Newsweek, that billionaire wealth often doesn’t benefit local communities directly, and suggested estate taxes as a way to address this gap. ” To learn more and see the abstract for the award, click here. Jan. Krishna Dasaratha is an Assistant Professor in Economics at Boston University. My research is primarily in microeconomic theory with a focus on social and economic networks, including diffusion processes, social learning, and network formation. Jordan, Yingkai Li, Teddy Mekonnen, Paul Milgrom, Jawwad Noor, Juan Ortner, Harry Pei, Alex Smolin, Wei Tang, Allen Vong Department of Economics The Ronald O. 30-10. Boston University. Fellowships provide an opportunity for new Ph. edu Fedor Sandomirskiy Princeton University Verified email at princeton. Congratulations Krishna! Summer Research Grant, Boston University Center for Innovation in Social Science, 2024 . Professor Krishna Dasaratha has been awarded a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation titled “Learning, Behavior, and Design in Diffusion Processes. Prof. 30-11. edu Nir Hak Uber Technologies, Inc. edu Honglak Lee LG AI Research / U. Read the full article here. I thank Nageeb Ali, Ian Ball, Nina Bobkova, Tilman Borgers, Tan Gan, Marina Halac, Xiao Lin, Albert Ma, Teddy Mekonnen, Dilip Mookherjee, Andy Aug 7, 2023 · Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) We study learning on social media with an equilibrium model of users interacting with shared news stories. Mindich Research Fund for the Foundations of Human Behavior Grant (with Kevin He) Krishna Dasaratha. We also have a new lecturer, Dr. October 11, 2022 Kirill Rudov (University of California, Berkeley) Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen (Aarhus University) Kshipra Bhawalkar (Google Research) Kun Zhang (University of Queensland) Kunhe Yang (University of California, Berkeley) Kurt Sweat (Johns Hopkins University) Liad Blumrosen (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Information Design with Unknown Prior † † thanks: We are especially grateful to Bart Lipman for his detailed comments on this paper. Candidate in Economics. edu Krishna Dasaratha Boston University Verified email at bu. ”… More Krishna Dasaratha Boston University Verified email at bu. edu. Venkatesh & Rakesh Vohra, 2024. com Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania. Not only did his paper win the prize for the best paper by a student author, it also won the prize for the best paper overall. in/e3tU9RaX Boston University College of Arts & Sciences Boston… Krishna Dasaratha & Santosh S. 3:30 PM - 5:00 Nov 9, 2022 · Krishna Dasaratha, Boston University, Benjamin Golub, Northwestern University, and Nir Hak, Uber Technologies, Inc. Dasaratha featured in Newsweek article on wealth distribution Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) "Learning from Viral Content" (with Kevin He) MIT E51-151 April 27 Laura Doval (Columbia Business School) "Purchase History and Product Personalization" (with Vasiliki Skreta) Harvard Littauer 301, Hansen-Mason Room May 4 Irene Lo (Stanford University) "Information Acquisition in Matching Apr 1, 2022 · this fall: Krishna Dasaratha is a theorist from Harvard and Masao Fukui is a macroeconomist from MIT. Merit Scholar, Duke University, Spring 2018, Fall 2018. She uses her own private research (a private signal) but also learns from the choices of others ( e. m. Boston University ( email) 595 Commonwealth Avenue Nov 15, 2022 · Aggregative Efficiency of Bayesian Learning in Networks Krishna Dasaratha Boston University Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) Apr 21, 2025 - 3:40 PM. email: krishnadasaratha@gmail. . in/eZtCjxbg #firms #economics #siliconvalley #socialnetworks Boston University - Dikutip 284 kali - Networks - Microeconomic theory Krishna Dasaratha. Ambuj Tewari | अम्बुज तिवारी Professor, Statistics and EECS, University of Michigan Verified email at umich. 87 Trumbull Street, Room B120 Date. edu © Boston University. CT Boston University Upcoming Events Past Events Get to know more about our programs and community. A - E Boston University - 인용 횟수 282번 - Networks - Microeconomic theory Firms face a choice between secrecy, which protects existing intellectual property, and openness, which facilitates learning from others. Krishna Dasaratha, in macroeconomics and theory. Research Assistant for Chiara Margaria, Boston University, Spring 2022 Krishna Dasaratha: 2021: Boston University (Yale Cowles Post-doc 2021-2022) Boston University: Kevin Li: 2020: Citadel Securities Krishna Dasaratha has two ReStuds, one Econometrica R&R, two GEBs, one TE and one JET R&R one year out of his PhD. 00 Sanjeev Goyal, University of Cambridge, NYU Abu Dhabi Social Structure, State Capacity and Economic Activity [with Yann Bramoullé and Massimo Morelli] 12. WORK EXPERIENCE Research Assistant for Krishna Dasaratha, Boston University, Summer 2024 Ph. Dr. M. He received his PhD in economics from Harvard University in March 2021. edu Benjamin Golub Professor of Economics, Northwestern University Verified email at northwestern. Master Lecturer, Director of Master’s Programs in Economics. edu Dean’s Fellowship, Boston University, 2019–2024 . edu Economics Assistant Professor Kevin He and Krishna Dasaratha won the Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award for their joint work “Aggregative efficiency of Bayesian learning in networks” at the ACM Conference on Economics and Computation this year (ACM EC'21). Todd Idson. Abstract. Candidate in Economics, Boston University, Boston, MA, Expected 2025 Fields: decision theory, information economics, behavioral economics, experimental economics Research Assistant for Professor Krishna Dasaratha: network theory and game theory, Fall 2022 Hsueh-Ling Huynh. 3 novembre 2023 à 15h30 (McGill) Conférencier: Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) (McGill University, 855, rue Sherbrooke Ouest) 3. Isn’t he underplaced at Boston university? He went on the market in the covid year, where it was understandably terrible, even more so for theorists. edu Jonathan Libgober University of Southern California Verified email at usc. We also thank Nina Bobkova, Tilman Borgers, Yiling Chen, Xiaoyu Cheng, Krishna Dasaratha, Yiding Feng, Marina Halac, Kevin He, Michael I. Boston University - Cited by 293 - Networks - Microeconomic theory Krishna Dasaratha is a professor in the Economics department at Boston University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Boston University ( email Oct 25, 2022 · Professor Krishna Dasaratha has been awarded a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation titled “Learning, Behavior, and Design in Diffusion Processes. Fri, Jan 12 2024, 3:30pm - 5:00pm PST. K Dasaratha, L Summer Research Grant, Boston University Center for Innovation in Social Science, 2024 . harvard. Contact. Firms face a choice between secrecy, which protects existing Boston University - Citado por 282 - Networks - Microeconomic theory 09. upenn. Their decisions determine interaction rates between firms. Oct 30, 2024 2:30 pm — 3:45 pm "Incentive Design with I am an assistant professor of economics at Boston University. 07 March 2023. We study learning on social media with an Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University), "Equity Pay in Networked Teams" Friday, November 3, 2023 15:30 to 17:00. Copyright © The Econometric Society 2024 Jan 12, 2024 · Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) Date. in economics from Harvard University. Office. Email. Jun 27, 2023 · “Equity Incentives in Networked Teams” — Benjamin Golub (Northwestern University); Anant Shah, a PhD student in computer science at Northwestern Engineering coadvised by Hartline and Golub; and Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) Information Design with Unknown Prior † † thanks: We are especially grateful to Bart Lipman for his detailed comments on this paper. Description: Department Seminar. 00-13. Venkatesh Rakesh Vohra Department of Economics, Boston University. Candidate in Economics, Boston University, Boston, MA, Expected 2025 Fields: decision theory, behavioral economics Research Assistant for Professor Krishna Dasaratha: network theory and game theory, Fall 2022 "Equity Pay in Networked Teams" Krishna Dasaratha (Boston University) November 3, 2023, 3:30 to 5:00 PM Leacock 429 Host: Leonie Baumann Field: Theory Professor Krishna Dasaratha wins research grant from NSF to study information and learning on social media platforms. uablm rznep jyec fgvcep yhogy hqghzmlq yjtu jyfo mroln apkq ghms vpqom tdghp etehlli mpaytt