Idas lps d2 review. Apr 13, 2022 · IDAS LPS D2 or D3 or Optolong L-Pro.
Idas lps d2 review Vi invito a guardare il filmato sul filtro IDAS LPS D2 per luci LED su YouTube per capire meglio in quali condizioni ho realizzato queste immagini: LPS filters utilize the unique IDAS Ion Gun Assisted Deposition (IGAD*) coating technology for superior coating durability (quartz hardness) and safer cleaning. when exposing Luminance. LPS filters utilize the unique IDAS Ion Gun Assisted Deposition (IGAD*) coating technology for superior coating durability (quartz hardness) and safer cleaning. LPS-D2: Blocks high/low sodium and white LED. As with other IDAS interference filters, the bandpasses are designed Dec 3, 2019 · The following images are taken from RAW images of 300 secs at 1600 iso. Using the P2 is way better, in general, with light polluted skies, than having no filter The (new) D1 is supposed to be even better. I have read good things about IDAS LPS-D2 is an equipment item of class Filter on AstroBin equipment database. Also, I review my Hutech IDAS LPS D1 filter Apr 13, 2014 · Core features of IDAS filters are as follows: LPS-D1: Blocks mercury and low sodium. Jun 14, 2021 · These work by blocking wavelengths of light associated with light pollution, for example sodium from old-style orange street lights. The LPS-D1 is being promoted as its replacement, citing better color balance. Thought Id put it here as a summary. Its effect is not as dramatic as that of the CLS filter, and if you're imaging emission nebulae the CLS is probably a better choice. Quindi avevo pensato al filtro Idas LPS D2 che taglia in parte le frequenze delle luci a LED o addirittura al filtro Idas LPS V4. It allows OIII, Ha and SII through. Find IDAS filters including the IDAS NBZ filter, LPS D1, LPS D3, 30,000+ REVIEWS averaging 4. Peter Der IDAS LPS-D2-Filter ist eine Antwort auf diese neue Bedrohung. Apr 26, 2021 · IDAS LPS-P3 Light Pollution Suppression Filter. La risposta del filtro LPS D2 è migliore di quanto mi aspettassi, ma vi consiglio di vedere il filmato qui sotto per poter analizzare meglio i risultati. , D1, P2 and V4. The first is with the D2 and the second is the Optolong. Hutech IDAS LPS NGS1. The idea of a clip-in filter appeals to me since it would work with all of my lenses as well as any telescopes I may purchase in the future. 0 cooled colour camera Jul 5, 2020 · Let's talk light pollution. Je suis resté chez IDAS avec le lps-d2 pour essayer de lutter contre les deux nouveaux lampadaires led qui entourent mon terrain, mais aussi pour essayer de gagner en contraste et atténuer les étoiles. IDAS LPS V4 Started Mar 17, 2016 | Questions thread Forum: Parent SALE. $254. Dec 3, 2019 · I recently acquired an Optolong L-eNhance filter and wanted to compare it to my favoured IDAS D2. Is designed to block out led light to a certain extent. 8nm(青) 、 546. 99. . 9 stars. Downtown Charlotte is a white zone, but downtown itself is small & as you spread you quickly go from bortle 9, to bortle 8, to me, which is The IDAS LPS-D2 filter is the IDAS answer to this new threat. Generally I think that I prefe Apr 13, 2022 · The IDAS LPS D3 does a better job for me on broadband targets going through the heavy light pollution that I live in, bortle 7+, just a few miles from bortle 8. IGAD coatings also improve temperature and humidity stability of the filter performance, reducing spectrum shifts down to +/-1nm from the +/-3 or 4nm shift of standard coatings. NGS1(ex LPS-D3) Night glow suppression : The world-first filter that suppresses both man-made and night glow interferences to the green , orange and red ranges. See videos at the bottom of this page for background information on natural sky glow. Apr 13, 2014 · Page 13 of 13 - Understanding IDAS D1, P2, V4 & HEUIBII Filters - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: I wrote a summary of IDAS filters for someone. Selbst bei Galaxien und Sternhaufen bringt der LPS-D2-Filter eine deutliche Steigerung. Now let’s focus on the black lines of the picture, which represent the transmittance profile of the IDAS LPS D2 filter. SO. Several thousands high-end customers are currently using all over the world to improve their image under the light-polluted sky. LPS-D1 (Obsolete The IDAS LPS-D2 filter is the IDAS answer to this new threat. I am on the fence of which one of Jun 10, 2021 · LPS filters utilise the unique IDAS Ion Gun Assisted Deposition (IGAD*) coating technology for superior coating durability (quartz hardness) and safer cleaning. Apr 13, 2014 · Page 7 of 13 - Understanding IDAS D1, P2, V4 & HEUIBII Filters - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: OK I had a chance to do some very rudimentary filter comparisons. The newer sensors have a much better QE than the older sensors, part of which is attributable to the enhanced Green Sensitivity. I have both the IDAS LPS D2 and D1 filters. Hutech IDAS NB3 + NGS1. Hutech IDAS NB1. So either I need to collect more data or using a dedicated astro camera will make the difference. 1nm(緑) )やナトリウム由来の 589nm付近の輝線(オレンジ) をしっかりカットしています。 Prima parte del racconto della mia esperienza con tre differenti filtri IDAS: il D1, versione modificata del P2 che ho già recensito sul canale, D2 per luci Oct 3, 2019 · Uno a banda larga e uno a banda stretta. Note: Le IDAS-LPS-D3 remplace les versions précédentes (LPS-P1, LPS-P2, LPS-D1, LPS-D2) il s'agit de la version la plus optimisée de ce filtre disponible à ce jour :-) Excellente transmission en bande passante Nov 4, 2023 · IDAS LPS-D2 – $189USD (discontinued) IDAS LPS-P3 – $189USD (replaced by LPS-D3, and more recently NGS-1) Antlia Triband RGB Ultra – $179USD Dec 2, 2020 · Clip in light pollution filter for Nikon D5300 - IDAS LPS D2 - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Even in my dark spot an hour outside the city I still get considerable light pollution. Der Filter unterdrückt die hellle blaue Komponente dieser Leuchten und eliminiert den wärmeren Teil ihrer Emissionskurve von etwa 555nm bis 640nm. Nov 9, 2021 · IDAS has been making changes to the color sensitivity for many years as opposed to the stagnant Celestron Filters. STC Ultra Layer Astro The most recently introduced version (D2) has a bandpass designed to cope with the increasing trend of society's switch to LED lighting. I just received the new IDAS LPS-D3 thinking it might be a better choice but it seems to have even less galaxy definition and details than the Orion filter and needs a bit more exposure time. Der neue IDAS LPS-D2-Filter trägt dieser Situation Feb 3, 2020 · Let’s zoom in on one of the pictures that I already included in the above picture – the IDAS LPS D2 filter. I would like to have a discussion primarily Apr 26, 2021 · IDAS D2 in front of the ZWO ASI 183MC with William Optics ZS103 - just over 19 hours of 6 minute subs Member Equipment Reviews ; IDAS LPS-P3 Light Pollution Oct 11, 2018 · Clip-in IDAS filters for Full Frame camera's cut off some of the light cone causing vignetting. new 大気光(夜天光) & 水銀灯光害抑制フィルター idas lps-p3 世界に先駆けた超マルチバンドの光害カットフィルターlps-p1の誕生から20年、lps-p2、lps-d1、lps-d2、ngs1(lps-d3)と進化を続け、今新たにlps-p3をリリースします。 サイズ: 価格(別途消費税) 備考 レンズとカメラ間にlps-v4を配置した時。(mfa、eos-mfa 37mmやffなど) カメラの撮像素子サイズがaps-c、バックフォーカス(※)40mm以上、f値2以上以のレンズを使用すれば、光線入射角は20゜を超える事はなく、フィルターに対する光束の平均最大入射角は約17゜以内に収まります。 Europe's largest astronomy equipment retailer 7,500+ items available from stock 7,500+ items available from stock Personal advice & service Personal advice IDAS LPS-D3 (formerly NGS1) light pollution suppression filters enhance the contrast of astronomical emission nebulae against a sky with both man-made and natural* sky glow sources, yet preserve the color balance of broadband objects such as galaxies. This was the industry-first multi-bandpass technology coating, advanced design and concept at the time, but isn’t obsolete even today at all. Apr 13, 2014 · Page 1 of 13 - Understanding IDAS D1, P2, V4 & HEUIBII Filters - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: EDIT: Title update to include previously missed D1There seems bit of dilemma around subtle differences in spectrum in various iterations of IDAS Light Pollution Suppression (LPS) Filters , i. Looks good. Ero inizialmente spinto a prendere il filtro Optolong l-pro sul quale ho letto molto bene in giro, unica pecca che non taglia le frequenze delle luci a LED che ormai stanno spopolando nelle grandi città. About few months ago, I started the hobby and one of the first things I got was a light pollution filter so I can image from my bortle 8, sometimes 9 San Francisco skies. Currently I have LED stree Aug 19, 2021 · IDAS LPS-D3 - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Anyone using this newer filter. The IDAS LPS-D2 filter is the IDAS answer to this new threat. Yes the color is terrible but depending on your situation it may provide an alternative if you can color correct the background. No processing at all. Jan 29, 2019 · I just tried out my new IDAS LPS-D2 filter and I think the results are pretty favorable. Doubts, doubts, and more doubts! ;) 1/10th wafe in fornt of 1/4th wave Thanks for let me know and for the links! Nov 9, 2021 · followed by the LPS-D2 and LPS-P3. Aug 5, 2023 · Ein einfacher Vergleich mit dem Light Pollution Filter Optolong L-Pro und IDAS LPS-D2 mit jeweils einer Natriumdampflampe (die gelbliche) und einer LED Lampe LPS filters utilize the unique IDAS Ion Gun Assisted Deposition (IGAD*) coating technology for superior coating durability (quartz hardness) and safer cleaning. I had the opportunity to show this target with no filter (see other image) and with my new IDAS – LPS-D2 filter. Mar 28, 2021 · I currently use the Optolong L-Pro filter with my ZWO ASI294MC OSC but I'm thinking about replacing it with the IDAS LPS-D3. Jun 18, 2020 · 昨夜は梅雨時らしからぬカラッとした快晴。夏至直前で夜が短い上、平日でしたが、月の出までの時間を使って2つほど実験をしてみました。まず今夜は、光害カットフィルターの比較からです。 先日、冷却カメラを買った際、実は併せて光害カットフィルターも購入していました。IDASの「Night Apr 5, 2021 · 手持ちのidas lps-d1および同ngs1(=lps-d3)について見ています。 LPS-D1は水銀由来の強烈な輝線( 435. Quick view Compare Add to Cart. Or even if anyone has used them and can Apr 13, 2022 · IDAS LPS D2 or D3 or Optolong L-Pro. 5mm thickness (parfocal with other IDAS LPS filters) IDAS-proprietary IGAD/MBT/UFP quality; Made in Japan! Natural sky glow sources blocked include upper atmosphere oxygen and sodium lines which become visible from high-altitude, dark sky sites. How would I go about fixing this in Photoshop? In the past, Ive used the dropper tool to click on a dark patch of sky to set the black point 2. Optolong L-eNhance. IDAS LPS filter were first designed as LPS-P1 in 1999. Aug 1, 2017 · IDAS LPS-D1 vs LPS-P2 - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I have been using the P2. You need to do color correction during processing. IDAS LIGHT POLLUTION SUPPRESSION (LPS) D2 FILTER. Generally I think that I prefer the results using the IDAS D2 in my area where there are LED streetlights. I had an IDAS D2 filter for my Canon 6D and the vignetting was noticeable and required me to crop the image. IDAS LPS-D2 EOS Full is an equipment item of class Filter on AstroBin equipment database. This increase in contrast is most vis ible through the f aint nebulosity in the lower right corner of the images. When the LPS-D3 is placed between the lens and camera: (applies to IDASmio filters): When your camera is equipped with an APS-C image sensor and uses a lens with a * back focal distance of 40mm or greater and F value of two or faster, it is possible to hold down the maximum averaged incidence angle of the incoming light ray against the filter within about 14 degrees. The key concept on the LPS-D1 is to reduce the reddish background cast like HEUIB-II while blocking light pollution as much as it can. The IDAS LPS-D2 Nebula filter is designed specifically for color cameras. Hutech IDAS NB2 + NGS1. I have been on here a few months and have learned so much by reading posts on this site. This was the industry-first multi-bandpass technology coating and really advanced design and concept that time. NB1. Sep 1, 2024 · This is a classic target. Skytech L-Pro Max. They are manufactured by Hutech Corporation, a Japanese firm specializing in astronomy accessories. Oct 17, 2020 · M31 - IDAS LPS D1 vs D2 in Bortle 8 skies - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Hi there, I got some new toys and so the scientist within me wanted to do some testing. This is a head-scratcher. I have great comparison curves provided by jimthompson but what I’m looking for now are actual comparison shots for the 3 filters. Der IDAS LPS-D2-Filter ist eine Antwort auf diese neue Bedrohung. I cant seem to find much information comparing these two filters to each other, so I am hoping someone can help. Apr 12, 2020 · Hutech IDAS EAO1. No filter is perfect, while I still think the またlps-d3(ngs1)はlps-d2の後継機種といたします。 2020/07/01 YAHOOオークションにIDASフィルター出品(即決価格)しております。 Mar 17, 2016 · Certainly agree with Jon on the P1/D2 and this will most likely be my next LPS filter when dslr imaging. FREE US SHIPPING on orders over $50* 30 DAY RETURNS IDAS Light Pollution Suppression LPS-D2 Front Filters for Nikon Cameras. $269. (No reviews yet) Write a Review Close ×. 6 72mm quintuplet apo astrograph; zwo asi 2600mc-pro usb 3. g. Mar 26, 2019 · IDAS LPS-P2 vs Optolong L-Pro vs Orion Skyglow Imaging - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Hello I am trying to decide on which of these 3 filters are best for EAA from light polluted area. Not the best conditions as clouds were rolling in and out so I am not sure if some of my less than stellar results were just due to poor visibility. Please see the response curve in the images above. Of course there is also a substantial improvement when working with Mono cameras, e. Starter Scope Sale Great Deals Under $600! Telescope Bundles; 10 Micron Sale; Askar Savings; Celestron Savings; Coronado Savings; Explore Scientific Savings Apr 13, 2022 · I've been fairly disappointed with all them. You may want to try no LPS and DBE + color calibration in PI. Europe's largest astronomy equipment retailer 7,500+ items available from stock 7,500+ items available from stock Personal advice & service Personal advice Oct 6, 2020 · Correcting color with IDAS D2 filter - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: I finally got to try out my new light pollution filter, but now Im having issues with color balance; the image stack is much too green/cyan. SERIOUS??? I have another comparison for you using the Eastern Veil Nebula. Sales and Offers. Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Apr 13, 2022 · IDAS LPS D2 or D3 or Optolong L-Pro. IDAS Night Glow Suppression Filters. The newer D2 cuts out the white LED light at around 450-470 nm and now cuts out HP sodium at 560-640 nm but the P2 lets two spikes of HP sodium through at around 560 nm and 620 nm. The transmission charts supplied by Optolong and IDAS show the filters’ bandwidths, with the L-eXtreme and NBZ having narrower passbands than the other two filters. Hutech IDAS LPS D2. Doubts, doubts, and more doubts! ;) 1/10th wafe in fornt of 1/4th wave Thanks for let me know and for the links! IDAS LPS-D2 is an equipment item of class Filter on AstroBin equipment database. Its not all IDAS but is IDAS dominated so will put it into this thread. Naturally do feel free to correct any mistakes I may have made :- HEUIB II - sort of a wideband pass, that filters out little just to bring colour balance. Idas Filters. Grazie alla tecnologia MULTI BANDPASS i colori risultano bilanciati e senza dominanti verdi e blu The IDAS LPS-D2 filter is the IDAS answer to this new threat. The D1 reduces red transmission beyond the H-alpha emission line IDAS LPS filter were first designed as LPS-P1 in 1999. Or what I like to call, Jokers Smile. e. I also have a lot of LED street lighting to contend with near me & the IDAS definitely does better against that than the L-Pro. Radian Triad Ultra. LPS-P2: Blocks mercury and low sodium. STC Astro Duo Narrowband . IDAS clip-in filters for APS-C camera's are OK. This time, it is between the Optolong l-eNhance, and my go-to light pollution filter, IDAS LPS D2. idas; p3; d1; light pollution filter; askar fra400 f/5. All three of them do a great job at Nov 27, 2020 · Optolong L-Pro vs Hutech IDAS D2 - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Good evening CN, this is my first post on the forum. I'm on the edge of town (Bortle 6) and we're scheduled to get LED streetlights later this year. Oct 5, 2019 · Bonjour à tous, Après avoir testé et adopté l'IDAS NB1, il me fallait un filtre complémentaire. Now IDAS has tweaked the LPS-P2 to more optimize for one-shot color and modified DSLRs cameras. Might be useful to someone condidering the Optolong filter. LPS-D2-N4. Jun 16, 2021 · The IDAS LPS-D2 is a subtle filter to improve SNR a bit for broadband targets (galaxies, reflection nebulae). Oct 25, 2020 · Joker's Smile - IDAS LPS D2 vs Optolong l-eNhance - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: WHY. Rating Required The IDAS LPS-D2 filter is the IDAS answer to this new threat. There is Hutech IDAS LPS-D2 Nebula filter for Astrophotography - Clip-in Filter for Canon EOS APS-C format [EN] Contattaci: +39 0131 772241 Whatsapp/Mobile : +39 3516344814 Il mio account The IDAS LPS-D2 filter is the IDAS answer to this new threat. New D2 filter specifically targets light pollution from LED lights as well as sodium vapor. Hey everyone, in this video I am comparing three of the more popular general purpose, broadband light pollution filters. IDAS filters are specialized optical filters designed to block light pollution in the night sky, allowing people to better observe stars and other celestial objects. Multi Spectral filters: Hutech IDAS LPS D1. I think that L-Pro is cheaper than de IDAS LPS D2. Moderne Beleuchtungen, wie LED, verändern auch das Spektrum des störenden Streulichtes für Astrofotografie. Unlike other light pollution suppression filters, IDAS filters are specifically designed for balanced color transmission using the IDAS unique Multi-Bandpass Technology (MBT) process. This is a comparison of the LPS-D1, LPS-D2, LPS-V4, HEUIB II, No Filter, and finally the STC Duo Narrowband. Light pollution suppression (LPS) filters are designed to suppress the common mission lines generated by artificial lighting, yet allow the important nebula emission lines to pass, thus enhancing the contrast of astronomical objects, particularly emission nebulae (see filter plots to see the effect on light pollution The IDAS LPS-D2 filter is the IDAS answer to this new threat. レンズとカメラ間にlps-p2を配置した時。(eos-mfa 37mm、ffなど) カメラの撮像素子サイズがaps-c、バックフォーカス(※)40mm以上、f値2以上以のレンズを使用すれば、光線入射角は20゜を超える事はなく、フィルターに対する光束の平均最大入射角は約17゜以内に収まります。 Nov 3, 2024 · The best way to determine whether a particular filter is a good fit for your skies is to review examples taken by others in similar conditions. I've since replaced the L-Pro with an IDAS LPS-D3, and the L-eXtreme (which itself was a replacement the L-eNhance) with an IDAS NBZ in my EdgeHD, the IDAS USH NBZ in my RASA, and the Antlia ALP-T in my RedCat 51. It turned out to be The IDAS LPS-D2 filter is the IDAS answer to this new threat. Mantiene i colori inalterati ed un'alta trasmissione di luce. IDAS D2 clip in fliter for Nikon D5300, D5500, and D5600 DSLR cameras. Mar 18, 2022 · The IDAS LPS-D2 is clearly very effective at removing the initial and most intense transmission spike from a typical white LED centred around 463 nanometres. LPS-V4: Passes ONLY Ha, Hb and OIII (nebula filter) HEUIB-II: Blocks UV/IR and passes Ha for modified cameras; daytime imaging with modified cameras lps-d2お取り扱い上のご注意 この度は IDAS LPS-D2をお買い求めいただきありがとうございました。 ユーザー様に末永くご愛用いただきますよう下記お取り扱いの注意書きをお読み下さい。 IDAS LPS-D2 2" is an equipment item of class Filter on AstroBin equipment database. To be honest I am not seeing so much of an improvement. It targets heavily the strong blue component present in these lights, as well as eliminating the warmer part of their emission curve from about 555nm to 640nm. If you live under light polluted skies, a light pollution filter may help you get great images without needing to travel to dark Filtro interferenziale IDAS LPS versione D2 (ottimizzata per camere a colori e con soppressione inquinamento luminoso da luci a LED) da 2" / 48 mm montato in cella per l’abbattimento dell'inquinamento luminoso in astrofotografia. I was able to spend some time on IC410 using a Skywatcher ED80 and my Canon 1200d (modded) DSLR. It is a 2 inch filter that goes into the Hyperstar filter slider. I have new led lighting in my city. Der LPS-D2-Filter unterdrückt auch die Hochdruck-Natriumdampf-Emissionen und das LED-Spektrum. The filter provides better color balance than any other filter for DSLR and also for One-Shot Color cameras with CMOS sensors, as offered by ZWO and QHY. LPS-D2は、LPS-D1、LPS-V4、HEUIB-II等で採用している IGAD(Ion-Gun Assist Deposition)によりコーティングされています。 IGADは干渉フィルターの心臓部である多層薄膜を高密度化するもので、従来の多層薄膜で得られない以下の物性が得られます。 Dec 11, 2021 · Page 1 of 2 - OSC light pollution filters that are effective through LED lighting on broadband targets - IDAS LPS-D3 "LED filter" vs standard L-Pro & its ilk - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: I live in Charlotte, NC within the city limits. Oct 15, 2020 · I have an Orion ‘SkyGlow Imaging filter’ which I think is similar to the Optolong L-Pro and have mixed results regarding star color accuracy. Please let me know your feedback thanks! LPS-D2は、LPS-D1、LPS-V4、HEUIB-II等で採用している IGAD(Ion-Gun Assist Deposition)によりコーティングされています。 IGADは干渉フィルターの心臓部である多層薄膜を高密度化するもので、従来の多層薄膜で得られない以下の物性が得られます。 Sep 19, 2021 · I test two pairs of similar models from the popular brands Optolong from China (their L-eNhance and L-eXtreme) and IDAS from Japan (their Nebula Boosters NB1 and NBZ). Idas Filters LPS-D2-N5. A quality light pollution filter will allow the important colors and light emitted by your astrophotography subject to reach the camera sensor without the nasty brown glow of a washed-out sky. Hutech IDAS LPS P2. Anyone own, tested, compared to other filters? Thoughts? Thanks, Don The IDAS LPS-D2 filter is the IDAS answer to this new threat. Modern LPS filters even claim they can help against LED lighting, which is the bane of many urban astrophotographers’ lives. Radian Triad Triband. Mar 2, 2018 · The IDAS LPS-D2 filter is the IDAS answer to this new threat. Dec 22, 2018 · After looking at the transmittance graphs I'm a little undecided between the two filters. LPS filters aren’t perfect though. IDAS filters provide a significant advantage for astro Dec 6, 2013 · IDAS LPS-P2 versus LPS-D1 - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Just as I was about to take the plunge and buy an IDAS LPS-P2, I see they have discontinued it in the round threaded format. Nov 28, 2019 · I discuss how we can reduce light pollution in our astrophotography by using light pollution suppression filters. With its 48mm size, the LPS-D2 filter is ideal for use with a wide range of telescopes The IDAS LPS-D2 filter is the IDAS answer to this new threat. Looking for a high-quality light pollution suppression filter? Look no further than the IDAS LPS-D2 48mm filter! This innovative filter uses advanced technology to help reduce the effects of light pollution on your astrophotography. The following images are taken from RAW images of 300 secs at 1600 iso. Optolong L-Pro. goys aglr zgbtc dmot xtyhef frydjnsl uuboy helxql alzcz cgpr iexbkxg rfkrt pfla lmfcdr ygnktl