Edo float repair For more than 50 years, Kenmore Air has been repairing, rebuilding, and flying them. O. Does anyone have suggestions for a simple repair kit in case I puncture a float while landing away from my home base. , now known as Bristol Aerospace, where he worked on the manufacturing and production of various floats built for the Edo Float Corporation. And, It was not just one set, it was several sets over a period of several years. Hold back an escrow of about $7,000 from the sale price. I also have the front weld on fittings and the bolt on fittings for the rear. 00 and it is curved to match the contour of the float and has compound curved O-ring groove. 525. We have some edo 2000 floats with old plastic ones that are breaking and need replacement. We repair and rehaul the structural and sheet metal work on Edo seaplane floats. Helio-Courrier, Schweizer 233, Beaver DHC2, EDO float fairings . Kenmore, WA 98028 | 425-486-1257 Float Plane Repair , Refurbishment of EDO floats , Structural repair of float hull , Float Repair , Custom repairs and advice on service, refurbishment, logistics Apr 27, 2008 · Float hatches are nice. We are looking for career oriented individuals who want to be a part of a dynamic team as we grow and expand our FAA Repair Station. 96-526000-601 Beech 58 / 55 Rudder Trim Tab Actuator Assembly. The job will require working overhead and in confined spaces. Click at photo and see pictures from repair of CZAW/Zenair floats. Engine and. Additionally, we offer landing gear swaps (land to sea and sea to land), and float upgrades or sales by EDO floats. 78-91. We have Transport Canada approved facilities A. ca . 1320 have a concave hull and the tails are smaller and at a greater angle and gives you a little more room so you can rotate at a greater angle then you can with the 1400's, but they also sit a little lower in the water when 1939 LUSCOMBE SUPER 8EX FLOATS • FOR SALE • on EDO 1320 1 float step damaged Plane sunk in fresh water O-235 811 SMOH Canadian Owner Maintenance • Contact Eddie Peck - PECK AERO PRODUCTS, Owner - located Bear River, NS B0S1B0 Canada • Telephone: 902-467-3180 • 902-467-3333 • Posted January 27, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this 51960 / 51961 Edo-Float 597-2790 Landing Gear Shock Strut Forward W/ Fitting. pdf. And to be fair, the same situation happened to other floats which had been repainted with Imron and other paints. The main part of the fuselage is the same. No reason to mention this except for proof of concept, individual float repair-fabrication can be done if you're handy with sheet metal and the tooling. Nick decided to start a company to repair the floats, as there was a need to do repairs faster than McDonald Bros. On EDO 2000 the opening is narrow, between the structural angles. Additionally, our radio shop is also a service Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Class I & II radio repair station (No. We also refurbish many of the other EDO floats for Cessnas and other common floatplanes. And the data plates read Bristol, rather than EDO. A qualified applicant should have A&P certificates and at least 3 years experience working with small aircraft. Wipline, Aerocet and Edo float service. Offering skilled, professional service and friendly advice, we repair and refurbish all models of EDO floats, of any age. Bigger hatches I wouldn’t trust, because the reason EDO built what they did was to preserve the structural rigidity provided by those bulb angles on top of the floats. Sep 29, 2004 · I don't believe any hatches in 2000's are. I have a set of complete rigging from Peck Aero on my tri pacer. I live in Washington State and Im curious if its worth buying and installing the floats here, would a person find enough water to use them? I hear May 10, 2007 · Contact CAC Plastics in Wasilla, Ak. you would never know the difference from the Edo gear. Apr 20, 2012 · The holes in my EDO float fittings (rear fitting at the aircraft P/N 69747) where the pins for the flying wires go through are worn out. Mar 1, 2008 · It seems that spring is in the air early this year in the North West and I have been getting an urge lately to refesh the look of my 1947 Edo's The floats are in good shape after a recent repair under the left stepthey are amazingly quite water tight The old dull, water stained gray paint looks tired. Special bonus I have a pair of 2700 Edo floats in need of repair. The model 2100/2350 seaplane or amphibious float is an all aluminum-constructed float We sell both new and used systems. Visitez eBay pour une grande sélection de Edo 2000 Floats. NO. This means we’re certificated to fix a long list of avionics. Can get them from Lake and Air but would be nice not to have to deal with cross border brokerage etc. 1002549 • Rev F Page 9 1. Airforce - Atlas Air - Skywagon. Full-Service Shop Having maintained our own fleet since 1946, we offer a wide range of aircraft maintenance and restoration services for small aircraft. Where the plugs fit into. Edo Model 88-1650 Float Installation for Cessna 120 and 140, (1948 DESIGN) Model 89-2000 Float Installation for Piper PA-12, (1948 Design). For usefulness for your stated purpose, you would be better to consider a belly pod with a larger opening and ability to access while standing on the floats. Iditarod - Iditarod. TO CONTACT US, PLEASE USE THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: info@aerofairings. Edo Model 88-1650 Float Installation for Cessna 120 and 140, (1948 DESIGN) Model 89-2000 Float Installation for Piper PA-12, (1948 Design) Edo Model 88A-1650 Installation for Cessna 150 Series Edo Model 88-1650, 88A-1650 and 89-2000, and 689-2130 Parts Lists Jul 30, 2017 · Edo was the first to develop the aluminum floats and a process of piecing the metal together without leaks, which meant installing roughly 5000 rivets per float. 503 221-4001 FW-JWA517-13 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for Installation of Aerocet 2200 Twin Seaplane Floats on Cessna 170A, 170B, I have a pair of 2700 Edo floats in need of repair. Our team is fully trained in the inspection, maintenance, and repair of Edo floats, from small aircraft to larger models. As Aircraft Float Specialists, we focus on the structural and sheet metal work on Edo seaplane floats, particularly for the DCH-2 de Havilland Beaver and the DCH-3 de Havilland Otter. Kenmore, WA 98028 | 425-486-1257 May 4, 2020 · Eddie Peck’s are not certified and last I checked EDO has not given Peck permission to produce EDO parts. Not sure of the cost but it is easy enough to contact the repair station if you get serious. Nov 30, 2024 · The Canadian company that built EDO floats under license was Bristol Aero. The -18 attachment provides a much higher angle of attack. 46961-000 Piper PA-31T Arm Assembly Nose Gear Steering. Edo Amphibious Float. We’ve taken careful note how they stand up to daily flights. Contents: Engineering & Production; Model 88-1650A Floats; Model 89-2000 Floats; Model 689-2130 Floats; Model 248-2440B Floats; Model 628-2960 Edo Model Wa 4665 Float 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 16 19 17 20 18 KEY 1. This includes sheet metal work, patching, and painting. The original goal of Osborn was to build airplanes, but his floats were what kept his company… afloat, especially as EDO Floats was the first to use aluminum instead of wood. On one side the hole is nearly double as long as it is wide. My primary destination is usually the Mississippi river islands in our area and it is not Alaska but fairly remote. 1-PAGE ORIGINAL SALES AD (579FF) Edo Amphibious Floats Model 696-3500 Maintenance Manual (696-3500) by Amphibious Floats. Aug 20, 2012 · I have a pair of 2700 Edo floats in need of repair. They both have a lot of used parts. 0 GENERAL . Some details about this part: Part Number: 2-1659-11 If you need additional pictures or have any questions, please let us know. M. Nick was working for McDonald Bros. Edo Name/Data Plate 2. Edo Floats offer the highest quality and durability on the market. Feb 7, 2006 · I stopped in at Kenmore Air harbor again to double check on the information about the new run of Edo 2000 floats that will be available. I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to the easiest way to repair this issue. 4 Pcs for KAWASAKI ZX1100 ZL1000 ZG1200 ZR750 Carburetor Carb Float Repair Parts. GJRR163A). 5+ FAIRINGS: LIST -10% FBO DISCOUNT: AS PER QUOTE Aviation Repair Manuals & Literature; Other Motorcycle & Scooter Parts & Accessories; 1947 EDO FLOATS "FLOAT BASE COST ONLY $116". US and Alaska. What are my other options? Considerations: 1) Performance 2) Durability, ease of repair 3) Internal storage in that order. CAP 3000 FLOAT PARTS • FOR IMMEDIATE SALE • CAP 3000 Float repair parts - New keels, stringers, C-195 EDO 4000 FLOAT BARRELS • $9,650 Jun 6, 2007 · Help! As the new, proud owner a MX-7-235 on 2500A floats I have found the documentation for the floats as originally supplied to be deficient. Simply put, we breathe new life into your old floats. We repair and rehaul the structural and sheet metal work on Edo seaplane floats. Aviation Repair Manuals & Literature; Other Motorcycle & Scooter Parts & Accessories; 1940 Edo Floats Seaplane Equipment Photos College Point Long Island NY Print Ad. I do plan to talk with Eric at Kenmore to potentially get more repair patches if stop drilling won't address the issues. Seatech Industries is your Aircraft Float Specialist for repair and refurbishment. Oct 25, 2009 · For sale: EDO 2000 floats complete with PA22/20 attach gear. Did you damaged or crashed your floats? We can repair them. In 1997 Sealand modified 4930 floats under contract to Advanced Wing Technologies. They are the dealer and have a large inventory of parts. It is done with a 337 with an FAA approved data spec sheet for the repair station from 1997. Is it best to remove the floats wit h the rigging attached, or is it possible to remove one float at a time for repairs? Dec 13, 2010 · Working time. See pictures. 00 | / SKU 40322:R Size Quantity PK floats rework - how to make from scrap new floats. Check with Eddie Peck and Doug Ronan. Product Search: Edo Amphibious Floats. All parts of the Bristol’s were exchangeable. 1241023-1 Cessna 210 Main Gear Uplock Hook LH. Aug 23, 2022 · is there a source in Canada for the aluminum pump out cups for floats. . Transport Canada approved facilities. And also offer complete aluminum sheet metal fabrication and repair. They build them for various float models and are priced about 25% of what Kenmore wants for them. So Kenmore Air acquired EDO Floats, an offshoot of a company created by Earl Dodge Osborn on October 16, 1925. Sep 9, 2024 · Part Number: 16560. 5" with a 0. At present I have a roll of tar backed aluminum I carry. 7858 www. Dennis WIPLINE FLOATS • SKIS • MODIFICATIONS • AIRCRAFT SALES AVIONICS • INTERIOR • MAINTENANCE • PAINT REFINISHING . 2 days ago · EDO 4930 FLOAT BARRELS • $80,000 • AVAILABLE • Edo 4930 Float barrels fresh overhauled With form 1 Delivery June 2025 $80000 USD plus core $15000 • Contact Allan Pheaton - AP AVIATION SERVICES, Owner - located Courtenay, BC V9N 2B5 Canada • Telephone: ----- • ----- • Posted March 13, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser The J-3C and the PA-11 are on the same type certificate. 50092 Cessna A185F Scheebeck Edo-Float Actuator - Hydraulic Hand Pump | Aircraft Salvage and Airplane Parts Order before 1:30 pm mst for overnight delivery I have a pair of 2700 Edo floats in need of repair. com Nov 1, 2022 · Like the floats on the Turbine Otter seaplane pictured above. EDO 3430 FLOATS & 206 RIGGING • $4,000 • CLEANING OUT THE HANGAR • EDO 3430 floats with 206 rigging. 1205 Fax: 651. Apr 18, 2006 · WIPLINE MODEL 2100/2350 SERVICE MANUAL . They can be reached at 907-376-7111 Nick was working for McDonald Bros. The top deck is only so wide. Our resourceful and talented shop provides a full range of float services: We cover both major and minor structural repair. 451. Complete Engines. Kenmore, WA 98028 | 425-486-1257 Sep 12, 2017 · Looking for EDO 89-2000 float rigging for PA 22/20. In aluminum, Eddie Peck's 2250's are certainly a possibility. Some of those may even have paperwork. It is sometimes better to get float guys to do the work as they will have all the bucking bars and knowledge to do a good job. Can't find what you're looking for?. and they are exactly the same material and size that you would get from Edo. The Edo company ultimately Sep 2, 2018 · Looking to replace the gaskets under the round access covers of my Edo 2440 floats, which are starting to show small cracks in their rubber. Jim May 10, 2007 · Contact CAC Plastics in Wasilla, Ak. They are Anodized then assembled, then two part epoxy to seal them from corrosion. We’ve seen first hand how they successfully handle the rugged wilderness. I have a pair of 2700 Edo floats in need of repair. This part is heat treated anodized and epoxy primed. Great memories rebuilding. Lake and Air Seaplane Outfitters Fleming Field (SGS) 1700 Henry Ave South St. Good luck twoton, I wish I had your project in my shop. Within the Kenmore Air Service Department, the repair, rebuild, and general maintenance of EDO Floats are specialties on which we pride ourselves. They could have added some length on the forward struts to make the plane sit at a better AOA while on the water. Nov 17, 2023 · One hatch hole repair patch, EDO part number 49031 was included when I bought the floats. That is why you want the PA-12 struts. 2895 and 2896), but the date of manufacture is unreadable. PDF's AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD. Does anyone have a resource for a decent copy of the owner’s manual EDO would have originally provided? Kenmore Air Harbor Inc. Are they knock-off's of the EDO's? Don't think they have hatches though (?). Minor damage to 1 float, Repair angle provided. 2-1659-11 Cessna A185F Edo-Floats 597-2790 Unloading Valve Floats. Kenmore, WA 98028 | 425-486-1257. My mechanic isn't familiar with float mx and I need to get him up to speed. No matter what has been asked of them, EDO Floats have been up for the task. We Annual and 100 hr inspections. įloatsTo maintain the float in an airworthy condition, periodic and frequent inspections should be made because of the rapidity of corrosion on metal parts, particularly when the aircraft is operated Dec 9, 2013 · Aerocets are nice but pricey. Jim Sep 25, 2004 · I have a question on Floats. Home About Us Maintenance Aircraft Sales Seatech Industries is your Aircraft Float Specialist for repair and refurbishment. The float manufacture should give recommendations but in the case of EDO Eric at Kenmore could steer you in the right direction. Nov 15, 2023 · I have a set of EDO 2000 floats set up for a PA-18. DO NOT USE OUR PHONE NUMBER FOR FAIRINGS QUOTE, USE THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: info@aerofairings. 9% buying next week for my 170 but a mechanic friend of mine has pointed something out that I am not certain of. Kenmore Air Harbor Inc. STORE STATUS: FALL HOLIDAYS. There were no instructions though. If you’re missing the correct pieces or if they are uncertified parts, you can use the escrow money to buy the very expensive correct parts. Replacement of EDO 2000 floats bottom skins and side dents patching. Opens Feb 12, 2017 · The EDO hatches are narrow, but there are gas cans that’ll fit. When you feel like your floats are beyond economical repair and you have no option but to purchase new, think again! And Kenmore Air is also the sole source of genuine Edo float parts. Front Spreader Bar (airfoil section) Contact Information. Post by GAHorn » Sat Nov 25, 2017 7:07 pm. Jan 3, 2025 · Manufacturer: Scheebeck Edo-Float. Outside of keel and corrosion, what would fall into the significant category? I plan to use an EDO 2000 parts list and on field PA-18 with EDO 2000s assembled and affixed to cross ref with any missing parts/pieces. Sent in to the Assoc'n Courtesy of Bill Penner: FloatIntallation. If you want to get control panel, let us know, we are able make it. Maintenance Aircraft Sales Services Parts Edo Floats Flight Instruction Airline EDO FLOAT INFORMATION. Offering skilled, professional service and friendly advice, we repair and refurbish Edo Floats and pontoons at any age. Model 597-2790. All floats will come with attachment gear for any plane that uses Edo 2000 floats. $2,000 for PA22/20 attach gear and rigging. WIPLINE ALUMINUM FLOATS Oct 6, 2008 · Kenmore/EDO offers a repair patch part # 49031 for $28. could handle. Are there any limits for the elongation of these holes? How much If the necessary information is not found in the SRM, attempt to find a similar repair or assembly installed by the manufacturer of the aircraft. Nov 25, 2017 · Edo 2000 Float Installation. ca. Edo-Floats. SOLD Used Skis AWB 2500s Hydraulic wheel skis with PA-18 rigging,… Does anyone know of a database, or how you could find out when a set of Edo 2000 floats were manufactured? I can read the serial numbers on the data plate of my floats (nos. Baumann: Aug 21, 2013 · The floats, to which I refer, were new from EDO. Available Media Save edo float parts to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. On the other side it is less. Part Number: 50092. Edo Model 88-1650 Float Installation for Cessna 120 and 140, (1948 DESIGN) Model 89-2000 Float Installation. We provide complete overhaul of floats and skis for all makes and models, and specialize in EDO floats. Paul, MN 55075 Phone: 888. 9882016-1 Cessna 182 / 210 Main Gear Actuator Gland End. 1 1700 Henry Ave – Fleming Field (KSGS), South St. Edo: As a historic leader in the production of aircraft floats, Edo products are still widely used today. Accessories Manuals,Amphibious Floats,Aircraft Manuals. Consistently delivering the highest quality in all we do Jul 20, 2004 · I have my Cub on Straight floats at present, Edo 2000. 457. HOME | CAREERS | CONTACT US | KA AIRLINE | MAINTENANCE | SURPLUS PARTS Kenmore Air Harbor Inc. As Installed on Cessna 185 Airplane. S/N's 3677-3678, literally three sets from the end of US production, built in 1999 using all of EDO's modern construction techniques. (Change the AOI between the plane and floats since the Oct 13, 2009 · Better, what do you mean by better, do you want better flotation or do you want better performance, when talking 1320's verses 1400 you don't get both on the same floats. Call today 425 235-1996. Achetez en toute sécurité et au meilleur prix sur eBay, la livraison est rapide. Restored to like-new quality, we can breathe new life into your old floats, adding years of activity and performance – and saving you money and downtime in the long run. Jan 3, 2008 · A buddy of mine made a whole set of Montana (mfg) amphib floats for his Glastar. Nice tight, dry EDO 2000s w/PA-18 rigging. Is there a way to tell what rigging is on the set? It's a very early set of EDO 2000s if that helps. Kenmore, WA 98028 | 425-486-1257 I presume a keel leak, corrosion or any other significant repair would be cause for caution. A non-functioning or damaged item that can be used for parts or possible repair. VOLUME DISCOUNTS: 1-4 FAIRINGS: LIST. BAS Part Sales was founded in 2012 in Greeley, CO. Electrical /. $10,000 for barrels and spreader bars. 3247 Email: sales@lakeandair. These hatches are also approved for EDO 2870, 2960, and CAP 2000, 3000 model floats. Professional DHC-2 Beaver shop with years of experience. Olekson Enterprises does major overhauling of aircraft floats and skis, specializing in Edo floats. They will make 36 sets of new floats. Hopefully the kits come with instructions. Used Floats One set left of EDO 3430s w/206 rigging. FOR . Bilge Pump Fitting (x6) 3. wipaire. Seatech Industries is most familiar with floats for the DeHavilland Aircraft DHC-2 Beaver and DHC-3 Otter. The damage is torn skin where the keel meets the skin (located on the step of one float). Im going to rebuild a cub soon, and a friend of mine has a set of Edo 2000 floats that he removed from his SuperCub. Does anyone know of a database, or how you could find out when a set of Edo 2000 floats were manufactured? I can read the serial numbers on the data plate of my floats (nos. Paul, MN 55075 Ph: 651. Joel Wattum Fliegen Works Inc. 90-Day Money Back Guarantee: Guaranteed to work and pass your. And I don't need certified floats. 25" roun… Edo Floats & PMA Parts QC 425-482-2257. You do not have the Aviation Repair Manuals & Literature; Other Motorcycle & Scooter Parts & Accessories; 1940 Edo Floats Seaplane Equipment Photos College Point Long Island NY Print Ad. STRUCTURAL REPAIR MANUAL . | 6321 NE 175th St. If you used the -18 gear (struts and fittings) on your -12, your -12 would have a slower cruise speed than other -12s because opening that "fish mouth" (as well as having the fuselage sit higher on the floats) creates drag. Our exceptional staff features experts in avionics, welding, sheet-metal repair, upholstery, paint, and engine overhauls. $17. Most repairs are done in our own shop. These gaskets have an inside diameter of 5" and an outside diameter of 5. The "door side" struts have holes drilled for a step rail - but the rail was not included with the floats. They built a lot of big floats (I flew a set of Bristol 4580 amphibs on a Beaver), don’t know whether they built 2000s or not. com . The floats use the "old style" struts with transition fittings bolted and riveted into the ends of the streamline tubes. The plate on the floats is practically illegible, but would it be on there? Thanks in advance. You are bidding on a 1944 Structural Repair Manual for Douglas C-47 Float Type Alighting Gear, manual is 47 pages in length and full of drawings and color from About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Use the original material standard aircraft floats straight and amphibious are simple easy and easy and can be easily customized by developers who are on looking for more features or accessories zBBeat note that our delivery time for float kits is usually four to six weeks but we have a long way behind factory-mounted float FAF regular WIP Mar 3, 2011 · I have found a set of floats that I am 99. kgh ywvhav ghr ckfh mysw vcwh jojrgoq hqw orwp eptshnz ojigxxv skuv artdx vgcpmo ipwfll