Edit efs imei. Last edited: Feb 2, 2020.
Edit efs imei Do all original imei repair methods require knox 0x0? For example, i was looking for a method which edit efs files with hex editor (doesn't work as I don't have the indicated files). Be warned that performing the steps mentioned above will void Knox Security and your device’s warranty. i tried to edit imei file in efs folder after rooting phone but after that network is not working. dat file in the /efs/imei folder. Source: XDA Community · IMEI Rebuilding and Restore Guide. img and the second is tar. ALTERNATIVE METHOD. dogmatism Senior Member. There are a lot of "nv items" I can edit through a tool called QXDM however I'm not sure if they are reading from the same EFS partition. · How to Backup EFS/IMEI on Samsung Galaxy Devices. The roaming list is a database that stores information about the supported roaming networks for the device. Last edited: Jun 18, 2019. You can write cert, wich is readed from this device exactly. · Hi bros First of all I am not a developer, the EFS folder of my Note10+ was deleted by mistake and I lost my IMEI numbers, after a lot of concern, researches and tests I fixed my Note10+ and I want to share my very hard and bad experience maybe someone will need it, so I will not be able to assist you or answer any technical questions and I am not responsible if your device is damaged, If my · efs imei j7prime number philippines serial Replies: 3; Forum: Samsung Galaxy J7 Questions & Answers; Thread SM-G975U1 DIAG Port. Change to the code you want and Save it. edit carrier branded code in "/efs/imei/mps_code. Then you have to go with Zuul's answer. 437) 2. 496. · you should now be in /efs/root/afs/settings; nv_data. · How to Backup EFS Partition on any Android phones. This can occur randomly and cause the phone to lose its network connection and IMEI number. Thanks Dr. You will have three options to save EFS data: Save as compressed backup (tar. So it cannot be changed by a EFS partition restore. bin is the file you are looking for, copy it to the root of your internal or external sd card. If your IMEI is shown as 0, then you EFS is safe and most probably your IMEI is gone. bin), programming parameters for the device such as your account information (phone number, etc), data provisioning parameters, · sm-n960f oxm1argd multi csc ( acr afg afr ato aut bgl bng bri cac cam cau dbt dkr ect egy eur ilo ins itv ksa lao lux mid mwd mym nee npl orx pak phe phn rom seb see sek skz slk thl thr tph tun tur xef xeh xeo xeu xez xfe xme xsg xsp xtc xxv ) single : ( btc btu cpw glb lys mat mm1 mtl nzc ops pan png pro sin sma smp sth teb tel tmc tnz vau vfj vnz wtl xfa xnf xnx xnz xsa ) · Step 4. Efs folder contains the imei, mac etc. bat (depending on the backup or restore) * To retain the image of efs. com/galaxy-ace/s5830i-general/guide-methods-restoring-imei-t2802352Galaxy Tool Boxhttps://play. · Efs partition consists the IMEI details. Now, if you want to use a mobile device to use a SIM then it’s necessary to work the IMEI number properly. Run the IMEI Rebuilder File on your PC. Added backup and restore support for 'fsg' and 'backup' partitions on Qualcomm devices. uninnex New member. Steps to Restore IMEI on Qualcomm Devices Step 1: Verify IMEI. -Install TWRP I deleted all the partitions efs, modemst1 -2, fsc and OS 2. First backup your phone’s EFS partition with TWRP (IMPORTANT!) on your pc, boot to driver signature enforcement mode. Thread starter riteshsaxena; Start date Feb 23, 2024 the network i use radio from android 13 *( i fount thath in deviceinfo , is storing imei , but idk if we patch wich hex edit its gona work , in efs partitions , · Guide: https://droidwin. then use this command # adb shell # su · No way the imei can be reverted back via EFS - NV way, flashing stock modem, backing and restoring efs, mke2fs thingy, flashing stock firmware and so on. Killberty Senior Member. - HexWorkShop Hex Editor Download Hex Workshop 6. · I edit the IMEI number in the line 00550 in the backup that I got from the "NV reader/writer tool" Than I write back my NV data with the new IMEI number back on the phone using ( EFS/QSP/Nv-items_reader_writer), the program says the writing was successful, but the IMEI doesn't change after I reboot the phone · So I ended up repairing my IMEI on this Coolpad Defiant 3632A using QPST, Hex editor and simple IMEI conversion using DIAG Mode to backup/restore QCN and also adb shell root to dd the modem partitions etc. · Edit: I actually need /modemfs folder /efs is fine. (No NVDATA corrupt msg on recovery mode) Br. Step 6. You have successfully backed up the EFS partition! Please note that this could be performed with root permissions on a booted device. any one know how to solve this as o2 ridicukus tell me not covered by insurance or warranty. bin - Restore-----In case you screwed your IMEI by playing with the nv_data. Minimal ADB Fastboot 4. Pensez · Open some root capable text editor/file browser - I use Root Explorer 2. 1 - With Qualcomm Device Support! Now supporting NON-Samsung devices! Generate ESN / MEID / IMEI in reversed HEX format for Qualcomm repair operations. so I could compare and edit my own imei that would be a great help and I'll give a feedback asap. But still no network. Oct 24, 2010 30,507 · changing csc isnt legal afaik, but you can try to use a root file explorer and edit /efs/imei/mps_code. Place the recovered_efs_x. Once the IMEI flash is completed, you will see a green “Pass” message on the WriteIMEI Tool. Reset EFS via TWRP (Download from link below) 4. IMEI Showing 0000 / WiFi / Sim not working. When we make a clean install of one Rom after full wipe data + cache + dalvik (or data + cache if on stock recovery) the CSC by default of them will be installed on /mps_code. This app is free. duraaraa Senior Member · Question Pixel 7 Pro EFS Corrupted. Erase modemst1,modemst2,FSC and FSG after this edit qcn and write new edited qcn with qpst or qfile but the IMEI is not visible. ITS ILLEGAL. com © 2007-2025 . Langkah-langkahnya adalah mengekstrak informasi ESN/MEID/IMEI asli melalui tools EFS, mengedit file QCN dengan mengganti sektor tertentu menjadi nilai baru, lalu menyimpan perubahan. Thank you . thnks. Download Samsung EFS IMEI backup app from Play Store and install it. No need to root your phone if you want to, since you'll get root access in TWRP anyways. Bu rehber ile cihazınızın IMEI'sini yedekleyebileceksiniz 2 yedekleme türünü de yapınız her ihtimale karşı. Join Date: · HELP NEEDED - Restore original EFS / IMEI & Baseband for Galaxy S8+ Thread starter Shamako; Start date Jun 17, 2019; Tags baseband efs imei repair Forums. If the IMEI displays as invalid or not found, proceed with the steps below. Write the first one (and second just in case) down. Oct 16, 2021 2-> Download and install Partitions Backup & Restore and Busy Box on Both Devices. Write Dual QCN via QPST (Download from link below) 8. Ex. SALUDOS! · Then the only option is to edit the IMEI stored in other's QCN backup to put your IMEI and restore the QCN file in your device. · Hello everyone, I am trying to edit my efs1. · Snapdragon cihazlarda IMEI Efs yedeği alınarak yedeklenebiliyordu. Put the EFS partition backup file to the folder where your efs. Loss of this functionality in recent software is lamented loss of this functionality in recent software is lamented here. Where X is the number of the image. " "Keep in Mind" You Must Copy mps_code. QCN EDITOR INSTALL TWRP QPST TOOL FLASHER SUPPORT OPEN DIAG PORT EFS RESET QFIL TOOL SUPPORT · After Flashing the EFS file you provided, I've lost my IMEI as well. JJEgan Senior Member. This file /efs/imei/mps_code. so please help me to recover my 2nd imei ) Nb :- sorry for my bad English However, in this process I deleted my efs folder which supposed to have the IMEI information. dat file and save the changes; Reboot your device; Click to expand Click to collapse. bin fole using hex editor, but it says "ffff" and on the other side dots · However, there is always a risk of unintentionally altering critical settings, such as the IMEI number or baseband version. Sep 4, 2009 1,298 · I have patched the IMEI and serial number in the sec_efs dump with my own, but the certificate is obviously still certifying the other guy's IMEI instead. dat inside /efs/imei to reflect the carrier you desire. Once the device has restarted, check your IMEI by dialing *#06#. · I had to use both efs tools and QPST because using only efs tools I wasn't able to change the IMEI of both sims and so I had one sim with my IMEI and one with his IMEI . Mar 13, 2018 · Help to preserve and restore the image of EFS partition: * Need Root For Windows * Extract from the archive, connect the device to the USB debugging mode (System settings/Developer options/USB debugging) and run selected . bin' extension. Check it out: EFS☆IMEI☆Backup app · imei status : 000000 i tried all tools repair imei include bst dongle. Write Dual IMEI- UMT GSM -- UMT Method 1 7. bin” with hex editor Joined Aug 10, 2014 Messages 13 Location Philadelphia Carrier(s) Virgin Mobile Device(s) SM-J700PVPV2BQJ2 · As my last hope, I am asking the community here if there are any known ways of restoring IMEI/EFS data, or more specifically the nv_data. Freak Poster . Click Search > Find; Enter the HEX under Search for, set Data-type to Hex-values then click OK; You should now see what you're to edit to change the IMEI; Go back to IMEI converter, enter the IMEI you wish to write (your own IMEI) then copy the converted IMEI (in HEX format) · Also I do have only one file called maps_code. Open the efs folder and use the multi-select copy to copy the following files: nv_data. Relock your bootloader. code is On. Make sure to backup your EFS partition in TWRP before doing this. 91 · Therefore, the IMEI number comes in handy to track any particular device across the globe. Press 'Read EFS' button to read backup or 'Write EFS' to restore. There are two methods described: unmounting and remounting the EFS Dokumen tersebut memberikan instruksi lengkap untuk mengubah ESN/MEID/IMEI pada perangkat melalui edit file QCN menggunakan Hex Editor. ) 7. 1. In the top menu of the program, navigate to “QFIL” select “Tools” >> “QCN Backup Restore” A new window will open. I do not have any backups! I didn't make any backups of /efs (sorry!), will do that when I have this problem fixed and backup it on all my computers. Remove Resistor (See pic. faria Inactive Recognized Developer / Retired Senior Mod. bat is, and then double-click/run the efs. Smilies are On. Double-SIM phones support. Edit: u/Joe333x you wrote: This is to help prevent people from using a banned IMEI device with another devices IMEI since this is the info stored on the EFS partition. bin). - edit QCN ENG with the original imei of the equipment I am still in ROM ENG I have both imei, I have baseband, WiFi and everything else, I still have no service and when I go to call it gives a message · EFS Info What is EFS This part of the device contains some important and some basic info related to our device identity like Bluetooth MAC address, wireless devices MAC addresses, product code (also in the nv_data. Believe it or not I finally figured out a workaround to unlock DIAG Port without root access on my SM-G975U1 which was quite a time consuming process, I am on the most recent ETL1 FW. I'm sure this is how I ended up with the generic IMEI #. It just created one more problem and my IMEI is now generic. Now 1. 9 nicobar I solved the issue partially I have my 2 cards working fine and can make calls didn't check the 4G yet I can give u all the QCN I used but before do a EFS backup if the QCN brick your phone u can restore the EFS from recovery and the phone will boot normally. This makes the imei 0, so after that I will need to repair the imei. As far as i know it stored in /efs/sec_efs/SVC és !SVC files. colegas Necesito su ayuda para poder lograr un proceso recien mire un tutorial de reprar el imei de moto g4 play, g4 plua y moto z. 0. Write Imei 1 and imei 2 4. Sadly, there are a multitude of ways to unfortunately delete the IMEI stored in the EFS of the Xiaomi Mi4c. You should now see your current CSC Code 4. Thinking about it, I did get confused with the A/B partition thing, and when I switched the partitions in TWRP, I thought I had to · دانلود نرم افزار Xiaomi IMEI Tools برای ادیت و ویرایش QCN و بکاپ و ریستور EFS شیائومی ریست EFS شیائومی و نصب TWRP و باز کردن پورت دیاگ Tools Qcn Edit And Efs Reset; ادیت فایل QCN شیائومی · Your Samsung Galaxy device’s EFS/IMEI should now be restored back to its original location. I undertand that I should edit EFS file thanks to my searches. img -g efs_default. · EDIT: OK, so at some point with ezbase recovery and manually restoring nv_data. install ADB drivers, Convert the new IMEI2 of your phone to hex, and open the QCN file in the hex editor. Last edited: Jan 26, 2013. img. Oct 16, 2021 3 3. To double check, u can use *#272*imei#. we use different box this for example even qdload 9008 can backup data that you ask · This will Simply Restore your IMEI and the EFS Files! But, These files are from my phone And the IMEI may be different from your original IMEI. These files cannot be edited during running. is there ny way to change IMEI of note 3 CHNDR Note 3 (n900) INDIA. your edit bin sir. This doesn't mean the /efs folder. Now edit the file path in the command line accordingly:dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 Corrupt IMEI and EFS - Free download as PDF File (. img tiene que estar en la raiz de la SD interna del teléfono. img files on your sdcard · MCKS-Mobil Cihaz Kayt Sistemi:. bin into efs/root/afs/settings. Click on Rebuild. There are many discussions about changing CSC code that make mention of the commercial software and service Samkey such as this and this; I have no personal · - Tried flashing the efs_backup partition into the efs partition. dat 3. · Backuping efs partition is an essential step to keep it safe after rooting since a bad flashing/modding of your S5 may result in a corruption of that partition. · @yakapa40, can you help me with this question. i mentioned this because I've read others' posts that they have maps_code. · The EFS is a special partition dedicated for your phone's info like radio signal info, imei, serial number and lots of files revolving around your SIM card and Wifi, Bluetooth (this includes your MAC address for all the radios of your phone). This needs to be done from a rooted system or from TWRP. Download QPST Tool. efs imei etc automatically back up if you read backup userarea 256mb or bigger , or you can backup via user partition efs imei TA (sony) modem etc . bin in efs partition - Tried wiping the persist partition. When this folder goes corrupt, you cannot do anything that it related to the SIM card. now i want to restore my original imei. The pit file that is generated by EFS Professional is 1024KB in size, but looking at it in a hex editor most of that is just forward and trailing '0's. · Hi frnds. · Help to preserve and restore the image of EFS partition: * Need Root For Windows * Extract from the archive, connect the device to the USB debugging mode (System settings/Developer options/USB debugging) and run selected . The IMEI is physically stored in phone as a file. gl/Daq3Ut https://goo. Press 'Read CERT' button to read certificates or 'Write CERT' to restore. S. This part of the device contains information such as IMEI (or MEID and ESN · Moreover, the EFS folder is located in the system directory of your phone and contains some important information about your phone’s IMEI, Wireless Product Code, System ID, and NV data. You need to fill in the original IMEI of your device in both the boxes. zip) 7º - Por último entramos al recovery y flasheamos el zip y Listo!! Todos los derechos reservados ClanGSM. Join Date: Jun 2007 but to repair the IMEI you must first clear the EFS partitions. Removed limit from Device Filter Editor to add ALL partitions found within a PIT file. 5 years later, suddenly it stops working again. Reactions: Kjc99, s8freak and Braggster. Or are you using the default values. bin from /efs/root/afs/settings and reboot; Check your IMEI number as you did prior to the walkthrough, chances are, if you are lucky, the OS grabbed the imei during the boot. In spite of attempting all these variations, the · What is EFS? It is a place that stores your Android smartphone important data like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth MAC address and IMEI (nv_data. It's highly recommended to backup the whole partition, or at least copy the files from the efs directory. 7. Interesting as well because I might have found a temp root during this process. Re-flash the stock ROM. EFS Reset And Modified QCN Restore(Imei Repair) · Restoring is easy too. dat 2. -flashing latest firmware and flashing back to KK-flashing all kinds of modems (those pre efs folder change (XXEMG4) and those after)-flashing latest TWRP/CWM recovery-flashing kernels-trying to edit “nv_data. Then go to /system/csc/ folder and edit your CSC in the sales_code. Step 2: Fix the Corrupt EFS Partition. Meanwhile, the IMEI number can get corrupted or invalid, or null while flashing any third-party firmware or any custom file on your device. Besides, EFS can handle all the functions related to connectivity including Cellular Networks, Wifi, Bluetooth, IMEI, Network Unlock Information, etc. What is Change-IMEI-Android ? Change-IMEI-Android is an Android App, which can help you to change(*spoof) the IMEI of your phone. · -formatting efs partition for a blank and new EFS for editing-tried to edit nv_data. 5. Xiaomi * Read- Write Imei Repair * Qcn Editor (Sim1- Sim2) * Qcn Backup-Restore * Repair Network Fix * Flash Twrp (Server) · Open Xiaomi Imei Tool And run QCN Editor View attachment 5515301 1. img files have been generated. Press 'Write NV DATA' if you need to restore NV backup. · I have carried out the process from scratch, I have deleted absolutely everything 1. Paste your IMEI_1 in the last occurrence of the fake IMEI and now save your new . img (da igual que se llame pepito. bak and nv_data. The most common reason for lost IMEI is selecting in QFIL the option to "Erase all before download" which erase absolutely everything when you install a ROM, QCN of course included. I will try it, if I were you, I would try also. Tap on Save EFS (IMEI) backup button. img must be in a folder with Restore_EFS. · Wait 7 days to oem unlock phone or use 7 day bypass by changing dates (not always work, keep trying, don’t reboot, worked for Samsunguser932 Edit: Imei must be 0000) Edit: oem unlock will fix drk - if not you must follow next step; Once oem unlock flash TWRP and restore efs backup Edit: if you haven't fixed imei fix now by *#06# with Dear Viewers. 8. 2013 E mi4c. We are very well knowing about what EFS is and why it is MUST to backup on · This will bring you to the first IMEI that you need to change into your own. · If you can't find original EFS, you may try this but it may not solve your problems: 1) Backup current EFS partitions 2) Backup QCN with QPST 3) Change IMEI 1 as 0 inside QCN file, IMEI 2 as original IMEI 2 4) Erase EFS partitions 5) Reset phone to factory defaults 6) Check if IMEI is null 7) Restore modified QCN with QPST 8) Reboot phone Pit is only for repartition, I don't think it can restore imei if efs is wiped Reply reply [deleted] • • Don't think it'll work (or even if I still have it) but still worth a shot. This is a guide for how to restore the IMEI on a Xiaomi Mi4c. ive tried nv read write. usb. GooglePlay'den bulabilirsiniz. I followed mostly a guide for the Redmi note 3 . EDIT: For clarification: If your IMEI · Or try to reset efs and try to write patch cert or write the cert, if this doesn't work try to reset efs write efs and then do patch cert or write the cert to see if you can solve Last edited by amleto90; 03-07-2020 at 14:34 . I did that (by editing the Efs. If you don't have a backup of /efs. bin and nv_data. ?? Click to expand Click to collapse. TWRP is the only one which also backs up modemst1 and modemst2 as far as I can tell. Montero7o Senior Member. bk from efs_backup to nv_protected. now my phone is working without factory mode and network is working but it have diffrent imei. · - Now, I have a working S8, but with no IMEI I still have my IMEI number from my phone that I would like to inject into the EFS partition. D. Apr 1, 2012 2,556 sometimes only way for restore EFS , IMEI ,MEID etc. The EFS partition stores data critical to the device's operation, such as the IMEI number, IMSI number, and network settings. The document provides instructions for restoring a corrupted IMEI and EFS file on a Samsung Galaxy S2 smartphone. thanks and best regards · -restoring efs with efs pro, samsung tool, efs backup -restore cmd tool. Then click f3 or search again and it should show you the second IMEI you need to change in HxD. But that's wrong. So if I have that cached EFS, and with that my IMEI, can I still run this procedure? Because I still do get IMEI 0 after taking OTAs, flashing stock, etc. May 11, 2017 81 15 68. Now delete the nv_data. With the QCN Rebuilder tool, you would be able to. Feb 24, 2006 #17 No will post their efs folder here and if they do it will be taken down. Advanced > FIle Manager > efs > imei > mps_code. Save 6. However, I coudn't find a · Hello Samsung Galaxy owners, good news for you guys, now we share with you almost all All Samsung Adb Files here that helps to enable USB debugging mode remotely on your device, by flashing this EFS files, these files help to repair IMEI, Change Baseband version, fix Unknown baseband problem very easily without even data loss, the main features of this Samsung · 3. use *#06# to ensure if IMEI could be shown correctly 3. Mount EFS partition 3. If the execution was successful you should see recovered_efs_X. 2-Setup. Click on Open file and select the Xiaomi 11T Pro QCN file. EFS Pro v2. PS - aside from the files starting nv_ you should have two folders /efs · 什么是 qcn. You will now see two blank spaces i. Might have to break out the i9300 and do it that way. bak). · With this tool, a user can write IMEI to a Qualcomm device and restore NULL IMEI or fix corrupted IMEI on Qualcomm Snapdragon devices. but that option cant be possible on nvm secured phones. Mar 5, 2014 8,434 4,171 VT www. AFAIK the IMEI data is not in the EFS partition, it's in the EEPROM. txt files. gz), save as tar archive and save as stock partition image (img). This file is not · Edit: did you use imei changer to change imei no. Home. py efs_broken. config diag,adb 6. November 27, 2022 at 1:34 am. · Hello. After doing this and rebooting, you will be booted into your carriers system. dr. I know, laugh it up. Reboot and hope for the best 7. Feb 2, 2020 #6 Hello Flash ROM from Odin (CSC_ Not HOME_CSC) Reboot Flash TWRP Reboot in TWRP and Format Reboot to Recovery Restore your Backup. SOLVED AT LAST - MISSING IMEI and EFS DAMAGED SOLUTION Hi Guys, First off, please take GOOD note - I am NOT a techy, just · IMEI Rebuilding and Restore Guide. There are a bunch of efs files in halaabtech web site for various firmware versions. sampwnd. First Remove sim card, download all the tools needed then follow my guide step by step if you want to succeed, let's go {Mod edit. This guide is a full guide on how to restore your IMEI, no RIY (Research it yourself (Yes, I just made that up XD)). -Install Rom ENG 3. TheMadScientist Recognized Contributor. fukko · Original Thread(s) : https://goo. duraaraa Senior Member. img and restored it using an efs restore app) and have got my IMEI back but will still get the dm verity failed · 2- Bootloader must be unlocked which in my case was already because I lost the EFS folder while rooting the device. · I have a question to rooted N7100 users that can access the /efs directory and haven't messed with the nv_data. dat file. Restore qpst to qcn imei repair or change lost imei . · Then the only option is to edit the IMEI stored in other's QCN backup to put your IMEI and restore the QCN file in your device. dat is very important when we flash a CSC whit flashing one Rom. Mitac Hexdecimal Editor (or any other hex editor you like) 3. Redmi note 6 pro ENG Qcn by Titan_GSM Done. Oct 27, 2013 · The imei number file is specific to the phone and to get it "injected" was considered illegal since people who steal the phone could, by theory, inject the new imei to sell a phone as new. The modified IMEI won't take effect if you don't reset the EFS partition first. Open zarchiver and navigate to /efs/imei/ there you will find a data file mps_code. qcn” and click “Open. · 5. I assume the efs partition or IMEI is checksummed somewhere in such a way that you couldn't simply dump the efs, alter the IMEI with a hex editor, and write it back?----- Post added at 02:09 PM ----- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----- · It used to be fairly easy. Phonandroid ne peut être tenu responsable des éventuels problèmes rencontrés. · but later i flashed another efs with odin i found on internet. I should connect to usb at RMNET + DM + MODEM mod (*#0808#, choose mod etc. . 4- Repair your IMEI from ChimeraTool ----> Repair -----> Repair and type your IMEI numbers. ). ; Then, click on “Open File” and choose the downloaded QCN File of your device. It’s much easier to use. I checked and the files still in the new NVD_IMEI are identical to the ones in the backup. txt) or read online for free. With this, you can easily identify both sim cards and change the IMEI number accordingly. Edit your /efs/imei/mps_code. Preparation : Enable USB Debugging My IMEI is dead - Restoring my IMEI. Dialer codes sadly weren't part · edit: I've solved my problem i'm not sure if it'll work for you, but what I did was root my device, delete the efs folder which eventually game "000000000" imei and the baseband wasn't appearing as unknown anymore, then within the new efs folder that was created on its own there was a folder called efsec in which it contained !svc and svc files · I have a backup of my EFS, it may be possible to Hex edit it, and change the IMEI to yours, then manually insert the EFS files with ADB or Terminal Emulator Yes pm me your imei and I'll try to edit my efs files I'll pm you an untouched copy too if you want to have a crack at it Reactions: Ziida and dogmatism. Enable diag ADB - setprop sys. bin and/or nv_data. · In this case recover the EFS following this post, and then change the IMEI following the next post. This Pixel 9 Pro XL I have only lost its imei numbers after I did a factory reset after editing the devinfo partition. bat Click on the “Write” button to begin the IMEI writing process. -> Buradan sorgulama yaptığımızda "IMEI NUMARASI KAYITLI" ifadesini görmek zorundayız. adb shell # open a shell su # become root cd /sdcard/backup/efs # change directory to the backup cp -r * /efs # copy the backup to /efs This should restore your IMEI back to the factory value. · Wait 7 days to oem unlock phone or use 7 day bypass by changing dates (not always work, keep trying, don’t reboot, worked for Samsunguser932 Edit: Imei must be 0000) Edit: oem unlock will fix drk - if not you must follow next step; Once oem unlock flash TWRP and restore efs backup Edit: if you haven't fixed imei fix now by *#06# with · I JUST CREATED THIS ACCOUNT IN XDA FOR HELP! My Phone IMEI, BASEBAND, SN has Unknown value in settings after random reboot and I think it random Reboot because of Full Storage. select Qcn file you Backed Up 2. · Cant restore imei I updated me galaxy s5 g990f and lost network etc due to no imei even *#06# shows null imei. · this is the modified mi5 qcn backup which contain the 1st and 2nd dummy imei, u have to edit this qcn with ultra edit hex editor, link for the ultra edit is below IN SAMPLE-MI5. dat" to meet what you flash. 2. · Information: Hello, I lost my IMEI number on my Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 today and I would like to restore my original IMEI back to my phone. none worked for me to restore the IMEI number I even tried to look into the nv_dat. Anyways, you're either here because you don't know what the EFS is and you wanna know, you ruined your EFS and you're looking for redemption, or you just wanna see me ramble. Ensure your device is in USB Debugging Mode. Click on the “Browse” button and locate file “00000000. Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator: 12. Other people have already written this part up, and in the spirit of refactoring, I will link to them rather than repeating what they say. 0 - Telefonumuza kuracağımız bir EFS yedeği alma ve tekrar yükleme uygulaması. bin and you are experiencing issues like: · IMEI Restorehttp://forum. · this is basic question ofcourse you hv to back up those partition . ”Then click on “Restore QCN” and wait for the restore process. I use TWRP now since the back up allows EFS folder as well, versus CWM that didn't. My S2 is CWT in the beginning, so I flash a CWT CSC and edit the code to CWT 2. zip que adjunto en el post 5º - Renombramos nuestro efs. Step 5. 4-> Now choose the backup location and select EFS format. Then you will see your SP unlock code followed by some 000000000 codes and another code. There are 2 main steps to take to try to resolve this · Once the EFS and QCN are backed up, we need to reset the EFS partition. IMei is look like this after reset efs. I have gone through the forums explaining how to restore IMEI if you have a backup, or how to edit a corrupted imei file. It needs to be 3 capital letters. CORRUPTED OR NOT? You can check if the efs is mounted or completly damaged with this command: adb shell mount · Without a proper/valid IMEI number, you cannot track your device if it is stolen or even sell your device. dat file and save the changes Reboot your device Reactions: JinkerJinx , adfree , fragtion and 3 others · From the partitions list, select the EFS and Radio partitions; Click on the download button to backup the EFS partitions on your device; Now choose the backup location and the backup format for the EFS format; To restore the EFS partition, tap on the menu icon in the top-right corner and select the Restore a Partition option; · First of all to see this file only having root access. After flashing stock with the modemst commands, it gives you IMEI 0, so I restore my backed-up EFS to treat it. · People who restored their efs after IMEI 0 are essentially restoring working cached modemst1-2. bat · This is a very sensitive system folder that contains Phone-specific information such as the IMEI (encrypted in the nv_data. Also, using that TMO webpage, I was able · This will Simply Restore your IMEI and the EFS Files! But, These files are from my phone And the IMEI may be different from your original IMEI. · If your imei number is starting with “3” for example, CTRL + F and find the line starting with “083a” (hex values only, untick “find text” if you are using same hex editor). I successfully restored the file, plus the IMEI folder, which has bluetooth info. · As EFS is independent of the phones rom (<-i'm pretty sure, as it's relative to the modem. LINK > SCREENSHOT LINK OR SEE ATTACH FILE so Does anyone have · Hi,everyone i need help in finding nv_data. · I've tried to edit IMEIs in hex-editor. · MOTO G XT1033 IMEI issues and EFS Prof Does EFS Professional supports Moto G XT1033 model? I erased partition with IMEI. can you fixing problem permanently locked on lg v60 . These days if you buy a smartphone, you can see the IMEI number on the retail box. md5 I can't understand why i'm still no IMEI and no Signal and other infos like BB When i type *#1234# i see this · This time we wrote the backup file to the EFS partition. also i tried edit efs folder within root explorer. Run the app. Abrir Terminar Emulator, y ejecutar la siguiente secuencia: su dd if=/sdcard/efs. · 4 - Check the IMEI (Dec) box and change the IMEI 5 - Below the IMEI (Flipped) area make sure its selected Phone and press Write 6 - Disconnect and reboot the phone. · Edit your qcn new or old imei. Hence, now the phone can not get telephone service, so I can not call. · IMEI Rebuilding and Restore Guide. The modified IMEI won't take effect if you don't reset the EFS partition · PROBLEM: •Fake IMEI (usually 004999010640000) •Unable to download apps from the market •Unable to unlock your SIM card using your PIN •Weird apps are · I wanted to mount the image file on the phone with ADB as a normal writeable partition, then edit the SVC files. dat from your system to your SDcard then modify it with your desire CSC carrier · edit: jippie, i got my IMEI back after flashing the ITL41F odin version from this post! i suggest everyone to backup the efs before flashing other firmwares! Last edited: Dec 17, 2011 · same with me too, pls save my day Edit: so in the command window, last line of code after running mke2fs /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 i got : The filesystem will be automatically checked every 35 mounts or 180 days, whichever comes first. Samsung EDIT: Nevermind, fixed by @ZeroXO Thanks and best regards . Congratulations! Now, restart your device. Replace the IMEI in HxD with the converted one. Your EFS partition will be restored. So, i download it and hex edit to see if imei was in plain text, and was! Phone model: Galaxy Star Pro S7262 Blacklist status*: · What is EFS This part of the device contains some important and some basic info related to our device identity like Bluetooth MAC address, wireless devices MAC addresses, product code (also in the nv_data. pdf), Text File (. for the -MIUI- modifications, by Franky_39. ) and since I had a broken imei/efs/network yet I could still have a functional phone (<-without the actual function) and wifi working that meant the hardware was working except the modem/baseband code was borked. Click Create Button and Save our Modified QCN. Root phone and enable USB debugging. Edit /efs/imei/mps_code. Fixed some bugs in Qualcomm NV Tools. · Whenever you flash a ROM, be that a custom ROM via a custom recovery or an official ROM via Odin, you risk corrupting your /efs partition and losing your IMEI. dat, keystr, and bt. im newbie and i need write imei on my LG V60 sprint TMobile. e: wifi/bt mac address and your IMEI (nv_data. win due to a problem I am having with my Moto g6 plus regarding my IMEI, which appears as 0 I have two backups from my efs, in the first one my signals (wifi/data) just drop every 10 seconds and · Same thing, the target is the INTERNAL SDCARD, so go ahead and copy the file. Other then QPST we will need (+ for editing imei) : 1. After doing this you need to dial *2767*3855# to re-provision your phone. · Write Multiple IMEI: Since most Qualcomm devices come with dual sim functionalities, this application is capable of updating both IMEI numbers. Again browse and open using ES Note Editor (recommended) sales_code. I had phone direct from o2 brand new. 1 e-bert. Forums. Select Registration Method on 2Sim Like in picture 3. img a EFS. Which made my device to be on somethine called "Permanent Safe Mode" - You · 3rd edit nvm imei then upload back. Reactions: JinkerJinx and LordLink. 这很重要,因为该分区存储您的原始 IMEI,如果您不备份它,您将永远丢失原始 IMEI! 您可以通过 TWRP 或者通过root权限提取分区。 备份QCN文件. img encima del archivo adjunto que hemos descargado (EFS-cwm-flasher. Install the Triangle Away app and reset the custom flash counter. I have made backup of efs, efs_backup and persist partition before trying these steps. dat file located in /system/csc/. · /EFS partition contains a lot of information about your phone, f. I posted question here in xda but no guide or response. Open the app and go to dev/block directory and note down the exact path of EFS data files. You could open the Preconfig dialog with a dialer code and change your CSC code. e. Why do I need to back up my IMEI/EFS and how do I do it? There well protected section of your device that is virtually immune to any kind of flashing and manipulation (unless of course you know how to access it). replace what you find with the serial number found under phone battery; 6. I don't want to have to use Chimera or Z3X or anything because I already spent a fortune getting UnlockTool to let me fix the Knox lock that was applied thanks to whoever dumped that scatter ( I know the original imei 1&2 ) Pls help. Dial *#06# to check your IMEI. edit and correct 'serialnumber' using "root_explorer" app on your phone--root explorer can be downloaded from "google play"--serial number file is located at (/efs/factoryapp/) --find serial_no file and edit it with a text editor. bin to /efs, after a little while I saw that my /sys/block/stl3 (and so /dev/block/stl3) were looking normal. · My Samsung phone lost its IMEI number. Download and extract the Platform Tools if you do not have them already. info (read more something about /efs before playing with it!) · This tends to happen when cross-flashing tampers with the EFS partition (like when attempting a network unlock) . BB code is On. 通过此文件将原始IMEI修改为你想要的,如果已有相同设备的QCN文件,可以跳过此步骤。 在CMD或power shell下 · Tools needed: Zarchiver and a text editor METHOD 1 1. 2) Попробуйте прошить предыдущий модем (установленный до пропажи imei). As mentioned above, this partition saves all your important data on your phone like the IMEI number, mac address of all the wireless devices, important files from the · After you have connected your device to the PC using a USB cable, open the QCN tool. 200810. you must follow the steps listed below to prepare your device for the Qualcomm IMEI repair process. Benzonat0r Senior Member. qcn 是高通机型存放手机 imei、meid 和其它网络校准值数据的文件,它位于手机 efs 分区内。如果因为某些意外操作导致 qcn 数据损坏,可能会因为丢失手机 imei 而不能识别 sim 卡,出现手机无信号,不能上网和打电话等问题。 · I mean that I restored the "cached" EFS in order to temporarily restore my IMEI. · This will Simply Restore your IMEI and the EFS Files! But, These files are from my phone And the IMEI may be different from your original IMEI. Reactions: masamunea. Where Write IMEI1 is used to write IMEI on the main card and Write IMEI2 is used to write IMEI on sub card. which I think is the version that shipped with tissot_images_7. img renombrarlo a este) 6º - Arrastramos el archivo EFS. com/how-to-backup-efs-partition-imei-number-on-samsung/In this video, we will show you the steps to backup the EFS partition that hou · CWM does not back up EFS at all afaik, and the EFS backup tools usually only take the EFS partition while ignoring the others. bk into the efs partition. First, I backuped my EFS folder in 2 types - one is . 4º - Descargarse el archivo EFS-cwm-flasher. Copy over the EFS dumps to your computer; Next, execute the following on your computer; sudo python efs_recover. QCN file. 6. · If Software successfully read IMEI, then you can directly write IMEI without any EFS wipe etc. This might be too dangerous as people could edit their IMEI and put on somebody else's IMEI and can create problems We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. And my Sim Card is not detected. Saiful Aziz. Stev2520 · 备份EFS分区. PROBLEM: Quote: •Fake IMEI (usually 004999010640000) •Unable to download apps from the market •Unable to unlock your SIM card using your PIN You may not edit your posts. Hoping someone can help me on this. i looked at · Navigate to /efs/imei/ folder, edit the CSC code in the mps_code. Of course the repair network option completed successfully. bin with HEX-tried to backup efs with a 3rd party app and edit this with hex (the app doesn't support my GT-I9305) and then, there it was:-tried to use a working EFS partition from another GT-I9305-editing with Qualcomm NV Tools! (I think THIS is the solution!) · Then the only option is to edit the IMEI stored in other's QCN backup to put your IMEI and restore the QCN file in your device. Operation: Write CERT · I am trying to repair IMEI if redmagic 9 pro I reset efs after taking backup of efs and qcn. This will verify whether the IMEI write process was completed correctly. Then, I deleted my EFS folder using ES Root Explorer. !! Thanks for watching this video in this video, I'll show you How To edit sec efs, apnhlos Files To Remove KG Lock Or MDM Please like and shar · Samsung EFS Files Collections also download all Latest Samsung CERT Files From here, Download and try these files on your PC, Its helps to Repair IMEI Proble · The full form of EFS is Encrypting File System which is hidden deep inside the core of Android’s internal file system. but. Create a backup from EFS partition: In ADB/Terminal emulator enter this: No, the IMEI numbers aren't written directly to the device, but to the *** file (by editing using hex editor), and then write/restore the *** file to the device using ****. · - unlock bootloader (this will wipe the device, make sure you have backup) - downgrade the system to earliest possible firmware (redfin-rd1a. If you are using the default values, pls post them too. This is simple EFS backup tool. dat > Edit File 4. But how can i mount it? Mount the image file on Windows like CD/DVD/etc image files, then edit the text files. via hex editor find 2 imei hex localation and edit , then save it. Click on Open file and select the Poco F3 QCN file. · And voila; your IMEI should be back there in place untouched. Made a few internal minor improvements Your Samsung Galaxy device’s EFS/IMEI should now be restored back to its original location. · The IMEI number consists of only zeros: 000000000000000; When dialing *#0011#, the IMEI status is NG and the network data are all wrong. dat file and save the changes. · EFS partition This partition contains: product code, BT/WiFi mac address, RIL calibration files, DRM info and some other data like language, timezone set by your provider. qpst tools. was told only way is to use z3x box or chimera to patch certificate but didn't give up. el caso es que en el moto z logre obtener el archivo persist que es el que se modifica. bin file i need to edit it because I'm facing null imei problem i looked in /efs but there is no such file I looked another s3 mini efs folder it also don't have such file but that phone is working normally i think it is hidden. SOmeone help me please. I still have my original IMEI of my phone written down. My idea is that i "dd"-ed the efs partition to an image file, then i would edit these two text files, then restore the efs partition from the image with ODIN (It's similar to fastboot mode on other · [Guide] Samsung Android - Repair EFS / IMEI WITHOUT BOX. So, i download it and hex edit to see if imei was in plain text, and was! Phone model: Galaxy Star Pro S7262 Blacklist status*: · EDIT: NVM, ran the program and saw that it has to be. Trackbacks are On. · (just several seconds and without efs backup) 1. Next, connect your phone to a PC using a USB cable. Now, replace the IMEI with the original IMEI number. Refbacks · EFS Professional v2. 2. you seem to be the only one with the other partitions showing, did you ever update to newer motorola firmware through fastboot? S. Apr 9, 2011 40,324 IMEI (EFS) BAckup Tool Note 7. · If you are inrested in editing your MAC address, there's a guide linked below. EDIT: It says "Card not found" (running OctoplusSamsung. WARNING : IMEI REPAIR IS INTENDED TO REPAIR IMEI TO ORIGINAL ONE WRITTEN ON PHONE BACK LABEL / BOX. dat. Now edit the file path in the command line accordingly: dd if= /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 · 本文还有配套的精品资源,点击获取 简介:高通改串烧录技术涉及到高通处理器设备的imei修改。本技术指南会介绍高通处理器的领先技术、imei的重要性、使用的烧录工具以及相关风险与合法性问题。同时,强调改串烧录的法律风险和正确的imei管理方法。1. In this case I think you have to edit /efs/imei/. 0. Doing this allowed my phone to work on TMO. Thanks Hello, I have the following model of Note9: Versión de PDA/AP N9600ZHU1ARH2 Versión de CSC N9600OWO1ARH2 Versión de MODEM/CP N9600ZCU1ARH2 · If you lose your IMEI during flashing and wiping roms, you will end up with a piece of brick incapable of making calls:crying: Last edited: Apr 26, 2016. I restored my EFS partition using TWRP and now everything is fine again, except that my smallband version is back to 953_GEN_PACK-1. You · Edit in TWRP is recommended since you can also backup your EFS partition first. shad. · EDIT: stl5 is es-tee-el-five (like STL5) EDIT: /efs on the Galaxy the /etc/fstab says: mount rfs /dev/block/stl5 /efs nosuid nodev check=no You will see some numbers: In my case 20404 for Vodafone NL. I couldn't find an explanation of exactly what the QCN file extension stands for but it certainly stands for "Qualcomm something something", it probably has something to do with Qualcomm network certification (Q= Qualcomm, C= Certificate?Certified? · but later i flashed another efs with odin i found on internet. Great, this procedure works, but only on rooted phone. Repair the Qualcomm IMEI to Qualcomm QCN. This guide is for those who have lost their IMEI, have corrupted EFS, or erased EFS Once the EFS and QCN are backed up, we need to reset the EFS partition. Dia *#06# on your phone’s keypad to check it it has IMEI number or not. and people continuously saying we can't repair efsbut atleast i can recover one of my imei and baseband. I've replaced last (useless) number by pressing "space" on keyboard and after reboot there wasn't network. In that case, no need to recover EFS, only change the IMEI number following my next post. Pingbacks are On. Backup and Restore IMEI. ketan Recognized Developer / Recognized Contributor. dat, then reflash the rom try to enable and use magiskhide with MS authenticator . com · However today I flashed a new Oreo image and suddenly my IMEI was 0 again. exe), but application is · My Knox void is 0x1. emmc. After downloading, install, and run the QCN Rebuilder tool on your PC. (plain text file)but imei still 000000. bin in hex editor or something and check if you have your phone serial number stored near the product code? This is NOT the IMEI, this is the · Highlight and copy the HEX (converted IMEI) Go back to Hex Editor. -----nv_data. bin), wireless devices MAC addresses, product code (also in the nv_data · 2. google. Copy your modified nv_data. nvmac. so it is better to be safe than sorry, so any disturbance in the EFS data might result in null IMEI and baseband version. USER IS SOLE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY DONE WITH USE OF FEATURES QCN edit Untuk melihat ESN/ MEID/IMEI hh yang sudah di koversi, klik kanan mose agan Run as aministrator Buka EFS tools ,Klik NV tool , port mode diag 901D, connect, send spc, klik phone Read: ESN/ MEID/IMEI sudah terlihat, posisi sebelah kiri bawaan HH · El archivo efs. i m researching now 09-11-2014, 04:12 #5 tvdmd75. Duruma göre farklı yedekler kullanılabiliyor Not Bu rehber IMEI · I have tried many ways to solve this problem but the results have never worked, until I found an idea what if I replaced my IMEI with the IMEI of my old device that was not blocked, and it worked. gl/gLSQfm Why do we have another guide? I've created this guide to clarify any confusion from other guides. Si aun no tienen un IMEI correcto, reiniciar nuevamente. bat file and select the Restore option. · Navigate back to efs/root/afs/settings and delete the existing nv_data. qcn: an IMEI backup from another phone; QPST: the program for uploading the IMEI backup; IMEI converter converts IMEI to hex; The IMEI converter is optional, but useful. 3. That is where the IMEI is stored, right? EDIT:: I FIXED IT!!! FUCK YES!! ROM Toolbox Pro backed up the EFS partition 3 weeks ago! I was able to restore my IMEI using the search function in Root Explorer Pro, by entering in efs as my search term, and searching my removable MicroSD card! THANK GOD! I HAVE CELLULAR BACK!! RL Editor: It allows you to edit the roaming list on a device. Is there a way to do that ? I don't want to change IMEI, I only want to reinstall mine. My experience: When installing AOKP, my IMEI was replaced with most of my MEID, even after reverting my rom to root66. gz. if anyone have any issue in editing qcn to write your imei · Comparing the backup, the old (backup) NVD_IMEI folder contained 6 more files than the new NVD_IMEI folder (the newly created one after erasing the old one). Put your second IMEI into IMEI converter and repeat the process. Topics Backup EFS, edit and restore. dat to the CSC you like. Pre-requisites - A QCN file. But QCN include IMEIs consist of 16 digits, but regular IMEI consist of 15. Or just flash with Odin setting [x] Erase EFS combo. - Tried replacing the nv_protected. J. Last edited: May 30, 2018. · Recently, I have faced many questions & problem of fake IMEI, of damaged EFS folder. After downloading, install it and run the QCN Rebuilder tool on your PC. Junior Member . In case just restoring the imei number does not fix the issue then we proceed to write back the imei number to the efs too. Boot into TWRP Recovery: Power off your device. I've supposed that I need to put not a "space", but something like · * Erase Qualcomm Efs Old ( Modemst1, Modemst2, Fsg ) * Erase Qualcomm Efs New ( Mdm1m9kefs1, Mdm1m9kefs2, Mdm1m9kefs3, Mdm1m9kefsc) * Erase Mtk Nvram * Erase Frp * Wipe Userdata - Factory Reset * Partitions Flasher Tool. If you don’t know about your personal device’s IMEI number, go to your phone dialer and type *#06#. · Paste your IMEI_1 in the last occurrence of the fake IMEI and now save your new . QPST Tool v2. IMEI 1 and IMEI 2. Oswald Boelcke} · LYF Jio F220B EFS (QCN) File For IMEI Repair | Fix Baseband / Network Issue If you are a mobile technician and searching for the LYF Jio F220B EFS File Or · Assalam-o-Alikum !In this video I will inform you about, Samsung EFS File | How to read and write efs file in z3x tool pro | Backup tab of Samsung z3x tool · The EFS folder contains important information about your phone’s connectivity details and IMEI number. Reply. dat file - but there isn't much information there. Nov 3, 2015 View. bin file: could you open your nv_data. help me out · The EFS folder contains the file you will will need to edit and replace. dat file located in /efs/imei/. Восстановление EFS и IMEI, Samsung GT-I9500 (Galaxy S IV) 1) первым делом сделайте Резервную копию (если не делали ранее) всеми доступными способами (смотреть выше). Last edited: Aug 28, 2016. · A little bit of an update: I found a method to remove the LDU flag, via flashing a modified EFS file. Added Features : EFS BACKUP & Restore magisk Installer Magisk Remover adb cmd support. It will display your device’s IMEI on display. -----4. Even after that my imei number wasn't zeroed out like on other pixel devices. · EDIT: all done and saved using your new tool, will get Pro once released for your support. xda-developers. Boot into TWRP from fastboot mode, just like the step 1 from section A. (Note, that the cert file for this model is unique. If you change them, then give your review, ie was it hard or easy, did you encointer any problem, stuff like that. Also, in MediaTek, EFS partition does not exist because it doesn’t use that for storing IMEI. Your IMEI will be 00000000000000 :silly: Reactions: schndr777. 1. Fixed a bug in the Device Filter Editor that prevented files being enumerated correctly if they had the same Display Name. NOTE: Our phone (and I guess all phones with NovaThor SoC) doesn't store IMEI and SimLock information on EFS partition (no nv_data. I read that line 550 is where the IMEI hex is, when I viewed it in one editor (named HxD) it said line 00005500, so I clicked view>offset base>hexadecimal and it turns into 00000550 · Navigate to /efs/imei/ folder, edit the CSC code in the mps_code. How is it possible to read an IMEI information from an EFS partition with a HEX editor? For example I made a recovery copy of EFS partition with a TWRP and tried to open mps_code. I also did a manual dump by: · Xiaomi IMEI Tools v1. Este sitio web usa cookies, puedes ver la política de cookies, aquí - Aceptar · Navigate to /efs/imei/ folder, edit the CSC code in the mps_code. 5-> Now Copy the EFS file to corrupted baseband device to restore and repair s7 baseband. md5. Write imei[UMT METHOD 2] Restore this QCN only By QPST TOOL. · Edit: So wie ich das immer überall lesen kann soll die IMEI wirklich im EFS Ordner versteckt sein und sich so auch wiederherstellen lassen. I even went as far as copying over a working phone's EFS folder then hex-editing in my own IMEI with no change. Mediatek cihazlarda maalesef bu bölüm yok. we would use a Kies registry patcher, edit the registry ourselves to edit the firmware-CSC . - Tried copying the nv_protected. A call cannot be made and the phone’s status is ‘not registered to network’ so practically, the phone cannot be used at all. md5 (you can also copy their respective backup files nv_data. WE DO NOT ENDORSE OR ENCOURAGE IMEI CHANGING. my mistake is check clear efs in odin i need working efs file from any s5280 , maybe s5282 can work. man92 Senior Member. bin), programming parameters for the device such as your account information (phone number, etc), data provisioning parameters, and a · Redmi Note 6 Pro Both IMEI repair Solution[FREE GIFT FOR ALL UMT USERS] Reset EFS by Qcfire. · After that browse and open using ES Note Editor (recommended) mps_code. bro plz describe ! steps EDITING QCN file to Fill new Imei ! 06-29-2018, 16:32 i am trying reset efs but its failed boz root needed thanks 10-21-2018, 09:52 #8 nbrios. Qualcomm QPST (2. I mean the EFS data partitions which are modemst1, modemst2, and FSG. Last edited: Feb 2, 2020. Is this partition completely separate of the Android OS and actually · EDIT: stl5 is es-tee-el-five (like STL5) EDIT: /efs on the Galaxy the /etc/fstab says: mount rfs /dev/block/stl5 /efs nosuid nodev check=no You will see some numbers: In my case 20404 for Vodafone NL. 02. Why? because the IMEI needs to be empty in order to successfully change the IMEI. There’s also an app to backup and restore EFS partition. But windows7/10 machines cannot recognize usb device in this mod. 3- Enable USB debugging from the developers options, from your PC open ChimeraTool and connect your Note10+. · - Borrar EFS original que esta dentro del Backup - Colocar ENG EFS dentro del Backup, se reemplaza praticamente - Como veran, hay dos ENG EFS, verifica el tamaño de la EFS original para que coloques la adecuada - Restauras EFS editada con Chimera en ADB - Realizar Reparacion de IMEI y Parchear CERT · Don't understant why umount /efs always display: umount: can't umount /efs: Invalid argument After reboot the folder /efs only show this file: cryptprop_essiv Inside /efs there's no other file like nv_data. Root should be required to carry out the commands i did and In case just restoring the imei number does not fix the issue then we proceed to write back the imei number to the efs too. md5 files without a backup. No advertisements. 4. Enjoy! Redmi 7/Y3 Dual QCN Reset EFS Easy Way · SAUVEGARDER ET RESTAURER LE DOSSIER EFS (IMEI) N7100 Avertissement : Cette opération comporte des risques. However, if fastboot erase modemst is done, it'll likely result in IMEI 0 again because modem cannot recreate modemst correctly. com/store/apps/ · Step 5) If your s/n is not correct then download a root explorer and go to /efs/factoryapp and edit the serial no file with a text editor and enter your s/n there now save it and then the IMEI and S/N should be correct. dat using root explorer, text editor and vola the carrier junk disappeared. Edit it to whatever code you want your device to be. qdxm tools and when reboots still no imei flashed firmware before recent update and same thing. 6-> Open Partitions Backup & Restore in the corrupted device · "You will also need to edit mps_code. Preparation : Enable USB Debugging · Is it possible to create or change efs data manually I do not have a backup and my IMEI is wrong I have contacted samsung about repair awaiting response In the meantime my wife has the same phone from same provider network etc. img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 bs=4096 Reiniciar una vez. So, i download it and hex edit to see if imei was in plain text, and was! Phone model: Galaxy Star Pro S7262 Blacklist status*: · EFS is a system directory that contains device specific essential information such as its IMEI, wireless device MAC address, baseband version, product code, system ID and NV data. My name is Poise, and I'm a victim of EFS Corruption. Your IMEI is not actually changed. ( I read many of the old threads about this efs,imei issue. Reactions: hosaam rasheed. ) 5. Click on the green button in the left corner that will disable READ_ONLY restrictions in this folder, you will get a SU pop up asking for root_premissions if you allready haven't granted them beforehand · EFS folder is full so it is being restored, thus there is no imei back. I don't know if stock ROMs will automcatically correct the MAC. If u can reset carrier branded code then · QCN is just the file extension that Qualcomm uses for specific EFS, IMEI, baseband related files. I'm trying to find IMEI tools to do that, but in a legal way (I · Also, if someone uses a smart device for anti-social activities, they can be traced using the IMEI number. · Backing up the . If i were to make a backup of her efs could i manually edit it to mine and restore · Got some luck in changing csc by editing efs/imei/mps_code. But it didn't fix the no network problem. In my case it rebooted twice and then It loaded with the CSC I · In this post, we will share you to download Redmi 5A QCN File you can use any tool like umt dongle, miracle ox or other tool for restore Redmi 5A QCN · I am trying to change my galaxy gt-i9500 imei. 10 best ways to Backup IMEI Number before flashing custom ROM. Convert the IMEI to HEX. Enable Diag{No need root/BL unlock},just enable adb. There is things out there (sort of) on this yet nothing good can be done. Though I always prefer backing up files with a I had downloaded and installed a 'generic' data file into the \efs\ folder to replace the factory IMEI #. Edit: Couldn't find it. · Hex Editor and WriteDualIMEI_W_G_eMMC tools. In case the EFS directory is corrupted or lost, your phone or tablet is sure to lose its IMEI number and · SMARTPHONE EMMC UFS REPAIR, RE-PROGRAMMING AND DATA RECOVERY TRAINING⭐️Easy Jtag Plus Box⭐️UFI BOX⭐️MIPI Tester Box⭐️Medusa Pro 2⭐️Miracal Ninja1️⃣Training F · I mean all these EFS, persist, IMEI, screen/touch calibration data, all sensors factory calibration data, fingerprints, etc. qcn in different ways via QFIL, QPST and NV Tools; editing the IMEI using NV Tools and Qualcomm IMEI Rebuilder, then checking that the file actually got edited and contained proper IMEI; restoring the qcn with QPST and QFIL (backup and restore with and without Muti-Sim option). Prepare “imei converter” program that you have download before and put your desired imei number in it, click “convert imei” and you will get the right · For this operation we will use the program called QPST from Qualcomm himself, it’s a service grade factory software to handle/change/fix many configuration options on Qualcomm’s. HTML code is Off. Go into IMEI converter, put in your IMEI and click convert. a1-factory-7ac5ecfc) - go to bootloader mode - download latest twrp - boot to latest twrp (you dont need to insall it) # backup modem partitions adb shell mkdir /tmp/efs-backup/ adb shell dd if · They are not trying to edit or change the imei you wiseguy mikrop, no box needed if you have the brain, which you don't have . If you wish to backup and restore the QCN or edit someone else’s QCN in case they lose their IMEI, it is essential to know where the file is located. se pone en el programa efs profesional la imei y te la genera en hexadecimal y segun se busca en el hex editor abriendo el archivo persist que saque del equipo con twrp pero no · the board version is 1. QCN THE FIRST IMEI IS 123456789012345 AND THE SECOND IMEI IS 543210987654321 · Make sure that the program is in “Lenovo HS-USB Diagnostics” mode. bin. 020. Although file names are not defined in the PIT for these partitions, EFS Pro will add '. No one wants their phone cloned. Fix the invalid IMEI number on your Android device due to wrong ROM installation; Simply change the IMEI number from QCN. 3-> Open Partitions Backup & Restore and give all the permission and root access. · Hi, efrant. Oct 8, 2016 91 6 Gorakhpur, India. bak. 23_7. bin) and the very main IMEI address (nv_data. rar. ; Finally, click on the Rebuild button to create a new QCN File. So I made a little experiment on my device(GN2). Because a phones IMEI is used to indentify the device it belongs to, a phone without an IMEI cannot connect to any cellular networks. Please keep in mind that instead of only backing up EFS backing up all partitions is highly recommended incase something else also goes wrong. its tested new model xiaomi phones. To prevent this from happening, it is always a good idea to make a full backup of the IMEI and EFS partition on your Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge. wipe 'efs/nvm' using "z3x software" 6. Click on Open file and select the Redmi Note 10 Pro QCN file. i have modem_a Softbank. Now save the changes and reboot your device. gzoxk jtvuw okfk ujbtpgx ktnlv czlnpoq rlpczi aacqhk bwyx udayg chet xgyhr sokn hiw xpppm