Kerbal how to plan trajectory Plan a retrograde maneuver to the KSC. then launch and then set the transfer burn node. The trajectories mod can be a good starting point, but take that info with a grain of salt since it is effected by your orientation and current mass. Ideally, you will only need a quite short push at AP to raise your PE over the surface and into low orbit. To maintain a carefully planned orbit, the time warp should be slowed down Aug 29, 2014 · The basic landing sequence consists of the opposite maneuvers in reverse sequence: a "deorbit" burn to convert your circular orbit into a suborbital trajectory, and a "landing" burn to set your rocket gently down on the surface. The current advantages of the maneuver tool are the ability to see the real trajectory followed by the spacecraft during the burn, and to evaluate its end point. Aug 25, 2019 · Would it be possible to write a addon which at the very least assists with Brachistochrone trajectory plotting? I'd be willing to assist in writing it, but I really don't know where I'd even start, especially when it comes to the math. However, instead of going for the usual 12,000,000 ish Apoapsis, you're trying for more like 14,500,000m. Conclusion. The red line indicates your planned trajectory after a maneuver. May 2, 2013 · Transfer angle - This is the angle that the vessel travels between the departure and arrival point. Aug 9, 2016 · The free return trajectory is actually useful in early career mode in KSP, especially when you're doing caveman mode. You want to be able to mission plan with minimal parts and acceptable launchpad mass, but you don't have the luxury of patched conics. Landing on Minmus is similar to landing on the Mun, with a few minor exceptions: Minmus is further from Kerbin than the Mun, which means: . You're not going to be needing them again! Flight path Feb 2, 2018 · That's not a free return trajectory. The basic idea for this project was to take alexmoon's Launch Window Planner and add a few useful features – interactive 3D visualizations of transfer trajectories, additional transfer options, the ability to enter fully customized parking orbits, and a way to optimize transfers for highly-accurate in-game use. 4,500 delta-v. Apr 14, 2017 · Hi guys, Since I have managed several succesful lunar crewed mission in my current save, I think it is the time to move to exploration of other planets. OK, we're ready to start. If you have a specific Keyboard/Mouse/AnyPart that is doing something strange, include the model number i. Use this toggle to switch between the regular mode (similar to stock KSP orbits), or body-fixed mode. Quote And wasteful. Click here to jump to that post. Dec 22, 2024 · It shows projections of the trajectories of vessels and celestial bodies. If your trajectory disappears or changes color, you may have a Mun encounter. You might even get lucky and get a few of the others. Keep in mind that this method does require more fuel to complete. Oct 23, 2013 · Actually, straight up to Kerbal escape. Plan for atmospheric entry and deploy parachutes for safe landing on Kerbin. Practice more rendezvous. With patched conics from a L2 tracking station, you can see when you have an escape trajectory. You can also plan aerobreaking manuevers and powered flybys. Somewhere in there, you'll see your trajectory show a Tylo intercept. Oct 16, 2023 · The trajectory of my vessel is not showing, however the planets and other crafts still have white trajectory lines. 580 + 180 + 70 + 340 (plane change) = 1270 delta-v Nov 15, 2015 · All in all, if you want to be conservative, project 50 mT to LEO. The other design had spin issues making it impossible to do an orbital turn. Descend through Kerbin's atmosphere and land safely on its surface. Then, swing around to the apoapsis side, and burn prograde to raise your periapsis back out of the atmosphere, if you're satisfied with the orbit's altitude. To adjust where the node is, click and drag the circle with the pull-tabs on it around your trajectory. Do your mission! Do a rescue mission and most importantly: have fun along the way! Mar 11, 2024 · Here I want to bring a mathematical insight to why, even with all these problems dealt with, the current maneuver planning system would still be inadequate. Windows/Linux forum post Aug 16, 2021 · Trajectory calculation. " That is wrong. However, your plan is not going to work regardless of payload, because I find it hard to believe that you could fit what is essentially another entire rocket [I]plus[/I] the Europa Clipper into the Falcon Heavy's payload fairing. Jan 16, 2018 · Also Plan entries sometimes are incorrect. Feb 26, 2025 · Welcome, fellow space enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of orbital mechanics in Kerbal Space Program (KSP). I struggle even when returning from the Mun or Minmus, and terrible when coming back from interplanetary. Edited January 26, 2018 Nov 27, 2014 · And while that looks like a lot, it's super simple. Then just use the gridfins to glide your way in. Its tough. Calculates deployment orbit for an evenly spaced satellite network in a single launch bundle. EDIT: It occurred to me that you might be missing the "Them on board" part. - Krafpy/KSP-MGA-Planner Feb 25, 2025 · To help you plan your journey, maneuver nodes let you specify to specify how much thrust you want to apply in which places. It seems like a promising field of study. -----Anyway, an update: yesterday I did some GUI work on the Flight Plan designer and today I'm going to be working on the related computations. Just load up the landing dialog and if you clip the atmo it shows whether you are going into a aerobrake or a landing manoeuvre and gives you the numbers. In case of Hohmann transfer, the transfer angle is always 180 degrees. If you're new to the game or just struggling to get your rockets into a stable orbit, you're in the right place. Posted by u/chikitulfo - 2 votes and 13 comments Jan 21, 2018 · The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. Apr 8, 2017 · Unfortunately FF does not plan paths that have a double flyby of a planet like this, I have to use the Lambert spreadsheet linked in the FF OP to find these. Largely similar to a Mun lander, with several key differences: Aug 11, 2013 · If you use one of the handles, KSP will show, what effect a burn towards this direction (blue maneuver node maker on the navball) at this specific time (position of the node) of exactly that change in velocity (∆V), would have on your orbital trajectory. Aug 11, 2012 · I know that a number of universities have used GAs for advanced trajectory optimization work and papers have been published, some of which I have read. e. All you have to do is create the Point and load the LVD file that contains the trajectory you're looking to integrate. It's awesome). Mun For Dummies: Travelling to the Mun and Back by nicnacnic (For Version 1. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. They will map out your future trajectory after that thrust so that you can see if you need to thrust more or less or in a different direction or whatever. 1. Plan each stage of you mission, and figure out how much delta-v you need to accomplish it. You need to do a Munar flyby for science. LIke there's no line to create maneuver nodes on the map. Aug 24, 2014 · A sub-orbital flight is one that doesn't go in to orbit. I was on Minmus flyby trajectory, that would later put me on stable Kerbin orbit. Jun 18, 2013 · All Activity; Home ; Kerbal Space Program 1 ; KSP1 Mods ; KSP1 Mod Releases ; KSP1 Tools and Applications [WIN/MAC/LINUX] KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool v1. https://krafpy. You typically need to burn a bit earlier than usual and a bit more than usual to get a free return. There isn't one. Mun and Minmus are available pretty much from anywhere in Kerbin since an orbit is just 15 minutes. Then the "toward taget" and "against target" pink indicators on the navball will allow you to have a good idea of where to make your corrections of horizontal speed, by comparing them to your prograde and retrograde markers. It will go from an ellipse to just about half of an ellipse with a little circle at the end. Try some more rendezvous. Flight Plan hadn't seen that and informed me that I would make a new crater on Kerbin. Based on Ens-Gijs spreadsheet. Right-click on the target and select Set Target. You could save now with F5. Apr 5, 2024 · Calculates a (potentially) optimal interplanetary trajectory with multiple gravity assists. What you need is a launch that has an apoapsis between the two altitudes you list, to meet the requirement of the mission, and which then comes back down to Kerbin. However the deviation exceeded 300 km last I saw. May 2, 2019 · As per usual the plan is for a transfer orbit out toward the Mun. Download; Forum; Wiki Sep 15, 2022 · To perform a successful landing on Duna you will need a large rocket. LVD will load the LVD case MAT file you select, parse the trajectory, and create the Point. Generally you'd want to spend quite a bit of time flying horizontally in the atmosphere to slow down. Aim to intercept the Mun’s orbit at a point where you can achieve a low-altitude orbit around the Mun with minimal fuel expenditure. This determines the number of SOI changes through which the trajectory will be drawn. This is a type of geometric point, part of the geometry system. I'm having trouble reproducing that, tough. I've reloaded the game, loaded past saves, nothing works. Step 7: Final Landing and Recovery. It can be hard to learn how to use, but it can do things like let you find a K-E-K-J trajectory, or a K-E-E-J trajectory. Jul 23, 2019 · To do this, just use the controls on your maneuver node to scan your arrival trajectory back and forth from left to right through the Jool system, from the left edge of Tylo's orbit to the right edge of Tylo's orbit. with significant deviation from prograde at the start of the maneuver) Oct 16, 2023 · It seems like, at least for me, the game believes the craft is landed and therefore is not showing a trajectory line. Jun 20, 2017 · When airbrakes are deployed before planning the burn, I didn't catch the exact amount due to night landing and missing pausing before impact. Feb 24, 2023 · I'm not exactly sure what caused it, but after circularizing an orbit around Kerbin my trajectory line has vanished. If you burned as soon as the Mun rose above the horizon (at LKO) and hit a certain velocity, you could get there most of the time. The most important thing is to match the Longitude of the Ascending Node (LAN) of the prescribed parking orbit. 0 to 1. Jul 15, 2015 · going to LKO (low Kerbin orbit) first is much easier from the standpoint of piloting and mission planning; direct ascent requires a lot of skill to get the precise trajectory you want. It assumes impulse of 1000 m/s at the "top" of the original orbit The dark blue line shows your ship's trajectory under constant acceleration of 10 m/s 2 if burning along the maneuver (i. Please let me know if you have any questions about the tool, either PM or a message in the KSPTOT tread will work fine. 3. Altitudes below ~30km will very likely cook you at orbital speeds. This is the best way to plan rendezvous maneuvers, and practice with maneuver nodes translates directly into experience toward rendezvous. As you will discover, when dealing with orbital mechanics, pointing Sep 24, 2021 · Don't touch (anti)normal/radial in/out. g. Balancing this stage is tricky. By default no ship commands work in map view (except a few like "x" to cut throttle). Switch back to the normal viewmode by hitting M to enjoy the Launch spectacle. r/KerbalSpaceProgram A chip A chip The classic "Kerbal" way is to get into a prograde low Kerbin orbit, wait until Mun rises over the horizon, then burn prograde about 800m/s. Aug 9, 2012 · A lot of people will think "that's easy, just do the burn at midnight/noon. A free return trajectory is a specific type of translunar injection that leaves you doing a figure-8 around the Moon, returning (for free) back to Kerbin/Earth. Step 1: Expand the Map View (M) to locate your target. === Posted by u/chikitulfo - 2 votes and 13 comments Jan 21, 2018 · The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. Orbits can be disturbed when time-warping across sphere of influence changes. More fuel is required from the trip between Kerbin's orbit and Minmus. Plan a safe re-entry trajectory into Kerbin's atmosphere and deploy parachutes for a gentle splashdown. The Experiment button on the left side of the screen shows my vessel's state: Kerbin/Landed/Water when I am in fact 127 KM above Kerbin, in orbit. Accelerate to 100 m/s Jul 23, 2019 · To do this, just use the controls on your maneuver node to scan your arrival trajectory back and forth from left to right through the Jool system, from the left edge of Tylo's orbit to the right edge of Tylo's orbit. github. Jul 4, 2024 · Introduction. Jul 9, 2024 · Adjust trajectory for Kerbin reentry and capture into orbit. Feb 23, 2015 · OP: First you set the orbit, then you set a node to go to Mun. Jan 22, 2023 · When you are ready, just start burning prograde until you get an orbit around Kerbin and an escape trajectory from the Mun. I'll try to figure that out and maybe provide a save with it. The classic "Kerbal" way is to get into a prograde low Kerbin orbit, wait until Mun rises over the horizon, then burn prograde about 800m/s. Set a target point (nav ball guidance) Body-fixed mode. I'm going to let you loose on these equations. Jul 10, 2013 · Getting extremely long trajectory to AP is better than getting up there with a steep trajectory as it will be a lot easier to circularize when you already have most of the orbital velocity needed. 10 [Major LVD Improvements!] Aug 11, 2013 · If you use one of the handles, KSP will show, what effect a burn towards this direction (blue maneuver node maker on the navball) at this specific time (position of the node) of exactly that change in velocity (∆V), would have on your orbital trajectory. I remember when flight planning was a new feature in KSP. The Kerbal Space Program subreddit. This means that whenever you plan a Hohmann transfer, the apoapsis of your trajectory should be exactly on the other side of Kerbol (the sun). io/KSP-MGA-Planner/ The tool provides an interactive 3D replica of KSP's solar system where you can zoom on planets and moons. Making spaceflight planning easier for Kerbal Space Program 2 one mission at a time. Apr 3, 2015 · In the settings. Launch to low Kerbin orbit. Altitudes above ~40km might not slow you down enough for landing. To set one up, click your trajectory on the map where you want to start your burn. Has anyone found a workaround to get it to display again? I've tried closing and reopening the game and it's still not appearing. Make sure you have fuel left in reserve in case you need a followup burn to avoid a collision and to return home. This will show you the orbit or trajectory of your intended target. Jan 23, 2025 · Reusable Kerbal Exploration 1: LKO; Making a Gigantic LKO Space Station; How to make a spaceship with an interior living space; Mun. Then, add more thrusters, that's the kerbal way :D In early tech rockets to the moon, I put some SRBs to help orbiters with low TWR to reach orbit. That should put you on a pretty good intercept. Anybody have a fix? Edit: Reloaded the save from when I first touched down on Minmus, now I can actually play the game Jul 6, 2024 · This tutorial is in 3 parts: How to Read the dV Map Mission Planning with the dV Map Does the KSP2 Mission Planning tool work? (short answer, "no") Part 1: How to Read the dV Map Spoiler What dV Map? There are a few dV maps out there, made for various versions of KSP1, some of which include dV in Skip to main content. (Bonus points if it lets you schedule a kerbal alarm clock alarm to tell you when to start your deceleration Feb 2, 2018 · That's not a free return trajectory. For all your gaming related, space exploration needs… Jan 26, 2016 · Find a transfer window FROM Eve -> Moho. Manipulating that ellipse and using Keplers laws and perhaps one or two others that I’m missing and the actual trajectory should just be a geometry problem, though some calculus is needed for the deltav and other logistics of it, so I would suggest doing some research there. Because depending on the trajectory, the bounds are different. For Minmus landing mission, a mission plan might look like this. Your trajectory will be curved by the planet and can be off by around 30° from your intended direction of travel. Transfer to Minmus. If you increase it beyond the default of three, you can plan maneuvers that involve several SOI changes. I typically have my trajectory for Duna lined up within 10km of my target as soon as I escape Kerbin influence. Every time you take one of those missions, you get a "crew" added to your employee list - they can do nothing useful (can't pilot, can't EVA), but they take up a spot in a crew module, and you have to take them along when you Sep 30, 2013 · Planning gravity assists is EASY if you use MechJeb. The idea that in order to reach orbit you have to burn in the direction of the planets motion (really any direction but realistically it's this method), and that orbiting is a ballistic trajectory so long that you aim to fall on the other side of the world, above the atmosphere, isn't something most people know. . Nov 27, 2014 · And while that looks like a lot, it's super simple. Plug in your planets, ignore the plot, and click "add an alarm to Kerbal Alarm Clock" (Oh, and make sure you have Kerbal Alarm Clock installed. ) To improve on this, click the periapsis of your planned trajectory and it will continue to display as you adjust it. Try getting a free return trajectory. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Notice, that the next step is docking try, fail, try some more. I usually start planning my slingshot by setting up an intercept trajectory. The maneuver planning tools are pretty simple to get the hang of, and the full up mission planning tools are not too bad either once you get the hang of them. Interactively visualizes delta v and communication networks on a KSP universe map. Now we need to get the trajectory up (or down) towards Duna. cfg file in your KSP install folder, there is a value called CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT. So it has no idea that good human-found strategies for specific trajectories exist Plan your (Space) Flight! Fly your Plan! Handy tools to help you set up maneuver nodes that will get you where you want to be. Check the How to use section below for instructions. Then, in the second stage, end the circularization, and starts the transfer to the moon, and do most of (if not all) the circularization of the moon. An easier way to do this is to just burn upwards from launch sending you straghit up to an escape trajectory (about 2,000km). as far as dV requirements are concerned: as long as your LKO is pretty low, in practice there's very little difference in the dV requirements for the two. Use the map above. r = parking orbit radius v = ejection velocity μ = gravitational parameter of origin planet It's got the ability to do detailed planning on complex missions. Here is an example of going K-E-K-K-J for 1011m/s, though a flyby of Mun is also used to save about 80m/s. It tries to find a trajectory that minimizes the total dV with what is basically a "smart evolutionary trial and error" algorithm generalized for any planet sequence. Inspiration: alexmoon's Launch Window Planner. 20 Aug 2021 Requires MATLAB Runtime Compiler. In body-fixed mode, the trajectory is displayed relatively to the body frame, following the body rotation. Then I fine-tune that trajectory (usually using RCS) as close as possible to the planet. When asking a question or stating a problem, please add as much detail as possible. Feb 27, 2018 · High-level pilots and probe cores can point directly towards (or away from ) the target using SAS, but if you're asking whether the node creator in map mode will give you a handle that lets you easily plan an intercept, then no; that is something you'll have to do on your own. The atmospheric drag makes things very complicated. Congratulations! Feb 23, 2020 · Hey there, I'm the author of KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool. Jun 18, 2013 · Enter a solution: the "LVD Trajectory Point". The game offers a Mars crewed flyby and Venus crewed flyby, and a generous amount of funds for completing it. Then you'll have an alarm for the next awesome transfer window. Step 2: You will need This tool allows planning MGA trajectories with the details of each maneuver needed, with consideration of orbits' inclinations and eccentricities. Anybody have a fix? Edit: Reloaded the save from when I first touched down on Minmus, now I can actually play the game Sep 12, 2018 · Until you have an escape trajectory, burn forward slowly. As per usual the plan is for a transfer orbit out toward the Mun. Successfully sending a rover to Duna in KSP requires careful planning, precise execution of maneuvers, and efficient use of resources. Before then we had a bunch of tricks and shortcuts to get to the Mun. When the spacecraft is at the closest point to the target's periapsis, we will accelerate to create an elliptical orbit that is smaller than the intercept trajectory and go for one or several full orbits. Try a few orbits earlier or later. Kerbal Space Program. Upper Stage. Jun 21, 2015 · It's easier if you have already something to use as a target (a lander, a stranded kerbal, a flag). An online tool providing automatic design of trajectories with multiple gravity assists for Kerbal Space Program. Supports alternate sized solar systems. 5M, cut your engines. For PC questions/assistance. Without patched conics, just watch your contract for the "be on an escape trajectory" checkbox Jan 16, 2015 · I've found a lot of great tutorials on KSP, but the topic of properly figuring out such low trajectory (max altitude, speed and landing point) was somehow omitted by tutorialmakers. I will test later as the design I posted earlier is stable enough to do a gravity turn to orbit and the escape burn from there to prograde or retrograde to Kerbal's orbital direction around Kerbal. Business, Economics, and Finance. That's almost never the case, however, and life wouldn't survive the G forces. Once you have picked your transfer trajectory, you can create a KAC alarm with all of the details of the trajectory. 5M subscribers in the KerbalSpaceProgram community. Then I enter x5 time warp so the trajectory holds still and put a maneuver on my interplanetary trajectory short distance before the intercept. (Use "Kerbal Alarm System" modor use the MK1 Eyeball part) This (Kerbin -> Eve) transfer window will most likely not be the most efficient, and may not even be possible some of the years. EDIT: There have been a couple questions about maneuver nodes. This was using stock airbrakes with the ignore max temperature set to eliminate the ablative brakes mod as a variable. Jun 20, 2017 · Disable the trajectory display. Furthermore, push the nodes inward to achieve a more subtle adjustment. Recover your spacecraft to complete the mission. (With a powerful enough engine, and a design that would survive it, (almost) due-up is an option, so you lose as little ΔV to aerodynamic forces as possible. Then, adjust the maneuver by using the pull-tabs that pop up on the node. Aug 16, 2021 · I want to point out that I have (almost) no control over what trajectory is produced by my tool. First, mission planning. Reload and fine tune it so you land within like 10km of the monument unaided, then make another quick save on that trajectory. The trajectory computation steps with bounds calculation are the following: Calculate the parking orbit (equatoral circular orbit). (I use MechJeb as well, not for the automation (not just because it's always off by a few seconds, but because I like to do rendezvous by hand), but for the data on "closest approach to target" it provides. Plan your dV budget. As soon as your Apoapsis hits 14. You're not going to be needing them again! Flight path Nov 24, 2018 · I'm sure that as the trajectory slowly changes, you will see hundreds of projected encounters with Jool, Duna, and Kerbin. Aug 16, 2021 · I released an online tool that allows for automatic planning of interplanetary trajectories with multiple gravity assists. In the screenshot example below I wasn't even in orbit yet, just suborbital: I would like to be able to provide a save file, I'm just not sure how to do that. As long as your descent isnt too shallow or too quick Adjust maneuver until the red marker hits the KSC Go to “target” tab and click “current impact” When the time comes to enter the atmosphere, position your pitch toward the green box in the navball Idk if you use quicksaves, but if you do, make a quick save, and then just coast to see where you land after the apoapsis adjustment. 2) Traveling to The Mun by craigmt1; Free Return Trajectory to the Mun by PD (Credit to Rascal Nag (Forum Profile) for original Jan 23, 2023 · Upon arrival at an encounter node, the game switches the orbital reference of the craft to that of the encountered celestial body; an ideal moment to plan maneuvers to stabilize into an orbit. Crypto Apr 5, 2024 · KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool Arrowstar: Contains tools for computing gravity assist maneuvers, rendezvous maneuvers, and full end-to-end mission planning with the Mission Architect and Launch Vehicle Designer tools. Sometimes the trajectory disappears for reasons I don't understand. Trajectory is also very important for heating. Currently, the bounds are calculated and applied when the trajectory is computed (in the fitness function of the DE). May 8, 2023 · Tilt the view so that you're looking straight down Kerbin's North pole, which will give a clear view of the trajectory arc towards the East and the Apoapsis label. "Suborbital Trajectory", "Mun Flyby," etc. I recommend you get it. Aug 14, 2020 · Trajectory. It provides mission-critical information about: Location of other vessels (and asteroids). Mar 3, 2023 · Ready to take your Kerbal Space Program 2 adventure to the next level? In this tutorial video, I'm going to show you how to land on Mun, the game's equivalen May 14, 2023 · Plan your trajectory: Before launching, carefully plan your mission using the map view. See forum post for usage details. 6. If you want to plan missions to other bodies, I recommend you download "Kerbal alarm clock" and warp to the transfer window. Feb 25, 2023 · I'm trying to go from Minmus to Kerbin, but my trajectory just isn't there. Jul 28, 2014 · It's OK to do the aerobraking over multiple orbits, as long as you don't swing into Ike, or stay on an escape trajectory. Every craft design will have its own most efficient trajectory. E. The purpose of this trajectory is simply to wait for the target to come to its perfect position WHILE BEING AT THE SAME PLACE when it arrive. This will be the date at which you need to arrive at Eve, so now you need to plan the launch from Kerbin. Warp to that alarm and launch into the parking orbit it calculated. Unless you are planning to deploy a spaceplane in the Dunan atmosphere (a perfectly viable option), you will need something resembling a highly beefed-up Mun Rocket. dzmxfqwyi maxmg ahbdo fsfyzv wikp ael ijqr ocnytf kogj zauvyg eoqegd runu vaggig ggikg oizdud