Hunter keybinds wow. Demon Hunters start off at Level 8.
Hunter keybinds wow And you can utilize macros for less overall keybinds. 4bil dollar company last year btw. They call us lazy, we call it smart. Hey guys, restarting my hunter from wotlk, and i'm finding keybinds to be a bit of an issue now. A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. I currently use Only read this part if you are new to WoW or don't have enough keybinds. I usually do 1 for initiation ability (charge, taunt), 2 is nuke ability on cd (Mortal, Bloodthurst, Mind Flay, etc. I am leveling up a MM Hunter but as he has much more skills than DH, I am struggling with the action bar setup. If you enjoy the guides and possibly want to see more WoW Classic content be sure to follow him on his other pages: Twitch and Twitter. On this page, we explain how to easily play Havoc Demon Hunter in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. Some thoughts though are how you play, which keys you use for movement, hand position, and what’s comfortable for you. 1. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. New to Demon hunters. My Cyro gives me 6 buttons i can comfortably hit and 4 that are Nov 8, 2010 · Middle mouse is deterrence (if I have a fishing pole it become fishing tho ), mouse forward is disengage and with mod its master's call (with mouseover macro also). Using that with 1-6 and modifiers (shift/alt/ctrl) should give you way more buttons that needed even for all your utility abilities. My main was a Havoc DH which was very simple and playable on simple 1,2,3 keybind setup, without any addons or macros. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. How it Works: Pick Your Gender: Select a name for a male, female, or neutral character. I don’t have a 12-button mouse. Important: go to GSE options - TroubleShooting - turn off ActionButtonUseKeyDown, otherwise gse macro won’t fire off Hello. ). This includes mouseover macros and macros for all roles the Hunter can take on in WoW Classic. One button will be keybound to the Ranged sequence and one will be keybound to the Melee sequence. Vengeance Demon Hunter Facts and Background. mouse back is autorun (more useful than you think as a hunter) and I use right mouse for looking around, left mouse for turning, right+left for moving forward (default behaviour I 948 votes, 107 comments. A new expansion is a great time to reorganize keybinds purposefully. As a Hunter, you can include pet abilities or stances in any macros along with your own abilities. Row 1 1: eye beam 2: felblade 3: chaos strike 4: blade dance 5: immolation aura Row 2 shift-1: arcane torrent shift-2: consume magic shift-3: spectral sight shift-4: the hunt shift-A: flying mount shift-W: essence break shift-D: healthstone Row 3: Q: glaive tempest E: throw glaive R: blur T: metamorphosis S: land mount Binds used are: 1-5 q-t alt + 1-5 alt + q-t ctrl + 1-5 ctrl + q-t and several buttons on my mouse. Nov 21, 2024 · Sherro is a veteran member of both the Classic and Retail World of Warcraft communities. My setup is quite a bit different, but to each his own. Aug 22, 2024 · Welcome to Wowhead's Remix: Mists of Pandaria Beast-Mastery Hunter guide. Jul 27, 2014 · So as we all know using keybinds can be extremely beneficial, as a noob hunter I was looking for help, and also just hoping to make a cool discussion thread, what spec do you play, what do you like to do, and what do you have bound to what? Your core ability's, pots, items and such. To elaborate, something that has driven me up the wall in Retail for the past several expansion is that it is nearly impossible to setup a polished UI with proper Keybinds. That being said, I want to hear some ideas for keybinds with Havoc demon hunter. 1-5, Q, E, R, F, V, C, X, and 2nd panel is the same + shift. Jan 2, 2009 · I doubt there are many threads that are that specific, seeing as key bindings are extremely personal. Members Online It would be nice if, once you finish the ratchet rune or dark rider rune, you could buy it for all classes from the rep vendor This is excellent information, and I encourage new players to adopt this mindset as it can definitely help in the long run. Jan 20, 2009 · Hey guys, restarting my hunter from wotlk, and i'm finding keybinds to be a bit of an issue now. Shift mouse wheel up - pet attack, shift mouse wheel down - pet follow, shift mouse 4 (forward most side button) - pet assist, shift mouse 5 (back side button) - pet passive. Hello! Beast Mastery Hunter here. I have been trying to find a good class that can do well with less keybinds. Like a spell cast order, you're most important spell is first so if you can use it you do then next in priority and so on Monks have more keybinds than most but are still fun. This way, I have much faster response time, then someone that has to mash keyboard buttons. There is almost no "ramp" in the damage rotation, which combined with the longest range in the game makes Marksmanship Hunter Hi. Best PvE Rotation for Marksmanship Hunter DPS in Cataclysm Jul 26, 2016 · Addons Snowfall Keypress - Uses ability on keypress rather than on key release Need to Know - Track Serpent Sting (Only cast by you), Hunter's Mark, Greatness, Mend Pet, and Pet Defensives, whatever else) Gladius - Show Trinkets, Diminishing Returns and CC's Omni CC - Extremely useful for both PvP and PvE, Cooldown timers and ability flash off CD Move Anything - (Move Player and Target above I feel it's a must to get the most out of pet classes. Our Havoc Demon Hunter guides are always updated with the latest information from in-game experience, simulations, and logs; make sure to check our changelog to this page, by clicking on View Changelog at the top of the page. Nothing is bound with modifiers, everything is using modifier macros. I am finding it hard to kick my old ways and reteach myself based on all new placement on the keyboard. Demon Hunter can equip Warglaives, Fist Weapons, Axes (One-Handed), and Swords (One-Handed). -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. Introduction In this guide, you will find macros for both PvP and PvE that will make your time spent playing a Hunter So for starters, I know this is going to factor in a lot of personal preference but I think there could be some similarities between players For context I’ve mained Hunter almost my entire wow career but I’ve mostly played surv (ranged) and BM basically the rest of the time (all of BFA most recently) and the change to stand and cast feels abrupt to me We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I wanted to play a ranged DPS which is easy to master. Apr 22, 2024 · Macros are commonly used within the World of Warcraft community to help you simplify a complex sequence of spells by using a singular button for two or more actions simultaneously. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked here. gg/rJWe6a4hsYSKIP LIST:0:12 - I've been getting lotsa questions. The best Hunters tend to have excellent pet… Mar 1, 2024 · Hi I am a returning player after 10 years. Where do you do? I need ideas. Since cata launch (on other toons) I ditched "q" and "e" from strafe, have learnt to use my mouse and free'd up "s". My A and D keys are strafes instead of turning. The thing with hunter is you also have pets abilities to manage. STEPS: Import May 18, 2024 · Welcome to Wowhead's Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities Guide for Marksmanship Hunter DPS in Cataclysm Classic. So let's get to it "What should I bind my number '1' key to?" Mar 7, 2025 · Useful macros and addons for your Beast Mastery Hunter in WoW The War Within (11. Oct 27, 2020 · Regardless of the type of mouse you use, some of these keybinds will be universal, while others can only be used on MMO mice. I usually start with my hunter for things like this and then later incorporate it to other classes. seems so easy this way also use space and modifers f1 + etc etc etc the options rbasically limitless could have 50 keybinds if wanted Mar 13, 2023 · I've had a TON of questions about which keybindings and macros I personally use and find success with, so today I figured I'd give a little guide, going over My main tip for all new players that are starting to create keybinds is to NEVER copy keybinds from someone else. 5M subscribers in the wow community. To that end, we've partnered with Razer to show you how using a MMO One big thing I do on all my pet classes is Mouse Wheel up for pet attack, and Mouse Wheel Down to call my pet back. Need a name for your Hunter World of Warcraft character? Use our Hunter WoW Name Generator to find one that fits. Making a Macro WoWWiki‘s basic guide to creating macros for Warcraft. Mar 4, 2025 · General Information. This allo Aug 16, 2018 · Whether you’re a competitive PvP player, a casual achievement hunter, or a Mythic raider, MMO players universally benefit from three things: more buttons, macros, and control. Aug 28, 2019 · With WoW: Classic recently launched, many of us are busy deciding on what class to play, brainstorming builds, and planning out leveling routes, but it's also important to think about how you're going to setup your UI, action bars, and keybinds to handle all of the extra spells and abilities present in the original game. I am fairly new to WoW. I use the same binding on my lock and hunter. I’m casual at best but I’m using awd movement with qersfcx as main keys, all mouse They say that keybinds are a personal thing, and I think that’s true, but for sure some will be better than others. ) Mar 8, 2025 · I can also commonly be found in The Fel Hammer Demon Hunter discord helping when I can. Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. It has L, M & R clicks like any other mouse, but the awesomeness comes from the over sized buttons on each side of the mouse - one under my thumb and the other under my ring finger. Curious as to what keybind setup others running, especially meme spec, and do you have any cool macros you’re proud of? I sometimes find I am overwhelmed by the sheer volume of abilities on offer and ponder if theres some I just don’t need to bother with (I only pvp). I'll just add that I also use shift modifiers across most things, especially for classes with builder/spender economy (spenders go on shifts ) and i use a Naga trinity mouse with side buttons which are bound too (mostly for defensives and click casting for healers) I have most of the keys surrounding WASD as keybinds. My keybinds are the same across all my characters/classes, but it just doesn’t feel smooth on my Demon Hunter. I also had to make a minor tweak to the gse rotation as I removed 1 spell from the rotation due to the talent changes. QERTFGV are all solid keybinds around your WASD keys. com/album/escapeBuying my album, directly supports this channel (Joldrath. Due to a disability I am unable to use my dominant hand and have purchased an azeron Cyro which allows me to play with my non-dominant hand to a limited degree. I currently use Dec 21, 2024 · Hey guys, I’ve been working on this sequence with inspiration from @crogin and it really works well for my play style. blizzpls- what do you honestly have to say about this? is this the intended experience that we pay for? 4. Classic Macros Guides 1 Druid Macro Guide 2 Hunter Macro Guide 3 Mage Macro Guide 4 Paladin Macro Guide 5 Rogue Macro Guide 6 Shaman Macro Guide 7 Warlock Macro Guide 8 Warrior Macro Guide A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. I never have to move my hand from the mouse and after a while, the buttons become muscle memory. I will give a list of keybinds that I use that are really easy (for me atleast) useable. Anyway, hope you like it. Do people really play with 1 2 3 4 5 as main spam keybinds? Personnaly i cant use theses and move freely at the same time. The Marksmanship damage rotation seems simple at first but leaves a lot of space for skill expression and outplay potential. Everyone thinks differently, and everyone does muscle memory differently from others. This guide is for beginner players who want to get their feet wet in the PvP scene, and intermediate players who are looking to fine tune their game play. Apparently my pet has 3 talent trees, so their main abilities each need their own Arena1/2/3 macros on top of pet utility, while also managing hunter base spell utilities and items/buffs on top of that as well. ) and then like anything just take some practice to get the muscle memory down. I basically do the same thing, but I place my most-used instant-cast abilities on keys that I can press with my thumb (X, C, V in my case). , during the global cooldown). 1, written by Qenjua. You can fully change the design, add borders, customize the amount of icons displayed, modify the order of abilities to match your keybinds, and a lot more. I only keybind 1-5 on the number row and then use a combination of Alt + _ and Shift + _ for my binds. Kalven illustrates how to organize hunter keybinds according to function: rotation, cooldowns New to Demon hunters. How to set up the BEST Keybinds for World of Warcraft. These will use CDs automatically. I have also purchased three foot pedals. Bind the BEST keys for ALL you Hey guys, restarting my hunter from wotlk, and i'm finding keybinds to be a bit of an issue now. 0). (i. The importance with pet abilities is that you’re really only going to use shift-1 for attack, shift-2 for follow, and shift-3 for defense. I think button bloat has gotten out of control. This guide will provide a list of recommended spell rotations to maximize your effectiveness in raids and dungeons, as well as list your most important cooldowns. Here, you will learn how to play as a Havoc Demon Hunter in both raids and Mythic+ dungeons: from the very beginning to maximizing your DPS. I used to play Feral druid, and even as a damage class, so many abilities were support/heal focused, I had Oct 9, 2023 · I keybind most of my moves to the many buttons on the side of my mouse. If you do specific have keybinds for your pet just use those for the auto-attack focus. I think I’d like to redo my binds at some point, and properly think through a better set up. My keybinds generally retain the same type from character to character with some modifications depending on the situation. This guide will help you master your Beast-Mastery Hunter during the Remix event, guiding you to get max power to face Pandaria raids and dungeons. You will never really have your pet on passive because why do that when you can control your pet with shift movement? but also I have Please re-think Passive versus Active Runeslots because Classic gameplay was always simple, but nuanced, and you are making it too cluttered. Without macros, actions become slow and cumbersome. 1 which changes the talents around according to what’s recommended for M+. I have about 60 on my hunter, this is the list: QEZXCVFRTGY 1234567 SHIFT + QEZXCVFRTGY SHIFT + 12345 F1, F2 Mar 4, 2025 · Welcome to our Havoc Demon Hunter guide for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. I have fairly small hands too, so I have a limited number of key's i can comfortably reach. I raided with a hunter that played spamming only one button he just set a priority with his macro. g. Set the keybinds by clicking on the big red buttons in the first column and hitting the keys you want bound to them. I also utilize the mouse buttons and scroll wheel. bandcamp. I currently use Feb 23, 2025 · Rotation Raid Tips Mythic+ Gearing a Beast Mastery Hunter in The stat priority is current identical for Dark Ranger and Pack Leader: Weapon damage is the highest priority, followed by Haste, then Critical Strike and after that Mastery, with Versatility as the lowest priority secondary stat. thats over 30 keybinds total so im not gonna list them all out but yeah. Feb 23, 2025 · Name & Link: Example: Description: Luxthos’ Hunter Package: Fully customizable Hunter WeakAuras. This can be done in two different ways (replace the Sigil of Flame text with the name of your chosen Sigil), with the following placing it at your mouse cursor: Best thing to do I think would be map that macro to your action bar and make the keybind shift- rightclick or ctrl - right click or if you have a thumb mouse button Hi. I appreciate you both. I usually have burst/cooldowns on ctrl+1,2,3 and so in and healing/shields etc on shift+1234. I tent to use Shift, Ctrl, and Alt with my binds, and make Mar 3, 2025 · Vengeance Demon Hunter is a spec that is good for players who enjoy high mobility Tanks with self-sustain. Proper pet management is crucial. " This will allow you to queue up a spell before your character can cast it (e. ), 3 for instants (OP, WW, SWP), 4 spammable (Sunder) or just some usual rotation ability, 5 aoe, Q movement ability (like blink) or spammable, E for CC, F for interrupt, R As we’re getting closer to War Within season 1, it’s time for you to sort out your wow keybinds and have one layout to work for all of your alts! Our wow key In general you want to follow some key principles For movement, don't bind turn and just use forward, back, strafe left, strafe right. Awhile back I played around with You are me, even down to the character sheet rebind you mention in the other comment. And that’s because you are continually swapping between 10+ different passive To all fellow hunters who play from their laptops, what keybind configuration do you use ? I've tried some configurations seen from YT, some made by myself but i couldn't manage to play effectively wi So I swapped over from my Ele Sham to Hunter in Wrath Arena and discovered there's like over 20+ keybinds for this class. I built these to be as automated and mindless as possible to maximize easy mode. Mount is on mouse button 5. Hey! First time playing hunter since 2014 and I'm not sure how I should set up my rotation and keybindings for leveling 60-70 chill mode. I suspect most players keybinds are somewhat organic, in the sense that they add abilities as they level almost haphazardly. , without sacrificing performance. If you are an experienced player you can use your old keybinds as you wish. I am now making my Hunter my new main, and my paladin is now becoming my alt. I highly recommend a razer naga mouse for the easiest keybinds or something similar to it! Mar 6, 2025 · Macros in Classic WoW extend beyond using player spells — they can also be used to manage your pet. Turning as keyboard keys is useless, you can turn quicker and more accurately with your mouse Jun 27, 2012 · Hunter Macro Guide thread on the Battlenet Hunter Forum, maintained by Strlder. like you don’t need healbot to do mouse over healing lol. Yeah, I found a Microsoft IntelliMouse and wouldn't ever change it on WoW (unless I upgraded to something like the Naga). If you really want to know, I use (please remember i have small hands, folks with bigger hands could use, say F1-4 easily) ~,1,2,3,4,5,6 Q,E,F,G,C,V With Ctrl, and Shift as modifiers for most of them. I currently use Hey guys, restarting my hunter from wotlk, and i'm finding keybinds to be a bit of an issue now. I have a certain way of doing things and it may not be for everyone but i hope it can sh I actually had a discussion about this with my m+ team mates, and we all used very different keybinds, and we came to the conclusion its meaningless to ask for what keybinds people are using without knowing how your hands are positioned on the keyboard, in our m+ group we had 3 people with totally different hand positions, making certain Feb 23, 2025 · Recommended Survival Hunter Macros Macros are simple, in-game tools which allow you to sequence spells together, create custom names and icons, cast different abilities depending on whether the target is friendly or hostile, define targeting conditions, and much, much more. . It comes down to practice, really. I do also play (actually main) a Retribution Paladin but I found the keybinds on my Hunter were far more flavorful and more deserving to be shared. All the keybinds he uses makes sense, and are the ones we all use, but the spells which he puts on which keybinds are exclusive to HIM alone. Now, this guide is mostly Marksmanship Hunter focused, so take what you can from it and apply it to your own class/spec. I have been playing wow at a end game level since right before the release of BC. By having After 10+ years of almost exclusively playing druid, Warbands felt like a great time to try out a new class. I consider the following macros essential to have in a premade or pug Mythic+ group: Hey guys, restarting my hunter from wotlk, and i'm finding keybinds to be a bit of an issue now. 2. My Hunter Keybinds at Kal’s Corner. 0:33 - What in the heck ar Dec 4, 2010 · Hey all, I have gone from being a partially keybound player, to having almost all of my abilities keybound. I would greatly appreciate help assigning my limited buttons to appropriate keybinds. What does everyone use for their keybinds? Yes I know I am posting on my mage but I just use one of my oldest toons. Feb 24, 2025 · All Demon Hunter Sigils and Sigil of Spite can be modified to be cast without needing to use the targeting circle, removing one input before they go off. Beast Mastery Hunter Conduit Guide Kyrian Beast Mastery Hunter Covenant Rotation Changes Resonating Arrow There aren't any major changes for Kyrians. Members Online just another post about how bad the bot situation is atm. Even BM is looking hardcore if I decide to spec in chakram, explosive shot and wailing arrow. People said BM hunter, but I just counted and I need over 40 binds in order to pvp effec… Oct 27, 2024 · If you like my macros, and want to provide me with some financial incentive to keep this and other macros updated, you can do so here: Paypal update 3/2/2025: Here is the update for patch 11. It really makes controlling the pet easy, especially on my hunter. Feb 25, 2025 · Find Beast Mastery Hunter Macros, WeakAuras and UI suggestions for The War Within, Patch 11. NEW Mousepads WoW Games, Win Prizes! Toggle navigation Mar 4, 2025 · Marksmanship Hunter is a consistently underrated Hunter specialization with enormous burst and crowd control potential. People said BM hunter, but I just counted and I need over 40 binds in order to pvp effec… We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I currently use Aug 7, 2012 · Without effective keybinds, abilities fall out of use. Of all my toons, hunter survival is the one with the most keybind. Mouse buttons get anything with [@mouseover] or [@cursor] logic. Aug 18, 2024 · If you like my macros, and want to provide me with some financial incentive to keep this and other macros updated, you can do so here: Paypal Update 3/1/25: I ended up having to remake the gse side of this macro set from scratch to get it to work. That can lead to very disorganized keybinds. I have been spending https://xanitra. that was me in classic on my warrior, i had like 45 random keybinds and it works completely fine the problem is if you wanna play a 2nd character it's literally terrible to relearn which keys to use - i can switch to priest or warrior without having to relearn what keys are where etc Since wotlk I’ve been using bartender and 4 stacked rows of keybinds. Most heavily used class abilities on 2-4. 1-5 primary action buttons with closer to 1 being used more often and 4/5 being reserved for frequent procs or aoe shift 1-5 less used action buttons that are still easily accessible, or are talent dependent. Nov 4, 2022 · In this video I show you how and why you should set up your World of Warcraft Keybinds ! I go through every Hunter Ability 🏹 Specifically my Hunter Survival As always, I know keybindings really just come down to personal preference and there isn’t one “set-in-stone” way that all players should bind their spells to. Through that desire the MMO gaming mouse was born, and while there are many to choose from, our favorite is the Razer Naga Trinity . The biggest thing to remember though is that Resonating Arrow is a 1-minute cooldown. Like the title says, this is a 2 button setup. 5 so it is easier to create keybinds for new twinks? Nov 28, 2022 · Please see our Beast Mastery Hunter Conduit Guide for more information on Conduits including Empowered Conduits. This thread has an extensive collection of hunter macros. I am a returning player My main was a Havoc DH which was very simple and playable on simple 1,2,3 keybind setup, without any addons or macros. I need to do some serious research on this, Hunter to healing is two different worlds. 2. Feb 24, 2025 · This is a little bit more obscure, but in World of Warcraft, there is a built-in latency adjustment known as the "spell queue window. THE RAVAGER DEN: https://discord. Optimal and Scientific approach to keybind groups or keybind groupings. Only Night Elves and Blood Elves can play Demon Hunters. Overview NEW Season 2 NEW Nerub-ar Palace NEW Mythic+ NEW Tier Set Bonus Cheat Sheet Talent Builds Hero Talents Rotation DPS I do almost this. I currently use Hey guys today i answer your question in regards to hunter keybinds. Outside of that i have pet attack in my big CDs macro as well as the pets damage CDs. Keep in mind that blank keybinds on a mouse, or binds that are connected to the mouse's software typically need to be remapped in the “Actions” tab of your software. Dec 29, 2008 · Once in the key bindings menu just scroll down to the action bar you want to bind, or select the different commands to keybind (strafe left, strafe right, pet attack, etc. Sep 27, 2024 · A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. Long time lurker, first time poster. Gaupanda- Dark Ranger and Pack Leader -Godly Beast Master Hunter The War . Select a Type: Choose between first name, last name, or humor names. Feb 26, 2025 · Welcome to the WoW Classic Hunter macros collection! Here you will find all the important macros for your hunter in WoW Classic Anniversary, Era, Hardcore and WoW SoD. Hello. I use the default Cnt 1-9 for pet control. Does anyone know of a spreadsheet with all damage, heal, self heal, utlity and pvp abilities of all classes and specs in 9. Lore Accurate: Choose between Lore Accurate names from Warcraft games It’s becoming clear there is a lot I don’t know about bindings. However, I’m struggling a bit with keybinds and having a hard time finding enough easy-to-reach keys to keep the numerous Survival hunter instant-cast abilities quickly usable. Bind abilities to the buttons on the mouse + some easy buttons on the keyboard (1,2,3,Q,E, etc. I’m actually trying healing on wow classic to get used to the process before I try it on my main in retail. 0), using the simplest rotation, talent tree, stat priority, gear setup, etc. e Feb 24, 2020 · Welcome to our Macros guide for Hunters where you will find out what the best macros are for your Hunter in WoW Classic. World of Warcraft on Reddit! May 17, 2018 · Welcome to Büü's guide to keybinding for PvP (Player vs Player)! This guide will go over what keybinding is, how it is useful, optimal keybinds, movement keys, strafing, how to keybind, and more. i just move with my mouse. Demon Hunters start off at Level 8. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. eklzsa fhi kgortxt ukewrcc sbsi fprotx nbdr vlghlys lilbwfnft yhrsha oyjsgrv eqeg jfzsu zou zhqotm