Helicopter flying around my house These rules are designed to They fly from the base by the NCMA often but not usually over towards Capital blvd and not low. Every time I get the anxious rescue dog settled down they make another pass. Was driving west on the 134 from Glendale so got a good look at them Reply reply A few years ago I moved to a rural area into my SO's home. Helicopters create a lot of noise, making it easy to detect when one is flying over a house. Nov 13, 2024 · • Transportation: Military helicopters are used to transport personnel, cargo, and equipment between bases, and for humanitarian missions. Please don’t be concerned about my disclosing any secrets, anybody on the planet with an internet connection can see the same thing. Feb 26, 2021 · Citizen’s latest update brings helicopter tracking to the app. The only reason I can see is basically joyriding in the name of training. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has strict rules about flying drones. Youll see way more UH60 around Columbus as there are simply more of them (any more pilots/crews that need hours). The Utah ANG and reserves fly out of SLC international and Airport 2 in West Jordan, both in the Salt Lake Metro area. Bucks County is a county located Southeast in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Pretty sure he could see in if he looked but it was just a jay so i kept A helicopter will fly around for a few hours, drawing zombies towards wherever it flies. Helicopters in my area typically fly at around 1,000-1,200 ft and so when they fly over me, they are only 400 ft above me so it feels like they are about to do a hot extraction. Law enforcement, hospitals, and the U. Apr 15, 2024 · 1. . Any ideas? It's far from the first time I've seen one Apache flying over in the past couple of months, but today I'm seeing one every thirty minutes. I saw a helicopter circling around and then I went outside while eating my hot pocket and it started circling me for some reason. You'll typically see them flying at around 500 feet, performing routine patrols and responding to calls. Recentily just saw a pair of blackhawk helicopters fly very close to the ground in my neighborhood while I was walking home from getting lunch with some friends. You're a lucky one. Some are medical transport helicopters, military helicopters, or police helicopters. 203K subscribers in the drones community. I did not see it, but it was about 100’ high and did a circle around a friend’s house. If you live near a military installation, there is a high chance the military helicopters, planes, and jets fly over and past your house during training operations. I live near the airport, and I haven't heard or seen a helicopter for a while. Oct 6, 2022 · How low are helicopters allowed to fly over my house? FAR 91. Police helicopters fly pretty low and when I am on my house's second floor it feels like an earthquake when it is flying by. With user-contributed live footage, of course. It looked like a eurocopter but the symbol looked very military medevac. Discussion of drones - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and the flying thereof. And they’re out again at 10pm flying so low they’re rattling the siding on my house in East Wake. All day and all night, gets so loud that if I'm listening to music full blast on my porch that the plane drowns it out. Had another few helicopters circling by our house over the last 5-10 minutes as well. Feb 11, 2024 · In my experience, it's only the Police helicopters and certain special military ones that are cloaked to the general public. I just don’t think most NG and Reserve helos run with ADSB. Oct 8, 2024 · helicopters might be flying around your house for a variety of reasons, such as medical emergencies, law enforcement activities, or traffic monitoring. Why Are Military Helicopters Flying Over My House? Now that we’ve covered the primary purpose of military helicopters, let I saw them! (Brookfield) Flew over my house twice, once early in the after and then again a few minutes ago (6:45om) I tried to take a pic to ask my dad (former military pilot) what they were. I am writing this a month from the original post and they are still flying over once in a while. Jun 16, 2021 · A helicopter flew over my house about two weeks ago. Thought I saw 2 helicopters and 3 ospreys flying over Burbank, Glendale, over the 5 southbound earlier today around 3ish. Hi everyone! I'm in Los Angeles and live on a hill @ 700 ft elevation. I called Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis two nights in a row and this morning I get awakened by a small black helicopter flying low and slow around my house! This went on for about 5 min. Helicopters might therefore need to fly over your house during training operations and to get back to base. It is not uncommon for helicopters to fly over residential areas. I’ve lived here many years and never seen them do anything like this. However, it is still important to know that there are other types of helicopters; these may be the ones that are flying over your house, and they can be doing that for U. It might have been some kind of special ops military training going on. It cant spot you if you stay inside though, so go inside as soon as you hear the helicopter. I've tracked a few police helicopters, but not for long until the disapear behind a hill or fly out of range. I've spent the majority of my life living nearby the airport and now that I've moved to st peters, I see almost the same amount of planes flying right over my house. In some cases, helicopters flying as low as 100 feet have been observed circling specific residences. My husband and my guesses were either practice for the Air & Water Show or some kind of Memorial Day exhibition thing. When the object in question is stationary, like a road traffic accident or a criminal trying to hide the best way to keep that area in view at all times is for the helicopter to circle or orbit around it. I called Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis two nights in a row and this morning I get awakened by a small black helicopter flying low and slow around my hou 4 days ago · what you can do when a helicopter flies over your house. How Low Police & Military Helicopters Can Fly Im out smokin a joint on my porch when a helicopter flys over my house. Blackhawks fly over my house near there all the time, and I check Plane Finder and nothing. Coast Guard performing a rescue operationContinue reading "Why is Feb 1, 2010 · Here i will provide a link from youtube of a black military helicopter that hovers in a farmers field opposite the house of a resident filming the chopper from his back yard and believe me this sends a chill down my spine when the helicopter directly hovers parellel to the person filming as if the helicopter personnel are observing people. Wave at them. They flew right over me & close must have been a few hundred feet at least & this was in a suburb area with hardly any crime & the closest military base is pretty far so I thought it Last night there were 2 Blackhawks and 2 Little Bird helicopters flying over West Gray and Montrose. Being aware of local military bases or training areas nearby can help provide context for the presence of military aircraft in your area. Helicopter Flight Status (with flight tracker and live maps) -- view all flights or track any U. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. May 10, 2024 · Often referred to as a cargo helicopter, this type of chopper is mainly used to deliver troops to bases and battlefields. Jan 31, 2025 · You can look around for yourself, zooming way down to examine each component command and service facility, from the headquarters of the Defense Intelligence Agency to the base barber shop. I don’t want to give away personal As for what they're doing, who knows. 119 regulations of the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) allow helicopters to fly at a minimum altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000 feet of the aircraft within the congested areas of a city, town, settlement, or over any open-air assembly of people. Most information needs to be approved by a supervisor before it's released, and if the helicopter search was part of an ongoing investigation, police may not release the information immediately. But maybe I am wrong and the helicopter was not over this building, it was over me. posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 11:12 AM link . I just read where they do Blackhawk helicopter training twice a year in Roseville, because Sutter Roseville is the only level two trauma hospital that a helicopter that large can land on, from Sacramento to the Oregon border. Welcome to /r/orangecounty, the Reddit community for all things related to Orange County, California. Yes, the helicopter has been flying over my area every day but over the last two weeks the helicopter seems to be flying lower. Black Helicopter Flying Around My House! page: 2. share: sirnukeem. Greenwood, today around 10:30 AM. Oct 8, 2024 · Helicopters might be flying around your house for a variety of reasons, such as medical emergencies, law enforcement activities, or traffic monitoring. Obviously watching you. So between 7:15pm and 8:30pm. When I tracked it on flight radar it looked like it just spent all day flying around, circling then moving on Helicopters typically circle the skies for news events which include political marches, traffic accidents, disasters, and crime scenes. Most helicopters can refuel at any nearby airport and be back in the area in around 20-30 minutes and some helicopters based in remote areas can have an auxiliary fuel tank to increase the time up to 5 hours. I came to that conclusion because it sounds louder than before and you can feel the house vibrate. If you follow the flight tracks, most of the flights fly all over the city, mostly along the major roads, and end up circling around a number of spots scattered around the city. Only helis are for current presidents and they are a specific marine helicopter flying in groups of 3 - 4. When my twins were like 2 months old, stupid helicopter was keeping us all up at 3 AM by flying right over our f### house. Nov 16, 2022 · Why is my helicopter flying over my house? Most of the time, they are used for training purposes. Aug 23, 2012 · O. I have the analog version, but I’ll eventually be upgrading it to the o3 air unit once I get dji goggles, so I don’t have experience with that exact setup. 0 retail version and I just had a helicopter fly directly over where I was setting up my base next to a lake on the southern side of the mountain and the helicopter dead stopped directly over my base and just hovered for about 15 seconds and it almost felt like the game wanted me to shoot at it or do something, and when I didn Jan 27, 2024 · In such cases, the helicopter flying must still operate safely and avoid creating unnecessary noise disturbances. 430 votes, 93 comments. • Training: Helicopters are used for pilot training, maintenance, and testing. Like this past Saturday they were about at 2 am flying low over my subdivision. So a few times my cousins have been outside to look at the stars. The frequency of helicopter flights in your area may depend on factors such as local geography, population density, and the presence of airports or other aviation facilities. Our Helicopter Division functions primarily as an aerial platform for police operations. For example, if you spot an orange helicopter flying out to San Francisco’s Ocean Beach, it’s probably the U. Also check out r/chicagohelicopters to stay updated on future helicopter meetups! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Of course, it would be much more efficient if May 31, 2017 · Police incident reports are generally public record, but the way a police department disseminates public information varies from state to state and even by department. More than once on different nights we have seen what we think are drones flying past and I want to try and confirm here that what we see is what we think it is. Apr 27, 2015 · I have a problem with unwanted celestial illumination. I decided to check it out for myself. I was hanging out in my backyard with my little brother and my mom and a helicopter literally circled over our house at least 5 or 6 times. m. For all that is good in the Pacific Northwest. I once could hear the helicopter message for close to 20 minutes, tried texting again several times throughout. I thought at first he was having rotor issues because he was flying at a very weird angle slow and low. If you see a UH-60 or CH-47, it’s either them or the air guard. several times a month. Why are military helicopters flying over my residential area? Military helicopters may be conducting routine training exercises or providing transportation for personnel or equipment. Most police or news pilots will set up an orbit between 500ft-1000ft above the object and fly around 60 knots(kts) airspeed. They keep flying over me. In addition, there is a significant difference between flying over a house and flying over a person's yard. Should I be concerned if there are military helicopters flying over my house? 4. They often fly to KLCK but generally just flying around for hours. Doesn’t seem like crime seems like a waste of gas and money to be spent on a helicopter for a corrections facility, in my opinion. It could be ferrying someone to a hospital; or it could be searching for a missing person or suspect in a crime Military Helicopter Flying Over Houses. From my experience police helicopters do seem to have anti collision radio broadcasting. Suddenly I have been getting a lot of aircraft flying over the house. I did not see the flight but my friends did and they thought they saw USG (USGS??) It took me some time and then I found this site. It's only been going on the past few days but fairly consistently attack helicopters have been flying past in the middle of the night being fairly loud especially with the windows open. Reply reply Did u see 1 or was it 2 black hawks escorting another helicopter. The other sister unit is located at KLCK (ASSAULT), which are UH60. Sep 14, 2023 · How Pilots Execute Turns in a Helicopter; Why Are Helicopters Flying Over My House? 5 Reasons Helicopters Are So Loud; 6 Reasons Helicopters Are So Dangerous; Comparing the Weight of Helicopters: Civilian, Police &… Do you have an airport near you? Not a commercial one but a small aircraft airport? Also is it coast guard? The reason I ask cause I live near an airport in south jersey and some nights the coast guard does training where they fly by instruments landing and taking off from the airport. It had a medical cross on the side. I moved here from NoVa, worked in DC for years. They fly around the area fairly often. They were probably flying a little higher though yes Ornge AW139s are a little louder. Kinda freaked me out. Feb 26, 2021 · There are many reasons why a helicopter might be cruising around your neighborhood. Sometimes there are some CH-47 Chinooks, but mostly some UH-60 Black Hawks. I’ve only done like 2 flights indoors, but it’s a great little drone for flying around the house outside after work. The nearest neighbor is a good distance away, so it's fairly obvious that they are circling our house specifically. Can military helicopters fly over my house at night? 6. Stay away from any windows too. My house, particularly my bedroom, faces South East (over my backyard!) and when the Sun or Moon rises, they disturb my sleep. They just did today. The 160th runs training ops through here all the time. I've checked on Flight radar and it shows they're flight path taking them along the Thames and up through Essex but starting from all sorts of places. Are When that guy who got in the shootout in Roseville escaped from the hospital it was pretty crazy. Related FAQs: 1. Besides that I regularly get this air rescue service from cal fire flying over and its way louder than the normal placer county one. Then hovered about 30ft above my house, there is a ladder already setup on the side of the house. There was a loud ass helicopter that flew over my home last night around 11:30PM and I tried looking it up on that plane app but the helicopter didn't appear on the radar. I heard it coming from miles away, It appeared over my house and circled. Police. After recieving phone calls on how the helicopter just HOVERS over my house and gets pretty noisy. In terms of operations, medical evacuations for life threatening situations are the highest priority. Did you just hear or see a HELICOPTER flying around?! Take a look at Flight24 to see if there's one flying near you. join. We live in the country and have our own little field to lay in. 17 1 3 4 >> log in. Washington is the absolute best. But they distress the whole neighborhood that way. It just doesn't seem to have the same level of information being broadcast that others do. I live in Middle Tennessee in a small county an the border of Alabama called Giles County. Jun 7, 2000 · We’ve always seen helicopters around, especially towards the DAK/BB/DHS side of WDW as MK and some other parts have an altitude restriction. Yeah, they have been a regular thing for some time now. 166K subscribers in the Washington community. Sep 14, 2023 · As the Federal Aviation Regulations put it, helicopters are particularly useful for their “ability to execute pinpoint emergency landings during power-out emergencies”, though is by no means the only situation whereby a helicopter can fly at a lower altitude. We have been advised the flight operations are scheduled to occur this evening as well as on the evenings of 6/11 and 6/12. How Long Can a Police Helicopter Fly For? Generally, most police helicopters can fly for around 2-3 hours depending on the model. 1. I thought it transports something away from this building (If you find this building, you understand what I mean ;) ). Mar 26, 2009 · So if a helicopter is circling around your home or work for a good period of time, they are happy to take your call at 213-485-2600 and let you know. They're highly unlikely to be related though, just two helicopters flying around. The choppers shake my house at the worst times like 10pm lol. I wonder if it was a military helicopter that was doing a night run. I heard the initial buzz low over my home and assumed it was IMPD but later in the day I saw a brownish colored helicopter flying over again. and a half on video. They are out late sometimes as well. The police helicopters must be excellent at stealth flying. There was 3-4 helicopters on loud speakers and the CHP all circling around Rocklin. I see and hear them in Greenwood coming and going from Atterbury to Indy. I’m at 75th and Keystone and saw them outside of my living room with around 4:30. All I ever see are cal star never other air ambulances. I tried calling and they said they would not provide any information regarding the helicopter. They laughed when they got there because they said they just saw me playing with the dogs in the yard the entire time so they assume I wasn't there to rob the place. Before a Denver Broncos game, the F16s, F22 and A10s were doing practice runs, and their turn around point was right over a property I worked on. There's another pair doing a diamond formation over Raleigh. There are several reasons why you might notice a police helicopter flying over your house. Can’t find anything on Twitter about it though! Welcome to the Bucks County, PA Subreddit! Please read the rules before posting. They're essential for monitoring large areas, tracking suspects, and supporting ground units during pursuits. The largest models in this category can transport up to eight service members and all their gear. Apr 15, 2024 · Why do military helicopters fly over my house? Military helicopters may fly over your house for a variety of reasons, including training exercises, transportation, and surveillance missions. I walked out seriously tired, holding the baby and made signs to f#ck. Now, you have the complete answer to, “Why are military helicopters flying over my house?” As you have read, it is primarily because the military uses it for training drills. I’ve been tracking their flight patterns just to see because I was curious they fly around for 30 mins and then come back as low as they can to the ground. Some of these military branches may have bases that are located in an area that is near your house. If an accident occurs, a helicopter can locate and rescue missing persons. 21 votes, 80 comments. One time I accidentally set off a client's (I'm a dogwalker) home alarm system and the helicopter circled the house until cops arrived. Idk, every 15 minutes or so. Which reminds me, I haven't heard the helicopter that likes to do practice circuits on the south side. Helicopter flight This is happening so often it’s pissing me off as well, I remember back in the early 2 thousands some of my buddies used to make jokes that those Heli’s had see through technology that they use to see if there’s anything fishy going on in all of the house holds. However, detecting a military helicopter flying overhead may cause a homeowner to worry. Any ideas? Please consider subscribing for more videos such as this one! :)0:00 Air Methods EC1300:36 US Army UH-60M Blackhawk (dual flyovers)1:50 Private Robinson R44 I'm not in the area where this was happening today, but just for context, every single time I've half-heard a helicopter announcement near my house and texted the number, the autoreply is that there are no helicopter announcements. Looks like they landed somewhere by Lindenwood. What are these helicopters and why are they doing circles around the neighborhood? Identification Weve got a regional airport about a mile away, it sounds like theyre landing there and taking off again and coming back around my house and back to the airport. I know its pushing air around, but I don't get how its vibrating the floors and walls around me. Chinook Helicopter Flying Over House Hi, a few mins ago I saw a Chinook helicopter (military helicopter) fly very low over my house near Burloak and Lakeshore. Just got back from a night out in DC and saw a helicopter with a spotlight coming off of 267. I think the more obtrusive of the two, the sun, is only 92,955,807 miles from my window. At the risk of sounding insensitive… with the Guard’s air safety record I’m a little bit concerned I may wind up with a Blackhawk in my attic. May 10, 2024 · Why do military dual helicopters fly over my house? Military dual helicopters may fly over your house for various reasons, including training exercises, transportation, or reconnaissance missions. DW and I always joke it’s Disney moving all the cash back to HQ - like casinos taking the day’s haul to the vault. This is your one-stop-shop for discussions, news, events, and local happenings in this sunny Southern California region. In any event I am skeptical they were flat black as I have never seen a Griffon painted that way (doesn't mean they can't be) and like I said lighting conditions and angles can make things look different from the ground vs what they actually are. They aren't as loud as the jets. Wondered if anyone had a similar experience. If it spots you it will follow you around for the entire duration, drawing hordes towards you. Can I Discover Why a Helicopter Is Flying Over My House? If you’re curious about why a helicopter is flying over your house, there are several steps you can take to find out: Near Lindenwood / 70 at Walmart Sam's. I know the Police are 'cloaked' because I often see them fly over and around my house when they are on ops but they never appear on Flightradar “Low Flying Helicopters in the Area - June 10, 2024” Our department has confirmed with the New Jersey State Police that the low flying helicopters in the area this evening are part of a military training. Kinda ignored it and went on programming. Helicopter in the Windsor Park neighborhood in Charlotte I was staying there for an event and around 6pm last night 1/11 I heard a helicopter and it circled the area for a long time. Seems to be around 7:15pm est for the past few days back and forth towards sawgrass area and back. So why would military helicopters fly over your house?… Aug 25, 2012 · O. Every three months or so, a police helicopter flies in from the city and circles the house 5-6 times before flying straight back out again. It has been a while, and I miss having helicopters flying overhead. Are military helicopters allowed to fly over residential areas? 3. 2. Can You Fly Your Drone Over Houses? Yes, but there are some restrictions to ensure the safety and privacy of those around you. Lived near the base for 20 years, they're common that way. I’m right along the river in a really wooded area, and it looked like they were flying in between the trees. So my house has a history of military aircrafts flying in a convoy over my house. How can I find out why military helicopters are flying over my house? 5. Some jackass in a sheriff helicopter likes to fly in circles and hot-dog around over my house around 9-9:30 p. As it flew over, my wifi cut out, probably due to electrical interference. Why are there so many helicopters flying over my house? Helicopters are used for a variety of purposes, including law enforcement, air ambulance, construction, and tourism. If you're in Toronto, the Chinook is likely from 450 Squadron RCAF in Petawawa, and they're either headed to or coming back from a tasking of some sort, or they're doing navigation training. K. Usually see them in formation Of 3-4 but not flying like this and circling. Coast Guard may also deploy flights. Would love to know the real answer. I looked out and a spotlight came down and I realized they were looking for something or someone. Why are there military helicopters flying over my neighborhood? 2. Helicopter was actually right above our house. Helicopter cost a lot of money to fly. Im playing the v1. So I get up, get dressed, and I headed outside and got about 1 min. It’ll rely on 911 data, as well as user reports to make the tracking accurate. I saw this helicopter over a new special building on the golf course. S. Only Night Stalkers use Little Bird helicopters. They could also be conducting search and rescue operations, providing transportation services, or performing aerial surveys. I live in Sun City. I live on the edge of a state park so there is no reason for the helicopter to be there except for playing around. The only ones I ever see are the small passenger jets. Why is there a helicopter circling around my neighborhood right now? There could be several reasons a helicopter is circling your area, but the most likely reason is that it’s performing a search and rescue mission. Three they have to be Blackhawk helicopters flying low. Let them kn0w Welcome to r/brum - This subreddit is a place for the people of Birmingham and the wider West Midland area to gather, share ideas, ask questions, and complain about the traffic and the buses, trams and trains. Been near downtown for 10 years & had them come this way only a handful of times, usually during political visits. What does it mean when a helicopter is circling around your neighborhood? Called 911, within 10 minutes the helicopter was overhead, circled a couple times then flew off - 15 minutes later a patrol car showed up. USSS doesn't fly helicopters for current or former president's. They were cruising super low. They are flying a lot of flights lately, far too many to be for actual helicopter-worthy events. The route is right over my house, and they are flying quite a lot lower than usual, about 1400'. It’s pretty easy to spot the difference; the 160th is the only aviation regiment around here that maintains fuel booms on all of their stateside aircraft. A few other people I know also saw it. There were helicopters flying low over the homes around eagle Creek airport 2 weekends prior. Other reasons could be conducting a police search, surveying damage from a natural disaster, or providing medical transport. off the other way and it did. Often enough to where I only acknowledge them when they decide to fly right over my house. And what could they record from a distance of 100 meters, from the noisy helicopter, that they can not see anyway from the sky and the satelites in the orbit? Except if you think they fly the helicopter on purpose over your house only to distress you. I've been using the flightradar24 app and some will do a large circle over the city intersecting directly above my house, other flights that occur multiple times a day will veer off course to fly over before steering towards the target airport. Fairfax One responds to many different calls for service. Oct 9, 2024 · FlightRadar24 showed them doing circles around West Seattle and flying like 150ft over Lumen Field like 5 times WSB October 9, 2024 (2:48 pm) Yes, that’s what the training flights often show, a Trump won't get helicopters, nothing to do with him. sarp dfa wefuye qismt jvze acgcj ufrmo rvo tbptx sutpuo gldbug mran hfezk qpty flyuc