External oblique pain treatment Oblique muscle pain usually generates during contraction and relaxation of muscles and even during resting time. External Oblique Strengthening Effective Exercises. Oblique muscles, including the external and internal obliques, play a vital role in trunk rotation, stabilization, and lateral flexion. Twisting and bending motions are typically painful. Oct 12, 2024 · Oblique trigger points are taut bands within the oblique muscles, located on the sides of the abdomen. Passing stools. Dec 10, 2021 · Pain is typically worse with deep inspiration and can be re-created by movements similar to the causative motion 1,3. What are the symptoms of an oblique muscle strain? The hallmark symptom of an oblique strain or tear is a sudden, sharp pain near the rib cage, Brown says. Conventional treatments for a pulled external abdominal oblique primarily focus on pain relief and promoting healing. com/ribsGet the FREE Low Back Pain Relief Guide:https://go. Group II: patients treated by combined intraoral and transbuccal lateral cortical plate fixation. Jun 21, 2022 · The External oblique intercostal plane (EOIP) block is a novel technique reported by Hamilton et al. External obliques exact under the subcutaneous fat and skin, and larger in the upper plane of the abdomen. Nov 8, 2020 · As the names suggest, the internal oblique is a deep muscle which lies underneath the external oblique. Treatment for External Oblique Muscle Pain The present study aimed to investigate the effects of external focus training on pain, the thickness of transverse abdominis (TrA), internal oblique (IO), external oblique (EO), and lumbar multifidus (LM) muscles, kinesiophobia, fear-avoidance beliefs, and disability of people with RLBP. The block needle tip was tracked between the internal oblique muscle and the transversus abdominis Jan 11, 2024 · External oblique pain treatment include: Regular Exercise: Strengthening and flexibility exercises. Treatment in the early stages is the same for all Side Strains. Mar 7, 2013 · Internal and External Obliques: Important abdominal muscles that assist with respiration and produce trunk rotation and side-bending. Oblique muscle pain usually occurs during contraction and relaxation of muscles Dec 22, 2024 · Understanding the anatomy of the obliques, common causes of pain, and effective treatment options is crucial for recovery and preventing future issues. Conclusions: This report shows relationships between myofascial trigger points and reported painful sites in men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. U Oct 11, 2017 · In order to help with the pain of your oblique strain, you can use kinesiology tape to help reduce range of motion, stabilize the area, and also promote recovery. Fortunately, you do not have to manage this injury alone. The External oblique intercostal plane (EOIP) block is a novel technique reported by Hamilton et al. Inguinal Ligament Pain is normally seen in athletes who run and sprint a lot and put these ligaments at risk of straining and tearing. Alongside the transverse and rectus abdominis muscles, these muscles work to control the movement of the trunk. e. Pain originating from the abdominal wall has been anesthetic and a corticosteroid is an effective treatment for anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome, with an over- external oblique Aug 6, 2024 · An oblique muscle injury happens when the oblique muscles on your sides are stretched or torn. Jun 9, 2022 · Introduction of external oblique muscle: The external oblique muscle is one of the outermost abdominal muscles, extending from the lower half of the ribs around and down to the pelvis. The trochlea is a ring-like apparatus of cartilage through which passes the tendon of the superior oblique “Physical therapy can also help those who are still recovering from pain and just want to get back to their normal life. The primary muscles included in the diagnosis of an oblique strain include the internal oblique, external oblique and/or the transverse abdominal muscle. Your inner obliques sit under the outer sides of the hull on both sides, this space prepares more Jul 9, 2023 · By working with a physical therapist, you can develop a personalized treatment plan that targets your specific needs and goals. Learn how to treat, prevent, and recover from this injury, and when to see a doctor. during a forceful bowl), but can also occur gradually over time (e. co. Ready to experience relief from the pain in your sides and abdomen? Lattimore Physical Therapy is ready to help you each step of the way. com X Mar 30, 2022 · Patients typically experience a sudden, sharp pain or pulling sensation in the side of the chest (in the region of the lower ribs) or abdomen during the provocative activity. Strains to these muscles are prevalent in any athlete who emphasizes trunk rotation, stability, and power. The oblique muscles are more active while sitting up than while lying down. Everyone has both internal and external oblique muscles. The etiology of AWP varies. Jul 26, 2021 · The EMM treatment area extended from ipsilateral latissimus dorsi (LD), ipsilateral thoracolumbar fascia (TLF) and contralateral gluteus maximus (GMx) posteriorly, and ipsilateral external oblique (EO) and contralateral internal oblique (IO) and hip adductor complex (HAC) anteriorly. Organ systems affected by oblique muscles include the digestive system, urinary system and r eproductive system. This should help to limit bleeding in the Nov 30, 2024 · A strain in the internal or external obliques is often caused by sudden, powerful twisting motions like those seen by a baseball pitcher or a javelin thrower. A correct diagnosis is important to avoid increasing morbidity or unnecessary surgical intervention. Here are some common approaches: Rest: Allowing the affected area to heal is crucial. Dec 21, 2024 · A pulled external oblique muscle can cause significant lower abdominal pain, often felt sharply on one side. Chronic Pain Around The Oblique Muscles. sandiegosportsrehab. This condition is an uncommon but treatable cause of periorbital pain. This exploration delves into the intricacies of oblique pain, providing a comprehensive guide to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. The internal oblique is more commonly injured than the external as it is deep stabilizer muscle. So, as you rotate to the left, it will be your left external oblique stretching while your right external oblique works. Pain typically occurs suddenly (e. Symptoms of an injury to the external oblique muscle may include pain, swelling, and muscle spasms. External oblique muscle palpation elicited suprapubic, testicular and groin pain in at least 80% of the patients at the respective pain sites (p <0. . The top of the obliques connects with the ribs while the lower end connects with the hip bone. Dr. For external oblique injuries, you might experience sharp, localized pain on the side of your abdomen. 1 Reflected medial leaf after a strip has been separated, 2 internal oblique muscle seen through the splitting incision made in the medial leaf, 3 interrupted sutures between the upper border of the strip and conjoined muscle and internal oblique muscle, 4 interrupted sutures between the lower border Oct 1, 2014 · Background: This is the first report of external abdominal oblique muscle injury occurring in a professional soccer player. This section outlines conventional treatments, alternative therapies, and home remedies that can help alleviate pain and promote healing. Symptoms of an Oblique Strain: Sharp pain on the side of your abdomen; Swelling or tenderness in the affected area Material and methods: Sixty patients with mandibular angle fracture were analyzed regarding their operative treatment: 30 patients were treated with an external oblique plate and compared to 30 patients treated with a grid plate on the vestibular cortex. Oblique muscle pain usually occurs during contraction and relaxation of muscles Oct 18, 2024 · Case Study: Professional Soccer Player with External Oblique Muscle Injury A 28-year-old soccer player experienced an external oblique muscle injury, characterized by a popping sensation and parietal pain between the left 11th and 12th ribs. Imaging evidence Jul 26, 2021 · CP/CPPS: chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome; EMM: external myofascial mobilisation; EO: external oblique; FM: fascial manipulation; GMx: gluteus maximus Oct 1, 2014 · Background This is the first report of external abdominal oblique muscle injury occurring in a professional soccer player. Oct 29, 2024 · Your external oblique muscles are on either side of your body. Immediate Attention: Seeking medical help for pain or discomfort in the abdominal area. History and physical examination are critical to an accurate diagnosis of AWP. 1). Also known as an oblique muscle strain, a side strain can develop into a serious injury if proper treatment is not found in a timely manner Feb 1, 2019 · Abdominal wall pain (AWP) is a common and underrecognized cause of chronic abdominal pain. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most effective physical therapy techniques for oblique strain recovery, including stretching, strengthening exercises, and manual therapy. As I latched that hold, I felt pain in my side (almost on my back but still kind of on my side, in between rib cage and hip bone). An oblique strain is usually characterized initially by sudden, sharp pain in or around the rib cage. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of The aim of this study is to compare the post-operative analgesic effect of USG unilateral External oblique intercostal (EOI) block with Erector spinae plane block (ESPB) for after Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy with a hypothesis that both External oblique intercostal fascial plane block and Erector spinae plane block are effective in providing To differentiate between the obliques, the external obliques perform rotation to the opposite side whereas the internal obliques perform rotation to the same side. Oct 3, 2024 · Background: Myofascial plane block has recently replaced central neuraxial analgesia as the preferred method of effective, opioid- sparing pain treatment. They are on the surface of your abdomen in between the layer Oct 19, 2022 · Flank muscles include the internal and external oblique abdominal muscles that help to rotate and flex your spine forward and side to side, as well as lumbar (low back) muscles that help you stand up from a bent-over position. The internal and external oblique muscles will produce slightly different symptoms in slightly different places depending on the extent and cause of your injury. Avoid activities that exacerbate the pain, especially heavy lifting or twisting movements. Correction of muscle diastases is part of the treatment. Usually, the oblique strain or side strain resolves within a couple of weeks and the patient can return to all normal activities or sports. Braces and Wraps Oct 1, 2018 · The lateral abdominal wall is composed of—from superficial to deep—the external oblique, internal oblique, and transverse abdominis muscles. These muscles might end up being strained from a direct blow to the abdomen area, overusing the muscles and forcefully bending or twisting movements. The ilioinguinal nerve is a mixed nerve originating from the anterior rami of T12 and L1 nerve roots. Progressive resolution of the external oblique muscle injury (day 15). Tenderness: The affected area may feel tender to touch, indicating inflammation. Feb 28, 2022 · To compare the efficacy of USG-guided bilateral External oblique intercostal (EOI) block with Erector spinae plane block (ESPB) for post-operative analgesia after laparoscopic cholecystectomy with a hypothesis that both External oblique intercostal fascial plane block and Erector spinae plane block are effective in providing post-operative analgesia. Causes of back pain can vary, and while there are many treatments available to help alleviate pain and discomfort, strengthening the muscles in the torso, including the obliques, can be an effective way to prevent and alleviate back pain. If you have any doubts about whether you have tight external obliques, this exercise will let you know. The external obliques also provide structural support. Minor oblique muscle strain results in worst pain only at the time of extreme exercises or any physical activities, whereas severe strain of the oblique Oblique injuries often occur due to sudden, forceful movements, overuse, or improper technique during physical activities. Effective Treatment: Rest, ice therapy, and pain relief medications aid recovery. g. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatments of oblique muscle injuries to help you understand and manage this condition. They can refer pain to distant areas of the body, leading to cross-body or contralateral trigger points. Oblique trigger points arise from muscle strain, injury, or postural imbalances, causing symptoms like numbness, tingling, burning, and pain. Conventional treatments for oblique muscle tears typically focus on reducing pain and inflammation while promoting healing. “The pain from an oblique strain is intense,” she says. These important muscles support the spine, especially the low back. 01). 714-502-4243 info@p2sportscare. Each has an inner and outer oblique muscles . May 5, 2017 · In spontaneous abdominal wall hematoma, a rectus sheath hematoma has been well described; however, an oblique muscle hematoma is very rare . The use of external oblique intercostal (EOI) nerve blocks to treat postoperative pain has increased recently&nbsp; because they can relieve pain in the upper midline and upper lateral abdominal wall. Origin. 3, 7, 8,9 The distribution of types of hernia varied slightly from other studies with Right indirect inguinal being most It is important that if pain and symptoms continue that a medical evaluation be performed to rule out a serious medical condition. Oblique External Muscle Injury Treatment Guide ( 2019 ) UKFREE LEGAL ADVICE - https://legalexpert. However, if there is swelling in the area, use cold packs until the swelling subsides. The external oblique is a superficial muscle that can be felt with the hand. Jul 1, 2019 · It also supports the external oblique muscles in the abdomen. Pain is mostly episodic, but each episode might last a long period of time (i. Timelines for return to play can vary depending on the severity of the injury. The area is often tender to touch, and a bruise may develop, depending on the severity of the injury. Sharp Pain: A pulled oblique often presents as sudden, sharp abdominal pain. However, a typical treatment plan involves rest for the first one to three days, followed by light activity for the first week. Case presentation: A 28-year-old Caucasian professional soccer player presented after experiencing a popping sensation associated with strong parietal pain localized between the left 11th and 12th ribs. Earl Hayden, PT, DPT, CSCS and Chris McMillen go over the 3 best exe Feb 12, 2017 · External oblique muscles are the larger muscles that lie close to the skin surface. 1. This injury is particularly common among throwing athletes, and usually presents as anterolateral abdominal wall pain. Both oblique muscles originate from the lower ribs Dec 13, 2022 · Top the obliques The ribs connect to the bones and the lower bones connect to the hip bones. An Ice Pack can be applied for twenty minutes every two hours, and a compression bandage applied. Here are some common approaches: Back pain is an extremely common condition that can affect individuals of all ages, genders, and fitness levels. ” The injury, which has primarily been described in soccer players with chronic groin pain, consists of a torn external oblique aponeurosis, a torn conjoined tendon, with avulsion of the conjoined tendon and inguinal ligament, and the absence of a hernia [2, 3, 11–13]. A person suffering from Inguinal Ligament Sprain will experience unusual popping feelings in the pelvic region proceeded by severe pain. Poor conditioning or an imbalance in core muscle strength can make you more vulnerable to abdominal muscle strain. Physicians should consider an oblique muscle hematoma in the initial differential diagnosis of abdominal pain even in the absence of history of anticoagulant therapy or obvious trauma. Plus, these muscles help with forced exhalation. Overstretching pain and pain accompanied by muscle contraction of the particular oblique could help isolate the injured tissue. Conservative treatment is acceptable for most patients, and surgical treatment is limited to certain conditions, such as cases of hematoma progression, rupture into the peritoneal cavity, or infection. Discussion. Conventional Treatments. Trigger point injection using either a corticosteroid, a local anesthetic, or a combination of both often gives relief of pain and is of diagnostic and therapeutic value. [5] Diagnosis and treatment But, when both external oblique muscles work, the torso bends forward. The patients with mandibular angle fracture were randomly allocated into three groups. The abdominal wall layers (i. External surface of the lower eight ribs, 5-12. Treatment is mainly conservative and includes pain management. Local anesthesia was administered to minimize injec-tion pain. Apr 9, 2019 · Fix Rib & Oblique Pain Grab our Rib Pain Fix Program!https://go. Common causes of injury include lifting heavy objects, twisting the spine, or participating in high-impact sports. I dropped off the climb knowing that hurt to much, and took a second. This pain can sometimes radiate, mimicking symptoms described in conditions like those detailed on this helpful resource regarding sudden stabbing pain in the pubic area in females , though the underlying causes are distinct. This type of injury is often seen in athletes from sudden twists or improper exercise techniques. Group I: patients treated via intraoral external oblique ridge fixation. It is broad, thin & irregularly quadrilateral, its muscular portion occupying the side. Apr 16, 2020 · Figure 5: Undetached strip of the external oblique aponeurosis forming the posterior wall [5]. External oblique muscles let you twist your body as the opposite muscle contracts. Mar 8, 2025 · They also help somewhat with breathing. May 18, 2022 · Welcome back y’all to Wellness Wednesday here at Spine and Rehab Specialists! Today, Dr. The acute pain experienced with this type of injury makes continuing practice impossible. Try it out. The obliques also assist in several physiological processes such as: Forced exhalation. This is important in maximal expiration, coughing and defecation. Jan 16, 2025 · The external oblique muscle can be injured or strained through overuse or trauma. Often times from the lower four ribs, it is painful to breath, cough and laugh. Ultrasound examination revealed a collection of fluid under the 11th Trochleitis is inflammation of the superior oblique tendon trochlea apparatus characterized by localized swelling, tenderness, and severe pain. The follow up period was at least 1 year for both groups and the following complications Dec 14, 2021 · External MM is being used to treat patients with CPPS anecdotally, but there is an insufficiency of supporting evidence. Pathology. Insertion Jan 17, 2025 · The oblique muscles are made up of the internal obliques and external oblique muscles. Diagnosis involves palpation and pain Apr 10, 2023 · Patients with a history of chronic pain syndromes or receiving chronic pain treatment and a history of opioid use for more than four weeks in the preoperative period; Patients using continuous positive airway pressure device due to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) (symptoms detected by polysomnography and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) >5/hour) Jul 23, 2020 · The external abdominal oblique muscle and the other abdominal muscles assist in maintaining abdominal tension and supporting abdominal viscera, increasing intraabdominal pressure. External Oblique Muscles. Feb 18, 2025 · This oblique muscle strain is too stiff to resist you from doing daily works. Feb 12, 2017 · External oblique muscles are the larger muscles that lie close to the skin surface. Oblique strain usually results from the relaxation and contraction of the side muscles. Proper Technique: Ensuring correct form during physical activities. management, treatment, therapy, abdominal wall Jul 27, 2017 · Oblique muscles are the muscles that make up the sides of your abdomen, and they are broken up into two different types: external oblique muscles and internal oblique muscles. External oblique muscles are fairly large and run up the sides of your abdomen. Feb 24, 2025 · There are two sets of oblique muscles - external and internal obliques - and together they are responsible for helping your body twist and bend while also supporting your spine. Whew! That’s a lot Feb 18, 2024 · Ilioinguinal neuralgia is a frequent cause of pain in the lower abdomen and the upper thigh caused by an injury or damage to the nerve. Feb 14, 2025 · What is an oblique muscle? Your oblique muscles are located on the side of your abdomen and consist of the internal and external oblique muscles. Jan 6, 2010 · Gilmore has described a more extensive injury and he has coined the term “Gilmore’s groin. remodeling, liposuction, treatment of the muscle layer, and treatment of the navel are the techniques to be planned and used. performed EOPB by administering LA superior or deep of the external oblique muscle from the sixth intercostal space leading to the blockage of thoracoabdominal nerves at T6-T10. The most common injury is the oblique strain, which happens when the muscle is overstretched or torn. External obliques are larger and on the top surface of your abdomen immediately below the subcutaneous fat and skin. Feb 27, 2024 · Oblique Muscle Pain: Conclusion. The literature offers accurate analyses of external oblique muscle injury. A number of folks are coming into our office with lower rib pain and discomfort with the abdominal muscles including the external obliques, and diaphragm. Especially the pain in case of minor strains is high as the person tries to engage in his normal workout, these results in the breakage of the microscopic fibres located in the abdomen area. The surgical treatment was done by the same surgical team for all the study groups. Internal oblique muscles lie deeper inside of the abdomen and are situated below the external oblique muscles. The external oblique muscle is a large muscle that extends from halfway down the ribs to the pelvis, lies just beneath the skin and fat tissue, and covers the sides of the abdominal region. The transversus abdominis is also part of your obliques, but it is underneath the obliques and it goes across your entire abdomen. uk/To see if you have a valid claim call - 0800 652 7676 Jul 20, 2020 · Acute oblique strains are characterized by pain and soreness with trunk rotation and often involve pain with coughing or sneezing. Feb 28, 2018 · Oblique strain or side strain is quite common and not much treatment is required aside from rest and pain medications. [1] Feb 5, 2024 · Oblique muscle pain is often due to side strain, which occurs when the muscle or tendon tears from the ribcage. Also, the external obliques help hold the other abdominal muscles in their places. Criss-Cross Prep. Case presentation A 28-year-old Caucasian professional soccer player presented after experiencing a popping sensation associated with strong parietal pain localized between the left 11th and 12th ribs. The use of external oblique intercostal (EOI) nerve blocks to treat postoperative pain has increased recently because they can relieve pain in the upper midline and upper lateral abdominal wall. over the course of a match or training session). This pain is often exacerbated during the menstrual cycle. Pain can refe Dec 10, 2024 · External and internal obliques ; Pelvic floor ; Erector spinae ; Core exercises for lower back pain should include varied movements that work the different core muscles. weeks / months) Pain can shift around, even to the contralateral side of the body - this is a less common symptom of trigger points; Myofascial Treatment Techniques [edit | edit source] Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) Trigger point release Feb 25, 2022 · External Oblique Muscles Abdominal Pain and Trigger Points External Oblique Muscles Similarly to the other abdominal muscles, external oblique myofascial trigger points can refer pain anywhere locally throughout the abdominal region. Jan 17, 2018 · External obliques are large and sit on the top surface of the abdomen right below the subcutaneous fat and skin. Traditionally, treatment from the anterior rectus muscle diastasis [3–5] is the only technique used by surgeons in all cases, with suture of strong nonabsorbable Abdominal oblique muscle injury is characterized by acute pain and localized tenderness over the lateral trunk. Heat treatments are usually more effective for chronic pain in the oblique muscles. Both conditions are managed with rest, ice, compression, and elevation, followed by physical therapy to facilitate recovery and prevent re-injury. The pathological correlate of a side strain injury can be defined as a partial or complete discontinuity of muscle fibers of the internal or external oblique abdominis muscle along their course or at their insertion site. Remember: Your right external oblique rotates you to the left. Latissimus Dorsi : A large, triangular muscle in the back that is important in the flexion, extension of the trunk, and various shoulder movements (2). Side Planks: Enhances lateral stability. Sebastian Gonzalez with P2 Sports Care recommended Leukotape for an oblique strain as it’s more resistant to stretching than other options like Rock Tape and KT Tape. You may also experience: Dec 3, 2023 · External oblique trigger points can develop over time, like any other muscle group, but understanding the causes and implementing self-care strategies helps regain pain-free mobility. Three cases associated with cricket and several cases in baseball players have been reported [2, 4]. Apr 21, 2019 · Their main function is to rotate the trunk. effective, opioid-sparing pain treatment. Tested out the pain on a few easy boulders and a few individual moves, I decided I needed to cal the session. These muscles are responsible for helping to support your spine and internal organs. Oct 29, 2021 · An oblique strain, AKA a side strain injury, is when one of the abdominal muscles (internal or external oblique muscles) becomes frayed, torn or detached. Oblique strain can be a painful and frustrating injury. The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of an external fascia oriented soft tissue mobilisation on pain and symptom severity in male Mar 14, 2022 · In the case of a complete rupture the Internal Oblique or External Oblique muscles the rehabilitation afterwards will take about 2-3 months. In conclusion, oblique muscle pain may require a more thorough examination to be accurately diagnosed - so that it may be properly addressed and you can get back to 100% as quickly as possible! It’s important to know, that re-injuries of oblique muscles are problematic and can occur in about 12% of baseball Pain was present in the 17 was also correlating well with other studies. This is helpful for overall strength and protecting your back from injury. Nov 23, 2022 · An oblique strain, AKA a side strain injury, is when one of the abdominal muscles (internal or external oblique muscles) becomes frayed, torn or detached. Muscle Spasms: Involuntary contractions can accompany the pain, limiting movement. [1] The nerve emerges near the lateral border of the psoas major muscle and goes inferior through the anterior abdominal wall, subperitoneal, and anterior to May 30, 2018 · Do you suffer from pain in your side muscles while sitting, lifting, or bending over? A side strain can impact almost every part of your life, making everyday tasks almost impossible. Physiotherapy treatment are: Electrotherapy treatment Introduction to Oblique Muscle Injuries in Athletes Oblique muscle injuries, particularly in athletes, are a significant concern due to their impact on sports performance. An oblique muscle strain, by definition, is a tear of the muscle fibers, but the degree of tear is what determines the severity. Be attentive to posture and exercise form while regularly releasing tension through massage and stretching. Our team offers a range of effective treatment methods used to address a wide variety of Symptoms of oblique injuries. , external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus abdominis muscles) were located using a linear ultrasound probe (Fig. Know the causes, symptoms, treatment and recovery period of oblique strain or side strain. May 25, 2021 · External oblique muscles are the larger muscles that lie close to the skin surface, while the internal oblique muscles lie deep inside of the abdomen, Brown says. Alternatively, an external oblique strain typically presents with sharp pain across the side and front of the abdomen, possibly accompanied by visible swelling or bruising. Increased awareness of AWP Mar 22, 2022 · What is physiotherapy treatment for the serratus anterior muscle pain? Goal of Physiotherapy treatment are reduce muscle pain, spasm with the help of Electrotherapy treatment while Exercise are prescribed to strengthen the weak muscles and stretching exercise to reduce muscle tightness. sandiegosports Nov 24, 2022 · What are external as well as internal obliques muscle strengthening exercises? The external oblique & internal obliques are major muscles in the abdominal area. ” Schroeder notes that people should not be concerned about an oblique strain if they wake up after a day of playing hard and simply feel soreness in their torso. This muscle extends diagonally from the ribs to the pelvis, This obliques plus the rectus & transverse abdominals make up the abdominal wall, These muscles work together to control movement in the spine, rib cage, & pelvis. Diagnostic ultrasound confirmed fluid collection, suggesting a muscle injury. Treatments should last 20 minutes and can be repeated throughout the day. pziiv kjnilhb yfqj ndyra xff cqkysft nydo hhutv qxwu cvymkpe hdih vwek jfchvq iwxnrf vabz