Faa terps pdf 1-1-6. 0000" N 74° 49' 27. SUMMARY: This rule establishes, amends, suspends, or removes Standard FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION N 8900. Ambos enfoques evalúan los obstáculos y establecen gradientes de Feb 16, 2018 · This order prescribes standardized methods for designing and evaluating instrument flight procedures (IFPs) in the United States and its territories. 20: General. This change also incor-porates criteria contained in VN Supplements 2 May 27, 2013 · For nearly 20 years, the aviation industry has expressed to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) its concern over spatial limitations of circle-to-land approaches. 31533; Amdt. The Digital Chart Supplements are published in a PDF format and are available for viewing, searching, downloading and printing. (2) ODPs may also be required at private airports where the FAA does not have instrument procedure development responsibility. 38. gov info) and look for the "Aeronautical Chart User's Guide" link. MEETING 22-01 . Oct 27, 2019 · The standards that apply to instrument procedures are commonly referred to as TERPS, which stands for the U. For reference, below are the applicable official document numbers. For distribution within the Department of Defense, see pages v and vi. Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPs), and other related Orders in the 8260 series that also address instrument procedure design criteria. Federal Aviation Administration requirements and the all-engines-operating TERPS requirements are independent, and one-engine-inoperative procedures do not need to meet TERPS requirements. The Federal Aviation Administration fully supports the effort to optimize descent trajectories for all instrument approach procedures (vertically guided and non-vertically guided). 3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS), volume 1, chapter 10. 3B; therefore, this guidance needs to be made available while it is being processed for inclusion in TERPS. Current Edition : Feb 20 - Mar 20 Mar 4, 2024 · Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 97 [Docket No. Nichols, Flight Procedures and Airspace Group, Flight Technologies and Procedures Division, Flight Standards Service, Federal Aviation Administration. The d-TPP is a presentation of the same data in the TPPs but as individual PDF files. Feb 16, 2018 · Terps-faa Order 8260. FAA Form 8260-12 U. The TPP is a 24-volume set of printed paper books covering the conterminous US, Puerto Rico (a) This subpart prescribes standard instrument approach procedures and takeoff minimums and obstacle departure procedures (ODPs) based on the criteria contained in FAA Order 8260. apart, and less than 3,000 ft apart at airports identified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for SOIA. Terminal Procedure Publications (TPPs) is a 26 volume set of printed paper books containing Instrument Approach Procedure charts (IAP), Departure Procedure charts (DP), Standard Terminal UNITED STATES STANDARD FOR TERMINAL INSTRUMENT PROCEDURES (TERPS) (CANCELLING FAA 8260. fit in only one if it is at a in Federal Aviation Administration View the PDF for 14 CFR Part 97 Subpart C; Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation TERPS Procedures: 97. This order contains criteria and guidance regarding terminal instrument procedures service provided to the United States (U. Provide AFFSA TERPS a two-year biennial review forecast for all high altitude IAPs developed by the FAA at the request of the USAF every FAA FPO TERPS Obstructions id X Y ELEV LATITUDE LONGITUDE Descriptio Pentrates 40:1 byPentrates 34:1 byPentrates 20:1 byMSLheightObstacleID 1401342. FAA Order 8260. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION 8260. 3C (PDF) For more information, contact 9-awa-ait-directives@faa. FAA Control Number: 09-01-213 Page 1 of 12 AERONAUTICAL CHARTING FORUM Instrument Procedures Group Meeting 09-01 - April 29-30, 2009 RECOMMENDATION DOCUMENT FAA Control # 09-01-213 Subject: Guidance & Charting for TERPS Chg 21 Circling Approaches Background/Discussion: FAA, Aeronautical Information Services 1305 East-West Highway SSMC 4, Room 4531 (TERPS) is the approved criteria for formulating instrument COPTER MINIMA ONLY Jan 30, 2025 · Directive Feedback Information Order 8260. S TERPS - Free ebook download as PDF File (. While the application of TERPS criteria indirectly addresses issues of flyability and efficient use of NAVAID's, the major safety contribution is the provision of obstacle clearance standards. Data from these sources above, which is not subject to FAA approval, may be useful in evaluating the Apr 9, 2010 · Ms. (TERPS). 4A . gov. The primary audience for this notice is the National Flight Procedures Office, Air Traffic Facility Managers, and Air Traffic Airspace and Procedures personnel, who have the. Terminal Procedure Publications (TPPs) as PDF files, known as d-TPP. This order establishes criteria for conducting closely spaced parallel operations and identifies procedural requirements to ensure safety. 3B Change 21. 3d1 - Free ebook download as PDF File (. NGA obtains FAA Terminal Procedures Publication (TPP) digital chart files from AeroNav Products instrument procedures based on the TERPS standard to provide ROC. Consistent with the Federal Aviation Administration’s mission to foster a safe, secure, and efficient aviation system is the need for an effective and efficient process to accurately site our as stated in t}. Charting date of the FAA procedure will be found in the courtesy copy Terminal Amendment System (TAS) letter sent to the NGA. It is useful to new pilots as a learning aid, and to experienced pilots as a quick reference guide. 95-02-150 (PDF) TERPS Paragraphs 613c(1) and 713c(1); Proposal to Reduce Required Obstacle Clearance (ROC) for NDB SIAPs by 50ft. It will also require amending over 3,000 procedures that have been developed under TERPS Change 20. 487. Effective Date: April 10, 2006 . Geoffs Instrument study guide May 2018 (pdf) Download Dec 16, 2024 · Service, Aviation Safety, Federal Aviation Administration. PURPOSE. SUMMARY: This rule amends, suspends, or removes Standard Instrument Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 866. Nov 5, 2012 · ON TERPS 8260. How this will be accomplished; e. FAA Form 8260-1 1 U. Audience. ” Then, after the fact, the FAA 800-pound gorilla develop these procedures are in Order 8260. 3D, Figure 3-3-2 1/2W = (0. 3D Cancellation notes FAA Order 8260. aircraft by the certification authority of the of registry Wicopt. dated 2/8/89. It is to be used by all personnel responsible for the preparation, approval, and promulgation of IFPs. 8856 . DISPOSITION. f. 3B [FAA(2002)], U. FAA Form 8260-1 Flight Procedures Standards Waiver. 3 U. 4101] Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. Catherine Majauskas, FAA/AFS-470, discussed the possibility of using the negative C in the chart notes which will help identify the procedures complies with Change 20 or later of the TERPS. FAA Form 8260-2 Radio Fix and Holding Data Record. g. J. The TERPS “X” Surface is a transitional surface sloping from the sides of the “W” surface and also must remain clear. instructions for completing faa form 8260-15b, graphic departure procedure (dp) (rnav departure procedures) (pages 1 – 22) instructions for completing faa form 8260-15c, departure (data record) (pages 23 – 32) Jan 17, 2025 · Further, the SIAPs and Takeoff Minimums and ODPs contained in this amendment are based on the criteria contained in the U. (2) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the United States Army (USA), the United States Navy (USN), the United States Air Force (USAF), and the United States Coast Guard (USCG). FAA Form 8260-9 Standard Instrument Approach Procedure Data Record. Further, compliance with TERPS all-engines-operating climb gradient requirements does not necessarily assure that one-engine-inoperative obstacle clearance requirements are met. , STB Annex, Bldg. 58, United States Standard for Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Instrument Procedure Design. a. (PDF) d-TPP Metafile XML. Paragraphs are realigned for better flow. If an obstacle is allowed to penetrate these surfaces, it will affect approach and departure minimums, which the FAA considers to be a hazard to air navigation. instructions for completing faa form 8260-15d, departure procedure (continuation) (pages 35 – 40) appendix 6. TERPS standards have been modernized over the years, but still bear significant resemblance to when they were first codified in 1966. This order prescribes standardized methods for designing and evaluating instrument flight procedures in the United States and its territories. Aunque comparten objetivos similares como garantizar la seguridad durante las operaciones de vuelo, difieren en algunos detalles técnicos como las unidades de medida y la definición precisa del punto de despegue inicial. To achieve a common vertical path in the final segment, a single precisely located PF AF should serve all approaches to a given runway. boll@sbcglobal. ) to adequately determine AEO performance. Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (the title of FAA Order 8260. 12/14/2018 Order 8260. ) Army, hereinafter referred to as Army, by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). b. 3C: 10/19/2001: TIL00-016, Interim US Army Helicopter Departure Criteria: 04/11/2021: Obsolete; the FAA no longer developed Both FAA experts and industry pi-lot representatives authored the TERPs instrument approach criteria. , is still under discussion. Formatting revised to meet current Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) standards. ACTION: AFS-420. Paragraphs are re-aligned for better editorial flow. Comments: This request affects FAA Order 8260. Purpose. Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 %PDF-1. ” So one question is why was a single VNAV evaluation (based on Category D) made when the visibility required reached the level of VFR operations? Another question to be asked is why are the VNAV minima However, FAA Order 8260. 5322 (866-TELL-FAA) Contact Us. Telephone: (405) 954–1139. Cancels Sep 17, 2020 · The Federal Aviation Administration is an operating mode of the U. However, no algorithm is furnished in TERPS or any other FAA Order to the TERPS specialist for completing this analysis nor is it required that they do so. 3. 3G - United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) Skip to page content a. 0 MB) INTRODUCTION. This will require modifying TERPS criteria and charting s pecifications back to pre-TERPS Change 20 implementation. The policy memorandum was issued as result of pilot altitude deviations occurring on the ILS selected Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) addressees. Chris Baur – President & CEO Hughes Aerospace, Tony Lawson – Chief Designer Hughes Aerospace, Bob Abbott - TERPS Engineer Brief Description: Our panel navigates the participants though the development, implementation, and commissioning of Instrument Flight Procedures (IFP), along with the four areas of required instrument procedure maintenance. 9 27140° 01' 15. Accident & Incident Sep 29, 2020 · The U. No. Implementation of SOIA procedures requires additional analysis and study. The circling approach area has been expanded to provide improved obstacle protection. 3, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS), or the procedure may be constructed using criteria prescribed by the ICAO Doc 8168, Procedures for Air Navigation Services, or Military Instrument Procedures Standardization (MIPS), or other TERPS y PANS OPS son los dos principales diseños de procedimientos instrumentales utilizados en el mundo. This facet of TERPS allows aeronautical navigation in instrument meteorological aircraft flying an instrument approach procedure. planned to be incorporated in TERPS, Change 19, in early 2000. 0000" WTREE 60ft 0ft 0ft 271ft KTTN0139 Sep 7, 2023 · The Federal Aviation Administration is an operating mode of the U. FAA will include automation software, which requires digitized terrain data with the TERPS change. 47) (Change 17 dated February 13, 1998 Incorporated) A description is not available for this item. 3B, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS), contains criteria that must be used to formulate, review, approve, and publish (a) This subpart prescribes standard instrument approach procedures and takeoff minimums and obstacle departure procedures (ODPs) based on the criteria contained in FAA Order 8260. All references to other FAA orders reflect their current edition. 15 à d ) + 200 where: ½W = Perpendicular distance (feet) runway centerline to area edge d = Distance (feet 1. James . • FAA Order 8900. For your convenience, FAA Form 1320-19, Directives Jul 1, 2024 · The Federal Aviation Administration is an operating mode of the U. This change incorporates general design criteria for helicopter instrument approaches and departures, transferring that criteria from Order 8260. Organization: NBAA . Provide AFFSA TERPS a two-year biennial review forecast for all high altitude IAPs developed by the FAA at the request of the USAF every While all the airspace surfaces for an airport need to be protected, the FAA has focused first on the TERPS visual approach segment. Ballough Director, Flight Standards Service ON TERPS 8260. Army ILS Standard Instrument Approach Procedure. Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) in FAA(2002), and associated orders. General. 3B (TERPS), TERPS Control 03-01 (PDF) 03/14/2016: Order 8260. pdf), Text File (. Safety and efficiency influenced the latter group for pilots. Go to the bottom of that page (although not all the way down into the generic FAA. 32F . Office identifications and routing codes are updated to reflect the current FAA organizational structure. 4102] Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. Training will consist of lecture, exercises, and automation application exploring the topics of: TERPS Management, Basic TERPS Criteria, TERPS Automation Database, Non-Precision Approach segments, Area Navigation (RNAV), Precision Approach Procedures, Diverse Departures, Route Departures, RADAR Procedures and RADAR Charts. terrain criteria will be included in TERPS change 21. Revert procedure design standards to using TDZE. 1432668. 1-2-1. 41 AND FAA 8260. 3B - U. Cancels. Standard Circling Approach Maneuvering Radius Sep 21, 2012 · 8260. Army/U. ACTION: Final rule. Paragraph revised and expanded to include all items unique to Feb 15, 2024 · Thomas J. • Engine-Out Procedures (EOPs) : Developed by Operator, Accepted By POI. The document outlines the purpose and distribution of terminal instrument procedures, lists the types of procedures, and • FAA Order 8260. Information Update. 3E - United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) including Change 1 (Cancelled) Feb 25, 2016 · For now, the downloadable PDF version is still available at the bottom of this page. This Chart Users' Guide is an introduction to the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) aeronautical charts and publications. 54. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This rule amends 14 CFR part 97 by amending the TERPS Volume 3, Chapter 4, paragraph 4. restrictions on Instrument Approach Procedure Charts. In developing these SIAPs and Takeoff Minimums and ODPs, the TERPS criteria were applied to the conditions existing or anticipated at the affected airports. 3D, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS), contains what appears to be contradictory airspeed standards for holding patterns above 10,000 FT MS. Paragraph 2-1b. “Minimum Visibility Values, All Procedures/CATs (except CAT A and B NPA, SA CAT I/II, CAT II/III, and helicopters)” on instrument approach procedure source. As a result, circling minima at cer-tain airports may increase significantly. net FAA Control # 09-01-284 Subject: Question of TERPs Containment With Late Intercepts Background/Discussion: Historically, ATC has used radar for vectoring of aircraft into the segments of an instrument approach procedure prior to the final approach segment. The Supplements contain data on public and joint use airports, seaplane bases, heliports, VFR airport sketches, NAVAIDs, communications data, weather data, airspace, special notices, and operational procedures. E-mail: Richard. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Effective Date: National Policy 03/08/2022 SUBJ: United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) 1. Submitted by: Richard J. Boll II . 29A did not coincide with Order 8260. Who this change Dec 23, 2024 · Changed Pages for Replacement (PDF) 2015 *Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (FAA-H-8083-25C) 2023 *Plane Sense – General Aviation Information (PDF) 2008 *Powered Parachute Flying Handbook (PDF) 2007 : Risk Management Brochures : 02/27/2013 *Risk Management Handbook (FAA-H-8083-2A) 2022 *FAA-H-8083-21, Rotorcraft Flying Handbook Mar 4, 2024 · Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 97 [Docket No. • International Civil Aviation Organization, Procedures for Air Navigation publication meets the FAA’s intentions and notify AFFSA TERPS of findings. 16C FAA FAAO 8260. ws Ech Of minima. These regulatory actions are needed because of the adoption of new or revised criteria, Mar 4, 2024 · Thomas J. 42B (Change 2), U. The Major Command (MAJCOM) TERPS office or the National Guard Bureau (NGB) (see appendix A) originates or endorses all Air Force requests to design, revise, or cancel • FAA Order 8260. TERPS, Flight Checked>AFS-400. • Charted Visual Flight Procedures (CVFPs) : NFDD. Text added to clarify Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) application of diverse departure criteria analysis. 655. These safety concerns have been raised by industry representatives who suggest that the amount of protected airspace allowed for aircraft maneuvering throughout a circling ACTION: Jeff Rawdon, FAA/AFS-420 will report back on the FAA’s review of graphic circling . Sep 26, 2024 · 95-02-148 (PDF) TERPs Para 288c(1); DME or Radar Step-down Fixes. This method is no longer acceptable because TERPS procedures assume When USAF requirements can be met by an existing FAA civil IFP without change, the USAF TERPS office may request publication of the FAA IFP by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) in the appropriate DoD flight information publication (FLIP). 3, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS). c. 46, Departure Procedure (DP) Program. 36, FAA 8260. Air Force ILS Standard Instrument Approach Procedure. S. Air Force Radar Standard Instrument This document provides a consolidated reprint of standards and procedures for developing terminal instrument flight procedures in the United States. Standard Circling Approach Maneuvering Radius FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ORDER 8260. Order 8260. The criteria and standards provided in appendixes 1and 2 will be published in Order 8260. Aeronautical Chart Users' Guide (PDF) (Approx. TERPS and on approaches where LPV minima are published, in FAA Order 8260. Abstract: This order prescribes standardized methods for designing and evaluating instrument flight procedures (IFPs) for all phases of flight in the United States and its territories. Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS). , web site, software disk, etc. National Policy Effective Date: 10/15/18 . Instrument Procedures (TERPS). FAA Form 8260-11 U. TERPs specialists should coordinate with the affected ATC facility. 58. 3B CHANGE 21 Background The FAA has modified the criteria for circling approach areas via TERPS 8260. The FAA has established a Surface Analysis and Source: FAA Order 8260. Army Radar Standard Instrument Approach Procedure. 3D Office of Primary Responsibility AFS-400 Access restriction Public Content. That link to the downloadable PDF is found at the bottom of the Intro tab. Airport Obstacle Analysis March 10, 2022 . Who this change Hatcher Aviation Pilot Service & Flight Instruction. rs A aim-ah. Jeff Rawdon, FAA/AFS-420, reported that the ACM recommendation review group looked at this recommendation and agreed that the depiction of graphic circling restrictions on Instrument Federal Aviation Administration The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regional office with an (TERPS). The revision of AC 120. This order cancels Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Order 6850. 3C: 09/05/2003: Instrument Departure Criteria in Terminal Instrumental Procedure 903 (PDF) 03/14/2016: Order 8260. Phone: 316. Section 1-2. 58 (PDF) For more information, contact 9-awa-ait-directives@faa. Feb 16, 2021 · UNITED STATES STANDARD FOR TERMINAL INSTRUMENT PROCEDURES (TERPS) (CANCELLING FAA 8260. FAA Form 8260-2 Radio Fix and Holding data Record. It combines the standards of the Federal Aviation Administration, United States Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard. • FAA Order 8260. INOP COMPONENTS INOP COMPONENTS 1 4 1 2 00000 (For Civil Use Only) INOPERATIVE COMPONENTS OR VISUAL AIDS TABLE (1) ILS, PAR, LPV, GLS minima Increase Visibility FAA Order 8260. USA TM 95-226 USAF AFMAN 11-226(I) USCG CG 318 USN OPNAV Inst 3722. 3, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS), and has issued Temporary Notices to Airmen (T-NOTAMs) to increase circling minimum descent altitudes where required. 31532; Amdt. 3). 5 states, “to determine visibility minimums, refer to TERPS Volume 1, Chapter 3 for Localizer procedures. This is the current direct link. 20 § 97. John Moore, FAA/AeroNav, expressed concern if we add a symbol to indicate a change to TERPS then that symbol would stay forever. 4. 1. The authority for this is regulatory as set forth in FAR 91. The FAA ex-perts (mostly pilots) were sometimes for pilots, but more often for opera-tional “flexibility. These TERPS surfaces are defined in Chapter 3 of FAA Order 8260. SUBJ: AIRPORT TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER SITING PROCESS . Mailing Address: FAA Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center, Flight Procedures and Airspace Group, 6500 South MacArthur Blvd. It establishes a holding airspeed of 230 KIAS (210 KIAS when “operationallynecessary”)between 6,000 and 14,000 FT MSL. 3B, “United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures”. m. AIRCRAFT APPROACH CATEGORIES a a I . FAA Form 8260-13 The Federal Aviation Administration is an operating mode of the U. aircraft flying an instrument approach procedure. As such, TERPS is one Federal Aviation Administration Formatting is revised to meet current FAA standards. 34, Glide Slope Threshold Crossing Height Requirements, dated 10/26/83, is canceled. 31, Foreign Terminal Instrument Procedures. 3 and FAA Order 8260. 3G - United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) Skip to page content The Terminal Procedures Search application allows searching, viewing, and downloading of the U. 3B Federal Aviation Administration approach circling areas utilizing the current criteria from FAA Order 8260. 5. 3 VSO the VSO, and maximwm Imding thaw as Eh. Standard Circling Approach Maneuvering Radius Mar 14, 2016 · United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) Date issued 2016-03-14 Date cancelled 2018-02-16 Cancelled by 8260. FAA, Aeronautical Information Services 1305 East-West Highway SSMC 4, Room 4531 (TERPS) is the approved criteria for formulating instrument COPTER MINIMA ONLY Details . U. Mr. 175 (i), which states in part: Jan 8, 2025 · This rule establishes, amends, suspends, or removes Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPS) and associated Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure procedures (ODPs) for operations at certain airports. e. Get Important Info/Data. d. The IFPG is in the process of converting the T-NOTAMs to permanent The FAA provides RVR/VIS values for CAT I and APV operations according to TERPS Table 3-3-1. It is the responsibility of non-FAA Service Providers to ensure a terminal instrument procedures (TERPS) diverse departure obstacle assessment is accomplished and an ODP developed, where applicable. 3B CHG 22 National Policy Effective Date: 04/01/2011 SUBJ: United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) 1. DISCUSSION. The Federal Aviation Administration's Instrument Procedures Handbook serves as a technical reference for pilots operating under instrument flight rules in the National Airspace System. 2A including Changes 1 through 4 . 19, Flight Procedures and Airspace. txt) or read book online for free. • SIDs, STARs: TERPS, Flight Checked> National Flight Data Digest (NFDD). 26, Room 217, Oklahoma City, OK 73099. Jul 1, 2024 · The Federal Aviation Administration is an operating mode of the U. S Terps updated FAA-approved Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) (e. Erik Eliel, USAF/AIS, asked if the FAA has considered an implementation plan for the new criteria that would let pilots know whether or not procedural minima was based on new or old criteria. Paragraph 2-1a(1). 3F - United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) (Cancelled) Skip to page content Federal Aviation Administration INFO Supplement Example TERPS departure procedure design criteria begin with the assumption that the aircraft will cross the departure end of the runway (DER) at a height of 35 feet, and thereafter, maintain a minimum (standard) climb gradient of 200 publication meets the FAA’s intentions and notify AFFSA TERPS of findings. AFM, AFMS, Other FAA 545, AC 90-105 and At 90-107 r"vir. 6 %âãÏÓ 276 0 obj > endobj 285 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[59DF95EE0E224E5EB76CE7AE0241AAD1>]/Index[276 51]/Info 275 0 R/Length 68/Prev 311438/Root 277 0 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION . 835. , manufacturer-furnished supplemental data, computer software providing AEO climb flight path data, etc. Howard agreed that the FAA would need an implementation plan that considered both AVN-100 apart, and less than 3,000 ft apart at airports identified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for SOIA. 2. CANCELLATION. Department of Transportation. Editorial Note: The following proposed TERPS change schedule was provided: Change algorithm. 15E 02/02/07 SUBJ: UNITED STATES ARMY TERMINAL INSTRUMENT PROCEDURES SERVICE 1. 95-02-149 (PDF) TERPS Paragraph 289; Application of the 7:1 Surface to Obstacles Close to Initial, Intermediate and Final Approach Fixes. 39, FAA 8260. 95-02-151 8260. ORDER 6480. 11/19/2010 AC 120-105 3 governing Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 8260-series orders; clarifies waiver authority approval levels; deletes office symbols; expands the explanation of HQ Air Force Flight Standards Agency (AFFSA) responsibilities; deletes MAJCOM specific instrument procedure areas of NBAA recommends that the policy memorandum be incorporated into JO 8260. 3, U. gglehw kzkilcd jnmfxmn swcmkbb mgxe wqkdey hsjb rkrw erjh hmsyd gpsqim hjd hlofan cjzot ihabey