Configmap changes not reflecting It has a port conflict with something else in my pod 😧 Oct 3, 2024 · ConfigMap as Environment Variables. I’ve done this on OpenShift using Kustomize. cert-manager config looks like: --- a Nov 12, 2021 · Steps to reproduce: select a ConfigMap in the navigator make changes to it in the Form editor (for example change the name, which will immediately be seen in the navigator) switch back to the source editor BUG: changes are not shown - th 100% this, there’s a whole GitHub thread on the declarative design thinking behind this. See full list on emilwypych. However applying the configmap nothing seem to be happening. I wanted to pick the json content from wiremock-loadtest\mappings Edited the static. It has no impact on an existing Longhorn system. The change is detected but it doesn't seem to refresh. yml: |- spring: app: message: Hello I am then accessing values like props. Solution Feb 3, 2020 · NGINX Ingress controller version: 0. Jul 13, 2024 · When a ConfigMap is changed, subsequently, the change needs to be referred to by other pods that are relying on such a ConfigMap. after generating the configz file from kubectl proxy, I made the changes and pushed it to the control plane kube-system config location. 4. How to achieve this if configmap is. kubectl apply -f fileName. \n\n. In a HelmRelease, when values that are linked to a ConfigMap/Secret change, the pod is not recreated even though the checksum has changed. java again, the changes on the configmap are not reflected in the integration. Jan 27, 2022 · First of all thanks for sharing the knowledge. Can I somehow force this behaviour to look at this file as well or do I have to use Argo Workflows to achieve this? Apr 27, 2020 · Unfortunately there is nothing built in for this. Mar 17, 2023 · This article helps when you are first migrating to k8s and have a thought how to do pod restarts whenever the configuration changes. However, when we update the configmap (and only the configmap) the changes do not seem to be propagated to Alertmanager. /etc/resolv. NET 3. 0+coreos. A few minutes after changing some value from 'x' to 'y', the change will revert and 'x' will again be seen in the ConfigMap. Jul 1, 2017 · At present, Tiller does not watch the Kubernetes objects it creates. Helm checksum annotation doesn't seem to be working when using flux & helm-operator. In the case of a helm upgrade, that’s why you need to use helm template syntax to add the config map file’s hash value to the pod (or pod template) metadata. After a ConfigMap change, it doesn't apply the changes right away, but can take time. getProperty("message") UPDATE: So I managed to get the changes picked up, by enabling the actuator refresh endpoint: Apr 20, 2018 · Hi. You could also trigger it with a helm update but not a ConfigMap change. This way, it will not trigger a rolling upgrade upon changes in all configmaps or secrets used in a deploymentconfig, deployment, daemonset, statefulset, or rollout. Oct 24, 2019 · The operator is intended to fully control the ConfigMap; if you directly edit it, the config-reloader will eventually revert your changes to match the CRD configs. yaml not being in configmap. Aug 5, 2019 · kubectl v1. properties-patch patch file for the test-configmap2 ConfigMap: $ cat config3. On startup the Alertmanager correctly uses the configured templates. I don't have mqtt server on Edge side. Trying to update the environment vari May 6, 2020 · Print the configmap for ingress controller in yaml format kubectl get configmaps <INGRESS_CONTROLLER> -n <NAMESPACE> -o=yaml Create a new file: vi ingress-config-map. 15 now provides a rollout restart sub-command that allows you to restart Pods in a Deployment - taking into account your surge/unavailability config - and thus have them pick up changes to a referenced ConfigMap, Secret or similar. Editing the configmap will load the proper up to date version of the configmap though - leading to a weirdly inconsistent screenshot as below. json fi Jun 25, 2019 · kubectl get configmap int-change-change-management-service-configurations -o yaml. 1 application to AKS. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Jun 9, 2022 · I can change the code and changes are reflected on the integration without any issue. It happens when a value change on this jupyterhub configmap. Need to recreate pod for this. kubectl edit configmap {configmap name} It will use vim editor and you can replace value from terminal using edit command Jan 16, 2025 · Use a sidecar container that monitors the ConfigMap. How could the ConfigMap be optional? Are there any contributor guides Apr 6, 2020 · Describe the bug. If you use Kustomize with configmap generators, the contents of the configmap will be hashed into the name. kubectl create configmap watch-namespace-config \ --from-literal=WATCH_NAMESPACE=dev The pod looks for values in the watch-namespace-config configmap. toml config. Background. I am using configmap as the same name as the application, so when the application is loading , it is injecting the right values in the application properties. This is a known issue, reference: #811 #811 (comment)_ Dec 5, 2024 · The configmap changes will not take effect whether or not they were applied recently or in the past. Additional context When I modify the config. Reloader can watch changes in ConfigMap and Secret and do rolling upgrades on Pods with their associated DeploymentConfigs, Deployments, Daemonsets Statefulsets Sep 8, 2021 · I also created a ConfigMap. However, if I make any change on the configmap and try to either reload the integration by making a code change or by hitting Ctrl+C and running kamel run --dev Integration. I understand that this change does not automatically restart the pod in the deployment: configmap change doesn't reflect automatically on respective pods. failed to apply default Ceph configurations: failed to set one or more Ceph configs: failed to set ceph config in the centralized mon configuration database; you may need to use the rook-config Feb 7, 2019 · No, pods do not automatically become aware of the contents of a config map change. In the kubernetes,yaml file in the location wiremock-loadtest\k8s, I removed ConfigMap in the end. Mar 2, 2023 · The ConfigChange trigger is responsible for detecting changes in the configmap referenced by the volume, and the ImageChange trigger is responsible for detecting changes in the Docker image. Containers allows injecting additional containers or modifying operator generated containers. Why my changes are rolled back? Jun 8, 2023 · When updating Istio configmap values (in this case updating traceparent entry for log format), changes are not picked up by the Istiod agent. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Enable Control Plane metrics in Managed Jan 17, 2023 · 2023-01-11 02:20:10. This is important. , via subPath or directly), changes to the ConfigMap will be reflected in the volume after a short delay (typically a few Jan 12, 2019 · Update (June 2019): kubectl v1. con Mar 26, 2022 · I am following this tutorial on kubernetes site to reconfigure my nodes so that I can change gracefullshutdown from 0s to 30s. Mar 29, 2021 · This issue is for updating all documentation where we reference the ConfigMap osm-system/osm-config. 16. Jul 23, 2024 · Now, let’s use kubectl patch with –patch-file option to apply the selected changes: $ kubectl patch configmap test-configmap1 --patch-file=config1. com Volume Mounts : If your ConfigMap is mounted as a volume (e. We have a stateful pod that cannot be restarted easily. In that way, when you make a change to the configmap contents and redeploy, the deploy manifest also changes to reflect the new name of the configmap. 18 of emberstack/kubernetes-reflector I am not seeing it copy the certificates to the other namespaces. io/name: argocd-cm app. 313163 W | op-mon: failed to set Rook and/or user-defined Ceph config options before starting mons; will retry after starting mons. At the end of this tutorial, you will understand how to change the configuration for a running application. May 17, 2017 · Running kubectl -f your-configmap. Share a volume between the main container and the sidecar. Aug 20, 2020 · I also tried to add pre-install hook to mv this Configmap out of management, but this will only delete the Configmap during Helm upgrade. I'm seeing multiple versions of confimap in my k8s cluster that is attached to a deployment/sts. Jan 27, 2021 · When changing a variable in a configmap, the environment variables inside running pods are not updated. These mounts are not updated automatically. When using ArgoCD with Helm, updating a ConfigMap won't automatically restart the application using it. The CONFIGMAP_RELOAD_INTERVAL environment variable is used to tell the application how often to check for changes in the configmap. Installation Reflector can be installed either manually or using Helm (recommended). 3. Considering that the ConfigMap is essentially a dependency for a Pod, it would make sense to me that a change of that ConfigMap could optionally trigger a restart of any Pods that are using it. 22. – Create a configmap yaml; cat << EOF > test-nginx-ingress-controller-configmap. yamlで適用します。 再起動のトリガー : kubectl rollout restart deployment/<deployment-name> を実行して、Podを再起動します。 Aug 7, 2023 · we did not plan to introduce a locally maintained kustomize. bacongobbler commented Oct 1, 2018. Third-Party Tools: Tools like Reloader can automate Pod restarts on ConfigMap changes. I am using v1. Two reasons are most common: LINK \n \n; The ConfigMap or Secret is being used as a subPath volumeMount. properties-patch Jan 16, 2020 · The downside of this approach is that you will have to duplicate this code for every deployment that uses a particular configmap/secret. I have been successfully able to load these toml configs using a . To Reproduce Deploy App's Helm chart into cluster Check values by using 'kubectl describe cm tidal-config' Modify values. png. 0 Kubernetes version (use kubectl version): v1. Jul 7, 2021 · For testing purpose, I have not enabled RBAC; I am not using Spring Cloud Kubernetes Configuration Watcher; I am not using mounted config maps as volume. But after any changes in configMap, this changes not applied in a container. Kubernetes will automatically terminate/recreate the Pods, adhering to any rollout strategies that might be applicable, and your application will be aware of your new Dec 11, 2020 · The POD is not getting restarted, even when content of "conf" folder is changed && a "helm upgrade" is performed. When you mount a ConfigMap as environment variables, the pod starts with the values present in the ConfigMap at the time of pod creation. g. The reason Google designed it that way is to allow roll backs to previously known working state May 18, 2023 · Are you saying that this won't be fixed here only, or in the chart as well? As the chart already has some checksum that will trigger a redeployment, just not for every configmap, and it should probably be added: as a user of the chart I would expect that to be the normal behavior, instead we had an instance where we updated the config and that prevented us to access the server, so we had to Issue 4: ConfigMap Changes Not Reflected \n\n. Try connecting to your pod with kubectl exec -it << pod >> -- /bin/sh and look at the file, it sometimes takes a couple of seconds but you should see your changes. I have installed nginx ingress controller on my eks cluster and i am unable to apply the custom configuration. You can make use of the un-supported feature of the containers field in the PrometheusSpec:. Similarly, we can create the config3. Now I'm fighting that new healthcheck that was added in this release. bootstrap. How can I achieve this without restarting, recreating, or deleting Nov 21, 2022 · The second pros of Reflector is that monitor changes to resources (secrets and configmaps) and reflect changes to other namespaces. I was expecting if I apply some changes in my yaml it will get reflected in all of the configMap versions, but that is not happening. cloud. Updating JCasC configmap does not reflect Jun 29, 2023 · Whenever I push changes from Cloudcore using "kubectl apply -f configMap. But I am not sure if it is secure to delete the ConfigMap as Pods may break during its lack due to not finding it. springframework. Kubectl update ConfigMap with files. Feb 1, 2018 · At this scenario, all mount as expected. sh. Aug 16, 2021 · configmap change doesn't reflect automatically on respective pods. This default setting is only for a Longhorn system that hasn’t been deployed. Your changes will be caught by the operator, which will update the ConfigMap and trigger a config-reload. mounted as volume; using data of configmap as env variable Mar 26, 2022 · I am following this tutorial on kubernetes site to reconfigure my nodes so that I can change gracefullshutdown from 0s to 30s. yaml file in my repository and commit the changes, Argo doesn't take this file into account and does not generate new configMap resource. When the sidecar detects changes, it can signal the main container to reload or restart. Hi. 0. Environment: EKS. I don’t want to just simply edit the files using an editor like vi/vim, as that will not persist it upon pod restart. Apr 8, 2020 · apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap data: enable-underscores-in-headers: "true" metadata: name: nginx-configuration Note that I am using default namespace for nginx. I've tried to use kubectl edit, patch and replace and the result is always same. But you cannot avoid the fact that you need to kill the pod to be able to re-mount the volume with the new config and also it depends on your workload if is able to load a new configuration without stopping the main process inside the container. I think that's a mistake if you're customizing things, it makes sense to build an overlay. The pod can sense the configMap change and then automatically use the new configuration. Example below: Apr 2, 2019 · I'm using right now reloader and the pods are killed always but they are recreated immediately after you change a configmap associated. Apr 18, 2023 · While newly created configmaps automatically show up in lens, updates to existing configmaps don't seems to reach lens. I'm submitting a bug report; feature request; support request - read the FAQ first! kudos, thank you, warm fuzzy; What is the current behavior? Terraform identifies a change to your aws-auth Configmap during a plan. Which is dumb. Change the configmap to cite #!/bin/sh. If you want to edit over terminal you can run. May be it will work hopefully. kubectl patch can't be applied to ConfigMap data. Mar 4, 2020 · After configMap change, fluent-bit's pod on running by sidecar not response, its pod is still using the older configuration. Also remove all references to this config map in comments/code/docs etc. x Ste May 22, 2023 · Hi, I’m runnnig minikube cluster with a custom operator for a domain-specific application. txt configmap/cm1 created]# kubectl get cm NAME DATA AGE cm1 1 3s. I delete the configmap and redeploy the same command (same helm upgrade --install) Mar 13, 2022 · After deploying the application , If I go and change the config map value I am able to get in application without restart which is expected but If I change the config map value after 1 hour of deployment this new value of config map is not reflecting in application but same I f do after 5 mins of deployment it is working. However, updates to the ConfigMap do not propagate to the pod’s environment variables unless the pod is restarted. Then sh -c /foo. for E-Mails) for the Alertmanager. subPath Volumes Doesnt Update. At this time, there is no workaround for this issue. env-patch configmap/test-configmap1 patched. yaml kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: test-nginx-ingress-controller namespace: test-namespace data: large-client-header-buffers: "4 16k" EOF Note: Please replace the namespace and configmap name as per finding in the step 1. I am trying to add a configmap as a file to my prometheus deploy but the file is not showing up $ kubectl describe -n logging configmap my-configmap Name: my-configmap Describe the bug The current number of ConfigMap PropertySources does not match the ones loaded from Kubernetes - No reload will take place Sample 2024-01-31 16:08:03. Oct 20, 2021 · I tried changing the port number from 9090 to 9099 in configMap and kubectl applied, but it does not reflect in the configuration on minikube dashboard for deployment – overexchange Commented Oct 20, 2021 at 16:33 Oct 25, 2022 · I am trying to modify configMap to change nginx settings, but all changes are rolled back in ~30 seconds after saving. conf (to add a new DNS nameserver), /etc/hosts to add a new entry for IP/domain/alias etc. txt samplevar: samplevalue ]# kubectl create configmap cm1 --from-file=file. So is there any way to keep the local changes to Configmap during helm3 upgrade or is there any way to make this Configmap out of Helm release management? May 17, 2022 · Simply change the value of the FORCE_ROLLOUT environment variable to a different value than it previously was, and deploy this change along with the ConfigMap or Secret updates. The correct way to edit your rules is by changing the PrometheusRule object. The application requires a restart whenever a change is made to the . 0. yaml", it is not reflecting to Edge devices. kubernetes. But the other configmap is consumed with the envFrom feature, which definitely requires a pod restart. Nov 13, 2019 · With manage_aws_auth=true, changes were not propagated to the aws-auth ConfigMap. This application requires some of its important configs to be kept in a . 0 Environment: Cloud provider or ha Mar 7, 2019 · I’m surprised to see that a relatively simple process - a configuration change - is not yet fully standardized within the Kubernetes ecosystem. reconciliation value in the argocd-cm configmap. Jul 30, 2019 · Describe the bug Making a change to the ConfigMap 'che' does not result in a lasting change. congimap. The suggested technique above is a way to force Tiller to change a Deployment object when some other pertinent file changes, such as the hypothetical secret. EDIT : 1. sh will run a new child /bin/sh to read /foo. 28. Oct 14, 2023 · OK, so reading a configmap and wiring it's properties to Spring @ConfigurationProperties works, but what if you change the value in your configmap, will your app restart/refresh? Well, by default, no. That program exists in this container. On the first invocation the new confimap properly shows up in the configmaps view. You'll need to handle this manually—such as by renaming the ConfigMap. How to reproduce it (minimal and precise): Change the ConfigMap rook-config-override, e. Manual operation. You used the helm tag, so with Helm you do this by setting a checksum of the rendered configmap (or secret, same issue there) as an annotation in the pod template. What we have tried: Modify Istio confimap kubectl edit configmap istio; Enter new value for entry; What we expected to happen: Istio proxy logs to reflect new config. k8s: configMap does not work in deployment. , Jul 31, 2019 · First, you can change the data inside a confiMap by using apply. The Kustomize ConfigMap generator appends a fingerprint to the name, so that if the content changes a new ConfigMap will be generated and the reference (such as from a DeploymentConfig) will be updated to reflect the new name. 9. (I have Aug 29, 2023 · I'm trying to hot reload a spring boot app after configmap changes. Apr 20, 2018 · It happens when a value change on this jupyterhub configmap. Che version 6. ConfigMaps consumed as environment variables are not updated automatically and require a pod restart. 4. You can create a configmap with the following command: Apr 7, 2020 · They may or may not notice changes to the configmap that's mounted on the filesystem. Maybe I could create a PR to make the argocd-cmp configmap optional instead of an emptyDir? I'm not sure what you mean. Oct 28, 2024 · We can also specify a specific configmap or secret which would trigger a rolling upgrade only upon a change in our specified configmap or secret. toml file. Can someone help with this. Mar 8, 2019 · Changes to the ConfigMap kube-dns (in the namespace kube-system) are not being reflected in the running instances of CoreDNS. Basically, instead of mounting the ConfigMap as a volume, configbump will watch the ConfigMap through the kubernetes api and be notified of changes, and then reload those Jan 21, 2022 · @sébastien-portebois thanks! I didn't know the --force option, what would allow us to use the approach <dry-run ConfigMap creation> | kubectl replace --force -f - command even the 1st time, when the ConfigMap does not exist yet. If i use a simple configmap with data defined as below, a change in parameter and "helm upgrade" does result in POD-restart. reconciliation: 240s Feb 12, 2024 · Is it still the same if the configmap is present in the git source itself instead of being applied manually? @gdsoumya I don't think that makes sense, because if the ConfigMap was in the git source, it would not require pruning. I tried to play with "mqttMode" mode but not getting desired results. Our team is committed to resolving this as quickly as possible and will update the issue with details. May 14, 2020 · Hi, I have deployed a simple pod and after deployment, I want to change certain files inside the pod e. Checking if that is possible in any way. running: k get configmap -n kube-system yields the below: Jan 29, 2025 · This page provides a step-by-step example of updating configuration within a Pod via a ConfigMap and builds upon the Configure a Pod to Use a ConfigMap task. ConfigMap do not reflect in the mounted volume files when using subPath. 615 INFO [traceId-] [spanId-] [org. Jan 2, 2024 · Let's also create one ConfigMap to demonstrate the runtime updates:]# cat file. This will redeploy as you expect. I don't have any subdir in configmap. It also creates some noise in the diff that may not be immediately intuitive to someone making a config change who didn't set this up. \n Jan 21, 2018 · Is this a BUG REPORT or FEATURE REQUEST? (choose one): BUG REPORT NGINX Ingress controller version: 0. Kubernetes version (use kubectl version): 1. When a value change, the configmap deployed on kuberentes does not reflect the change, even through I think everything is ok on the helm command line and jupyter chart. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Go to configmaps view; Select an existing configmap; Change the configmap via kubectl or else Jul 25, 2020 · My ConfigMap: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: hello-world data: application. When I manually change the configmap values, I want the pod to restart automatically to reflect this change. yaml field via a Go-based operator created using operator-sdk. Nov 23, 2021 · I'm confused about why we use configMap versions. Kubernetes will detect the change in annotation of deployment and reload the pods with new configuration. yml Press i Paste the output from the get configmaps command Press : Type wq Press enter Now you can update the config map by running the following kubectl apply -f ingress-config-map -n <NAMESPACE> The application continues to use old configuration values despite ConfigMap updates. Thanks Nov 30, 2019 · I have changed the configMap and re-applied the deployment to my cluster. ya Oct 5, 2018 · But the change in the question is a ConfigMap, and that doesn't automatically trigger an update as of today. There are ways to automate pod restarts on configMap changes, see here for example: Helm chart restart pods when configmap changes. You can copy the content and replace it inside new yaml file and apply the changes. yaml but it's not being applied to Kubernetes pods Apr 18, 2023 · De- and re-selecting the configmap doesn't have any effect either. . Important Considerations: Dec 2, 2024 · Describe the bug a clear and concise description of what the bug is. Before you begin You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the Jun 11, 2020 · When I updated the Path field in configmap to read another log file, though I see the volume mounts getting updated, I do not see the pods picking up the change unless I delete and recreate the daemonset. Sep 8, 2022 · You can try changing the timeout. What actually happened: May 13, 2020 · How to Updating Kubernetes Deployments on a ConfigMap Change? How Mounted ConfigMap is updated automatically in pods? While changing in configmap it doesn’t reflect automatically, every time I have to restart the pod. yaml:configMap is changed and helm upgrade is executed. 1. For example, if you have used subPath option to mount a file using configmap, the changes to configmap wont get reflected on the pod. io/part-of: argocd data: timeout. Feb 5, 2020 · Describe the bug App's chart being correctly deployed by Flux, but updates to values. So now we have a new configmap "cm1" created in our default namespace. Pass configMap as argument in a Kubernetes Feb 24, 2022 · The Rook Ceph Operator does not detect changes to the Kubernetes ConfigMap rook-config-override. Jun 7, 2021 · If the configMap is used to store pod environment variables. This means that changing the configmap results in a (meaningless) change to the pod template, which triggers a rolling update. The liveness/readiness probes are not exposed for configuration. I have used a container called configbump as a sidecar to solve this problem in the past. Again, let me remind me you that we are not talking about configuration watcher here, we are talking of a single pod/app. How can I do it automatically? Answer: To update a configmap or secret resource which depends on a deployment(pod). yaml file above that would define a Secret object that the Deployment's pods use. Jul 21, 2019 · You can add a customize configHash annotation in deployment and in CI/CD or while deploying the application use yq to replace that value with hash of configmap, so in case of any change in configmap. Your Environment fluent-bit 1. Feb 11, 2022 · We would like to watch if some change happens in ConfigMap and/or Secret; then perform a rolling upgrade on relevant DeploymentConfig, Deployment, Daemonset, Statefulset and Rollout. yml will update the file in the pod. Copy link Member. Is there a way to achieve this automagically without restarting the daemonset? I would appreciate some guidance on this. We specify an Alertmanager resource with the configMaps value set. 2, k8s 1. Nov 12, 2024 · Changes to a ConfigMap are not reflected in running pods (they need to be restarted). yaml But this didn't update the configMap information loaded inside your pods, you need to restart your pods to see the changes, for that you have a some different options: Option 1. If the configMap is mounted as a file Sep 19, 2022 · I am using Azure DevOps to deploy the . Expected behavior: The Rook Ceph Operator picks up changes in the ConfigMap rook-config-override and propagates them to the Ceph components. My use case is very simple: Spin Up Docker Container using Kube Edge and Update ConfigMap time to time, no fancy stuff. We assume you have a python application running in your good Oct 11, 2024 · ConfigMapの更新: 必要な変更を行い、kubectl apply -f <configmap-file>. apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: argocd-cm namespace: argocd labels: app. Jul 9, 2021 · And the logs reflect that. This tutorial uses the alpine and nginx images as examples. Nov 30, 2019 · You should do nothing but change your ConfigMap, and wait for the changes to be applies. Cloud provider or hardware configuration: aws eks; What happened:. while deploying if there is only a config change and there is not really change in the code, we deploy the same image with only the config change but while doing it, even though the config map gets updated but the pods doesn't understand that there is a change and still reads Aug 8, 2023 · Tracee not reflecting configuration changes from configmap in Kubernetes deployment Description Hello, I've followed the official guide for deploying Tracee on Kubernetes using Helm. The answer you have posted the link is wrong. However, Kubernetes will not automatically restart the pods consuming the newly updated ConfigMap; this often leads to inconsistent application behavior. 11. If it's another change like the date, it will trigger the update. running: k get configmap -n kube-system yields the below: Oct 1, 2018 · What is the best practice for rolling upgrade of deployments with ConfigMap changes? Oct 1, 2018. I encountered an issue where the logs display outputs in table format, even though I've se Aug 25, 2022 · What I want is that once configmap, which my deployment uses, changes then the corresponding pod should be able to see the updated configmap. data: parameter1: testparam1 parameter2: testparam2 I have the following question in here Jul 1, 2020 · We have a configmap that stores our templates (e. That registers as a change to the DeploymentConfig, which triggers a Dec 6, 2019 · When changing the configmap, the pod needs to restart so that the updated configurations are reflected in Jenkins. Like 5 minutes, or something like that. Symptoms: After updating a ConfigMap, the changes are not reflected in the pods using it. On the instance that did not remove it, there is no activity at all in the logs at the time that the other instances were responding to the configmap change events. Mar 31, 2021 · This template is used in all of our older services and it works fine, recently we introduces a new service, which is using the same template, but the configmap doesn't change when values. Updated configMap. no changes found, reload will not Oct 23, 2021 · With this version 6. ArgoCD detects the ConfigMap change and applies it, but it doesn’t restart the pod to load the new configuration. Deploy the configmap yaml Dec 20, 2022 · configmap change doesn't reflect automatically on respective pods. Apr 29, 2021 · When modifying the default settings via kubectl -n longhorn-system edit configmap longhorn-default-setting, the modification won’t be applied to the Longhorn system. Expected behavior. 2 of kubernetes.
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