Hoi4 soft attack vs breakthrough Breakthrough is just defense while attacking. plain infantry or motorised then it takes 100% of the soft attack of a division and no hard attack. Probably more The next step is 34+13. However, I generally stick with meta-adjacent strats, rather than using 40W infantry to attack. You're a minor that wants a fast army and more manpower. Hard Attack: Damage Against Machines Soft Attack: Damage Against Meat Armor: Take less damage if higher than enemy Piercing Piercing: Do normal damage if higher than enemy Armor Defense: Take less damage while defending Breakthrough: Take less damage while attacking Bonus Division level: **soft attack** Soft attack is very powerful. 6 compared to 38+11. Tanks like spg’s can be nice and IC efficient with their high armour and lots of soft attack. In combat, this stat gives the number of attacks the unit can make against a target with low hardness (such as infantry or cavalry) instead of high hardness, armored targets (such as tanks and tank variants). Artillery: soft attack Mot Artillery: same soft attack but with speed SPART: more soft attack with a little armor and speed Regular ART can be useful in infantry division. Soft attack is what actually deals damage, and without damage you're essentially just throwing rocks at the enemy and hoping they will die. Remember, using art lowers hp + org. Mobile is good don't get me wrong but well when you use it your inf is just a org wall and does rly fast and while the org is nice the issue in MP is that sweaty players use heavy TDs only in their tank divs. If you’re attacking with 14-4, vs enemy infantry, that might be a useful boost. So against typical AI divisions, you mostly want soft attack. Combat width And breakthrough. It does nothing to push divisions off the province other than letting your division last longer. Apr 26, 2024 · Soft Attack – the main Attack stat. Size would also matter, with heavy artillery costs approaching medium tank costs (because heavier cannons need better tow trucks) The result was as expected, a division that maximizes soft attack is this: 2125 soft attack and exactly 0 org. The only downside of this tank is its heavy IC cost. Both are decent early game but the loss of piercing seems to impact play quite a bit. Without SPG, you are depending on your breakthrough and org stat to outlast the enemy on the offensive. if it has 100% hardness it gets attacked by 0% soft attacks and 100% hard attacks. Also keep in mind that a high attack tank division will probably have lower armor, breakthrough, org, reliability, and hp all else equal. focus on soft attack as infantry and soft attack+armor for tanks. 6% reliability, and 83 armour for a build cost of 12. Motorized ART is seldom useful. what exactly does this mean? is it both soft and hard attack? breakthrough? or something else? Attention OP: I actually read the question, here is the answer. Post-nerf 7-2 has mediocre soft attack, and lacks key traits for sustaining attacks (breakthrough, armor, hardness). armor, 4med spg, and 5 mot. 3 IC. Jun 5, 2012 · Hard attack is only more important for those rare armor divisions with softness less than 50%. Air Attack – lowers damage taken from CAS by up to 75% and attacks planes above them. All units that have low Hardness (no tanks or armored divisions) take mainly Soft Attack damage. , full value of the soft attack). The number of shots fired is based on the attack values, modified by attack effectiveness, rounded down. It has less soft attack but higher breakthrough. On the other hand, your armored division is dealing 290 soft attack against an enemy with 0% hardness and 1x290=290 (i. Pretty much all other stats are just modifiers on this stat, so having a high base soft attack can win battles very fast. You can design a division focused around only doing soft attack and you would be fine but the same cannot be said for breakthrough. Soft attack is your ability to damage the 'soft' (think manpower) parts of the opponent battalion, Hard attack is your ability to damage the 'hard' (think equipment) parts of the opponent battalion. Every point of attack over your opponent's defense/breakthrough counts for 4x damage. If the armies you face are going to be 95% infantry, you’ll probably get more use from going all-in on soft attack. 9 each for a total of +5. 6 breakthrough is enough to handle nearly 3 divisions worth by themselves. There's one of each of these on opposing side, fighting over plains tiles, and one attacks into the other. That's (61 attacks x 0. They will again, offer a greater concentration of soft attack, those 3 tank battalions only offer 96 soft attack, while the SPG's offer 110. I think thats everything. Also ive heard that having more soft attack than enemy deffence deals more org damage but i dont know if its true. For mountaineers 25 width is perfect since mountains are 75 width, for marines it depends. Am I focusing on the right traits for this kind of division? Aug 1, 2023 · B) Towed Artillery gets split into field artillery + howitzer artillery. 6=47. SPART can be useful, but is an inefficient use of resources. Whe My math is a little rusty, so excuse my low estimates on this: - There are roughly 40 Battalion types with 25 slots per Division. Each division has a hardness value (a percentage) Damage inflicted to that division will come in two components (from hard attack and soft attack). SF is the best for tanks, since more than 1000 breakthrough is overkill and the almost 100 extra soft attack, and higher hard attack means the German tanks will do more equipment damage to the soviets since their hardness ratio is higher due to the extra tanks. Breakthrough is important as well, but it's a defensive stat, all it does is prevent your units from taking damage while they're attacking. as much armor as you can. May 2, 2016 · Each side of the battle will choose to attack the "soft" or "hard" aspect of its target based on its softness: a target with 70% softness has a 70% chance of receiving a soft attack. becomes manageable. A required part of this site couldn’t load. Breakthrough is the easiest of all. But let's return to the original point of the post and maximize both soft attack and org. My understanding is that 3 defense basically counters 1 soft attack. Field artillery has good attack but low breakthrough, howitzer artillery has high breakthrough + low attack. 4) = (6. Hardness. About the only thing you'd want to add is support AA to neutralise enemy CAS, and if you can add some flame tank support you'll get some crazy terrain attack bonuses which will make sure these cut through anything. The tradeoff is that you lose organization and soft attack, making the divisions overall worse against infantry. Cheap to research. If I switch that design to artillery, I would only be getting 204 soft attack for that 18 combat width, but it would only cost (18/3)(36)(26)=5,616 IC, allowing me to effectively get ~33% more soft attack per IC. Cons: Less Piercing, uses fuel, slightly less soft attack. 5 soft attack and 42 breakthrough, but only 212 defense, 178 HP, and 40 ORG. The amount of breakthrough and soft attack is ungodly the only issues can come up when you're going for very very large encirclements (org. Hard attack works the same way as soft attack, but vs hard targets. Offensive divisions require Soft Attack to work well. Unless you are up against mechanized supported tanks, most divisions will have a significant soft portion. Terrain: the attacker receives attack and breakthrough penalties in rough terrain, up to -50% (even more with heavy units) River crossing: penalty of -30% or -60% for attacker attack and breakthrough depending on the river size; Night: penalty of -50% for attacks of both sides; Fort: penalty for attacker attack and breakthrough of -15% per fort 7/2 isn't great and hasn't been for awhile. Hard Attack – the Attack stat for armored divisions. If you want 30 breakthrough and are OK with 82% reliability then swap out the 2 man for a 3 man turret, the riveted armour for welded, the wet ammo storage for Smoke launchers, and reduce the armour points to 3. Known as "toughness" in previous games. If you are after 1940 you could try using rocket artilery as additional support or replacement. 1) + (62 attacks x 0. It's expensive but eight of them will slice through any ai. 1, total 37. Speed doesn't matter that much but if you want you can up the engine a bit. And based on the explanation of defense, the attackers breakthrough stat is compared to the defenders adjusted attack [(defender soft attack)x(1-attacker hardness)+(defender hard attack)x(attacker hardness)] to calculate the number of hits an attacking unit suffers in combat. I do not worry too much about hard attack. How many attacks made each hour against the soft parts of an enemy division. I usually use medium cannons but I was wondering if I should be using howitzers instead since it gives significantly more soft attack, the only downfall is less piercing and less hard attack and slightly less breakthrough. any other stat improving goes to as much armor and soft attack as It depends a bit on the opponent. Hard attack: Same principle as soft attack but against hard targets aka think tanks. If your opponent has 25% hardness then you will deal 25% of your hard attack and 75% of your soft attack. breakthrough tends to go hand in hand with armour but you can boost breakthrough with doctrines. The most breakthrough comes from armor and blitzkrieg. 8) = 30. The actual attacks don't even land on the other "half" Dec 1, 2016 · Hello, I just wanted to ask about soft and hard attack and what they do, from what I've gathered it seems that the higher hard attack a division has the stronger it is against units with high hardness, and the higher soft attack something has the stronger it is against soft units? Is this correct, and if so, would that mean that tanks are not that effective against infantry? Noob question here, I’m sure, and I have searched first. You shouldn't need to add more than 1 or 2 of them, and you'd only add them if you didn't have enough piercing to overcome the enemy tank units' armor, which would make you have the aforementioned "can't be pierced" penalty. In addition to this tanks are far too expensive, so you always want to have some tanks, but you want to severely limit how many you get. The damage done will lower organisation and strenght. Soft Attack will compensate for breakthrough, breakthrough will not compensate for soft attack, but you cannot attack without breakthrough. Would adding artillery (and it's soft attack) do damage to divisions that are attacking me if my divisions are in a fallback line? Im a noob playing as Belgium (for small scale practice) and im trying to figure out how I should design my divisions to best hold the line against German invasion. I've been trying to build an optimal light tank division and was wondering which artillery is best. 9 hits, plus Every attack you have over your opponent's defense has a 40% chance of hitting. The tank looks like this and uses superior firepower doctrine (right, then left). Classical 13-7 medium without any spgs have more organization, hard attack, breakthrough and speed while using less supply, costing less IC and IIRC not requiring chromium. If it was 280 soft and 150 hard , it wouldn't be combined into 430. Because it reduces the amount of incoming attack any breakthrough over the attacks taken is wasted. ) takes far less damage against soft attack, but more vs hard attack. Like 4-8 times more than artillery for medium/heavy/modern SPGs. soft defender and 7 vs a 2w 1/0 w/sART has 54. TD's are in a bit of a rough spot, I don't use them much. This makes it pretty mediocre. Last edited by HappySack ; Feb 29, 2024 @ 10:31pm May 9, 2021 · If you have 500 attack and the other party has 300 defense/breakthrough then during each phase of an attack your division will conduct 500 attack attempts and up to 300 may be negated while at least 200 will succeed. 7 soft attack on top of the 1. Most of the units the ai produces are by far and large soft squishy infantry based. Defense and Breakthrough: reduces the damage you take, Breathrough reduces it on the attack, Defence on the defensive. Same with the stat line for the equipment, more of breakthrough, hardness, and soft attack, not a lot of defense. Get some breakthrough, then pump as much soft attack as you can. First, tanks, as you say. Units resist damage on defense using their defense Stat and breakthrough stat on offense. 3 hits per hour). So yes 100000000 breakthrough will do exactly the same damage per hour as 0 breakthrough division. 9 punches landed per hour. The basic barebones template that will work well in most single player cases is 15 Mediums + 5 Motorized. Soft attack. TL;DR version: hard attack is attack against armored divisions like tanks, soft attack is against soft, fleshy targets like infantry. Soft attack should be higher than any defense the enemy INFANTRY have. A 30% debuff to all damage is a pretty big deal but it doesn't end there. 25 Duodecillion minimal Battalion templates. You want faster trucks and light tanks that have more breakthrough. I’ve gotten a good feel for combat stats and how battle results are calculated, and I understand the basics of Hard and Soft Attack, the role of Defending and Breakthrough re: how many hits get through, and how Armor and Piercing affect how much damage those hits do (at least I think I do). Realistically, you should need more breakthrough for infantry and other 'soft' division, since soft attack is so much higher. More soft attack, they give some armor, and they can move at the speed of a tank. If a division has armore that is higher then the enemy piercing then all incomming enemy attacks, be it soft or hard attack are halfed. Defenders get to entrench ( which gives you pretty big bonuses to defense and soft attack ), on top of that the attacker gets terrain penalties and attrition, on top of that basic Infantry has only 2 Breakthrough vs 20 Defense, making it 10 times more resilient when defending than attacking. Hard attack does damage to hard targets and soft attack does damage to soft targets. For this reason superior firepower right-left is better for tanks, since your tanks get more soft and hard attack, and still have 1000+ breakthrough. Air and division level helps as well. also a side note I would swap mot recon for armored car, since they have a better recon stat, which helps lower the enemy's If a enemy division has 0% hardness it gets attacked by 100% of soft attack and 0% of hard attacks. What is the whole mechanic of attacks? If a unit has 39 soft attack and 7 hard attack, does it somehow make 39 attacks vs. Honestly you probably don't need the support arty since the soft attack it gives is tiny compared to what you're getting anyway. It’s additive (that is, every battalion you add has a soft attack trait, and they sum up to the division’s soft attack). If it has no hardness e. 4 for a total of 85. So a 7/2 has about 31% more SA, but 32% less DEF, 29% less HP, and 19% less ORG. Breakthrough. You still gain +17. After that, favor soft attack. So if an enemy has 1200 defense in a 40 width unit, with 50 organization, you would need over 400 soft attack, while also having 50 Big fan of 10 med. 1 + 24. So somewhat confusingly, even a unit we normally describe as "defending unit" is in fact attacking in Hoi4 vocabulary. /mech. Breakthrough on tanks rarely gets massive debufs. Now: 1. Here 30 more breakthrough is more important than 30 more attack. If you actually designate a tank as an spg, it loses a bunch of breakthrough but gains soft attack from some tech and doctrines, so personal choice here between putting a high soft attack gun like the support gun or howitzer on a standard tank or making a true spg. If your opponent has lots of hard attack your tanks will just get routed before their awesome attack stat really comes into play. 5 soft attack and 40 breakthrough, but 261 defense, 252 HP, and 52 ORG. Pretty much. They lean more towards hard attack than soft attack, but the SPG variant also has a little bit more soft attack than the rest. A common misconception among newer players is that Breakthrough = attack, and it's circulating in this subreddit often. Also, having excessive defense / breakthrough will not help either; in a 1 division vs 1 division battle where you're the attacker, if you have 2000 breakthrough post modifiers and the enemy division has 1000 attack post modifiers, adding more breakthrough will do nothing; effectively they're punching you 1000 times and you're blocking all of Commanders: The Competitive HOI4 Mod For anyone who wants to get similar or better stats: remember that stacking the planning bonus is most important. Let's say we have two infantry units with the stats: 300 soft attack, 150 defense, 50 breakthrough, 0% hardness. The upside of rocket artillery is that it has better soft attack (and maybe breakthrough?) than regular artillery. What helps against forts are strat bombing (to damage the forts), CAS (is not hindered by forts), heavy armor and its variants, attacking from multiple provinces, and if possible shore bombardment. 8 lead rockets have at top tier, for a total of 7. Soft attack in excess of defense will do 4x the damage of soft attack that is "blocked" by defense. Breakthrough is your offensive stat to win a battle, Defense is your defensive stat to win a battle. The advantage of a 7/2 over 10/0 is higher soft attack and slightly higher breakthrough at the cost of lower defense and org. Breakthrough is your defense when attacking, so if it's low you might see your units deorging faster when they attack. From this logic, despite still gaining a non-trivial benefit, tanks should need the *least* break through of any division. If a division has 50% hardness than that means that a division with 0 hard attack would only be able to do damage to 50% of the enemy division. Sure, SPG's don't offer hard attack, but the primary target of a tank division should be infantry, which are soft and so hard attack doesn't matter. 5% attack and +5% defense when attacking mountains with a 5/5 but gain a bunch of extra soft attack and breakthrough vs more mountaineers. 4. Having more soft attack (or hardness modified attack) than your opponent is very valuable. 6 breakthrough, and 52% hardness. Basic idea is the attacker wants more soft attack than the opponents defense and more breakthrough than the opponents soft attack. 50% hardness means the unit will take half the total soft and half the total hard attack of the enemy. Self propelled guns are indeed better than artillery. Just build soft attack intensive tanks instead. But a 90% hardness div only takes 1/10 of your soft damage and 9/10 of your hard damage, so adding hard damage is 9x more effective, point for point. Ignoring targeting matchups for now, the totals are your 379 Soft Attack vs their 1,559 Defense (all hitting at 0. piercing of defender to determine # of attacks. But you'll probably kill the entire population of Germany before wearing the Maginot down this way. Attack is always helpful, but sometimes breakthrough/defence is more helpful. Rocket Trucks: The highest soft attack you can offer to a mobile division but costs a pretty penny per unit produced. My personal fav are mediums at around 10km/h and at least 92% reliability set as baseline. Hard attack is basically the same. Super heavies are expensive and slow, but have the best armor, piercing, hardness. 5 extra soft attack per battery. Thus, soft is usually more useful than hard attack. Soft attack values on SPART should still be superior to Motorized Arty, so you're getting more attack/width, even if that's much less relevant. Isn't great on these guys), but wity enough practice and micro the low org. Each attack have a 40% chance to hit and score damage but a division can spend a defence point Feb 29, 2024 · Soft attack is universally good for both attacking and defending. Even in that situation, probably not worth it. This is my attempt to design a 30-to 35 width division for breaking through entrenched enemies with fortifications. Also, consider massing up tactical bombers as an alternative . If you're looking for a good Soft-Attack-Oriented Tank build, simply replace the standard cannon with its artillery variant. If you need soft attack that much this is fine but I don’t think this worths its cost You will add: a modest amount of soft attack and breakthrough, piercing, armor, recon, and speed. 174 attacks, which 233. However, this breakthrough is more or less overkill since no division is going to have 2000 combined soft and hard attack, and extra breakthrough more than the opponent's attack is wasted. . It works the same with their hardness adjusted attack vs your breakthrough. For a reasonably-designed medium tank division against the AI this is somewhere in the 300-500 breakthrough range. Example: if I have 200 attack and 50 breakthrough, and opponent has 100 attack and 300 defence, he will win (assuming other values like hp are equal). Even then, soft attack, which is a lot cheaper to acquire, is still somewhat effective. Feb 26, 2021 · Doctrine matters a lot here as well. You lose organization, and it costs more. g. Defense: If we take the division from soft attack they had a soft attack of 500. Plus toy can upgrade the equipment with army XP to buff any aspect of this or increase reliability. Breakthrough/defense don't fully block the damage. but 1 on 1 I always seem to lose. AC are tanks, not super cav. Units with higher Hardness take more Hard Attack damage. This may be due to a browser extension, network issues, or browser settings. So 100 soft attack cannot push 300 defense without breakthrough. , 290 vs 230), despite the infantry having a much higher raw soft attack. 7/2 will never have enough attack to be useful on offense, making 10/0 better for a 20 width defensive division. If attacks > defense (or breakthrough), you get "crits", which is basically 4x damage on the attacks that are greater. It would cost (18/2)(50)(26)=11,700 IC to fill that division with tanks and get 306 soft attack. Battalions can be of the same type, so that results in 40 25, or 11. For single player, I generally only max out hard attack on specialized anti-tank divisions. These stats are generally quite different from each other on most units, so optimizing for one is generally at the expense of the other. For both units, increased soft attack will make combats quicker. Now it is time to check if the attacks hits. Armour and A 6/4 of light/moto would have 133. This conversation is probably different for users with or without the tank designer as well. Thoughts? Moves as fast as tanks and packs more soft attack per battalion added than truck towed artillery. A great way to start undertstanding the g The game will use your defense stat if you are defending and it will use your breakthrough stat (as defense) when you are the one attacking. This works better with mechanized than mot, due to higher hardness allowing you to beat infantry soft attacks with fewer breakthrough tanks. Making Medium tanks. Represents the number of defenses the unit has when attacking, that is, how many of the defender's attacks it can avoid. Jun 13, 2018 · After the number of soft and hard attacks have been calculated, sum them up and simply call them attacks. Whenever you assign a certain tank to the "Artillery" role in the dropdown menu under the tank name in the tank designer, it will kill almost all breakthrough and give a comparatively small buff to its soft attack. 8 soft attack, 233. There are a few complicating factors: Attacks are applied in a ratio based on how hard the division being attacked is. This is not the case. The fort itself has a 5% chance of taking damage as a side-effect of the battle, and that damage is in fact based on soft attack rather than hard attack. I'm curious in hearing the pros and cons from anyone else's experience! Currently playing as the Soviet Union in early 1939. 4 breakthrough, 85. The video confirms that. The key difference between attack and defense comes down to the defense Stat vs the breakthrough Stat. You do the math on your soft/hard attack to get your final "total attack value" (95% hardness means 95% of your hard attack + 5% of your soft attack = your total final attack value). 1 for attacks covered by Defense = 70. You don't add it for breakthrough, since it will still be much worse than opposing soft attacks. The stat line for the battalion is basically a copy of the stat line for light tanks/tanks in general instead of cavalry/infantry. Breakthrough does not increase the speed of how fast you defeat the defenders. Obviously, fitness can only be represented with a single value, so we need to modify our fitness function by mixing in the org. Best port defense for MP. To get a larger boost than that, you have to wait for the rocket engine boosts that would be adding +5%, or 1. Each point of breakthrough blocks a point of soft attack which lowers the hit rate from 40% to 10%. Jun 25, 2023 · #hoi4 #heartsofiron4This guide will help you with the basics of attacks and soft attack and how the modifiers work. I maximize soft attack, as that is the most important statistic. Hardness on a medium tank division is typically about 80% which means 80% of the enemies soft attack disappears entirely no dice rolls what so ever. Pairing that off against an entrenched infantry division (which excels at defensive stats and is multiplied by entrenchment, terrain, forts, etc) is thus a difficult challenge. Both sides of the battle will fire at each other in sequence. A 7/2 with ART and ENG has 117. It's calculated in relation to the enemy defenders' attack though, so you get diminishing returns from brealthrough as after it surpasses their attack you get no more improvements. AFAIK all units do a mix of soft and hard attack, even though they usually favor one type. Thus a '36 light tank division will only be less damaging than a '38 medium by the marginal difference in soft attack damage on the 2-4 breakthrough specialist tanks. The sum of all battalions and companies When combat during 2 units happens, they are exchanging damage on each other, in game it's called attack (either soft attack or hard attack). Having armored units with high breakthrough and defensive units with high defense, either motorized or walking depending on how fast you need them to be, is the basic setup. If your opponent has shitty templates and is underequipped, just pump attack. Aug 21, 2022 · Going over what each stat in a division means and how some of the obscure interactions work. Its speed is 8 km/h to keep up with mechanized. Against the AI soft attack is most important, so this design stacks as much soft attack as possible. A unit's ability to avoid damage from enemy fire while attacking. this gives you 35 soft attack, 26. Giving them 500 dice rolls to hit. Generally you probably don’t need to worry about hard attack unless you expect to face a significant amount of enemy armor. What is worth noting is that breakthrough has a sort of soft cap. The amount of soft attack and breakthrough that you add can be meaningful, because infantry starts with such poor amounts of both. 5 km/h speed and 90% reliability. If attack exceeds defense/breakthrough, any additional attack above defense/breakthrough gets multiplied. Then armor of attacker is compared vs. Damage: Soft attack: How much damage your division will do on a succesful attack to an unarmoured target Oct 1, 2024 · You don't combine soft and hard. 9 hits per hour); and their 352 Soft Attacks vs your 185 Breakthrough (many hitting at 0. If you're fighting the AI, you're fighting infantry like 90% of the time, so soft attack FTW Hard vs soft attack doesnt change depending on forts or not. The goal was to maximize soft attack, armor breakthrough and defense while maintaining a 7. The totals of each are paired of against each other. May 19, 2023 · Decent stats on armor, breakthrough, piercing, hard attack and soft attack. This design does NOT stack breakthrough, since the base value from the turret will more than enough against the AI; having more breakthrough than the enemy has attack has no effect! Soft attack, easilly. Light tanks as you suppose can be very realistically massed for a 37 war, unlike meaningful mediums IMO, so I’d stick to them. Arguably the best at naval invasions (army wide soft attack and breakthrough + infantry attack and breakthrough) since SF doesn't give the attack bonus to line artillery. e. Air Attack:reduces the damage you take from CAS, contributes to air superiority, and can shoot down planes. For example, a 50% hardness div takes half of your soft attack damage and half of your hard attack damage, so you’d choose whichever you can boost more. 8 Breakthrough 40w 20/0 w/sART has 285 Soft Attack and 709 Defense Each hour, your 20 divisions attack that single 40w defender (since there is no other defender to attack), and throw 1,083 - attacks at the defenders 709 Defense: 709 *0. I used the latest research on everything and got 1555 soft Jul 16, 2016 · Defense and breakthrough are # of attacks a unit can avoid while on defense and offense respectively. A unit that is high hardness (Tanks, mechanized, etc. 5% attack with medium flame tank support. Hardness adjusted attack is the weighted average of their hard and soft attack vs your hardness Soft attack kills soft targets, which will be most AI divisions. The downside is they cost a lot more. If you ever see a buff that just says "attack" then it applies to both soft and hard attack. You will suffer somewhere 280 attacks at 0% hardness, 150 attacks at 100% hardness, 215 attacks at 50% hardness. It’s not ad big a deal in single player - your tanks will have plenty. It only affects your own losses and whether you have enough effective Org (based on breakthrough and their attack) to actually maintain the battle. SPA has higher soft attack while motorized edges out in defense and breakthrough. Usually breakthrough just needs to exceed the soft attack of your enemies, whereas soft attack has no real upper limit to value. Pros: lots more AA attack, slightly cheaper (can arm more divs), even better with a dozer blade, provides a little bit of armor, Can be modified. Grand Battleplan. A 100% soft division takes only soft attacks and disregards hard entirely. The hardness means each infantry division only has 87. Explaining why General defense gives breakthrough. You can make some pretty good space marine divisions with even just a single battalion of super heavies to beat up the AI with. 15 Soft Attack and 8. So if the division received 20 soft attacks and 10 hard attacks it received a total of 30 attacks. So I’d aim to keep them more or less equal until you get to 400-500 or so. Sorry for the picture quality. Breakthrough is a defensive stat, and an offensive division cannot break a line by defending (at least not effectively). Since most of the things you fight in SP is inf with only soft attack, mechanised means your division takes significantly less damage versus infantry as well as performing better abasing tanks as it adds hard attack to Jan 30, 2024 · several stat buffs have "attack + percent" rather than soft or hard attack. In other words, the armored division is actually dealing over 25% more soft attack than your infantry division (i. If you have a soft attack value of 500 and are facing a pure soft target you get to roll the dice 500 times to hit the enemy. Please check your connection, disable any 1936 base with no doctrine, 10/0 with ART and ENG has only 80. Especially pre 42 I've done some studying on the combat mechanics and I understand that the stats I need to be mostly concerned with in combat are soft attack, Organization. 4=49. +22. Hardness determines how much of each soft and hard attack is used in the damage calculation. Arty2 costs 4 IC per gun, the same as rocket1. Infantry, artillery, and cavalry are 100% soft; tanks, mechanized, and motorized have hardness values. Planning gives breakthrough , soft attack and hard attack therefore the most stats in the game since you can easily get 80% planning bonus. Youll do very little to no organization damage (which is how you win battles). If looking to breakthrough against tanks, Hard attack should be higher than any defense the enemy TANKS have. A bit less armor and less soft attack tho. froom mphdbe jom nbmml bjpyz jks sie lwcc sld vhx nkk uorvgwyw ccoioa jzsbljm uhi