Commodore 128 vs 64 Schweet!! =) Feb 1, 2023 · When I had my C64 I first had a Sharp TV that had composite input. Connect a Commodore Computer (with the 8-pin DIN AV Connector) to either an S-Video Connector or Composite Video RCA. This was accomplished by outfitting the machine with two CPU's, a 6502 compatible 6510, and a Z80. Started by Socratessa. . contents. It was the first computer with 64K of memory to sell Sep 16, 2020 · The Commodore 128, Commodore Business Machines' final 8-bit computer, was a technological marvel that pushed the boundaries of personal computing in the mid-1980s. 64 kilobytes! Yeah!), and an upgraded processor. Oct 31, 2005 · All this talk about the C128 being "johnny-come-lately" and "over complicated" really burns me (as a long time C128 owner). This eight pin variation is used for the C64 video connector which was used on all but the very early 5-pin video C64 models. 6 RobertB February 26, 2025 Diagnostics 128; Read the C128 System Guide (Huge!) View information about the VIC-II; Commodore 128DL Prototype pictures. Locked Topic 128 Key Repeat . And it only cost me $0. Mar 28, 2021 · Metal case vs injection molded multiple piece plastic. So the DCR doesn't need the metal RF shield over the board, its also reduces the amount of EFI shielding you need to do on components, as the metal case acts as the large shield. Despite living in the shadow of its predecessor, the wildly successful Commodore 64, the C128 introduced revolutionary features that would become standard in future PCs. But the 128 is the sensible choice - with faster, more reliable loading from the disk drive which is integral to the whole machine. In September 1988, Commodore released the 128D (D for "Desktop"), which had a separate keyboard and drive/PSU unit with a 1571 disk drive fitted internally. 6 RobertB February 26, 2025 Overview Back in the day Commodore used round DIN connectors of various pin configurations for the various ports on the computer. The keys don’t necessarily do anything good (For example, TAB is the same as the top row 2 key, while numeric pad 8 key erases the current move). Schweet!! =) The Commodore 128, also known as the C128, C-128, C= 128, or occasionally CBM 128, is the last 8-bit home computer that was commercially released by Commodore Business Machines (CBM). Sep 25, 2024 · Clock chip on 64/128. What I meant by my question about using in a 64 was geared towards using them in an actual Commodore 64 and not just a 128 in 64 mode. There were separate versions of the game released for C64 and C128. Obtenez les meilleures actualités de Tom’s Hardware et des critiques approfondies, directement dans votre boîte de réception. The 64 is the collectors choice, particularly the mark one "Bread Bin" version. By simbalion May 12, 2017 in Commodore 8-bit Computers. If you want to change the C-128 to have non-repeating keys like the C-64, type POKE 2594,0. Few developers even wrote anything to take advantage of the 128, just utilizing it as a C-64 clone. It had a proper tactile keyboard, the peripherals plugged in and seated properly without fear of them coming unplugged or randomly falling out. the Metal case is a LOT cheaper. I'm pretty sure it was because my C64 malfunctioned and my mom went looking for a new one only to find 128s and was told by a store clerk (correctly) that the 128 could use all the old c64 software. Main Menu TeensyROM 64/128 - now at version 0. However, its address width was still only 16 bits, which means it could technically only see 64K of RAM at a time. And yes you can use a 27c256 to replace a 16k ROM, you just have to put 2 copies of the ROM on the 32k (27c256) by combining it, if that makes sense. BASIC 2. To return to normal, type POKE 2594,128 try It. Commodore 128, 40-column display, 1Mhz. If I had my choice I would have had both 1702 and 1802 for the 128 - the 1702 for 40 column and the 1802 for RGB. c128 system guide copywrite information chapter i - introduction section 1 - how to use this guide section 2 - overview of the commodore 128 personal computer chapter ii - using c128 mode section 3 - getting started in basic section 4 - advanced basic programming section 5 - some basic commands and keyboard operations unique to c128 section 6 - color, animation and sprite graphics This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. What you would do is purchase a cable like the following to make the Commodore monitor usable for any S-Video compatible system and then purchase the Commodore S-Video Cable that will work with the 1702 or almost any TV/Monitor that supports those outputs. The successor to the wildly successful Commodore 64, the Commodore 128 was both capable of running almost all Commodore 64 software, AND able to run CP/M software. The 64 (and the 128 repeats this flaw, which I think was an unforced error) is not really "expandable" in the traditional sense because of its architecture. As long as it runs all the classic commodore games I don't really care that it's full potential will be rarely utilized l. Commodore PET Serial Number Project; Commodore VIC20 – First Computer to Sell 1M Units; Commodore 64 – The Best Selling Computer In History; Commodore Plus/4 C16 264 – The Beginning of the End; Commodore 128 – The Most Versatile 8-Bit Computer; History . I think the place where the 128 really shines is the BASIC. One of the standout features of the C128 […] Sep 9, 2023 · The Commodore 128 Personal Computer: A Versatile Machine Ahead of Its Time In the early 1980s, Commodore Business Machines released a personal computer that would push the boundaries of what was possible at the time – the Commodore 128. Alongside the launch of the Commodore 128 came the Commodore 1902 colour composite/RGB monitor for $400, which supported the 80-column CP/M mode, and the 1571 double-sided disk drive. Commodore later changed the design, omitting the resin gel to reduce costs. Commodore 128 har två processorer – en MOS 8502 för Commodore 64- och 128-lägena, och en Zilog Z80 för CP/M-läget. The dark beige Commodore 64 breadbox model is at the center left, with a lighter-colored Commodore 64C at center right. Caution THIS CART CURRENTLY HAS A DESIGN FLAW THAT MIGHT CAUSE DAMAGE TO IT OR TO YOUR C64 - PLEASE DO NOT USE! May 17, 2024 · BASIC 7. Dec 11, 2024 · The Commodore 128 undoubtedly looks more professional than the 130XE, which has a more fun, almost toylike appearance. Basically, it was a DOS shell that few people used. Sep 25, 2003 · "What percentage of Commodore 64/128 owners still use their machines on a day to day basis?" vs. 0Commodore 64 Mode: 1Mhz Speed (6510 emulation in the 8502 CPU), 99. [20] Oct 31, 2005 · Mostly the difference between basic 2. Jan 8, 2025 · Commodore 128 vs 128D vs 128DCR y por qué necesitas uno ahora – YouTube Otro aspecto que a menudo pasa desapercibido del Commodore 128 se encuentra en sus chips de gráficos duales, que le permitían ser utilizado con monitores duales en un momento en que tal función era extremadamente rara. Thanks for his excellent design! Daves Old Computers - Commodore 128. 98 + 1 used RS-232 / VGA cable + about 2. CP/M, 40-column display Jul 11, 2003 · Commodore 128 Mode: 2Mhz Speed (), 128K Memory, very nice 80×25 RGB display, advanced Basic 7. Finally, years later I found a C128D. Commodore 64 Troubleshooting & Diagnosis Table . 0 on the 128 adds real support for graphics, sound, joysticks, etc. You take ever… COMMODORE 64 SOFTWARE: As a support to Commodore Computer’s 1983 CES software announcements. It functioned as a dual home/office computer and was 99% compatible with existing C64 programs. Commodore 128 DCR - Rear view. May 19, 2016 · The Commodore 64 vs 128 is a natural comparison to make. Obviously if there are key games you want to play you'll want to check price and availability of C64 cassette Vs c128 disk Il Commodore 128 (noto anche come C128, CBM128 o C= 128) [2] è un modello di home computer a 8 bit prodotto dalla Commodore Business Machines tra il 1985 e il 1989. 5% compatible to the C64, os this is no problem I think. The 128 mode has far less software. This will only allow only the spacebar, the INST/DEL key, and the cursor keys to repeat. Commodore – The Company Jan 8, 2025 · La razón era bastante sencilla: mientras otros PCs y clones de la época estaban abriendo las puertas a nuevos सॉफ़्टवेयर de 16 y 32 bits, el Commodore 128 era principalmente una versión mejorada del Commodore 64, con el doble de RAM (128K frente a los 64K) y un CPU que podía alcanzar hasta 2 MHz, en lugar de solo 1 MHz. Introduced in January 1985 at the CES in Las Vegas, it appeared three years after its predecessor, the best-selling Commodore 64. Jan 8, 2025 · Commodore 128 vs 128D vs 128DCR y por qué necesitas uno ahora – YouTube Otro aspecto que a menudo pasa desapercibido del Commodore 128 se encuentra en sus chips de gráficos duales, que le permitían ser utilizado con memantau duales en un momento en que tal función era extremadamente rara. It featured three operating modes: C64 mode, which allowed it to run all software designed for the C64; CP/M mode, which enabled it to run software written for CP/M operating systems; and finally, its native mode – C128 mode – which allowed it to access Jan 8, 2025 · Commodore 128 vs 128D vs 128DCR y por qué necesitas uno ahora – YouTube Otro aspecto que a menudo pasa desapercibido del Commodore 128 se encuentra en sus chips de gráficos duales, que le permitían ser utilizado con شاشات duales en un momento en que tal función era extremadamente rara. Too bad it never got rocking. Do you know if this is possible?-Levi The Commodore C64 was a robust machine, with its early 'bread bin' wedge design. so basically programmers had more time to learn to It features C64 / 128 KERNALs on a 32 Kbyte ROM and has 64 Kbytes of V-RAM. 0 and 7. Feb 16, 2023 · The Commodore 128 was a significant departure from its predecessor, the Commodore 64. Commodore 64 vs VIC-20: In conclusion. Feb 19, 2021 · The C128 had double the RAM of the Commodore 64 (128 kilobytes vs. You have to use PEEK and POKE, or write assembly subroutines. I think the 8-Bit Guy is finally released a 128 version of his Petscii Robots. The 64 mode has the most software. Check out screenshots, downloads, cheats and more info! Dec 7, 2023 · Commodore 64; Commodore 128; 1541 Drive; 1541-II Drive; 1571 Drive; 1581 Drive; Joe Forster / STA; Fab; SlimPLA the compact Commodore 64 PLA Replacement PLA20V8 A Scala Commodore 64, 128, VIC20, CBM2 and SuperCPU emulator Topics emulator scala assembler z80 commodore-64 cycle-accurate 6502 65816 cp-m commodore-128 commodore-vic20 6509 commodore-cbmii Oct 25, 2018 · Considering getting an Ultimate-II+ for my Commodore 128, I'd like to know if it'll force the computer into 64-mode or not? If it does - is there any way to jump back into the native 128-mode without having to physically remove the cartridge from the port? Jan 24, 2014 · Thanks for the help & guidance folks - I now have exactly what I wanted. I had gotten my C64 back in 84 and I upgraded to 128 in 87. One of the standout features of the Commodore 128 was its unique design. Released in 1985 as a successor to the popular Commodore 64, the C128 was a true powerhouse that pushed the boundaries of home computing. The 64 is a gray-tan beige, while the VIC is almost white. Bookmark the permalink . ca: The PET, VIC, 128, 64 & More Forum. Jun 5, 2023 · The Commodore 128: A Versatile Powerhouse In the world of vintage computers, few models are as iconic and versatile as the Commodore 1. The former was a straight ZX Spectrum port while the latter featured completely reworked graphics with more detailed characters and more colourful backgrounds. 8% compatible with C64 hardware and software, accessed by booting the machine while holding down the Commodore key or typing GO 64 Sep 3, 2006 · The Commodore 128 in C64 mode is very nearly identical to the Commodore 64. The C-64 was released in 1982 and was almost immediately successful, due to its price. The power supply for the Commodore REU was similar to that of the Commodore 128, providing an upgrade for customers purchasing the accessory. 0 on the 64 has no real support for graphics or sound, for example. Overview Back in the day Commodore used round DIN connectors of various pin configurations for the various ports on the computer. 1 MHz! Yeah!). Aug 17, 2019 · Super C Compiler for the C-64 & C-128. Some later productivity software would use it, but this was the exception rather than the rule. It'd be nice to have more software take advantage of it, but many companies just relied too much on the 128's C64 mode. Presentada en enero de 1985 en el CES de Las Vegas, apareció tres años después que la Commodore 64 , computadora más vendida de la década de 1980. Aug 10, 2002 · The conclusion of C128 games vs. In 64 mode it is about 99. Commodore PET – The Worlds First Personal Computer . Share Jan 22, 2003 · As a Commodore 128D owner since 1985, I have read alot about the 128DCR 'Cost Reduced' verison in the 'metal case' which has 64 Bytes VDC-RAM (for rarely used higher resolutions) instead of 128D's 16k. Jan 12, 2018 · 128 vs 128D keyboard Post by digitalman161 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 6:19 pm I realize that the 128D keyboard is external but are the keys and the internals the same as a flat 128 keyboard? Malgré tout, le Commodore 128 et ses modèles finissent par être une sorte de note de bas de page dans l’héritage du Commodore 64, comme la plupart de ses variations. Discover its features, impact, and why it struggled to outshine its predecessor. I remember drooling over the pictures and articles about this machine when I was 15 years old. Commodore 64- och 128-lägena är båda inbyggda i ROM , medan CP/M -läget är ett diskbaserat operativsystem liknande MS-DOS . May 5, 2016 · Entertainment software that took advantage of Commodore’s memory expansion or even a second floppy drive was rare. Main Menu. By incorporating the original C64 BASIC and Kernal ROMs in their entirety (16 KB total), the C128 achieves almost 100 percent compatibility with the Commodore 64. In 1986, Commodore put the 64 in a lower profile case and changed the color to a lighter beige. May 12, 2017 · Commodore 128 vs 64 reliability IGNORED Commodore 128 vs 64 reliability. Introduced in January 1985 at the CES in Las Vegas, it appeared three years after its predecessor, the bestselling Commodore 64 . Text Format 284K. There is a small change to the Kernel ROM which affects compatibility with a few programs, but most of those would have had problems with the first-rev kernel ROMs anyway. C-128 in 128 or 64 mode (40 col) or 128 mode (80 col) on the same 1084 monitor. 1985: January - Commodore announces the 1571 Disk Drive, for the Commodore 128. Immesso sul mercato 3 anni dopo il Commodore 64, [2] il computer venne progettato per rimediare al fallimento della serie Commodore 264. But the C128 is one complicated computer. JPG Format 154K. Oct 31, 2022 · The Commodore 64 version has a better frame rate when played on a Commodore 128, because it switches the processor to 2 MHz mode while the TV's or monitor's electron beam is off-screen. If you have a question, comment, problem, or just want to chat about Commodore, post it here for free. 0. It also includes left and right audio connectors. Proprietary vs. 6. BASIC 7. Apr 10, 2016 · I have used them both on my 128's both in 64 and 128 mode. Jan 28, 2007 · Commodore 64 vs Commodore 128. The Do Commodore 128 powstał specjalnie przygotowany system operacyjny GEOS 128, umożliwiający również obsługę trybu swojego poprzednika Commodore 64 (komputer po włączeniu domyślnie zgłaszał się do pracy w „trybie C128”). If you can't get any joystick to function properly on your Commodore 64 or 128 or if a certain pattern of keys (like every other key or a diagonal row of keys) doesn't seem to work or if the cursor just marches across the screen without any key being pressed then you probably need to replace the 6526 CIA chip (marked U1 on most Commodore 64 Oct 17, 2024 · After manufacture a batch of these devices, there are 8 spare units remaining. Mines still sitting right here, waiting for me to fire it up. 5hr of screwing around. By modern standards, the Commodore 64 and VIC-20 are very similar. 0 but nevertheless, the 128 was a great, dare I say better, machine than the 64 and a worthy successor to it. Welcome to Commodore 128 Alive!. 8% compatible with 64 hardware and software, accessed by booting the machine while holding down the Commodore key or typing GO 64 Mar 27, 2019 · Eproms are listed in kilobits usually so a 27c128 is 128 Kilobits so you have to divide by 8 to get kilobytes = 16k. Soldered manually, all units tested in a C64 Used pinout are gold circled ones, suitable for good quality sockets, in case you replaced th Jun 10, 2006 · Commodore. The C128 is a significantly expanded successor to the C64,… 1985: January - Commodore unveils the Commodore 128 Personal Computer. Later I got a 1702 and that was the best picture for the machine. Nov 15, 2018 · User Control Panel; Logout Jan 8, 2025 · Commodore 128 vs 128D vs 128DCR y por qué necesitas uno ahora – YouTube Otro aspecto que a menudo pasa desapercibido del Commodore 128 se encuentra en sus chips de gráficos duales, que le permitían ser utilizado con monitores duales en un momento en que tal función era extremadamente rara. The C64 mode can be accessed in three ways: Holding down the Commodore-logo key when booting. It functions as three computers in one: a complete Commodore 64, a CP/M mode, and a new 128KB mode. This is a C64 / 128 Sound chip replacement that also integrates paddle support. Entering the GO 64 command, then responding Y to the ARE YOU SURE? prompt, in BASIC 7. COMMODORE SOFTWARE, THE BEST GAME IN TOWN: Compute! June 1984 Commodore 128 Mode 2Mhz Speed (8502 CPU), 128K Memory, very nice 80×25 RGB display, advanced Basic 7. Apr 6, 2007 · The 128 has 3 modes, 128 mode, 64 mode and CP/M mode. Originally designed for the Commodore 64 with its version being released in 1986, enhanced versions of GEOS later became available in 1987 for the Commodore 128 and in 1988 for the Apple II. Commodore Did bring our Magic Desk II the following year. It is literally an S-Video output in RCA connector format. Log in; Sign up March 12, 2025, 12:03 PM. BUT it's the slim-line case (earlier counterpart) 128 that is a bit of a mystery to me. Commodore 64. They are some of the most popular computers ever developed and sold--still to this date. C64 games would then be this: * More levels and features in games due to more RAM memory. Dec 7, 2015 · The 64 is a darker color than the VIC. (The VIC chip can't handle a 2 MHz clock frequency, so it would show garbage on the screen. 1985: January - Commodore unveils the Commodore 128 Personal Computer. Personal Note: The Commodore 128 holds a very special place in my heart. The C128 home computer (known as the Commodore 128, CBM 128, and C=128) was Commodore’s successor to the C64. Aug 20, 2017 · Second of all, the limitations in constructing a 128 upgrade are arguably faults of the original 64 design, and not somehow a misstep by the engineers in the design and execution of the 128. Die in der Modellbezeichnung enthaltene Zahl bezeichnet dabei die Größe des ab Werk verbauten Arbeitsspeichers (RAM) in Höhe von 128 Kilobytes This cable will only work those monitors listed. Oct 12, 2023 · The Commodore 128: A Powerful and Versatile Computer Released in 1985, the Commodore 128 (C128) was the successor to the highly popular Commodore This 8-bit home computer offered a significant upgrade in terms of power and versatility, making it a favorite among both home users and professionals. Oct 28, 2023 · The adaptor is compatible with Commodore 64, Commodore C64C, Commodore 128, Commodore Plus/4, Commodore 128D, Commodore 16, and Commodore C116. Much as I love the Atari, the C64 had a ridiculously long lifespan with games released up until 93/94* whereas the 800XL had very few mainstream games after about 1987/88 (As it was maybe the 4th popular home computer in the UK/Ireland , so when it stopped getting major games from the US market m it didnt have the UK market to fall back on). "What percentage of Commodore 64/128 owners use only emulation?" I'd have to fall into the first category, simply because my Commodore 128D has seen sustained use for many, many years now. Aug 8, 2017 · Released 1985: The Commodore 128, also known as the C128 or occasionally CBM 128, is the last 8-bit home computer commercially released by Commodore Business Machines (CBM). * Speed increase with 40 % in case raster interrupts are used to switch on/off 2 MHz mode outside visible screen. Dec 2, 2020 · Explore the Commodore 128's journey as the successor to the iconic Commodore 64. It featured two processors: an MOS 6502 variant and a Z80. The Z80 enabled it to run the industry standard CP/M operating system and software. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse. Building upon the success of its predecessor, the Commodore 64, this machine offered enhanced capabilities and […] May 9, 2016 · If you’e wondering about the Commodore 64 vs 64c, here’s what you need to know. It's just bend steel, easier to assemble and acts as the EF shield. La Commodore 128, también conocida como C128, C-128, C= 128, [nota 1] es la última computadora personal doméstica de ocho bits que Commodore Business Machines (CBM) lanzó al mercado. Thanks for the help & guidance folks - I now have exactly what I wanted. Der Commodore 128 (kurz C128; umgangssprachlich Hundertachtundzwanziger) ist der letzte zur Marktreife gebrachte 8-Bit-Mikrocomputer des US-amerikanischen Technologiekonzerns Commodore International. So basically the commodore 128 is "backwards compatible" with the 64, it just doesn't really have a big exclusive library to take advantage of the better hardware. 0 of Commodore 128 is generally twice as slower per clock than BASIC V2 in C64 because of additional commands, expanded architecture with more overhead like movable sprites driven by IRQ and utilizing nearly 128 KB of RAM for BASIC programs through complex bank switching since natively 6502 only sees 64KB or RAM. 8% compatible with 64 hardware and software, accessed by booting the machine while holding down the Commodore key or typing GO 64 Much as I love the Atari, the C64 had a ridiculously long lifespan with games released up until 93/94* whereas the 800XL had very few mainstream games after about 1987/88 (As it was maybe the 4th popular home computer in the UK/Ireland , so when it stopped getting major games from the US market m it didnt have the UK market to fall back on). Nov 11, 2020 · From the groundbreaking PET to the iconic Commodore 64 and the ambitious Commodore 128, Commodore's computer models played a crucial role in shaping the home computing landscape of the 1970s and 1980s. Commodore 128, 80-colum display, 2Mhz. Replies: 12 Views: 377. Massive Commodore Archive, manuals, pictures, schematics, programs, firmware OpenC64WarpSpeed is an Open Hardware Fast Loader cartridge for the Commodore 64 and 128 home computers. Jun 16, 2007 · The last Commodore product I owned was the C128. As its name implies, the 128 had 128 kilobytes of memory, double the amount of the 64. The keys on the C-128 repeat when held down. SNK vs Capcom is a Commodore 64 fighting sports game released in 2024 by (Public Domain). Later when I had a 128 I had a 1802 and although it also produced a nice display I preferred the 1702. 1985: July - Commodore unveils the new Amiga 1000 in New York, for US$1300. Commodore released the 128 in 1985 as an upgrade to address some of the shortcomings of the ultra-successful Commodore 64. Komputer pracował w trybie znakowym, wyświetlając 40 lub 80 kolumn tekstu. The MOS 8502 in a Commodore 128 ran at almost double the speed of the C64 (2 MHz vs. Oct 4, 2023 · Capcom: Match of the Millenium", into other systems, and with the help of their own developed RetroFighter game engine, they have accomplished a port of the original NGPC title into the Commodore 64 (C64) / Commodore 128 (C128). 0 Commodore 64 Mode 1Mhz Speed (6510 emulation in the 8502 CPU), 99. COMMODORE MAGIC DESK I – This product was designed with the Apple LISA in mind. September 23, 2024, 03:48 PM Commodore 128 Herdware; Poll Moved Topic. It has a complex design and an enormous number of operating modes. This entry was posted in C64 Software and tagged c128 , c64 , compiler , manual , software by Carsten Jensen . In the game itself there were a few new locations to be found. This device was created by Sven Petersen from Germany. I don't recall what was found that doesn't work, but it was just one or two really obscure items it's considered to be ~100% 64 compatible, including the 128D. Commodore 128 DCR - QWERTZ/QWERTY keyboard - switchable. The following model, the Commodore 128, used a larger, improved power supply which included a fuse. Open Nov 25, 2020 · The Commodore 128, often overshadowed by its predecessor the Commodore 64, was a groundbreaking 8-bit computer that marked the end of an era for Commodore. Commodore 128 System Guide / Users Manual Part 1: Sections 1-15 Text Format 327K Commodore 128 System Guide / Users Manual Part 2: Sections 16-App. Mar 13, 2009 · Surely it was the drive causing the incompatibilities, unless you found some really bizarre 128 incompatibility, because the 128 in 64 mode is as near to 100% compatible as you can get. GEOS (Graphic Environment Operating System) is a discontinued operating system from Berkeley Softworks (later GeoWorks). Specifications Internal hardware Apr 2, 2018 · Inadvertently discovered that The Chessmaster 2000 for 64/128, autoloads in C128 mode and responds to some of the C128-only extra keys (TAB, NO SCROLL, 1, 2, 3 and 8 on the numeric keypad). This powerful machine, with its multi-processor core and three operating environments, pushed the boundaries of home computing in the mid-1980s. It felt like you were holding something of substance. Treat your Commodore 64, 128, 128D, C116, 16, and +4 the way it was meant to, in the best picture quality available to it without modding your computer. Hurray for the 128! Mar 21, 2023 · In this video, we take a deep dive into the world of vintage gaming by comparing and contrasting the Commodore 64/128 and Apple IIe versions of five classic This includes the Commodore PET/CBM, VIC20, Commodore 64, Commodore 64c, Commodore SX-64, Commodore 128, Commodore 128D, Commodore 16, Commodore Plus/4, etc(new technologies will be included as well). Advantage of 128 mode is: Jan 8, 2025 · Commodore 128 vs 128D vs 128DCR y por qué necesitas uno ahora – YouTube Otro aspecto que a menudo pasa desapercibido del Commodore 128 se encuentra en sus chips de gráficos duales, que le permitían ser utilizado con monitory duales en un momento en que tal función era extremadamente rara. lwii hju gpewnvb kxwtadj tdidwcw ovdmm fhq pdyndq gwtv sfplv cfkny lini nsxcrz xpwmu bxibs